Cal Times, Nov. 13, 2015

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NOVEMBER 13, 2015

VOL 42, NO.12

Photos provided by Cal U Theater cast members

OPINION Prevention StudentsAwareness Speak Recovery Center Talk Up at Campus


Page 5

Is Carly FiorinaCup a The Coffee Feminist? Non-Controversy


Athlete of the Week: Kira Goin


Page 2 Nov. 13, 2015

CALU weather

Data by CAL U Weather Center









Day : Mostly sunny

D ay : M o s tl y s u n ny

Day : M o st ly sunny

Day : Par t ly c lo udy

N i g h t : M o s t l y c l e a r.

N i g ht: M o s tl y cl e a r

N ight : M o st ly c lear

N i ght : Par t ly c lo udy



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CALU police reports


Technology Thief On Oct. 29 at 1:30 p.m., a student reported having a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, a Gameboy, and Gameboy games stolen while in the Natali Student Center Food Court


Rapes reported at Vulcan On Nov. 6 at 11:30 a.m., a female student reported being raped on Nov.3 at Vulcan Village. The case is now closed. Another rape was reported to police two days later on Nov. 8. That case is also closed

Parking Fraud

On Nov. 5 at around 11:30 a.m., police found students using counterfeit parking passes near the Manderino Library.









CAL TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: Cal U Weather Center, Cody Barnhart, rachael mckriger, emma rawlings, dan carmichael, zach fehl, Alyssia Jano, claudia pehowic, KRISTIN BOMBOY, zach filtz, josh richardson, danny beeck, MARI BOYLE


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.

Page 3 Nov. 13, 2015

Students Voice Concerns at Campus Talk By Stetson Provance, News Editor

Almost a year to the day of one of the most attended campus talks in university history, Interim University President Geraldine Jones once again addressed a large crowd of students concerned about the future of California University of Pennsylvania. This was the first campus talk to be held in the university’s renovated Performance Center, located in the Natali Student Center. The event started off just like any other campus talk would. The first issue raised by a student concerned announcing honors at graduation. A student hoped the university would recognize students who graduated with honors by announcing their individual name. According to Jones, although she suspects announcing honors would take far too much time, the issue will be discussed with the provost. Another student complained the university bus, the Vulcan Flyer, wasn’t running in a practical away. According to the student, two buses were often arriving at the bus stop by Vulcan Village at roughly the same time. Assuming the university finds this to be a consistent issue, Jones said it is something that will be remedied. Students also voiced frustration over the operating hours of both the Manderino Library and the fitness and recreation center in Herron Hall. According to students, both buildings, which close at 10 and 11 p.m. on most weeknights, respectively, should be open later into the night.

According to the university, past research has shown the number of students who use both facilities drastically decreases as the night wears on. Additionally, university officials said finding workers not only willing to work extremely late hours, but also able to return home after work during time periods when the Vulcan Flyer isn’t running would prove difficult. However, when Jones asked the room how many people would be willing and able to work at the gym if it were open 24/7, a majority of students raised their hands. Brendan Linton, a member of the Student Association Board of Directors, addressed Interim President Jones concerning problems he had with the way Cal U’s student government operates. Linton claimed student government hasn’t kept consistent records of their minutes for the past three years. According to Linton, this violates the Pennsylvania public school code, and he has filed a Right to Know form with the state. When Linton asked Jones to oversee student government, she said she’d defer to interim vice president of student affairs Nancy Pinardi concerning the issue. A few students asked Jones about the status of academic programs at Cal U. One question concerned which programs will potentially enter moratorium in the coming months. According to Jones, with the reconfiguration of multiple

academic departments upcoming this spring and next fall, there will be some programs with low enrollment that will be placed in moratorium, meaning no further students will be admitted to the program. However, all students currently enrolled in these programs will be able to complete their degrees. According to Jones, the university will release a list of the programs when they deem appropriate. Jones was also introduced to a student set to graduate in December who hoped to continue his academic career at Cal U. However, because Cal U doesn’t offer a graduate degree in English, he is unable to do so. Jones said she wishes more students felt that way. “If more students in your department were interested in obtaining a master’s degree from Cal U, nothing would make me happier than implementing more graduate programs.” The first half of the campus talk concluded with a student on Cal U’s Rugby team asking why the group can’t use Adamson Stadium to practice. According to university officials, NCAA sanctioned athletics like football take precedent. If another club hopes to use the stadium, they must file scheduling requests a few days in advance. The second half of the campus talk was comprised of numerous questions from the black student union concerning the handling of a Halloween Party on Oct. 31 in the Performance Center. As of Wednesday, police and BSU have yet to provide us with clarification about the event in question. Look for the rest of our coverage of the second half of the campus talk in next week’s edition.

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Page 4 Nov. 13, 2014

Season ends for more than just football

As the marching band season ends, thoughts of next’s years have already begun

By Kristin Bomboy, Cal Times Contributor Interim director of bands, Frank Stetar, is determined to increase enrollment for the Cal U band program. In an effort to spark interest in Cal U, Stetar has outreached to many high schools as well as requested for his students to share their Cal U experience with high school students. Stetar, who previously served as the band director at California Area High school and began his Cal U career this past summer, started the recruitment project with hopes of increasing the amount of students that would take part in marching band. Last year, the marching band had a total of 128 members and this year there are 103. Stetar’s plan consists of several different tactics to increase interest in the Cal U band program. One way consists of inviting local high school bands, such as California Area High School and Bentworth High School, to home football games to perform their show and play with the Cal U marching band. “We didn’t do much in previous years to try to get the numbers up,” Stetar said. “Anything we can do to get the numbers up and get high school kids on this campus can only benefit us.” Stetar then went on to say that during his time at Cal High, the band frequently performed at Cal U for the homecoming parade as well as the Family Day football game. He said that when that stopped happening, the number of students in the Cal U band that were from local high schools, such as Cal High, dropped. Stetar said that he figured it was a “direct correlation” and therefore began inviting bands to perform at Cal U again. Another way Stetar plans to increase the number of band members is by having current Cal U students visit high schools to share their experiences and answer their questions about college bands or just college in general. For this task, he requested the help of Kappa Kappa Psi,

