Cal Times, February 15, 2019

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vol. 49 no. 2 february 15, 2019

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black history month

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Feb. 15, 2018

On the cover:

Our front page features a photo of original ar t work created by Todd Pink ham, associate professor, Depar tment of Ar t and Languages. The painting will be par t of the Black H istor y Month: Black Ar ts Festival at 7 p.m. in Vulcan Hall on Feb. 28. Cal U student ar t will be featured through live painting and spoken word. Refreshments, music and giveaways will all be par t of the event. Sponsors: Depar tment of Ar t and Languages and Cal U Women United.

Have you met your perfect match? Begin your search for the right summer internship! It all starts with a handshake... Visit to: Complete your personal profile and upload your resume Search for internship opportunities Schedule an appointment with your career coach for internship search assistance Applications for Summer 2019 Internships Open:

February 18th, 2019 Schedule an appointment with the Internship Center for tips on how to complete an application

Natali, Suite 138











Student Affairs did you know? The Center for Volunteer Programs and Service Lear ning is located in Natali Room 119. Their office is open from 8am – 4pm Monday through Friday. This office is the place to go for anything involving service. All volunteer opportunities offered to students at CalU are facilitated through the Center for Volunteer Programs and Service Lear ning, directed by Diane Hasbrouck. Whether you are looking to fulfill a class, team, or organization requirement this office will help you out. The Cal U Cupboard is also located within Natali Room 119. The CalU Cupboard offers free food, personal hygiene products, and school supplies to students at CalU. Anonymous and free, the CalU Cupboard is working hard to break down the stigma surrounding food insecurity on campus. For more infor mation on the office, the Cupboard, and the service opportunities offered on campus, visit Questions can be sent via email to



POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.

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Feb. 15, 2018

A heavy blow to the narco world

El Chapo, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, is found guilty James Rudolph, News Editor

Three years af ter his capture, Joaquin Guzman Loera, notoriously k nown as ElChapo, was found guilt y for his involvement as the leader of the Sinaloa drug car tel. Af ter a week of deliberation, the jur y in the trial, at the Federal Distric t Cour t in Brook lyn where an enormous amount of evidence, including at least 56 witness testimonies, some of which were in El Chapo’s organization, found him guilt y of 10 different counts of drug traffick ing and face life in prison, which will be issued at his sentence hearing on June 25. For years, Guzman and the Sinaloa car tel held a death- grip on the Mexican under world. Por trayed as an outlaw and a folk hero, Guzman and his organization conduc ted wide -spread smuggling of drugs, heinous ac ts of violence, prison breaks, evasion of Mexican authorities and corruption of the Mexican government. I n 2009, Forbes listed Guzman as the 10th richest person alive, with an estimated $1 billion in net wor th. El Chapo, which roughly translates to “Shor t y,” has been in the crosshairs of the law since 1993. He was blamed for the assassination of the Roman Catholic cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo at an airpor t in Guadalajara. He was convic ted for the k illing, but escaped in 2001 in a laundr y car t, where he then lived a life on the run-in hideouts. I n 2012, he slipped away from the F.B.I and Mexican authorities while raiding his mansion is Los Cabos. He was captured in a hotel in Mazatlán by the D.E.A and Mexican authorities in 2014, but escaped prison again through a tunnel dug into the shower of his cell. However, he was arrested in 2016 in Los Mochis, Mexico, af ter a gunfight that resulted in the death of Mexican Marines. The video of the raid and gunfight can be seen in a video online. He was ex tradited to Brook lyn where he faced indic tment, and indic tments in six different judicial distric ts. The indic tment accused him of generating $14 billion in revenue from drug smuggling, including cocaine and heroin. I t is estimated that he organized the smuggling of 200 tons of drugs across the U.S. with a variet y

Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera at his arrival in New York for his indic tment

of methods, including yachts, speedboats, long-range fishing boats, airplanes, submarines, trains, trailers filled with meat, a tunnel, and even cans of jalapenos. The trial itself exposed the dangerous and complex world of the Sinaloa drug car tel. The trail itself included tight securit y from bomb -sniffing dogs, snipers, federal marshals, and radiation detec tors. The jur y and par ticipants of the trail saw t wo sides of El Chapo and his organization: the logistic side and the violence side. The jur y heard explicit details about the financing and logistics of the organization, and the amount of resources poured into smuggling effor ts for a vast amount of heroin, cocaine, marijuana and synthetic drugs. They also heard horrifying stories of thousands of bodies, k illed by the Sinaloa car tel, burned in bonfires and the drugging and rape of young women by El Chapo and his men. Additionally, assassination plots and mass- conspiracies , including a $100 million bribe to the Mexican president,by the car tel were brought to light. The convic tion of El Chapo dealt a heav y blow to the Sinaloa Car tel and drug-

Photo by : Associated Press

smuggling as a whole. The Sinaloa Car tel is now, largely, controlled by his sons. However, bet ween 2016-2017, the D.E.A estimated that heroin produc tion in Mexico increased by 37 percent, and more than double the amount of fentanyl was seized at southern borders along the U.S. The D.E.A identify the Sinaloa Car tel and another Mexican drug car tel, the Jalisco New Generation car tel as the greatest criminal threat facing the United States. El Chapo’s convic tion ser ves as a huge win for law- enforcement and their effor ts to stop drug smuggling and drug-related violence. Angel Melendez, special agent in charge of Homeland Securit y investigations said: “One of the impor tant things about this convic tion is that it sends a resounding message (to drug traffickers). You’re not unreachable, you’re not untouchable and your day will come.” Although the struggle against Mexican drug car tels and their empires continues, the leaders of these organizations definitely felt a chill down their spine as they see one of the worst drug lords in histor y finally fall.

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Feb. 15, 2019


The Smiley Face Killers

How one Cal U Professor helped investigate a serial-killer conspiracy Steven Ruffing, Staff Writer

On Jan. 27, 2017, former Duquesne graduate student Dakota James was caught on a security camera in the Cultural District in Pittsburgh. That was the last time Mr. James would be seen alive. His body was later found in the Ohio River on March 6, nearly six weeks later. James’ death was officially ruled as an accidental drowning later in May. Over the past 12 years, an investigative team, led by retired New York Detective Kevin Gannon, has looked into cases similar to the one of Dakota James for a documentary series on Oxygen called Smiley Face Killers: The Hunt for Justice. These cases involve young men who went missing after a night of drinking and eventually found dead. The cases range from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin. Dakota James’ story was the first told on the Oxygen series. The show added a little more proximity to the case when the team asked Cal U professor Raymond Hsieh to access James’ laptop. Dr. Hsieh is a Professor of Forensics and Criminal Justice on our campus as well as a Computer Forensic Expert. The Oxygen crew gave him five days, due to their filming schedule in Pittsburgh, to access James’ computer for any evidence. Dr. Hsieh said, “I needed to find all activity associated with that time.” Before he could find any information, he had to first find a way to break through the password to Mr. James’ laptop. Dr. Hsieh continued and said, “I spent a lot of time decrypting his computer and luckily I logged into his computer by decrypting two passwords.” One of the problems that Dr. Hsieh ran into was Duquesne University disabling Dakota James’ school email, which was the backup email that the student used for his Google email. This halted Dr. Hsieh from going to the university and getting into his email and resetting his Google email that way. Luckily for Hsieh, he unlocked his Google account after what he said was “spending a lot of effort unlocking the account.” Getting access to James’ computer and Google account was only the first step to. Hsieh’s efforts. The Cal U professor still needed to find some sort of evidence that could provide help to the documentary’s investigation. After searching

