Cal Times Sept. 11, 2015

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“Change is a good sign of the university being able to adapt. In life, the only thing that’s constant is change.”

-Interim University President Geraldine M. Jones

SEPTEMBER 11, 2015

VOL 42, NO.3

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Pg. 4


Did you miss the faculty convocation? Read what Interim University President Geraldine Jones had to say.

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Faculty Convocation


Miley and Kanye

N s ve ti cit ia efi it in g d ng cin u di en ed s p at r ew ed


Miley had outrageous outfits at the VMA’s and Kanye had a thirteen minute speech. What did Cal U students think?


Pg. 10

Athlete of the Week Senior Kara Novotny is featured as this week’s Athlete of the Week, as she scored three goals in the first two games of the season Pg. 16

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Page 2 Sept. 11, 2015

CALU weather

Data by CAL U Weather Center









Day: Mostly Cloudy With An Evening Shower Or Storm. Night: Mostly Cloudy With A S h o w e r.

D ay : Pa r tl y C l o u d y. N i g ht: M o s tl y C l e a r Wi th A C h a n ce o f Sh owe rs.

D ay : M o s t l y S u n ny Wi t h A Ch a n ce o f S h ower s N i ght : Pa r t l y Cl o u d y Wi t h A S l i ght Ch a n ce O f A S h ower.

D ay : Pa r t ly Clo u d y Wi t h A Ch a n ce O f A S h ower. N i ght : Pa r t ly Clo u d y Wi t h A Ch a n ce O f A S h ower.




THEN DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Join President Jones for the annual

FALL STUDENT CONVOCATION Thursday, September 17th 11 a.m. Convocation Center, South Wing

Hiring Season!



I n t e r n s h i pCorner Thinking of an internship for Spring or Summer 2016? It’s not too early to start! With the beginning of a new fall semester underway, it is never too early to start looking for the perfect internship for Spring or Summer. Once you have analyzed your skills, goals, and interests, schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor. This is your rst step! Your advisor will determine your academic readiness, how an internship ts into your academic plan, and how many credits you should take. Once you have an idea of the type of internship you are looking for, you can register on Cal U’s InternLink System by visiting . On InternLink, you can create a proole, search for internships, make a resume, nd resources related to your major, and more! For more information regarding the internship process, visit the Internship Center located in the Natali Student Center (Suite 138, in the rotunda).







Cal U Weather Center, Cody Barnhart, JERRON CORLEY PUBLIC RELATIONS, emma rawlings rachael mckriger, jessica crossen Dan Carmichael


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.

Page 3 Sept. 11, 2015

Page 4 Sept. 11, 2015

Declining Enrollment, Deficit Means Cal U Must Adapt Interim University President Jones gives Fall 2015 Faculty-Staff convocation address By Stetson Provance News Editor

Demographics contributing to declining enrollment and spending that exceeds university revenue has forced California University of Pennsylvania to closely examine many facets of its operations in an effort to save money, create revenue, and cut into a $4.5-5.5 million deficit, Interim University President Geraldine Jones said during the Fall Faculty and Staff Convocation held on Sept. 3 in the Steele Hall Auditorium. Jones’s remarks updating the campus community on many key issues came after California University of Pennsylvania Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) President Barbara Hess claimed that despite an emphasis on things like shared governance, the way the university operates has remained unchanged. “There have been so many things that were supposed to happen and didn’t,” Hess said. Hess also told those in attendance the university wasn’t making sufficient progress concerning its search for a new president and the pending university strategic plan. “The university announced a search committee [for the position of president], and after that, there hasn’t been any additional progress,” Hess said. “And the strategic plan is still being formulated.” According to Hess, there has also been no progress in labor negotiations between employees and the university. “When people around campus stop and ask me how negotiations are going, I answer that they’re going nowhere,” Hess said. “There have been meetings held and we have been talking, but there has been no progress. We are still working on an expired contract.” In these uncertain times, Hess is calling for faculty to become more actively involved. This includes reading and commenting on the strategic plan when it is emailed in the future, attending and asking questions at the Council of Trustees meeting scheduled to be held on Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. in South Hall, and attending a social mixer aimed at establishing a united front between coaches and other faculty and staff members. According to Hess, this solidarity became especially essential after the university did not retain a number of assistant coaches late last spring. “Coaches are some of our hardest working, student oriented employees,” Hess said. “The non-renewed coaches were APSCUF members. There needs to be more cohesion