the honorary co-ed band fraternity at Cal U. Founded in 1919, the mission of Kappa Kappa Psi is to promote the existence and welfare of college or university bands, therefore this task was right up their alley. Over the past few months, several Kappa Kappa Psi brothers have traveled near and far to help create an interest in the Cal U band program. Brothers have traveled as far as Northwest Area High School near Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and as close as Cal High. Georgia Nejus, president of the Kappa Kappa Psi chapter at Cal U, was more than willing to help Stetar in his efforts. “I thought it was a great opportunity to get the Cal U band name out there and to help service the band,” Nejus said. “It was a great way for our brothers to help the band recruit and spend time with each other off campus.” Sophomore environmental Senior Adriene Walls took to the field for the last time on Saturday. science major and current Kappa Interim director of bands Frank Stetar is working to recruit new stuKappa Psi brother, Laken Ganoe, dents to Cal U bands to replace those graduating students. traveled home to her high school, Clarion Area High School, to share Although the results of the recruiting process can’t be her experiences and give her perspective as an alumni. “I thought it was a lot of fun,” Ganoe said. “It’s good definitively seen until upcoming years, Stetar is hopeful to catch up with them and for them to see where I’m at that the project is working. “Obviously, something is happening,” Stetar said as he now.” pulled out a hefty stack of filled out recruitment cards. Stetar is currently serving as an interim director of bands, but he has his fingers crossed on landing the full time job. “Whether it’s myself or somebody else, I want to see that music is a success for the university.”

Page 5 Nov. 13, 2015

Cal U alumnae starts The Smear Campaign

The campaign aims to reclaim negative terms used to describe females

By Lauren Griffith, Entertainment Editor

labeled a ‘bitch’ and when a women enjoys sex or expresses the products listed on the website are made by a private When people hear the words slut or bitch, they have a her sexuality openly, she is labeled a ‘slut’,” Skinner said. manufacturer. “The shades and their corresponding colors were decided negative connation. California University of Pennsylvania “Let’s redefine these terms.” By giving shades of lipsticks names like ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ , upon by members of The Smear Campaign team. The idea Alumnae Alyssa Skinner aims to change that with her Skinner is hoping to change the negative connotation of that bright red lipstick is a symbol of salacious sexuality in brand, The Smear Campaign. our culture was something that The campaign began as class project was unquestioned,” said Skinner. assigned in Graphic Design IV with “So we had the ‘slut’ shade Professor Spencer Norman, or Spence, decided very quickly.” as students refer to him. Spence left The ‘bitch’ shade is a bit darker, the project much open to students’ symbolizing attitude, confidence, interpretation. and power. “That was incredibly daunting; having no As the company continues to rules, no restrictions, opens everything up grow and add new products, to so many possibilities that it makes you it hopes to donate a portion freeze as a designer,” said Skinner. of the proceeds to women’s This project eventually became Skinner’s rights organizations. There has Honors Thesis. Before that, it required also been talk of The Smear research into women’s rights organizations Campaign’s products being sold and feminist’s movements. By the time her in salons, and of bringing on a thesis was completed, Skinner had to get brand ambassador in the near The Smear Campaign project approved by future. six different people who would serve as her While The Smear Campaign Honors Thesis Committee. The committee is just starting up, the brand has was comprised of advisors, honors already been featured in an article advisory board members, librarians, and with Total Sorority Move’s website professors. and has been interviewed several Holiday Adair, a professor of psychology other times. at Cal U, was one of Skinner’s advisors. “I told myself when I started The “I had not previously been really aware of Smear Campaign that if I was able the movement to address slut-shaming, so The Smear Campaign started from a graphic design project that alumnae Alyssa Skinner started in her time at Cal U. With the website launch to influence just one woman then my first impression was one of increased just over 2 months ago, the varies shades of lipstick are now for sale on – mission accomplished. Which awareness,” Adair said. “It is an old strategy has already happened a couple of of attack revised to current times.” times,” Skinner said. Skinner had wrote over 30 pages on a company that the terms, as well as start a conversation that might not be But Skinner and The Smear Campaign aren’t finished yet. sold lipsticks to get people to talk about women’s issues. had otherwise. She hopes that the terms begin to empower While Skinner works a full-time job and does The Smear It wasn’t until Skinner presented at a PASSHE Women’s Campaign on the side, her devotion the to the brand and Conference after Dr. Adair’s suggestion that this project the women who wear them. Skinner’s advisor for her thesis, Holiday Adair, said “I the cause are clear. began its transformation into the brand that it is today. “We’ve been contacted by some incredible, stunning, “When I started speaking to the women, they began to think increased awareness will sensitize people to this phenomenon and, perhaps, lead to less objectification of impactful, powerful, amazing women and they’ve written ask real questions as if this was a real company (them not us some very strengthening messages of support,” Skinner realizing that this was mostly just a well thought out thesis),” women.” While the idea of the project has received some negative said. “But, I have some crazy big dreams for this company Skinner said in an e-mail interview. “And I began answering feedback, the positive reactions have been overwhelming, and want to take this all the way.” as if I was really going to do this.” The vision doesn’t stop there. In the future, Skinner sees As far as the name of the campaign goes, The Smear Skinner said. The discussion and conversation about these The Smear Campaign showing that women are strong and Campaign stemmed from Skinner’s creative spin on a group terms and the reclamation of them has started. The Smear Campaign’s website, which features these independent, and deserve equal rights and representation of people who have been negatively ‘smeared’ in society. It is with this realization that Skinner began her war on words. lipsticks and a t-shirt that dawns the message ‘moons in all matter and areas. “A woman who is determined or passionate is too often out boobs out’, launched just over two months ago. All of