Dr. Raymond Hsieh, director of justice studies, discussing his role in the documentary’s investigation

James’ email, he discovered something unusual. During his search, Hsieh noted, “I see that, in an email PayPal sent him, that a transaction was complete on that account.” Hsieh continued, “that was two days after he was reported missing.” The information that detailed a transaction being made after Dakota James went missing. Hsieh raised the question, “if you think a person is missing for two days, why is his account still active?” Before Hsieh’s findings, he didn’t have a complete understanding of the original investigation of Dakota James’ disappearance and said, “I was told that a person is missing and didn’t know that this discovery is pretty crucial.” The issue with Hsieh’s findings is that there was no IP address for the purchase that was made to the Apple store through PayPal. “I assumed PayPal should record any transaction’s IP address,” said Hsieh, but there was no record kept. The IP address helps link the purchase made to Apple to PayPal. Although there was no way to get the IP address, Hsieh’s findings were still important to the investigation being

Photo by: Jeff Helsel

conducted by the documentary crew. Although Hsieh’s duties were strictly to access Dakota James’ computer and find any useful information, the professor still raised questions about the death of Mr. James. One of Hsieh’s biggest concerns was the decomposition of Dakota James. “His body was in the water for 40 days, it should be extremely decomposed, but it’s not,” Hsieh said. “The day he was reported missing and the decomposition timeline doesn’t match.” Evidence is a crucial part of what Hsieh does, which he proved by finding the information on Dakota James’ laptop, which added a new twist in the first episode of the documentary series. It can be evidence that can take the case much further than the documentary series. The Cal U professor thinks that the evidence he found could persuade people to think differently about the case and possibly open it up to prove that it was not a natural death. Hsieh said, “Police should seriously consider to go in that direction.”

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Feb. 15, 2019

The semi-annual Club and Organization Fair Cal U’s student clubs and organizations attract a crowd James Rudolph, News Editor

This past Tuesday, Cal U hosted its semi-annual Club and Organization Fair at the Performance Center, in the Natali Student Center. The different clubs and organizations set-up tables and displays containing information that detailed the club’s purpose and activities, while members from each club and organization held discussion with prospective students. This way, students interested in belonging to a club or organization at Cal can hear about the perks and benefits that come with participating, and how involvement with these clubs and organizations can help in your future. Held between 11 a.m.-1 p.m., hundreds of students gathered around the front and inside the Performance Center. Around 160 of Cal U’s clubs and organizations were represented. A flurry of activity commenced as students engaged in conversation with members of the specific club or organization, while participating in different activities or games that were at various clubs’ tables. On the mainstage, the Cal U Judo and Self-Defense Club conducted demonstrations of the skills developed with participating in the club. The familiar sight of freshman with interview sheets, as required by their respective classes, blended with students truly interested in extracurricular activities and club-involvement. The clubs that seemed to attract the most interest involved athletics or sports, or if they were involved in Greek life. However, that doesn’t mean the other clubs didn’t receive their fair share of attention. The sports clubs at Cal U see a good amount of activity and success in their respective sports. The Cal U Baseball club’s season has been nothing short of successful. Cory Lent, the president of the Baseball Club, explained they were 26-2 last season, with no regular season losses. They ranked number-one in the nation as their final ranking, were New Penn South Regional champions, and finished fourth in the 2018 Division II World Series. This year, their 5-3 record in the Fall season preceded their numberthree ranking in the Nation for the Spring Season. On April 13-14, the Cal U Baseball Club faces number-two ranked Ohio State in a series.

Students interacting and enjoying the Cal U Club and Organization Fair

Success in athletics is just one of the benefits that comes with club or organization participation. All of the clubs here at Cal U have various advantages and benefits that are helpful, either immediately or in the longrun. One of the biggest concerns students have is networking and how a specific club or organization will help them. William Doman, an accounting major, is Treasurer of the Marketing Club and a member of Enactus. For him, networking is key and his participation in these clubs and organizations puts him in a position to easily network with other students and future employees. Emily Garrison-Waiko, a dual major in plant biology and conservation ecology, is vice president of the sustainability club. Through her club, she is able to network with companies with a focus on environmentalism and conservation. These clubs and organizations are heavily involved in the community, not just the Cal U student community, but the community of California as a whole. Garrison-Waiko explained how their clubs focus for 20192019 is community outreach and bolstering community leadership. Xavier Baney, a specialeducation major and secretary of the Council for Exceptional Children, explained how they are

Photo by: Jeff Helsel

heavily involved in the local community. Baney and Cassie Folmar, the treasurer of the Council for Exceptional Children, went into detail about how they organize at least three dances a year for those with special needs. Not only are they involved with children with special needs, but with special needs adults as well. Among the immediate and apparent benefits of club and organization activity, students have individual gains and insights to benefit from on a personal level. Students can clearly identify specific aspects of extra-curricular activities that benefit them in a way that other students wouldn’t see. For Doman, this experience gives him opportunities that he wouldn’t get from a class room, or from things gleaned in your daily life. Additionally, the first-hand insight he gained from participating in these clubs is invaluable. Garrison-Waiko said, “It teaches me a lot about responsibility.” The Cal U Club and Organization fair presents ample opportunities for students to come pursue their interests. The skills and knowledge gained from participation in any of these clubs, even if they are for personal interests and not academic or professional, greatly benefits anyone who puts in the effort to participate. Turn to page 6 and 7 for photos from the event.

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Feb. 15, 2019


Cal U Organization Fair Spring 2019 Photos by Jeff Helsel, SAI


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Feb. 15, 2019

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Feb. 15, 2019

There’s some new editors in town Two new editors join the Cal Times family By Tom Caton, Entertainment Editor & Morgan Buckwalter, Opinions Editor

Photo courtesy of Tom Caton

Hello everyone! I am the new entertainment editor, Thomas “Tom” Caton! I already knew I had some very large shoes to fill following the departure of former entertainment editor, Jessica Crosson. I have written for Cal Times in the past, starting in the 2017 fall semester, but this is my very first time/year holding an editorial staff position for the newspaper. I decided to run for entertainment editor because I loved writing entertainment pieces for Cal Times last year and last semester. Hailing from my hometown of Baden, Pa., I am currently a sophomore studying Communications with a concentration in Radio & TV at Cal U. I plan to graduate in 2021. I am also a production crew member for California University Television (CUTV), and a certified DJ at the local radio station on campus, 91.9FM WCAL. Outside of the media suite, I am also a member of the University Honors Program, the HAB/Alumni Representative for the Student Honors Advisory Board (SHAB), and a peer mentor. My biggest life dream is to ultimately be a talk show host on TV in the future and move to New York City. Out of all the places I have ever traveled to, going to New York City was the best (hence why I want to move there). Also, I love going to the beach and hope to visit Hawaii sometime in the future. I have had many interesting/exciting memories occur at CalU and the overall best memory was touring the WPXI TV Studio back in November. The studio set was very thrilling to me and I knew I picked my major for a reason. I come from a huge family and one fun/interesting fact about me is that I have a twin sister, Megan. I also love animals; I have a dog named Barlow and two rabbits named Ollie and Otis. Overall, I am beyond excited to be the new entertainment editor and I am looking forward to a great semester at Cal Times! I consider all of the editors in Cal Times to be another family to me.

