March 25, 2016 Cal Times

Page 1

Look INSIDE for the Presidential Candidates! (Page 4)

MARCH 25, 2016

VOL 43, NO.7


“Invest in Awareness Me” Prevention Social Media Recovery Center Campaign 3

Trump Rallies? 11

Athlete of the Week: Joe Yourgal


Page 2 Mar. 25, 2016


CALU weather Friday








“Invest in Me” Campaign............................3 Presidential Candidate Bios.......................4 Album Reviews...........................................7 “Invest in Me’ Photo Spread.................... 8,9

Trump Ralley...............................................11

James Harris...............................................13 Cal U Baseball, Paige Wright......................14 Cal U Softball . . ............................................15 AOTW.........................................................16

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CALU police reports Car Trouble in Vulcan Garage On March 15, a student reported that her Honda Civic was spit on while parked in the Vulcan Garage. The case is closed.

Here’s a Citation On March 15, two students were issued citations for their vehicles. One was issued a citation for an expired state registration and the other was for an expired vehicle registration.








CAL TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: ANGEL FUNK, jerron corley, claudia pehowic, zach filtz, danny beeck, Nathan Connolly, MARI BOYLE, DAN CARMICHAEL, ANDREW MALHOTRA sports information


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.

Page 3 Mar. 25, 2016

Cal U participates in “Invest In Me” Campaign By Mari Boyle, Staff Writer The lack of bipartisanship in Harrisburg has taken a significant toll on multiple aspects of Pennsylvania, one of which is PASSHE schools. California University of Pennsylvania is one of these state funded schools. The inability for the Pennsylvania state legislature to pass a budget has led to these 14 PASSHE schools living in a financial limbo, unable to predict how much funding they get, how much they should be spending, and how to accurately make fiscal decisions. University leaders are only left to responsibly assume how to financially plan for upcoming years, assumptions that could potentially affect the university and its students. As Cal U sees a significant decline in enrollment and thus a decline in revenue, no state budget and an unclear funding amount puts Cal U in a dangerous position. PASSHE schools faced a decrease in funding during the recession and that funding has remained stagnant since. This has led to Cal U, along with other PASSHE schools, to make significant budget cuts, furlough employees, put programs in moratorium, and reduce the amount of classes offered. While this is certainly

a disappointment and a disservice to students it also is the reality of declining enrollment, declining revenue, and flat funding from the Pennsylvania state government. So, between the declines in funding since the recession coupled with Pennsylvania’s state legislatures inability to pass a budget, PASSHE has initiated a social media advocacy campaign. The fourteen PASSHE schools are in the midst of a massive and vigorous social media campaign called #InvestInMe. Students from each school take pictures holding a sign that says #InvestInMe, their school logo, and the words “I Am…” Students then post these images on to Twitter and also add #InvestInMe onto their tweet. This is to raise awareness that our state government should look at these state funded schools and their students as an investment not an expenditure. Students use the words “I Am…” to explain how they will provide a real return to the state’s investment in their higher education. Whether it be through their career choice, their service to the community through college programs, their leadership in college clubs,

or whatever the case may be. The campaign shines a light on the people that benefit from this funding and how they in turn will benefit Pennsylvania. According to PASSHE’s website, “80% [of students] will remain in Pennsylvania after graduation and will continue to contribute to the economy within their local communities and the Commonwealth.” Students state wide have been posing and posting with the #InvestInMe signs to show Pennsylvania how much their education means to them. If you take a look through your own twitter feed you are sure to see Cal U students posting and tweeting. As an incentive for schools to participate, the school that has the most tweets will be announced at Advocacy Day in Harrisburg and the Student Government President of the respective school will speak, as well. So, I encourage you if you care about your education, the organizations you are involved in, and the professors and advisors you have at your disposal, to please stop by Natali 101, pick up a sign, and start tweeting. (Photos on pages 8 & 9)

All Cal U Students, Faculty & Staff ride all MMVTA buses for FREE... Just show your Cal U card! No bus service on Easter, March 27, 2016