Page 6 Nov. 13, 2015

Page 7 Nov. 13. 2015

k e e W e h t f o s m u Alb

By Dan Carmichael, Cal Times Contributor

Limbo-Pell Jared Pellerin, also known by his stage name Pell, is a very young artist who you will most likely see bust on the scene in the hip hop game in the coming year. The New Orleans native only has his musical culture to remember his home by after Hurricane Katrina chased his whole family away after it struck. Pell took this musical knowledge, added a electronic twist and released his first album, “Falling While Dreaming,” in May 2014 and it quickly received over three million streams on Spotify. In the creation of “Limbo,” Pell has allowed some insight into his own unique music style. Lyrically, he is a wordsmith. Vocally, he is extremely catchy. The instrumentals provided show variety and ingenuity. Some show piano pieces that are fairly simple but refreshing. A few of the tracks on this album include drum beats that seem to be created solely from bongo drums. The majority of the beats have what I can only assume to be artificial drums. It is evident that a heavy base of synthesizers were used to create the diverse sound from track to track. To compare this album to something a little more well known, I would argue that Pell sounds like a little more raw version of Kid Cudi with a little less mastering to his tracks. The vocal singing portions and even the flow of his voice are very reminiscent of early Kid Cudi albums. Pell, though not having a serious backing by hip hop fans, should see positive remarks from this album as it is a nice stepping stone from his first to what I can only imagine will be a bright future. As for now, Pell does not have any type of tour set up. Depending on the response this album receives, you may see Pell get a chance to appear at some music festivals this summer as one of the lower acts. If you are looking for fresh, new hip hop, do not sleep on this artist. Give the album a solid listen and even check out his first release while you are at it.

Average Critic Rating:N/A My Rating: 80/100

Delirium-Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding, a singer and multi-instrumentalist from England, has been in the music industry since 2010 when she dropped her first, full length album “Lights.” Since the release of this album, Goulding has been a fairly household name when it comes to mainstream, top 40 music. Two years later, “Halcyon” was released and then the following year a repackaged album entitled “Halcyon Days” was released containing what may have been Ellie’s most famous song, “Burn.” Goulding honed her unique sounding voice and the ability to play instruments early in her career and since then, she first demonstrated it fully in her first three albums. Though Goulding has come out with three full length albums in the past five years, little has changed with her sound. When Ellie first started making her music, she was seen on “pop” charts even though she was not technically a “pop” artist. Goulding came on to the scene by using synthesizers and electronic music as her base. Her voice was different than others, but lately it seems to just be another voice over top of music. On a positive note, her lyrics have remained just as good, if not getting better than when she started. Quality and content are a major factor when it comes to making music. The music may lack its quality as far as the instrumentals go, but from a content standpoint, Goulding is better than ever. She will be passing through Pittsburgh in the beginning of May. Goulding, who I have never seen live, but have watched videos of live performances, brings much more to the table than just music. She has great showmanship with her art and that makes the experience even more enjoyable.

Average Critic Rating:68/100 My Rating: 70/100

Page 8 Nov. 13, 2015


S how : Th e k ale idoscop e hours

S un day: 2 -4 pm

Rebeccah “Rebel Trebel” Stephens DJ Rebel Trebel is one of our freshest faces around the studio, joining us this semester at the very beginning of her college career. She is currently working towards her Bachelors of Arts in International Studies with a Minor in Biology, although she is debating changing that minor into a second major. Despite her studies being unrelated to radio and DJing, she chose to get involved with WCAL because of her love for music and a desire to force her tastes on the unsuspecting listeners. She starts off every show with a song from one of her favorite bands The Mowgli’s, and will play at least two songs per show from Cincinnati based indie rock band Walk The Moon. Listeners are also treated to a healthy dose of Life Hacks, hipster things, and sarcasm anytime she takes to the mic. Her favorite concert that she’s ever been to was Walk the Moon and The Griswolds at the House of Blues in Cleveland. While not broadcasting music on her own show, she can typically be found… in the studio, sitting in on or filling in for any of the other DJs, as the station has almost become a second dorm room for her.

R e comm e n d e li k e :

d if yo u


21 P il o ts W a lk th e M o o n T h e M o w g li’s A lt-J Ir o n & W in e Twitter: @919WCAL


Page 9 Nov. 13. 2015

Catholic Club hosting Thanksg iving dinner By Alyssia Jano Cal Times Contributor Thanksgiving is a time for people to come together to take part in community, eat food, and talk about everything to be grateful for. This year, as in the past five years, California University of Pennsylvania’s Catholic club is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 19. The dinner is to take place in Roscoe, which is about 15 minutes from the Cal U campus. This event is being provided by parishioners from the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in town who volunteers in order to give Cal U students a home cooked meal while being away from home. “It’s been a great turn out for many years,” said the Rev. Mike Zavage. “We look forward to providing warm food to students who are waiting to go home for break.” The parishioners work the morning of the dinner to make enough food for the students who attend. They also set up the dinner table in a long line and set out fancy silverware for the occasion. “Last year the table looked like something from a movie,” said Marie Gruber, sophomore at Cal U and attendee of the dinner. “It was one long table with about

Photo: Wikimedia Commons 35 students gathered around.” Students who attend are asked what they are grateful for and what their prayer intentions are during the holiday. “We went around the table and talked about things we appreciated in our lives,” said Gruber. “It really helped in looking at my life in a positive way after the stress of the semester.”

NOV 6-NOV 12

The dinner helps students who might be feeling homesick and even those who might not have a Thanksgiving dinner to go home to during break. Fellowship in which people are able to come together is also a main goal of having the dinner. The food being provided are the typical foods served at Thanksgiving dinners including turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, and more. “It provides food to those who might not have it otherwise,” said Gruber. “It is also a great way to grow closer to people.” Students will be carpooling for transportation to the rectory house in Roscoe where the dinner is to be held. Those interested are to meet in the Azorsky parking lot and the dinner is to take place at 5 p.m. and will last for as long as people want to stay. The students attending are asked to bring a friend to increase the amount of people gathered for the dinner. “Everyone is welcome,”said Gruber. “This is Thanksgiving, a time to gather with as many people as possible and to eat as much as possible.”

Page 10 Nov 13, 2015

Page 11 Nov 13, 2015

The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet took over the Blaney Theatre in Steele Hall last weekend. The fun, light-hearted performance had four different shows, and served as this year’s freshmen show.