Interim University President Geraldine M. Jones gave the 2015 Fall Faculty and Staff Convocation Address on Sept. 3 in Steele Hall Auditorium

between coaches and the rest of our staff.” When Interim President Jones took the stage, she began by saying the university had delivered its action plan to the state system. “The action plan laid out where we are going, where we’re going, and the outcome we want to achieve.” Jones made it clear that, moving forward, the university will need to embrace change as “one big campus community.” “There have been a number of changes made at Cal U over the years,” Jones said. “As we move forward, I know that some of us are uncomfortable with change. However, change is a good sign of the university being able to adapt. In life, the only thing that’s constant is change.” One academic department that will see change is the Liberal Arts program. According to Jones, after taking a “close, in-depth” look at the program with its faculty, Jones said Liberal Arts would be trimmed from nine departments to six. “After careful consideration, we have decided these changes to the Liberal Arts department will make things more streamlined and better for students.” Changes will be seen during the Spring 2016 semester.

Concerning enrollment, Jones presented numbers that represent a mixed bag of positives and negatives for the university. Student enrollment in the graduate program, which has seen incremental increases in recent years, is up 9.3 percent compared to last school year. 2,079 students are enrolled in the graduate program this year compared to 1,902 in 2014-2015. However, as of Sept. 8, for the fifth straight year, undergraduate enrollment has declined. This year, 5,807 students are enrolled as undergraduates compared to 6,076 students in 2014-2015, a decrease of 4.8 percent. When asked about declining enrollment last fall, university officials said part of the reason for the trend was a decline in the number of college age students in the region of Western Pennsylvania. Because of the baby boom in the mid 1990s, among other factors, Cal U had experienced a 14-year enrollment increase from 1998 to 2011, topping out at a combined graduate and undergraduate total of 9,483 students in 2011-2012. Christine Kindl, director of communications and public relations at the university, said although the number of incoming students plays a role in enrollment numbers, so, too does a large graduating class, such as the class of 2015. “When a large class of seniors graduates, it takes a big class of incoming students to make up the difference and keep enrollment steady,” Kindl said. “To use round numbers, if 500 seniors graduate, for example, and you enroll 550 freshmen, your total enrollment goes up [assuming all else remains the same]. But if you graduate 700 seniors and enroll 550 freshmen — in other words, the same number of freshmen — your total enrollment goes down. There are many factors that influence overall enrollment; the number of first-year students entering the university is just one of them.” However, the university is introducing a litany of new programs and recruiting efforts aimed at increasing enrollment. As of Tuesday Sept. 8, Stanley Komacek, formerly an associate provost of academic affairs, has been reassigned and is now the associate provost for enrollment management. There is also a nationwide search for a vice president of marketing. The university is also hoping undergraduate programs introduced last year in social deviance, land management, and homeland security continue to see sizeable enrollment increases as they have this year. Jones also said the university will continue looking to introduce programs in areas where high demand is present.

Page 5 Sept. 11, 2015

In order to cut costs, reduce the deficit, and increase student options, California University of Pennsylvania purchased six university residence halls from the Student Association Inc.

On the graduate side of things, three new graduate programs housed online over the past summer each had 12-15 students enrolled. In the spring of 2016, a masters program in health science will begin, giving students their first ever chance to earn a doctorate degree at Cal U. The program will be held 100 percent online, and around 20 students are currently interested in enrolling. Jones said this “will not be Cal U’s only doctoral level program,” and the university will continue to look at areas where they can expand. Coming soon, the university is also going to offer a new program titled “Crossing the Finish Line,” which will allow 13,000 former Cal U students, along with the over 500,000 former students in Pennsylvania with an associates degree, to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Students will have the option to complete the program 100 percent online or on-campus.

