“Magic Mike” review
This week in photos
PAGES 6 & 7
The economy
SEPTEMBER 14, 2012
VOL. 33, NO. 3
SAI House of Representatives meets, budgets discussed By Jamie Rider staff writer
The first House of Representatives meeting was held in the Vulcan Theater on Thursday, September 6, by The Student Association, Inc. Elections were held for speaker of the house, lieutenant speaker, parliamentarian, recording secretary and two cabinet seats. Each organization and club was requested to have one active member come to decide on officer elections, but while important, elections were not what captured most of the House’s attention. In the middle of August, club officers and advisors were sent an e-mail regarding the funds allocated to their respective club or organization for the fall semester. This was supposed to give an idea as to how much clubs could expect to start the year with. They learned from the e-mail that 50% of the funds they expected to receive are being held from use until the spring semester. Leigh Ann Lincoln, the CFO of SAI, took the stage to address this development after elections were held. She explained that the reason for the hold is funds is the 11.29% drop in undergraduate enrollment. Full-time students of the university are charged an SAI fee which goes towards funding the 116 recognized clubs and organizations on campus. This
year, SAI approved a budget of $3.2 million to be used for the recognized institutions on campus. $1.4 million has rolled over from last year, but this has not been enough to warrant a complete release of funds. Lincoln expressed hopes that there will be late enrollments from prospective students and that enough fees will be amassed so that SAI will be able to release 25% more of the funds. She was adamant that “there are no promises” however, and this will only happen if there is a spike in the enrollment. SAI wants to release the remainder of the funds once the spring semester starts, but that is also subject to enrollment. No one is being guaranteed anything at this point. Also during the meeting, club representatives were informed of additional policy changes made to the House of Representatives that require that clubs increase the minimum number for membership, attend monthly House of Representatives meetings (and receive financial penalties for absence), use allocated funds only as prescribed in budget packet and follow a number of new travel guideline. The most notable changes involve those made to travel. Organizations will now be required to submit a full list of travelers to be verified as fee-paying students before that club is allowed to start spending
photo by: Matthew Kaminski Alexandra Brooks, President of the Student Government Association, lead a discussion at the House of Representatives meeting last Thursday.
money for the trip. Clubs may no longer use allocated money to cover travel expenses for nonfee paying students. However, they are permitted to travel on fundraised money. Further travel changes require that all air travel be booked at least 30 days in advance of trip and, upon returning from a trip, all clubs must give a presentation to House members about its benefit to the organization, its members or the university. Also, if a club plans on more than one trip in the span of one academic year, they must produce records of the method used to select which members were eligible
to attend. Lincoln says this is to ensure “that there is a fair selection process for each member.” On why these changes were implemented, Lincoln noted that over the last several years spending had “become extreme” in trend with allocated money to organizations. After reviewing some of the practices of other PASSHE schools, SAI felt the need to update several policies in an effort to help students “better plan for events and be economical in spending.” Lincoln says that all students at Cal U will benefit from the changes. “Updated procedures simply
increase the transparency of how student fee dollars are being spent,” she remarked. With state funding for education under continual threat of reduction, increased financial accountability may raise the amount of paperwork, but it may also benefit Cal U students across campus. For more information on SAI and access to the Club and Organization Guidebook, visit them on the web at If you’re interested in becoming a member of student government, an online form is located on CalU’s website under the “current students” tab.
By Gene Axton
Schools took part in a districtwide themed poster contest. The posters were to represent California in different creative ways. California Area High School students also took time out of their day to deliver roses to the elderly and disabled members of residences in California and the outlying communities. Students weren’t the only ones that handed out roses. Flowers by Regina partnered with local businesses to hand out 10,000 roses to their patrons and to California citizens. Each participating business in the area received one rose to keep and other roses to hand out to friends, family and neighbors. The result was a day of meeting new people and showing appreciation for those already known. California… A Community of Caring served as a tribute to the victims of September 11, 2001, but it was meant to be more than
that to the people of California. It was an event that started on September 9 when those who attended a church in the California area received a rose. It was an event that continued into September 11, when multiple facets of the community showed their appreciation for their city and the country they live in. It was meant to promote unity, camaraderie and pride among community members, and in that sense, it is an event that is never meant to end.
California remembers 9/11 editor in chief
photo by: J. Helsel Rose Livingstone, owner of Flowers by Regina in the California Borough, drops off roses at the Center in the Woods Senior Center as part of an effort to deliver 10,000 roses throughout the community. Livingstone’s floral shop and other businesses in the borough purchased the roses to be handed out on September 11 to promote “caring” throughout the California area.
We’re all familiar with the events of September 11, 2001. If old enough, we remember where we were. If too young, we recognize the profound impact that day has had on the world that exists in its aftermath. On the eleventh anniversary of September 11, California community members of all ages were encouraged to not only remember what we’ve lost, but acknowledge and be thankful for what they have. California… A Community of Caring, a local event sponsored by area business, was held this past Tuesday, September 11. The event was celebrated in a variety of ways that promoted goodwill and citizenship throughout the community. Students of California Area Elementary, Middle and High