Cal Times, September 22, 2017

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 VOL 46, NO.2

Funny Freaking Fridays - Oct. 6, At the Performance Center, 7p.m.-8p.m.

Lil Wayne Coming To Stage AE Vocalist Ryan Quinn, a former contestant from The Voice, performs on Tues, Oct. 10 in food court 11a.m.1p.m. He will also be announcing this year’s Homecoming Court!

Cal U alumnus, Nick Barilla, will be performing @ Underground Cafe Thur., Oct. 12

$20 tickets at

Natali Info Desk for limited time Free Transpor tation More Info available at SAB’s OrgSync

Saturday, Sept. 23

Page 2 Sept. 22, 2017

S.P.S.A. Screen Printing Student Association Email: President Becca Bochna *currently recreuiting members

The Underground Cafe


NEWS Student Affairs

T-shir ts, Sweatpants, Hoodies and more!

- You can rely on fellow students for qualit y prints at a drastically less price. - Our club consists of students mostly in the Graphics and Multimedia major. - We are all friendly and willing to work with you to get what you want.

Did You Know? Dine dollars can be used only at Dining Ser vice locations on campus and roll over from the fall to the spring semester. Shop dollars can be used for point- of-sale purchases at a variet y of on- campus locations and will remain on your account until graduation or withdrawal from the universit y. Shop or Dine dollars can be added to your Cal Card at board. com or with cash deposits through a transfer station located in Manderino Librar y.

- Open M ic N ight Ever y Thursday -Per form spoken word, singing, comedy, dancing, etc. -Free to listen -J udgement-free zone - Outlet for creative students to share thier talents







CAL TIMES CONTRIBUTORS: SHALENE HIXON, Eva Grove, EDDIE KUNTZ, JEROMY MACKEY, Tom Caton, colin kirkwood, jacob Greco & Olivia Wilson


POLICY: The California TIMES is a publication of the Student Association, Inc. and is distributed throughout the university campus and the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year with the exception of holiday breaks. Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration. Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements , e-mail ( and advertising submissions are due at Noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse a submission as it sees fit without offering justification for content or advertising sections.


Student Association Incorporated Board of Directors 2017/2018

President..............................................Mari Boyle Vice-President..........................Jonathan Hershey Treasurer...........................................Emily Moyer Secretary....................................Nathan Connolly Student Seats..................................Cody Ambrose Jessica Crosson Anthony D’Agostino Graduate Student......................Jordan Lockhart Alumni Seats...........................................Hope Cox Justin DiPerna Ryan Jerico Ashley Roth Bryan Schuerman

Page 3 Sept. 22, 2017

Page 4 Sept. 22, 2017


Cal U enrollment and voter engagement increases By Mari Boyle, News Editor In the past few years at California University of Pennsylvania, declining enrollment has always been an area of concern. With the number of high school graduates going to college decreasing nationwide, Cal U was no excpetion. Overtime, enrollment had decreased each year bringing with it residual effects on the university such as decreasing revenue. President Jones consistently addressed the need to increase enrollment and the strategies to do so at faculty and student convocations the past two years. It seems like those efforts are beginning to show its results. As move in day came upon CalU a few weekends ago, students noticed the campus felt a bit more full and a bit more lively. Many speculated that there was an increase in enrollment and that speculation proved to be true. According to the university’s census, the overall enrollment for the 2017-18 year is 7,788 students which is a 3.1 percent increase in enrollment. According to university officials, this increase was seen in both the undergraduate and the graduate classes at Cal U. In fact almost every student group increased this year. The freshman class for 2017 increased by 17.7 percent as compared to last falls freshman class. The number of transfer students increased by 12.9 percent and the graduate school increased its studet population by 9.8 percent, which is the largest the graduate school has ever been. Numerous factors could have contributed to the enrollment increase given the amount

Photo by Jeff Helsel, SAI of strategic changes President Jones has put in place. These changes have ranged from academic to marketing to outreach. Provost Dr. Bruce Barnhart states, “There is no single reason for our enrollment gains, but I would certainly attribute this good news to hard work on the part of our staff and faculty.” The National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement gave another positive report for CalU in regards to voter turnout. The report stated that the number of students that voted in the 2016 election exceeded the national average for college voters. In fact, an additional

500 students voted in this election compared to the 2012 election. Mostly thanks to the work of the American Democracy Project, headed by Political Science professor Dr. Blumberg, there was a 6 percent increase in voter registration. Roughly 75 percent of Cal U students were registered to vote for the 2016 election. Due to the high amount of programming and activities that went on throughout the 2016 election, Cal U was deemed one of the few Pennsylvania universities to be recognized as a “Voter Friendly Campus”


Trump’s DACA decision impacting many

Page 5 Sept. 22, 2017

By James Rudolph, Opinons Editor

San Francisco attorney Dulce Garcia is suing the Trump administration. She is one of six immigrants who are suing over the Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Garcia is one of 800,000 participants in this program, known as Dreamers, and has defended others in immigration court. Her lawsuit is one of many that claim the Trump administration violated due process with rescinding DACA. There are two cases brought up by state attorney generals as well. Established by the Obama administration, the DACA program allowed individuals, who entered the country, as a minor to receive a two-year period of deferment from deportation and eligibility for a work permit. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants, like Garcia, could work and pursue their education thanks to, the benefits from this program. On Sept. 5, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration rescinded the policy, and full implementation will be in effect in March 2018. The Trump administration said Obama overstepped his authority with bypassing Congress when he created the DACA program. This is like the resistance to the expansion on the program Obama proposed in 2014. Some Republican states, such as Texas, who had the 2nd highest approved DACA recipients, sued the Obama administration for overstepping his authority. The case was settled in appeals court, before going to the Supreme Court, and the expansion passed. However, the U.S Department of Homeland Security rescinded the expansion, and continued to review the DACA program. What is interesting is seeing how

President Trump attempts to look out for the Dreamers. He called on Congress to make a law to protect DACA recipients, which angered his fellow Republicans, because he negotiated with Democratic congressmen on legislation. One would think the Republicans would rally behind an immigration issue, particularly one that assists “illegal immigrants” in such a way. In a survey conducted by United We Dream, National Immigration Law Center, and the Center for American Progress, data, starting from Sept. 8, 2016, shows that DACA recipients help economic growth. The hourly wage for a DACA recipient increased by 42 percent, which translated into higher tax revenue and economic growth. 95 percent of survey respondents were currently employed or enrolled in school.

The majority of majors from DACA recipients are early childhood education, biochemistry, computer science, creative writing, graphic design, neuroscience, nursing, social work, and urban planning. 21 percent work in educational and health fields, 11 percent in the nonprofit sector, nine percent in wholesale and retail and eight percent in professional and business services. 72 percent of the Top 25 Fortune 500 Companies employ DACA recipients. With all of the findings from this survey, and even previous surveys, DACA recipients could contribute $460.3 billion over the next decade.



