Cal Times, March 31, 2017

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MARCH 31, 2017 VOL 45, NO.5

CalU hosted the

Early Bird Invitational at Roadman Park on Saturday, March 25, 2017.

The Early Bird Gets the Worm! Freshman

Etiosa Evbuomwan competes in the triple jump event

for Cal U’s track and field team.

Photo: Jeff Helsel


Page 2 Mar. 31, 2017

Student Affairs

Did You Know? Our climbing wall now has its ver y own name and logo, Vulcans Peak!! Located in the Herron Recreation and Fitness Center, Vulcans Peak is open to all members. With the help of one of our cer tified belay instruc tors, you can climb to the top conquering all 33 feet! For those not look ing to tack le Vulcans Peak , you can boulder around the bottom por tion of the wall. For additional questions regarding Vulcans Peak , please contac t Phil Locante at or 724-938-4820.

Honors Program Thesis Presentations

Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday : 11AM-9PM Friday : 11AM-3PM Sunday : 3PM-7PM

We welcome all to attend our students’ presentations! Josephine Harsh will be presenting her thesis titled, “The Legal Effect of Dawn Dish Detergent on Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs” on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. in the Honors Program Library/Resources room, located in Smith Hall, room 167. We hope to see you there!

Follow us on social media for updates! Facebook , Twitter and I nstagram: @CalURecSer vices







CAL TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: Cameron King, Jerron Corely, Nathan Connolly, Joshua Proud, Jonathan Hershey, James Rudolph, Joshua hershey, Steven Shrenkel, Monica Flickinger, Sports Information & Eddie KUNTZ


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.


Page 3 Mar. 31, 2017

Rock Madness: Revealing ‘ Vulcans Peak’ By Nathan Connolly, Contributor On March 7, The Herron Recreational and Fitness Center teamed up with the Student Activities Board, WCAL and the rock wall team to put on an event called Rock Madness. In the fall semester, there was an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to give ideas for re-naming the rock wall located in the Herron Fitness Center. Once the best suggestions were filtered out, there was then a campus wide vote, held on OrgSync, available to all of campus. At the Rock Madness event, there were a series of activities to participate in including the main

event which started things off. The main event was a team based activity, where four teams of four-to-six members got together to tackle this event.

“I think it was a great success and we brought some great awareness to the event. We are looking forward to planning more events. ” - Tallen Stromen, one of the event coordinators Three members of the team had to climb up the wall and grab a piece of a code to unlock a bag with puzzle pieces inside. Once three members had climbed the wall and retrieved all the pieces, the teams got together to solve a puzzle that contained the new name of the rock wall. Upon completion, the puzzle read “Vulcans Peak”. The name was thought of by Robert

Test your sk ills at Vulcan Peak. Push yourself to be “Boulder ”.

Hazelett, who spends a good amount of his free time at the wall. After the main event there was a skills competition where many students showed off their skills on the wall. There was also an open climb where people learned how to climb or mastered their already formed skills. Rock Madness was a great event that brought many people together in the unveiling of the new name. Along with the name reveal, there was also a new banner that will be up, as well as new T-shirts to show off “Vulcans Peak”. Tallen Stromen, one of the event coordinators said, “I think it was a great success and we brought some great awareness to the event. We are looking forward to planning more events like this in the future.” The rock wall was something that got overlooked on our campus, but with the publicity from this event that shall be no more. Now it is Vulcans Peak, and I dare you to get to the top.

Page 4 Mar. 31, 2017


Students travel to programming conference for Spring Break By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor When most students think of Spring Break they imagine sitting on the beach and forgetting about any assignment their professor assigned them. However, certain students decided to give up the last couple of days of their vacation to attend a conference instead. Members from the Student Activities Board, Student Government and Underground Cafe were in Hershey, Pennsylvania from March 16 until March 19 at the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA) conference. This conference is used by these organizations to find new artists, novelties and speakers to come to California University of Pennsylvania. One of the common events around campus that students attend APCA for is the Funny Freaking Friday comedy series hosted by the Student Activities Board on the first Friday of every month. Members of SAB look for showcasing comedians at this conference to book as each month’s upcoming performers. Underground Cafe is another organization that finds a lot of their showcasing artists at this conference to perform at their consistent Thursday night open microphone series. “The Association of the Promotion of Campus Activities Conference (APCA) is a valuable conference for the Student Activities Board for many reasons. The students have the opportunity to learn leadership skills, and program planning skills in various educational workshops that are offered,” explained Student Activities Board and Student Government adviser Melissa Dunn. “Also and most importantly, we evaluate talent who are in the college market for performances at our University. Showcases are done all throughout the conference where performers get to show their best work and then we work as a region to “block book” that talent at an affordable price!” Not only are students watching showcases to find new acts to bring to Cal U at APCA but they are also starting their mornings off with two-tothree educational sessions. On Friday morning there are two educational session blocks and on Saturday morning there are three educational

Photo submitted by Jessica Crosson Members of SAB, Student Government and Underground Cafe in Hershey, Pa. blocks. In each block students are able to choose one session out of around five different session topics to attend. “As a student leader, APCA was an enormously beneficial experience,” shared first time APCA attendee, junior Mari Boyle. “I got to connect and share ideas with students from across the state and also learn from professional speakers. Getting the chance to be involved in a conference that will eventually benefit so many students at Cal U was a tremendous way to spend my spring break.” Education sessions range from a variety of topics such as parliamentary procedure, marketing strategies and leadership building. All of the sessions are made for students to learn how to better their leadership organizations and to understand the industry they are working in. This conference wakes students up early to begin learning and runs until late at night by showcasing various talents at lunch, dinner, a purposeful programming showcase between

lunch and dinner and then a late night showcase. There is rarely any downtime for students involved in this conference resulting in many running on few hours of sleep. “The conference calls for nights that extend into the hours of the morning, and mornings that start bright and early at 8am,” APCA veteran, junior Nathan Connolly admitted. “You think it would be tough to handle this kind of routine but the excitement in the air throughout the conference kept everyone’s energy high and you didn’t think of the lack of sleep very much.” Although the conference calls for a lot of energy with it’s jam-packed schedule, all of the students who attend have an enjoyable time and always are able to take something away from it. These organizations attend this conference at least once every school year and always look forward to it because it is after all, APCA baby!


Page 5 Mar. 31, 2017

Amid European terror wave, attack strikes London By Cameron King, Staff Writer Great carnage scarred the streets of London, England on Wednesday, when a deadly attack carried out against dozens of innocents led to multiple deaths and dozens of injuries. After an expansive investigation carried out by British authorities, it was found that Khalid Masood, 52, was responsible for the massacre. The city’s famous Westminster Bridge was the first site of the attack, where Masood drove his car into a large crowd of people, injuring nearly two dozen and killing multiple. Following this, Masood rammed his vehicle into the outer-gate of London’s Parliamentary building, before exiting his vehicle and stabbing several individuals. Among those affected were U.S. residents and Utahns, Kurt and Melissa Cochran, a couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in the United Kingdom — Kurt Cochran, 54, was slain by Masood in the incident, while his wife was badly injured. Other fatalities included Police Constable Keith Palmer, stabbed by Masood, and London school administrator Aysha Frade who was effectively run over by the terrorist, as well.