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Page 4 Mar. 25, 2016

Candidates for Cal U’s Next President Candidate Geraldine M. Jones

Geraldine M. Jones was named acting university president of California University of Pennsylvania on May 16, 2012. Following a recommendation from the California University Council of Trustees, the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Board of Governors named her interim university president on March 20, 2013. President Jones graduated from California State College in 1972 with a bachelor of education degree and earned her master’s degree in education at California in 1980. She returned to California in 1974, serving as program director for Upward Bound for 20 years and as chair of the Department of Academic Development Services for 11 years. She was associate dean of the College of Education and Human Services for two years before serving as the college dean from 2000-2008. In July 2008, she was named provost/vice president for academic affairs, a position she held until being appointed as acting university president. Important initiatives have been realized under President Jones’ tenure as interim president, including the University’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan; the University’s first doctoral degree program, the Doctor of Health Science; a new system of shared governance; the Center for Undergraduate Research to enhance and expand faculty-led research in all three undergraduate colleges; a successful Winter College; the Military Tuition Program, which exceeded its first-year enrollment goal by more than 50%; and nine new academic programs in high-demand areas since the 2012-2013 academic year, to name a few such initiatives.

Candidate Ralph Rogers, Ph.D. Dr. Ralph Rogers currently serves as the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs of Nova Southeastern University (NSU). As the chief academic officer for NSU, Provost Rogers provides leadership for matters that affect academic programs, research, and outreach involving faculty, students, and staff. He oversees the quality of instruction and research at the University through collaborative work with deans, departmental chairs, and other vice presidents, addressing issues such as academic quality, effective planning, good management, and program reviews. Dr. Rogers helps ensure the quality of the faculty by administering and overseeing procedures and criteria for faculty appointments and promotions, and working conditions. He monitors the quality of student learning by overseeing the curriculum while encouraging and coordinating initiatives in undergraduate and graduate education. Additionally, the Provost is responsible for overseeing academic and budgetary planning and priorities. Among the key efforts led by Dr. Rogers since joining NSU in 2013 included leading teams to develop reorganization and restructuring of Academic Affairs. Complementing the Academic Affairs restructuring was the development of a strategic plan for research which identified focus areas of research for NSU and the need to hire research faculty and address research administrative leadership, policies, and incentives. He instituted new policies and began a systematic review and revision of academic leadership, policies, and procedures to align with the new organization structure and research imperatives. New academic initiatives also created a new Honors College and the College of Engineering and Computer Science which included establishing a new innovative general engineering program.

Candidate Guiyou Huang, Ph.D. Guiyou Huang, Ph.D., is Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty and Professor of English at Norwich University, a comprehensive university with both civilian students and a corps of cadets, located in Vermont. Previously he had served first as Dean of Undergraduate Studies & Programs and then Dean of Biscayne College of Liberal Arts at St. Thomas University, Florida. Other leadership positions he held include Honors College Director at Grand Valley State University, Michigan; Director of University Honors Program and Chair of the English Department at Kutztown University, one of the 14 campuses within Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, where he served on a number of APSCUF committees. During his tenure as SVPAA and Dean of the Faculty at Norwich since July 2010, Dr. Huang collaborated with colleagues in leading and completing a number of important institutional priorities, including: • Created and implemented a new academic structure and collaborating with the Faculty Senate, revised policies to reflect structural changes. • Played integral role in the university’s strategic planning; developed Norwich’s first Academic Plan with focus on experiential learning, pedagogical innovation, and High Impact Practices, among others. • Expanded internationalization in several areas, including study abroad opportunities, the visiting/exchange scholars program, and international student recruitments. • Improved diversity in faculty and was instrumental in having diversity written into the university’s Strategic Plan. • Established an assessment plan with learning outcomes for all programs. • Participated in strategic enrollment management and improved student retention rates by 4% over the last five years. • Established 5 undergraduate degree programs, 2 graduate programs, 5 online degree completion programs, and several research centers.