² Hello! My name is Morgan Buckwalter, and I am the new Opinions Editor for Cal Times. I started writing for Cal Times in the fall of 2018 as a staff writer. I was given the incredible opportunity to write for the Opinions section of the paper. My hometown is York, Pennsylvania and I will graduate from Cal U in 2021. I have been on the Dean’s List every semester as well as an active member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. My major is Secondary Education with a concentration in English. The preferred grade level I would like to teach would be middle school because the students are always bundles full of energy. I also believe it is important to impact students’ lives in a positive way by finding new, fun ways for them to learn. I hope to eventually start or join a newspaper club or journalism class for my future students. Overall, Cal Times is an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in journalism, writing, or becoming a part of a welcoming group of people.

Photo courtesy of Morgan Buckwalter


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Feb. 15, 2019

Halftime Show: Hit or Miss?

Superbowl LII show left fans disappointed By Tom Caton, Entertainment Editor

The Super Bowl is famously known for being the biggest night in football for the National Football League. Fans tune in to cheer on their team, if they made it all the way to the Super Bowl, watch the commercials, and watch the Super Bowl halftime show. This year for Super Bowl LIII (53), band Maroon 5 hosted the halftime show along with rapper Travis Scott and Atlanta legend Big Boi. However, the halftime show has been having mixed emotions about the performance. Super Bowl LIII was played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, GA with the Los Angeles Rams competing against the New England Patriots for the famous Vince Lombardi trophy and a coveted Super Bowl ring. It was a pretty slow game to start out with. By halftime, the Patriots were only up 3-0. Most fans were looking forward to the halftime show because huge surprises were in store from all the performers. Dressed like a goth version of Hugh Jackman in The Greatest Showman and accompanied by fireballs, Levine crooned, warbled, and wiggled his way through Maroon 5’s custardy hits about love lost, “She Will be Loved,” love found “Sugar,” and love best enjoyed naked, “Moves Like Jagger.” The dancing was not exactly memorable, and save for an attention-grabbing SpongeBob SquarePants segue and entertaining appearances by Travis Scott and Big Boi, there was not really a standout moment of searing spectacle. Instead, perhaps the most compelling part of the performance was how lead singer Adam Levine managed to go from wearing a long coat to shirtless over the course of the 15-minute show. The thing about a lot of Maroon 5’s most popular songs is that, with the exception of perhaps “Moves Like Jagger,” none really snap, crackle, or pop from the start. Songs like “What Lovers Do,” “Girls Like You,” and “Sugar,” while plenty catchy, do not really have peaks or drops in emotions. These songs are perfect radio songs to sing along to. With that seemingly in mind, the band kicked off with their hit “Harder to Breathe”—a song that builds and builds, unlike some of their aforementioned hits. Also, Levine’s locals were a little dodgy from the start, missing some of the short vocal bursts in the beginning. Though he ended up finding his comfort zone as the band transitioned into their second song, “This Love,” the overall mellowness of the medley that also included “Girls Like You” and “She Will be Loved,” never really felt exciting until the last third. Because of the show’s unenthusiastic start, the brief moments where Maroon 5 shared the spotlight with Travis

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Unlimited Package 2 months unlimited: $80 Scott and Big Boi were welcome. Before introducing Scott, the show cut to an animated interlude by SpongeBob SquarePants in homage to “Sweet Victory,” a song that the SpongeBob cast performed in 2001. The segment was a love letter to SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg, who passed away from ALS in November 2018. After the sweet gesture, Travis Scott blazed onto the stage—appearing to arrive via a literal comet in the sky and then rapping his hit single “Sicko Mode” while surrounded by flames. The shift in energy was noticeable (and probably relative to Maroon 5’s sweet hits), as Scott gave the performance a sense of edge and excitement. Big Boi, in a majestic fur coat, tapped into that same kind of energy, performing Outkast’s “The Way You Move.” The change-ups helped the show along until Levine finally found his groove. After the halftime show concluded, social media exploded with unsatisfied posts from fans about not receiving a show they were initially promised. The show overall was fine, but there could have been improvements and more could have been done to make the show more enthusiastic. Many memes were also created shortly after the performers left the field. Fans were extremely upset by there not being a “Sweet Victory” tribute during the show after seeing/ hearing multiple rumors about on the Internet. People also commented on how Levine’s shirt resembled a couch pillow or drapes in their living room. Also, people commented on how Levine was trying to constantly catch his breath, which made the show seem substandard and rushed. At the end of the day, Maroon 5 put on a show for fans to enjoy. Overall, the show was fine but many fans are still stating how subpar the show was and what could have been done to make the show more exciting. It is not easy to perform at the Super Bowl where millions of people are watching and mistakes can make those watching upset. Now we await for Super Bowl LIV (54) and see who will perform at the halftime show next year!

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Feb. 15, 2019


The 61st Grammy Awards

A recap of what happened this year at the 2019 Grammy’s By Tom Caton, Entertainment Editor

The biggest names in music gathered together on February 10, 2019 for the 61st annual Grammy Awards. The show was full of jaw-dropping surprises and unforgettable memories. So let’s recap what all went down at this year’s Grammy Awards...

2019 Grammy Winners*: Best R&B Album“H.E.R.” by H.E.R. Best Country Album“Golden Hour” by Kacey Musgraves Album of the Year“Golden Hour” by Kacey Musgraves Record of the Year“This is America” by Childish Gambino Song of the Year“This is America” by Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson Best New ArtistDua Lipa Best Pop Solo Performance“Joanne” by Lady Gaga Best Pop Vocal Album“Sweetener” by Ariana Grande Best Pop Duo/Group Performance- “Shallow” by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper Best Rap Album“Invasion of Privacy” by Cardi B Best Rap Song- “God’s Plan” by Drake Best Country Song“Space Cowboy” by Kacey Musgraves Best R&B Performance“Best Part” by H.E.R. feat. Daniel Caesar Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album“My Way” by Willie Nelson Best Rock Performance“When Bad Does Good” by Chris Cornell Best Rock Album“From the Fires” by Greta Van Fleet Best Alternative Music Album“Colors” by Beck

The opening of the 61st Grammy’s; From left to right: Lady Gaga, Jada Pinkett Smith, Alicia Keys (host), Michelle Obama, and Jennifer Lopez.

