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Bachelor of Applied Sciences Admission Requirements
6. Personal Development – Apply core competencies learned in the graduate's chosen concentration to function as a successful professional as related to both personal and professional goals. 7. Quantitative Reasoning – Exhibit analytical thought and informed judgment using mathematical reasoning, and interpretation of mathematical models and formulas. 8. Scientific Reasoning – Utilize informed analyses and other cognitive decision-making tools to make socially-responsible, situation-appropriate decisions. 9. Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues – Demonstrate personal and professional ethical and legal responsibility in the application of best practices and standards to conform to legal and regulatory standards in all managerial and organizational decision making.
Matriculating admission into the bachelor's degree programs requires a high school diploma from an accredited or approved institution, or a GED. If an applicant has successfully completed two (2) or more undergraduate courses at another post-secondary institution, the applicant may be admitted based on that achievement, and the high school diploma is waived. Conditional/Non-Matriculating admission is encouraged for adults who do not have high school records or a GED and have not earned college credits elsewhere. See Conditional admission “Second Chance College” policy and requirements in this catalog. CalSouthern wants to encourage those students who have taken college level courses to continue their education and earn a bachelor’s degree. To this end, the University accepts the maximum units earned at your previous schools in transfer toward earning the CalSouthern bachelor’ s degree. In addition, by completing the bachelor’s degree, graduates are then eligible to apply for a graduate degree program offered by the University. The bachelor’s degree requires a total of 120 semester credits. A maximum of 90 undergraduate credits may be accepted in transfer and a minimum of 30 credits of course work must be completed at CalSouthern to meet our requirements. Of the 120-credit total, CalSouthern requires that at least 36 credits toward the bachelor’ s degree must be earned in General Education (GE). This requirement may be satisfied wholly, or in part, by transfer of courses completed at other accredited or approved schools and/or credits completed at CalSouthern. When evaluating GE credit transfer, the University accepts the GE courses in “bulk transfer” thereby acknowledging that the GE requirement is being met through transfer. Even though the sending institution’s GE courses will not map directly onto our GE courses, nevertheless they are accepted as counting toward the 36 credit GE requirement. Additional GE courses beyond the 36 credits required may be accepted as “Elective Courses” to meet the total 90 credit maximum transfer limit. If the applicant does not have the 36 GE credits, then the University will recommend GE courses from our list to add breadth and to satisfy the GE credits required. At CalSouthern, the credits you earned many years ago do not expire and are accepted in transfer. After all, the diplomas and degrees you earn do not have an expiration date, and neither do your credits or knowledge gained. In addition to the semester credits accepted in transfer, CalSouthern accepts credits earned on national examinations such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the DANTES Subject Standardized Test Program (DSSD), or in military education, or through employer-sponsored work-related courses that have received ACE certification. Credit earned from undergraduate courses, for which a grade of "C" or higher was earned, will be considered for transfer. To evaluate prior work, CalSouthern must have official transcripts of college work, official transcripts of CLEP results, a certified copy of the DD-214 for military schooling or military transcripts, and/or any ACE certificates earned.