Photos provided by Seussification Cast Members

When Shakespeare meets Seuss BY: Claudia Pehowic Cal Times Contributor From the very minute I heard about The Seusification of Romeo and Juliet, I imaged plenty of rhyming, big hairdos, tall and striped hats, and ridiculously-named animals. Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying the Seusification of Romeo and Juliet in a very adult way. The Department of Theater and Dance’s 19th anniversary first year show was a spectacularly childlike performance of a modern romance. Two emphatic actors, Felix Rivera and Ellie Lahm, narrated an all-too-familiar plotline. Luckily, these two first-year students were cheery and bright enough to remove the more gruesome parts of the original play. For example, neither Romeo nor Juliet truly died. Instead, Juliet purposely faked her death to avoid the control of her mother and to run off with her true love, Romeo. Junior Sarah Youngdahl, who is studying accounting at Cal U., said, “I like the twist. We’ve seen

a modern Romeo and Juliet and [an] old time version. This was just a fun version!.” Indeed, the actors and actresses seemed far livelier and more spirited than any tragedy The greatest part of the performance was definitely the characterization. Juliet’s mother always seemed to enter the stage with a glass or bottle of wine in hand. Her daughter’s nurse unceasingly rolled her eyes at the mother, and young Juliet had her nose in her cell phone as often as would be expected of a modern teenager. Romeo’s enchanting inability to make poetry made the audience fall in love, including Sarah, who named Romeo her favorite character of the show. Every actor stayed true to a different quirky personality, which made the four-year-old girl who sat in front of me cackle with joy. Along with being Seusified (although Dr. Suess was not involved with the making of the play), Romeo and Juliet were also brought into the present. Oftentimes, the audience was given

a snapshot of the pictures and videos that characters had taken on their phones. Paige Zalar, a communication studies major, directed the show. Annabel Lorence was the costume designer, while Kylee Henry and Brendan controlled the play’s sound effects. Special effects made the show hilarious. From four years old to fourth-year college students, everyone in the audience November 19th, 20th, and 21st enjoyed the Department of Theater and Dance’s first-year performance in the black box theater. Cal U’s first year students showed their stripes, suspenders, and funky colors. The Department of Theater and Dance’s next show, Miracle on 34th Street, the Musical, opens December 3rd at 7pm, playing at the same time in the 4th and 5th, as well as at December 5th and 6th at 2 pm. As a happy audience member, I would encourage students of every major to see the show for a very low price of fifty cents per ticket at the door.

Page 12 Nov. 13, 2015

Spectre: On target, or just another Bond movie? By Zach Filtz, Cal Times Contributor

The silenced Walther compact pistol. Intense handto-hand combat. Unexpected technology. Romantic endeavors with women with “shaken not stirred” martini, followed by that familiar visit to Q and his boss, M. Yes, there was a famous action hero before Matt Damon’s Bourne movies, and that can only be one person. Daniel Craig returns in his fourth outing as James Bond in “007: Spectre” (Metro Goldwyn Mayer), now available in theaters. Similar to Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry character in 1976’s “The Enforcer,” Bond finds his actions at the beginning of the film suspending him from his job indefinitely. M, his boss (played by Ralph Fiennes), had 007 injected with nanotechnology to track his movements so he does not try to “investigate” things as only Bond can. “Spectre” tries to dodge some of the usual, ugly clichés of action movie damsel-in-distress formula, and it does

with a number of surprises from really old Bond movies. Let’s start with the most apparent one and put this review on hold for a moment: the front of the movie’s poster, a top-hatted man with a skeleton costume, rung firstly in my mind a villain from the Roger Moore 007 outing “Live and Let Die,” which consisted of such a character, Baron Samedi, as a secondary character. Samedi makes no appearance in this film other than the aforementioned cryptic poster. Back to the review. There are a few major twists and turns in this one that are in places you will not see coming. It is a little tricky to review this one without going too far, but here is a synopsis for you: after receiving that message from his past, Bond goes after the daughter of that messenger in a dramatic, actionfilled quest to protect her at all costs from a shady organization known only as “Spectre.” Meanwhile, Craig’s Bond starts to show us more depth of his character than something like the average

“Quantum of Solace” or the slightly confusing “Casino Royale,” so the script is obviously trying to breathe some life into the British agent. And it works, for the most part. I have to honor this movie’s intense action (intense to that the organization which rates movies describe it as “intense violence”), reminiscence, car chase between expensive cars, exploding gadgets, and Bond’s refreshing depth. Since I have always used the 4 star scale, I find it a fun enough movie to give 3 stars to. But the movie’s rather predictable ending a small plot hole stop me from giving it more…and wondering if its director, Sam Mendes, has the ability to stay on track with his interesting take on Bond, James Bond. For the easygoing Bond fanatic, “Spectre” will likely please the crowds.

Rating: 3 out of 4 stars

Spectre facts: Release: November 6 Time: 2 hours 28 minutes Production company: Columbia Pictures Starring: Daniel Craig, Cristoph Waltz, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, and Jesper Christensen Director: Sam Mendes (Skyfall, American Beauty)

Page 13 Nov. 13, 2015

Enough about Trump, it’s Time to Talk about Carson By Mari Boyle, Cal Times Contributor From the beginning of Trump’s campaign for the

began. So, Ben Carson’s theory is that arming less than

archaeologists who have actually studied and made it

Presidency, his name and his outlandish statements have

1% of a population is an adequate force compared to

their life’s work to investigate the Egyptian pyramids who

been plastered on every news channel multiple times

Adolf Hitler’s massive army. Need I say more?

say that their purpose was to honor pharaoh’s, Dr. Carson

a day. However, there is another Republican candidate

Dr. Ben Carson also compared another horrific and

has invented his own theory on them based on the Bible.

who makes equally, if not more, bizarre claims and, with

sensitive part of history to a modern controversy for

In an attempt to erase the criticism that Carson is unfit

the exception of this week, has not received as much

his presidential campaign. Carson said that abortion is

to be President because he lacks political experience,

media criticism. This candidate is Ben Carson. It seems

similar to slavery and that women who have abortions are

Carson authored a Facebook post where he stated

that almost weekly I see another statement from Ben

like slave owners. Once again, the two are nothing alike.

that, “Every signer of the Declaration of Independence

Carson that causes me to question his competency to

During slavery, white citizens enslaved an entire race due

had no elected office experience.” Did Dr. Carson even

be President. While these claims certainly garner some

to the color of their skin. They claimed ownership of those

bother to do even the tiniest of Google searching to

media attention, it certainly does not receive the same

people and subjected them to horrendous treatment.