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Page 6 Sept. 22, 2017


Run, eat and chug: The Route Beer Run excels By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor As groups of students walked down Third Street, a cart full headed from the Convocation Center drove by. While passing students, the occupants shouted out, “everyone go to the Route Beer Run!” By 7:48 p.m., a small crowd of Students gathered outside the Convocation Center, waiting for the race to start. This past Friday night, Cal hosted its own “Route Beer Mile,” Cal’s take on a longtime college pastime. Students take part in a mile-long race around campus, while making quick stops every ¼ mile. However, Cal students had to eat pizza and chug root beer at these stops, instead of chugging beer. Students could register online for the event, or sign-up at the Convocation Center from 7 to 8 p.m., right before the race started. The official start time was 8:15 p.m. The race course itself entailed the major roads on campus. Starting in front of the Convocation Center, the course went down Third Street and takes a right at the Booker towers. The first root beer station was in front of Herron. The course turned left at Eberly Hall, then a right down Beazell street and past the River lot. The course continued the length of Riverview Drive, with two root beer and pizza stations along the way, until finally circling around the Convocation Center up to the finish line. Around 30 students lined up and prepared for the race to begin. The flag went down at 8:15 p.m., and the runners separated themselves from the walkers. The first runner could be seen rounding the Convocation center at 8:19 p.m., with a few others right on his heels. Despite no grand prize, junior Cody Garcia finished first, with a few other students shortly behind him. Once finished, students enjoyed a pizza and root beer party. The run was supported by WCAL and AVI Food services.

Top Photo: Members of the Cal U Drumline in the band pose for a picture in front of the Convocation Center. Photo on the left: Route Beer Mile logo. Photos by Rachael McKriger.


Page 7 Sept. 22, 2017

Funny Freaking Friday featuring T. Murph By Sam Paar, Contributor Who in their life hasn’t stopped and thought to themselves, “Wow, I should be a comedian!?” While most of the time such a comment is made at the lunch table or a party where you’re getting plenty of laughs from friends, there are a select few who actually live up to these words. A few famous examples of those who took their own words very seriously are such as Kevin Hart, Seth Myers, Tina Fey, John Oliver and so on. Fortunately, yet another comedian has graced California University of Pennsylvania students on Friday night, and his name is T. Murph. Students flocked to Vulcan Theater in hopes for a good laugh, filling up seats. T. Murph was the first comedian of the semester and he certainly set the bar high for any comedian to follow up on his performance. To start his show off, he expressed his excitement to be at Cal U despite adversity he may have had on the way. He explained to the audience that the day before he was preforming at a catholic school. He joked, “I’m definitely going to Hell after that one because I did not change my act at all. It is what it is!” T. Murph was on the stage of that school cussing as per usual with a large cross behind him. He went into how big the Cal U Vulcans football players are and how intimidating they are to a man like himself. “They go to the gym every day three times a day, they lift all the weights!” he exclaimed. He claimed that he’s built like Miley Cyrus after telling the audience that he often gets told he looks like James Harden. “I can’t touch the rim or the net!” he joked. Students laughed when the comedian went into detail about his first (and - spoiler alert last) football scrimmage. T. Murph was never athletically inclined in high school, going over his scrimmage game and explaining that a 240-pound football player knocked him

unconscious. T. Murph then explained the one and only fight he ever go into in his high school days. As a lot of comedians do, T. Murph was stirring the pot a bit with a guy who happened to have not only one, but two black belts. After Murph was informed of this guy’s black belts, he joked “Yeah I got one too it holds my pants up!” Next thing, a now humbled, T. Murph remembered was waking up on the guy’s couch with his barbecue sauce from his Wendy’s five-piece nugget all over himself, the couch and the wall behind him; he had been kicked in the face. Next thing he knew he was in a hospital bed with an I.V. in his arm. “I don’t know if anybody know anything about I.V’s, but they give you one when you dehydrated.” He exclaimed that this two-time black belt holder beat him thirsty. “Now I need a Gatorade before I get into an argument?!” He says every time he goes to a college and does a shout-out to all the classes he notices a pattern. When asking freshman to call out, they were on the quiet side, but there were a good handful of them. “Half ya’ll ain’t gonna be here next year!” he stated. When sophomores were called out, they were louder, but there were fewer. When juniors were called upon, there was no response. When seniors were called, there was a small group in the back. He then clarifies: “Seniors that are graduating? You have to say that sometimes because there’s people in their senior years but they got sophomore credits!” T. Murph touched on a few serious subjects through the show. He expresses that school really is hard, and tuition is a very expensive and a very serious stressor in students’ lives. He also talks about how people can be uptight

about older people in the middle of his skit about an 88-year-old woman who told him she wanted to go back to school. “By ninety you’re late to heaven.” He brought up how extreme the standards that are set for women are nowadays, and how no woman should change for anybody aside from herself. The topic of African-American men’s relationship with the police is brought up, as is the state of the country and the presidency. Perhaps Murph’s most realistic jokes were the ones about women and how we act around our friends. “Any time women see each other they get excited. They see they girl and they’re like ‘yaaas!’” he claimed. He also says any time a guy is trying to hit a girl up, she always seems to ask him to take a picture for her. He went into detail on how women will just walk around in heels and how they are a complete confidence booster, but by the end of the day her legs are trembling because of her heels. T. Murph also talked about how girls can’t leave for a night out without a ton of pictures being taken. Then, an age-old secret is exposed: “I used to think that ladies got dressed up for us fellas…not at all.” He, like most men, thought that women got dolled up for the eyes of men - but he was mistaken. “Women get dressed up for other women.” Closing out his show, he announced his social media information to the crowd and thanked everybody for taking the time to watch and listen to his show. Finally, he took a Snapchat video with the entire Vulcan Theater cheering the background and posted it to his story. After the show was over, he invited whoever was interested to come on to the stage to take pictures with him. “I hope the comedian next month is as good as T. Murph,” one student said.


Page 8 Sept. 22, 2017

American Horror Story Season Update By Eva Grove, Contributor Season 7 of American Horror Story is in full swing and has had rave reviews so far. Many fans are loving the new additions to the cast and are enjoying that it is set in present day. Those two aspects of the new season were a concern for many die-hard AHS fans before the start of season. Luckily, Ryan Murphy, the creator of the show, has worked his magic once again to set us up for an awesome season. As mentioned in the season preview, we were going to be seeing a lot of clowns in AHS Cult. Sarah Paulson’s character, Ally, has intense anxiety and phobias of almost everything imaginable, including clowns. She claims that her fears were under control, but after the election of President Donald Trump, those anxieties started to resurface. Her wife, Ivy, played by Alison Pill, is doing

Six Word Stories Wr itten By Students for your Enter tainment

her best to keep Ally in check and take care of their son, Oz. Ally is continuously seeing clowns but no one seems to believe that what she is seeing is real. Later we find out that the clowns are in fact real, and are attacking and murdering people who live in this small town in Michigan. Kai Anderson, who is played by Evan Peters, is big Donald Trump supporter. He decided that he wanted to run for office as well to

see more local change. At this point in the show, we are not entirely sure what his motives are, but it is safe to say that they are not good. Kai’s sister, Winter, played by Billie Lourd, is Oz’s babysitter. Kai had his sister apply for this job in order to get close to this family and have a way in. Winter is showing things to Oz that are disturbing in order to “prepare” him for what he may see later on. Again, it is still too early in the season to have a clear idea or prediction of what may happen. Knowing previous season seasons of AHS, it is safe to say that we are in for lots of exciting twists and turns. In my opinion, I feel like this season is off to a great start and I cannot wait to see how everything plays out. The newest episode of American Horror Story Cult airs on Tuesday September 19th at 10 pm on FX.