Full bios at CALU.EDU

Page 5 Mar. 25, 2016

S h ow : spi r it o f the radio (fridays 10pm - 12 am)


SP OT LI GH T nick “Qrow” clouse

A freshman double majoring in mechatronics and robotics, Nick Clouse otherwise know DJ Qrow came to the California University of Pennsylvania from Chalfont, PA. DJ Qrow joined the station in the fall of 2015 after having a long talk with DJ Diabetus Mike and our current station manager Zach Fehl about Dungeons and Dragons. After a chance meeting with fellow DJ Sofro, he finally made the decision to come down and join the WCAL family. His favorite WCAL memory hands down is the epic speech DJ Ian Stone gave in the spring of 2016 elections. DJ Qrow has participated in events like the Homecoming parade as well as involved in Epic Destiny every Monday from 10 p.m. - 12 a.m., a live Dungeons and Dragons game played on air. Typically DJ Qrow can be found at the station on any given day when he’s not in class, hanging out with his girlfriend, or just with his friends. He has the unique ability to do accents and impressions especially an exact impersonation of Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove. DJ Qrow once had the opportunity to see one of his favorite bands, Foreigner, perform at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, NJ. He said it was a once and a lifetime opportunity as he was center stage and only a few rows back.

Rec o mmended like :

if yo u


B o st o n Fo re ig n er S ti ck s ACDC hys D ro p k ic k M u rp S ty x

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Page 6 Mar. 25, 2016

BSU CORNER By Jerron Corley

A Conceit

Greetings everyone,

Give me your hand.

Tickets for the 13th Annual BSU Formal are on sale! Please look out for us throughout the week in Natali if interested in buying. Ticket prices are $10/single, $15/couple and $70/ table of 8. The theme for this year is casino, so make sure to dress the part! Any questions and future ideas for the BSU Corner should be directed to me. Have a great weekend and remember to plan your success accordingly. Yours in Blackness, JC “I planned my success. I knew it was going to happen.� -Erykah Badu

Make room for me To lead and follow You Beyond this rage of poetry.

Prayers for Belgium On behalf of the BSU, we would like to extend prayers to the families and friends of the victims of the Brussels Bombings

MARCH 25 - 31

Let others have The privacy of Touching words And love of loss Of love. For me. Give me your hand.

Page 7 Mar. 25. 2016

Albums of the


By Dan Carmichael Cal Times Contributor

Ultimate Care II - Matmos The two albums I will be discussing this week are very irregular to the music world. The first, by Matmos, includes a 38 minute long track created only through the sounds of a washing machine. Matmos, an experimental, electronic music duo from San Francisco, has recently released their tenth studio album. Most of their works are purely instrumental tracks. Occasionally the group will bring in lead vocalists to perform for the entirety of the project. Though the album is made up of one continuous track, if you view this product on Spotify or other music streaming services, it will appear to have nine total tracks. The names are not individualized, but rather, title “Excerpt One” through Excerpt Nine.” The entire album was made in Matmos’ basement using a Whirlpool washing machine. Throughout the 38 minutes, they capture very simple, realistic sounds of the machine, while also adding their own touch. The drumming pieces you can hear were made all while the machine was running. Some of the drum beats were kept the same. Others were changed with effects added to them. It would appear that multiple instruments are used to make the sounds you hear, but in the end, it is just the machine and sounds that are made with it using a large amount of effects and synthesizers. The tracks provided make for an interesting listening experience. Not only is the idea for this album creative and one of a kind, it is also proves to be appealing to the ear. The sequences they present are almost dream-like. If you listen deeply, you can get lost in the music. This album as a whole is great for allowing yourself to explore the depths of your own mind and is quite tranquil. I gave this a listen numerous times, one just as I was waking up and once as I was falling asleep. When waking up, the tracks grew with intensity and got my body pumping. When I was trying to fall asleep, I lost all train of thought and felt at peace. This is not the type of music you will be able to party to and rarely will you find this in a club setting, but for any music lover, it is interesting to listen to for a brand new experience. Average Critic Rating: 75/100 My Rating: 75/100