According to Jones, this program will expand on Cal U’s online program, which is already ranked number one in the PASHEE system. Aside from innovative new academic programs, Jones also announced the university decided to purchase all six residence halls from Student Association Inc. (SAI). This will save the university over half a million dollars in operation costs per year, and save over $25 million dollars over the next two decades. According to Jones, this purchase will also benefit students. Now that the university is out of its agreement with SAI, Cal U can tailor dorms more toward student wants and needs. This means things like large numbers of single occupant dorms could become a reality in the future. Students will also see technological improvements across campus. 340 new computers have been added in the New

Science Hall, Noss Hall, Eberley Hall, and Helsel Hall. The banner system on the Vulcan Information Portal (VIP) has also been improved, and Jones said students would notice the improvements in speed when registering for classes later this fall. While Cal U is still awaiting the passing of the state budget, Jones said it is expected Cal U will either see no change or a slight increase in state appropriations, a welcomed change for state schools Moving forward, Jones acknowledged the university will continue to face challenges. However, the “talent, intellect, and energy” present on Cal U’s campus makes no challenge too difficult to solve. “Everyone needs to put their talents to use,” Jones said. “Shared governance makes it possible for everyone to get involved and share their ideas. By getting involved, we can all make Cal U the best it can be.”

Page 6 Sept. 11, 2015

SEPTEMBER 11-17 Nikki Brognano, Cal Times Website Coordinator, says: This is such an eventful mystery/fantasy filled movie that you don’t want to miss! This movie was a break through for Britt Robertson, who stars as Casey Newton, since she had the opportunity to co-star with the George Clooney who plays Frank Walker. The imagery of this movie will have you holding onto the popcorn and the snacks! Casey Newton discovers a city that was intended for the world’s most elite artists, inventors, and scientists. Casey learns about the secrecy of this city and the effect it has on the world. She goes on a mission to find Frank Walker, who is the only one who can help her.

Page 7 Sept. 11. 2015

Behind The Mask: The Annual Paintball Invasion BY JESSICA CROSSON

After kicking off Safety Week with a tye-dyeing event and a performance by the band “The Middle Ground,” the Student Activities Board (SAB) provided students at California University of Pennsylvania with a paintball event that marked the midway point for the week’s activities. SAB Vice-President, Jon Hershey, discussed how paintball was chosen. “We [SAB] take suggestions from students to conferences, which is where we get our activities from. When we go to these conferences we watch performers showcase their skills/activities. Then we decide which is best and we contact the artist to see if/when we can bring them to Cal,” Hershey said. “We [SAB] have different events that vary from each other. This [paintball] reaches other students that may not be interested in our novelty events,” he added. Paintball was set up on the turf outside of Natali from 11a.m.-3p.m. After signing a waiver, students were able to suit up in a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants uniform complete with a mask and neck guard to prepare them for their adventure inside the dome. Participants were allowed to play until they were shot, after which they had to exit the dome at their own risk.

A paintball event is typically held every year which leaves many returning students looking forward to having another opportunity to play the game. Sophomore Avery Sharpless had been anxiously awaiting for the event to happen again this year. “This is my second year doing this [paintball] at Cal,” said Sharpless. “I’m pretty much a gun fanatic so this is a very fun event for me to do."


Like Sharpless, sophomore Zachary Davoli also was ready to face the paintball adventure another time. He explained, “I wish this could happen all the time. It’s [paintball] my favorite event.”

Many new students aren’t used to having random free events going on around them while the school day is in session, but that didn’t stop them from enjoying their time in between classes. Freshman Zechariah Ingram said his experience was "really fun." He also added, "There’s not a lot of places you can go and do things like this. It’s a great way to meet new people on campus and everyone was really nice.” After playing for hours and being covered in paint, Nicolette Clements agreed. "This [paintball] is probably the best experience of my life. It’s exhilarating and fun. Just don’t tell my mom about it" Clements said. Despite a brief pause in the festivities due to lightning and rain, many students were able to enjoy this event as a nice break in their day, making it one of the campus favorites. “Even though we had to stop the event for about a half an hour due to lightning, paintball still had the student body buzzing and a lot of students came out to enjoy our event,” said SAB President Nate Connolly. “It was really nice to see everyone having a great time and we will definitely be having paintball again.”