see if this claim was true? More than half of the signers

amount as Donald Trump’s. Through Carson’s calm, cool,

Abortion is not this equivalent. The majority of women

had political experience by the time they signed the

and collected mannerisms, which are a stark contrast to

who consider abortions do so in dire circumstances, such

Declaration. After this claim was disproved, Carson

Ben Carson as a young boy who admittedly had severe

as if their life were in danger or the pregnancy was a

edited the post to read the signers had no federal

anger management issues, Ben Carson offers statements

result of rape, both of which Carson does not excuse for

elected office experience, which is true only because

that could top even Donald Trump’s original claim that


there was no federal government at the time. Overall,

America needs to build a wall to keep Mexicans out

Another statement of Ben Carson’s is that a Muslim

Carson’s attempt to prove that political experience is not

should never be president. Carson ignores the numerous

necessary to produce historic governance was factually

I am not going to dwell on the fact that Dr. Carson is a

other factors that go into the office, political experience,


brain surgeon who has been quite forthright about his

leadership capabilities, foreign policy experience,

For a very long time you could not watch the news

ignorance to science, such as his belief in creationism

legislative experience, a voting record, and many more,

without hearing, “we’re gonna build a wall!” and seeing

and his comment that climate change is irrelevant,

to focus on one single religion. Carson supports this

the orange tint and golden toupee that characterize

because I have no desire to offend anyone’s religion and

claim by saying that the United States constitution

Donald Trump. Yet, these five quotes which are either

ignoring climate change is characteristic of most, if not

conflicts too much with the religion for a Muslim to

offensive or lack any substantial evidence have not been

all, republican candidates. I will also not dwell on the fact

ever be president. Dr. Carson must have missed the part

so largely magnified. Until this week, where media has

that Carson fabricated his acceptance to West Point on a

where the constitution states, “no religious test shall ever

unabashedly criticized Ben Carson for lying about his

full scholarship, though that is certainly not something to

be required as qualification to any office or public trust

acceptance to West Point, the media has almost glazed

be ignored. Instead, let us take Ben Carson’s claim that if

under the United States” or the first amendment to the

over Carson’s ludicrous remarks. Thus, I encourage you all

the Jewish people of Nazi Germany were armed then the

constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an

to look past the title of “brain surgeon,” look past the soft

Holocaust could have been prevented. This theory of Ben

establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise

tone of voice known to Carson, and do not rely solely on

Carson’s has been disproved by Jewish groups, Holocaust

thereof.” I think a more fitting argument is that no one

the media to bring attention to what should be attended.

scholars, as well as the Anti-Defamation League, yet Ben

who has absolutely no political experience should ever

These statements are indicative of what kind of president

Carson has confidently stood by his statement. Exploiting

be President.

Ben Carson could be, ignorant to facts, the knowledge of

because they rape and steal.

the Holocaust in an attempt to pander to certain voters

The most recent of Ben Carson’s unusual claims is

is offensive and rather abhorrent and comparing Nazism

regarding Egyptian pyramids. In a commencement

to our modern society after a mass school shooting

speech in 1998, Ben Carson remarked that the pyramids

is wrong both morally and factually. When Hitler first

were not built to honor pharaohs but to store grain.

became chancellor, .75% of Germany was Jewish and

Recently, Carson has reaffirmed that he still believes this

more than half left the country by 1939, when the war

to be true. His evidence? The Bible. Despite the numerous

experts, and history.

Page 14 Nov. 13, 2014

Is this cup honestly that relevant? Starbucks’ new Christmas cups start heated discussion By Nikki Brognano, Cal Times Assistant News Editor Not really. But for some reason a few statements from Christians have blown up over social media pretty much stating how Starbucks has taken Christmas out of the holidays. As you have probably read throughout the many articles that have popped up this week, Starbucks has included holiday themed designs on their previous cups. This included snowflakes, reindeers, Santa Claus, ornaments, snowmen, etc. Unfortunately I see a common pattern for tiny religious issues to blow up so quickly over the media and it’s so disappointing. I am surprised that people have said that this cup symbolizes a war against Christianity in this country. Now, maybe this cup does represent that this is something that Christians are facing in the world today, but this is not anything new and if they were as focused on what the Bible says instead of paying so much attention to these cups along with the media, then they would be reminded that this stuff is said to happen anyways. But I will not sit here and say that his cup symbolizes a war against Christianity. There are far worse things in this world that I believe in my heart is worth calling a war. Such as the war in the middle east, the persecuted Christians, the rights that are taken away from the unborn, the churches that are

falling apart, the many friends of mine who are lost and addicted to drugs, the relationships that fail because their significant other is consumed by pornography, the families that are broken because nobody ever learned how turn away from their sinful habits before getting married. These are just some of the many issues that people face every day, and a Christian who is the real deal will be able to tell you that this kind of stuff right here is actually a war, not some cheap red cup that isn’t even biodegradable. Now I know some people don’t read this paper, but right now I really wish everybody was reading it. I want everybody to know what Christians are supposed to be about. Christians are not supposed to rant about a red cup on Facebook. Those who have done this have lost their focus with what they believe. Starbucks does not have to be an ambassador of the Church. Even though that would be nice, Starbucks isn’t entitled to that. If there are employees who work there that are Christians they still have the right to exercise their faith and say “Merry Christmas” if they want to. Just because it is not written on a cup it does not mean it isn’t there. I wish I could apologize to Starbucks for the sake of the whole

entire Christian community, and if any Christian were to be upset about that I would just tell them save their breath for something way more important. How about we devote more time towards feeding the hungry and providing shelter for the homeless? How about we spend more time figuring out how we are going to save all the young women and men that are being abused and kidnapped for sex trafficking across the world? People are so quick to jump on a band wagon for something silly that they forget what they are actually supposed to stand for. Did Jesus die on a cross for a red cup? “Some say Jesus Christ healed the sick and died to redeem humankind. Little is said about his views on the Pumpkin Spice Latte.” This quote was an opening for an article by the Associated Press for the LA Times and I believe it hits the nail perfectly for this issue. Do you really think God is fretting over this red cup right now? I believe the only cup that should stay relevant to Christians is the cup that Jesus used as a symbol of His blood in remembrance. So, since I am indeed a Christian I will be spending the holidays to remember the gift of the season and to also focus on what matters the most, not this red cup.

Page 15 Nov. 13, 2014

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Page 16 Nov. 13, 2015

Why Do Women Soccer Players Make So Much Less?