Swish - Joywave Just last year, Joywave released their first studio album. To the surprise of many, this was a positive start for the New York native, indie rock band. Since this release last April, the band has not made any large public announcements about a new studio album, but they did release a new single titled “Destruction,” which was actually on their first album. This song became so popular that they decided to base an EP off of it. As a way to “troll” the music industry, they took the name made popular by hip-hop artist Kanye West after he decided against using it as his album title. “Swish” is a short 30 minute long, 10 track EP. It is difficult to tell whether the group is using it to confuse music fans or just because they knew it was a popular trend worldwide. Regardless, the album artwork is the same, plain orange background that Kanye used for his new album with “Swish” written on it instead of “The Life of Pablo.” Another interesting detail revolving around this album is that it is the same song over and over again through the first nine tracks with the last track being the only new song. This was done to be viewed as a joke. When the band plays concerts, they require their fans to get involved in the show and dance around and sing along. If the fans do not sing and dance, the band will play the same song over and over again until they join in. Even though the EP consists of the same song repeated, the title of each track is different. If you look at it as a sentence, the first nine tracks combined read, “Destruction. Why be credible when you can be incredible?” I think the entire idea they put forth was brilliant. Use an album title that has already been made popular and still avoid copyright. Present only one new song in ten tracks. Spell out a positive saying that your band believes in. Play to the comedy that your fans know and have grown to love. In the end, you will be able to listen to around 26 minutes of one of their most popular songs, as well as hear a brand new one. While this EP will not break any ground for the band, it will prove to show the fun side of the group and hopefully intrigue some new fans into listening to their previous works. Average Critic Rating: N/A My Rating: 75/100

Page 8 Mar. 25, 2016

I am... With the declines in funding since the recession and the inability of Pennsylvania’s state legislature to pass a budget, PASSHE has initiated a social media advocacy campaign. Fourteen PASSHE schools are in the midst of a massive and vigorous social media campaign called #InvestInMe. This campaign raises awareness that our state government should look at these state funded schools and their students as an investment...not an expenditure.

Page 9 Mar. 25. 2016

Photos contributed by Cal U Students

Students speak out

Page 10 Mar. 25, 2016


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Page 11 Mar. 25, 2016

What’s going on with Donald Trump’s campaign?

By Andrew Malhotra, Cal Times Contributor Trump’s presidential campaign has taken the country by storm, leaving many political scientist literally lost for words, as many though he would burn out very early, yet there seems to be no end in sight for him. Wining so much support goes so to show how badly, some Americans think something needs to change in a big way, and this is why so many people are jumping on his ship for the presidency. Not everyone sees Trump as this great way to “Make America Great Again”. In fact it seems for every supporter he gets, another two people grow to hate him that much more, and yes you read that right I said hate him, not just dislike as many people do of the candidate opposite to there ideology. There seems to be something more here, as to why they hate him so much more than would be usually. In fact they have started to protests his rallies, which really is not that big of a deal, as many people have protested many things in the past. In fact there probably has been a civil protests for just about everything, I am this is American after all, but there is something different going on here. People are not civilly protesting his rallies, but are turning them violet, creating riots, getting into fights with supporters, throwing water bottles at supporters, and even blocking roads so his rallies so they cant go on. It has gotten so bad that the city were the conventions will take place has even brought tons of riot gear, asked for many to build a wall, and have even asked for the national guard to be called in, as they think the city will erupt in riots. I was even thinking for going thru the Washington center, or trying to find another way to go, cause it will be the convection of a life time to go to. I have to rethink all of it now, as I do not want to in the middle of a city in mass riots. This sadly is nothing new, just look at when VicePresident Hubert Humphrey ran for the presidency, all of Chicago broke out in mass riots, while the 1968 Democratic Convention went on. He in fact probably was not the first candidate to have violet protest against him, just like Trump is not the first either, although when it happens on such a large scale it is still not any less different. In Trumps cases however, there is something going on here that truly has not been seen before, and this as many people have put it is that he him self is in-sighting the riots/violence’s. Many Liberals and maybe even non-Trump GOP supporters are taking this stand point, and I will even admit that I hate Trump so much that I was even bound to agree. I mean Trump did say he would pay for peoples legal fees for people who got into at this rallies, even if they were against him, and in addition has even said “we love are protestors”. If that’s not condoning all of this violence I do not know what is. If its anything my political science major has taught me, is to not just take things at face value. It in fact is easy to just blame Trump for it all, I mean especially if you hate him also, but do not take things at face value just like I was though. He is just one person and most importantly the candidate; therefore all he wants is more free media. What better way not to get free media then to seem to in-sight the violence, better yet to then contradict yourself by saying you do not in-sight the violence, which is all things he has done. Now some people and maybe even you, will say why would a candidate do all that just to get free media, but you