BSU CORNER with Jerron Corley This Week In Black History

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou

September 7, 1963 - Eric Lynn Wright, better known as Eazy-E was born. He was dubbed ‘The Godfather of Gangsta Rap’ and was a member of the hip hop group N.W.A. He died of AIDS in 1995 at age 31. September 8, 1954 - Ruby Bridges was born. She is known as the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school in the South. September 9, 1941 - Otis Redding was born. He was a singer and songwriter, record producer, arranger and talent scout. He is considered one of the greatest singers in popular music and a major artist in soul music and rhythm and blues. He was killed in a plane crash in 1967. He was 26. September 10, 1960 - At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Abebe Bikila became the 1st sub-Saharan African to win a gold medal, winning the marathon in bare feet. September 11, 2001 - Two hijacked aircraft crash into the World Trade Center in New York City, while a third smashes into The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, in a series of coordinated suicide attacks. A fourth hijacked airliner crashes in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Altogether, 2,996 people are killed

Greetings Everyone! Our first meeting was a huge success! We really appreciate the full house and we hope that the room will be packed every meeting. A lot of ideas were taken into account and with your help, we can make them come to life. Remember, our next meeting is September 17 at 5 p.m. It will be in Carter Hall’s Multipurpose Room. Please come out and feel free to bring anyone! If you are still interested in volunteering for Family Day on September 19th, please contact Kyna at

Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Singles 1) Can’t Feel My Face - The Weeknd 2) Watch Me - Silento 3) The Hills - The Weeknd 4) 679 - Fetty Wap ft. Remy Boyz 5) Trap Queen - Fetty Wap

Current News Freddie Gray trial judge denies motion to remove Marilyn Mosby from case A Baltimore judge on Wednesday denied a raft of motions aimed at removing state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby from a case involving six police officers criminally charged in the death of Freddie Gray. In court, judge Barry Williams described one of the PHOTO: THE GUARDIAN motions - which claimed that by reading the probable cause statement in a press conference on the day her office filed charges, Mosby herself became a witness and should therefore be prevented from the case - as “mind-boggling”. *If you have any suggestions for the BSU Corner, or if you would like to submit poetry/artwork for recognition, contact me at

Page 8 Sept. 11, 2015


No Closer to Heaven-The Wonder Years On their fifth studio album, The Wonder Years outdid themselves. The highly anticipated No Closer to Heaven dropped late last week, though both “Cardinals” and “Cigarettes & Saints” leaked prior. “Cardinals” was the first song I heard off the album, and I was impressed. Dan Campbell, or Soupy, has grown into a lyrical genius. The Wonder Years packs each song with heart. The thirteen track album keeps a fast tempo, lasting just over 45 minutes. “Cigarettes & Saints” was the top track of the album for me. With minimum instrumentals, Soupy’s voice carries far, and the lyrics feel so genuine. This is the music that you can’t get out of your head and can’t stop singing. The Wonder Years last album, The Greatest Generation which was released in 2013, showed the bands progression and maturation, and No Closer to Heaven carries it on. The Wonder Years isn’t abandoning or changing in the pop/punk genre, they are growing in it. The Wonder Years still sound like the same band I saw six years ago in a small, local venue in Erie, and that is what I love. Their music isn’t dated, and I still catch myself listening to tracks from their earlier albums like Get Stoked On It! This is one album that has and will live up to it’s expectations. The raving reviews for this album aren’t exaggerating, and neither am I. Average Critic Rating: 85/100 My Rating: 90/100

