1 minute read

Diagnose GI Lymphoma

Feline GI Lymphoma Panel, when used in conjunction with ultrasound, is an effective alternative to biopsy

Differentiating GI Lymphoma from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) continues to be a challenge in many cats. When ultrasound is suggestive and biopsy is not an option, alternative pathways to diagnosis are needed. The Feline GI Lymphoma Panel by VDI Laboratory is designed to rule in LSA using a panel of 4 biomarkers, along with age, to separate normal cats from IBD, and IBD from LSA. Result “profiles” suggest if the values more likely represent small cell, large cell, or LSA in the thorax. It’s a simple send out blood test requiring no more than 1mL of serum, and when used in conjuction with ultrasound, can be effective for the accurate diagnosis in the GI cat.

Feline GI Lymphoma Panel

The Tests

TK1 - DNA proliferation marker

HPT - Inflammatory marker

B12 - Intestinal status & DNA synthesis marker

Folate - Intestinal status

Also includes

Neoplasia Index™

Contextual review

Dosing for low B12

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