Feb 21 2014 Cal Times

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OPINION IS THE WORLD READY FOR SAM? Stetson Provance explores the newest revelation to hit the sports world: Michael Sam. Is the NFL ready for their first openly gay player?

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VOL.35 , NO. 2

The “Frosty Frolic River Romp” Students, community members dive into the icy Mon River for school ___________________________ BY

Cal U Interim President Geraldine Jones holds a Student Convocation every semester. This semester ’s convocation covered everything from renovations to Super Bowl ads.


VWDͿ ZULWHU ___________________________ With cold temperatures and snow on the ground, most people think about snuggling up under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. But this past Saturday some students and California, Pa. residents braved freezing weather and winds to jump into the Monongahela River to benefit the California Area School District Foundation. Individuals and teams could register for The Frosty Frolic Winter River Romp for $10 a person, which included a t-shirt and a hat featuring this year’s logo. CoͿee, hot chocolate and baked goods were available for sale to benefit the California High School Marching Band. “We can do mini-grants for the teachers and we can give more scholarships to the graduating seniors,” Lisa Buday, a trustee for the foundation, said. The foundation works right alongside the California Area School District. The mini-grants in the past have included wireless keyboards, butterÁy habitats and student incentives for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessments (PSSAs). Teams representing the Cal U Chemistry Club and Herron Recreation and Fitness Center

photos by matt kaminski Members of the Cal U Chemistry Club take the plunge into the Monongehela River at the boat dock in Coal Center Saturday in a fundraising effort for the California Area School District Foundation. Outside temperatures measured around 32-degrees fahrenheit.

gathered around the heated tents, which featured a DJ, prior to the plunge. Also present was a Swimming for Garrick team, which was formed in memory of former Student Government Vice President Garrick Lackey, who passed away last November. The team included 11 members – six of which jumped into the freezing water. Dan Carmichael, a junior at Cal U majoring in political science, designed the team’s shirts. The tees featured

a seahorse across the chest, an inside joke among the group and Lackey. Lindsey Leonard, a senior at Cal U majoring in public relations, was part of the team. “After a meeting about the event with Larry Sebek and Missy Dunn, I brought the Polar Plunge to their attention and within minutes they decided we’d be doing this for Garrick and started handing me their $10 fee to participate.” “Garrick always wanted to

Cal U students stuff teddy bears while listening to a live performance by musician Teddy Geiger.

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As the Men’s basketball team reaches the end of the regular season, they look to end a recent slump in two key PSAC games

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Costumed participants line up along the boat deck as they prepare to jump into the icy river waters.

F a c e b o o k – C a l T i m e s N ew s p a p e r

Twi t t e r – @ C a l T i m e s

better people. This is to better another person and bring people together,” added Cal U junior and liberal studies major Lea Daltirus. The River Rescue Group as well as volunteer Àre departments were at the port in Coal Center just in case unsafe conditions arose on the water. Senior Zack Petrick, a member of the HRFC team, said, “I wasn’t ready for the shock. But it was deÀnitely worth it.”



FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Woman buys out PacSun’s whole stock of ‘indecent’ shirts _______________________ BY


DVVRFLDWHG SUHVV ____________________________

Campus Police Files Careless Driving

Hit and run

On Feb. 2 at 10:25 p.m, careless driving was reported in stadium parking lot 24.

On Feb. a staÍż member at the Health Center reported that her vehicle was struck while parked in Lot 20. The incident, which occurred during her shift.The incident is still being investigated.

Roommate Dispute On Feb. 10 at 12:02 a.m., a Àght between two roommates resulted in police being called to Carter Hall

False alarm On Feb. 5 at 11:04 p.m., someone reported hearing a gunshot in building 3 of the Vulcan Village. Police arrived and reported a Àrecracker was what caused the sound.

Underage drinking Police found two males carrying an intoxicated friend down Hickory Street on Feb. 8 at 12:08 a.m. The intoxicated male, who was a minor, was transported to Mon Valley Hospital.


