Cal Times, February 10, 2017

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FEBRUARY 10, 2017 VOL 45, NO.2

Frosty Frolic!!! “The urge to make the wintry plunge takes hold.� Cal U Football team members test the waters Feb. 4 with a special Vulcans theme. Read more about the event on Pg. 3


Page 2 Feb. 10, 2017

S.P.S.A. Screen Printing Student Association Email: (Pres.) ( V.P) ( Trea) (Sec.)

Student Affairs

T-shir ts, Sweatpants, Hoodies and more! - With Bee Graphix closed, you can now go to your fellow students for qualit y prints at a drastically less price. - Our club consists of students mostly in the Graphics and Multimedia major. - We are all friendly and willing to work with you to get what you want.

Do you Know


Did You Know? The Student Organization Suite in the Natali Student Center houses the O ffice of StudentAc tivities,Student Government Association, the O ffice of Greek Affairs, and the Underground CafĂŠ. Meeting space is available for all clubs and organizations as well as a resource room with marketing materials, phone, and computer. Lockers are available for clubs and organizations. Reser vations can be made for the semester rental by contac ting Joy Helsel at

Career Advisor? Find out more at the Career & Professional Development Center

Natali Suite 138 | 724.938.4413 |








Jonathan Hershey, Nathan Connolly, Monica Flickinger, James Rudolph, Angel Funk, Joshua Proud, Briana Hendriksen, Eddie Kuntz, Elizabeth Pedder & Sports Information.


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.


Page 3 Feb. 10, 2017

California area community takes the plunge during the Frosty Frolic Briana Hendriksen, Staff Writer On Feb. 4, dozens of California area community members plunged into the Monongahela River in honor of the annual ‘Frosty Frolic’ event. Despite the water temperatures being at an estimated 38 degrees’ and the air temperature being 28 degrees, countless groups of individuals gathered anxiously to participate, or cheer on their friends and family who were at the community event. The Frosty Frolic, which has been held every year for the past four years, began as an effort to help raise awareness and raise funds for the California Area School District Foundation, On average, the Frosty Frolic event raises roughly $6,500 annually. All of the proceeds go directly toward scholarships and grants for students and teachers in the California Area school district. The annual plunge was sponsored this year by ‘Freezing Sponsors’, Monongahela Valley Hospital, Bee -Graphix, Jonny D Disc Jockey Service, Lagerheads, NorthwoodTri County Realty Associates, LP. Frosty Frolic coordinator, Walter MacFann, said his favorite part of the event is the day of the event. “Seeing and speaking with people after they jump, and the range of emotions from ‘I loved it’, to ‘ That was cold, I’m not sure I can do it again’, is my favorite part of the event.” This year, organizations and groups ranging from the California University ’s football team, Greek life organizations, businesses, and various groups of friends and family members participated in the plunge. California University ’s very own football team had a team full of fifteen men that showed off their Vulcan pride at the event. Head Coach, Gary Dunn, donated $150 for members of the team to participate in

Members of Delta Zeta Sorority jump into the ic y waters of the Monongahela R iver at the whar f in Coal Center during the“Frosty Frolic ” fundraising event on S aturday, Feb. 4. Photos by Jeff Helsel. the plunge, and show the on-going presence of the Cal U community at the event each year. As time progresses, the impact that the Frosty Frolic has on the community is consistent. The annual event brings together various groups from businesses, non- profits, social groups, and individuals for a common goal. MacFann affirmed his goals for years to come for the Frosty Frolic annual plunge is to increase participation, fund raising and awareness of the (California Area School District) Foundation. Above all, MacFann has a lot of gratitude for those who attended, donated, and participated in the event. “I want to thank the Cal U community for the support of our event,” MacFann said. “ The largest group of the event was

the Cal U football team with 15 jumping. That’s what Cal U is about.”

Walter MacFann takes the plunge!

Page 4 Feb. 10, 2017


Finding a cure against racism through seminar James Rudolph, Staff Writer “I don’t want you smiling when you leave here, I want your brow writ,” said Eraka Rouzorondu. “I want your temples throbbing.” In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to kick off celebrating Black History Month, Rouzorondu gave a presentation in the Convocation Center on Tuesday at California University of Pennsylvania titled, “The Good News About Racism.” Rouzorondu directly addressed the deep and vastly difficult issues of racism that is seen rampant in the global community. Upon asking the audience how they feel about current issues, and providing background on the reactions of people tending to be emotional as opposed to logical, she identified how we as a society aren’t truly dealing with the roots of racism. She called for a turn from the emotional response and emphasis on rational thought to truly process the feelings one experiences while involved in or witnessing discrimination or hate involving race. “The good news about racism is that there is a cure!” Rouzorondu said. Her message addressed the root causes of racism, discussing how the issue is on of perception of reality and how our perceptions and misconceptions lead us to feelings and ideas. She defined racism as a mental illness, rooted in ignorance and xenophobia, especially those who are racist and provides no concrete reasons behind those beliefs. Rouzorondu said treating this would be no different than treating any other form of mental illness and requires intense psycho-therapy. She continued to define white supremacy as the historical lie that Europeans are responsible for modern civilization and all its contributions to the world, and are superior to all. A video clip of Congressman Steven King, a Republican from Iowa, on MSNB asking the question on where the contributions from other sub-groups of people contribute towards modern civilization.

Rouzorondu attributed this to the misinformation taught over the years to the population, and the tendency of Europeans to take accomplishments of other cultures and paint them as originally European ideas. “How do you reverse the damaging effects of a lie,” Rouzorondu asked, “The truth.” She suggested factual re-education as a beginning to diminishing the damage from racism in the past, and a foothold to combating racism in the present. Rouzorondu discussed two programs she is running that is designed to educate people about the issues of racism, called “The Awakening” for African-Americans and “The Veridical” for Caucasians. She emphasized the importance of having separate programs, saying the message we each need to hear is different from the other. These programs are designed to educate, through a required curriculum covering both global and national issues of racism, and create discussion on the reality of racism in hopes of beginning a new perspective, for everyone, on how to combat the issues of racism. Rouzorondu is a distinguished educator, poet, producer, director, performance artist, writer, and empowerment specialist. Over 30 years, she has addressed audiences ranging from five to 5,000, including the Smithsonian Institution, Association of Black Psychologists, Lockheed and Martin, and General Dynamics. She has given various lectures at universities like Penn State and UCLA. Her first book, a poetry volume entitled “Path to Power: The Making of a New Afrikan,” won the Geraldine Krusei Award for Excellence from the New York Chapter of the National League of American Pen Women, and the Young Artist of Excellence Award from the National Body of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is the CEO of Ma’at Corporation, an Empowerment Corporation. Her programs “The Awakening” and “The Veridical” are run

in Baltimore, but they hold the events at universities across the country as well. “This year’s theme for Black History Month at Cal U is struggle, strength, resilience, and triumph,” University President Jones said before the program began. “I am glad you are here to listen, to learn and to engage in dialogue about the issues.” Rouzorondu emphasized the importance to have these conversations, and to realize the issue is one of perception, information, and the soul. She stressed the importance of not ignoring these issues, that they need to be addressed with the same kind of energy and enthusiasm seen in the opposition. “It’s not the past, it’s today, and it’s tomorrow, “Rouzorondu said. “Steel yourselves, people. Further information on “The Awakening” and “The Veridical” can be found at www.

