Cal Times, March 30, 2018

Page 1

Interview with Senior Carter Krick, pitcher, and Expectations for Vulcan’s MARCH 30, 2018 VOL 47, NO.4

Baseball this season. — Pg. 20

Fun Spring Break Vacation Photos from your fellow students! — Pg. 12

Review pg. 14

Important Announcement Annual Corporation Meeting — Pg. 5 BUDGETS FOR CLUBS! — Pg. 6

Good Vibes and Smiles at Cal U


Page 2 March 30, 2018

Student Affairs

Did You Know? Cal U’s Parks and Rec. Club is openly inviting all majors to join our society. We have the amazing opportunity to work on real Parks and Rec. projects in the community and on campus grounds.

Get I nvolved with S.A.B.! We have a new meeting time at 5 p.m. on Thursdays in the Vulcan Theater!

California Universit y of Pennsylvania O ffice of Commuter and NonTraditional Student S er vices mission is to: • Suppor t the academic success of the students we ser ve by providing ser vices, programs and resources that address the needs par ticular to their populations • Foster a sense of belonging and connec tion to Cal U by providing oppor tunities for students we ser ve to engage and interac t with other campus constituents

We also have the oppor tunit y for conference and expo trips, such as the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Societ y conference that is coming up. Real life experience is vital in today ’s job market and we have fun while being ac tive in the communit y. We will be organizing the upcoming Fishing Festival and if you have any interest in parks, outdoors, spor ts, recreating or having fun, feel free to look us up on orgsync or email our President at with any questions or comments.



Our local college radio station is look ing for clubs and organizations for campus drops and adver tising. I f you’re interested contac t







• Advocate and inform the campus communit y about the experiences and needs of the students we ser ve Located in the Natali Student Center, the Energy Zone is “home base” for commuters, who can use the space to relax and recharge, power up their devices, put together a snack or lock up their gear.

CAL TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: Colin Kirkwood, STudent Association Inc., Eddie Kuntz, Jeromy Mackey & Steven Ruffing


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.


Page 3 March 30, 2018

Cal U SPJ attend regional conference at Point Park By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief Members of the Society of Professional Journalists made the short drive to Pittsburgh on March 9-10 for the annual SPJ Region Four Conference. The Society of Professional Journalists is a national club, but the chapter at California University of Pennsylvania meets every other Thursday in Azorsky Hall. The conference was titled “Building Bridges: Society of Professional Journalists Region Four Conference.” Students that attended the conference were current vice president Angel Hart Funk, Aubrey Brown, James Rudolph and current president Rachael McKriger. Advised by Dr. Anthony Carlisle, the club was also joined by California Times adviser Jeff Helsel. The conference, hosted by Point Park University, was held on Saturday. SPJ held a panel of women who discussed workplace harassment, how to report it and what to do when it happens to kick off the conference. Then, the group sessions broke out. Sessions went from discussing podcasts to talking about tips for securing a job. Other sessions included crisis reporting and information on libel and slander laws. The final session included a panel of five speaking about multimedia journalism. Before the afternoon sessions took place a luncheon featuring Dan Hayman of West Virginia Public Radio as the keynote speaker. Hayman, who was arrested for asking Health and Human Services Secreatary Tom Price a question at the West Virginia state capital. His question had to do with the Republican health care bill. Hayman was arrested on May 9, 2017. Hayman said that police thought he was “too persistent” on “doing my job.”

Members of the Society of Prof. Journalists: Cal U Chapter “The next thing I knew, after I was released, was that my name was a hashtag,” Hayman said. After Hayman’s speech, the conference turned into an awards ceremony. The Mark of Excellence Awards reward student journalists with their coverage in campus newspapers, radio and television.

California University of Pennsylvania had one winner. Cal Times entertainment editor Jessica Crosson won best photo for her “Rest in peace, Jason Ritter” photo, which was on the April 28, 2017, issue cover. Crosson beat two other students, who were named finalists for the award.

Page 4 March 30, 2018


A message from the CFO of SAI on the budget By Leigh Ann Lincoln, SAI

The task of dividing up nearly one million dollars amongst student clubs and organizations is not an easy one. How can you compare clubs when each is unique in its own way? How do you decide to give $500 to one and then $200,000 to another? What makes one club more deserving than another? Why was my club funding decreased? All of these questions plus many more are asked by students all the time so let me do my best to explain how the process works. Student Cabinet is formed in September of each fall semester and is made up of 19 students. Each member is assigned five to six clubs and organizations that they are not affiliated with to represent during the budget process. Members are encouraged to reach out to each club and become familiar with the club and its activities. Budget forms are opened in Orgsync at the end of the fall semester and clubs have over two months to complete them. Once submitted, the budget form, roster, and current club financial report is given to each Cabinet representative to review. There is a four-week window of opportunity for Cabinet reps to learn as much as they can about each club assigned to them before the budget meeting. Sometimes Cabinet members meet with the club officers or attend meetings and sometimes it is communication via email. Let’s remember these are students who have a lot going on and they do their best to get as much information as their schedule permits. On Saturday, March 24, the members of Student Cabinet arrive at the SAI Farmhouse at 7:45 am to grab some breakfast before the meeting begins. A projector is used to display the working document used during the meeting as club allocation amounts are discussed. As CFO, I also provide historical financial data, unspent allocation dollars and penalties, special allocation requests, fundraising efforts, and the current club financial reports. Round one begins in alphabetical club order. If a club submitted a statement to Cabinet, I read it to the group prior to discussion. Then the Cabinet representative

for the club presents the club’s budget request for consideration along with the amount of funds they believe are needed for the club to operate in 2018-19. There is no discussion in round one. It is strictly the Cabinet representative talking about the club. Round two is typically the longest. Again, it is alphabetical order by club name and a motion to amend the amount given by the Cabinet representative in round one is made with a second, and then discussion begins. Each club is only discussed one time during this round and amounts typically are reduced. Members ask to bring up the club history on the screen, they look at current financial reports and question how the club plans on spending large amounts of carryforward in their account or what they have planned to spend the remaining allocated dollars in their account, they question why a club has returned allocated funds in the past and if so, why do they need an increase, and various other questions. Every club is talked about in great detail and the Cabinet member representing the club answers the majority of the questions and sometimes others assist. I have been doing this now for 10 years and I can say without hesitation, that the discussion this year was the best I have ever witnessed at the budget meeting. Once round two ends, a short break is taken for members to review the current amounts each club has been given. There is a maximum amount of allocation dollars set by the SAI Board of Directors. The total allocation dollars of all clubs and organizations added together cannot be over that set amount. Round three begins in alphabetical order by club again and it is typically the last chance for a Cabinet representative to fight for a club to get more money. Of course, there are always discussions at great lengths on those clubs with large dollar amounts in every round. However, this year it was amazing at how much discussion took place on the smaller clubs with amounts of $1,000 or less. Round three is the “battle round,“ with good debate and tough decisions and in the end, it is the most memorable for the Cabinet members.