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Page 9 Sept. 22, 2017

Artist Spotlight: Halsey By Shalene Hixon, Staff Writer

Halsey is the kind of artist that commands attention wherever she goes. The 22-year-old New Jersey singer, whose real name is Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, has had quite an interesting career path. Starting in 2012, she began posting videos of her singing on her Tumblr and YouTube accounts. Her most famous video was a parody of Taylor Swift’s song “I Knew You Were Trouble” in which she poked fun at Swift’s relationship with Harry Styles. After dropping out of college and getting kicked out of her parents’ house, Frangipane bounced around living spaces and started playing acoustic shows in various cities. She eventually chose her stage name “Halsey” because it was the name of a street in Brooklyn where she spent a lot of her time as a teenager, as well as an anagram of her actual name. One night at a party, she met a producer who asked her to collaborate on a song. This meeting resulted in Halsey posting her first song, “Ghost,” on SoundCloud a few weeks after she recorded it. The song gained

popularity overnight and Halsey was contacted by several record labels soon after. She eventually decided to sign with Astralwerks because she felt that they gave her more creative freedom. In 2014, Halsey toured with the Kooks while she was working on her debut album. On Oct. 27 she released her debut EP, Room 93, which charted at No. 3 on the Top Heatseekers chart. In 2015, she performed at South by Southwest and was the most tweeted about artist of the night. She began the American Youth Tour with co-headliners Young Rising Sons in March. In June, Halsey opened for Imagine Dragons on the North American Leg of their Smoke + Mirrors Tour. After much anticipation, Halsey released her debut album, Badlands, on Aug. 28, 2015. It debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard Top 200 chart and was eventually certified platinum by the RIAA. Halsey described Badlands as a concept album about a dystopian society that she used as a metaphor for her mental state. There were four singles from the album, “Ghost,” “New Americana,”

“Colors” and “Castle” which were all certified gold by the RIAA since their release. Halsey supported the album with the Badlands Tour, which was broken into three “installments.” It started on Sept. 30, 2015 and ended Sept. 18, 2016, with supporting acts such as LANY, Flor, Bad Suns and Oh Wonder. The tour hit cities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe, South America and Asia. On July 29, 2016, Halsey scored her first number one single when she collaborated with the Chainsmokers on “Closer.” The song stayed at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 12 consecutive weeks and earned a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance. It was eventually certified 7x platinum by the RIAA, with 2,784,000 certified sales. Before Badlands was even released, Halsey was already working on her second album. In January, she released the single “Not Afraid Anymore” for the Fifty Shades Darker movie soundtrack. On Apr. 4, “Now or Never” was the first single released off of the upcoming album. The song peaked at No. 3 on the US Mainstream Top 40 chart and at No. 17 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Her second and third singles, “Eyes Closed” and “Strangers (ft. Lauren Jauregui)” were released on May 4 and May 26, respectively. On June 2, Halsey’s second album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, was released. It debuted at No. 1 on the US Billboard Top 200 chart and made Halsey the first female artist in 2017 to have a number one album. She based the album’s concept off of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet and adapted it to her real life prolonged breakup with singer/producer Lido. To support the new album, Halsey announced the Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Tour set for fall 2017. The first installment begins on Sept. 29 and runs until Nov. 22 with supporting acts Partynextdoor and Charli XCX. The tour will hit cities such as Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Atlanta, Orlando, Dallas and Los Angeles. She will be playing at PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh on Oct. 10. With her electropop and alternative tracks, it won’t take long for you to get hooked on Halsey’s music. But the one thing that will grab your attention is the honesty she puts into her lyrics and songs. She’s never going to portray herself as someone she’s not. As she has said in numerous interviews, “I will never be anything but honest.”

Page 10 Sept. 22, 2017


of the

Week By Eddie Kuntz

Rating: 6 out of 10

CAL LIFE All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell by PVRIS PVRIS have had an explosive career after the release of their first album, but seemed to lose energy that was felt in their first release on All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell. Many of the songs on the new release lack diversity from each other and seem to take a while to get started as well as basically fight for the listener’s attention as they go. Slow songs aside, even the up tempo songs that are meant to catch a listener’s ear just don’t pick up. The album shows the potential it had in the final song “Nola 1”, where energy comes together with catchy yet unique lyrics to close out an album that’s otherwise disappointing. “Nola 1” especially shows the band’s skill as well as their growth, fading into more of a pop based realm, but still holding the grit that PVRIS is known for. One of the singles, “What’s Wrong”, holds up fairly well against the other songs, but still doesn’t showcase just what PVRIS is capable of, but granted there are few points where that is evident in this album to begin with. The most disapointing moment of All We Know of Heaven… is “Walk Alone”, it starts out with so much potential and showcases what this album should’ve been, but never picks up. Each time it’s expected to finally build to something else, it dies down again, leaving the listener tired of it after the first chorus as it not only goes nowhere, but is increasingly repetitive as it continues. PVRIS certainly had the material to work with on this release, but ended up putting out an album that takes a large step backwards from their debut, which is quite disappointing from a band that has shown nothing, but potential and growth over the past four years.

Recommended Track: “No Mercy”

Vulcan Theater Sept. 22Sept. 28 Natali Student Center

M-F: 11 a.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m. S&S: 4 p.m., 7 p.m., and 10 p.m.

Movie Marathon Reviews with Jeromy Mackey! Wonder Woman is the perfect remedy for the curse of DC’s mess of a cinematic universe. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine’s chemistry add the ingredient that every DCEU film has lacked before it, charm. The directing and storytelling, particularly in the first two acts, is impeccable and director Patty Jenkins deserves every praise lauded to her. My main complaint is that the villain(s) are extremely underwhelming, and the “final scene” is a bit of a letdown. I rate this movie a 9 out of 10.