Photo: Cal U Public Relations

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Page 6 Feb. 10, 2017

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor Teen dating violence is a pattern of abuse or threats of abuse against teenaged dating partners. This abuse can be verbal, emotional, physical, sexual and digital. Teen dating violence is not limited to any specific gender, race or religion, it can happen to anyone. According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, approximately 1.5 million teenaged students are victims of physical teen dating violence per year. Even though these statistics are high enough to cause concern, studies show that 3 in 4 parents have never talked to their children about about domestic violence shared the NRCDV. People who experienced any form of violence or stalking have experienced some form of abuse for the first time from their partners between the ages of 18-24. Although every relationship varies, there are a few common behavioral traits that could be signs of dating violence. However, what could be considered as unhealthy in certain relationships could eventually lead to an abusive relationship or it


could be considered abusive in someone else’s relationship. Below this article is a list of some behavioral traits that could be a sign of dating violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that in a recent national survey, 1 in 10 teens reported being hit or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend at least once in the 12 months before the survey. On top of that gutwrenching statistic another stated that during the 12 months before the survey was conducted, 1 in 10 teens reported they had been kissed, touched, or physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to at least once by someone they were dating. The month of February is known as the month of love, due to Valentine’s Day on February 14, but it is also dedicated to educating and bringing awareness to the very real problem of teen dating violence. Sources available to help victims of abuse can be located to the right side of this article. If you or somebody you know might be a victim of abuse, do not hestitate to use any of the free and easy to use resources that are available.

Sources for Help: National Dating Abuse HelplineThis 24/7 national online and telephone resource hotline provides help to teens experiencing dating abuse. Young people (as well as anyone concerned for another’s well-being) can call this toll free number, 1-866-331-9474, text “loveis” to 22522, or log on to to receive immediate, confidential assistance. Break the CycleA national nonprofit organization that provides preventive dating and domestic violence education and outreach to teens and young adults. Love is Not AbuseIn 2012, Break the Cycle (listed above) began opperating the Love is Not Abuse campaign. This campaign includes resources for parents, a digital abuse curriculum and tips on how to educate boys, girls, men and women about dating violence.

of Dating Violence:

Checking cell phones, emails or social networks without permission

Extreme jealousy or insecurity

• Possessiveness

Constant belittling or put-downs

Telling someone what to do

Explosive temper

Isolation from family and friends

Repeatedly pressuring someone to have sex

Making false accusations

Erratic mood swings

Physically inflicting pain or hurt in any way

Photo from NRCDV


Page 7 Feb. 10, 2017

Comedian, Magician, Smart@$$

Michael Kent performs at California University of Pennsylvania By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor The Student Activities Board’s Funny Freaking Friday series continued this past Friday featuring comedian and magician, Michael Kent. Kent has performed at over 500 colleges, cruise ships and military bases. Kent was also named the 2014 Entertainer of the Year by Campus Activities Magazine and the 2014 Magician of the Year by the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA). Before his show Kent had a slideshow showcasing all of the places he has traveled and people he met while performing, including Key & Peele from Comedy Central and Nev Schulman from Catfish. In fact, last year alone, he performed in 115 cities and 10 different countries. Kent was also able to recently take his show to TV where he was featured on the season 3 premiere of “Penn & Teller: Fool Us.” Before the show began, Kent performed teasers inside

the Gold Rush and around the Natali Student Center’s Food Court for students. This teaser gave students some insight as to what could be expected if they came to the show later that night. Many students who were blown away by Kent’s teaser later appeared at the show. Kent involved a variety of students in his performance making for a highly interactive and upbeat show. Following the show some students stuck around and discussed what tricks they liked the most. Fan favorites included Kent being able to take 10 random Scrabble letters chosen by an audience member at the beginning of the show and turn them upside to say the card which was chosen by another audience member at the end of his show. Overall, students seemingly enjoyed this free comedy and magic show provided by Kent and the SAB.

The next Funny Freaking Friday event features Aarona Lopez on March 2, 2017 at 7pm in the Vulcan Theater!

Omelette, A Musical!

Students take a trip to see ‘Something Rotten!’ at the Benedum Center. By Nathan Connolly, Contributor The student activities board at California University of Pennsylvania recently took a trip of about twenty students to see the production of ‘Something Rotten!’ at the Benedum Center in Pittsburgh. ‘Something Rotten’ is set in 1595 where the story picks up with the Bottom brothers, Nick and Nigel. Nick and Nigel are struggling to find success in the theatrical world and their jobs are on the line unless they can come up with the next big hit. A task that would prove easier said than done because their competition was the one and only, William Shakespeare. Now, at the time, Shakespeare was like a rock star or a major celebrity for the people of that generation. Eventually frustration kicked in and Nick Bottom wanted to get the best possible idea he could, so he went to a local soothsayer. The soothsayer then looked into

the future and told Nick something that he did not want to hear, he explained that the future in theatre involves not only acting, but singing, dancing, and sometimes all three at once! The Bottom brothers struggle to write the world’s very first musical and find themselves in back and forth fight between Shakespeare and figuring out what the shows “thing” will be. This show featured a star-studded lineup of actors, led by the phenomenal Adam Pascal who played Roger Davis in ‘Rent’ both on broadway and in the film. Rob McClure played Nick Bottom and Nigel Bottom was played by Josh Grisetti. These two were a part of the original Broadway cast of ‘Something Rotten’ and did a phenomenal job. Their chemistry was certainly something to behold. Nostradamus

is played by Blake Hammond who without a doubt steals the show with his comedic relief and his hit “A Musical”. The entire cast did an outstanding job and really gave us all our money’s worth. I have seen many shows where maybe half of the audience gave the cast a standing ovation, but when it came time for curtain call at the end of Something Rotten, everybody in the building was on their feet, and it was well deserved. The next musical trip will be to see ‘The King & I’ at the Benedum Center on April 5, 2017. Tickets will be $15 at the Natali Info Desk.



Page 8 Feb. 10, 2017

Jaquan “DJ Stuck” Stuckey DJ Stuck was brought into the station by former DJs Travis Matuke, Zach Fehl ‘16, Kaitlyn o’Toole ‘15 as well as Pudding ‘14 and he’s been here ever since. A sports management major with a minor in business management Stuck can be heard every Wednesday from 8 to 10 p.m. on his show #StuckInDaNeighborhood, unless we’re in basketball season that is. Jaquan’s favorite station memory is Freestyle Wednesdays. He’d bring people in, throw a beat on, and they’d rap live on air! Outside of WCAL, DJ Stuck is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, the men’s track and field team, and he’s a career DJ! Jaquans has many thanks to give through his DJ career, including shoutouts to Antonio and Jermaine, both DJs within the station. His bros Malik, Steve, Eric (Bone), Davey (Wavy), Rashawn, and lil bro E.T. An extra big one goes to Sardea, who he thanks for helping with his laptop when it went down.