Round three ends and Cabinet members are given a final print out of the total allocation awards for all clubs and organizations with a short break to review. When the fourth and final round opens, Cabinet members are given one final chance to make a motion on any club they wish to see a different amount given to. This year, there was only one club discussed prior to the final vote indicating that members were content with the distribution of the allocation awards to each club. When the final vote was taken, the motion to approve the 2018-19 allocated budget in the amount of $907,263 passed by a vote of 10-2. Student Government passed the proposed budget on March 26, and on Monday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m. in the Performance Center, SAI will hold its annual Corporation Meeting which is the final step in the budget process. All members of the SAI Corporation (all full-time undergraduate SAI fee-paying students) get a vote to approve or reject the budget. Only voting members of the SAI Corporation are permitted at this meeting. Nominations for the 2018-19 SAI Board of Directors will also take place at this meeting. You will need your CalCard to verify eligibility prior to entering the meeting. As the Advisor of Student Cabinet for the past 10 years, I have seen quite the evolution of the budget meeting. Students change each year and the process must adapt to those changes. I think the students did a tremendous job this year as the discussion of each club was very informative and I am very proud of their efforts. After a 10 hour meeting, the budget presented takes into account organizations who vary in funding structure, campus impact, academics, competition, and a wide variety of other differences that only knowledge and analysis can decipher. The numbers on the page mean nothing unless you know the story behind them, and they all have a story that was discussed. As Plato states, “a good decision is based on knowledge, not on numbers” and I can say with certainty, it was knowledge that led to the final numbers presented in the budget.




Page 5 March 30, 2018



ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING April 9, 2018 @ 4:15pm Performance Center, Natali Student Center

California University of Pennsylvania Campus California, Pennsylvania 15419 (Immediately following Student Senate Meeting) Article III.

Membership, Meeting & Quorum

Section 1. Membership: All regularly enrolled students of California University of Pennsylvania carrying twelve (12) or more semester hours and who have paid all established fees shall be members of the corporation. Section 2. Meeting: The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held between the first and fifteenth day of April of each year concurrent with the first April meeting of Student Congress which shall be open to all Corporation members. The first order of business shall be nomination of Student Association, Inc. Board members. Section 3. Quorum: A quorum for the transaction of business at any general or special meeting of the membership of the Corporation shall consist of twenty-five (25) members. Section 4. Notice: Notice of the time and place of the annual and any special meetings of the corporation shall be given seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting by posting same on all student, faculty and administrative bulletin boards. Such notice shall state the purpose of the meeting. THE AGENDA: 1. Nominations for Undergraduate Student Members of the Student Association, Incorporated Board of Directors to serve for one fiscal year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019). 2. Approval of tentative budget for fiscal year 2018 - 2019.

Page 6 March 30, 2018




2017/2018 ALLOCATION


no no



2018/2019 REQUEST


2018/2019 ALLOCATION

$0 $3,000 $5,000 $0 $2,500 $1,200 $1,300 $5,500 $0 $1,275 $4,000 $17,000 request $28,000 $1,275 $600 $1,500 $1,100 $4,000 $500 $55,000 $425 $7,200 $1,000 $14,000 $250 $2,500 $500 $500 $4,500 $3,400 $3,500 request request $2,000 $2,000 $1,200 request $155,000 $23,000 $225 $2,500 $4,400 $15,800 $850 $400 $2,000 $1,200 request

$0 $6,575 $7,300 $29,350 $3,000 $2,650 $2,750 $32,350 no request $1,300 $8,200 $35,500 no request $33,600 $1,000 $1,900 $14,750 $2,500 $6,680 $1,050 $73,000 $1,425 $7,350 $8,600 $18,128 $650 $13,700 $1,300 $2,780 $9,290 $11,800 $7,600 $26,500 no request $11,621 $4,250 $5,300 $4,700 $214,225 $35,000 $390 $2,400 $3,900 $24,150 $1,350 $650 $4,000 $1,650 $1,650

$0 $4,000 $5,000 $500 $1,500 $1,700 $500 $8,000 $0 $500 $4,000 $15,000 $0 $18,000 $1,000 $400 $1,500 $1,000 $3,000 $750 $60,000 $425 $7,350 $750 $11,000 $500 $3,500 $250 $250 $5,500 $3,400 $3,000 $500 $0 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $500 $155,000 $26,000 $225 $2,400 $3,900 $15,000 $850 $400 $3,000 $1,000 $250




$1,500 $18,000 $1,000

$3,510 $14,850 $11,500

$1,250 $14,850 $1,250



NCAA Athletic Team As SAI Operating Budget Total Student Fee Fu

2019 UEST


2018/2019 ALLOCATION

$0 $6,575 $7,300 29,350 $3,000 $2,650 $2,750 32,350 quest $1,300 $8,200 35,500 quest 33,600 $1,000 $1,900 14,750 $2,500 $6,680 $1,050 73,000 $1,425 $7,350 $8,600 18,128 $650 13,700 $1,300 $2,780 $9,290 11,800 $7,600 26,500 quest 11,621 $4,250 $5,300 $4,700 14,225 35,000 $390 $2,400 $3,900 24,150 $1,350 $650 $4,000 $1,650 $1,650 $1,500

$0 $4,000 $5,000 $500 $1,500 $1,700 $500 $8,000 $0 $500 $4,000 $15,000 $0 $18,000 $1,000 $400 $1,500 $1,000 $3,000 $750 $60,000 $425 $7,350 $750 $11,000 $500 $3,500 $250 $250 $5,500 $3,400 $3,000 $500 $0 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $500 $155,000 $26,000 $225 $2,400 $3,900 $15,000 $850 $400 $3,000 $1,000 $250 $900

$3,510 14,850 11,500

$1,250 $14,850 $1,250

Club/Organization Name



Page 7 March 30, 2018 2018/2019 REQUEST

2018/2019 ALLOCATION

no request $11,000 $2,000 $400 $2,600 $1,000 $250 no request $17,000 $250 $500 $5,000 $250 $3,500 no request $17,000 $17,000 $750 $3,000 $500 $0 $0 $2,300 $2,000 $1,000 $16,500 no request $400 $200,000 $2,000 $20,000 $500 $8,500 $19,900 $20,000 $500 $1,050 $50,000 $19,000 $17,000 $7,500 $3,500 $18,700 $12,000 $0 $1,000 $7,500 $4,675 $920,025 $500,000

no request $49,945 $6,900 $900 $18,300 $4,400 $870 no request $20,235 $1,350 $800 $7,500 no request $12,000 no request $29,000 $45,000 $5,190 $3,750 $113 $950 $3,850 $3,790 $11,550 $990 $42,998 no request $400 $222,000 $1,800 $21,300 $6,300 $10,900 $70,695 $30,900 $1,900 $9,000 $89,250 $30,700 $58,993 $18,300 $5,550 $35,000 $14,081 $840 $2,400 $8,225 $28,600 $1,656,689 $500,000

$0 $12,000 $3,000 $700 $5,000 $1,000 $250 $0 $18,500 $300 $500 $5,500 $0 $4,000 $0 $13,000 $18,000 $1,000 $3,000 $113 $500 $500 $2,300 $3,000 $900 $17,500 $0 $400 $200,000 $1,800 $20,000 $500 $9,000 $17,000 $23,000 $0 $3,000 $40,000 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 $3,500 $10,000 $14,000 $250 $1,200 $7,500 $4,000 $907,263 $500,000

$950,000 $2,370,025

$1,000,000 $3,156,689

$950,000 $2,357,263

Page 8 March 30, 2018


Cal U’s Manderino Library Showcases Cuban Art By Cal U Public Relations

The work of five artists from Cuba will be on display April 16-21 in the third-floor gallery at California University of Pennsylvania’s Manderino Library. The public is welcome to join Cal U students, faculty and staff at the free exhibition, which features works by artists Yamiliany Morales Ferras, Dayron Simon, Jesus Gastell, Duhamel Xolot and Jose Luis Cabrera Restoy. Special presentations on April 17 will put the artwork into context, with a panel discussion by several artists and a talk on human rights and genocide in Latin America by Dr. John Cencich, an international war crimes investigator and a professor in the Department of Criminal Justice. Christine Frechard, who owns an art gallery in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood, also will be on hand April 17. “Frechard went to Cuba last summer and was thrilled by the art scene,” said Andrea Cencich, a friend of the French gallery owner and an instructor in the Department of Art and Languages. “She met a few artists in Havana and Soroa, and she became enthusiastic about bringing their art and the artists to the Pittsburgh area, to give them an opportunity to be represented outside of Cuba.” The Cub’Art exhibition also can be seen at the Christine Frechard Gallery, and an opening reception is planned at G1 Gallery, in Pittsburgh.