Rodeo – Travi$ Scott Travi$ Scott, a southern rap artist hailing from Houston, Texas, is only a mere 23 years old. “Rodeo” is the first full length studio album that Scott has made and was released just a little over a week ago. This album, reaching just over an hour and fifteen minutes in length, features some of the biggest names in the business including Kanye West, 2 Chainz, Justin Bieber, Schoolboy Q, Future, The Weeknd, Juicy J., and even more after that. I for one am always excited to see who artists get as features for their albums and after I saw the track list for this one, I can say that I am pleased with the names I saw. Aside from the features, the main thing that matters is how they were used on the album and how it all came together in the end. If I could compare this sound to anyone that may be a little more known to the public, the comparison would have to be to a version similar to Kid Cudi with a little more of a “trap” genre vibe to it. The lyrics are generic as far as current day, mainstream hip hop goes. The beats are a better than average, in my opinion. Another trend that this album shows, as far as southern hip hop is concerned, is a heavy base of autotune and lyrics pertaining to drugs. Similar styles are seen by artists like Future and 2 Chainz. “Rodeo” has some songs that can be enjoyed by any hip hop fan. If you are a fan of the “new age” hip hop sound, such as the heavy, distorted beats and darker slow moving lyrics, you will most certainly enjoy this album. From a production stand point, I think this album is top notch. From a lyrical stand point, it’s pretty basic. Let’s be honest, it is not intended to be one of the more lyrical albums of the year. This album was created exactly the way it should have been and shows for a great start for Scott. Scott will be touring throughout the winter with The Weeknd. Unfortunately, this tour will not be coming through Pittsburgh, but will be in areas as close as New York and Washington D.C. if you are willing to make the long trip to see the two of them. Average Critic Rating: 61/100 My Rating: 75/100

Page 9 Sept. 11. 2015

s t n e s e r p B A S

D N U O R G E L D D I M E TH s t r i h s t e y d and t ye-


Page 10 Sept. 11, 2015


By Katie DelVerne The 2015 Video Music Awards ‘(VMAs) viewers were in for quite the show when the award show aired with Miley Cyrus as host. Her outfits were revealing and eccentric, and her jokes revolved solely around pot. There is no question viewers did not expect Miley to be her bizarre self, pushing her limits throughout the whole show. As she snapped a picture with Rita Ora and some other, she told the group to say “Marijuana” before taking a photo on her selfie stick. If that’s not a bold choice on live television, I’m not sure what is. But what do we expect from Miley? She is eccentric. She is the shock factor. I think an overwhelming number of people think she’s going through a phase, or that she is pulling a publicity stunt. I, however, believe this is just her personality and she has no fear or regrets in showing it. She is confident, and comfortable in her own skin. Why do we as society feel the need to knock her for it?

“I don’t think Miley is gross. She just simply expresses herself” – Alex Pasculle

“Miley is just trying to create a new culture, she is influencing our generation.” -Billy Baker

Y E L MI “Miley is a classic example of child star going bad/ gone bad. Her haircut is too short too, not a big fan.” – Zac Brownlee

Page 11 Sept. 11, 2015

“Kanye said he was high during his speech. I mean say what you’re going to say, but there are kids watching the VMAs.” -Shannon Rhea

“I love Kanye. His self-confidence and arrogance is part of his persona.” -Zac Brownlee

By Katie Delverne


Kanye West: the second hard-hitter at the 2015 VMAs. West accepted the Vanguard Award, or the “Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award”, or also known as the “Lifetime Achievement award”. Give it one name, MTV. According to Wikipedia, it is given to a musician who has a strong impact on the MTV culture, and honors that musician’s body of work. It may also be given to music video directors who produce some of the most admired videos of all time. West is known for his innovative music videos so I believe the award was well deserved. Taylor Swift, whom West stole the microphone from six years ago at the same award show, presented West with his award. He then proceeded to make quite the lengthy speech, concluding with his announcement of presidential candidacy in 2020. WHAT? I am, and will always be, a huge advocate for Kanye. I enjoy his music and I applaud his selfconfidence, uniqueness, and achievements. During his speech, I did not get a sense of arrogance. I instead felt his passion, and commitment to his industry. He speaks to his fellow artists, basically telling them not to base their self-worth off of an award show or if they won Album of Year.

“I do think Kanye is very cocky.” -Alex Pasculle

“He should not be promoting that [drug use] on TV. He is influencing a large generation” –Chelsea Singleton