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Page 9 Feb. 10, 2017

Black History Month

Black Arts Festival & Multicultural Affairs Night at CalU Basketball The show, featuring work from students in the Department of Art and Languages, is part of Cal U’s celebration of Black History Month. The festival will take place before the Vulcan men’s and women’s basketball teams host PittJohnstown, beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Feb. 22 Soul Food Luncheon, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the Gold Rush dining hall. Choose from a menu created from recipes and stories contributed by members of the Cal U community and collected by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Education. Share your recipes and memories about favorite soul food tdishes! Email by Jan. 27.

F e b . 27 Screening and Panel Discussion of the Netflix documentary 13th, 5:30 p.m. in Eberly Hall, Room 110. The Psychology Department, along with the Frederick Douglass Institute, presents a screening of Ava DuVernay’s acclaimed documentary 13th, about the criminal justice system in the United States since the abolition of slavery. A panel discussion with faculty member Dr. Rueben Brock, a former FDI scholar, follows the film.

Photo Credit: Cal U Public Relations

Isaiah Alford-Williams, of Aliquippa, Pa., a junior at California University of Pennsylvania, works on a painting to be featured at the Black Arts Festival & Multicultural Affairs Night scheduled to be held from 1-5 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Convocation Center, located on the Cal U campus.

March 3 Visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. The bus departs at 5:30 a.m. for this one-day trip to our nation’s capital and the newest museum on the Washington Mall. Registration is required and payment is due in advance. Cost is $30 for students, $60 for staff, faculty and guests. For more information, contact

Learn more For more information about Black History Month events at Cal U, contact the office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Education at 724-938-5758 or

Page 10 Feb. 10, 2017


MTV’s The Challenge: The Invasion By Joshua Proud, Staff Writer

Season 29 of The Challenge will be a little different this time around. In recent years, the popular reality competition show, The Challenge, revolved around recycled terms and themes. Over the past five years the show has failed to update an aspect of the show many fans enjoyed the most: change. This year, MTV is not holding back. Season 29 will consist of 18 “underdogs” who have failed miserable at the game in the past, or have come extremely close to a win but just couldn’t complete the deed. These “underdogs” will compete along side of 8 previous winners of the show called the “champions.”

Other new aspects of the show include new intensive elimination rounds, baffling hookups, and the first ever 3 day final! The crowned winner of season 29 will receive a grand prize of $350,000. A lot of fans have expressed their shock that C.T will be returning this season. C.T dated and was in love with another fellow cast member named Diem. Diem was truly loved by the cast and crew, and was one of their favorites. Diem’s last challenge was Battle of the Exes II where she left in the beginning of the show due to complications with her fight against ovarian cancer. Producers flew Diem in an emergency helicopter to make sure she got the best and

fastest care possible. It was later reported that Diem had passed away, leaving C.T with a huge void. Because of this, C.T did not want to compete in anymore challenges due to the direct attachments to Diem. Also, Johnny Bananas, The Challenge’s most win title holder, will be returning as well. Banana’s has also had almost a decade long rivalry with C.T. Other returns are: Laurel, Ashley, Cara Maria, Zach, Darrel, and Camilla. Will the underdogs stand a chance against these legends? Tune in to MTV on February 7th at 9/8c for the two hour season premiere to find out!

Lady Gaga Performs at Superbowl LI Halftime By Monica Flickinger, Contributor Lady Gaga performed the much-anticipated halftime show during Super Bowl LI that blew the roof off. Gaga’s Super Bowl performance, announced in the fall, was speculated to possibly make a large political statement. This speculation is a result of Gaga’s outright expression of her dislike of President Donald Trump. Though they were no outright political messages in the performance, there is debate about hidden clues of controversial messages, however it seems to me that there’s nothing to debate about. Though Gaga did sing “This Land Is Your Land,” a song that is historically associated with protest, it could be a stretch to say that this is a statement on current policy. Gaga’s performance was nothing but glittery goodness and incredible choreography. One of the best parts of Gaga’s performance was the jump from the roof of NGR Stadium in Houston, where the Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons took place, stadium after singing “God Bless America” and “This Land Is Your Land.” The fact that she even was allowed up on the roof of the stadium is impressive, and the subsequent jump was breathtaking, though it wasn’t what it seems. It’s even

more impressive due to the fact that Gaga was initially told “no” to going on the roof. At NGR Stadium, the roof was closed for the actual game, but opened up for Gaga. Numerous sources have now reported that the rooftop performance was filmed before the event, meaning Gaga only jumped from a small height above the stage that was set up perfectly out of the shot so that it seemed that she jumped from hundreds of feet. Despite the pre-recorded jaw-dropping jump, her performance was nothing short of amazing. Gaga performed classic songs that date back to the early 2010s such as “Just Dance” and “Telephone,” a song that was originally recorded with Beyoncé who performed during last year’s Super Bowl halftime show. Gaga did perform a new song, “A Million Reasons,” from her album “Joanne” that came out in October of last year. The only critique I have is that I was hoping to hear at least one other new song, especially “Perfect Illusion” that is upbeat and would have been incredible to see with some choreography. No matter what, Gaga’s performance was better than most in the past, though it does not even compare to last year’s halftime show, where Coldplay headlined and brought Bruno Mars and Beyonce.

Photo: AP


of the

Week By Eddie Kuntz


Page 11 Feb. 10, 2017

Synesthesia- Courage My Love On their second full length album, Synesthesia, Courage My Love take a different direction than what they’ve released in the past. On the new album, they write more in the direction of an indie/synth-pop sound as opposed to their past releases being rooted in pop-punk/post-hardcore. For similar bands, this change may not work well, but it works out well for the Canadian three-piece, as vocalist and guitarist Mercedes ArnHorn’s voice is better suited for the new sound. The first single, “Stereo,” is the perfect teenage nostalgia anthem, from catchy hooks to a powerful synth driven melody, it’s the obvious standout track on Synesthesia. Beyond “Stereo,” the album has four tracks that stand out above the rest on an emotional and dynamic level, “Drowning,” “Need Someone,” “Dirt,” and “The Year I Disappear.” While it seems like Courage My Love has found a sound that suits them better, it also feels like they’re forcing themselves in that direction, as Synesthesia never expands beyond one similar sound.

Rating: 8.4/10

Vulcan Theater Feb. 10Feb. 16 Student Center

M-F: 11 a.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m. S&S: 4 p.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m.

Sweet Movie Reviews with Jonathan Hershey! Loving (2016), is a movie about an interracial couple that challenged their arrest for their marriage and fight for their right that ends at the Supreme Court. This romantic biography showcases the courage and right to love despite going against the popular opinion. This movie is highly recommended for someone who wants to watch a love story and a film that showcases the battle for equal rights. I rate this movie 80/100.