Unforgettable Grammy Moments:

1. Michelle Obama helped open the show. 2. Kacey Musgraves cleaned up by taking home 4 Grammys. 3. Janelle Monae gave another memorable performance. 4. A dazzling tribute to Dolly Parton was made featuring Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Little Big Town, & more. 5. H.E.R. stunned with a performance of “Hard Place” from her 2018 EP I Used to Know Her: Part 2. 6. Diana Ross celebrated her 75th birthday at the Grammy’s. 7. Lady Gaga shined up the stage & took home 2 Grammys that night. 8. Brandi Carlile took home 3 Grammys before she even hit the stage to perform. 9. St. Vincent & Dua Lipa teamed up to perform a mashup of “Masseduction” & “One Kiss.” *To check the entire list of this year’s Grammy 10. A speical tribute was made in honor of nominees & winners, log onto! Aretha Franklin.

Top: Dolly Parton & Miley Cyrus perform together at the Grammy’s Bottom: Joy Villa made her annual MAGA statement on the red carpet by promoting Pres. Trump & the wall

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Feb. 15, 2019

ALBUM OF THE WEEK By Evan Peffer, Staff Writer

Ariana Grande - thank u, next Not many artists are able to pull off putting out an album only six months after the previous one, let alone make them both be high quality, but Ariana Grande has managed to do the impossible. thank u, next is by far one of the strongest, most energetic, cohesive albums to be put out in the last few years, flowing effortlessly between smooth, serene vocals in songs like “imagine,” and snappy R&B beats like in “NASA” and “bloodline.” If all you’ve heard of this album are the singles, just know: they are far from the best on the album. Between this release and Sweetener, it is safe to say she has officially secured her current place as the biggest pop star in the world. With being well-written, masterfully produced, and not a single skip-worthy song, this is definitely one to check out.

RATE: 93/100



SATURDAY - SUNDAY 4pm - 7pm - 10pm

The rom-com is an oft hated category when it comes to modern movies. They are corny, cliche, and usually unoriginal. Crazy Rich Asians was a refreshing and needed change for the genre. Its diverse cast, quick and sharp screenplay, and overall fun vibe, was such a wonderful experience for a movie watcher who despises most rom-coms. Some of the corniness and expected twists did irk me a little, but as a whole I was simply stunned. Its success has spurred a revival for the genre as a whole, with many tv shows and movies looking to jump on its wave and keep changing the genre.

RATE: 85/100


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Feb.15, 2019


By Danny Beeck, Editor in Chief

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ractice, I would always look up at the record board and visualize ing there,” Kira Goin, senior swimmer at California University of said. “When I finally did it four years later, it was a really good

goal-oriented mindset that allowed Goin to solidify her spot in y with a time of 2 minutes, 6.72 seconds on the third day of the 2018 State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Championships. of success was planted early on for Goin and she feeds that drive elentless pursuit of achieving her full potential. y focused and get better every year,” Goin said. “I try to set goals for se I feel like that gives me meaning.” hildhood, Goin was heavily involved in sports. She was raised in the -Claire, Quebec which lies in the outskirts of Montreal. Playing into pe of athletes who grow up in Canada, Goin found her passion for ice first. from, the two big sports are swimming and hockey,” Goin said. “I ing skating, but since the whole town puts their kids into the swim ow I got my start. It’s a big sports city, so there’s always an influence her people are doing. It started just like that.”

Turn to page 21

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Feb.15, 2019

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Feb. 15, 2019


Preparing for Cal U’s upcoming performances of “Edges” are (from left) sophomore Jeromy Mackey (Waynesburg, Pa.), freshman Daniel Nuttall (Brownsville, Pa.), sophomore Marissa Sorenson (Corry, Pa.), Erin Stump (Brownsville, Pa.), junior Alexandra Wilson (Uniontown, Pa.), and senior E.J. Christopher (Uniontown, Pa.).

Cal U presents ‘Edges’

Music and theatre department opens spring season Feb. 21-23 By Cal U Public Relations

California University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Music and Theatre opens it spring season with the musical, Edges. Showtimes are 7 p.m. Feb. 21-22 and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Feb. 23 in Steele Hall Blaney Theatre. Edges, from award-winning composer-lyricist team of Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, is a charming, witty and honest examination of adulthood. “This is a song cycle where we see the cast portraying young adults struggling with decisions as they take journeys through the various songs,” said Dr. Michele Pagen, who directs the production. “This really hits home for everyone in one way or another, and it has funny and touching moments. “The students have worked hard, and this is also a great opportunity for the ones with musical theater concentrations to really show all the voice character and voice creation they’ve worked on in class,” Pagen added. Ticket price is $12 for adults; $6 for those 55 and older and 12 and younger. Cal U students with valid CalCards pay 50 cents, plus a $5 deposit that is refunded at the show. For ticket information, or to charge tickets by phone, call the Steele Hall Box Office at 724-938-5943.

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Feb. 15, 2019

Kimberly Rhoades: College YouTuber Balancing college & YouTube life By Tom Caton, Entertainment Editor

Billions and billions of people log onto YouTube each and every day to watch that latest video everyone has been talking about. Otherwise, people spend their time on YouTube to watch countless videos on just about every topic imaginable. Currently, there are more than 40 million YouTubers worldwide. A YouTuber is a person who uploads, produces, or appears in videos on the video-sharing website YouTube. You have your most famous YouTubers including PewDiePie, Ryan Higa, Markiplier, and more. But do not forget that YouTubers include your average Joes also who just posted a video about their fancy dinner or daily exercise routine. It might be a challenge to hold a college life and YouTube life, but fellow California University student and YouTuber, Kimberly Rhoades, has accepted the fate! Everyone who watches YouTube has to have a favorite YouTube they love to constantly watch from time-to-time. Even though she is just starting out, Rhoades is slowly but surely building her credibility and YouTube status. In order to find her YouTube page, just simply type “Kimberly Rhoades” into the search bar and quickly hit the subscribe button. The videos Rhoades has on her page are mostly make-up tutorials and plain life style videos. Her intended purpose in all of her videos is to show her audience how to properly blend blush and apply mascara, show what her school routine consists of, or be a person anyone can go to. She also wants teach people how to get through life. Her inspiration to beginning a YouTube page is simply being a friend to people. She wants her audience to connect with her and find her page as an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. She stated that