“[The] greatest response lies in the actions of ordinary people.” - Theresa May, prime minister of England Following the stabbings outside of the Parliamentary building, Masood was at last compromised and killed by police. Not long after the attack, ISIS had claimed immediate responsibility, declaring Masood a “soldier of the Islamic State”, thus continuing the rampant string of radical Islamic terror attacks throughout Europe. Attacks in both Paris and Nice, France, in Brussels, Belgium,

Photo: Associated Press Emergency crews at the scene of the terrorist attack in London, England. and Berlin, Germany account for nearly 300 deaths and 1,200 injured in roughly the last year alone. The vehicle-formatted style of attack carried out by Masood is nothing new to the public eye, either. Looking back to last November, where Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan rammed his car into a crowd at Ohio State University, or the previously mentioned Nice, France and Berlin, Germany attacks, where box trucks were plowed through crowds of hundreds — this new method of carrying out terror has become both favorable and effective among Islamic extremists, as recorded. Prime Minister Theresa May, following the attacks, outlined that the incident was also an attack on “free speech, liberty, human

rights, and the rule of law” and that the “greatest response lies in the actions of ordinary people”. On the U.S. side of the equation, President Donald Trump offered his condolences to the Prime Minister and the British people, pledging “full support and cooperation” of the U.S. government in “responding to the attack and bringing those responsible to justice.” The President also reached out to Kurt Cochran, the slain Utahn, describing him as “a great American”, offering prayers and condolences to his family and friends. Further investigations into the attack are still developing.

Page 6 Mar. 31, 2017


A Message from the Chief Financial Officer of the Student Association Incorporated At its March meeting, the SAI Board of Directors approved a maximum allocation award amount of $925,000 for Student Cabinet to distribute to the 106 eligible clubs and organizations during the budget process this year. That amount was determined by looking at the 2016/2017 award distribution that was cut to 85%, the loss that SAI will incur to cover the full 85% awarded to clubs this year, enrollment, and a $30 SAI student fee increase. Without a fee increase, the total amount of funds to be distributed would be reduced to $700,000 in 2017/2018. The $30 fee increase that goes with the $925,000 amount will permit Cabinet to distribute $49,352 more in allocation than what was received this year. If the increase is not approved, each club’s allocation award as shown will be cut by 24%. On Saturday, March 25th, Student Cabinet met all day at the SAI Farmhouse and discussed each club thoroughly before approving the proposed budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year. Cabinet representatives looked at the ability of the club to function during 2016/2017 with the funds awarded at 85%. They also looked at the current club account balances, fundraising efforts, and history of unspent allocation dollars and penalties. It is difficult for anyone to understand how the final amount listed for each club is determined during the meeting if you are not in the room and quite a bit of speculation occurs around campus. For example, larger clubs like SAB receive a higher portion of the budget because they are doing events on campus for all students. The current proposed allocation of $200,000 is actually the lowest amount awarded over the past 10 years for this club. If you would like to see other activities or changes to programming, I suggest you join the club, provide input, and volunteer your time. As Randy Pausch stated in The Last Lecture, “If you took

one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you’d be surprised by how well things can work out.” It is also very important to note that SAI has seen a 28% decline in full-time fee paying students over the past 10 years. The SAI fee was at $270 in 2011/2012 and then reduced to $250 for two years before it was increased back to $270 in 2014/2015. There has been no fee increase for the past 5 years and the 11% increase requested for 2017/2018 will make the SAI fee $300 per semester for full-time undergraduate students and $25 per credit for those under 12 credits. In addition, the Graduate fee will also increase by $30 bringing the per credit fee to $20.55. This will be the first time the Graduate fee has been increased since 2011/2012. Increasing fees is not something anyone wants to do at this University, however, costs continue

to rise each year and the only way to continue to provide the services students have become accustom to at Cal U is to slightly increase fees. Student Government passed the proposed budget on March 27th, and on Monday, April 10th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Performance Center, SAI will hold its annual Corporation Meeting which is the final step in the budget process. All members of the SAI Corporation (all fulltime undergraduate SAI fee-paying students) get a vote to approve or reject the budget. Only voting members of the SAI Corporation are permitted at this meeting. Nominations for the 2017/2018 SAI Board of Directors will also take place at this meeting. You will need your CalCard to verify eligibility prior to entering the meeting. Sincerely, Leigh Ann Lincoln, CPA

NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! STUDENT ASSOCIATION, INC. ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING April 10, 2017 at 4:15 p.m. Performance Center, Natali Student Center California University of Pennsylvania Campus California, Pennsylvania (Immediately following Student Senate Meeting) Article III. Membership, Meeting & Quorum Section 1. Membership: All regularly enrolled students of California University of Pennsylvania carrying twelve (12) or more semester hours and who have paid all established fees shall be members of the corporation. Section 2. Meeting: The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held between the first and fifteenth day of April of each year concurrent with the first April meeting of Student Congress which shall be open to all Corporation members. The first order of business shall be nomination of Student Association, Inc. Board members. Section 3. Quorum: A quorum for the transaction of business at any general or special meeting of the membership of the Corporation shall consist of twenty-five (25) members. Section 4. Notice: Notice of the time and place of the annual and any special meetings of the corporation shall be given seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting by posting same on all student, faculty and administrative bulletin boards. Such notice shall state the purpose of the meeting. THE AGENDA SHALL BE: 1. Nominations for student members of the Student Association, Incorporated Board of Directors to serve for one fiscal year (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018). 2. Coal Center property sale. 3. Approval of tentative budget for fiscal year 2017 - 2018.


Page 7 Mar. 31, 2017

Student Association, Inc. California University of Pennsylvania 2017/2018 Budget STUDENT ASSOCIATION, INC. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 2017/2018 Proposed Budget


2016/2017 2017/2018 ALLOCATION REQUEST $425 $0 $2,975 $3,400 $11,100 $0 $4,400 $2,649 $3,150 no request no request $1,275 $6,150 no request no request $1,275 $2,200 $5,950 $14,500 $0 $560 $1,275 $8,025 $3,825 $8,350 $17,000 $35,460 $0 no request $28,050 $38,600 $1,275 $5,500 $1,275 $1,700 $2,125 $21,000 $1,063 $2,600 $4,250 $5,903 New 17/18 $1,050 $51,000 $70,000 $425 $1,400 $7,650 $8,750 $680 $7,000 $13,841 $17,728 $425 $1,200 $2,550 $15,350 $340 $1,200 $425 $1,100 no request no request $3,825 $12,659 $3,400 $12,634 $3,400 $4,500 $425 no request $425 no request $2,125 $11,471 $1,870 $3,100 $1,275 $2,650 $425 no request $153,000 $230,000 $24,650 $33,500 $425 $225 $425 $3,300 $3,060 $4,400 $15,725 $27,420 $850 $1,000 $468 $400 $2,550 $18,650 $850 $5,042 $0 no request $638 $1,650 $1,275 $3,050

2017/2018 ALLOCATION $0 $3,000 $5,000 $0 $2,500 $0 $1,200 $0 $1,300 $5,500 $0 $1,275 $4,000 $17,000 $0 $28,000 $1,275 $600 $1,500 $1,100 $4,000 $500 $55,000 $425 $7,200 $1,000 $14,000 $0 $2,500 $500 $500 $0 $4,500 $3,400 $3,500 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $1,200 $0 $155,000 $23,000 $225 $2,500 $4,400 $15,800 $850 $400 $2,000 $1,200 $0 $900 $1,500

