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CALIFORNIA UNIVERSIT Y Convocation Center Future PAGE 6 Split with Gannon


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APRIL 27, 2012

VOL. 32, NO. 11

Cal U female bodybuilder finds strength in ailing brother Laura Montecalvo wins “Miss Cal U 2012” at Cal U’s 2nd Annual Bodybuilding and Figure Competition. By Lauren Turosik For the Cal Times

Standing on the shore of the river, not far from their home in Washington, Pa., a brother and sister fish together as they did often. The blonde haired, blue-eyed Montecalvo “team” was inseparable. Jimmy, six years older than his sister, Laura, included her in just about everything he did. Jimmy, a mentally gifted, athletically talented, fare skinned, stalky teenager put on a strong face to protect his younger sister regularly. In the midst of playing Home Run Derby, Jailbreak, and shooting hoops with Laura, her best friend, whom she called“Buddy,” was combating a serious illness. At fifteen, most high school freshmen have little to worry about and Buddy seemed no different. Someone from the outside looking in would have been unaware that he was battling a cancerous tumor that had attached to his spine and stunted his growth. After he overcame the hideous disease not once, but twice, Laura had no doubt that her brother, best friend, and “buddy” was invincible. The duo continued on their

Jimmy “Buddy” Montecalvo (left) with sisters Suzanne, Laura, and grandmother in 1996. Athletic and a graduate of Bethany University, Jimmy was diagnosed with cancer as a teenager. He died, age 26, in June, 2008.

crusade against the world together. Buddy went away to college at Bethany University where he played golf and majored in journalism. Laura, still in high school, played all sports and excelled at basketball. Although he was away at school, Buddy never missed a game and was always Laura’s biggest fan. As weight-lifting partners, they encouraged each other to push harder and train longer. Both in peak physical condition;

running outside, one-on-one games, and fishing were favorite pastimes for the pair. “Buddy cast the line and I fell in the river … a lot,” Laura chuckled. But the current had become cold by January and Buddy was not feeling himself. It was not long before the left side of his body stopped functioning and he was researching his symptoms, essentially trying to diagnose himself. The worst-case scenario be-

Photo by: Cal U Public Relations Laura Montecalvo wins “Miss Cal U 2012” and “Best Stage Presence” specialty award at Cal U’s 2nd Annual Bodybuilding and Figure Competition on April 1, 2012. The event was sponsored by Cal U’s Bodybuilding and Fitness club.

came a reality on April 1, 2008. Buddy had been diagnosed with the JC virus – a virus that attacks the brain and prohibits neurons from sending signals throughout the body. The virus led to a condition called progressive

multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) – a rare disorder that damages protective tissue in the brain and weakens the immune system.

Continued on Page 6

Cal U hosts grand opening for new convocation center

California University of Pennsylvania hosted a grand opening ceremony for the new Convocation Center on Friday, April 20. Cutting the ribbon (from left to right): Jake Ploeger, of P.J. Dick; State Rep. Peter J. Daley; The Rev. Jana Quisenberry; Leo Krantz, Council of Trustees; Lawrence Maggi, Council of Trustees; Dr. Charles Pryor, vice president of L.R. Kimball; President Angelo Armenti, Jr.; Robert J. Irey, chair, Council of Trustees; Autumn Harris, student trustee; Annette Ganassi, Council of Trustees; Aaron Walton, Council of Trustees; Dr. Lenora Angelone, vice president for student affairs; James Davis, Council of Trustees; and Michael Napolitano, Council of Trustees. Grammy Award-winning country singer Kenny Rogers was the headline stage performer along with performances by the Cal U Jazz Ensemble, Amber McDonald, Seamus Hutchens, Sgt. George Kyle, country singer Billy Dean and singer-songwriter Andy Gibson. Photo by: Lisa Pfaff




APRIL 27, 2012

Special needs students inspire teacher with diabetes By Marlee Shaulis For the Cal Times

She went into convulsions in the middle of the night. Ronda Lee was rushed to the emergency room after her blood sugar dropped to an all-time low. The doctors injected her with insulin and worked all night to stabilize her. Waking up around lunchtime, Lee had only two thoughts; she had almost died from her diabetes and she missed her lunch date with Missy. It was in December of 1997 when Lee first found out she had diabetes. She had just graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with a special education degree. “I was so happy to be done with school,” Lee said. “I got a teaching degree and then I got diabetes.” She had a hard time coping with the disease at first, and when she got a job offer to be a special education teacher at Meyersdale Area High School, she almost turned down the job. It was her mentally disabled childhood friend Missy who encouraged her to take the position.

“She had to do it,” Missy said. “She would do so good because she did so good as my friend.” With Missy’s push, Lee took the job. She never regretted it. Steven was the chattiest of the twelve students that Lee taught. He liked to talk about snakes, he would cheat and win every time at Uno, and he was always playing jokes on everyone around him. He would walk over to Lee, tell her she looked silly, and then giddily say, “I’m just picking on you.” No matter how silly it looked on his graduation day, Lee cried when Steven walked across the stage to get his diploma. He had been one of the students who made her laugh every day and he helped to show her that life was worth living. “He was a kid who had nothing and who struggled everyday with his disablement,” Lee said. “But yet he embraced life so much and he helped me realize that diabetes does not need to ruin my life.” Jesse was another student who blessed Lee’s life. Lee could remember a time when Jesse laughed, joked around, and talked nonstop. However, after his father died from cancer, he became mute.