during her nighttime routine. Her highestviewed video on her page is “21st Birthday Haul” that currently has more than 2,000 views. Rhoades sees herself as a “real YouTuber.” She is not simply making these videos for popularity, publicity, and millions of views, she wants to be real on YouTube. She stated even though she would like to receive countless views and publicity, but she is making these videos so people watching can relate to her as a friend. She wants to be that person for somebody and not so much benefit herself. Rhoades says she wants to thank her friend and roommate Macy Gross for all her help with her videos. She relies on Gross for being the camera operator and for making numerous appearances in some of the videos. Rhoades also described that filming videos can be quite challenging; you always want to ensure everything is going as planned. She also chuckled when describing the lengthy process of editing YouTube videos. “It looks like anyone can accomplish the task, but it takes certain Photo courtesy of Kimberly Rhoades skills, time, and practice to accurately edit any kind of video.” life can become difficult and challenging at times and In conclusion, Rhoades started her own she hopes that her YouTube page is an oasis where YouTube page for fun and simply because she wants people can go to and unwind their troubles away. to. She considers her YouTube page to be that escape Rhoades’s main YouTube idols she looks up to is for somebody else. She is always looking forward to Jeffree Star and Tati Westbrook. Rhoades really loves to every Wednesday to post new content for audiences indulge in make-up and other beauty care products in to watch. To close out the interview, she stated “If I her spare time, and Star and Westbrook are some of the can make one person’s day, then that makes me really biggest names in make-up on YouTube. Besides giving happy.” So please, the next time you find yourself on make-up tutorials, Rhoades loves to show her audience YouTube, check out Kimberly Rhoades, a college life style videos. She has just recently posted a video YouTuber. showing her audience what actions she completes during her nighttime routine. Rhoades tries to upload a new video or two at least once a week. Her main day for uploading new videos is every Wednesday, but sometimes she will post new content on Saturdays. She knows it will be challenging to maintain a college life and a YouTube life. She stated she even gave up theater this semester to pursue her dreams of being a YouTuber, which she implied was an incredibly difficult task to maneuver. Even though she just recently started her page, her favorite video she filmed was showing what she does

S e a rc h “ K berly R h o a d e si m Yo u Tu b e” !o n

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Feb. 15, 2019


Valentine’s Day is Overrated

This holiday is ruined by expenses, expectations, and social media Morgan Buckwalter, Opinions Editor

For some people, February 14th is just a normal day. For others, this day involves flowers, chocolates and special dinner plans. This day is none other than Valentine’s Day. This holiday is supposed to symbolize love; on the other hand, it is a huge money-making opportunity for restaurants and stores that sell Valentine’s Day items. Although this day is known as a romantic holiday, I personally believe that people forget the true meaning of it. There are so many expectations for people to fulfill, and it’s easy to get caught up in what social media expects you to do. The stereotypical situation on Valentine’s Day is a man buying a woman flowers and chocolates. However, does the woman ever contribute to the gift-giving? Although this may not be the case with every relationship, this is almost always the situation that occurs in movies. Personally, I don’t think the male in the relationship should feel pressured to be the only one to buy gifts. In

a relationship, it should be a joint effort in which both people contribute to the gift-giving. The holiday is predominantly surrounded around what the female wants. It would be beneficial if stores would introduce more masculine items instead of the majority of feminine gifts for sale. For instance, cologne, video games, clothing and other items for men could be included in the Valentine’s Day section. This could possibly provide more customers to the stores that sell Valentine’s Day products. A big issue with Valentine’s Day is how much money people spend on their significant others and loved ones. According to Statista, the United States alone spent over 20 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day items. Some of the categories included in the study were cards, apparel, candy, flowers, jewelry and the most expensive was an evening out. This holiday is one of the busiest days for high-quality restaurants as well as some stores. Starbucks is one of the cafés

who usually take advantage of the holiday. This year, Starbucks is offering a special Valentine’s Day cherry mocha which is available from now until the holiday ends. In addition to that, most supermarkets began to stock their Valentine’s Day items in January. A majority of the items are overpriced, and the item that irks me the most are the oversized teddy bears. I’ll admit, the stuffed bears are cute, but what is someone going to do with a fake, life-sized animal? The eruption of social media has consumed people’s thoughts with unrealistic expectations and ideals for Valentine’s Day. There are hundreds of videos on Twitter, Instagram, etc. which shows an impractical celebration of the holiday. These videos include a candlelit dinner with bottles of champagne, an abundance of flowers, rose pedals on the floor and a chocolate fountain. Some female users on Twitter will bash on males for not giving them something as lavish as the videos they watch on social media. This makes it hard for men to live up to the high expectations which are engraved into their significant other’s brains. Also, this can put pressure on people worrying if their gift will be good enough. One aspect about Valentine’s Day which can be nerve-wracking for middle schoolers and high schoolers is the pressure of having someone as their Valentine. Although not every teenager feels this way, there are some who focus on the fact they don’t have anyone as their Valentine. This could distract them from other important things in their life and affect their feelings. When I was in middle school, we had a Valentine’s Day dance, which really only signified that all my 12-year-old friends had boyfriends, and I didn’t. Although gifts are nice to accept, the holiday shouldn’t be focused on how much someone spent. In my opinion, the holiday should just be used as a reminder to tell your loved ones how thankful you are and how much you care about them. Gifts are not even necessary to show love; a simple text can make someone’s day.

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Feb. 15, 2019

Perspective is Everything

Do Nike’s Air Max 270 sneakers have a hidden meaning? Morgan Buckwalter, Opinions Editor

When customers look into buying products from a company, the appearance of the items is extremely important. Most products are intended to catch the attention of the potential buyer and the quality of the item can reflect the customer’s decision to buy it or not. How each customer views a product can differ depending on the customer. One company in particular has had issues with the perspective of some of their products in the past; unfortunately, a similar problem has resurfaced. The popular footwear manufacturer, Nike, has been criticized for a shoe they released in early 2018. Nike’s Air Max 270 sneakers were one of the highest-selling shoes since they were introduced. However, there has been a vast controversy since the shoes were released worldwide. The issue with the sneakers is the logo which is placed on the bottom of the shoe. The logo is supposed to be read as “Air Max,” but some people have a different view of what it says. When the shoe is turned upsidedown, some say the logo reads “Allah,” the Arabic word for “God.” An online petition was started by Saiqa Noreen to have Nike recall the shoe. The petition’s goal is to reach 50,000 signatures; in fact, the petition has reached over 40,000 signatures in the span of only three weeks. Noreen believes the logo placement is extremely offensive because it “will surely be trampled, kicked and become soiled with mud or even filth.” Different perspectives can definitely be problematic in marketing. When a customer sees one thing, another customer could see a whole different image. Although I understand the offensive aspect of the shoe, I do not think that Nike had intentionally created the shoe to resemble anything other than the words “Air Max.” Furthermore, Nike has had issues with their logos in the past. In fact, the logo on the OG Nike Air Bakin in 1997 was intended to look like flames. However, it was replaced because of similar complaints that it resembled Arabic text. Nike even donated $50,000 to an Islamic

elementary school and apologized for the confusion. After two decades later, the same problem has risen for Nike. How will they respond? Well, a spokesperson from Nike stated, “The Air Max logo was designed to be a stylized representation of Nike’s Air Max trademark. It is intended to reflect the Air Max brand only. Any other perceived meaning or representation is unintentional.” I agree with this statement from Nike. I believe they had no intentions of creating the logo specifically to have a hidden meaning to it. I personally don’t understand how this would help Nike. If the corporation felt strongly against a specific culture, it would not be beneficial or smart to expand that feeling to the public knowing they would get backlash from it. I have nothing against the complaints on the logo; however, I don’t think Nike intended for the logo to represent anything other than “Air Max.” The choices in which companies make in order

to create certain items or logos can decide the entire outcome of the business. For instance, McDonald’s popular symbol is known as the “golden arch,” which influenced their entire market. Every meal, advertisement and uniform was chosen because of the “golden arch” symbol. Nowadays, a majority of people associate their logo with their juicy burgers, salty fries and inexpensive menu. As for Nike, how will people look at their company now? Specifically, in the marketing business, it is always challenging to try to please everybody. There will always be someone who doesn’t agree with something that someone else says or does. Moreover, it’s easy for people to have different opinions about anything in life. Symbolism is a common theme used to describe a hidden meaning in something. However, the idea of symbolism can be extremely tricky because one image can be seen a thousand different ways depending on someone’s perspective.