Photo: Wikimedia Commons have to remember this is Trump we are talking about. The man’s fence, and on to his side of things. Not just to mention when whole campaign has been about this type of show boating, and you shut a major city down like in the case of Ferguson, or doing anything to get free media. Worst of all nothing seems disrupt other peoples lives like by blocking the roads, you move to stick to him, therefor he does not have to worry about it American one step closer to complete chaos. affecting him later on. Many countries already around the world do not like us, and we Therefor if he was to really be the push behind of do not need to give them any more things to hate us. People all this violence’s, why would he then go to contradict himself need to remember we all have are own brains, can think for saying he does not approve of it, kind of counter productive are, and are in American society individuals, so just do not take if you ask me. Not just to mention the most important thing things at face value. Stop and think about it Trump just wants everyone who blames Trump forgets, that he is just ONE person. free media to gain in popularity, therefore he will just talk the I mean in less I am missing something here, and Trump has talk to gain support, and people themselves need to stop and cloned himself, or made an army of people where he is the head think: He can say as he wants its in the First Amendment, I of it, all in order to be creating this violence at this rallies, he can should not violently protest him, its not worth it to cause riots, not be the source behind it all. Yes, it is true he is not helping and hurt my side and my county in the process. the cause, but this is America under the first amendment he as the right to freedom of BRUSH UP ON YOUR speech, and people have a right to think for INTERVIEW SKILLS themselves. Oh no wait people cannot think for themselves, we live in Nazi Germany, or Did you know that the Career & Professional Development Center offers the Soviet Union, or really any nation-state practice interviews? Practice interviews can be general or geared toward a specific field or job! Make an appointment to do a practice interview in which is telling you what you must do/believe person or utilize HireCalYou’s online practice interview feature! in. This is why the people not Trump are the blame for all these riots/violence at his rallies, while I do not like Trump either; I am bound to agree with the conservatives on this issue. The people have just gone why to far this time. If you do not like Trump than yes protest his rallies, but in a peaceful way, or better yet try to convince people not to vote Visit for more information for him. All you do by causing these riots is Natali, Suite 138 to hurt your own cause, and force people on 724-938-4413 the fence about Trump to be pushed off the

Page 12 Mar. 25, 2016

Page 13 Mar. 25, 2016

NFL? CFL? James Harris attends NFL Regional Combine By Rachael McKriger, Sports Editor

James Harris wants to play professional football after college. The dream isn’t far away either for the California University of Pennsylvania quarterback. Harris, who finished his senior season last semester, is working hard to make his NFL dream come true. However, it’s not just an NFL dream. Harris isn’t against going to Canada to play in the Canadian professional league, the CFL. Harris says that it is absolutely an option. However, Harris was more excited and vibrant when talking about the NFL. Harris was invited to attend the NFL Regional Combine in Baltimore, Maryland. Basically a smaller version of the annual NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Harris wasn’t the only Cal U Vulcan to attend. Also attending the combine in Baltimore was offensive lineman Jeremy Seaman. Harris, who was one of seven quarterbacks in Baltimore, said the entire program was very well, and professional, run. “We got there and they kind of put us on the spot, us quarterbacks,” said Harris. We basically walked in and then they pulled us aside, gave us all our stuff to wear, and said “warm up real quick, we’re going to get you guys on camera.’” “We did a couple three-step drops and throws to each side of the field to get us on video,” Harris continued. “Then we got into the testing. We did the 40-yard dash, broad jump, shuttle, and vertical jump. Then after that, we got together with the receivers and the tight ends and we ran all the same drills that they run in the national combine in Indianapolis.” Harris commented that everything about the Regional Combine was very structured. “For instance, there were cones set up for the routes, so I knew where they were going to be,” he said. “Normally throwing to a receiver for the first time is rough, but it was set up well for us to have success, even though we don’t really know each other. It was cool to throw to a bunch of different guys that go to different school that I’ve never played with.” Harris said that he knew a couple players from the PSAC, but basically it was everyone that was from around the area that could attend. Harris said he even saw his old friend, Harvard quarterback Scott Hosch. “I actually trained with him in Atlanta,” he said. “I didn’t expect to see him there.” Also helping Harris get more attention was when

Photo: Don Wright/Sports Information

he played in the Senior Bowl and in the College Gridiron Showcase. “It was different than this because you actually had to play an actual game with these guys [from other schools],” he said. “It was a good experience though. I played in front of a lot of scouts, NFL and CFL. As for the College Gridiron Showcase, every team, all 32 NFL teams, were there, so that was good for exposure especially since I’m a Division II player.” CFL might just be where Harris ends up. Right now, Harris said he and his agent are talking to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. “I’m talking to Winnipeg right now and the talks are going well,” he said. “They seem very interested. They’ve seen me play a couple of times now between the College Gridiron Showcase and the National Bowl.” Harris is also getting himself out there by participating in Pro Days. He participated in Duquesne University’s Pro Day back on March 17 and will participate in Cal U’s Pro Day on April 4.