He no longer smiled or talked. Instead he would sit silently in the back of the classroom with his head down. “There was a time when Jesse did not talk at all because of his father’s death,” Lee said. “But after working with him for a few years, he finally began to say a few, short words.” After five years of not talking, Jesse started saying words like “sorry,” “no,” “yes” and “mom.” “One day Jesse looked at me and said ‘mom’,” Lee said. “Even though I told him I was not his mom, he kept calling me that.” Lee was a like a mother to her students. She took care of them and they took care of her. “I always have and always will have a heart for my special needs kids,” Lee said. “And the best part about them is that they accept me having diabetes and they help me through it.” Lee also took her love for special needs kids outside of work to her mentally disabled friend Missy. She was Missy’s teacher’s aide before she even got her degree and the two became friends. Lee encouraged her friend to move into her own apartment, and when Missy was diagnosed

JESSICA ZOMBEK....................................................EDITOR IN CHIEF JOSHUA LASKA.....................................SPORTS/MANAGING EDITOR BRIAN PROVANCE.....................AD MANAGER/GRADUATE ASSISTANT ALLISON STEINHEISER.............................ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR GLORIA STONE...........................................................NEWS EDITOR LISA PFAFF.................................................................STAFF WRITER NOAH GRUSKIN.........................................................STAFF WRITER JOSHUA LASKA............................................WEBSITE COORDINATOR JEFF HELSEL..........................................DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS

with diabetes, Lee helped her cope. She would give Missy her shots, and cook her dinners that suited her diet. When Missy’s mom abandoned her, Lee took over as a caregiver. “Ronda is my friend,” Missy said. “I have diabetes like her, and she takes care of me like a mom.” As soon as Lee was released from the hospital, she met Missy at a pizza shop in town. She ordered them a large pepperoni pizza, a two-liter of Coke, and a plate of French Fries.

Lee explained to Missy that she had been in the hospital all night after nearly dying from her diabetes. Missy started to cry and said, “Please don’t ever die, people like me need you.” Lee put her hand to Missy’s face and wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks. “I am going to be okay,” Lee said. “I promise you I will try to never go away or leave you waiting again.”

Ronda Lee (left) poses with her special needs students.




POLICY: The California TIMES is published in the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year, with the exception of holiday breaks • Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration • Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements, e-mail (, and advertising submissions are due at noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). •The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions as it sees fit, without offering justification for content or advertising sections.

APRIL 27, 2012


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APRIL 27, 2012


APRIL 27, 2012


Cal U friends, family, speak in memory of Kaly Bilski By Ashley Arnold For the Cal Times

It was a cold December day, 2010, as Kaly Bilski lay trapped in her silver Chevy Cobalt. She had just made a left hand turn and was coasting onto the road as a salt truck slammed into her driver side door. A nurse from a nearby ambulance ran to her side and pulled her out of the car. She told Kaly that everything was going to be okay as she carried her to safety. Little did anyone know that Kaly’s kind response, barley spoken above whisper, “Thank You” would be her last. As long as Brianna Delmastro can remember, Kaly Bilski had always been her best friend. They both grew up in Belle Vernon and have been inseparable since the age of 4. “She was by my side no matter what,” Brianna said. Since preschool and all through high school, Brianna and Kaly were together no matter what. They went shopping, had sleepovers and they even went to prom together. Every summer as long as Brianna could remember, both their families spent time in Ocean City, Maryland. “It became a tradition and soon it was just us and our friends. It was Kaly’s favorite place to be,” Brianna said. As they both got older and it became time for them to go their separate ways to college, Brianna enrolled at California University of Pennsylvania and Kaly, West Virginia University. “Kaly was really sad, before we left for college we both cried the whole night.” Kaly kept repeating how much she was going to miss her friends. During the fall semester of 2010, at the age of

19, Kaly decided to transfer to Cal to be with her best friend Brianna. Kaly decided to reside off campus at the Vulcan Village apartments where she stayed in building 9. She was majoring in education and started to make friends rapidly. “She automatically clicked with all my friends,” said Brianna. Brianna reminisced of all the fun they had on weekends and on campus. “She wanted to become more active, and had always wanted to be a feature twirler for the band,” said Brianna. Kaly became the bubbly girl that everyone knew, she started dating and was at the peak of her sophomore year. One night Kaly and Brianna were with all their friends at a campus fraternity. Kaly was getting ready to go back to her apartment. “You could tell she didn’t want to leave. I told her it’s fine I’ll see you soon,” said Brianna. That was the last time I saw her. December 8 was just another Wednesday. Brianna was in accounting class sitting in the Watkins building. At 10 a.m. Kaly started to text her “I’m feeling really weird and sick. I’m just stressed out. “ Her last text to Kaly was at 11:32 a.m. “Calm down, don’t worry so much.” As the class went on Brianna got a phone call from Kalys brother ’s girlfriend. But she ignored it. “I began to wonder why she was calling me.” At 11:40 a.m. with only 10 minutes left of class, Brianna’s teacher Mr. Jones stated that there had been a bad accident and if any students were heading towards Vulcan Village