Female Professional Soccer Players are not making significantly less money their male counterparts By Rachael McKriger, Cal Times Contributor

not even have the best accommodations compared to

Abby Wambach, one of soccer’s most proficient

that of the males. For instance, the National Women’s

and stellar players, announced her retirement from

Soccer League (NWSL) teams like Sky Blue FC and the

international and club level soccer on October 27. It was

Washington Spirit play on soccer fields that look like my

a huge moment for United States soccer. With Wambach’s

old high school field. Sure Hopewell High School had a

retirement, she’ll be playing her last games for the United

decent and well maintained field, but the women have

States Women’s National Team (USWNT) in December’s

to play on a high school-like stadium while the males of

Victory Tour matches.

the MLS play in Yankee Stadium, CenturyLink Field, and Gillette Stadium.

Wambach will not be playing in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics next year. For her though, that doesn’t really

I went to go see the USWNT play at Heinz Field this past

matter for her image or status. Wambach is the number

August. When there, I saw so many people embracing

one scorer in both the male and female category on the

the sport and being excited. Who knew people could

international level with 184 goals. Following behind her

be this excited to be watching women’s soccer! There

is another former USWNT player, Mia Hamm, with 158

was tons of chatter about how the sport is growing and

goals. A male on that list doesn’t show up until 109 goals which were scored by Iranian soccer player Ali Daei. With all those goals and all the success, you would expect Abby Wambach to have a large salary, maybe even bigger than United States Men’s National Team (USMNT) players or other male internationals? Well, that’s where the system is wrong. Right before the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, Time. com did a round-up of female player’s salaries, including Wambach’s. Wambach’s salary was reported to be around $190,000 to $300,000. The thing about Wambach’s salary, which is significantly different than the salaries of male soccer players, is that all that money mainly comes through sponsorships, not from the clubs or international teams. Another fellow star player in international soccer is Brazil’s Marta. Marta is considered, like Wambach, to be one of the best forwards in international soccer. However, Marta only makes $400,000 from her club Tyresö FF (in Sweden) and the Brazilian Women’s National Team. Her Brazilian counterpart for the men’s team, Neymar Jr., makes around $31,000,000 from is club FC Barcelona and the Brazilian Men’s National Team. That major gap is practically the same in the United States. Michael Bradley from the USMNT is the highest

Photo: Wikimedia Commons paid player in Major League Soccer (MLS) with his club Toronto FC giving him $6.5 million a year. Down along the line, sitting at number three, fellow USMNT player Clint Dempsey is given $4.9 million by his club the Seattle Sounders. In addition to that, they make more with their national team salaries. In that stance, we’re talking about the USMNT. The same USMNT that didn’t make it out of the first round in the Round of 16 in last year’s FIFA World Cup. The same USMNT that played horribly and resulted in a fourth place finish in the Gold Cup this past summer. The same USMNT that dropped the ball against the Mexican National Team just last month in a crushing 3-2 loss that resulted in Mexico going to the Confederation’s Cup instead of the United States. Meanwhile, while all the worst scenarios were happening to the men’s national team, they were still getting paid more than the women’s national team players. The USMNT, who failed to even reach the semifinals of the World Cup last year, get paid more than the USWNT, who actually won the World Cup this past summer in a 5-2 win against Japan. It’s not just money that’s the issue either. There are so many other problems to why female soccer players might

how it could come to expand. And it has. For instance, a new team was announced in the NWSL, the Orlando Pride, and they will be playing where the men’s team, the Orlando City SC, play: the Citrus Bowl, which is a legit stadium. That’s a huge improvement. Next, they need to work on evening out the salaries. Women’s soccer is a growing sport, and the success of the USWNT has really proven that. It seems like the country during the past two World Cups was in a “soccer fever” and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that continue in Rio this next summer. However, women’s soccer has a long way to go before they get completely equal with the males. In my opinion, it shouldn’t be that way. The women have more success anyway! I don’t see the USMNT with three stars on their jersey above the United States Soccer crest. I’m not knocking on men’s soccer. I love the USMNT and I watch pretty much every game. I’m the proud owner of my Fabian Johnson and Clint Dempsey jerseys! But facts are facts, and the women have proven countlessly that they deserve equal pay, equal treatment, and equal respect as the male’s teams. Not just in the United States either, but around the world too. As President Barack Obama clearly stated about the USWNT, “Playing like a girl means you’re a badass.”

Page 17 Nov. 13, 2015

Vulcans women’s cross country team wins regionals By Sports Information For the first time in program history, the California University of Pennsylvania women’s cross country team captured the NCAA Atlantic Regional Championship and qualified as a team for the NCAA National Championships, another first in program history, on Saturday morning. The Vulcans earned the regional title after featuring three top-20 finishers, including a pair of top-10 runners. Edinboro, who was the two-time, defending-regional champion, finished second in the team standings with 112 points, while Shippensburg (116), East Stroudsburg (126) and Slippery Rock (130) rounded out the top five on Saturday. Edinboro freshman Ida Narbuvoll earned the individual title by nearly nine seconds with a time of 20 minutes, 32.8 seconds. Junior Julie Friend (Markleysburg, Pa./Uniontown) placed third overall after crossing the finish line in 20:45.8 to mark her second-straight top-10 finish at the event. She has been the team’s top runner in all five events in which she has competed in this fall with a pair of individual titles. Last year, Friend finished in seventh place at the regional championships to qualify as an individual for the NCAA National Championships. Redshirt senior Alex Zanella (Everett, Pa./Everett) posted a time of 21:05.6 to finish in seventh place while competing in a field of over 150 runners. As a junior in 2013, she qualified for the NCAA National Championships as an individual after placing fourth overall at the

The Vulcans women’s Cross Country team will be making their first appearance as a team in the NCAA national championships on November 21st regional championships. Redshirt sophomore Summer Hill (Honesdale, Pa./Honesdale) placed 21st overall on Saturday after finishing with a time of 21:47.8. The trio of Friend, Zanella and Hill each received allregion laurels by finishing in the top 25. Freshman Alyson Pierce (West Middlesex, Pa./West Middlesex) posted a time of 22:27.9 to finish in 37th place, while senior Alison Kimble (Morgantown, W.Va./University) rounded out the team scorers by finishing 41st overall with a time of 22:29.9. Freshman Maddie Thrasher Greenville, Pa./Greenville) and junior Shannon Bridges (Saint Marys, Pa./Saint Marys)

Photo: Sports Information both also competed at the event. Thrasher finished in 65th place with a time of 23:13.7 and Bridges crossed the finish line with a time of 23:54.2 and 93rd overall. Cal U previously recorded its best-ever finish at the NCAA Regional Championships last year by finishing fourth in the team standings The Vulcans have finished in the top 10 of the team standings at three-straight championships after placing either 13th or 14th each year from 2009-12. The Vulcans return to action in two weeks when they compete at the NCAA National Championships on Nov. 21 in Joplin, Missouri.