Page 12 Feb. 10, 2017


Cut It Out! Dave Coulier Performs at Cal U By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor; Photos by Matt Palichat Layout By: Taylor Barta Before winter break, the Student Activities Board announced that comedian Dave Coulier would be performing at California University of Pennsylvania during the spring semester. Coulier, best known for his role as Joey in Full House, lived in the homes of many Cal U students who grew up watching the show on TV. Opening up for Coulier was Cal U alumnus and Comedy Central’s newest search, Derrick Knopsnyder (pictured below). “Doing shows are always fun but tonight [Friday] meant so much to me because I got to perform at a place that is basically home for people who are family,” exclaimed Knopsnyder. “It was the greatest feeling in the world.” Doors opened at 6 p.m. for those who waned to get the best seats in the house. As showtime approached, Steele Hall’s main stage seating became fuller and fuller until the sold out show reached its capacity. “There is a lot of work that goes into just preparation for a show like this so selling out is a huge accomplishment,” shared Student Activities Board president, Jonathan Hershey. “It also proves that our university is capable of bringing in a class act comedian like Coulier which sets us

Cal U alumnus, Knopsnyder, opens up for Coulier.

The Student Activities Board Executive Board with Coulier and Knopsnyder. up for future performances.” Knopsnyder opened the show and had the audience bursting with laughter, introducing Coulier to a very warm crowd.

“Watching ‘Full House’ and ‘Fuller House’, I’ve always loved Joey so having the opportunity to hear him in person was awesome!” “Watching Full House and Fuller House, I’ve always loved Joey so having the opportunity to hear him in person was awesome,” explained senior Kelli Bollinger. “A lot of his jokes were ones that us as adults could understand. I’m happy that he could come my senior year.” Coulier was able to not only provide students with a stand up routine but he was also able to do what he loves about live comedy and poke fun at some of the students in the audience including a woman who got up to use the restroom during his set and junior meteorology

Coulier performs a stand-up routine at Cal U.


Page 13 Feb. 10, 2017

major, Adam Andresen, who tried to explain to Coulier that the weather that was occurring outside during the show was called “graupel”.

“It is a moment I will remember for a long time and will be a great story to tell my kids and grand-kids!” “I never thought I would be able to see Dave live, personally,” admitted Andresen. “But to be roasted by one of my favorite Full House characters was amazing. I wasn’t embarrassed at all, despite how the audience was laughing at me. It is actually a moment I will remember for a long time and will be a great story to tell my kids and grand-kids!” After the show Coulier explained how he got his start in comedy: “Well I have a very funny family and we enjoy laughing so I was around funny people my whole life. We talked about comedians and comedians

CUTV reporter, Steven Ruffing, interviews comedian Dave Coulier. that appeared on The Tonight Show and my family is just naturally funny. I have a lot of really funny characters in my family.” He also went on to explain how he learned

“We would sit on our front porch, we used to call it ‘narrating the neighborhood’, and people would go by and we would do their voices …”

Coulier plays his harmonic to end the night.

how to do impressions from his brother, Dan. “We used to lay in our bunk beds at night and he [Dan] would do these incredible impressions of family members and neighbors and it used to make me laugh so hard that I started doing my own impressions,” Coulier said. “He really had such a funny ear about picking out nuance in the voice, it used to make me laugh. We would sit on our front porch, we used to call it ‘narrating the neighborhood’, and people would go by and we would do their voices … That’s kind of how I

learned how to do voices.” Coulier was modest about his fame explaining that there is no way to know whether or not a show (Full House) is going to become a hit until it becomes just that. “There is no way to calculate that formula or else every show would be a hit,” Coulier said. “Speaking for the whole Full House cast, I don’t think we ever saw Fuller House 30 years later. We had really kind of resigned to the fact that we weren’t going to come back and do the show. We had already done 192 episodes and we knew we had this great audience and syndication and we didn’t want to come back and tarnish that nice feeling that audiences have when they watch an episode of Full House.” However, after winning a People’s Choice Award for Favorite Premium Comedy Series, it is pretty clear that Fuller House has not tarnished audiences feelings towards the show. This sold out show at Cal U provided both Knopsnyder and Coulier with a “full house” to perform for and a strong start to the spring semester for students.

Page 14 Feb. 10, 2017


Top 5 Commercials from the Super Bowl Rachael McKriger, Editor in Chief I almost didn’t watch Super Bowl LI this year. Why? The Pittsburgh Steelers, my team, weren’t in the Super Bowl. I didn’t really care that much about who won, although I openly picked the Atlanta Falcons to win over the New England Patriots. However, I did watch. Not just because of Lady Gaga’s Pepsi Halftime performance, which was stellar by the way, but because of the crop of commercials that would come from the Super Bowl. For companies all over the United States, it’s the biggest marketing platform. It’s also the most expensive and competitive marketing platform. There’s ample space to get your commercials in, but this year, it didn’t feel that way. Plenty of commercials weren’t new. They were repeats, or just bland and boring. However, some commercials hit home and strummed a few heartstrings. Others made political statements. There was even one that made fun of Donald Trump’s hair. However, this year was a lot different than last year. Last year, I had a hard time trying to pick my top five favorite Super Bowl commercials. Super Bowl 50 really hit it out of the ballpark. You can’t even tell me that the ultrasound commerical wasn’t one of the greatest Super Bowl commercials of all time. It was the G.O.A.T of Super Bowl commercials. This year? A G.O.A.T really didn’t stand out. However, there were few that did. Here are my choices for the top five best Super Bowl LI commercials. 5. Buick: Cam Newton and Miranda Kerr Cam Newton got big, real fast. In this commercial, a young quarterback suddenly turns into Newton, the quarterback of the Carolina Panthers. Seeing a bunch of 7-year-old looking kids trying to take down the Panthers quarterback was pretty hilarious. Also hilarious was the pass he sent to the way of a young child, who was blown back into the end zone. Miranda Kerr’s entrance was a bit awkward and honestly unnecessary, but it didn’t take anything away from the commercial. 4. Avocados from Mexico: #AvoSecrets Avocados from Mexico did it again. Last year, they had a solid commercial, and this year they delivered again with quips like “49 Shades of Gray” and “Faking the moon landing” during a secret society meeting. Also funny? The seemingly NFL-

Photo: Google Images esque jab they took at Antonio Brown, when one of their members was live-streaming their meeting on his social media account. Also, DeflateGate jokes are always funny, no matter what the context (and no matter who won Super Bowl LI). 3. Kia: ‘Hero’s Journey’ with Melissa McCarthy Is there ever a scenario where Melissa McCarthy isn’t funny? The actress decided to take a break from destroying Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live to play a nature enthusiast in the Kia commercial. Every time something along the lines of nature and animals needed saved, McCarthy was there. Was she successful? Not really, but that’s what made it funny. 2. Budweiser: ‘Born the Hard Way’ Budweiser did something a little bit different this year; instead of using their usual Clydesdale horses and dogs, the beer company decided to tell the story of German immigrant Adolphus Busch. Busch goes from being an outcast, and being told that he’s not welcomed in the United States to being greeted by a St. Louis native, saying, “Welcome to St. Louis, son.” It’s a heartwarming commercial, showing acceptance. 1. 84 Lumber: ‘The Journey Begins’ 84 Lumber hit it out of the ballpark for this one. The commercial told the story of a Mexican mother,

coming to the United States with her young daughter for a better opportunity. While making her way to the border, the daughter collects pieces of cloth, which is a mystery to viewers. Once the two finish the perilous and dangerous journey, they see that a wall has been built. Donald Trump’s “Border Wall” to be exact. The daughter comforts her sad mother by giving her a makeshift American flag, that she made out of the cloth she collected. The mother hugs her daughter, and then notices sunlight from the wall. She goes with her daughter to find a small opening at a door. The two then open the door together, and walk into the United States. The commercial was highly controversial, due to many political differences among American people. Fox, who broadcast the Super Bowl this year, decided to only put a minute’s worth of the five minute commercial on TV, calling the ending “too controversial” for viewers. However, I know in the room that I was in, there was not a dry eye due to the strong bond that a mother had with her daughter. And the proof that she would do anything for her daughter to live a better life in the United States.