they should take the back road. Brianna proceeded to ask what kind of car it was. “Silver Cobalt,” Jones said. Brianna started to get a sense of panic as she left class. She called her brother’s girlfriend back. Kaly was in a bad accident she said. Brianna sprinted back to her car. That morning Kaly was on her way to class, she never drove herself but always rode with friends down to campus. Her usual ride told Kaly that morning that he couldn’t take her because something was wrong with his car, but he could find a ride for the both of them. “Don’t worry, I’ll just drive down,” said Kaly. It was a cold clear day as Kaly got into her car. She got to the top of the hill by the Vulcan football stadium and hesitated at the stop sign. She coasted out onto the road to make a left turn, when tragedy struck. The truck driver said there was no sign that she was in a rush or hurry. She was stuck in her car, while the silver metal collapsed down on her. The car suddenly caught fire, and she was quickly life flighted to the Mon Valley hospital, the pressure from the impact struck her hard enough, causing her heart to weaken. Kaly shortly there after passed away. Brianna started to call everyone she knew, her two best friends Jessica Lemley and Jenna Martis both answered with the same reply. “Were coming as soon as possible.” Brianna traveled the back road as Mr.Jones had told her too. “I tried to see if I could see anything but all I remember is flashing lights,” said Brianna. Brianna went into Jenna’s

apartment at Vulcan village. “People started to just pour into the apartment, we all sat in a circle and started praying.” As time went by Brianna got calls letting her know Kalys condition. “We all planned on going to the hospital to see her that night. We all thought she just had a few broken bones and was going to be okay. We were all in denial.” At 1:30 p.m. Brianna got another call from Kaly’s family, this time she burst into tears. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but she didn’t make it.” Brianna rushed outside of the apartment, anger and fear building up inside her. She began to try and call her mother but broke down in the middle of the parking lot. “I just layed they’re lifeless and began to cry.” Friends rushed over to comfort her, people she didn’t even know. As everyone was outside consoling one another they began to call people to tell them the news. ”The hardest was Kaly’s boyfriend at the time.” They all were joined for hours in the small apartment reminiscing about Kaly. Before Brianna knew it local news channels started to call for interviews but Brianna couldn’t speak. Brianna and a few close friends went to Kaly’s house that night to see her parents and her older brother. “The hardest person to see was Kaly’s mom. They were the same person.” As Kaly’s mom wrapped Brianna in her arms she wept “We both lost our best friend,” Kaly’s mom said.

Entertainment Wrap-up In Theaters

Safe The Raven The Five-Year Engagement


Contraband Dark Tide


Continued on Page 7

Kip Moore: Up All Night Brad: United We Stand Juan Gabriel: Bailando Death Grips: The Money Store

Video Games

Sniper Elite V2 Prototype 2



APRIL 27, 2012

Students to play role in Convocation Centers’ Future By Lisa Pfaff Staff Writer

The California University of Pennsylvania Convocation Center had its grand opening event on April 20, an event which featured a performance by Grammy Award-winning country singer Kenny Rogers, but many students may be unaware of what the future may hold for the venue. “We are trying to get through the Kenny Rogers event before we plan our next show,” said Ben Bolander, the newly appointed executive director of the Convocation Center. Bolander, who started his new position at Cal U on March 26, was employed at the Toyota Center in Kennewick, Washington for six years. He described the Toyota Center venue as a very diverse and busy building, which hosts over 250 events a year. The Toyota Center seats up to 7,000 people and has exhibit space for up to 27,000 square feet, which is similar to the Cal U Convocation Center, seating 6,000 individuals. “Cal U and its community can only benefit from Ben’s experience,” John Siehl, director of support services, Venuworks, said in an interview. Bolander has big plans for the convocation center, and he

hopes the building will have events that will blend with the students in the future. He mentioned possible smaller venue shows, using Zac Brown Band, Goo Goo Dolls, and Miranda Lambert as examples. “I am looking to ask students what they want…with a 10,000 student market here at Cal U, that will be a big positive for a lot of promoters to come here. If we can show promoters they will make money, they will be more likely to come,” Bolander said. During the interview, it was emphasized that students need to understand what type of venue the convocation center is intended to be. Larger acts in some cases would simply not be feasible. “Many issues need to be looked at when we are having a big event here. Someone such as Lady Gaga would be too large for our venue. Also, someone is not going to travel way out of their way when touring to come to Cal specifically…we have a broad spectrum of students, so we will need a broad spectrum of entertainment,” Siehl said. Students will need to be patient, according to Siehl, because getting a venue up and running such as the convocation center usually takes around 6-8 months.

“We are trying to take things in stride so we don’t over-reach and fall on our face,” Christine Kindl, Cal U director of communications and public relations, said. As far as long-term goals, there are several different approaches and ideas according to Bolander and Siehl. “We want to bring in someone that has student interest, that can still be affordable for

students,” Siehl said. “All money generated will assist with university scholarships and athletic funding,” Bolander said. In the future, Bolander emphasized that he wishes to get students more involved in upcoming events at the convocation center, and he is currently working to plan for a fall 2012 start-up show for students. “I would love to get some

feedback from students,” Bolander said. “Following the Kenny Rogers concert, we want to have an open meeting, and see what students want.” For more information about the convocation center, including future events, watch for campus e-mail announcements and updates on the university home page at

Photo by: Joshua Laska

On the heels of Cal U’s grand opening celebration for the new Convocation Center on April 20, university officials are moving forward with plans for upcoming performances and events in the facility. The $54 million building can seat nearly 6,000, and is the largest indoor venue between Pittsburgh and Morgantown.