Club/Organization Name Club/Organization Name



2016/2017 2016/2017 2017/2018 2017/20182017/2018 ALLOCATION ALLOCATION REQUEST ALLOCATION REQUEST no request no request no request $0 no request $16,150 $16,150 $42,295 $42,295 $18,000 $425 $12,600 $1,000 $425 $12,600 $425 no request $0 $425 no request $7,650 $45,640 $11,000 $7,650 $45,640 $1,275 $8,355 $2,000 $1,275 $8,355 $425 $1,150 $400 $425 $1,150 $3,400 $10,300 $2,600 $3,400 $30,000 $10,300 $1,000 $4,675 $4,675 $30,000 $638 $6,470 $250 $638 $6,470 $340 no request $0 $340 $17,250 no request $11,560 $17,000 $11,560 $17,250 $340 $2,750 $250 $1,530 $500 $500 $340 $2,750 $5,525 $10,285 $5,000 $1,530 $500 $0 $250 $250 $5,525 $10,285 $4,675 $0 $49,350 $250 $3,500 $425 no request $0 $4,675 $49,350 $19,040 $17,000 $425 $28,000 no request $12,750 $44,000 $17,000 $19,040 $28,000 $425 $4,600 $750 $12,750 $44,000 $1,700 $3,250 $3,000 $425 $4,600 $425 $1,242 $500 $1,700 $3,250 $85 $3,100 $0 $425 $1,242 $255 $1,650 $0 $85 $3,100 $2,125 $4,050 $2,300 $255 $1,650 $1,700 $5,000 $2,000 $2,125 $4,050 $1,000 $1,275 $1,000 $1,700 $40,183 $5,000 $16,500 $14,450 $1,275 no request $0 $1,275 $1,000 $0 $500 $400 $14,450 $40,183 $193,800 $200,000 $1,275 $222,000 no request $1,785 $0 $11,850 $500 $2,000 $17,850 $193,800 $20,400 $222,000 $20,000 $1,063 $4,995 $500 $1,785 $11,850 $6,800 $12,050 $8,500 $17,850 $20,400 $20,400 $19,950 $19,900 $1,063 $4,995 no request no request $0 $6,800 $12,050 $17,000 $36,400 $20,000 $20,400 $19,950 $638 $750 $500 no request no request $425 $1,450 $1,050 $17,000 $87,500 $36,400 $50,000 $40,375 $638 $35,800 $750 $19,000 $17,000 $17,425 $425 $55,084 $1,450 $17,000 $4,038 $40,375 $21,950 $87,500 $7,500 $2,975 $17,000 $14,250 $35,800 $3,500 $18,700 $29,900 $17,425 $55,084 $18,700 $11,050 $22,757 $4,038 $21,950 $12,000 $319 $2,800 $0 $2,975 $14,250 $425 $2,000 $1,000 $18,700 $29,900 $7,438 $8,000 $7,500 $11,050 $22,757 $ 4,675 $ 21,490 $4,675 $319 $2,800 $ 875,648 $ 1,687,708 $ 919,775

$425 $2,000 $7,438 $8,000 $ 4,675 $ 21,490 $ 875,648 $ 1,674,773


-Club does not meet 20 member requirement.


-Club funding to be discussed at next Cabinet meeting due to error.


-The SAI Board of Directors approved a $950,000 allocation to SAI and a $500,000 allocation to Athletics for fiscal year 2017/2018. This is $100,000 less than 20

-Total funds distributed for 2017/2018 are based upon a $30 fee increase. 1. Club does not meet 20 member requirement . 2. Club funding to be discussed at next Cabinet meeting due to error. 3. The SAI Board of Directors approved a $950,000 allocation to SAI and a $500,000 allocation to Athletics for fiscal year 2017/2018. This is $100,000 less than 2016/2017 4. Total funds distributed for 2017/2018 are based upon a $30 fee increase. 4


Page 8 Mar. 31, 2017

“You Can’t Say That... Or Can You?” By Monica Flickinger, Staff Writer On Wednesday morning, California University of Pennsylvania hosted two professors from Penn State University to facilitate discussion on race and ethnicity as a part of a program that is starting up in the coming fall semester. The talk titled “You Can’t Say That…Or Can You?” drew in a large crowd at 10 a.m. in Morgan Hall Auditorium as students, faculty and staff awaited Sam Richards and Laurie Mulvey’s discussion. The office of the university president, as well as the office of the provost, the women’s studies program, the Serene Leadership Institute, the department of social work, the Frederick Douglass Institute and the office of multicultural affairs and diversity education all sponsored this event. In the fall, there are hopes to introduce a program where students will be trained in facilitating discussions much like the one’s Richards and Mulvey have based their careers around. Students interested in this opportunity were asked to

Deadline—May 22, 2017

sign up to be contacted later. Students chosen for this program will travel to the Penn State main campus on April 15 for training and then in the fall will begin the program that seeks to aid in issues of diversity on the Cal U campus. Bruce Barnhart, the university provost, introduced Richards and Mulvey, speaking about their 20 years of experience in creating dialogues that challenge ideas. “Sam Richards, and his wife Dr. Mulvey, have been called the parents of radical empathy,” said Barnhart. Dr. Marta McClintock-Comeaux, the women’s studies program director, spoke briefly after Barnhart to further introduce Richards and Mulvey. McClintock-Comeaux was among many people involved in planning this presentation and the future programming that will follow it. “I think you’re going to be very glad you’re here today,” said McClintock-Comeaux. McClintock-Comeaux said that she hopes the students, faculty and staff that were in attendance will walk away

The purpose of the Rutledge Internship Award is to provide financial assistance to students who are from southwestern Pennsylvania who wish to pursue meaningful, careerͲrelated internship experiences (forͲcredit only) outside of the region who would otherwise not be able to afford to do so.

Eligibility Requirements Must be from southwestern PA

Submit all paperwork to the Internship Center

Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher Must have junior or senior standing Must have secured nonͲpaid or lowͲpaying internship

Natali, Suite 138


“thinking about issues you thought about before but in a new way.” Richards and Mulvey dove right into speaking after McClintock-Comeaux. They began by giving context to what it is they do. “Dialogue is a really deep pedagogical tool that we don’t really use,” said Mulvey. Mulvey continued saying that talking with other people can create change in ourselves, others and the world around us. Richards said that race relations are a place of complexity and “many mirrors” which the pair proved during the bulk of their presentation. Richards and Mulvey used the movement of Black Lives Matter in comparison to the movement, Blue Lives Matter that was a direct response to the former. “In a room like this, everyone’s got to be challenged,” said Richards. “We are going to provoke, we are going to raise questions.” The pair then displayed statistics from various sources such as United States census data and The Washington Post that look at both sides. Richards and Mulvey had data pertaining to the number of cops killed in the line of duty, and a breakdown of perpetrators of these deaths races, as well as other statistics behind that. Richards and Mulvey also provided data pertaining to African-Americans killed by police. They asked questions about the data, wanting the audience to think to themselves to see if the data presented about police officer deaths compared to deaths of African-Americans killed by the police made sense. The pair then went on to mention Zachary Hammond, 20, from South Carolina who had been shot and killed during a drug sale of “only an eighth of marijuana.” Richards told the story of a friend of his that propelled much of the Black Lives Matter movement and wanted to protest the death of Hammond, and after receiving much support from people across the nation, the family then decided not to follow through with the protests. “They had this whole movement saying this isn’t about black people,” said Richards. “This goes beyond black people. But white people sit back. People make it news when people insist they make it news.” “There is so much to learn,” said Mulvey. “There is so much to understand, there is so much to unpack.”