Page 12 Sept. 11, 2015

Should prostitution be a crime? BY NIKKI BROGNANO, Contributing Editor

So here’s a topic that might bring you to the edge of your seat. On August 26 2015, an article was found in the opinion pages of The New York Times stating that “Amnesty International passed a resolution supporting the decriminalization of sex work, on the grounds that it would be safer for sex workers — a move that many human’s rights groups disagree with and opposed” (The New York Times). Should it be okay to legalize the promotion of your own occupation as a sex worker? After all, people will still find a way to complain about their rights even if they do already live in the land of the free, so one can say that prostitution being illegal takes away the right for individuals to make a career choice. It has also been said that decriminalizing prostitution allows sex workers to legally challenge bullying and exploitative behavior. However, I beg to differ on the above assumptions. If, “It is believed that trafficking in women, coercion and exploitation can only be stopped if the existence of prostitution is recognized and the legal and social rights of prostitutes are guaranteed,” (Marjan Wijers Chair of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Trafficking in Human Beings) then how can we assume that legalizing prostitution would not just pertain to the act of leading the lambs to the wolves? This means I believe that giving women the green light for this occupation would bring them to a serious danger zone and leading them to slave owners, pimps, or landlords of sex trafficking organizations. Another argument that I strongly stand for is that legalizing prostitution encourages girls at very young ages to become a part of this occupation. Instead of girls being encouraged to chase after dreams that are much more worthwhile they are encouraged to take the easy way out by selling themselves to some fat old pervert for money. Maybe you’d like to argue that, “It’s not fair for you to say that when some people are left with no other choice in order to support their families!” Well I completely disagree and I encourage you to think a little bit deeper. There are MANY resources and organizations out there which also reach out into the places you might think are in the dark that are willing to help young women get careers and funds for their families. Young women should challenge their other challenges. In other words, I am saying that young women should fight against their struggles and rise up to do something more effective with their lives. Prostitution might be a career some women enjoy, but for most women in prostitution this career was not something they chose from the beginning.

Prostitutes in front of a gogo bar in Pattaya, Thailand. Like slaves on an auction block waiting to be selected, victims of human trafficking have to perform as they are told or risk being beaten. Sex buyers often claim they had no idea that most women and girls abused in prostitution are desperate to escape, or are there as a result of force, fraud, or coercion. (Source; WikiMedia) Research has showed that many women who live in countries that have legalized prostitution were actually forced into sexual labor as trafficked victims. I am not bashing women individually for being prostitutes; I am encouraging women to take part in something greater with their lives because too many people simply just objectify women through in result of prostitution. Along with many other aspects about this topic I have also read that, “It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United States, the rape rate would decrease by roughly 25% for a decrease of approximately 25,000 rapes per year....” (Kirby R. Cundiff, PhD Associate Professor of Finance at Northeastern State University). I find this prediction to be very null and void. Rape would still exist just the same whether or not prostitution is legal or illegal. The only difference would be that rape would be “buying” the victim rather than stealing them. One might say that whoever is buying the service of a sex worker is less likely to commit a sexual crime because he or she is satisfying their sexual desires. This is incorrect because individuals who are controlled so immensely by their sexual desires are most likely to still seek sexual service just as much whether it is with consent or without it. I argue this with the fact that most people who are sexually unstable will always want what they cannot have. So no matter what, people will still find a way to be dissatisfied so much that it would still leave them to become weak enough to sexually assault other individuals being prostitutes or not.

I am concluding with my answer to this question, “Should prostitution be a crime?” My answer is yes. I believe that legalizing prostitution would only increase the numbers of sex slaves that are held against their own will. People purchasing sexual service would most likely fall into a situation where they are buying it from a person who has been captured and is forced to carry out the actions of a prostitiute. “Sex buyers often claim they had no idea that most women and girls abused in prostitution are desperate to escape, or are there as a result of force, fraud, or coercion” (WikiMedia). Legalizing prostitution would only create an increase of objetifcation of women. And rape would still be just as likely because rape is not an outside cause. Rape starts internally within the mind and heart of the rapist. Saying that decriminalizing prostitution would help to decrease sexual assault is like saying people are less likely to steal when they are sitting beside a pile of a million bucks. It all comes down to a measurement of the heart. Women selling themselves as a prostititue is not fully justifiable, and when others can find more reasons why something is wrong over something being right, then it should not be acceptable. Have any feedback? Feel free to leave a comment on this article found at! Source: should-prostitution-be-a-crime