Stop calling it a “Muslim Ban”

Page 15 Feb. 10, 2017

April Pfrogner, Staff Writer The hash tag #MuslimBan is inaccurate. It is a ban of all refugees from seven of the 50 Muslim countries of the world: Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq, which were verified, via the Obama administration, to be hotbeds of terror. A proper hashtag would be #RadicalIslamBan or #TravelBan. Donald Trump’s proposal is not a ban against a race or a religion. Radical Islam is an ideology; one that is vehemently against the Judeo-Christian fabric of the United States. If it were a Muslim ban, as the media claims it to be, there would be a ban on all 50 Muslim countries. There was no media outrage or protesting when President Bill Clinton, in his 1996 State of the Union address, talked about immigration. He got a standing ovation. Here is a comparison between Trump and Clinton’s comments: Clinton: One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. Trump: We have to stop the in-flow of illegals coming into our country. Clinton: This administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. Trump: We will build a wall, it will do what it’s supposed to do, keep illegal immigrants out. Clinton: We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. Trump: We’re going to have a border, it’s going to be a real border… We have a country, we have to have borders Clinton: We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants and tonight I announce I will sign an Executive Order to deny Federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Trump: You can be very, very strong. It can be a huge financial penalty, it can be beyond a financial penalty. You can do that with E-Verify. I’m for it. Many people are also comparing Trump’s

Photo: Wikimedia Commons ban to a memorandum President Obama signed in 2011, limiting Iraqi refugees for a period of six months because of a terror threat. To me, the comparison is moot. President Trump was elected because people wanted what he offered on the campaign trail. One of those things was extreme vetting. Trump’s ban is broader and is part of his promise to “Make America Safe Again.” Looking at Obama’s time in office. Worldwide terror attacks increased about seven percent, from 10,999 in 2009 to 11,774 attacks in 2015, according to One terror event occurred on U.S. soil every year during Obama’s two terms in office. According to Pew Research, a total of 38,901 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2016, making up almost half (46 percent) of the nearly 85,000 refugees who

entered the country in that period. It’s scary to think that although most are immigrating to the U.S. to find a better way of life, all it takes is one bad apple to ruin a bunch. All it takes is one terrorist to get into our country and then we are in danger. Extreme vetting is necessary and long overdue. Trump is doing what Bill Clinton proposed back in 1996. Question is, “How, in 1996, did Clinton get a standing ovation at his State of the Union address for saying essentially the same things that Trump has said and is now doing?” Because we have a heavily biased media. The media has become fully politicized which is where things like #MuslimBan hashtags come from. News networks rarely give all the facts. Many spread a lot of propaganda instead factual evidence. When people their homework, they will see through the veil.

Page 16 Feb. 10, 2017


Why Our Students are #CalUProud



Page 17 Feb. 10, 2017

PASSHE announces possible mergers, closings Mari Boyle, Opinions Editor

On Feb. 2 to a breakfast audience, Frank Brogan, the Chancellor of Pennsylvania’s State Styem of Higher Education gave his “State of the System” address. In this address, Brogan announced the reality of a situation that many feared would one day come. Chancellor Brogan relayed that amidst years of stagnant funding for the school system and a significant decline in enrollment, the PASSHE system may have to be restructured. This restructuring would involve condensing the 14 state school system in which some universities would merge and some would close all together. Before the restructuring occurs, a “strategic review” of each school will take place. However, no timetable was laid out as to how long this will take. As it stands, one school has under 1,000 students (Cheyner University) and only two

universities have seen an increase in enrollment since 2010 (Slippery Rock and West Chester). I must say, I have always been wary of Chancellor Brogans intentions with the state system since the APSCUF faculty strike. While the state system as it is is clearly financially unsustainable, I should hope that the announcement on Thursday does not signal a future where public education shrinks too such insignificance that it is no longer a viable form of education. Furthermore, should the state system’s funding continue to be unsustainable I am curious as to why in 2014 Chancellor Brogan received an salary increase of over $300,000 along with other university presidents. Chancellor Brogan was appointed under Governor Corbett, who is notorious for worsening the public education system through

budget cuts. Moreso, Chancellor Brogan also served alongside Jeb Bush as Lieutenant Governor of Florida where the two championed vouchers and charter schools, which many know to be a massive threat to public education. That said, I hope that Chancellor Brogan’s intentions in this “strategic review” are to put the Pennsylvania state school’s in a position where they can grow and thrive as universities and not diminish the PASSHE school system. Regardless, upon hearing the news and fearing that with CalU’s declining enrollment we could be a school that potentially closes, CalU students took to social media to revive the #CalUProud campaign. The #CalUProud campaign was founded by alumni Coby Detar who created the hashtag to promote all the wonderful things about Cal that prospective students do not hear about.

Trump announces Supreme Court candidate Elizabeth Pedder, Contributor

On Tuesday, Jan. 31, President Donald Trump made a public announcement regarding his nomination for the United States Supreme Court Justice. President Trump nominated conservative judge Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime appointment as the US Supreme Court Justice. Judge Gorsuch will fill the vacant seat of Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away approximately one year ago, in February 2016, at the age of 79. Judge Neil Gorsuch is a 49-year old judge currently serving on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Colorado. Judge Gorsuch received his Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University, and his Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School, where he attended simultaneously with Barack Obama. They both graduated together. His Doctorate in Legal Philosophy was earned at the University of Oxford. He is married to Marie Louise Gorsuch- a British woman- whom he met

while attending Oxford. They have two teenaged daughters named Emma and Belinda. His mother, Anne Burford, was the first female Environmental Protection Agency administrator. One of Judge Gorsuch’s core beliefs is that the words of the Constitution should be interpreted as they were written. He is also a strong supporter for the rights of religious freedom. Judge Gorsuch is esteemed for his writing capabilities, his in-depth reading knowledge and his core belief that the Constitutional principles

Photo: AP should be interpreted in their original origin. The primary appeal of Judge Neil Gorsuch for US Supreme Court Justice is the hope that he will be the most conservative nominee for forging conservative decisions in the Court.