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Feb. 15, 2019


Controversy Surrounds Psychotic Movie

New film about serial killer, Ted Bundy, played by Zac Efron By Evan Peffer, Staff Writer

With the recent release of Conversations with a K iller : The Ted Bundy Tapes on Netflix, and the premiere of Ex tremely Wicked, Shock ingly Evil and Vile at the Sundance Film Festival at the end of Januar y, it seems that no matter where you look , there is someone talk ing about the infamous k iller. The biggest topic of conversation is about whether or not Ex tremely Wicked, Shock ingly Evil and Vile is a true -to -life biopic or an over-sexualized romanticizing of a man who has admitted to k illing 30 people. Seeing as how movies from Sundance usually aren’t released to the general public until several months af ter the festival, most of the countr y has been required to form their judgements off the trailer alone – so that ’s what we’ll be work ing with as well. For background, Ex tremely Wicked is based on a 1981 book called The Phantom Prince: M y Life with Ted Bundy by Elizabeth Kendall – the pen name of Elizabeth K loepfer. K loepfer was Ted Bundy ’s lover and fiancé for over six years, and her book is a memoir of her time with him. From what I’ve seen circling the internet, there seems to always be the same few arguments popping up from those with negative reac tions to the trailer. The biggest, most of ten cited complaint against this movie is that it over-sexualizes Bundy. I think the popular theor y is that this movie was made with the same mindset as the people behind Tumblr blogs who write about being in love with D ylan K lebold and Eric Harris, the Columbine shooters. When critics of Ex tremely Wicked discussed the trailer, they of ten cited it being edited in such a way that it resembles a romantic-ac tion- comedy with upbeat music and clips of Zac Efron, who plays Bundy, ac ting like your t ypical witt y, nice - guy hero. This is exac tly the point, though. The movie is meant to show Bundy as a nice, attrac tive, ever yday guy, because to most people, he was. By all accounts, Bundy only got away with what he did because of his looks and charm. He was the man you could take home

to your parents: charming, career oriented, and ambitious. He didn’t fit the police’s profile for what a k iller should look like. This whole scheme is the theme of the new movie, just as it was in K loepfer ’s book . She’s said that the purpose was to ask the question “ Would you k now if you were in bed with a monster?” I’ve also seen it going around that people don’t quite understand all of the talk about Bundy ’s attrac tiveness- they don’t see him as look ing good at all. Because of this, they feel that Zac Efron being cast to play the role is glamorizing the k iller and playing off of Efron’s existing fanbase. I disagree with this. I personally don’t see him as anything special, and while Bundy may not fit the modern standard of male beaut y compared to the standards of the 70’s, he lived up to the expec tations. As someone who is fascinated by true crime and the psychology surrounding serial k illers, I feel like Ex tremely Wicked is something that is needed. I believe that in the world of true crime media, there has been enough speculation done by special investigators and

police. No matter how much research is done into the matter, there is nothing that will give quite the same look into the situation as a recalling from someone who lived through the situation. Elizabeth K loepfer was one of the closest people to Bundy for over six years, and she has a unique perspec tive not only on the events of the time, but also into Bundy as a person. I f she believed him to be warm and k ind, at least par tially, then that deser ves to be publicized as much as his horrific half does. I t ser ves as a needed warning to women today that no matter how someone may seem on the sur face, you really do never k now if you’re sleeping with a monster. As a medium, movies are, by design, glamorizing. I t ’s hard to get around that, but as long as you go into it with the intention if por traying an accurate depic tion of the events, ever ything should work out. Admittedly, the trailer could have been edited more faithfully to the motif of the movie, but as an adaptation, Ex tremely Wicked, Shock ingly Evil and Vile looks promising and I personally am excited to see it.


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Feb. 15, 2019

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Feb, 15 2019


You Want to Disc Golf, Now What? Diving deeper into a growing sport By: Gary Smith, Director of Operations at CUTV

Disc golf is a sport that is easy to pick up but hard to master. The easiest answer to the question of, “well, now what,” is to find a friend who plays and bug them to take you out for a round or two. If you do not know of anyone who plays then let this article be your guide to how to get started in the game. As with anything, the more involved you get the more complex it gets, but this is to serve as an in general beginner’s guide. The first thing to learn is the equipment used to play. Just like each golf club has a different purpose in golf, each disc has a different purpose in disc golf. Discs are generally broken down into three categories: Drivers, Mid-Range, & Putters. Drivers are designed with wider rims to cut through the air easier for more distance but are typically are the hardest to control. Mid-Range discs are exactly what their name implies, they are used for shots that are closer to the basket and generally used as approach discs. They don’t go as far as drivers but are a lot easier to control, but we’ll talk about that later. Putters tend to do double duty as the disc that the player uses to putt with and hole out, but can also be used as approach discs. These discs fly the shortest and the straightest and are the most like traditional catch discs (Frisbees). In addition to distance each disc type flies differently and there are some basic terms and physics to learn. First let’s discuss the basics physics of the discs. The following will be from the standpoint of a right-handed player that throws backhanded (RHBH); if you are a left-handed player simply reverse this information. Generally speaking every disc will fly right and move to the left as it loses momentum. This is called a “Hyzer.” Depending on the specific construction of some discs, it is possible for the RHBH player to make the disc start to the left and fly to right which is called an “Anhyzer.” Those terms are used when talking about the throw, there are other terms that are used when talking about the disc, so let’s brush over those. Stability refers to how the discs are supposed to fly. A disc is considered “Overstable” if it is designed to turn right to left

Local Disc Golfers “Golden” G ar y Smith, John “K-Dog” Kotora, and Tim “ Thor ” Keener teeing off

and “Understable” if it’s designed to turn left to right. When looking to buy discs (and once you have started playing you will look to buy new discs), there are numbers to help you have an idea how they are designed and supposed to fly before you purchase them. If you are just starting out in disc golf, you of course need to get discs. You can get a starter pack that includes a driver, mid-range and putter at most sporting goods stores or online by simply searching “Disc Golf Starter Pack.” Once you get your discs the urge will be to take the driver out and try and throw it as far as you can. This cannot

Photo by : G ar y Smith

be stressed enough: Resist that urge! Go out into a field and throw the discs to feel how they fly because there is no substitute for practice. If you are just starting out it is recommended to play your first couple rounds using just your midrange and putter. The reason is those discs will fly the straightest and will help you learn the proper release. Using drivers too soon can cause some frustration at the beginning since they tend to turn the most if not thrown properly. Take it slow and have fun; a lot of the fun is in the journey!