The campus event is sponsored by the Office of the President and the Art and Languages Department; co-sponsors are Manderino Library, the Criminal Justice Department, the international studies program and the College of

Liberal Arts. Organizers of the “Cuban Art” events at Cal U include Andrea Cencich; Sabrina Hykes-Davis, of the Music and Theatre Department; and Monica Ruane Rogers, of the Library Services Department. When to visit “Cuban Art” will be on public display April 16-21 during regular Manderino Library hours: 7:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday; and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. Pay-by-meter parking is available in Lot 10 and Lot 17. On April 17, students from five area high schools will meet the artists and attend a panel discussion with the artists and a talk on human rights from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The public may join Cal U students, faculty and staff to hear the panel discussion and human rights presentation at 2 p.m. April 17 in Room 208 of Manderino Library. Admission is free. Pay-bymeter parking for visitors is available in campus parking lots 10 and 17.

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Apply for University Housing today!



Page 9 March 30, 2018

An end of an era: Highlights for the last Warped Tour By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief After over 20 years of touring across the country, the Vans Warped Tour will end travelling touring after this summer. The decision was made by Kevin Lyman, the founder and operator of 4Fini, Inc. He is also the founder of the Vans Warped Tour. Lyman announced the news back on Nov. 15, 2017. In a blog post on Warped Tour’s official website, Lyman wrote that “with many mixed feelings, I am here to announce that next year will be the final, full cross-country run of the Vans Warped Tour.” “I have been a very lucky person to have traveled across the country and sometimes around the world as one of the founders and producers of the Vans Warped Tour,” Lyman added. This year, though, the lineup doesn’t disappoint. Big name punk rock bands, including Real Friends, Issues, The Maine, Mayday Parade, Sum 41 and All Time low are returning to the stage, to name a few. Other notable bands include Falling In Reverse, We The Kings, Crown the Empire, August Burns Red and Knuckle Puck. Below, I highlight some of my favorite additions to the Warped Tour lineup and why you should check out the final cross-country Vans Warped Tour. Band Highlight: Knuckle Puck The band that I am most familiar with on Warped Tour is Knuckle Puck. I have seen the five-man band a total of six times throughout the last three years. Recently, they came to Pittsburgh at Mr. Small’s Theatre in Millvale in November 2017. Knuckle Puck has always put on a good show. In addition to their smash songs off the album Copacetic the band has new material from their 2017 release, Shapeshifter. The band also released an EP called Shifted in 2018. Knuckle Puck has been on Warped Tour before, back in 2015 and 2016. They were absent from the tour last year, and this year they will take the Journey’s Left Foot stage.

Band Highlight: The Maine The last time The Maine took the Warped Tour stage was back in 2014. Now, four years later, The Maine is back, and will perform on the Journey’s Right Foot stage. The Maine is popular for songs like “English Girls,” “Am I Pretty?” and “Into Your Arms.” The band was founded in Arizona back in 2007. Their first Warped Tour was back in 2009 after they headlined a cotour with We The Kings. I personally have never seen The Maine in concert, but I have heard good things from other fans. Their music is catchy and easy to listen to. Their favorite album of mine is American Candy and I would highly recommend listening to it before Warped Tour.

Warped Tour lineup after forgoing the tour last year. Issues, on the 2016 Vans Warped Tour, performed on a Pokémon-themed stage – and even sang a cover of the show’s theme song. This year, Issues is back – but not with new music. The group is working on their next album, but their latest release was Headspace back in 2016. The band also has one other full-length album, titled Issues and two EPs called Black Diamonds and Diamond Dreams. I have only seen Issues in concert at Warped Tour, but my lifetime concert friend Abby has seen the band before at Stage AE. I take her word on it that it was a fantastic show, but from what I’ve seen at Warped Tour, I could only imagine that was even better. Issues, performing on the Journey’s Right Foot stage, will put on a heck of a show.

Band Highlight: Issues Tyler Carter and company are back on the


Page 10 March 30, 2018


An end of an era: Warped Tour (continued) Band Highlight: Reel Big Fish

Bringing a different form of genre to Warped Tour, Reel Big Fish is a ska punk band from California. Their best known hit, released in 1997, is called “Sell Out.” However, since then, the band has released multitudes of new music, including eight full-length albums. Made up of Aaron Barrett, Matt Appleton, Derek Gibbs, John Christianson, Billy Kottage and Edward Larsen, the band’s last album released was called Candy Coated Fury. The only time I saw Reel Big Fish was at the 2016 Warped Tour and they did not disappoint. The band brings a different type of energy to the crowd at Warped Tour. It’s refreshing to have a different sound at a packed venue. Surprise: Sum 41 makes a comeback

Sum 41, does that sound familiar? The band, made up of Deryck Whibley, Dave Baksh, Jason McCaslin, Tom Thacker and Frank Zummo, has been around since 1996. The pop punk band has been on nine headlining tours and seven co-headlining tours. Sum 41 has been on Warped Tour seven times. Their most notable songs include “In Too Deep,” “Fat Lip” and “Still Waiting.”

with an album titled Upside Down. Their other albums include Duality (2014) and Cinematics (2012). When I went to my first ever Vans Warped Tour, Set It Off was the band that I knew the most. I really wasn’t into many of the other bands at first, but I knew every word to Set It Off’s music. I was surprised, like many other loyal fans, that the band wouldn’t attend the last tour.

Should be on Warped: Set It Off

The Dates

One of the biggest surprises to me when the lineup came out was the absence of Set It Off. The band, made up of Cody Carson, Maxx Danziger, Dan Clermont and Zach DeWall, was surprisingly left off the lineup. Set It Off attended Warped Tour in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The group’s last album release was in 2016,

The Vans Warped Tour will begin on June 21 in Pomona, California, and will run until Aug. 5, finishing up at West Palm Beach, Florida. The closest date around the area is in Burgettstown, about an hour away from campus, on July 16. Other venues include Cuyahoga Falls, Cincinnati and Detroit. General admission tickets are $45.

Deanna marchese - “DJ sweet dee”

Spring break is over, but that only means we have more DJs to learn about! This week I had the opportunity to talk to Deanna Marchese, or “DJ Sweet Dee.” Though DJ Sweet Dee is very busy with her double major, theater and English with a concentration in creative criting, she finds herself hanging out at the radio station for not only her show, but also her friends’ shows. On Tuesdays from 8-10 p.m., Dee plays a conglomeration of different genres on her show “Variety ABCs.” She was first introduced to the station at a remote during summer orientation, and eventually became certified and is even running for a position on eBoard. Be sure to listen to DJ Sweet Dee during her show, and as always, tune in daily for Cal U’s Best Music!