Harris’ Stats James Harris’ Career Cal U Stats

Career Touchdowns: 56 Completed Passes: 471 Attempted Passes: 811 Interceptions: 24 Career Yards: 7,349 Longest Pass: 95 Yards Average Yards per Game: 229.7 Average Points per game: 9.1 Rushing Touchdowns: 2 Rushing Yards: -10 Rushing Attempts: 104

Page 14 Mar. 25, 2016

Cal U Baseball continuing their winning season By Danny Beeck, Cal Times Staff Writer After California wrapped up a doubleheader this past Sunday against Clarion, it seems as though the young Vulcans baseball team is coming together and hitting their strides perfectly. A team in which boasts seven freshmen on their roster, the upperclassmen on this team have certainly stepped up and helped build the confidence in the younger players. Coach Mike Conte, the head coach for the Vulcans Baseball team for 20+ years, has a lot of faith in his young team, mentioning that, “This team is hardworking, has a positive attitude and is excited to see what they can achieve this season.” Along with their 11-9 record thus far, this Vulcans team is 7-1 at home, which is an important statistic, being that they play at home 16 more times before the season concludes. “One thing that I have been very impressed with is the senior player’s leadership and their willingness to spend time with younger players and help them adapt to the college game,” said Conte. “The relationships that you build with these young athletes, and coaches make it rewarding to see them succeed on or off the field.” Being that David Marcus has been sidelined with an injury for the majority of the season, his absence allowed for other players on this talented team to step up and contribute to their team’s

Senior Mick Fennell has had 26 total runs this season Photo: Matthew Kifer/Sports Information

success. Danny McGrath has started in all 20 games for the Vulcans and is helping his team with a .333 batting average, along with 23 hits. Chris Wastchak is also continuing his success from last season, with a .310 batting average and 14 RBI’s on the season. Mick Fennell, in his last season as a Vulcan, has helped this team get back on the winning side with 26 runs in his name, along with 6 home runs.

Fennell’s six home runs puts him just one shy of last season’s total and his production is one of the top reasons why this team has been turned around. The Vulcans will host Gannon University on April 2 for two games. The first game starts at 1 p.m. and the second game starts at 3:30 p.m. The next weekend, the team will host Slippery Rock University on April 9 at the same times.

Paige Wright remembers final Vulcan basketball season By Rachael McKriger, Sports Editor

Paige Wright said the aspect of Vulcan basketball she would miss the most was her teammates and coaches. Wright expressed that she thought her senoir season was amazing. “There was a lot that happened and I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with any other girls than this team,” she said. In a way, Wright was the only senior on the team, but in a way she wasn’t. She was the only senior player to dress and go for aciton on the court, while Brittany Nelson and Lana Doran were both out for the year with injuries. Nelson’s injury occurred during the preseason, while Doran’s occurred right when the preseason was ending. “It was kind of hard,” she said. “For most of

hte preseason, Lana was with us, and when we were on the court together it was really good. However, I did have Miki Glenn, who was also a leader on the court. Everyone knows how to play with each other, so it wasn’t too difficult.” Wright, who first went to Division II school Saginaw Valley State and then transferred to Owens Community College in Ohio, came to Cal U in 2014. She said that Saginaw was a bit bigger than Cal U, but was excited to come to Cal U and loved her new coach, Jess Strom. “I really loved coach Jess,” Wright said. “She’s taught me how to be really tough and how to be a leader. She taught me how to be diciplined in every area of every aspect. She’s also really fun and really loving. She’ll always give you a second chance even

if you don’t deserve it.” Wright said she was esctatic whenever the Vulcans won the PSAC Tournament and said she enjoyed her time in the NCAA Tournament. As for her favorite game of her senior season, she recalled her time playing against Indiana University of Pennsylvania on ESPN cameras. “The atmosphere was amazing and we played great,” she said. “Whenever I play in front of big crowds, I don’t really notice it. But it was pretty cool.” Wright will graduate this spring with a Bachelor’s degree in communication studies. She said she is still figuring out where she wants to go to graduate school out, but hopes to still be a part of the basketball envrinoment when in grad school.