Goin’ fast


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Feb, 15 2019

Kira Goin splashes her way on to the record books Continued from page 13

The start was all that Goin needed when she picked up the technical sport of synchronized swimming. Although the technical aspects helped her current style of swimming, it lacked the competitive edge that she desired. “I’ve always been a competitive person, and I wasn’t really there for the makeup and the routine,” Goin said. “Swimming was able to give me that outlet to express my competitive side.” This competitive side branches off from the pool in Hamer Hall to include international events as a member of the Trinidadian Swimming Federation. “My dad is from Trinidad, so I was able to get dual citizenship through him,” Goin said. “I had an opportunity to try international swimming, so I sent my times out and I qualified for the team.” Through this opportunity, Goin was able to travel to Barbados and the Bahamas to compete, while practicing at a brand new facility in Trinidad. The facility, named after Trinidadian bronze medalist George Bovell, was built in order to boost the sports tourism industry in Trinidad and Tobago which also harbors a diving facility. With this opportunity, Goin is able to continue learning, while picking up on certain aspects and techniques that her competitors integrate Cal U Head Swimming Coach Ed Denny with Seniors Lauren McAnany, Cour tney Cor tazzo, Danielle De Perrot, Kira Goin and Allie Brink hoff, assistant swimming coach. into their styles. “I’m the type of person who always has to Coach Denny has seen at least one swimmer reach One of the deciding factors to move to the United be working towards something or I would just the NCAA National Championships for 10 straight States, aside from athletics, was the tourism studies be bored,” Goin said. “This opportunity gives me years between 2008-17. This resonates in the back major that is offered on campus. something out of my season to focus on and keep of Goin’s head as she has her mind set on reaching “I was looking to go to the states, so I found a working towards.” that same feat this year. recruiting service who sent my times to a bunch of Throughout her career at Cal U, Goin has worked “I’m really hoping to make nationals this year,” Goin schools,” Goin said. “Not many schools have tourism side by side with head swimming coach Ed Denny. said. “I have the b-cut [time standard in swimming] as a major, so this was perfect. Coach Denny reached Denny is the only coach in the history of the Vulcan but they only take the top 23 swimmers. So, I’m only out to me and I really liked what his vision was for swimming team, and has coached over a dozen going to find out after the PSAC Championships that the swim team. I had other recruiting trips that I was swimmers who have achieved NCAA All-America happen next week.” supposed to go on, but I came here, met the coach honors. Outside of the pool, Goin expresses her creativity and saw the campus, and said ‘I’m coming here’. I just “Coach Denny really just believes in all of us,” Goin through writing, motivating, and connecting with cancelled everything.” said. “He’s always working alongside me and helping people through a personal YouTube channel. Although speed is valued less than the technique me fix my technique. That’s one thing that I really “I have a passion for motivating people and posting that you implement in a swimming style, Goin found appreciate about him. He doesn’t just say ‘Go fast’, motivational things,” Goin said. “I’m also really into a way to tap into both of these facets and land a spot because what does that even mean? He helps me beauty and hair. I just really like to make things.” in history. From a vision in practice during freshman focus on my arms or my breathing and that helps Before landing at Cal U, Goin attended Dawson year, to the record books, Goin continues to make a lot.” College for cinema, video, and communications. waves inside and outside of the pool.

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Feb. 15, 2019

Halftime Heat in the WWE The “better ” halftime show By Jonathan Sakaguchi, Cal Times Contributor

This year at the Super Bowl you saw the two better teams of their respected conferences with the Los Angeles Rams and the New England Patriots. Then, the highly anticipated halftime show featuring Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi, with a five second appearance by SpongeBob SquarePants. That was the advertised Halftime show. The WWE had another plan. For the first time since 2000, the WWE brought back the Halftime Heat. One match that had sold out the WWE Performance Center, home for all of the WWE Super Stars, trainees, and trainers. This year, the match up was a six-man tag team match showing some of NXT’s best. Between the teams of Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Champa, vs The Velveteen Dream, Aleister Black, and Ricochet. This match aired over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the WWE Network. The match was created after NXT Takeover Phoenix that started when Gargano came out to celebrate the title defense of Champa over Black. The old DIY tag team partners celebrated on the entrance ramp holding the NXT North American Championship and the NXT Championship titles high in the air. The party was short lived once the music for Velveteen Dream came on, and he was walking up from the crowd towards the two. Dream started talking to Champa and pointing at the belt. Johnny Wrestling jumped in and was soon joined by Adam Cole and Alester Black. Ricochet then ran out from the back and the altercation began. They were broken up long enough to get to the back and it started again. The referees and WWE officials came in trying to keep the group separated, and the brawl was finally stopped after Triple H walked into the room and made all the super stars go to their respected locker rooms. After talking with NXT general manager, William Regal, the match was made and announced within a couple of days after the match was announced. Halftime Heat started in 1999 with The Rock vs Mankind for the WWF Championship in an empty arena match (falls count anywhere). Mankind won

322 3rd St., California, Pennsylvania (724) 938 2395

“S oda and your teeth” by pinning The Rock under a pallet and a fork lift after jumping on top of it for the cover. The following year the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz and Jim Ross interviewed “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Debra. WWE hosted a Super Bowl watch party for the match at the Performance Center once the game reached the two-minute warning they started to get everyone into their seats for the match. The team of Gargano, Champa, and Cole entered first then Ricochet Black and The Dream entered the arena shortly after. The chant of “NXT” echoed through the building. As guest commentator and WWE Hall of Famer, “The Heart Break Kid”, Shawn Michaels joined the crew at the desk. The match started off with Johnny Gargano and Ricochet in a rematch from Takeover Phoenix. This match had everything. High risk-high rewards, brawlers, and big time moves. At several times, all six men were in the ring and you could see the chain links of moves from top ropes to outside the ring. It was almost like watching a cruiserweight match. In the final moments of the match, it looked like Cole Gargano and Champa were going to win as all three men surrounded Ricochet and brought back the old finisher of DIY. All three men super kicked Ricochet in the face. Cole went for the cover, but somehow Ricochet kicked out. And the melee began again. This time Velveteen Dream, Alester Black, and Ricochet went after Champa. Starting with a “Dream Valley Driver”, Velveteen Dream performed “Black Mass”, and “450 Splash”, then finished it with a “Purple Rain Maker” with a pin on Champa for the win. With all the excitement, this was definitely a five-star match.