Albums of the

Week By Eddie Kuntz

Page 11 March 30, 2018


Th e Wr e c k s — Pa n i c Ve r t i g o The Wrecks second release, Panic Vertigo, comes after a sudden burst into the scene following an explosive run opening for All Time Low last summer and New Politics over the past few months. On this five song EP, the band keeps the same sound heard on their last release, but makes it known that a familiar sound is still worth the attention. “James Dean” is an immediate ear opener that is perfect for a live show, party, or a playlist to drive along to. “Way With Words” is the song that stands out above the rest, honing in on that perfect indie sound that every alternative band seems to be looking for lately. Panic Vertigo is strong all the way through, but could’ve been the perfect summer album if the band would’ve pushed it’s release just a few months later. On top of releasing great songs The Wrecks are one of best up and coming live bands around right now putting on a memorable show for anyone in the crowd. They’ll be headlining the Rex Theater in Pittsburgh on June 2nd to promote this EP.

Recommended Track: Way With Words Rating: 9.2/10

Vulcan Theater March 30April 5 Natali Student Center

M-F: 11 a.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m. S&S: 4 p.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m.

Movie Marathon Reviews with Jeromy Mackey With Woody Allen films like Wonder Wheel, you go into the film expecting a quirky, yet well written script and story. However, this film was dragged down into the depths of “meh” because of how mediocre and bland his screenplay was. It was well directed and features a stunning performance by the oft-forgotten star Kate Winslet, but besides those two things, the rest of the movie is a dry, bland movie set in the beautiful setting of Coney island.

I rate this movie 60/100.

Page 12 March 30, 2018


Adventures Away, Students at Play, and Now We’re Back Student Submitted Photos

Alyson Pierce and Matt Dean cheered on Duke vs. Rhode Island @ PPG for March Madness

Danny Beeck snaps an amazing overlook of Los Angeles.

Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” painting in MoMA Museum of Modern Art in NYC was visited by Amanda Sloan

Page 13 March 30, 2018


Alexis Zosky and her friends explored the magical world of Disney World.

Brad Britvich and Amando Sloan admiring Central Park in Manhattan.

Theta Xi brothers ventured to Ocean City Maryland for their Spring Break festivities.

Page 14 March 30, 2018


K-Love the Poet takes the Vulcan Theatre stage By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief

Despite heavy snowfall on the campus of California University of Pennsylvania, K-Love the Poet brought warmth, love and energy to campus. K-Love the Poet, who hails from Chicago, is used to the snow, so the weather didn’t affect her mood and performance in the Vulcan Theater on March 21. The event was sponsored by the Student Activities Board. “I’m from Chicago, so it snows in the summer there!” K-Love proclaimed. Before diving into her spoken word poetry, K-Love told the audience that no matter if there was one member or one million members of the audience, she would give the same amount of love and energy out in her performance. K-Love, who is 36-years-old, asked members of the crowd if they have ever been to Chicago. After a couple hands went up, she talked about her mentoring program on the South Side of the city. Her program gives mentoring and a safe place for youth and young adults. “I like taking something that people think is trash and making it beautiful,” she said. Her inspiration to become a mentor came from her father, who has been clean and sober from drugs for about 25 years. She then began telling the audience that her “superpower” is her undying faith in the good of people. “Love the people that nobody else loves,” she said. K-Love began to explain about how her poetry was also a ministry. She called it her “life’s purpose” and explained how she has been self-employed for the last 12 years doing spoken word poetry and mentoring. After the show, K-Love said that she was more worried when she had a job than when she didn’t have a traditional job. “I absolutely love doing this,” she said. “What I found going and being at so many different college campuses is that my ministry is not just for one particular race. It’s not for a certain age range. It’s for everybody. I never had an experience where I didn’t connect with the students. It’s always students that stay behind for a hug or want to talk that lets me know that I have a gift that everybody

can use.” “I guess that’s what love is.” During her performance, K-Love performed spoken word poetry titled Walking Your Calling. Her other poems were called Greatness, Cellular, Hug Life and Mental Health Issues. Her poem Greatness was written for her brother. K-Love explained that her brother was concerned about her decision to leave her traditional job. While he always believed in her, he still had his concerns about financial security. A couple of months Photo of K-Love the Poet by Rachael McKriger, Cal Times later, he attended one of K-Love’s sold-out shows in Phoenix, Arizona. “It’s a beautiful experience.” Between her interactive spoken word readings, During her last spoken poem, Mental Health Issues, K-Love talked more about her experiences in life. One of K-Love brought up the topic of violence in the city of her biggest – and most impactful – occurrences in her Chicago. Going further from the violence, K-Love pleaded life was being a mother to her “children.” for more counseling services to be available in Chicago While not biologically hers, K-Love mentored and for people dealing with trauma. took in two girls and one boy back in Chicago. Now, One person that is trying to help with counseling despite her children being older, she still keeps a close in Chicago is K-Love’s son. She got emotional when she relationship with. Them. beamed about her son following in her footsteps in “Being a mother to them has been so rewarding,” mentoring other children. K-Love said. “On some levels, I think did more for me than After the show, K-Love stuck around for hugs with it even did for them. It created a family for me. A lot of my members of the audience. peers that were my age were getting married and having She announced on social media that she will be traditional families. A family was created for me, and it coming to the Pittsburgh area on June 26 at the Sheraton was so unorthodox, but so full of love. It’s being returned Pittsburgh Hotel in Station Square with Ace Metaphor on now. My children take care of me. My daughter is my best his “The Future Wife Tour 2: Are You Ready For Him?” friend. The age difference now doesn’t seem so far. It’s a K-Love also has a book available on Amazon titled lifetime bond.” “Post(er) Girl: A Compilation of Thought-Provoking Posts.”


Page 15 March 30, 2018

Twitter War and a Logical Fallacy:Trump v. Mueller By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor While under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller III., President Donald Trump never referred to Mueller by name in his Twitter outbursts. Under advice from his lawyers, Trump refrained from directly mentioning Mueller and stuck with terms like “Fake News” and “Witch Hunt.” On March 17, the story changed when Trump directly attacked Mueller in a tweet. The president tweeted,” The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime. It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!” The tweet was met with applause and action from Trump’s supporters. Hours after the tweet a story appeared on Drudge Report that blamed Mueller for the F.B.I.’s mishandling of the investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks when Mueller was running the F.B.I. Sara Carter, an independent pro-Trump journalist, accused Mueller of covering up the F.B.I’s dealings with organized crime informant and Boston crime boss Whitey Bulger, while Mueller was a federal prosecutor in Boston in the mid-1980s. She later discussed her findings with Sean Hannity on Fox News. A video of testimony Mueller gave to Congress was circulated on Twitter by Trump supporters. The video showed Mueller endorsing the view that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, which was proven false, before the 2003 Iraq War. This isn’t the first time Trump publicly denounced Mueller and his investigation, and Mueller has faced criticism from other Republicans as well. What both Democratic and Republican political analysists said is these wave of attacks on Mueller, from the President and the public, seem more personal than ever. While accusing the Justice Department and F.B.I of bias against him and for unethical tactics, Trump and his supporters resorted to demeaning the personal credibility of Mueller. Meanwhile, a CNN poll shows Mueller’s public support for handling the Russian investigation at 48