Page 18 Feb. 10, 2017


The ban on immigrants is un-American Rachael McKriger, Editor in Chief I want you to close your eyes and picture this: One night, you go to sleep in your bedroom, here in the United States of America. However, when you open your eyes, you’re not in your bedroom. You’re in Syria. You’re in a refugee camp. All you hear is gunshots, explosions and screaming. You want back in your bedroom in America. You look around and see the faces of innocent men, women and children. Now open your eyes again. Reality snaps back into place, and you, indeed, are in the United States. You’re safe and sound in the confinements of your living space. You’re doing alright. Everything in intact. You go to the window, and there’s not bombings or gunshots outside. There’s the typical view you’re so used to seeing. However, for Syrians, and many other Middle Eastern people, the typical view they see is what your worst nightmare was. Now, remember your dream you had. Remember those innocent men, women and children? Mainly Muslim people, their reality is that nightmare. Trying hard to protect their families, while also trying to protect themselves. They have their own government openly firing on them. There isn’t much hope for survival. Those people in Syria- as well as Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Iran and Iraq- are having the door shut against them by the United States of America. The same country that thrives on claims of major diversity and acceptance. The same country that was founded on the basis of immigrants. The Immigration Ban that was laid out to the rest of the world on Saturday, Jan. 28, is not only incredibly unconstitutional, but it’s disgraceful. It’s un-American. It’s not who the United States is as a nation. We’re a melting pot. I’ve mentioned this many times. Many people look my direction, and don’t take another glance. While I am an American citizen, and this doesn’t affect me here in America, it affects people that I share the same skin color as. This affects me personally- even if I’m not being detained in an airport. This affects me because I’m watching the news,

and hearing stories about how families are being torn apart. Why? Because Donald Trump thinks that all Muslims are terrorists and that all people from the Middle East are bad apples. Meanwhile, no person from any of those seven countries has made an attack on United States soil. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and other countries- which Trump has certain assets in- are home to many radical terrorists. That’s another notion. The whole idea of calling radical terrorists, “radical Islamic terrorists” is not OK. Those terrorists are not speaking on behalf of Islam. While I’m not Muslim, I do have Muslim friends, and have studied the Islam religion. It’s a religion of peace. Is Trump forgetting that Christians are also committing mass murder attacks? That it’s not just imposters saying they’re “Muslim?” This whole situation is unconstitutional. Now, asking for background checks and such before granting visas, green cards or passports is 100 percent constitutional. I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing that shutting innocent people- especially the ones that need our help- is unconstitutional. It’s wrong. And I hope President Trump remembers that

Photo: AP

now, the blood of many innocent people who will die because of this is now on his hands. Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing the right thing, and opening Canada’s arms to the people in need. Mr. Trump, take some notes. This ban is for 90 days for people from the seven countries wanting to enter the United States and 120 days for refugees. While it’s not permanent, the threat of it being a permanent ban is real- and scary. 90 days, 120 days, whatever. This ban should have never happened in the first place. I want to applaud the judges, protesters and others speaking out and taking a stand against President Trump. Resisting is our right, and you better believe we won’t stop until our voices are heard. We’re protesters, not rioters, and we will make our voices heard. We are a country of immigrants. We are a country of diversity. We are a country that needs to learn respect when it comes to race, ethnicity and respect of other’s religions and beliefs. We’re a long way to go, but the Immigration/Muslim Ban is only proving that we’re farther than we thought. This needs to change.


Page 19 Feb. 10, 2017

Softball selected as PSAC West favorite Matt Hagy, Sports Information

For the fourth-straight year, the California University of Pennsylvania softball team was picked as the preseason favorite in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) West poll released by the league office on Friday afternoon. The Vulcans received three firstplace votes in the poll after posting a 38-6 overall record last year with an appearance in their fourth-straight PSAC Championship. Slippery Rock, which earned one first-place vote, was picked second in the preseason poll and Seton Hill ranked third after receiving the remaining two first-place votes. Edinboro, Mercyhurst and Gannon rounded out the preseason poll in the PSAC West. Bloomsburg was the unanimous preseason favorite in the PSAC Central after winning

the league championship last spring. Lock Haven finished second in the division and IUP ranked third. West Chester was tabbed the preseason favorite in the PSAC East with three first-place votes. The Golden Rams led the conference last year with 48 victories despite just one combined win in the postseason. Kutztown received the other two first-place votes and was slotted second in the PSAC East poll. Cal U returns five All-PSAC West FirstTeam selections from last year, including reigning PSAC West Freshman of the Year Taylor Robblee (Woodstock, Ontario/College Avenue). The Vulcans open the year next weekend at the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) Leadoff Classic in Clearwater, Florida, from Feb. 10-12.

2017 PSAC West Preseason Poll 1. California (3) 2. Slippery Rock (1) 3. Seton Hill (2) 4. Edinboro 5. Mercyhurst 6. Gannon

Vulcans Baseball poised for new season Danny Beeck, Sports Editor

As t he we athe r begin s to b reak an d th e l eave s be gi n bloo min g o n t h e t rees in we ste r n Pe nns y lvan ia, t h e cleat s will s ta r t g e t ti ng lace d an d t h e bat s will s ta r t h eati ng up. Wi t h t he Ca li for ni a U n iversit y o f Pe n n sy l va ni a Bas e ball team lo o k in g for wa rd to i mprove o n t h eir 26-22 re co rd l as t s e a s on, many o f t h e sp o t s o n th e ro s te r we re le f t un f illed wh en t h e s e n i o r s le f t las t s e aso n . As M i c k Fe nne ll graduated last year and went on to play in t h e majo rs, h is s p o t i n t he de fe ns i ve depar t ment will mo s t li k ely be fi lle d by David M arcus, a ke y p i e ce that wa s missin g fo r mo st o f l a s t s e a son wi th a n in jur y. Pi tchi n g wi ll be the majo r spo t t h at th e Vu l cans wi ll hope to improve in , as t he y we re outs cored last seaso n by a to t a l of 331- 299. Th e amo unt o f h it s

al l owed was al s o o n the w ro ng s ide o f the tipping po int, w ith Cal ifo r nia al l ow ing 4 89 hits, w hil e o nl y tal l y ing 4 07 hits. A few nam es to g et u s ed to this u pco m ing s eas o n w il l be Lev i K rau s e and Car ter K r ic k , t wo k ey pitc her s l as t s eas o n that were o u ts hadowed du e to the s enio r it y o n the ro s ter. The o f fens ive s ide o f the batter s box co u l d tel l a dif ferent s to r y w hen l o o k ing at the s tat s heet, as Danny M c G rath has 12 m u l tipl e -hit g am es this s eas o n, al o ng w ith being nam ed to the P S AC Wes t s eco nd-team at the u til it y s po t. Al o ng w ith M c G rath, G ar rett B ro o k s c an al s o s w ing the hardwo o d, as he had 4 3 hits l as t s eas o n, al o ng w ith t wo ho m e r u ns. When it co m es to the depth l o s t o n this team , m any wo u l d s ay that this

s ea s o n m ay b e a b i t d i s m a l. Wi t h t h e add i t i o n o f D avi d M a rc us b a c k to t h e l inu p, ex p e c t t h e s a m e p ro d uc t i o n f ro m i n s i d e t h e b ox fo r t h e b at s o f t h e Vu l c a n s. I n t h e p re s e a s o n p o l l c re ate d by t h e P S AC , t h e Vul c a n s we re s l o t te d at t h e nu m b e r f i ve s p o t, w i t h t h e M e rc yh ur s t Lak e r s b a c k at t h e f i r s t s p o t fo r t h e third s t ra i g ht s e a s o n . Th e L a k e r s to ta l e d a s c h o o l re co rd 4 3 w i n s l a s t s ea s o n a n d ex p e c t t h e m to r un t h e divi s i o n t h i s s e a s o n . Eve n t h o ug h t h e Vul c a n s a re w i t h o ut q u i te a fe w s e n i o r s, Ca l i fo r n i a m a d e i t to t h e P S AC to ur n a m e nt fo r t h e 1 4 t h tim e i n t h e p a s t 1 6 s e a s o n s. H o p i n g to co nt i n ue o n t h e i r p a s t s ucce s s, Cali fo r n i a w i l l b e gi n s e a s o n p l ay at h o m e a g a i n s t M a l o n e (O h i o) o n Feb r ua r y 2 5 t h .