Page 13 Sept. 11, 2015

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Page 14 Sept. 11, 2015

Friend leads Vulcans women’s XC to home meet title By Sports information Junior Julie Friend (Markleysburg, Pa./Uniontown) used a kick on the final straightaway to capture the individual title on Saturday afternoon and the Vulcans earned a dual meet victory over Wheeling Jesuit in the 44th-annual Cal U/Marty Uher Invitational at Roadman Park. The California University of Pennsylvania women’s cross country team totaled a score of 20 points after featuring four of the top-five finishers. Wheeling Jesuit closed the meet with 41 points. Behind the late kick, Friend claimed the individual title by just two seconds with a time of 12 minutes, 10 seconds. She won four events last fall, including a dual meet against the Cardinals at Roadman Park. Friend also was an individual qualifier for the NCAA National Championships after finishing in seventh place at the regional meet. Senior Alison Kimble (Morgantown, W.Va./University), who was making her program debut, placed third overall with a time of 12:19 after running with Friend for virtually the entire 3-kilometer race. Freshman Maddie Thrasher (Greenville, Pa./Greenville) crossed the finish line in fourth place with a time of 12:27 and classmate Kayla White (Fawn Grove, Pa./Kennard Dale) was close behind in 12:30 to place fifth overall. Freshman Alyson Pierce (West Middlesex, Pa./West Middlesex) rounded out the team scorers with a seventh-place finish and a time of 12:37. Fellow newcomers Maura Glennon (Johnstown, Pa./Westmont Hilltop) and Jaclyn Reinbold (Macungie, Pa./Emmaus) also finished in the top-10 overall on Saturday with Glennon registering a time of 12:45 to finish in eighth place and Reinbold posting a time of 12:49 to place ninth overall. The Vulcans are idle next weekend before returning to action on Sept. 19 when they

Julie Friend captured the individual title last Saturday and helped the Vulcans win the dual meet over Wheeling Jesuit

compete at the Saint Vincent Invitational in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Photo: Sports Information

From Montreal to Cal U: The Kira Goin Story By: Rachael McKriger Cal Times Contributor

Montreal is the second largest city in Canada and home to many wonderful things. Montreal is home to the Olympic Stadium, the Montreal Canadiens, the Montreal Impact, and many other great sports teams and historic venues. However, to California University of Pennsylvania freshman Kira Goin, it’s so much more than any sport team. Montreal, which is an 11 hour drive from Cal U, is her home, where she grew up, and where she left a few weeks ago to make her way to California, PA. Goin came to Cal U for both the academics and as a participant on the school’s swim team. Goin did not have a swim team at the high school she went to in Montreal, however she was involved in the local swim clubs. She loved going to school right in the city of Montreal. “Going to a school in the middle of the city was awesome,” Goin said. “It made my three hour breaks bearable because there was always so much to do, whether it be eating at the many restaurants available or shopping.” Goin added that there aren’t any major differences about going to school in the United States, except that in Montreal some of her surroundings and classes were in French. What drew Goin to Cal U was not just the swim team, but also academics. Goin is a tourism major and decided to major in it because “I’ve always been interested in the industry and I’ve always had a strong desire to travel the world.” Goin noted that she loves Cal U because “it is small, has my top major, the food is good, and the swim team, of course.” Goin’s personal goals for the swim season is to do her best, have fun, to meet new people, and learn new things. The season hasn’t quite started for the team, but Goin said her teammates seem “really cool and I look forward to training with them.” The Vulcan swim team will be participating in upcoming friendly swim matches, but their official season starts on October 24 at South Euclid, Ohio against Notre Dame (Ohio) and Wheeling Jesuit University.

