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The Bene ts of Being a CVMA RVT Member
The CVMA has over 1,000 Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) members and is actively seeking new members. The CVMA supports the growth and development of the RVT profession through discounted continuing education designed specifically for RVTs, legislative and regulatory advocacy, and other RVT member benefits.
The Benefits of Membership
RVT membership in the CVMA is $60 per year, which means that for about the cost of a cup of coffee each month, RVT members may access high-quality discounted continuing education that qualifies for California license renewal. Most CVMA conferences offer RVT-specific tracks, and RVT webinars are available on an ongoing basis. CE courses are substantially discounted for RVT members.
Other RVT member benefits include discounts on professional services such as insurance, CareCredit for personal pets, and free regulatory consultation. In addition, the CVMA Certified Veterinary Assistant Program and RVT Roads to Certification Workbook are two member benefits designed specifically to promote the RVT profession and encourage individuals to become RVTs.
Advocacy for the RVT Profession
The CVMA is an active voice at the State Legislature and in Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) meetings on RVT issues. In fact, the CVMA has an RVT Liaison who attends VMB meetings to speak directly about how issues will affect the RVT profession. Recent examples of CVMA advocacy include working with the VMB to eliminate the RVT state licensing examination as a barrier to licensure and addressing the significant increase in RVT licensing fees.
RVT Leadership in the Veterinary Profession
RVTs have their own delegation in the CVMA House of Delegates and therefore have an active voice and weighted vote in debating issues and advising the CVMA Board of Governors. RVTs also have a voice on a number of CVMA committees. In addition, the CVMA RVT Committee is self-electing and addresses RVT-specific issues to bring before the Board of Governors.
Supporting the Advancement of RVTs
CVMA RVT awards help to recognize outstanding RVTs and elevate the profession. Awards are given yearly by the RVT Committee to RVTs who demonstrate exceptional dedication to and advancement of the veterinary profession.