Page 11 Sept. 22, 2017

Miss America Contest crowns a winner By Jeromy Mackey, Staff Writer On Sept. 10, history was made when Cara Mund, Miss North Dakota 2017, won the Miss America 2018 pageant being the first from her state to do so. Her victory put a spotlight on her impressive list of accomplishments. Cara graduated from the University of Brown with Ivy League honors, and is planning on pursuing a Juris Doctorate. In addition, the qualifications of her fellow contestants show that the negative image of a “shallow beauty contest” surrounding the pageant may no longer be applicable. The talents were impressive, the interview answers were educated, and besides the trademark (and newly named) “Health and Fitness and Swimsuit Competition” the scoring was judged on merit. The Sunday evening was hectic and stuffed with content, but here are a few highlights. Pennsylvania Performance Miss Pennsylvania 2017 Katie Schreckengast impressed viewers by playing “Listen” from Dreamgirls. However, controversy arose over her immediate elimination afterwards. The talent portion, according to the rules of the pageant, holds the most weight in tallying up the final scores. Since many audience members and viewers back home were wowed by Katie’s performance, there was much a large amount of confusion at such a quick elimination. Nonetheless, Miss Pennsylvania was still a member of the final top ten, and that accomplishment kept her head high. Politics Political discussion at awards shows and pageant has nearly become a tradition in American entertainment, and the Miss America Pageant was no exception. The Miss America 2018 pageant seemed to have no issue bringing up President Donald Trump’s

political decisions in the interview segment. Pageant winner Cara Mund criticized Trump when asked about his decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement regarding climate change. Margana Wood, Miss Texas 2017, passionately renounced Trump’s response to the violent actions in Charlottesville, Virginia. Experiencing the Pageant Due to the inclusion of political discussion in the pageant, some critics have begun to question what the political role of the pageant should be. An associate of mine, Jeremy Kuharcik, who has worked in the pageant industry for years, and is currently involved with the Miss Pennsylvania pageant, agreed to answer a few questions regarding the experience of the pageant and the role of politics.

Q: Do you think, based on your own experiences, that the pageant should serve as a platform for political discussion? A: I think any time you have influence, you should use your status to affect positive change. The Miss America system is based on empowering young women. That includes allowing them to discover, voice and defend their opinions and beliefs. Q: Lastly, how do you feel about the stigma of “shallowness” surrounding not just this pageant, but pageants in general?

A: I can only speak to the Miss America system. The organization is the largest provider of scholarship money to women in the world; many of the young women I know entered into the pageant not to become a “beauty queen,” but to pay Q: Could you briefly tell me about what you for school. And have been able to finish undergrad degrees and even go on to law do at the Miss Pennsylvania pageant? schools and med schools with the money they received. The community service, A: I’ve been co-hosting the pageant for the interview and platform is a substantial past 8 years; I began my first year with the component of the Miss America system, system as a judge, and then moved into which sets it apart from the stereotypical the emcee job the year after that. Of all the pageants. And — like anything else — emcee and guest appearances I do during instead of believing broad generalizations the year, it’s honestly the most inspiring, about a group of people, it’s best to get to and my favorite event — you’re surrounded know the people involved on an individual by people who are passionate about what basis. Some of the most gifted, humble they do and who strive to be the best wellservants I know are the women competing rounded versions of themselves. in the Miss Pennsylvania program. Q: What is it like to be in the audience for Our current Miss Pennsylvania Katie Schrekengast is the epitome of a public the Miss America Pageant? servant without a superficial bone in her body; her commitment to the organization A: I’d imagine for most guys it’s similar to stems from a desire to share her adoption being in the stadium for the Super Bowl. Which, in a way, it is. Crowds gather together story with the nation, and allow for more open and honest dialogue about blended by state and bring signs and banners to families. cheer. It’s an adrenaline rush.

Page 12 Sept. 22, 2017

Cal U Cal U Fall 2017 Clubs and Organizations Fair Photos: Rachael McKriger, James Rudolph & Jeff Helsel


Page 13 Sept. 22, 2017


Page 14 Sept. 22, 2017

Arie Luyendyk Jr. announced as The Bachelor for Season 22 By Jessica Crosson, Entertainment Editor It was announced on Sept. 7, that Arie Luyendyk Jr. will be the star of season 22 of The Bachelor. This announcement came as a surprise to many leaving the lingering question of, “Who is this guy?” Luyendyk Jr. was the runner-up on the season 8 of The Bachelorette where Emily Maynard chose Jef Holm over him in 2012. However, many fans are upset over the fact that Luyendyk Jr. was chosen over fan-favorites Peter Kraus or Eric Bigger from Rachel Lindsay’s season of The Bachelorette. Fans were certain following the finale of Lindsay’s season of The Bachelerotte that Kraus would be named the next bachelor, especially since it was already announced that Dean Unglert was going to be on Bachelor in Paradise. If fans thought they were surprised when Luyendyk Jr. was announced as the bachelor, they weren’t alone.

Luyendyk Jr.’s parents didn’t even know this was happening until they watched the announcement live on Good Morning America this morning! So here’s what fans need to know before the newest season begins: Luyendyk Jr. is a 35-year-old native from the Netherlands. He’s a race car driver who currently resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. The name is possibly recognizable, as he is the son of two-time Indianapolis 500 winner, Arie Luyendyk. He admits that he was skeptical when he received the call about being this season’s bachelor after stepping out of the spotlight following his time spent on Season 8 of The Bachelorette. During his time spent on the show, he was pegged as a fan-favorite and ultimately believed he was going to come out of the season engaged to Maynard. However, that was not the case.

Apparently it has been an ongoing conversation for years between producers and Luyendyk Jr. to get him back on the show as the bachelor, so Luyendyk Jr. is finally giving it a shot. During an interview with PEOPLE, Luyendyk Jr. gave his thoughts on being the bachelor. “This is pretty surreal,” Luyendyk Jr. confessed to PEOPLE. “It doesn’t really feel real yet, but I’m taking it step by step. The timing is just so perfect in my life. I could not be more excited for this journey I’m about to embark on.” During the announcement on Good Morning America, Luyendyk Jr. said he is looking for a woman who is “independent, strong but then still gentle,” so best wishes to him. Be sure to tune into Season 22 of The Bachelor when it premieres in January 2018!

Have you seen ‘It’? By Tom Caton, Contributor *This article contains spoilers to the newly released film, It.* Will you float too if you go to see the new horrifying movie It? It is a supernatural horror film that was released in theaters on Sept. 8. Within days of its release, the film has grossed more than $185 million worldwide. The movie is based on the terrifying novel of the same name written by Stephen King. The film is also a remake of the original 1990 movie and was shot mostly in the Riverdale neighborhood, located in Ontario, Canada. The plot opens up on a rainy October day in 1988. Main character, Bill Denbrough, played by Jaeden Lieberher, makes a sailboat from notebook paper and gives it to his 7-year-old brother Georgie (Jackson Robert Scott). Georgie takes the boat outside to play when, by accident, the boat falls down the sewer gutter. As Georgie peers down into the drain, he meets a strange man dressed as a clown who introduces himself as “Pennywise the Dancing Clown.” Bill Skarsgård portrays It. Pennywise tells Georgie that the storm blew him into

the sewer and he then tries to offer Georgie a balloon. As he reaches for it, Pennywise grabs Georgie’s arm, bites it off and drags his body down into the sewer to consume the rest of his body. The movie advances eight months and takes us to last day of school at Derry High School in June 1989. Bill and his friends Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak and Stanley Uris are trying to outrun bully Henry Bowers and his gang. Fortunately, they escape. While making a delivery to a local butcher shop for his grandfather, home-schooled Mike Hanlon (Chosen Jacobs) encounters It before nearly getting run over by Bower. Bill discovers that his brother’s body may have ended up in a marshy wasteland connected by the sewers, known as the Barrens. Ben heads to the library where he finds a book on Derry’s history, learning the town has been plagued by mysterious unexplained tragedies and child disappearances for centuries. He is lured into the basement by It in the form of a headless boy, whom he narrowly escapes. The creature also goes after Stan in the form of a living painting, permanently traumatizing him.