Page 15 Mar. 25, 2016

Cal U Softball looking for another big, successful year By Nathan Connolly, Cal Times Contributor It is that time of year again. That time of year where you can’t tell if it is the beginning of spring or if it is still winter. You know what that means? It is softball season. It is time for the California University of Pennsylvania Vulcans to gear up for another successful season. Nothing beats the sound of the ball snapping against the leather gloves and the special sound the aluminum bats make when solid contact is made. The Vulcans softball team is ready to have an even better year than last year. With a fourth place finish in the country and a loss in the semi-finals of the national championship, the Vulcans are looking to build off of a tremendous season and find a way to get to the championship. A team that named all of their seniors the captains of the squad are looking for the perfect amount of leadership that will be able to make this the best Vulcans softball team ever. With that being said, the Vulcans are onto an unbelievable start to the season, taking trips down to Myrtle Beach and Florida for two tournaments. From February 18 to the 21, the Vulcans geared up for a four game tournament in which the came out with a 3-1 record, scoring 35 runs combined for the whole tournament. On March 3, the Vulcans opened up their game in the “Sunshine State” where they posted a 10-0 record and scored a total of 59 runs. The Vulcans totaled a 13-1 record with 94 runs scored to open up the season. The Vulcans will open up conference play Friday and Saturday against Slippery Rock and Mercyhurst for PSAC matches. Alex Sagl said that the team can build on their semi-final loss in the national championship and their fourth place finish in the nation. “I believe that this team can go further than last year,” she said. “With the majority of our team coming back, we know how nationals work and now we can go further.” “The ranking is just a ranking, honestly. All we care about is winning,” she said. The senior pitcher said her favorite thing about the team is their chemistry. “I love our chemistry and everyone’s love for the game,” she said. “We all have so much fun together. I live by the quote of ’Play every game as if it’s your last’ and I would just tell my team that.” Hailey Wilson, who leads the team in batting average with a .444, said she believes that the team feeds off losses. “I think that our teams feed off of our

Senior Alex Sagl, so far this season, has an earned run average (ERA) of 1.18. Photo: Don Wright/Sports Information

loss we had in the final four every single day,” she said. “It motivates us to be better and prove that we can make it even further, I have no doubt that this team can win a National Championship this year. My favorite part of this team is how we are all truly best friends on and off the field. We have been through so many highs and lows together and I think that’s one of the things that makes us work so well together”. She added, “Let’s finish what we have been working for and lets bring home the ship”. The enthusiasm from the Vulcans is evident and they are very hungry for a National Championship. There is plenty of pressure mounted on them with a final four loss last year. It is hard to stand with the weight of the world on your shoulders, but the Vulcans are standing strong.

Upcoming Games April April April April April April April April

1: Edinboro University (Home) 2: Gannon University (Home) 8: Seton Hill Univeristy (Away) 9: Slippery Rock Univ. (Home) 15: Edinboro University (Away) 16: Mercyhurst University (Home) 22: Seton Hill University (Home) 23: Gannon University (Away)

Page 16 Mar. 25, 2016

Cal Times

At h l e t e S p o t l i g h t Joe Yourgal Class: Junior Major: Sports Management Hometown: Millersville, Pa. High School: Lancaster Catholic

Junior Joe Yourgal is this week’s Athlete of the Week due to his dominant performance against Clarion University. Cal U won all four games against Clarion on March 19 and 20 with final scores of 4-2, 11-4, 6-3, and 9-0. Yourgal was the pitcher during the 9-0 shutout game. Yourgal, for his accomplishments in the game, was even named the PSAC West Pitcher of the Week. He also is one of the catchers on the team Photo: Matthew Kifer/Sports Information


A FREE MOUNTAIN BIKE AND HELMET Purchase any Brisk 1-liter at Flatz or Vulcan Express and you’ll be entered to win the Mountain Bike and Helmet! Promotion Runs:

March 28 to April 15, 2016 Deadline to enter: April 15, 2016 at 12 PM WINNER will be drawn April 15 at 4 PM

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