Bodybuilder finds strength Continued from page 1

“If he was scared, he never let me know it,” said Laura. Buddy was not giving up. “Is there anything you can do to help me?” he asked the doctors. The only option was to use an experimental drug that had yet to hit the market, but Buddy’s body quickly began to deteriorate. He could no longer walk or talk and the doctors told his family that he had lost his vision. “The doctors insisted that he could not hear me. I sat beside him on his hospital bed and told him that I loved him as I always did before I left his side,” Laura said softly as if she were still sitting next to him. Buddy had not moved a muscle in weeks. “I picked his hand up, put it in mine and said, Bud, if you can hear me squeeze my hand” “And he did.” April 1, 2012 marked the second annual Bodybuilding and Figure Competition at California University of Pennsylvania. It had been four years since Jimmy died; Laura awoke early to prepare for the day’s events that she had taken months to train for. She spent most of the morning quiet and in a contemplative state of mind. A friend helped her prepare for the competition. “Laura is the most modest and

mentally strong person I know. She never complains and always sees a silver lining,” according to a friend. Later that afternoon, the “Miss Cal U 2012” title was awarded to the blonde haired, blueeyed, tomboy who had a quiet strength about her presence – a trait that someone seemed to have inspired her to emote subconsciously. “When I think that something

I’m facing is hard, I remind myself that it isn’t. I am lucky to be as healthy as I am. I am motivated for obvious reasons,” Laura articulated. Now, four years after Jimmy’s death, Laura runs along the riverbank. Often, she stops along the shore and stands alone. As the breeze drifts through the valley, she imagines Buddy pulling back his pole to cast his line for the last time.

Laura Montecalvo, “Miss Cal U 2012” and Alan Porter, “Mr. Cal U 2012” at Cal U’s Bodybuilding and Figure Competition on April 1.


APRIL 27, 2012


Cal U Theatre and Dance perform Spring show: Noises Off By Gloria Stone Staff Writer

California University department of theatre and dance provided a tour of life in theatre with the production of “Noises Off,” this past weekend. “Noises Off” is an English play from 1982. “Noises Off” is a play within a play throughout the three acts of the performance. Audience members were not confused by a play within a play. “Noises Off” is broken into three different acts providing detail to each act that the audience followed quite easily. “The play within a play will strike them as odd the first time they realize that something’s not right, but as soon as it really kicks in they’ll go oh it’s a play within a play,” Steve Singer said (senior/theatre). Audience members easily related to the show due to the characteristics of the actors and actresses throughout the production. With each character having two names the audience did not have a problem figuring out who was who. Director Michele Pagen explained the personalities with the play within the play. “It’s a play within a play you get to meet the actors and each of the actors have a specific personality there is the cheerful

one, the coolest one…“ Pagen said. Act one takes place at a dress rehearsal the night before the opening show at the Grand Theatre. Throughout the first act the actors and actresses of the play have many mishaps between missed cues, missed spoken lines, and confusions with what props are to be taken on and off for particular scenes. Each character throughout the first act shows their personality of the characters they play and the actual characters they are off the stage. Act two paints the turmoil and destruction back stage before a matinee performance. Letting their personal lives affect the practices, performances and behind the scenes it all becomes clear once act two begins that the play is in for destruction. Moments before the curtain is pulled there is no actual resolution to fix the mishaps that the cast has created. In the final act of “Noises Off,” we see a performance close to the ten-week mark of the show. The friction between the cast has hit an all time high creating tension and anxiousness to be completely done with the performance. Though trying to hide their actual emotions, the nightly performance is nothing but ordinary when it creates problems and negative atten-

Photo by: Joshua Laska Steven Singer performs Noises Off with cast member Sarah Schumaker. Singer’s character is trying to bed Schumaker’s character, who portrays an actress that struggles with paying attention to what is going on in the play within the play.

tion throughout one of the final performance. “Noises Off” is a popular performance for most theatre companies and communities. It is made clear that you cannot do a rendition of this particular play. However, Cal’s cast creates

a performance that was enjoyable for any audience member. “The spin I bought to ‘Noises Off’ were the personalities of the students throughout the performance,” said Pagen. Not all students were from the department of theatre and

dance that were involved with the production of “Noises Off.” With the talent on and off stage “Noises Off” was a memorable experience and production for Cal’s theatre and dance department.

ate every moment you have.” Brianna’s life has forever been changed “I never pictured losing someone who was closest to me, but with the support system I have here, it’s a lot easier to deal with. “ She thanks everyone for the

daily support she still receives. “This isn’t about death anymore, it’s about celebrating Kaly’s life and keeping her memories alive. Live. Laugh. Love.”