A few weeks later, the group, who now refer to themselves as “The Losers Club,” come to realize that they are each being terrorized by the same entity, which awakens for a short period of time every 27 years to feed on the children of Derry before returning to hibernation. While in Bill’s garage, the group determines that It is using the sewers to move around unseen. After narrowly escaping an attack by It in Bill’s garage, the Losers Club go to the house on Neibolt Street where Bill determines It to be hiding. The creature uses its shape-shifting abilities to separate the group and pick them off. Eddie breaks his arm after falling through a hole upstairs. It emerges from a fridge and prepares to eat him. The rest of the Losers arrive and save Eddie, and Beverly impales It through the head with a fence post. The clown slashes Ben before retreating down a well in the basement of the house. Eddie’s mother arrives and is horrified by her son’s broken arm, taking him away. The group begins to splinter, with Richie, Stan and Mike succumbing to their fear and abandoning the others when Bill insists that they continue to hunt It.


Page 15 Sept. 22, 2017

‘Dark Tower’: The Book vs. The Movie By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor After years of whispers, rumors and speculation, Stephen King’s The Dark Tower finally appeared on screen, this past August. For the hardcore King fans, this has been a long time coming. For years, directors and producers have toyed with the idea of The Dark Tower appearing on screen. Finally, Danish director Nikolaj Arcel brings King’s fantasy series to life; featuring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey in the leading roles. The film had a budget of $60 million, and earned around $107 million at the box office. However, critics gave rather negative views of the film for a variety of reasons. It has been described as “King’s fantasy series thrown into a blender,” and “a bland experience with no direct audience.” The harshest criticism comes from the dedicated readers of The Dark Tower Series. King describes The Dark Tower book series as his magnum opus. Beginning to write the series in his early 20s, King’s 8-part book series is one of his most distinct and deeply complex works he has ever done. Stepping away from his typical horror stories, The Dark Tower series is a Western-fantasy. In a summary, the series follows Roland Deschain, the last surviving gunslinger, as he pursues a sorcerer known as the Man in Black, or Randall Flagg and Walter O’Dim, across MidWorld, the fictional setting of the series. The Man in Black is headed towards the Tower, the fictional epicenter of reality, on a quest to become a god and control reality. While the last book, The Wind Through the Keyhole, seemingly concluded the series, King has suggested that he may be working on another installment in the book series. The Dark Tower series also ties in King’s other works. The film adaptation, released on Aug.

4, takes a drastically different take on the series. The film focuses on Jake Chambers, played by Tom Taylor, a boy living in New York who has visions of another world, a man in black, and a pursuing gunslinger. After discovering an inter-dimensional portal, he is transported to Mid-World, where

he meets Deschain, played by Elba. He is chasing after the Man in Black, played by McConaughey, who plans to destroy reality by abducting psychic children that will destroy the Tower and allow monsters from another realm to enter reality. While being described as the books thrown together in one movie, it serves as a sequel to the series. As was predicted, King’s devoted fans felt outraged. The fact that the focus of the film was Chambers, and not Roland, was a focal point for fan criticism. Another issue was the casting of Elba as Roland. King, in previous

interviews about his book series, described Roland as a Clint Eastwood type, the typical “Spaghetti Western” protagonist. Some fans felt that Elba’s racial background diminished King’s character, but King himself said that the race of the character isn’t important, as long as the actor captured the intensity and grit of Roland’s character. In fact, King praised Elba’s performance as Roland. Similarly, some fans felt that McConaughey’s character didn’t contain the sinister undertone and mystique of Walter O’Dim in the novels. However, critics praised McConaughey for his portrayal of the Man in Black, feeling that McConaughey’s portrayed malice, combined with a “personal flair,” was unique, even for the actor. Both Elba and McConaughey’s lead performances is what made this movie worth seeing. The rest of the movie is extremely lacking though. Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and IMDB gave low ratings. Darren Franich from Entertainment Weekly said, “Bad dialogue and lame plot: fine.” Variety’s Manohla Dargis wrote, “Summons an emotional impact of close to zero.” Without the strength of the leading roles, the movie would not have received such success at the box office. It’s not surprising the film didn’t do the books justice, or that the film had little success. It’s almost impossible for the magnitude of The Dark Tower as a whole to be smashed together in a 90-minute film. The most surprising reaction comes from King, who isn’t disappointed with the film. King historically opposes the film adaptations of his work, most notably is Kubrick’s adaptation of The Shinning. Overall, not the best of films to see, especially if you are a hardcore King fanatic.

Page 16 Sept. 22, 2017


A Familiar Picture: Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump

By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor

At the U.N General Assembly this past Tuesday, President Trump addressed the gathering for the first time. During his speech, he gave some rather haunting remarks. On North Korea, Trump said, if the U.S is forced to defend itself or its allies, “we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.” On Kim Jong Un, Trump said “Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself.” While threatening an entire nation in front of the U.N, this isn’t anything new. The past year has seen North Korea conduct multiple missile tests. Throughout this time, President Trump, and Kim Jong Un exchanged a variety of threats. A spokesman for the Un regime this past July said, “Should the US dare to show even the slightest sign of attempt to remove our supreme leadership, we will strike a merciless blow at the heart of the US with our powerful nuclear hammer, honed and hardened over time.” Trump responded in August with statements like, “North Korea best not make any more threats against the United States. They will be met with fire and fury unlike the world has ever seen.” Simply, both leaders are flexing their egos. I’m not calling President Trump Kim Jong Un; that just wouldn’t be an accurate comparison. Ever since taking power in December of 2011, Un holds a long record of corruption and oppression, all for the sake of solidifying power. Long has there been stories of Un having his own family killed, such as his half-brother, Kim Jong-nam who was assassinated in an airport in Malaysia. His blatant disregard for his own people is well-known as he funnels most of the country’s money into their nuclear program, while their people starve from lack of food. He kidnaps political opponents and has them tortured and killed. A monster of this nature is not comparable to our current President, even with my political opinions. However, it’s interesting to see the rhetoric and attitude of Trump somewhat reflect dictatorship

Photo supplied by Wikimedia Commons

behavior. With threats like “fire and fury unlike the world has ever seen,” and “destroyed,” I can’t help but wonder where I’ve heard such absolutes before. Trump proposed to have a military parade to display the might of the United States military, an idea he got from a conversation he had with French president Emmanuel Macron. Where have I heard “fire and brimstone” threats and parades of military power? Well, North Korea. Kim Jong Un regularly gives speeches with such phrasing in them. Most pictures of North Korea, which are heavily censored through the government, depict huge parades of marching North Korean soldiers standing next to missiles. Speeches promising the destruction and death of their enemies, while holding military spectacles, historically come from dictators. While Trump is not Kim Jong Un, the parallels

are uncanny. President Trump’s promised to defend the U.S and its allies is justifiable, as an attack from North Korea must be treated as an act of war. However, promising to destroy a nation is equivocal to genocide. There are around 25 million people living in North Korea, most of them innocent civilians under the yolk of an oppressive regime. Civilians that escape tell stories of the horrors faced by the average North Korean citizen, and the ignorance they are kept in. Killing them indiscriminately, because of the actions of their actions, is not justified. Americans everywhere should pay attention and beware individuals with this kind of rhetoric and these kinds of intentions, international and at home, as they threaten the very values we hold dear in the United States.