Page 20 Feb. 10, 2017


Coach Jess Strom confident for PSAC tournament Rachael McKriger, Editor-in-Chief Jessica Strom has been coaching at California University of Pennsylvania for 11 years. In those 11 years, she has been the head coach for six years. Strom has brought plenty of success to Cal U. As a coach at Cal U, she helped lead the team to eight NCAA Tournament appearances. In the past two seasons, the Vulcans won the PSAC Tournament, and have clinched a spot this year in hopes for a third title. However, Strom, who cited that winning the National Championship in 2015 was her favorite memory from coaching, could have never imagined all of the success. She didn’t even know if she wanted to a be a long-term coach. She said she initially came to Cal U to get her “feet wet” and see if she “even liked coaching at all.” “It’s been a rollercoaster,” Strom said. “When I first came here, I was very young. I didn’t know what I really wanted to do. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a coach long-term. I started out as the part-time assistant and worked my way up as the full-time assistant. Eventually, I was named the head coach. It was a journey. I didn’t come here thinking, ‘Oh, I’m going to be the head coach at Cal.’” This year, the Vulcans are 21-1, with their lone loss coming against Edinboro University. The team isn’t quite the same as last year. Despite the welcoming of four freshmen- DJ Hahn, Gina Vallecorsa, Bebe George and Bailey Cooperthe team also welcomed back Lana Doran and Brittany Nelson- both seniors- back to the squad from injury. For Doran, a regular starter, it’s a comeback from an ACL tear. “Lana’s rehab was tough,” Strom said. “There were a lot of difficulties, and she felt a lot of pain. But we knew she’d fight through it, because she’s a tough kid. This is her fifth year of school, though, so it’s hard. She’s older, but she’s doing a great job being a leader for us. She’s really mature, and she really stepped up on the court as well. She’s done a really good job for us.” Strom called her team tough, saying that when she recruits players she looks for toughness and the love for basketball. This season, the Vulcans

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

had their toughness put to the test, when they fell to Edinboro University on Dec. 30 by a final of 71-54. However, the Vulcans bounced back and hosted the Fighting Scots on Jan. 28, extracting their revenge with a final score of 75-71. Strom said that she didn’t need to give her team a pep talk about getting their revenge on Edinboro. “It was an unsaid thing,” Strom said. “They didn’t need much motivation for that game. When you only have one loss in a season, it’s a ‘We’ll see you again’ type of deal. They didn’t need a ton of motivation, but they understand how important it is to finish first in the region. Obviously, we wanted to beat Edinboro that day, but we have a bigger vision. It was sweet revenge, though.” Strom counts Edinboro, as well as Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Mercyhurst University, as the Vulcans biggest competition in the PSAC Tournament. Strom said that before teams make a final four match, they have to make it out of their own region. Strom credited the PSAC West, calling it a “tough” group. However, Strom does all she can to make sure her players have a level head, and are humble

going into the tournament and final regular season games, despite the praise they receive. “Honestly, it’s difficult, because they’re 18-22 year olds,” Strom said. “So if they’re 21-1 and fourth in the country and everyone tells them how great they are, it’s hard for them [to stay humble]. It wasn’t like last year, where we were kind of the underdog. Nobody really knew what to expect from us, so it was kind of easier. You just have to remind them of the goals they want and to practice hard.” The Vulcans have five more regular season games before the PSAC Tournament. The Vulcans clinched a seed in the PSAC Tournament already, and are waiting to see the other five teams that will join them. For Strom, she thinks the team can win a third PSAC Championship in a row. She just constantly reminds her team to practice hard and give it their all. The Vulcans will head to Greensburg on Saturday to face Seton Hill University, with tip-off commencing at 1 p.m. The Vulcans will then return home on Wednesday to face PittJohnstown University, with tip-off at 5:30 p.m.


Page 21 Feb. 10, 2017

Vulcans long break promotes a strong season finish Danny Beeck, Sports Editor

A season that started with a lot of uncertainty, due to the new coaching staff making changes, the Vulcans were poised to compete in the PSAC West. Head Coach Kent McBride brought in key players that fit his scheme to wreak havoc on the opposing teams, and so far, they are performing the way he intended. With a record of 8-14 on the season, they are still on the brink of a playoff spot, being one spot of out a bid. With a big matchup coming this weekend against Seton Hill (the current six seed) the Vulcans are vying to jump the Griffins if they can execute on the road. As previously stated, some key players on the floor for California were brought in on the off-season, with Robel Teckle, Rashawn Browne, and Jay Tucker crashing the boards and giving the offense more opportunities. This season, the Vulcans have averaged just about 72 PPG, along with 38 rebounds, opening the door for scoring as the game progresses. With a three game run starting on January 21st and ending on February 1st, the Vulcans came together and worked hard to get three big wins at home. Outscoring their opponents 211-182 during that stretch, the Vulcans need to buckle down for the next few games in order to get the much needed wins. Luka Andjusic, the teams leading scorer has averaged double-digits this season and also ranks among the top five on the team in 3-pt FG’s and rebounds. Tony Richardson has also had one heck of a season, being a force in the lane, getting rebounds and converting on the put-back. With an average of 7.6 rebounds a game, along with 9.1 PPG, Richardson is a conversation starter to say the least. Switching over to the newest players lacing up for California, Robel Teckle and Rashawn Browne are a perfect duo for McBride to set up some defense slicing

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

plays. Browne is the team leader in assists thus far, helping others on the court find the net with ease. Teckle helps his team on the floor by moving the ball and getting to the hoop. Ball movement for the Vulcans is one big change that could help them moving forward. Finding the open player on the floor allows for the shooter to take their time and find the backboard. This season for the Vulcans was a proving year. They showed the supporters and fans of the team what they are about and what heart they have on the court. As said before, with a few more pieces on the floor, they worked with what they had, and the results are pleasing. Kent McBride has done an outstanding job with his team this season and in a few years, look for a banner in the rafters of the Convocation Center.