Remembering Kaly Bilski Continued from page 5

Both of them sat in Kalys room in silence as they picked up pictures and trinkets. Kaly was best personified by her room. The funeral and viewing planned for Friday and Saturday of that week was held at Parzynski Funeral Home in Belle Vernon. Brianna and one of Kaly’s friends Brittany Todaro tried to help out by making colleges of Kaly. The viewing was packed with many students and friends. “There were so many students for how little time everyone from Cal knew her.” The day of the burial was sunny and warm for a December day. Everyone at the burial was given a pink rose to put on Kalys casket. “We all kissed her casket, looked at the sky and smiled at each other. “ The support given to Brianna and Kaly’s family has been tremendous. “A few girls that knew Kaly sent bracelets that they made.” The bracelets are green, which was Kaly’s favorite color. On the bracelet can be found her favorite phrase, Live. Laugh. Love. The summer of 2011 Brianna

and Kaly’s family and friends made the annual trip to Ocean City, but this time was different. Many gathered together to sell lottery tickets to buy a bench for her on the boardwalk in Kaly’s memory. “Kaly wanted to live and die there.” They made the trip down over her birthday, July 16th where they had a bench dedication. The bench can be found on 7th street where they shared poems and stories of Kaly with more than 60 people. During the service they took a wine bottle in which they each drank for Kalys birthday and inside placed a letter summarizing Kaly and what had happened to her. At the end the letter said, “If you find this please contact me “ with Brianna’s information. Every person then signed the paper before it was sealed in the bottle. “We wanted to leave a piece of her at the ocean.” One month later Brianna was amazed to get a random text message. “We found your bottle.” The text message was very sincere, “We felt very touched by your letter inside, I’m sure she’s proud. Have a nice day.” Tyler Menzler contacted Bri-

anna and Kaly’s family fall semester 2012 when the men’s rugby team at Cal said that they had canned in town. Tyler Menzler a team member had also lost a close friend that same December day a few years back and felt like he needed to do something. Today you can find a bench located on the California University of Pa campus by Steele Theatre. “There was so much support from friends and faculty.” During the dedication Brianna and a close friend of both her and Kaly Chris Spavelko unveiled the bench and read poems. Today Brianna goes to visit Kaly’s grave sight every 8th of the month. She goes to keep up with her grave as Brianna leaves Kaly each time she opens her car windows and plays her favorite song. “This Plane” by Wiz Khalifa. She spends time with Kaly’s family on holidays. Kaly’s room is still intact to this day. Kaly Bilski “The biggest thing now is I want her life celebrated. I want people to learn from this. Nobody is invincible, I want to get her story out there and remind people of that. Anything can happen at any minute, appreci-

Photo by jeff Helsel

Chris Spavelko (left) and Brianna Delmastro unveiled a bench last November (2011) dedicated to the memory of their friend Kaly Bilski, a Cal U student who lost her life in a vehicle accident in December of 2010. The Roosterhead men’s rugby club raised funds for the bench, which sits between Keystone and Steele halls. The club also raised $1,500 in scholarship funds. This fall, three $500 scholarships were given to incoming freshmen secondary education majors who, like Bilski, graduated from Belle Vernon Area High School.



APRIL 27, 2012

APRIL 27, 2012





By Levie Kirkland

Hey everyone! We would like to thank those who participated in the Big Event! Our Block Party is on Friday, April 27 at 4 p.m on the turf at the Student Union, in the event of rain it will be held in the Performance Center. There will be free food, music, games, and giveaways also check out other organizations who will be participating. So come out and bring a friend! The Retro Party is on Saturday, April 28 at 9 p.m. in the Performance Center. It’s free for CalU Students with I.D. and guest must pay $7.00. For more info contact Chantal Garrett at or Markus Wright The End of the Year Trip to Six Flags in New Jersey is on May 5 is sold out. The bus is leaving from in front of library at 4:30 a.m sharp. Our meetings are every Thursday at 5:15 p.m. in Carter Hall Multipurpose Room. Everyone is welcome. Remember this quote, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”~Nelson Mandela

The Internship Corner By Lucie Fremeau

Make the most of your summer with an internship If you’re serious about landing the internship and career of your dreams, now is the time to begin the internship process. It’s not too late to spend your summer working at a rewarding internship and furthering your career, but students should start immediately! Students should meet with their advisor in order to decide which internship session to register for. Students who will register for the first internship session of the summer, which begins on May 14 and lasts through July 21, must do so before May 7. Students who plan to register for the second internship session of the summer, which begins on June 11 and ends on August 18, must register before June 4, 2012. Visit career services to perfect your resume and cover letter, and begin applying for internships immediately. Although many are still available for the summer, the approaching deadlines make obtaining an internship more competitive. Register on InternLink, the university’s online internship database at, and search available internships if you haven’t already secured one. Apply for any and all internships that interest you; the more internships you apply for, the more likely you are to interview and then obtain the internship that will be the most beneficial for you. Once you have secured an internship, visit the Internship Center’s web site, internships, and complete the online orientations and training. The orientations are necessary in order to receive credit for an internship. Next, create your internship application through InternLink. Make sure you include as much information about your internship as possible and visit the Internship Center in Eberly if you have any questions. The application is submitted online via InternLink. If the summer opportunities seem to have passed you by, don’t become frustrated. Plenty of fall internships are available and applying for them early can only benefit you, but make sure you register for internship intent. Because the deadline has passed, students who need to register for internship intent will need to meet with the chair of their department to do so. Students who wish to intern during the Fall 2012 semester must complete the online application by August 13, 2012. In order to qualify for the Fall 2012 Internship Award, students must complete the application and submit it to the Internship Center by July 26, 2012 at 4:00pm. The following internships are currently available through the Internship Center: The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium seeks a Summer 2012 IT intern. The intern will work directly with the zoo’s IT department as well as outside consultants. Interns will gain experience by performing a variety of functions such as helpdesk requests submitted through SharePoint; assisting the systems Administrator with maintenance, upgrades and troubleshooting; planning and implementing new projects; and setting up new workstations including hardware and software installs. Students who wish to apply must have a 2.5GPA or higher. Students should send a cover letter, resume, and letter of recommendation. The cover letter should include the following: What you are interested in an internship at the zoo? What you would like to gain from an internship? What intern opportunities interest you? Requirements of application should be sent as a packet to One Wild Place, Pittsburgh PA, 15206. Call 412-365-2533 for more information.