Page 17 Sept. 22, 2017

Accommodating American Refugees By James Rudolph, Opinions Editor

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma were two of the worst hurricanes to hit the United States. Not since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 have we witnessed such destruction from a hurricane. Now, thousands of people fled their homes or lost everything in the storm. Officials have reported at least 60 deaths from Hurricane Harvey, and at least 30,000 people were forced from their homes. In Florida, nearly 7 million were evacuated from major cities, like St. Petersburgh, Miami and Tampa Bay, and thousands of people who stayed behind. Hurricane refugees have now spread all around the country and need shelter and commodities while the devastation from the storms is cleaned up. FEMA expects more than 450,000 victims to file for assistance. They deployed lifesaving commodities, such as temporary shelters in San Antonio, while the Army Corps of Engineers work to restore power. Anyone in a shelter or without financial means to replace their housing in more than 18 counties in Texas qualifying for individual disaster relief can receive financial assistance. In response to Harvey, more than 120 government and Red Cross shelters opened in the surrounding states and safe-zones in Florida, to prepare for Irma. Hotel companies near affected areas and states with a high intake of evacuees offer free or discounted rooms for evacuees. Notably, Airbnb offered free accommodations for victims in Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and other states surrounding places hit by the Hurricanes. Even other American citizens, who may not even know anyone affected by the hurricanes, opened their doors to accommodate evacuees. Hundreds of thousands of homes, from North Carolina to Georgia, welcomed people fleeing from the storms. Laura Durham, a resident of North Carolina and Hurricane Katrina survivor, told CNN that she advertised her home at Walmart to a group of evacuees. She later wrote on the “Hurricane Irma Lodging for Evacuees,” Facebook page,” I am in northern North Carolina, away from the coast. If ANYONE

Army specialists unpacking water for distribution in Port Arthur, Texas. Photo supplied by Wikimedia Commons needs a place to stay, do not hesitate to message me!” Among the chaos of hurricane refugees, and ensuring their safety, the number of displaced pets facing hardship is on the rise. Abandoned because of the Hurricane, or because on lack of accommodations, displaced cats and dogs are being seen everywhere, even as far north as Chicago and Connecticut. Some hotels made specific accommodations for families with pets. Airlines, like South West, have been participating in medical airlifts for animals. In D.C, Nationals star Max Scherzer and his wife covered adoption fees in the aftermath of the disaster. Karin Brulliard from the Washington Post found that, during Katrina, 44 percent of people chose not to evacuate due to their

pets. Since Harvey and Irma, organizations like the Human Society and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, are pushing for evacuation policies that give guidelines for Americans with pets. The ASPCA even has its own task force specifically dedicated to the search and rescue of pets in flooded and damaged areas. To see such dedication and dedication during a time of disaster is inspiring for America. Despite the current political climate, it’s amazing to see people who are so ready to help others. During this time of hardship for millions of Americans, because of these hurricanes, it is important to remain empathetic, so we can best help those in need.

Page 18 Sept. 22, 2017


ATTENTION STUDENTS! Would you like to hear about the am at 11 h t 6 state of er 2 our University and temb ! p e s S , ay T d s N e u t E D our future plans? U T S

N O I T N E T T A Do you have questions or concerns? te e sta h t t s? bou ear a ture plan h o t like ur fu ? d you sity and o l u cerns o n o w r c e s or r univ y! stion e of ou u tunit q r e o v p a p uh is o do yo iss th m t ’ don then

Don’t miss this opportunity!

STUDENT CONVOCATION STU with President Jones DEN TC Tuesday, September ONV 26th at 11am O Center, PerformanceCA TIO N Natali Student Center For all students! Requests for student access and/or reasonable accommodations for this event should be submitted directly to the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Interpreting services will be provided upon request. Please contact the OSD Office at 723-938-5781 to request services or visit in person at Carter Hall –G35.


Page 21 Sept. 22, 2017

Greene, Smorey dominating Vulcans offense By Rachael McKriger, Editor in Chief The California University of Pennsylvania football team has only featured in two games this season, and Tom Greene and Luke Smorey already have two touchdowns apiece. The two seniors — who are both wide receivers — have been favored targets of quarterback Michael Keir this season. They can be seen everywhere together: on the same side of an offensive play, talking to each other when the defense is on the field and even directing younger players together. Needless to say, the two have a good relationship. However, that relationship isn’t just on the field, according to Greene. “We grew into young men together,” Greene said. “From being freshman trying to add what we can to the team, to being senior leaders. We have a bond on the field that complements one another. I think that helps us succeed at the receiver position.” “Tom and I have a great professional relationship,” Smorey said. “On the field we seem to always be on the same page because of our ability to communicate. We know how to pick each other up, when the other is down. Not only Tom and I, but it’s is essential that the other receivers, including Jordan Dandridge, Chad Livingston and Craig Thompson have a good relationship in order to help our offense operate how we expect it to.” And it’s operating — and firing — on all cylinders. The Vulcans are undefeated this season, defeating both Ohio Dominican University and Cheyney College. Smorey has made 15 receptions for 174 yards, including two touchdowns against Cheyney. As for Greene, he also recorded both of his touchdowns against Cheyney. He has made 13 receptions for 192 yards. 158 yards on eight receptions came against Ohio Dominican for Greene. The two recognize that their success is different, because they’re different players. However, a mutual agreement is that they complement each other with their experience — and their play. “Tom and I know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and our coaches do a good job to get us in positions to exploit our strengths,” Smorey said. “As I said before, our ability to communicate on the field allows us to help each other get open and make plays for our offense.” “Us being on the field together stretches defenses,” Greene said. “We can both play the inside and outside positions. Which creates favorable matchups for us. I like to believe our best feature together would be blocking and communicating. I can trust him to make up for my mistakes on assignments.”

The type of perfection that Smorey — and Greene — strive for isn’t just earned by their game-time action. The two men understand that it takes leadership. Being seniors, they have acclimated themselves into a bigger leadership role. Smorey is even a team captain, along with Keir, Luke Hrapchak, DeVonte Suber and Taylor Nikithser. “I take pride in setting a good example at all times,” Smorey explained. “Coach [Gary] Dunn refers to it as being an ‘all the time guy.’ I’m not so much the vocal leader but rather try to lead by example.” As for Greene, he uses his leadership to teach younger receivers under him. According to Greene, he used to learn by watching players in front of him. “I tend to lead the young receivers and help develop them to be ready for when it is they’re time to play,” Greene said. “I tend to lead by example rather than vocally. I know when I was younger I didn’t listen much. I knew that watching the player who was in front of me would teach me enough to add to my game.” Head coach Gary Dunn has coached Smorey and Green for a year now, and has seen them grow as leaders in such a short span of time.