Despite playoff exit, Kubik ends Cal career on high note By Rachael McKriger, Cal Times Contributor we didn’t get to leave the field as winners.” Besides the playoff run, Kubik noted that his highlights Even though the California University of Pennsylvania of the season were beating rival Seton Hill 5-0 at the Men’s Soccer team did not get the result they wanted beginning of the season and beating Lock Haven in their playoff match against Slippery Rock University, University on senior day by a score of 5-1. Another Lubos Kubik would not change a thing about his senior season. Kubik, who will graduate in May with a degree in highlight for Kubik was the team itself. “Everything we did sports management, had a PSAC high of 10 assists and on the field and outside the field we did it together as a team and I can easily say even though we didn’t make it two goals this season for the Vulcans. Despite the Vulcans did not make it far into the playoffs, as far as we wanted to we became a great group, I would Kubik said the experience was worth all the hard work. almost say that we became a family.” Kubik expanded on the idea of possibly playing “From the preseason till the last game against Slippery professionally. Kubik’s father, Lubos Kubik Sr., played Rock it was a great experience and I enjoyed every single professionally in Major League Soccer (MLS) with the day with this group,” Kubik said. The team fell to Slippery Rock on November 3rd by a score of 1-0. “It was going to Chicago Fire for two years and with the Dallas Burn for be a battle because Slippery Rock is not very far from us one year as a defender. Another feat the senior Kubik so we consider it as our rivals,” Kubik said. “But I think we accomplished was being an assistant coach on the United stood up well and fought hard as a team. Unfortunately States Men’s National Team. Kubik explained that he wanted to follow in his father’s

steps. “My father was a phenomenal player and he set the bar really high for me, but I hope that one day I can play in the MLS like my father did, but I will have to take it step by step and work really hard. After graduation my dream is to play professionally and hopefully one day I could at least play in the league as my father did.” Kubik has gained experience in playing on a club by playing for the Des Moines Menace in Iowa, a semi-professional club in the Premier Development League (PDL). Before any professional soccer occurs, Kubik has his sights set on graduating with his Bachelor’s degree in May. However, he’s already said some goodbyes at Cal U, mostly to his teammates. “The “goodbyes” from my teammates and coach were little bit emotional, especially with my fellow seniors.” Lastly, Kubik mentioned that he wanted to thank the university and thank former coach Dennis Laskey and current coach Emedin Sabic for “giving me this opportunity.”

Page 18 Nov. 13, 2015

2015 Vulcan Football senior class one to remember By Matt Hagy, Sports Editor Nine California Vulcan Football seniors said goodbye to Adamson Stadium this past Saturday as the Vulcans played their final home game of the 2015 season against the Mercyhurst Lakers. The names included: quarterback James Harris, running back Derrick Fiore, offensive lineman Grant Jones and Jeremy Seaman, wide receivers Kowan Scott and Devin Lomax, defensive backs Chaz Veal and Josh Page, and defensive lineman Errol Brewster. The senior class was sent out with a 31-21 win which was also the first time any of these seniors knocked off the Lakers. Going in more depth with this senior class shows some of these players making an impact since they stepped foot on the team. Most notably was Kowan Scott. Scott established himself as the top deep threat his freshman year and has continued to terrorize defenses ever since. His first collegiate game came on the road in 2012 against the defending PSAC champion Kutztown Golden Bears. The Vulcans were on the verge of completing a catastrophic meltdown after leading the Golden Bears by 27 points at one point. Down 45-41 with just over a minute to go in the game, Kowan Scott using his state champion track speed, hauled in a 39 yard touchdown pass to stun Kutztown and give the Vulcans a 48-45 win. A star was born that day in Kutztown and Scott would use the next three seasons to pile up receiving yards to put him within striking distance of the Vulcans all-time record for receiving yards in one career. Scotts saved his best season for this year as he looks to surpass his career high 897 receiving yards a season ago while establishing a new career high for single game receiving yards against Gannon with 151. Entering the final regular season game, Scott just needs 9 more receiving yards to break Perry Kemp’s alltime receiving record at Cal. The pair of senior offensive lineman the Vulcans have helped solidify the offensive line for this season and show vast improvement this past month. Grant Jones will only play one season for the Vulcans as he transferred from Division one school Liberty, but he has started every game this season for the Vulcans as has Seaman. Seaman has been a Vulcan every season in his collegiate career even starting five games his freshman season. Like Jones, Errol Brewster will only play one season for the Vulcans but has played in the PSAC his entire collegiate career. After spending his first three seasons at IUP, Brewster has been a force for the Vulcans defensive line with a career high seven sacks so far along with nine tackles for loss. Staying on defense, Chaz Veal has established himself

The nine California Football Seniors will be playing their final regular season game at Lock Haven University this Saturday. Photo by: Josh Richardson as one of the more reliable defensive players on the Vulcan team. Veal has seen decent playing time since his freshman season with appearing in every game every year except last where he missed two games due to injury. Veal has seven career interceptions with six of them coming the past two seasons. Veal’s shining moment came in the Coal Bowl last season where he made a game clinching interception in the end zone to give the Vulcans a win over the rival IUP Crimson Hawks. Then there is the senior who has played both sides of the ball in his Vulcan career, Derrick Fiore. Fiore has seen time as both a defensive back and running back, both positions he played at local Ringgold high school. Fiore played as a reserve defensive back his freshman season before switching to running back for the first time in 2013 where he complimented his fellow backs Jeff Knox and Nick Grissom. Fiore’s best season at running back was his first season where he had two touchdowns on the ground and had his most yards in a season with 375. Fiore spent another season at running back then began this season back at defensive back but was switched back to running back after an injury to Nate Goldsmith. While Fiore has been a compliment back most of his Vulcan career, he has always been a reliable option and has established himself as the primary running back on third downs. For Devin Lomax and Josh Page, they have both spent their entire collegiate careers as a Vulcan and used patience to gain more playing time. This season Lomax caught his first ever touchdown pass against Seton Hill