percent. Is this the president lashing out in an emotional outburst, or is this a strategy by the Trump administration to undermine Mueller for support to fire him? A source familiar with Trump’s legal strategy told Politico that,” It looks like the beginnings of a campaign. It looks like they are trying to seed the ground. Ultimately, if the president determines he wants to fire Mueller, he’s going to want to make sure there’s ample public record that he can fall back on.” John Dowd, the personal attorney for Trump who resigned after Trump said he would like to meet with Mueller, told a Daily Beast reporter that the Mueller investigation should be shuttered. He later said he was only speaking for himself, but his claim was met with skepticism. “I think President Trump is going to war,” said Steve Bannon, former White House Chief Strategist,

and former Executive Chairman of Breitbart news, “I think it’s very obvious he is going to war.” Jay Sekulow, the new personal attorney to the president, declined to comment and said, “We are proceeding with our ongoing cooperation with the Office of Special Counsel.” The president’ supporters bring up interesting issues about Mueller’s record. While the Senate was considering President Barrack Obama’s request for a two-year extension for Mueller’s F.B.I term, Mueller was under investigation over the Whitey Bulger case, who was captured by authorities that same year in Santa Monica, and the anthrax investigation, when the F.B.I. pursued the wrong suspect for several years, and the prime suspect committed suicide as prosecutors prepared charges. Regardless of the investigations, Mueller won unanimous confirmation. What is most concerning is how the president is lashing out against Mueller, and how his supporters attack him. Trump and his conservative allies are making an argument ad hominem. Ad hominem is an argument made “against the man,” in which one persona verbally attacks the other, so they demean their credibility in order to diminish their argument. This is considered a logical fallacy that replaces logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter, as opposed to advancing good sound reasoning. For example, calling Hillary Clinton “Hilla the Hun,” or calling president Trump “Rome burning in man form,” in an argument is part of ad hominem. Why would the president reduce his stance to a position that gives him no credibility? This doesn’t advance his cause against “fake news” or “collusion.” It makes him seem more guilty, as he seems to have nothing left to defend himself against the special counsel except screaming personal attacks.

Robert Mueller III. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Page 16 March 30, 2018


Betrayed by Social Media: Zuckerberg Testifies By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica controversy, Facebook indicated that CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify before Congress. Three congressional committees, including the Senate Judiciary Committee, invited Zuckerberg to testify on April 12. After weeks of pressure, he finally agreed to testify about Facebook’s data-privacy scandal. However, Zuckerberg refuses to appear before members of Parliament in the U.K. Zuckerberg’s testimony will shed light on Facebook’s role with Cambridge Analytica, a political consultation firm. It was created when Steve Bannon, former White House Chief Strategist, and former Executive Chairman of Breitbart news, approached conservative megadonors Rebekah and Robert Mercer to start a political consulting firm. The firm was hired by the Trump campaign during the 2016 elections. The political consulting firm had access to over 50 million Facebook user’s data, and It wasn’t until former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie testified that we learned how Cambridge Analytica gathered this information. The information was gathered by Aleksandr Kogan, a Russian American who worked at the University of Cambridge. Through the use of a Facebook app that was a quiz for Facebook users to take, it collected the data from those who participated. Additionally, the quiz exposed a loophole in the application programming interface that allowed data to be gleaned from the friends list of the user taking the quiz. Cambridge Analytica sold the data, despite Facebook’s rules against selling data. What makes this Facebook’s issue is how it betrayed its users’ right to privacy. Facebook allowed a third-party developer to make an app that was purely designed to gather data from the user. All of this was done without the knowledge of any of the quiz takers. Apparently, Facebook had knowledge of this for the past two years and are only now acknowledging that any mistakes were made.

Photo of Mark Zuckerberg by the Associated Press Following this, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and multiple other lawmakers sent letters to Zuckerberg to take accountability. While the Senate heard from other social media representatives how they are protecting user information, lawmakers want to hear from Zuckerberg personally about his knowledge about Cambridge Analytica and its practices in relation to Facebook. The story is different in London. Members of Parliament are stunned that Zuckerberg refuses to appear before them. Instead, he appointed Facebook’s chief product officer Chris Cox to appear before Parliament and provide evidence on his behalf. “Mr. Zuckerberg will decide for himself whether he wants to come before the committee, but what I hope is that Facebook will recognize why this is is so significant for people and why it is that people are so concerned about it,” May said, “and ensure

that the committee is able to get the answers that they want.” Zuckerberg expressed regret over the situation, as he took out full page advertisements in U.K. and U.S. newspapers saying, “This was a breach of trust, and I am sorry.” The scary part isn’t the fact that user data was so easily obtained; it isnt like our online data is so easily read or taken. We willingly allow these companies access to our location, coversations and personal preferences by agreeing to their terms when we sign up for social media. Its the fact that the company decided to withold their knowledge of the situation, while still taking their time to acknowledge their mistakes even after Cambridge Analytica was found to have sold the data. The only reasons i could come up with are the leaders at Facebook didn’t want to admit their mistakes to hide their shame, or there is something more foul afoot, involving the personal data of millions of social media users.


Page 17 March 30, 2018

This Day in History: March 30 By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor This marks the second installment of my “This Day in History,” feature. For you readers seeing this for the first time, “This Day in History,” covers just some of the historical events that occurred the same day as this print publication of the Cal Times. This is to show the importance of observing history, and to show how the events of the past still reverberate in the present. The course of history contains clues for the potential outcome of a possible future. Today provides no shortage of significant events. Today marks the day of the first recorded sighting of Halley’s Comet. Chinese astronomers observed the comet and recorded its passage in the Shih Chi and Wen Hsien Thung Khao chronicles in 239 B.C. English astronomer Edmund Halley observed the comet in 1759 and confirmed it to be the same comet that passed over London in 1682, 1607 and 1531. The comet was named after him. In 1778, François-Marie Arouet, known by his pen name Voltaire, was crowned with laurel leaves at a performance of his drama Irene. Voltaire was one of the most influential and powerful literary figures of all time. His works contained messages of equality, the rights of humanity, challenging authority, and the progress of humanity. His writings influenced many of the leaders in the French Revolution and inspired people like Napoleon, Mahatma Gandhi, and Benjamin Franklin. Voltaire died two months later. During the Napoleonic Wars, the Sixth Coalition forces march into Paris in 1814, defeating Napoleon. This was known as the Battle of Paris, where the Russian, Austrian and Prussian forces defeated Napoleon’s French imperial army. After this, Napoleon abdicated his position and went into exile. Three days later, Louis XVIII took the French throne. Two significant events in U.S. history occurs three years apart from each other on this day. In 1867, the U.S purchases Alaska from the Russian Empire for $7,200,000. Originally Congress ridiculed this decision, calling it “Seward’s Folly,” after Secretary of State William H. Seward. They felt that there was no