“Luke and Tom are both great leaders and great examples for our younger players of what it means to be a Vulcan,” Dunn said. “They both work extremely hard on the field and in the class room. They are both off to a fast start with some big catches and plays in the first couple weeks. They complement each other, along with Jordan Dandridge. I believe we are going to be tough to defend moving forward because of these guys.” As long as the two can remain consistent on the field, and continue to provide leadership, the two receivers are confident that they can make a long postseason run. “I want to return as PSAC Champions and make a run for the NCAA National Championship,” Greene said. “Represent the school positively as a whole and grow into young polished men.” “My expectations for the team are to win the PSAC and have a chance in the playoffs,” Smorey explained. “Coach Dunn set those expectations on day one of camp. We constantly stress a day to day mindset because every practice and film session leads to the end results every Saturday.”

Photo by R achael McKriger

Page 20 Sept. 22, 2017


Vulcans prevail over Millersville on the road By Daniel Beeck, Sports Editor The California Vulcans traveled across the state to take on the Millersville Marauders this past Saturday, looking to defend their number five rank, designated by the NCAA. California came into the match up with two wins under their belt, while outscoring their opponents 90-48. With PSAC West foe’s Slippery Rock and Indiana University of Pennsylvania yet to play the Vulcans, California’s defense had a lot to prove against the Marauders. California’s defense did just that, while stepping up and forcing Millersville to turn the ball over four times, and only allowing 214 yards of total offense. With the defense getting the ball back into the hands of their offense, a balanced attack of both passing and rushing gave the Vulcans the edge. Starting off the game with a three-and-out for Millersville, Nick Grissom found the end zone on a nine yard rush up the middle to tally the first points of the contest. The defense made their mark as well, with Corey Bopp recovering a fumble from last weeks PSAC East offensive player of the week, Collin Shank. The offensive prowess of California continued to fire on all cylinders, with Michael Keir finding Jordan Dandridge from eight yards out to stretch their lead yet again. On the ensuing drive, Luke Hrapchak read Shank’s play and jumped a route, giving the Vulcans the ball yet again. Back-toback possessions would result in back-to-back turnovers, as Keir would cough the ball back into the arms of Millersville on a strip sack. The drive for the Marauders would end up hitting a wall, and California would form a wall as well on special teams, blocking a field goal attempt from Joey Farley. Turnovers from both sides would result in zero points scored, as both offenses could not find their rhythm. Late into the second quarter, Nick Grissom would register yet another score, this time from one yard out, making the score 23-0. A quarterback change would give R-So. Stephen Flanagan a shot to get the Marauders on the board. Flanagan did just that on a 15 yard run for a touchdown, capping off an 11 play, 78

Photo Credit: Rachael McKriger yard drive. A few drives later, California marched down the field, but were held to just three points, as Will Brazill nailed a field goal from 42 yards out. Keir would throw a interception that was returned for a touchdown with 9:42 left in the game, closing the lead to 26-13 after a failed twopoint conversion. A late field goal from Will Brazill would make the final score 29-13, bringing the Vulcans record to 3-0 on the season. Finishing where they left off last season, PSAC East crossover play closed out with California being on the winning side of both. Michael Keir finished the game with one touchdown and two interceptions, while going 15 of 31 through the air. Nick Grissom found pay dirt two times against Millersville, while racking up 71 yards on 14 carries. California will begin PSAC West play this week against Seton Hill at 1 p.m. on the turf of Adamson Stadium.

Next Game Seton Hill vs. California September 23rd

@Adamson Stadium


Page 21 Sept. 22, 2017

Michaela Colon relishes opportunity to start By Rachael McKriger, Editor in Chief Michaela Colon has had a long three years. The now-senior goalkeeper for the California University of Pennsylvania Vulcans women’s soccer team was the backup goalkeeper for three years under Meghan Jayes. Colon, who still keeps in contact with her close friend Jayes, is now relishing the opportunity to start in between the sticks. “Obviously, I was and am excited about it,” Colon said. “It’s been a long three years. I’ve been working really hard and now I have my chance to start the season, and take the season as my own. I love playing my position, so anytime I can do what I like to do it ‘s good with me.” She still keeps in contact with Jayes, who was her teacher and friend for three years. “She and I have been best friends since I came to Cal U,” Colon said. “We both just did what we needed to do. We have no control on who got to play. Honestly, if anything we helped each other and pushed each other. We were encouraging of one another. We wanted each other to succeed, no matter the circumstance.” She has a good relationship, as well, this year with goalkeepers Reilly McGlumphy, a sophomore, and Gianna Sinatra, a freshman. “It’s not like with me and Meghan, but I also had three years with her,” Colon said. “But Reilly, Gianna and I get along fine. They have a few more years coming on. We help each other, encourage each other in practice and games. None of us has the best day ever, so we always try to keep each other positive.” Colon is the clear starter among the three, being named so by head coach Glenn Francis. In the Vulcans’ six matches this season, Colon has recorded 44 saves and holds a percentage of .772. Against the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown on Sept. 6, Colon earned her first shut out of the season. Colon is also practical, and realizes that the Vulcans need to improve this season. The team sits with a 1-4-1 record. However, the season is still young, with plenty of matches left. “Obviously, nobody likes it when we’re losing games like this,” Colon said. “It’s tough right now, but in general I don’t think it’s lack of effort. Sometimes we lose that connectivity, and in a split second something can happen to change the game. We need to keep positive, and stick together as a group. We win

Photo Credit: Jeff Helsel together, we lose together.” “We need to keep our energy up, even if we go down.” Colon does take away the positives from each match, though. She specifically pointed out the most recent 5-2 loss against Kutztown University of Pennsylvania on Saturday. Before Saturday, Kutztown never had a goal scored against them this season. However, on Saturday at Phillipsburg Soccer Complex, the Vulcans had two goals scored by Kiley Austin and Holly Jacobson. “You have to come out with some positive, with a factor like that,” Colon said. “We didn’t come out of that game completely with nothing. There were plenty of positives there.” Colon hopes that the team can take all of the positives and produce on the field against East Stroudsburg University on Friday, Sept. 22 at 4:30 p.m. Two days later, the Vulcans will travel to Seton Hill University. “We’ve gone through a stretch of really tough teams” Colon said. “East Stroudsburg is going to be really tough. They’re always a team that we look out for every season. I think going forward, we need to focus on playing good games against good teams.”