Job Search Assistance Available at Career Services! Use Career Services and increase your chances on finding a job! Results from NACE’s 2010 Student Survey show the likelihood of getting a job offer increased with the frequency of career center use, so students who used the career center four or more times a semester were more likely to have job offers than those who used it once a semester. Career Services offers the following job search help: RESUME ASSISTANCE The Red Book An online guide to Resumes, Cover Letters, Portfolios, and Interviewing Skills Resume Advice A Career Services staff member would be happy to help students create a professional resume. Students can schedule an appointment with Career Services; take advantage of our student walkin hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm; or email your resume to our office at INTERVIEW ASSISTANCE Mock Interviews Practice your interviewing skill in a videotaped mock interview. You will receive feedback and guidance regarding effective interviewing skills. Interview Stream Practice interviewing anytime, anywhere with any webcam, any MAC, any PC. Just follow these three easy steps. 1. Create you account in seconds at Pick your interview set or create your own interview from +1500 questions. 2. The video interviewer will ask you one question and the webcam begins recording. Click the mouse to stop recording then you can review, retry or continue. 3. Watch your interview. Click a question to view your response. Review the interview with your Career Advisor. Count your “umms” and “likes” or email the link to others. JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE Job Postings Register with College Central Network (CCN) Cal U’s job/resume posting website at www. to view job postings and post your resume for employers to view. Visit the Career Services website for more links to job postings. Job Search Planning Career Services staff is available to help you develop a job search strategy. Career Services 230 Eberly Science and Technology Center 724-938-4413

Hispanic Student Association By: Angelina Lorenzo

SPANISH PHRASE OF THE WEEK: Este hombre pagará por todo. (This man will pay for everything.) Hola everyone! HSA had a great weekend. We tried out a new Latin American restaurant in Pittsburgh called Alma Pan-Latin Kitchen and we highly recommend it- especially the desserts! After dinner we went to the Pirates game for Free Shirt Friday. Sunday it was up early for the Big Event. Thank you to everyone who came and helped out! We had fun washing windows, removing stumps, and only broke a few tools. Come see us at the BSU Block Party on Friday, April 27th from 10am-7pm in the Quad. Due to all of the other things going on on campus that day, we are cancelling our Salsa Night that was to take place on May 5th. Look for information on it being held early in the Fall Semester! We are always welcoming new members so look for information about meetings for the Fall Semester. Email to get on our email list.

To place an ad in the Cal Times please contact us at: or (724) 938-4321



APRIL 27, 2012

Vulcans win sixth-straight PSAC Championship By Joshua Laska

Sports/Managing Editor The eighth ranked California Vulcan tennis team captured their sixth-straight PSAC Championship last weekend. The Vulcans defeated Kutztown in the semifinals 5-0, followed by defeating 41st ranked IUP 6-1 in the finals. The Vulcans are 21-5 on the season and 5-0 in the PSAC. The Vulcans now look towards the NCAA Tournament, which begins tomorrow, April 28. The Vulcans are currently ranked first in the Atlantic region and will host the first rounds of the NCAA Tournament. Against Kutztown, the fifth ranked doubles team of senior Martina Rubesova and senior Franziska Steinhardt defeated Hannah Pipkin and Ridhima Borooah, 8-0. In the second position senior Anastassiya Zherdeva and freshman Ramona Czakon defeated Rachel Grula and Stefanie Fisher, 8-0. Freshman Jolien Borrenberghs and classmate Jesse Burrell defeated Tori Zander and Jennifer Stow, 8-0 to sweep the doubles point. In singles, Steinhardt defeated Grula 6-0 and 6-1 in the third position, Czakon defeated Chelsea White 6-1 and 6-0. Those were the only two matches that needed to be finished to defeat Kutztown. 12th ranked Rubesova, Zherdeva, Burrell and Borrenberghs all had one set

leads over their Kutztown opponents when the match ended. In doubles, against 41st ranked IUP, fifth ranked team of Rubesova and Steinhardt defeated Katie Eaton and Tabtip Louhabanjong, 8-0. In the second position, the 16th ranked team of senior Annabel Pieschl and junior Jade Pondicas lost to Emilia Osborne and Tanya Timko, 7-9. Zherdeva and Czakon defeated Erika Schnass and Ranvita Mahto, 8-4 in the third position. In singles, 12th ranked Rubesova defeated Louhabanjong 6-1 and 6-2, while 42nd ranked Pondicas defeated Eaton 6-1 and 6-4, in the third position. Steinhardt defeated Osborne 6-0 and 6-4 in the fifth position, Czakon defeated Schnass 6-1 and 6-3 to captured the important sixth win for the Vulcans. 41st ranked Pieschl was down one set and Zherdeva was up one set, when the match ended due to the Vulcans winning. Rubesova was named the PSAC Tournament most outstanding player after the Vulcans won their sixth-straight PSAC title. Rubesova was also named PSAC West Athlete of the Year after posting a 25-6 record in regular season play. Along with Rubesova, Pieschl earned All-PSAC West honors for singles play. While, Rubesova and Steinhardt earned All-PSAC west honors as a doubles team.

