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CVMA News Now
Happy Holidays from the CVMA!
2022 has proven to be yet another successful, fulfilling year at the CVMA. We are ever-thankful for the opportunity to support and strengthen the wonderful veterinary community and the animals they serve throughout the state. We wish all of our members and their loved ones a healthy and cheerful holiday season, and we look forward to another productive year in 2023!
Apply Now for the Don Low Fellowship
Applications for the 2023–2024 Don Low Fellowship are now being accepted! A collaborative effort between the CVMA and the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital faculty, the Donald G. Low-CVMA Practitioner Fellowship is designed to meet California practitioner needs that are unavailable within residencies or other current programs. Practitioners will have the opportunity to learn alongside faculty, residents, and students in the clinical setting of the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, and in other school programs, laboratories, and centers like the Veterinary Medical Teaching and Research Center. The deadline for applications is December 22, 2022. To apply, visit ce.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/fellows/don-low-fellowship.
New Name Tag Requirement
Starting January 1, 2023, select veterinary staff members will be required to wear nametags when interacting with the public. To assist in compliance with nametag printing needs, the CVMA is pleased to offer our members a 10% discount on a variety of printing services through The Castle Press. Members can also receive printing discounts on controlled substance security pads, regular prescription pads, letterhead, business cards, and more. To access this member benefit, log in to cvma.net and go to the Membership section, then select Member Benefits and Services. Make sure that you are staying compliant with this new requirement!
Advertise with the CVMA!
As the country’s largest state veterinary association, the CVMA provides a unique opportunity for your advertising message to reach thousands of veterinary professionals! We offer both print and digital advertising options, including the California Veterinarian magazine, which is sent out to all CVMA members and every veterinarian in California, and the CVMA’s two e-newsletters, which are also sent out to every CVMA member. For more information and to receive our 2022 Media Kit, please contact Taryn DeOilers at tdeoilers@cvma.net, or click Resources > Display Advertising Opportunities at cvma.net.