Page 9 Mar. 31, 2017

DON’T MISS OUT! sign up for campus housing


Go to to secure your spot.

residence halls & vulcan village apartments Students who live in campus housing are happier and have higher retention rates.

Plus, you’ll get a front-row seat to all the on-campus action – from sporting and academic events to concerts and movie screenings.

Apply today!


Page 10 Mar. 31, 2017

Ru Paul’s Drag Race Returns for Season Nine By Joshua Proud, Staff Writer On March 24, Ru Paul’s Drag Race returned for its ninth season on an all new channel VH1. Just as many of the past season premiers, season nine kicked off with a twist. The episode began with all 13 contestants entering the work room and meeting each other for the first time, except for a few queens who knew each other prior to the show. A 14th “queen” then enters the work room. This queen was said to be the best Lady Gaga impersonator in New Jersey. Little did the queens know it was Lady Gaga. After a few minutes of all the queens in the work room the contestants figured out that the 14th queen was Lady Gaga and emotions began. A few queens began crying and thanking Gaga for all that she has done for the LGBTQ+ community. Ru Paul interrupts this moment by entering the workroom with his classic, “Hello, hello, hello”. At this point all the queens excitedly line up

Six Word Stories Wr itten By Students for your Enter tainment

to hear about their first challenge on the show. Ru Paul begins by welcoming them and then he immediately drops another twist to first episode. Unlike seasons before, no one was being sent home the first episode. Ru Paul then proceeded to tell the queens about their first challenge. The first challenge was a pageant for the title of Miss Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent. The pageant was split into two categories. The first was for the queens to wear an outfit that best represents where they are from. The second category was to recreate one of Lady Gaga’s outfits. The queens were given some time to get ready and then head to the mainstage for their challenge. On the mainstage, all 13 queens strutted down the runway the first time with each of their hometown outfits as the judges commentated and took notes. The queens then returned to the runway a second time to

show off their Lady Gaga outfits. The judges then took some time to deliberate while the queens relaxed backstage in the Untucked Lounge. After the judges made their decision the queens were called back to the mainstage for one to be crowned the pageant winner. Once on stage, three queens were asked to step forward: Eureka O’Hara, Nina Bo’nina Brown and Sasha Velour. Ru Paul then crowned Nina Bo’nina Brown as the challenge, and pageant, winner. The episode ended with a final twist. Ru Paul revealed that the competition has just begun because he was bringing a queen back into the race. The back of the new queen is shown and the episode ends with a cliffhanger. Speculations believe that it is a queen from a previous season. Many fans are claiming its Cynthia Lee Fontaine from season eight.


le a h x E . a n a a t r v r a i B n r e o l l a y h a T In . t ” . h s g i n o “L m de y m 6ws

Albums of the

Week By Eddie Kuntz


Page 11 Mar. 31, 2017

Fail You Again by Can’t Swim New Jersey natives Can’t Swim’s first full length release follows their debut EP Death Deserves a Name written entirely by vocalist and first time songwriter, Chris LoPorto. The band found a small, but dedicated fan base after their first release and after the release of Fail You Again have started to solidify their place in the emo punk scene. The dark debut single “Stranger” made the album a must listen for 2017 and caught the ear of fans and critics alike across the scene as well as solidifying LoPorto as one of the great new lyricists of the genre. Every track has equally powerful lyrics, but none seem to match up with the power of “Stranger” lyrically and musically besides “$50,000,000”. Fail You Again finds its strength in middle of the album with the previous tracks as well as other stand outs, “Friend”, “Quitting”, and “Hey Amy”. The album shows diversity between hard hitters and mellow tracks all while keeping the feeling that any of the songs would keep a crowd interested in a live setting, and shows potential for growth in the band’s future.

I rate this album a 7.8 out of 10

Vulcan Theater March 31April 6 Natali Student Center

M-F: 11 a.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m. S&S: 4 p.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m.

Sweet Movie Reviews with Joshua Hershey! Despite critic reviews, I found the movie Passengers to be spectacular. Using a small cast size, the director, Moten Tyldum, did a fantastic job illustrating the story effectively. The movie stars Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence as the lead actors. In my opinion, I think they make the story a very emotional and the movie had a desperate feeling to it. Through their actions, and acting abilities, they make you feel how the characters in the story feel. I loved passengers, and I highly suggest you embark on the journey of watching this movie.

I rate this movie 82 out of 100.


Page 12 Mar. 31, 2017

Spring Break Adventures

Adam Harri s - Our tour group stand ing outsi de a 300 year old wood en Catho lic Churc h in Polan d near the Slova kian borde r.

Alissa and Alanna Palumbo- Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Mike Mertz and Sarah Pend er- “We thoug ht Dayto na Beach wasn ’t ready for us… Ouch , we were wron g.”


Megan Cintron, Nashville, TN: “Nashville was spectacular, I didn’t want to leave! There was live music everywhere I went, and bright city lights throughout the whole town. I met great people and experienced true kindness and happiness from them all! Being there felt like a dream.”

Ka yli e Ru sek - Bri sto l Mo un tai n Sk i Re sor t in Ca na nd aig ua , Ne w Yor k

Ho lly Jac ob son an d Re illy Mc Glu mp hy - Co coa Be ach , Flo

Oliv ia Bry an and Elli ot Tay lor“Ell iot and I wen t to Arc hes Nat ion al Par k in Col ora do ove r Spr ing Bre ak. We hike d 3.5 mile s up a rock y terr ain to Del icat e Arc h (pic ture d righ t). I was goi ng to pus h Elli ot off but dec ided aga inst it. The hike to see this incr edib le view was wel l wor th it, des pite bein g sup er hot , swe aty and sun bur ned .” rid a

Page 13 Mar. 31, 2017


Page 14 Mar. 31, 2017

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor Blaney Theatre has officially been transformed into the Putnam High gymnasium for the 25th Annual Spelling Bee. California University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Theatre and Dance is performing The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee this Thursday and Friday at 7pm as well as Saturday at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets are $0.50 for students with a valid Cal Card and $12 for non-students. This show provides audience members with upbeat songs and dance numbers that are sure to keep you on your toes. However, unlike many shows you may have seen or heard of, this performance will offer four audience members the opportunity to join the cast on stage to take their shot at becoming the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee champion. Before audience members enter the theatre for the show, they are able to fill out an application with a few questions on it to apply for the chance to be on stage. All of the cast members play elementary school children ranging from ages seven to twelve who all are thriving with bright minds to get them through various mature situations. Senior, Annabel Lorence, performs as seven year old Logainne Schwartz... (Logan Schwartz for short) who is the youngest contestant in the bee and also has a speech impediment. This performance is Lorence’s final on the Cal U stage and will also be her thesis. Lorence explains how she develops her character below. “Logan, despite being very young, is very savvy to the world. She’s got two dads and her one dad, Carl, drills words into her and she kind of has anxiety from it now. I just try to make everything as tense as I can, like my neck and facial muscles ... because she [Logan] is the child of two dads she is very liberal and very politically inclined, considering I have to do a political speech every night when she [Logan] gets fired up as the rules of the bee are being broken due to her strong sense of justice, I had to write a new speech every night depending on the political climate and memorize it before the show starts. It’s really crazy and luckily I am pretty good with memorization but it has definitely been quite the challenge.” Many of the cast members in this show have