Page 15 Sept. 11 2015

Vulcans crush Trojans, now look to tame Huskies By Matt Hagy Sports editor California entered Rogers Stadium in Petersburg, Virginia last Saturday looking to make a statement and prove any doubters wrong. Well they did just that and more. The California Vulcans stomped the defending CIAA champion Virginia State Trojans by a score of 35-16, which was more lopsided than the final was. From the opening kickoff it was all California. Senior quarterback James Harris took to the breezy Southern Virginia afternoon sky right away as he sailed a 50 yard pass right into the arms of his fellow classmate Kowan Scott to make it 7-0 out of the gates. Virginia State made attempts to score multiple times as they drove deep into Vulcan territory and led the time of possession for the game. However the Vulcan first-team defense held the high-powered Trojan offense to just nine points the whole game compared to the 24 points they gave up in the previous meeting. Harris continued to dominate as he threw touchdown passes of 90 and 87 to junior receiver Garry Brown who finished with 203 yards and those two scores. For Brown, he now has 200 plus yard receiving in 2 of his last 3 games dating back to last season. The dominant opening day win by the Vulcans has raised eyebrows among many in the region and now the Vulcans set their sights on their home opener against the PSAC east favorite Bloomsburg Huskies. Bloomsburg was ranked 11th to start the season which was highest among any

Defensive tackle Tyler Haddock compiled five tackles and two sacks against Virginia State last week.

Photo: Sports Information PSAC teams but last Saturday fell into the upset trap as they lost a shocking 27-10 contest at home to Stonehill. Regardless of the loss, the Vulcans know the Huskies will be at their best when they arrive to Adamson Stadium on Saturday. The Huskies are one team that Cal has struggled with over recent years with Bloomsburg winning the last three meetings. The last time the Vulcans defeated Bloomsburg was in a 2008 NCAA second round playoff game where Cal went up to Bloomsburg and won 27-24 avenging a loss earlier in the season. While these teams do not play each other often, every contest they do always shapes up as a back and forth contest that comes down to the wire. In 2009, the Vulcans rallied to tie the Huskies with one minute to go only to see Bloomsburg quickly march down

the field and score the game-winning touchdown with 22 seconds remaining. The next season the two teams squared off again in the playoffs this time in the first round at Cal and once again the Huskies broke the Vulcan faithful’s hearts with a 28-26 win after stopping the Vulcans on a two point conversion in the final seconds. This brings us to last year’s contest which was nothing short of exciting as Vulcan senior placekicker Cody Nuzzo hit a career long 50 yard field goal to force the game into overtime and complete an 11 point 4th quarter comeback. However once again, the Huskies smashed more hearts as they intercepted James Harris on the 1st play of overtime and won the game on their possession with a game winning field goal. There is no doubt the Vulcans owe the Huskies big time. If there was ever a year to finally knock off Bloomsburg this is the year. For the first time in many years, the Huskies do not have a killer running game which, has been a big reason why Cal has had little success beating them. James Harris played with an extreme amount of confidence Saturday against Virginia State and it will be tough for Bloomsburg to stop the Vulcan offense if they continue to produce like they did to start the season. The venue has shifted back to friendly confines of Adamson Stadium and will be the host of what sure will be another great chapter between these two teams, which will begin at 1pm on Saturday.

Hagy’s Big Ten NCAA: Week 2 and NFL: Week 1 Season Record: 7-3 NCAA Game


Oregon State @ Michigan Michigan Oklahoma @ Tennessee Oklahoma Temple @ Cincinnati Cincinnati Oregon @ Michigan State Michigan State UPSET: Boise State @ BYU BYU

NFL Game


Packers @ Bears Packers Titans @ Buccaneers Buccaneers Ravens @ Broncos Broncos Giants @ Cowboys Cowboys Eagles @ Falcons Eagles

If you want to compete against Matt Hagy, the Sports Editor, submit your picks to by that Saturday Morning at 11 a.m. If you beat Matt, your picks and name will be in next week’s paper. Good luck fellow pickers!

Page 16 Sept. 11, 2015

Cal Times Athlete Spotlight Kara Novotny, Midfielder

Class: Senior Major: Communication Disorders Hometown: Irwin, Pa. High School: Penn Trafford

Coming into her final season at Cal U , Kara Novotny was looking to finish her Vulcan career strong. As the 2015 season kicked off last Thursday, Novotny made a dominant early impression. Through the first two games of the season, Novotny tallied three goals including two of them in the Vulcans first win of the season over Mansfield. In her Vulcan career so far before this season started, Novotny has scored 5 career goals and gained 5 assists on 15 points. Off the field, Novotny has been on the Cal U AD honor roll every semester and has received PSAC scholar athlete status every season along with gaining the D2ADA Academic Achievement Award the past two seasons. PHOTO: JOSH RICHARDSON 75004

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