Photo by: Joshua Laska Senior 12th ranked Martina Rubesova was named the PSAC Tournament most outstanding player after helping the Vulcans to their sixth-straight PSAC title. As well as, named PSAC West Athlete of the Year after a 25-6 regular season.

The Vulcans will begin their quest for their first NCAA C h a m p i o n s h i p t o m o r ro w

against Winston Salem at 1 p.m. Should the Vulcans win they will play the winner of the West

Virginia State verse Shaw match on Sunday, April 29 at 10 a.m.

Baseball posts split with Gannon

By Sports Information For the Cal Times

Freshman Justin Taylor (Julian, Pa./Bald Eagle) tossed the first complete-game shutout of his career on Saturday afternoon, as the Vulcans split a doubleheader against Gannon at CONSOL Energy Park in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) West action, winning 4-0 before falling 7-4. With the split, the California University of Pennsylvania baseball team moves to 24-20 this season with an 11-9 mark in league play. Meanwhile Gannon stands at 24-18 overall behind a 13-7 record in divisional action. In Game 1, Taylor improved to 3-1 this season after scattering six hits and registering six strikeouts over 7.0 innings (119 pitches). Taylor forced the Golden Knights to strand eight runners on the base, including five in scoring position. Gannon’s David Spaeder (2-2) suffered the loss after allowing four runs (all earned) on nine hits and one walk in 6.0 innings (107 pitches). The Vulcans took a 1-0 lead in the second when junior first

baseman AJ Robinson (Milesburg, Pa./Bald Eagle) lined an RBI single through the left side. In the fourth, Robinson reached base on a wild pitch before sophomore right fielder John Orr (Pittsburgh, Pa./Shaler) delivered an RBI double to rightcenter field, 2-0. The Vulcans increased their lead to 3-0 in the bottom of the fifth with a twoout RBI triple by sophomore left fielder Ben Carson (Coal Center, Pa./California) that scored senior catcher JB Sapienza (La Plata, Md./La Plata) from first. In the sixth, Robinson was hit by pitch to open the inning and advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt. Following a strikeout, senior second baseman Kyle Bowser (Stoystown, Pa./North Star) lined an RBI double down the left-field line, 4-0. Sapienza posted his second multi-hit game of the series, finishing 2-for-3 with one run scored. Over the last 11 games, he is hitting .444 (12-for-27) with four doubles, six RBI and four runs scored. Robinson scored a pair of runs and reached base safely in all three plate appearances. In Game 2, senior starter Jim Kirker (Bridgeville, Pa./South

Fayette) was saddled with the loss after surrendering five runs (three earned) on four hits and three walks in just 1.1 innings. Gannon senior Landon Wahl earned the complete-game victory after allowing four runs (two earned) on eight hits and three walks in 7.0 innings (122 pitches). The Golden Knights scored a pair of runs in the top of the first on two hits and two walks. Gannon added to its lead with two runs in the second before the game was delay for nearly an hour due to rain. When the game resumed, the Vulcans made a pitching change and the Golden Knights scored an additional run in the second on a ground-out, 5-0. Cal U answered in the bottom of the inning with three runs on three singles and one error. Freshman shortstop Matt Peters (Upper Darby, Pa./Upper Darby) scored from second on a throwing error on a sacrifice bunt by sophomore third baseman Chuck Gasti (Carmichaels, Pa./Carmichaels). Robinson then collected an RBI infield single before Bowser delivered a two-out RBI single to cut the deficit to 5-3.

Senior outfielder Troy Handza (27) leads the Vulcans with three home runs this season.

The Golden Knights eventually stretched their lead to 7-3 after posting a pair of two-out RBI single in the top of the sixth. Cal U looked to mount a two-out rally in the bottom of the seventh, as Gasti registered an RBI infield single to score Sapienza. With two outs and runners on first and second, the Gannon second baseman made a sliding catch in foul territory to end the game.

In the loss, Carson went 2-for4 with one run scored and junior Kyle Petty (Stewartsville, N.J./ Phillipsburg) extended his hitting streak to seven games. The Vulcans return to action on Friday, April 27, when it hosts a Senior Day doubleheader against Slippery Rock at CONSOL Energy Park, starting at 1 p.m. Live stats of the games will be available by going to



APRIL 27, 2012

Softball wins PSAC West, gearing up for PSAC Tournament By Joshua Laska

Sports/Managing Editor The 23rd ranked California Vulcan softball team captured two wins last week and won the PSAC West outright with those two wins. The Vulcans defeated Mercyhurst in a double header 14-5 and 11-5. They were scheduled to play a doubleheader with Slippery Rock, but due to rain in the area that doubleheader was cancelled. The Vulcans finish the regular season with a 32-6 record and a 12-2 record in the PSAC. In the first victory over Mercyhurst, sophomore second basemen Natalie Wideman led the way going two for three, getting hit by two pitches, scoring twice and batting in three runs. Senior third basemen Jillian Russell added two hits including her 14th home run of the season. Russell also drove in one more run and scored one more time herself. Senior left fielder Kristen McKenzie collected three hits on four attempts for a .750 batting average, scored once herself and batted in one run as well. Sophomore first basemen Shelby Lia collected two hits, two runs and two runs batted in; while sophomore designated hitter Stephani Ellis collected her first career home run as a Vulcan and scored one more time herself as well as