Photo by Kelly Tunney very specific characteristics that have challenged the actors throughout the development process of the show. There are two hosts to the spelling bee, Rona Paretti (Kayla Grimm) and Douglas Panch (Trevon Kiser), who have to base a lot of their responses off of what the audience members participating in the show that night do. “Whenever you improv you have to look at a person and think okay what can I use, can I use something about their image, can I use things that I know about them that the whole group could chuckle at. Also in the back of the book there are a list of things to help with that ... I try to challenge myself to write a couple down that I memorized from book and also when I look at a person go based on their clothes or something that pops out the top of my head. Another thing is the sheets people fill out before the show and if they have something I like, I will use it...” junior,

Kayla Grimm, explains how she has to use improv in her role. “It’s challenging because you have to try to not sound stupid by doing improv that makes no sense as well as not stumbling over what you’re saying. If you stumble it looks like you don’t know your stuff when you really do so I write out everything so I don’t just improv completely.” The show is directed by Dr. Michele Pagen and stage managed by junior, Alexis Hawk. The dance numbers have been choreographed by Maria Gismondi with music being conducted by Brian Eisiminger. With a team of professionals, such as the ones mentioned above, it is clear that this show is set to be a hit. An appearance by Jesus, free candy and a new spelling bee champ are all things you are sure to see at the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.


Page 15 Mar. 31, 2017

The Young & Gifted Gospel Choir presents: Joyfest 2017 By Jerron Corley, Contributor Last Saturday, Steele Hall was enveloped in uplifiting music, smiling faces and overall joy. For about two hours, The Young and Gifted Gospel Choir at California University of Pennsylvania got people moving, on their feet and singing praises to God with their annual concert, titled Joyfest. Joyfest is a concert that the choir hosts at Steele Hall every spring semester, and they are usually accompanied by other gospel choirs, including Some of God’s Children at the University of Pittsburgh, Lift Every Voice Gospel Choir at Clarion University and Chosen Generation Gospel Choir at Slippery Rock University. “My favorite part of Joyfest is working with the artists and the other school choirs,” says Kierah Wicks, the choir’s current president and graduating senior. “But most of all, I love when other students that may not have a local church home in Cal or have the time to join our chir come and join us in worshipping God.” In addition to working with other state school gospel choirs, the Young and Gifted have invited various gospel artists, national and local, to sing and worship God through song every year. Past artists have included Myron Butler, Jonathan Nelson, Maurette Brown-Clark and Anita Wilson. This year, the choir and its director, Randy Tillmutt, have invited the Rev. Trini Lopez Massie from Pittsburgh to join them in worship for Joyfest 2017. “I was having a discussion with our current accompanist, Claude Flowers, about Joyfest and some things we could do different,” Tillmutt said. “I have always wanted to work with a local gospel artist that would really appeal to the local area. As a result, Claude suggested Trini Massie. He works with Trini and I had already seen him in action at Mt. Ararat Baptist Church.” Massie cites many gospel artists as his musical inspiration, including the Clark Sisters, Donald Lawrence and Walter Hawkins. “I remember my mother holding up two album covers,” Massie said. “One was the cover for Michael Jackson’s Off the Wall album, and the other being Love Alive album by Walter Hawkins and the Love Center Choir. When she asked me what music I wanted to sing, I pointed at Hawkins.” Ever since then, Massie has dedicated himself to using his gifts to spread the gospel everywhere he went, including overseas in Europe.

Photo submitted by Jerron Corley “I’ve had many opportunities to travel abroad and work with many gospel choirs,” Massie said. “It’s such an amazing thing seeing how much other countries appreciate gospel music, seeing that it is taken for granted in other places.” Massie has been singing in his church since he was four, and started playing instruments when he was seven. “God came to me when I was eight and told me I had work to do, so I went on to direct my own choir at age 11, became the assistant minister of music at 14 and the fullon minister of music at my church when I was 15.” In addition to using his voice as an instrument, Massie can also play the piano, organ and trombone. “Don’t give me the drums though,” Massie said. The choir was given five songs to learn for Massie’s section of the concert. They learned them under Tillmutt’s direction over the course of two months, their only rehearsal with Massie taking place on the day of the concert. “We’ve only been practicing these songs together since 12:30 the afternoon of Joyfest,” Massie said. The event was set to include Some of God’s Children and Chosen Generation, but they were unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Before the end of the night, members of the choir’s

executive board presented a choir t-shirt to Massie to indicate that he will always be a member of the Young and Gifted in spirit. Board members Carli Cox and Chandler Davis sang a rendition of ‘Amazing Grace” as other members presented a card and flowers to Wicks, who smiled and shed bittersweet tears on her face. “This is my family,” Wicks said. “When I first came to Cal, I knew that there wasn’t a church close enough for us, a place to join together in fellowship, and that was why I joined the choir.” Wicks started singing for the Young and Gifted during the fall of 2013, serving as a member for seven out of her eight semesters. “When I see there are people in the audience that are genuinely excited, up on their feet and enjoying what we do, it really warms my heart,” Wicks said. “That is what Joyfest is all about. Feeling the spirit and feeling joyful.” Joyfest means a lot to the Young and Gifted Gospel Choir, as well as the people who are in attendance every year to support them. “It is definitely one of the premier gospel concerts in the Mon Valley, so it has a positive effect on the members of the community,” Tillmutt said. “I am glad to be a part of the students’ college experiences, and I hope that we will continue to preserve the ongoing tradition of Joyfest.”

Page 16 Mar. 31, 2017


U.S. Soccer mandates players to stand for national anthem By Rachael McKriger, Editor-In-Chief Michael Bradley has never had a problem making his voice known for U.S. Soccer. Bradley, a midfielder for the United States Men’s National Team and Toronto FC in the MLS, isn’t one of those “shut up, and just play your sport” athletes. Bradley doesn’t mind commenting on issues that others stay quiet about and just push off to the side. He said that came from his father, former U.S. Men’s National Team head coach Bob Bradley, and his mother. “From the time I was little, my parents taught me and my sisters to not be afraid to show people who we are, to be strong in who we are and strong in what we believe in,” Bradley said. “It doesn’t mean to say that everything I say or do is spot-on. But I’m not afraid one bit to be who I am.” Recently, in an interview with Sports Illustrated Grant Wahl, Bradley, who is the captain of the U.S. Men’s National Team, opened up on U.S. Soccer’s new policy that mandates that players must stand for the national anthem. “I think you should stand,” Bradley said. “If you’re choosing to represent the U.S. national team, you are also choosing to respect our country, to respect the flag, to respect the anthem and to represent it all in the best possible way. And so I feel strongly that everyone should stand. If you have that big of a problem with something that’s going on in our country or feel so strongly that you need to protest in that way, then I would say don’t come. Don’t play at all.” However, Bradley wasn’t finished explaining. “Having said all of that, I do not like the idea that it’s now mandatory to stand,” Bradley continued. “People have the right to peacefully protest and express what they think. And in a very simple way, given everything that’s going on in our country, given everything that our president and this current administration has done, everybody has to be very careful about setting certain precedents that in any way start to cross that line.” To stand or not to stand has been a question plaguing athletes in all sports in the United States. Colin Kaepernick spearheaded the movement when he elected not to stand for the national anthem in the 2016-17 NFL season with the San Francisco 49ers.