Next Game East Stroudsburg

vs. California

September 22nd

@Phillipsburg Complex

Page 22 Sept. 22, 2017


Way too early NHL playoff picks before the season starts By Colin Kirkwood, Contributor Inside 31 arenas across North America, paint lines are being drawn and logos are being laid in place with anticipation of a layer of ice being frozen above them. That signals the beginning of hockey season. Players and fans are once again excited to don their teams crest during the eight month journey to obtain Lord Stanley’s cup. But before the puck is dropped, I’m going to make some way too early playoff predictions. Atlantic Division 1) Ottawa Senators 2) Montreal Canadiens 3) Toronto Maple Leafs One of the biggest storylines coming from this division is the surprising playoff run of the Ottawa Senators. The Sens went from a projected first round exit to taking the defending champion Penguins to a nail biting game seven. The potential is high in Canada’s capital and I feel that they will live up to it with help from Erik Karlsson, Derick Brassard and Craig Anderson. The always solid Montreal Canadiens will continue to compete with netminder Carey Price and new offseason addition Jonathan Drouin joining the fold. The savior of Toronto Auston Matthews will have a solid sophomore season and continue to guide a bright young Maple Leafs team in the right direction. Metropolitan Division 1) Pittsburgh Penguins 2) Washington Capitals 3) Columbus Blue Jackets In the Metropolitan division, a shake-up could be in the works. With another season ending in disappointment in Washington and some keys players departing like Karl Alzner, Justin Williams and Marcus Johansson it seems like the Caps might not be returning to President’s Trophy form. Key players departing was also a big topic for the two-time defending champs in Pittsburgh with chunks of their roster such as Nick Bonino, Trevor Daley, Chris Kunitz and Marc Andre Fleury all moving on. Their inner core should be able to step up and fill some voids but a trade for a third line center seems inevitable. John Tortorella’s second season in Columbus was very successful with a

32-point increase and a trip to the Stanley Cup playoffs for just the third time in club history. It will be interesting to see how the trade for Artemi Panarin pans out.

Photo Credit: Frederick Breedon Central Division 1) Chicago Blackhawks 2) Nashville Predators 3) Minnesota Wild A quick exit in the playoffs isn’t anything for the Blackhawks to be worried about just yet. With a great returning core and transactions with the Stars and Blue Jackets to bring back some old friends in Brandon Saad and Patrick Sharp, this squad will be deadly as usual. Nashville took the hockey world by storm last season with fantastic defensive play that lead to a deep playoff run. Expect much of the same this year with another capable center in Nick Bonino joining the mix making the outlook bright in the music city. The Wild suffered a playoff setback by falling to an

underdog Blues team. With a core that hasn’t seen much change except a few new faces in Tyler Ennis, Marcus Foligno and Matt Cullen. Expect another solid season. Pacific Division 1) Edmonton Oilers 2) Anaheim Ducks 3) Calgary Flames The time has come in Edmonton. The Connor McDavid lead squad made huge strides last season by qualifying for the playoffs for the first time since the 2005-06 season. This mix of players is coming together under bench boss Todd McLellan to bring the “orange crush” back to the forefront of the league. Another strong season with more playoff games could be in store. The Ducks continue to have strong regular seasons but fall short in the postseason. Ryan Kessler, Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Perry, provide plenty of offense for a club that could find themselves playing in June this season if the dominos fall correctly. In Calgary, a team with loads of potential was swept by the Ducks. Goaltender Brian Elliott departed for the Flyers in free agency which left a void that needed filled. Mike Smith was acquired from Arizona to fill it. This could be a very sneaky squad come April. Wild Cards 1) New York Rangers 1) Dallas Stars 2) Tampa Bay Lightning 2) St. Louis Blues In the east, the wild cards are relatively predictable. The Rangers continue to compete at a high level in the very competitive metro division and for now they will lock down the first spot depending on if they beat out the jackets for a top three spot. The Bolts will be a different team this year with Steven Stamkos returning from the torn meniscus in that was sustained in November of last season. Dallas made a few great offseason moves by signing goalie Ben Bishop and winger Alexander Radulov. Pairing these players with Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin will formulate a squad capable of more than a wild card position. The Blues will have Mike Yeo for his first full season with hopes of a deeper playoff run.


Page 23 Sept. 22, 2017

Cleveland Indians win streak snapped by Kansas City By Olivia Wilson, Contributor After 22 straight wins, the Cleveland Indians fell short to the Kansas City Royals in a 4-3 loss last Friday. The 2017 Indians were just four games short of matching the previous record holders, the 1916 Giants, for the MLB record. The Indians now hold the record for the most consecutive wins for the American League. During the streak, the Indian’s tremendously outscored their opponents 142-37 combined for the 22 games. One of the most memorable plays in the streak was the game in which they beat the record. Jay Bruce, who was acquired by the team in late August, hit a walk-off double which gave Cleveland the edge to extend the streak. A notable player during the streak was Jose Ramirez, who surprisingly started the streak in a slump, while tallying only 1 hit in the 7 games prior. At the end of the 22 games, he registered 11 doubles, eight home runs, five walks, and just three strikeouts in 78 at bats. Remarkably, the team used 36 different players throughout the streak and no one player played in all 22 games. Francisco Lindor, Carlos Santana and Giovanny Urshela were the most frequent participants in the streak who each played in 21 out of the 22 games. They also had 17 different players record an extra base hit. The streak also led the team to an MLB high of 41 home runs,

Photo Credit: Thearon W. Henderson

which is the most recorded in the league by any team for any win streak. The Indians used 18 different pitchers during the streak, and 15 pitchers had a sub-3.00 ERA, 13 had a sub-2.00 ERA and seven did not allow a run. Three key players to the Indians success

this season had limited or no game play. Jason Kipnis was out the entire streak with a hamstring injury, while pitcher Andrew Miller only played in one game due to a knee injury. Rookie, Bradley Zimmer, who has shown a lot of potential this season, suffered from a broken hand during the streak. Following Friday’s game where the streak was snapped, the team was given a standing ovation by fans and players from both teams. The Indians also thanked their fans by tipping their hats. With the start of the playoffs just around the corner, many expect the Indians to be playing late into October. Although their win streak may have ended, Cleveland has clinched their playoff spot with the best record in the American League, and are now being favored as the winner for the World Series. The team is quite beaten up but spirits are high in Cleveland. Some fear that they got hot too early while others think it is just the start for the team. After all, losing in the championship to come back and win the title the following year seems to be a trend for the city, as the Cleveland Cavaliers did just that back in 2016 after losing in the Finals the previous year.


4th Down “Picks Under Pressure” NFL


College Football




Giants vs Eagles


TCU vs Oklahoma St.

Ok St.

Bengals vs Packers


Miss St. vs Georgia

Miss St.

Falcons vs Lions


Oklahoma vs Baylor


Broncos vs Bills


Utah vs Arizona


You can play along with the Sports Editor by emailing caltimes@calu. edu and your picks might appear on the next weeks issue. Stay tuned and tweet @caltimes with your responses to my picks!

Page 22 Sept. 22, 2017

Cal Times


At h l e t e S p ot l i g h t

Holly Jacobson

Class: Sophomore Major: Biology

Hometown: Frederick, Maryland High School: Tuscarora Holly Jacobson tallyed her first collegiate goal after scoring on Kutztown’s McKenna Zerbe, who has only allowed one goal in the 2017 season, to a fellow Vulcan. Jacobson has played in 15 games for California, and averages 44 minutes per game.

Photo: Jeff Helsel, SAI




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