It is no secret that soda consumption has dramatically increased over the past 50 years, and has taken a toll on our teeth. According to the New York times 5% of the federal “food stamp” budget (SNAP) is spent on these soft drinks, while the category of “sweetened beverages” (energy drinks, fruit juices and teas) accounts for 10% of the grocery bill. The Department of Agriculture is coming under fire for “subsidizing the soda industry”

Three ingredients in this delicious, fizz y drink cause the problems with our teeth: Sugar: Obvious contributor to dental caries. Note that this also includes corn syrup! This we see regulary as one of the top food additives to avoid in our diet for better health! Phosphoric acid: gives the “bite” to soft drinks. The pH of soda, and our mouths have a lot to do with the destruction of the enamel of our teeth. Citric acid: Non-cola drinks contain citric acid which is also harmful to teeth. So, as you can see, these acidic drinks can “burn away” the enamel on our teeth. A local dentist related to me that pharmacists and dentists need to educate our patients. “It is necessary to educate out patients about the harmful effects of excessive soft drink consumption and to advise them with the following tips to prevent dental erosion and caries: limiting soft drink intake, choosing low erosive soft drinks, improving their drinking habits, toothbrushing at least twice per day, and avoiding brushing teeth within 1 hour after consuming acidic food, and using a fluoride or a remineralizing toothpaste.”

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Feb. 15, 2019

Women’s Basketball Atlantic Region Action California takes a tumble in the latest poll By: Colin Kirkwood, Sports Editor

We are halfway through the month of February, which means the thick of conference play is almost behind us in the Atlantic Region of Division II Women’s Basketball. California University of Pennsylvania’s team took quite a tumble since the last publishing of this column. In a very uncharacteristic move, the Vulcans find themselves in the midst of a two game losing streak at the hand of Slippery Rock and Edinboro. The first loss came back on February 2nd, on the home court of The Rock by a score of 72-61. Slippery Rock desperately needed a win to stay alive in the PSAC Tournamnent hunt, while also beating Cal for the first time since the 2001-02 season. The next loss came this past Saturday (Feb 9th) when Edinboro stormed back on the road to defeat Cal and snap their 10-game home winning streak for the season. Keep in mind that teams that can contend for postseason berths come from the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC), Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) and the Mountain East Conference (MEC). With this in mind, let’s take a look at the Atlantic Regional Rankings as of February 11th:

1) Indiana (PA) 20-1 (PSAC) 2) Virginia Union 21-1 (CIAA) 3) Glenville State 20-2 (MEC) 4) California (PA) 18-3 (PSAC) 5) Bowie State 18-4 (CIAA) 6) Charleston (WV) 18-4 (MEC) 7) Concord 17-5 (MEC) 8) Edinboro 15-6 (PSAC) Things have been status quo for the Crimson Hawks of IUP, who continue to roll along in the PSAC. The Crimson Hawks have clinched a berth into the PSAC Tournament where they will most likely be the top seed with a 15-1 conference record. Their schedule does not get any easier, as they will hit the road for back-to-back road

games against ranked opponents California and Edinboro. IUP holds one victory over the Fighting Scots currently and are looking to sweep the season series, and are looking to split the season series with the Vulcans are falling at home when being ranked number one. Virginia Union sits perched in the second spot and can be a dark horse to host the tournament should IUP fall in the PSAC Tournament. The Lady Panthers have need to focus on the final regular season matchup against the regionally ranked Bulldogs of Bowie State. Virginia Union squeaked by in the first matchup winning 52-51 in Bowie, Maryland on January 23rd. Should Virginia Union sweep the season series, they would total three wins against ranked opponents, with the third being against Edinboro in the early moments of the season. Glenville State clocks in at spot number three, having amassed four regionally ranked wins this season. Sweeping both season series against Concord and Charleston (WV). The Pioneers have all but secured the top spot in the MEC, and will be a force to be reckoned with throughout their conference tournament should they take care of business and close out the regular season. Following California in the fifth spot is Bowie State. The Bulldogs have two important matchups coming down the road in the forms of rematches against Virginia Union and Virginia State. I previously touched on the Virginia Union matchup, but Bowie State also struggled in a home game where VSU grinded out a 53-51 victory. Should the Bulldogs secure one or both victories, their outlook could be high heading into the CIAA Tournament. Charleston (WV) holds down the sixth position in the latest rankings. The Golden Eagles have had a rough go this season against regionally ranked opponents, losing five contests ( 2 vs GSC, 2 vs CU, 1 vs Cal). Charleston will need to finish the regular season virtually flawless and make some noise in the MEC Tournament to make sure their berth will be secured come Selection Sunday. Concord holds the seventh position in

this edition of rankings, and with any kind of push from teams looking in from the outside, could find themselves out of the picture. One of the things that Concord has to their advantage is the fact that they secured a victory over Seton Hill in the early portion of the season. Seton Hill is in the mix, and we’ll check in on the Griffins later. The Mountain Lions went 1-3 against the regionally ranked opponents in their MEC regular season schedule, and are seeking to capture the 3rd position in the MEC Tournament. Concord should also need to run the table for the rest of the regular season and secure some wins in their tournament in order to hold their positioning. Edinboro is making their first appearance in the top eight after stumbling early in the season with injuries. Edinboro has two Atlantic Region wins along against California, and they have the chance to pick up a third when they host IUP on February 27th. The same scenario applies for the Fighting Scots who can storm to the Final Four of the PSAC Tournament under the right circumstances. This is the right time for Edinboro to heat up, and the sky could be the limit for a team that has four 1,000 point scorers available to command. Seton Hill is currently looking in from the ninth position and hold the fourth position in a tight PSAC West race that will come down to a photo finish for Tournament participants. The Griffins could make their way in with a Final Four run in the postseason, but it will be an uphill battle. Bloomsburg has fallen from grace into the tenth position despite clinching a PSAC Tournament berth and having the best record in the PSAC East to date. A conference title would be their best option for a chance at appearing in the big dance. Make sure to check back with the Cal Times in two weeks for the next Atlantic Region update!


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Feb. 15, 2019


COLLINS Photo by : Jeff Helsel, SAI

CLASS: Freshman

MAJOR: Exploratory Studies

HOMETOWN: South Riding, Virginia HIGH SCHOOL: Freedom

Collins is enjoying a successful first season with the Vulcans. He is fresh off his second PSAC West Freshman of the Week award while pacing the team with 15.2 PPG, 5.5 RPG and 71 assists this season.

Redd Dawg’s features 20 fifty-inch flat screens as well as two giant Big Screens.

20 % O F F Y O U R E N T IR E C H EC K ! E ve ry d ay a ll d ay ! Ju st sh o w u s y o u r cu rr e n t C a l U P ic tu re G o o d fo r a ll st ID . ud fa cu lt y, e m p lo e n ts , y e e s.

Menu features over 80 items including: tempting teasers, Gut Bustin’ Sandwiches, jumbo wings, pizza, bar-b-que, wraps, and more. 16 beers on tap including 10 Craft Taps. Draft specials all day Saturday!

Register during Pens games for monthly drawing for tickets to upcoming home games.

Open Everyday @ 11:30am

Looking for part-time employment? Located just off route 70 & 201 We are taking applications for Rostraver Square Shopping Center servers and bartenders. 724-930-9697 // Order online at Flexible shifts.

Monday Night is Wing Night! $.99 Whole Jumbo Wings 8-11 PM. Eat in only No discount applies. Thursdays - C a l U Night! All Craft Drafts only $4.50 All Day!

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