United States Men’s National Team captain Michael Bradley (AP Photo) At the U.S. Soccer level, U.S. Women’s National Team midfielder Megan Rapinoe elected not to stand for the anthem. Now, U.S. Soccer has implemented this new rule. It seems reasonable, if you’re looking at it from a broad aspect. The players are representing the United States of America on the pitch. It makes sense, or does it? Doesn’t representing the United States of America also give you the right to speak your mind, or act it out in a reasonable and peaceful manner? Megan Rapinoe did not harm anyone when she took a knee during two U.S. Women’s National Team matches in 2016. Yet, U.S. Soccer implemented a rule that limits the freedom of expression by their national team players. In short, it’s unfair to limit them. U.S. Soccer needs to look at it through a different lens than the one their looking through right now. If a player truly did not like

the United States, they wouldn’t be representing them on the pitch. If a person takes a knee, that doesn’t mean they hate the United States; they are just standing up for a cause they believe in. If they really wanted to make U.S. Soccer mad, players could just turn down national team call-ups. While U.S. Soccer might be limiting the freedom of expression on the pitch, players could look toward Bradley as an example. As mentioned earlier, Bradley doesn’t just play his 90 minutes and then go home. He’s vocal about issues surrounding the United States (Bradley was also critical of President Donald Trump’s travel ban). Athletes should remember that they don’t just have to shut up and play their sport. Following Bradley’s steps isn’t a bad idea for an athlete who wants to speak their mind.


Page 17 Mar. 31, 2017

Roll Over, Beethoven, and tell Tchaikovsky the news By James Rudolph, Staff Writer

It’s hard to imagine being considered one of the greatest of all time in whatever world you are involved in, it’s even harder to imagine witnessing your greatness impact the world in your lifetime. Surely, Charles Edward Anderson Berry, born on October 18th, 1926, in St. Louis, Missouri, did not believe he would achieve any of this. However, he became one of the pioneers of rock ‘n roll, and one of the most influential American musicians of all time. Beginning to play with bands in St. Louis in the early 1950’s, Berry played guitar, sang, and wrote songs. He showed influence from blues music, which was seen in his guitar style and showmanship. He combined rhythm and blues music elements with elements of country music into his own unique style. This brought the attention of both white and black audiences. Throughout the 1950’s, Berry’s songs exploded into mainstream pop music. His countless hits are still played today. “Johnny B. Goode!” is recognized by almost anyone, even today. “Maybellene” his first released recording, sold

over a million copies in 1955. Songs like “Roll Over, Beethoven,” “Sweet Little Sixteen,” “My Ding-A Ling,” Promised Land,” and “Memphis, Tennessee,” all hit the “Top 10” charts on the radios, their release dates ranging from the 1950’s-1970’s. He has 18 studio albums, his first one entitled After School Sessions was released in 1957, and his last one Chuck is to be released sometime in 2017. Not only did Berry change the music, but the spirit as well. His fast-paced, high intensity guitar riffs and performances defined what it meant to “rock.” His lyrics reflected a story of fast living and full experiences. He sings of whisky, women, cars, and consumerism. He speaks about a vibrant young culture that gives life to the music of America, which helped re-define the spirit of American music. His lavish and fast lifestyle reflected his music, making Berry the embodiment of a true rock star. Chuck Berry was found dead on March 18th, 2017, in Wentzville, MO. Police were called to his house, where he was found unresponsive, and announced dead at

the scene. He was 90 years old. Among his peers and the rock community, there is no question to his legacy. Since his death, dozens of artists and public figures have publicly stated, discussed in interview, or related of social media the deep respect and admiration they felt towards Chuck Berry. Bruce Springsteen Tweeted, “Chuck Berry was rock’s greatest practitioner, guitarist, and the greatest pure rock ‘n’ roll writer, who ever lived.” Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “When I was 10 years old and I dreamed of moving to America, Chuck Berry played the soundtrack.” Ringo Starr, Keith Urban, Questlove, Lenny Kravitz, Bruno Mars, and countless others have all acknowledge and shared the influence brought on by Chuck Berry’s music. Regardless of being a fan of his music or not, the impact and legacy Chuck Berry has on the world of music in undeniable. He shows what It really means to be a rock star, and stands as an example of how we, as people, can transcend our very own time, and have our own mark on the world.

Page 18 Mar. 31, 2017


Most Anticipated Blockbusters through Summer 2017 By Jonathan Hershey, Staff Writer

The Fate of the Furious – Releases April 14th The 8th film the fast and furious franchise comes out this April following the events of the 7th film with Dom Toretto betraying his family. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Releases May 5th After two long years of waiting the release to the sequel to the majorly popular film, Guardians of the Galaxy, continues the story of Star Lord and the quest to meet his father. Alien: Covenant – Releases May 19th The sequel to Prometheus, which was a prequel to the Alien serious, follows the story of a new crew searching a planet that is eerily like Earth. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales – Releases May 26th Captain Jack Sparrow is back and is in search for the trident of Poseidon. This is the first movie in the franchise since 2011. Wonder Woman – Releases June 2nd After first appearing in Batman v Superman:

Dawn of Justice, the Amazonian warrior princess is back with her own origin story taking place during World War 1. Transformers: The Last Knight – Releases June 23rd The 5th Transformers film in the franchise that may catch fans off guard because of Optimus Prime is gone. Spider-Man: Homecoming – Releases July 7th Spider-Man is back with his own solo movie, Sony’s third web slinger to dawn the name, to fight crime in his home city of New York. War for the Planet of the Apes – Releases July 14th The 3rd film in the rebooted Planet of the Apes franchise takes place with humanity on the brink

of losing the war to the genetically altered super apes. The Dark Tower – Releases July 28th A new franchise that is based off of the Stephen King novels which was a series of 8 books releases its entry to the cinematic world in July with the lead character being Idris Elba.

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Page 19 Mar. 31, 2017

Outdoor Bash and Wildgame Dinner Wildlife Society

Photos by Pam DelVerne, Layout by Taylor Barta

t y ho ste d On Ma rch 25 , Th e Wi ldl ife So cie sh at R ich ey vil le th eir 20 th an nu al Ou td oo r Ba Vo lun tee r Fir e De pa r tm en t.

Club members Trevor Troxel and Mike Hoke preparing pheasant for the Outdoor Bash.

Ou tdo or gea r, ar t wo rks and item s ass oci ate d we re raf fled off and aw ard ed as doo r pri zes thr oug hou t the eve nin g. Prize s for the Winn ers

I n Cooperation with the Ruffed Grouse Societ y and Local No. 1 of the National Turkey Federation, Cal U’s Wildlife Societ y chapter offered a variet y of game dishes, such as deer, bear, pheasant, rabbit, duck and goose, fish and even more.

