PO Box 111113 Aurora, CO 80042 TEL 303-317-6670 • FAX 303-317-5295 office@callabmag.com www.callabmag.com EDITORIAL ADVISORS CHRISTOPHER L. GRACHANEN NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS MIKE SURACI SURACI CONSULTING SERVICES LEAD ASSESSOR, ANAB MARTIN DE GROOT MARTINDEGROOT CONSULTANCY JESSE MORSE MORSE METROLOGY JERRY ELDRED TESCOM Subscription fees for 1 year (4 issues) $50 for USA, $55 Mexico/Canada, $65 all other countries. Visit www.callabmag.com to subscribe. Printed in the USA. © Copyright 2021 CAL LAB. ISSN No. 1095-4791
Busy Nobody ever told me that mid-life would be so busy. Instead, friends wonder when you plan on getting married, if you plan on going back to school, etc., while family nudges you as to when you plan on having a baby. In fact, any advice seems to center around the reproductive system, diseases associated with the reproductive system, and the change—I should have been born with a manual. While we are improved under the pressures of family and career, at the same time, the clock is ticking on this machine called the human body. Even after the reproductive pressures are off, the clock still ticks as though the mid-century mark is high noon and it’s a rush to complete all the work before five o’clock. This past year has been a push to work, to produce, to complete. It hasn’t been boring. And it went by too fast. But I am not the only one who has been busy… After arranging all of the articles for this issue, I realized that Henry Zumbrun of Morehouse Instruments has contributed as many great articles as years that I’ve been editing and putting together the magazine. Between 2011 and 2021, we have published 10 of Henry’s articles. And since 1995, Christopher Grachanen has contributed 19 times! I THANK them, not for all they’ve contributed to the magazine, but to all they have contributed to their industry! There are many other prolific metrologists who have contributed much during their working careers (and even after they’ve left the profession), who should feel proud about what they’ve done and are still doing. For this issue, we have Sine Calibration School’s fourth installment of “Temperature Calibrations.” Next, we have another contribution from Dr. Hening Huang on measurement uncertainties—this time, “A Case Study of Interlaboratory Consensus Building” using eight frequentist methods. Finally, we have Henry Zumbrun’s article on “TAR vs. TUR: Why TAR Should RIP ASAP.” The title is fairly explanatory. As the publisher and I traipse off to Orange County, California to attend the Measurement Science Conference Training Symposium, I wish readers a much deserved, recuperative holiday season. We all have a lot to do and precious time left to do so. Happy Measuring, Sita Schwartz
Oct • Nov • Dec 2021
Cal Lab: The International Journal of Metrology