drove in two more runs. Senior catcher Alyson Johnson and freshman right fielder Shelby Heyd both collected two hits, with A.Johnson scoring once and batting in one run. Freshman shortstop Breanna Morris collected one hit and drove in two runs and scored once; freshman center fielder Katie Natter scored once for the Vulcans. Lia led the defensive side, with 10 putouts followed closely by A.Johnson with eight. Heyd and Wideman added two and one putout, respectively. Sophomore pitcher Hope Spancake and Wideman both led with two assists, while Morris, Lia and Russell all added one assist each. Spancake picker up her team leading 17th win of the season, giving up only two earned runs in seven innings pitched. Spancake struck out eight of the 29 batters she faced and only aloud six hits. Heyd led the way in the second game against Mercyhurst with three hits on four attempts, scoring three times and driving in one run. Ellis, Russell and Wideman all picked up two hits, with Wideman and Ellis both scoring once and Russell batting in one run. Morris and A. Johnson both collected two hits as well; with A.Johnson scoring once and batting in two runs. Morris batting in two runs and scoring twice. Lia picked up one hit, a three run home run, and drove in four runs. Natter

scored once on one walk, while freshman pinch hitter Madison Yanek collected one hit on one attempt. On the defensive side of the diamond, Lia again led with 13 putouts, followed by A. Johnson who added four. Morris, Russell, Natter and Wideman all added one putout each. Wideman led with six assists, while Russell and Morris added two and one, respectively. Sophomore pitcher Kaitlyn Schilling picked up her 13th win of the season giving up two earned runs on seven hits in seven innings pitched. Schilling also picked up four strikeouts of the 30 batters she faced. With the regular season over the Vulcans look towards the PSAC Tournament, which began on Wednesday, April 25, but the first games ended to late, for press time. The Vulcans are scheduled to play the winner of the West Chester-IUP game. Should the Vulcans have won they will have moved on to have played on Thursday, April 26 at 1 p.m. Should the Vulcans have lost on Thursday, as long as they didn’t loss on Wednesday as well, or won on Thursday they will play today at either 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. Should they win today they will play tomorrow for the PSAC Championship. A recap of the PSAC Tournament, will be available in next weeks Cal Times. If the Vulcans are selected they will play in the NCAA

Tournament that begins next week sometime, May 5. The Vulcans currently are ranked 2nd in the region, so it is likely that they will be selected to play in the

NCAA Tournament. Selection for the NCAA Tournament will be Monday, April 30 at 10 a.m. live on

Photos by: Joshua Laska Sophomore pitcher Kaitlyn Schilling (14) picked up her 13th win of the season against Mercyhurst last weekend. Schilling has pitched 11 complete games this year, six behind sophomore pitcher Hope Spancake (32).

Senior left fielder Kristen McKenzie (37) helped the Vulcans to victory over Mercyhurst, after going three for four and driving in one run, as well as scoring once herself. McKenzie has scored 14 of the 23 times she has been on base this year.



APRIL 27, 2012

Get to know your Vulcans: Stephani Ellis #17 outfielder/designated hitter for the California Vulcan softball team Interviewed/Layout by Joshua Laska Sports/Managing Editor

What was it like coming to America to play softball?

I was really excited to come to the states to play softball, because the sport is not that big in Canada, especially at the university level.

What was it like getting your first hit in college?

At the time it didn’t register with me that it was my “first college hit”. Just seemed like another hit to add to the books.

How hard was it to adjust to college play?

Adjusting to the strength and the talent levels of our opponents was probably one of the harder adjustments I had to make last year.

What was the hardest thing to learn at the college level?

Balancing school and softball was the hardest thing for me to learn...and I’m still working on it now

What was it like to get to play in the NCAA Tournament your freshman season?

It was an awesome feeling to get to play in the NCAA Tournament with my team last year. We had worked so hard to get there.

Getting to start in your first game as a Vulcan, what were you feeling? Photos by: Joshua Laska


76 Games Played, 68 Games Started, 1 Home Run, 54 Hits, 96 Putouts

What originally got you into softball?

Well to be honest when I was younger soccer was my sport. I had to make the tough decision of playing soccer or softball because I was playing both at a high level where practice/games were all year around. I don’t really remember what the final deciding factor was as to why I picked softball, but I am so glad that I did!

How many years have you played softball? 12 years

What is one interesting fact that not everyone would know about you?

I am half Japanese and I am dual Canadian/American citizen.

Where are you from and where did you go to High School?

I went to Prince of Wales Secondary School in my hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada.

What do you plan on doing after college?

I do not know what city I’ll be in but I’ll probably be in psychology grad school with a focus in sports psychology.

What is your favorite tv show?

Entourage/Blue Mountain State/Spartacus

Who are your favorite sports teams? Vancouver Canucks

What is your favorite food?

Now if I said rice...would that be too stereotypical? Haha but I really like food too much to pick just one favorite food.

What is your favorite movie?

Finding Nemo/Step Brothers

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Live a life that would make you jealous”

I felt rather accomplished because I have always wanted to play softball at the college level and to break into the starting lineup was gratifying.

How do you stay “in the game” during the off-season?

When I was at home this past summer I was still playing on a travel team. It was just a good way to keep my skills in check.

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