About the Wildlife Society The Wildlife Societ y is a professional communit y of scientists, managers, educators, technicians, planners, and other who work to study, manage and conser ve wildlife and habitats worldwide.

Pheasant Dish

Page 20 Mar. 31, 2017


Cal U wins four events, qualifies 10 at home meet By Matthew Kifer, Sports Information

which was over 6.5 The Vulcans set seconds faster than one school record, the rest of the field. won four individual Sophomore Jaclyn events and qualified Reinbold (Macungie, 10 entries for Pa./Emmaus) placed the Pennsylvania fourth overall in the State Athletic 1,500 meters after Conference (PSAC) crossing the finish line Championships in 4:55.15. on Saturday while Junior Julie Friend opening the outdoor (Markleysburg, Pa./ season by hosting Uniontown) competed the annual Early in the 10,000-meter Bird Invitational at run for the first time Roadman Park. in her college career Junior Kailah at the home meet. Holmes (Hatfield, She placed second Pa./Nor th Penn) in the event and reached the NCAA qualified for the provisional standard league championships and shattered after posting a time of her own school 37:43.42. record in the triple Sophomore Kaila jump. She won the Cannon ( Yeadon, Pa./ event by over twoHaverford) earned tenths of a meter the win in the long after registering a jump and also reached distance of 11.81 the PSAC-qualifying meters (38-9.00 standard in the triple Cal U Junior Kailah Holmes shattered her own school record in the feet), which eclipsed jump. She captured triple jump with a distance of 11.81 meters at Cal U’s Early Bird the school record she the victory in the long Invitational at Roadman Park on March 25. (Photo: Jeff Helsel) set last April at Penn jump with a mark of 5.63 State -Behrend. Holmes meters (18-5.75 feet) and also placed second in placed third in the triple the long jump on Saturday and qualified jump after posting a distance of 11.41 100 meters with a time of 12.26 seconds, for the league championships in the meters (37-5.25 feet). which ranks as the fastest time in the event after clearing 5.48 meters (17-11.75 league this spring by three-hundredths of Senior Emilia Ricciuti (Pittsburgh, Pa./ feet). Mount Lebanon) qualified for the league a second. Freshman Alicia Collier (Media, Pa./ championships in the 400-meter dash after The Vulcans boasted two individual Penncrest) posted PSAC-qualifying times finishing third overall with a time of 59.35 qualifiers for the PSAC Championships in both the 100- and 200-meter dash at the and a pair of top-five finishers in the seconds. home meet. She claimed the victory in the The Vulcans return to action on Saturday, 1,500-meter run on Saturday. Junior 200 meters by over one-tenth of a second April 1, when they compete at the Bethany Summer Hill (Honesdale, Pa./Honesdale) after posting a time of 25.32 seconds. Invitational in Bethany, West Virginia. cruised to the victory in the event with Collier also finished in third place in the a time of 4 minutes, 44.78 seconds,


Page 21 Mar. 31, 2017

Front-runners for the NBA Most Valuable Player award By Steven Shrenkel, Staff Writer

The NBA playoffs are nearing as the season trudges on. High intensity basketball is starting to be seen as some teams vie for a spot in the playoffs. Other teams are busy defending their playoff spots leading to an entertaining portion of the season where the stars of the NBA are putting on a show. These top players are putting up historic numbers at a time when the whole world is watching. These are the players that are carrying their teams to wins, showing why they are just so valuable to their respective teams. These players are the top five MVP candidates in the NBA, simply on another level from their peers. 1. James Harden Houston Rockets guard James Harden is having the season of his life. Harden is currently averaging 29.2 points per game, 11.2 assists, and 8.1 rebounds. This is the best year of his NBA career by far, so it’s no wonder he’s at the top of the list of MVP candidates. The beard has the Rockets near the top of the western conference. They are 48-22 and currently the third best team in the Western Conference. They are also the third best team in the NBA. Harden is shooting 44.6 percent from the floor showing just how effective he can be with the ball in his hands. He has 19 triple doubles for the season and became the second player in NBA history with more than one 50-point triple double during a season. Harden has also set the record for most 40-point triple doubles in a season with seven to his name. 2. Russell Westbrook We all knew that Thunder guard Russell Westbrook was going to have a great season after Kevin Durant had bolted for the Golden State Warriors. Westbrook was going to be really the only reliant scoring option coming into the 2016-2017 season for the Thunder, so high numbers were expected. Westbrook is currently averaging 31.7 points per game, 10.3 assists, and 10.5 rebounds. While the numbers themselves stand out on their own, a closer look shows that he’s averaging a triple

double. Westbrook averaging a triple double is something extremely impressive within itself. The game of basketball hasn’t seen someone display this type of dominance in a long time. It’s how many triple doubles he’s had this season that is also such a stunning feat. Leading the league with 34 triple doubles, he’s tied with Wilt Chamberlain’s record of 31 in a season and is looking to surpass Oscar Robertson’s 41, a feat that would make him the first NBA player in history with the most triple doubles in a single season. 3. Lebron James MVP stands for the most valuable player of the league. If the contest was strictly about the player absolutely the most valuable to his team, James would run away with the award nearly every single year. James is averaging 26.0 points per game, 8.8 assists, and 8.4 rebounds this season. James also has ten triple doubles this season, adding to his already impressive field goal percentage of 54.2 percent, the highest it has been throughout his 14-year career. While his numbers continue to amaze, it truly is his impact that makes him an MVP candidate. James can do it all. His ability to get to the rim makes him one of the most dangerous players in the league. He’s like a freight train going to the basket and not many players can stop him. He simply makes his teammates better, there is no debate. James simply elevates anyone he plays with. The Cavaliers are first in the east and have a 4523 record. They wouldn’t have had such recent success if it wasn’t for LeBron James. 4. Kawhi Leonard The San Antonio Spurs weren’t supposed to be this dominant. After Spurs legend Tim Duncan retired, many thought their run of dominance would stop at least for a little while. Of course, many didn’t account for Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard. Leonard has made the transition seamless and has amazingly become the focal point of the Spurs after slowly working his way towards NBA stardom.

Leonard is averaging 26.3 points per game, 6.0 rebounds, and 3.4 assists. He’s shooting 48.5 percent from the field and 38.6 percent from behind the arc. Leonard is clearly putting up great numbers. Leonard, while known primarily for his defensive prowess, has blossomed on the offensive end of the court. This is the best season of his career and he’s lead the Spurs to a successful season by far. The Spurs are second in the western conference at 52-16. They are the second-best team in the NBA and a lot of that can be attributed to Leonard. He and the Spurs are making a run for the first seed in the western conference, and it wouldn’t be surprising if they overtook the Golden State Warriors as the kings of the West. Leonard is the reason the Spurs are in the position that they are in right now. His ability to be a two-way player is why he deserves to have his hat thrown into the MVP candidacy. 5. Isaiah Thomas Boston Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas isn’t your typical point guard. He may do everything you think of when looking at that position, but he’s different. What makes him different from other guards and that much more impressive is his size. Thomas is averaging 29.2 points per game, 6.0 assists, and 2.6 rebounds. He’s shooting 46.2 percent from the field to go along with 38.3 percent from the three-point line. He’s known as one of the best players in crunch time and lives up to the hype of being dubbed the fourth quarter assassin. Thomas has been clutch in many of these games, leading them to a win, and showing just why he should be considered a candidate for most valuable player. The Celtics are currently second in the east with a 44-26 record. They are chasing the Cleveland Cavaliers ahead of them. The Celtics are only two games behind, promising an exciting finish in the east for the top playoff seeding. To read more of Steven’s piece, check out!