and Page is on pace to set a career high in tackles for a season. This leaves us with the quarterback, James Harris. Harris came to the Vulcans in 2013 after playing three seasons of baseball at Wake Forest and won the starting job over then starter Cody Schroeder in early October after not playing football since his senior year of high school in Etowah, Georgia. Harris steadily led the Vulcans to four wins which set up his career junior season in 2014 where he went over 3,000 yards and finished in the top 5 in the PSAC with 24 passing touchdowns. Harris also set the single game passing yard record last season against Mercyhurst with 473 and four touchdowns. In his final season expectations were high and Harris has had his ups and downs in 2015. Twice he has finished with no touchdowns and three interceptions but regardless has held his own and has a chance for another 3,000 yard season with 20 plus touchdown passes. The one thing this senior class has never experienced is a berth in the NCAA playoffs and also a PSAC west title and PSAC championship appearance. The PSAC things will not happen, but there is still a chance heading into the final weekend the Vulcans could make the NCAA playoffs. Needing a win over Lock Haven and some help, this senior class has a chance to play in the postseason for the first time since 2011. It would be a great reward for a senior class while small, has helped keep the winning tradition at Cal that has been going on for the past decade.

Page 19 Nov. 13, 2015

Vulcans break losing streak to Lakers on Senior Day By Danny Beeck, Cal Times Contributor The California University of Pennsylvania Vulcans football team had a lot to fight for this week. Taking on the Mercyhurst Lakers at home on senior day was big enough, then it turned out they were ranked ninth in the nation which puts them two spots out of contention for a playoff berth. The Vulcans were fired up before the game, with good reason due to their current position. Everything had to be left out on the field and with every tic of the clock, the team had to come together and work as one. The Vulcans knew their opponent, and knew what to expect from the Lakers defense. On the opening drive, better yet, the first offensive play from scrimmage, senior quarterback James Harris threw a perfect ball to sophomore Luke Smorey, who quickly shrugged off a defender and took the ball 75 yards down the field for a touchdown. An impressive stop from the Vulcans defense wasn’t even the highlight of the ensuing drive either, when a blocked field goal kept the lead at 7. Senior Kowan Scott shined on his senior day too, contributing 60 passing yards on the next drive, putting sophomore William Brazill in perfect field position to drill a 24 yard field goal making it 10-0 in favor of the Vulcans. The quarter would end with Mercyhurst in possession, driving down the field. The second quarter would open in a strange way, after a roughing the kicker penalty on a punt gave the Lakers a first down and allowed them to get a drive started again. Yet another blocked kick at the end of a drive that took 9:32 in its entirety gave California the ball back at their own 20. The explosive duo of John Franklin III and Jimmy Wheeler took the Vulcans all the way to the end zone

Senior Kowan Scott needs nine more receiving yards to become the all-time leader in receiving yards in Cal Football History. with a one-yard rush from Franklin. John Franklin would extend his streak to 10 games with a score in the first half, being a constant contributor to the Vulcans offense scoring in every single game this season. A close call from the Mercyhurst quarterback would give the Vulcans defense enough energy to finish out the quarter, keeping the score 17-0 going into halftime. A rush heavy offense led by Brandon Brown-Dukes for the Lakers opened up the second half, marching 73 yards, taking 8:41 off the clock, making the score 17-7. A healthy dose of both passing and running allowed Harris to take control of his offense, a putting more points on the board after a two yard touchdown pass to Laker killer Garry Brown. Going up 24-7 right before the end of the third quarter gave the Vulcans what they need to stop the Lakers and come out with the victory. California would be stopped on their first drive of the fourth quarter, giving the ball to the Lakers and allowing them to start a comeback. Logan Weaver would enter

Photo by: Josh Richardson the game for Mercyhurst after a big hit knocked Laker quarterback Zach Emerick out of the game. Weaver would come up big for the Lakers on a 15 yard pass into the end zone making the score 24-14. Franklin would pat his stats some more on the next drive, when all of the plays went to him after the drive started with a pass to Garry Brown. The score increased to 31-14 with only 1:45 left on the clock. Mercyhurst would answer back with a quick drive of their own making it 31-21. On the kickoff after the touchdown, the Lakers would recover their own onside kick but senior Chaz Veal ended his final game at Adamson Stadium with an interception, ending the game, giving the Vulcans the win. The Vulcans now riding a three game winning streak sit one spot out of the last playoff spot in the Atlantic region at eighth. They will travel to Lock Haven to face off against the Bald Eagles at 1pm needing a win and some help to make the playoffs.

Hagy’s Big Ten NCAA: Week 11 and NFL: Week 10 Last Week’s Record: 7-3 Season Record: 69-31 NCAA Game


Pittsburgh @ Duke Alabama @ Mississippi State Memphis @ Houston Oklahoma @ Baylor UPSET: Oregon @ Stanford

Duke Alabama Houston Baylor Oregon

NFL Game Browns @ Steelers Vikings @ Raiders Chiefs @ Broncos Patriots @ Giants Cardinals @ Seahawks

Winner Steelers Vikings Broncos Patriots Cardinals

If you want to compete against Matt Hagy, sports editor, submit your picks to caltimes@calu. edu by that Saturday Morning at 11 a.m. If you beat Matt, your picks and name will be in next week’s paper. Good luck fellow pickers!

Page 20 Nov. 13, 2015

Cal Times Athlete Spotlight Kira Goin

Class: Freshman Major: Tourism Hometown: Pointe-Claire, Quebec High School: Dawson College Expectations were high for Goin coming into her first season swimming for the Vulcans. Goin made a great first impression in her debut two weeks ago by winning three events in dual matches against Wheeling Jesuit and Notre Dame (Ohio). She won the 50 freestyle and broke a five year pool record in the 100 butterfly by almost nine tenths of a a second with a time of 59.40 seconds. Her performance garnered her PSAC swimmer of the week honors as she looks to continue to impress in her freshman swimming season.

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