true financial gain in acquiring the area. However, the discovery of gold in 1898 brought in more people, giving the U.S access to many of Alaska’s natural resources. Three years later in 1870, the U.S added the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution. This prohibited federal and state governments from denying a citizen’s right to vote on the basis of “that citizen’s race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” In 1919, Mahatma Gandhi announces his resistance to the oppressive Rowlatt Act. Also known as the Black Act, the Imperial Legislative Council in Delhi passed this to extend emergency measures of detaining individuals without trail or judicial review that was enacted during WW1. Gandhi organized a “hartal” with other Indians, which suspended all business in favor of fasting and prayer as a form of nonviolent resistance against the British Empire. However, rioting broke out in Punjab and fourteen days later the army marched into the city of Amritsar and killed nearly 1,000 people. Three years later in March, the Government of India repealed the Rowlatt Act. Albert Einstein announced his revised unified field theory, becoming the second field theory. He was attempting to prove that electromagnetism and gravity were different manifestations of a single fundamental field. This is sometimes called the “Theory of Everything,’ as it tries to tie together all known phenomena to explain the nature and behavior of all matter and energy in existence. Current attempts for a unified field theory is focused on superstring theory. In 1959, the Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Buddhism, fled Chinese communist forces in Tibet, and was granted political asylum in India. When Chinese forces invaded in 1950, Tibet came under control of Chinese communism. A year later, Tibet became a national autonomous region of China under supposed rule of the Dalai Lama. As heavy oppression from the Chinese impacted Tibetan society, an uprising broke out in 1959. As the uprising was

crushed, the Dalai Lama fled to India. One of the most shocking instances in history that occurred on this day was the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan. Almost 70 days after his inauguration, Reagan was leaving a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton in D.C. He was shot as he went to his car to leave by John Hinckley Jr. He wounded Regan and three others, including a Secret Service agent and Press Secretary James Brady. Hinckley’s assassination attempt was an attempt to impress actress Jodi Foster, who he was stalking for a time. There are countless more historically significant events occurred on this date, such as the invention of the pencil, the car bomb explosion in Saigon in 1965, and U.S nuclear testing in 1972. Again, I encourage you to investigate on your own and see historical events as the threads in the world’s tapestry.

Page 18 March 30, 2018


VAR: Is it good for soccer or does it delay? By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief

Soccer is a sport of fast-paced action. It is two separate halves of 45 minutes of non-stop action. In many cases, it goes longer than 45 minutes with the addition of stoppage time. However, the continuous game is getting slowed down with the introduction to modern technology. Soccer has implemented Video Assistant Referees into their sport. The referees, who aren’t near the field but surrounded by almost every angle video, can be called upon by the head referee, who is on the pitch, to summon a video replay. The video replays, according to FIFA’s official website, can be used on goals, penalty decisions, red card incidents or if a player was wrongly accused of an action. The referee summons video referee by using his fingers to draw a box. If a player asks to summon VAR or make the symbol, they are instantly given a yellow card. However, in the opening match for Los Angeles FC, a new club in Major League Soccer, Carlos Vela made the symbol but was not given a card. The MLS implemented VAR on Aug. 5, 2017, after the MLS All-Star Game. The VAR has now been used as well throughout the German Bundesliga. The idea was originally approved in August 2016 by the International Football Association Board (IFAB). The first use of VAR came between the New York Red Bulls II and Orlando City B of the United Soccer League. “The time [has] come for the discussion/debate to be based on evidence,” David Elleray, a technical director of IFAB, said. “Everyone (whether they support or oppose video assistance for referees) agreed that we needed to see if it works and whether or not it benefits the game. The initial testing will deliberately have a limited focus to minimize the impact of the flow and emotions which are crucial to football.” Just recently, on March 8, FIFA elected to use VAR in the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be hosted in Russia. “As of today, video assistant refereeing is part of

Image cour tesy of Buda Mendes/Getty Images football,” Gianni Infantino, the current president of FIFA, said. “We hope and encourage a favourable decision in this respect because we are very positive about VAR.” According to Infantino, the decision to use VAR was “unanimously” approved. He also said that VAR is beneficial. The only qualm that Infantino had was that the decision to review and communication between the referees and players needs to be sped up. For someone who has been watching soccer for a long time, VAR is a huge adjustment. Unless there is an injury, substitution or yellow/red card, there is no stopping in soccer. There is constant play and it makes the game interesting. Hockey is almost the same way, except there are three period, so the stoppage in play is increased. For the players on the pitch, the constant motion

keep their adrenaline going. Soccer is a tough sport, since the players are in constant motion for long periods of time. When the play stops, the players experience their limbs getting heavier. The constant motion basically takes away from being tired. VAR isn’t perfect, as there have been some faults. However, for the most part, the decisions that referees have made have been accurate. There is a big debate between whether VAR is taking away from the game and turning soccer into American football. In soccer, you don’t have coaches that can throw the challenge flag, though. You only have referees making decisions. A flagrant foul could happen in front of a coach, yet they, just like their player, can’t request to summon VAR. For the most part, VAR is accurate. However, it seems to take away from the fast-paced nature of the game.


Page 19 Feb. 16, 2018

Press-Houston Dash drama a bad look for NWSL By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief After three years in the National Women’s Soccer League, Christen Press is going back to Europe to play professional soccer for IFK Göteborg. The conclusion to go back abroad – Press formerly featured for the Swedish club in 2012 – came after weeks of holding out of preseason for the Houston Dash. In a three-way trade, Press was sent down south to the Dash, the club she specifically noted that she didn’t want to get traded to. Instead, the Chicago Red Stars, whom Press has made 68 appearances for, traded her away. The trade was part of a giant, three-way trade between the Houston Dash, Chicago Red Stars and Sky Blue FC. Press certainly got the short-end of the stick, but she didn’t even give Houston, who is under the leadership of new head coach Vera Pauw, a chance. She never attended a training camp. The decision to not do so also landed her in hot water with the U.S. Women’s National Team. USWNT Head Coach Jill Ellis said that Press wasn’t called up on the latest roster against Mexico due to not being affiliated with a club. Press’ situation ended Monday, March 26, after she signed a contract with IFK Göteborg. The contract will run until the summer. In the deal, Houston loses the NWSL rights to Press. After the contract ends, she could pursue other opportunities around Europe – including in England, France and Germany – or return to the NWSL. “I’m looking forward to joining my former club @ goteborgfc and having a successful three months there. Upwards!” Press wrote on her Twitter account. “For reasons that are clear to me and for the betterment of my career I have chosen to play overseas this season,” Press wrote in a separate tweet. “I respect and appreciate the opportunity that Houston afforded me. Thank you to everyone supporting me through these tough decisions I’ve had to make for my career.”

Houston, on the other hand, didn’t quite keep diplomatic with their response to the news. “While we are disappointed in her decision and would have enjoyed having her talents here, we are comfortable with the outcome given the positive things happening around the club,” the Dash wrote in a statement. “We will retain Christen’s player rights in the event that she decides to return to the NWSL in the future.” Oh, Houston. Sorry about that. When the summer occurs, Press is no longer tied down, rights-wise, to the Houston Dash. She is free to pursue other opportunities in whichever league she chooses. Even though I am a fan of the NWSL, I am a bigger fan of American players featuring in leagues abroad. Despite the large – and I mean large times 50 – between men’s and women’s soccer, especially in leagues, playing in Europe versus American leagues is the obvious and best choice. Europe is where players get the best coaching and go up against the best talent. Sure, the NWSL has some incredible talent with players like Marta, Christine Sinclair and Alex Morgan. However, Europe has something that the NWSL will never have: the Champion’s League. For Press to just not give Houston a shot is outrageous. Pauw is a different kind of head coach, and she completely took Houston’s roster and flipped it around. However, Press was given a golden opportunity to be the star player for the Dash. With Kealia Ohai still recovering from a torn ACL injury, that she suffered last season, Press was the star on the team. She claimed that going back to Europe to play in Sweden was a “tough decision” that she had to make for her career. However, Press not giving the Dash a shot was the tough decision. She never gave Pauw a fair chance to explain what she wanted to do. It’s not like Pauw is a bad head coach either. She

formerly led national teams like Scotland, South Africa, Russia and the Netherlands. That’s not a bad resume in soccer. Press might have gotten the short end of the stick, but sometimes when you’re a professional athlete in such a small league, you don’t always get to call the shots. Press might have the mentality that since she’s a USWNT national team player that clubs need to bow to her, but the Dash weren’t budging. In the end, the Press-Dash conundrum was nothing but a bad look for the NWSL. Both teams now need to learn from their mistakes. Should Press come back to the NWSL, no matter what team she chooses, Pauw and Houston will certainly circle that match around their calendar.