Page 22 Mar. 31, 2017


March Madness living up to its name By Daniel Beeck, Sports Editor If you were to tell the most knowledgeable analyst on any of the major sports shows that the final four would include South Carolina, UNC, Oregon, and Gonzaga, they wouldn’t think twice before dismissing your claims. Now that we are in this stage of the big dance, there’s nothing left to do, other than diagnose what went down in each round thus far, and critique who’s left. Beginning with the East vs. West matchup that pits #7 South Carolina against #1 Gonzaga, both teams had a rather interesting road to the final four. South Carolina started with Marquette in the round of 64, then went on to beat the 2, 3, and 4 seeds in successive games, displaying their sheer strength and ability. The big story for the Gamecocks throughout their run, is the play of Sindarius Thornwell. Averaging about 26 points, along with 7.5 rebounds throughout the four games of the NCAA tournament, Thornwell has been tearing it up for his team. The four year, NBA hopeful is having the best season of his career, stepping up in every category other than assists. When it comes to their opponent on the other hand, Gonzaga squeaked past Northwestern by a score of 79-73, and West Virginia by a score of 61-58. Both of these narrow victories could have changed the landscape of the tournament, being that not only did the one seed in the East, Villanova, lose, but also the one seed in the Midwest, Kansas, lost as well. Head Coach for the Bulldogs, Mark Few, has been rallying the troops throughout the entirety of the 2016 season, going 36-1, losing only to BYU. Nigel Williams-Goss has been the one player on the floor for Gonzaga to get to the hoop, and pick up the wins. A huge reason why Gonzaga has found success on offense, is their ability to lockdown on defense with Przemek Karnowski. The 7 foot 1 inch big man is an immoveable object on the floor, halting opponents in their tracks. Oregon is making their first appearance back in the final four since their historic 1939 title run, taking down one of the nations greatest, the Kansas Jayhawks. Many analysts were

KeyArena in Seattle, Washington discussing players such as Frank Mason, or Josh Hart, but not many would mention Tyler Dorsey. Averaging about 25 points and 5 rebounds per game in the tournament, Dorsey is doing it all for the Ducks. A tough game ahead of the Ducks will put the Tarheels in their sights, a team that a year ago almost won it all. Taking down Kentucky in the last matchup could have easily went the opposite direction, as sophomore Luke Maye hit the game winning shot, along with tallying 17 points. Young players stepping up when it counts is what this entire tournament is about, and what makes college basketball so great. When it comes to predicting a winner in both of these match-ups, its hard to tell who is going to step up, and who will crack under the pressure. Many underdogs go into big games with the mindset that once the ball is tipped, the playing field is even. One thing is a given when it comes to South Carolina, they play some pretty tough defense.

Gonzaga will be forced to move the ball around the floor, but will also have to drop back and step up on defense, as they also are in the top five in defensive efficiency. I believe this game will be a low-scoring affair, with the winner being Gonzaga. The ability of the Bulldogs to step up when they need to will trump the skill of the Gamecocks defense. For the other side of the bracket, UNC will attempt to make another run at the championship, this time having to eurostep the Oregon Ducks en-route to their sixth NCAA championship. I do believe that scenario will end up being the case too, due to the fact that UNC has been tested with not only their regular season schedule, but also their ability to perform in the tournament. Make sure to tune in to the CBS networks for everything you need to know about the NCAA tournament. If these games go anything like the rest of the tournament, buckle up, its going to be a bumpy ride.


Page 23 Mar. 31, 2017

Joe Yourgal talks senior baseball season, being a leader By Rachael McKriger, Editor-in-Chief Don’t let the record of 8-8 fool you. According to Joe Yourgal, a pitcher for the California University of Pennsylvania baseball team, the group is playing better baseball than what their record poses. “Right now we feel our record does not reflect the kind of baseball we’ve played,” Yourgal said. “We have had good pitching in some games and good hitting in other games it is just a matter of putting it all together.” That good pitching comes from a lot of younger players, as well, Yourgal said. There are four freshman pitchers that are brand new to the team this year. The four freshmen pitchers are Jacob Herr, Jason Downs, Bradyn Kail and John Bowswer. Yourgal, who is also a catcher, has seemingly taken them under his wing. “My role as a leader has been to teach them how to approach hitter at this level,” Yourgal said. “This can be a difficult task because the college game is a lot different than high school.” However, Yourgal takes pride in being a leader among his younger teammates, and even the ones who are seniors like him. Yourgal has appeared in every game this season. As a pitcher, he’s pitched five times. As a fielder, he’s been in every game thus far. “My goals for this year are just to help the team win as best I can,” Yourgal said. “As a team we want to win the PSAC and if we put everything

together I think we will have a very dangerous team.” As for his team’s chemistry, Yourgal admits all is well, and even noted that the trip down south to North Carolina helped the players bond as well. “We have a good team chemistry we only lost one player in our lineup from last year so we are all familiar with each other,” Yourgal said. “The pitchers are still developing a chemistry with the catchers because there are a lot a freshmen. But overall we have a good team chemistry this season.” “The south trip is always a fun one,” Yourgal continued. “We have a lot of free time to bond as a team in the hotel and on the bus. On the field this year we were 1-3 but we felt like we should have been 3-1. We gave away leads late in two of the games for example in our last game we had an eight run lead and ended up losing. Going into North Carolina our offense was struggling and it really started to click on the trip. In our last two games we scored 14 runs in each game so it was a good trip for the offense.” Yourgal, who is a senior, is looking forward to upcoming games, but also wants to focus on making his senior season memorable with his teammates. “I just want to enjoy my last year with my teammates and playing baseball at Cal U,” Yourgal said. “I’ve had some great experiences here at Cal

Catcher Joe Yourgal U and have made friendships that I hope will last after college. So I guess what I’m looking forward to is more great experiences playing baseball with my brothers at Cal.” The Vulcans have a lot of baseball left to play this season. The team will host Clarion University on Friday at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. in Washington, but will travel up to the Golden Eagles home field on Saturday at the same times.

Buzzer Beater “Picks Under Pressure” NHL






Rangers vs Penguins


Rockets vs Warriors


Devils vs Islanders


Spurs vs Thunder


Kings vs Canucks


Kings vs Pelicans


Wild vs Predators


Lakers vs Clippers


You can play along with the Sports Editor by emailing caltimes@calu. edu and your picks might appear on the next weeks issue. Stay tuned and tweet @caltimes with your responses to my picks!

Page 24 Mar. 31, 2017

Cal Times


At h l e t e S p ot l i g h t

Chris Wastchak

Class: Junior

Major: Business Administration Hometown: McMurray, Pa.

High School: Peters Township This past weekend for Wastchak was one to remember, as he went 7-15 from the plate, registering seven hits and nine RBI’s. Wastchak was also named Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference West Athlete of the week, and now ranks third on the team with a .353 batting average.

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI

Cheese or Pepperoni By the Slice LAT E NIGHT SLICE N I G H T SLICE LATE


8:00pm - Midnight

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