Next Game California vs. Seton Hill February 11th, 2017 @ McKenna Center

Page 22 Feb. 10, 2017


March Madness Preview: Brackets Busting Already Danny Beeck, Sports Editor

In college basketball, upsets are nothing out of the norm, and are sometimes even expected to happen when glancing at the schedule in preseason. As for the 2017 season, teams tended to follow each others lead, and quite a few times this season, the nations top teams fell. On January 25th, 2017, numbers 1, 2 and 4 all lost ( Villanova, Kansas, Kentucky) and man was it exciting. The last time three of the top four teams (1, 2, and 4 more specifically) lost on the same night, was 1979. As Villanova lost by a score of 74-72 to Marquette, completing a 17-point deficit en-route to knocking off the number one team in the nation at the time, many were unaware of what was happening around the nation. In Morgantown, West Virginia, Bob Huggins and the Mountaineers were poised to compete against the No. 2 Kansas Jayhawks at the time, who were 18-1 on the season. As many know, the defense of West Virginia are nicknamed “Press Virginia” and on the night of the 25th, it exposed the interior offense of Kansas and helped them achieve the intended result. As the Mountaineers scored 34 points in the paint, Bob Huggins cashed in yet another paycheck (25,000 to be exact) due to the pay incentive he gains once he beats Kansas. To round out the night of disasters for the top teams in the nation, Kentucky fell to Tennessee on the road by a score of 82-80. For the second season in a row in Knoxville, Rick Barnes and the Volunteers took down a ranked Wildcats team who only had two losses prior to the shootout in Tennessee. Robert Hubbs III had a team high 25 points, matching the total for Malik Monk, the Freshman sensation for the Wildcats. The biggest story of the night by far, were the Vols production off the bench. Outscoring the opposition by a total of 37-4 meant everyone had each other’s back, helping to take down a Division 1 powerhouse.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Looking forward now to the “Bracktology” segment of this piece, Joe Lunardi of ESPN produced an early look at what the March Madness field could entail once the calendar changes. The break-down for the number one seeds are as follows, East: Villanova, West: Gonzaga, South: Baylor, Midwest: Kansas. I believe that the majority of these picks will remain the same, other than Baylor. With a record of 20-3 and sitting just behind Kansas in the Big-12, their remaining schedule may trip them up coming down the stretch. Having to play seven of their last eight games against Big-12 opponents (four of which are on the road) they have an uphill battle. Being that we are rapidly approaching the month of March, teams are starting to play their best basketball. Teams that at the beginning of the season may have got a bad rap from the sports world, could surge to the top and make a run at the leaders. Only time will tell whether or not Lunardi’s

predictions are accurate, but for the most part, they’re set in stone. Make sure that you have a comfortable seat for the beginning of March, and buckle up. It’s going to be a good one.

2017 Men’s Basketball Rankings 1. Gonzaga (24-0) 2. Villanova (22-2) 3. Kansas (20-3) 4. Louisville (19-4) 5. Oregon (21-3) 6. Baylor (20-3) 7. Wisconsin (20-3) 8. North Carolina (21-4) 9. Arizona (21-3) 10. UCLA (21-3)


Page 23 Feb. 10, 2017

Friend, Hill win events with NCAA marks at YSU Matthew Kifer, Sports Information Director

Ca l i fo r ni a Uni ve r s it y o f Pen n sylvan ia j u n i o r s J u li e Fr i e nd (M ar k leysb urg, Pa . /Uni o ntown) and Summer H ill ( H o ne sd ale, Pa ./ H onesdale) bo t h wo n e vent s a nd re ac he d NC AA p rovisio n al m a r k s ove r the we e ken d wh ile co m p et i ng at the Youn gstown St ate N at i o n a l I nv i tati onal. Fr i e n d b r o k e t h e s c h o o l r e c o r d a n d claimed the victory in the 5,000-meter r u n a t Y S U. S h e w o n t h e e v e n t b y o v e r 25 seconds after crossing the finish line in 16 minutes, 45.93 seconds, which shattered the school mark set by Erin Kling in 2013 by over one f u l l m i n u t e . Fr i e n d b o a s t s t h e f a s t e s t time in the PSAC this season in the 5,000 meters while holding the fifthf a s t e s t t i m e i n t h e c o u n t r y. The Uniontown product has now reached

NCAA provisional standards in three individual events this year – mile, 3,000 meters and 5,000 meters – and as a member of the distance medley r e l a y. H il l reco rded a pair o f to p -f ive finis hes over the week end w hil e in O hio. S he s et a per s o nal reco rd and wo n the m il e by j u s t over t wo s eco nds w ith a tim e o f 4 : 5 6. 65 , w hic h rank s as t he s eco nd-bes t m ar k in the l eag u e this seas o n behind o nl y Fr iend. H il l al s o p l aced third overal l in the 8 00 -m eter ru n af ter po s ting a tim e o f 2: 17 . 4 2. S o pho m o re J ac l y n R einbo l d ( M ac u ngie, Pa. /E m m au s ) q u al if ied fo r the Penns y l vania State Athl etic Co nference (P S AC ) C ham pio ns hips in t he 8 00 m eter s at YS U af ter c ro s s ing the finis h l ine in 2 : 2 3. 87 . C l as s m ate M addie

Thra s h e r (G re e nvi l l e, Pa ./ G re e nvi l l e ) reach e d t h e l e a g ue - q ua l i f yi n g s t a n d a rd in t h e m i l e ove r t h e we e k e n d w i t h a tim e o f 5 :2 3 .5 0 . S e n i o r Em i l i a R i cc i ut i ( Pi t t s b urg h , Pa. / M o unt Le b a n o n ) i m p rove d her q ua l i f yi n g t i m e fo r t h e l e a g ue c ha m p i o n s h i p s i n t h e 4 0 0 - m e te r r un af te r ro un d i n g t h e t ra c k i n 1 :0 0 .4 8 . S op h o m o re K a i l a Ca n n o n ( Ye a d o n , Pa. / H ave r fo rd ) re gi s te re d a p a i r o f to p 10 f i n i s h e s w h i l e at YS U. S h e f i n i s h e d s eco n d i n t h e l o n g j um p w i t h a m a r k o f 5. 53 m e te r s ( 1 8 - 1 .7 5 fe e t ) a n d p l a ce d 10 th ove ra l l i n t h e t r i p l e j um p w i t h a dis t a n ce o f 1 1 .1 2 m e te r s ( 3 6 - 5 .7 5 fe e t ) . Th e Vul c a n s re t ur n to a c t i o n o n Fr id ay, Fe b. 1 0 , w h e n t h e y co m p e te at the Fa s t ra c k Nat i o n a l Q ua l i f i e r i n St ate n Is l a n d, Ne w Yo r k .

Page 22 Feb. 10, 2017

Cal Times


At h l e t e S p ot l i g h t

Lana Doran

Class: Redshirt-Senior

Major: Business Administration

Hometown: Northamptonshire, England High School: Barking Abbey After a 2015-16 season that sidelined Doran, she now averages just under 10 points per game, along with four rebounds. The number four ranked Vulcans defeated Slippery Rock in their last matchup by a score of 79-55 with the help of Doran’s 19 Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

points and 3 others scoring in the double digits.


Campus Dining invites you to these upcoming, exciting dining events at the Gold Rush

Valentine’s Day Dinner

Soul Food Lunch

with a special performance by Pittsburgh’s Music Star, Gabby Barret

A celebration of Black History Month with the Office of Multicultural affairs

Decorate your own Heart Sugar Cookies

Featuring menu items submitted by YOU!

Tuesday, February 14 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Wednesday, February 22 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Don’t forget about our DIY Catering service when planning your next group event or meeting! Contact our Director of Hospitality at to begin your custom order today

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