Photo of Christen Press cour tesy of the Associated Press

Page 20 March 30, 2018


Krick on final season, leadership among seniors By Rachael McKriger, Editor In Chief Carter Krick is one of 10 seniors on the California University of Pennsylvania baseball team. Two of those seniors are redshirt seniors, but Krick is not. A starting pitcher for Mike Conte’s team, Krick’s main role is throwing for “at least a third” of game one during the weekends. His biggest goal as the leading pitcher is to get the team off to a good start. “You have to set a good tempo to get the team started,” Krick said. Krick, who hails from Lancaster, said that the baseball team is in a rough patch -- because of weather. Most games have been postponed, including tilts against Kutztown, West Liberty and Bloomsburg. However, Krick said that the team — who has veteran leadership with seven juniors — is used to it. “We know it’s going to be a ‘find out the next day,’” Krick said. “Sometimes we don’t know if we’re playing two seven inning games or one nine inning game. We have be prepared for anything.” Most of their games consist of double-headers, which Krick says can be tough, mentally. “You always have to hit the reset button, whether you crush the team the first game or, God forbid, you get crushed,” Krick said. “You have to start fresh and forget it. That’s the hardest part about the double-header games, getting a new, fresh mindset.” The team has PSAC contests against teams such as Clarion, Slippery Rock and Indiana in the coming weeks. Krick is personally looking forward to the IUP game, as he will face former assistant coach Anthony Rebyanski. “There’s a friendly rivalry for pride,” Krick said. “It’s like playing your best friend. It’s personal, in a good way.” Another game circled on Krick’s calendar was the recent game against Mercyhurst. The team lost all four games, but Krick found plenty of positives to take away. “That game, I was thinking about it from Tuesday to Friday,” he said. “That’s the only thing that was

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

on my mind. I think it’s just the fact that they were so good last year. They had such a good season. We obviously didn’t get the result we wanted, but it was a game everyone was looking forward to. We were slotted at No. 5 in the West at the beginning of the season and they were No. 1.” “We just wanted to come out and go right after them.” Keeping the win-loss record in the back of his mind, Krick is enjoying the season and becoming more of a leader. He said that the team is sharing leadership opportunities with the heavy crop of upperclassmen. One aspect that the team is focusing on, is helping freshmen adjust from high school baseball to college, due to the five freshman that are currently on the roster.

“The way you play really doesn’t change from high school to college, but it’s a different mindset,” Krick said. “That’s the good thing about having a lot of upperclassmen. We’ve been in their position and we’ve been waiting to get our shot so we know what it takes. We’ve been in their shoes. We can guide them and teach them more of the mental aspect. Especially with the younger pitchers. That’s the big thing.” Helping the pitchers primarily have been Krick and Matt Carter. He also said other teammates have been in the loop with pitcher training. “We tell them that the way they pitch in college has to be sharper,” Krick said. “Everything has to be on.” Despite taking on leadership opportunities, the seniors are still answering to head coach Mike Conte. At Cal U for over 20 years, Conte has a caring nature to his players, according to Krick. “I just like his personality,” Krick said. “I’ve played for coaches that are a completely different than him. That made me know that I wanted to come here. He really wants to teach us and he cares about us. I never had a coach who cared about us like this. He’s always making sure we’re OK and I really like that.” Krick said that he hopes the efforts of Conte, his teammates and himself will be rewarded with a strong end to the season. The team primarily plays at the Washington Wild Things Park. Despite the travel to get there, Krick acknowledged that some fans make the trip out. However, he would love to see the number increase in his final season. “It’s always nice to get students to come out,” Krick said. “I know it’s in Washington, but it really does resonate on the field, having people there to cheer you on.” The baseball team’s next trip to their home field will be on Friday against Pitt-Johnstown at 1 and 3 p.m. They will also head back to the Wild Things Park on April 3 at 1 and 3 p.m.

Page 21 March 30, 2018


Cal U opens season with loss to Edinboro, 9-0 By Stephanie Clark, Sports Information

The California University of Pennsylvania tennis team opened its spring season with a 9-0 loss against Edinboro in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) West play on Tuesday afternoon at the Upper St. Clair Tennis Facility. With the loss, the Vulcans stand at 0-1 overall under first-year head coach Lauren Morgan. Meanwhile, the Fighting Scots improve to 5-6 this season and are 1-0 in divisional action. The Fighting Scots took an early 3-0 lead in the match after sweeping all three doubles matches. At the first position, junior Elizabeth Wohar (California, Pa./California) and sophomore Charlie Gallagher (Kennett Square, Pa./Octorara) suffered an 8-1 loss to Laura Lopez and Tatiana Batalla. Junior Emily Suckling (Cheltenham, Austraila/Mentone Girls’ Secondary College) and freshman Emilee Leydig (Windber, Pa./Windber) dropped an 8-2 match at second doubles to Roxana Yeh and Marija Tmusic, while freshman Alexa Uhlyar (Finleyville, Pa./Thomas Jefferson) and sophomore McKenzie Wilson (Traralgon, Austraila/St. Paul’s Anglican) were dealt an 8-0 loss at the third slot by Jelena Vucenovic and Payton Tomasko. Edinboro completed the match victory by winning all six singles matches in straight sets. Wohar suffered a 6-0, 6-0 loss at the first position against Lopez, who was regionallyranked at the end of the fall season. Gallagher dropped a 6-0, 6-1 match to Batalla at the second slot and Suckling fell by a 6-1, 6-2 count to Yeh at third singles. In her college debut, Leydig suffered a 6-1, 6-0 loss to Vucenovic at the fourth slot and Uhlyar was downed by a 6-3, 6-1 margin by Tmusic at the fifth position. Wilson, who played soccer in the fall for the Vulcans, dropped a 6-3, 6-1 contest at sixth singles to Shelby Hutton. Cal U is scheduled to return to action on Friday, March 30, when it travels to Erie, Pennsylvania, to face Mercyhurst in PSAC West play at 12 p.m.

Cal U Junior Elizabeth Wohar

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Page 22 March 30, 2018


The final four: End of the madness By Colin Kirkwood, Staff Writer The final four of march madness is only a few days away. Now that the dust has settled, we finally know who remains in the pursuit for the title of national champion. First let’s take a look at who continues to dance on. South Region: Loyola Chicago Ramblers The clock has yet to strike twelve on this year’s Cinderella story. The Ramblers continue to capture the hearts of the nation with their team first basketball and nobody could forget Sister Jean. Entering the big dance as an eleventh seed, this was a team that was viewed as a trendy upset pick in the round of 64. They pulled of the win on a last second shot to sink the Hurricanes of Miami (Florida) by a score of 64-62. Next, they took on a heavily favored Tennessee team where once again the magic wand was waived, which lead to a last second winning shot. The final score was 63-62. In the regional semi-finals they defeated the Wolfpack of Nevada 69-68 by a last second shot. One would think that this would be the way victory would come in the regional final right? This inspiring group of kids proved the country wrong once again by blowing the doors off of Kansas State by 16, running up a total of 78 points in their region clinching win. With it, the Ramblers now own the best winning percentage in tournament history at .765 (13-4) overtaking the Blue Devils of Duke .755 (111-36). They now face the Big Ten tournament champs in the national semi-final. West Region: Michigan Wolverines After capturing the conference tournament title, the Wolverines have not looked back. Defeating Montana in their first-round matchup by a score of 61-47, a big test loomed with a date against the Cougars of Houston. That game had the feel of a March classic when Jordan Poole hit the buzzer beating shot for a 64-63 victory. In the regional final, the Seminoles of Florida State. Michigan played a stellar game against a team who was playing above their ceiling after taking down a one seed as well as a favored eight seed

along the way. Ultimately, Michigan clinched the region by a score of 58-54. Purely based on schedule and conference caliber, one would think Michigan has had an “easy” trip to the national title game, but in march, games should never be taken lightly. Michigan is making their first trip to the final four since the 2013 tournment. East Region: Villanova Wildcats In the East, things went according to schedule. Villanova did not have many hiccups on the road to the final four. In their one versus sixteen matchup, the Wildcats easily handled Radford 87-61. The Cats would then clip Collin Sexton and his Alabama Crimson Tide 81-58. One of their biggest tests to date was against a defensive minded West Virginia team in the sweet sixteen. Villanova was able to overcome the scrappy Big Twelve squad and down them 90-78. Finally, to

capture the region, the Cats defeated Texas Tech 71-59. Now they sit just two victories shy of winning two titles in three years. This team has shown they can overcome cold shooting performances, which is one of the reasons that makes them so dangerous. But can they go three for three against the Big Twelve with fellow giant Kansas waiting in the wing? Midwest Region: Kansas Jayhawks Here we have another region that went according to schedule. In a one versus sixteen matchup, Kansas captured the victory 76-60 over the University of Pennsylvania. After that victory, things got bumpy for the Jayhawks. Seton Hall had all the looks of a bracket buster heading into their matchup, but couldn’t finish the job, as Kansas would go on to win 83-79. In the Sweet Sixteen, the Jayhawks had another tightly contested matchup versus the Clemson Tigers. Finally, in the regional final, the Jayhawks battled Duke in one of the best games of the tournament. A Grayson Allen jumper at the buzzer almost sent Kansas home, but in overtime, the Jayhawks took control of the game and sealed it with a score of 85-81. Now I’ll be making my projections on these two games. I believe the fairytale will continue for the Ramblers and they will defeat Michigan 74-72. This Loyola team is on a roll and with the national spotlight continuing to focus in on them, and they will live up to the hype once again. On the other side of the bracket, I think Kansas will be reaching the title game. If they Jayhawks can take the three-point shot away from Villanova, a big weapon is blocked from their game plan. If Kansas is successful and the Wildcats cannot shoot well on the floor, Kansas wins 85-75. In the final, the clock will strike midnight on Sister Jean and the pure dominance of a college basketball powerhouse will be on full display. Kansas will take home the title, 88-70.


The six faces of the English Premier League

Page 23 March 30, 2018

By Steven Ruffing, Contributor With only eight games left in the Premier League season, it’s predicted that Manchester City will win the league for the fifth time and the first time since the 2013-14 season. Right now, Man City is at the top of the table with an astounding 81 points with 26 wins and only one loss. Far behind them are their inner-city rivals Manchester United with 65 points. In any other season, where Manchester City wasn’t continuously making history, the first and second place spot would be neck and neck. Just because the first-place spot is basically reserved for the Sky Blues doesn’t mean that the league is less competitive. The top four teams are still fighting for a spot in the Champions League next season. If the season were to end right now, Man U, Liverpool and Tottenham would be joining City next year in the European Tournament. Luckily for Chelsea, who are fifth in the table, that is not the case. With eight games left, Chelsea still has the chance to pass Tottenham. Chelsea is just five points behind their London rivals for the fourth place in the table. Being that Tottenham is currently dropping in the table, this scenario isn’t too far out of reach for Antonio Conte and his Chelsea squad. Liverpool is also one of the teams battling Chelsea and Tottenham for a top-four-spot in the table. More specifically, they are currently battling Manchester United for that second-place finish. Liverpool is a team that has shocked England this season with 63 points in the league, two points behind United. Mohamed Salah is the man to thank if you are a Liverpool fan, and if he can keep knocking goals in, Liverpool can have one of their best finishes yet. Salah is leading all goal scorers with 28 goals to his name. Salah and Liverpool have no signs of stopping either. Liverpool has won four of their last five games, and Salah has seven goals in those last five. If this was any other season, Liverpool could have been fighting for their first ever league title in the Premier League era. Liverpool won the league in 198990 when it was called Division I. If they keep pace, they

might have to settle for a second-place finish. The latter five of the big six teams in the Premier League have been living up to fans expectations. The one team left out of the fun is the Gunners. Yet again Arsene Wenger and his Arsenal side have been disappointing. The Gunners have dropped multiple matches that should have been winnable in Arsenal fan’s eyes. Among the many detrimental losses they have suffered this season, Brighton, Bournemouth and Swansea City have all dealt a losses to Arsenal.

These three squads stand in the middle or lowermiddle table. Brighton is a newly promoted club and Bournemouth hasn’t been higher than tenth in the table this season. Arsenal fans have let their feelings known toward the Arsenal manager but they have yet to get what they want; Wenger out. This upcoming weekend for Match-day 32 will be a true test for the Big six teams. Liverpool will be traveling to Selhurst to take on a falling Crystal Palace side. Liverpool came away with a victory earlier in the season when they faced the Eagles at home. Manchester United will be hosting Swansea City, a team who have spent most of their time in the relegation zone but have lately been picking up points in the Premier League after appointing new manager Carlos Carvahal. Manchester United were victorious the last time these two teams played, but should not take the Swans lightly. Saturday’s last fixture will include first place Manchester City traveling to the city of Liverpool to take on Everton. Manchester City does not want to replicate the last time these two teams met which ended in a 1-1 draw with both teams receiving a red card. Arsenal has everything to prove on Sunday when they face Stoke City at home. Arsenal fell flat in August when Stoke City stole a 1-0 win over the Gunners. Finally, the biggest match of the weekend to wrap Matchday 32 up; London derby between Tottenham and Chelsea. Chelsea comes from North London and Tottenham comes from East London. The rivalry started in 1909 when Chelsea beat the Spurs 2-1 in the first ever match between the two. These London sides have met each other a total of 159 times. Chelsea has won 68 of those matches, Tottenham has won 51 of them, and 40 matches between the teams have ended in a draw. Chelsea will be entering the game with a touch of swagger after beating Tottenham in the last London Derby, 4-2, in an FA Cup fixture. The two sides will combine to provide a hopeful weekend of Premier League soccer.

Page 24 March 30, 2018

Cal Times


At h l e t e S p ot l i g h t Jaclyn


Class: Junior

Major: Graphic Design

Hometown: Macungie, Pa. High School: Emmaus Reinbold qualified for the league championships in the 1,500-meter run with a time of 4:54.11, and was also on the distance medley relay team the registered the fastest time in both the PSAC, and the Atlantic Region while competing at Grand Valley State this year.

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

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