Armed burglary

On Feb. 3 at 1:11 p.m., a student reported having their keys, clothing, and cal card stolen from a locker in the fitness center. The incident, which occurred on Jan. 31 at around 3:00 p.m., is still under investigation.

Early on the morning of Feb. 8, police were called to Shutterly Street because of an armed burglary

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – A mother upset about “indecent� T-shirts on display at a Utah mall found a quick if not especially convenient way to remove them: She bought every last one. Judy Cox and her 18-year-old son were shopping Saturday at the University Mall in Orem, about 40 miles south of Salt Lake City, when she saw the shirts in the window of a PacSun store. The shirts featured pictures of scantily dressed models in provocative poses. Cox said she complained about the window display to a store manager and was told the T-shirts couldn’t be taken down without approval from the corporate o΀ce. She then bought all 19 T-shirts in stock, for a total of $567. She says she plans to return them later, toward the end of the chain store’s 60-day return period. “These shirts clearly cross a boundary that is continually being pushed on our children in images on the Internet, television and when our families shop in the mall,� Cox said in an email to The Associated Press.

The story was Ă€rst reported by The Daily Herald of Provo. An employee at the Orem store said Tuesday she wasn’t authorized to speak about the issue and referred questions to the company’s Orange County, Calif., corporate headquarters. PacSun CEO Gary Schoenfeld said in an emailed statement the company takes pride in the clothes and products it sells, which are inspired by music, art, fashion and action sports. “While customer feedback is important to us, we remain committed to the selection of brands and apparel available in our stores,â€? Schoenfeld said in the statement. Orem is a city of about 90,000 in ultraconservative Utah County that uses the motto “Family City USA.â€? Most residents belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on pornography and encourages its youth to dress and act modestly. Cox met with Orem city attorney Greg Stephens on Tuesday to discuss whether the images on the T-shirts violated city code. Stephens said he told Cox that she Ă€rst needed to Ă€le a complaint with police. He said police would then review the issue and decide whether it needed to

be passed on to the city attorney, a process that could take weeks. Cox said she wants her actions to make clear that these types of images are not acceptable for public display. “I hope my eÍżorts will inspire others to speak up within their communities,â€? Cox said in an email. “You don’t have to purchase $600 worth of T-shirts, but you can express your concerns to businesses and corporations who promote the display of pornography to children.â€? Longtime mall manager Rob Kallas said the display is down now because Cox bought all the shirts. He said the PacSun store manager told him she was embarrassed to put up the display but was following instructions from corporate managers. Kallas said this is the Ă€rst time he’s received complaints about PacSun. But in the past, others have complained about images in the windows of Victoria’s Secret. That’s led to Orem city attorneys at least once asking the store to remove an image, he said. “This is a store that caters to junior high and high school age kids,â€? said Kallas, mall manager for 40 years. “Some of the poses were provocative and were inappropriate for a store catering to young people.â€?

Cal U holds panel discussion on ‘the N word’ _______________________ BY MATT HAGY VWDÍż ZULWHU ____________________________ Students and faculty gathered to voice their opinions on “The N Wordâ€? in Steele Hall auditorium on Tuesday, Feb.11. Yes, that N word, a term that has sparked much controversy in reference to African American race classiĂ€cation. The discussion focused on contemporary interpretations of this controversial word that began as a pejorative term in early American culture but has gained more acceptance in recent years in youth culture primarily through song lyrics and stand-up comedy. The diverse panel consisted of both students and professors of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. “When topics are taboo or you are uncomfortable talking about them, usually that leads to a lack of resolution about things,â€? Dr. Swarndeep Gill, associate professor for the Department of Earth Sciences, said. Dr. Gill was also a part of the panel. “I feel by being open about


GENE AXTON...........................................................EDITOR IN CHIEF TAYLOR BROWN......................................................OPINION EDITOR JOSE NEGRON..........................................................SPORTS EDITOR JAMIE RIDER...............................................ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR MATT HAGY.................................................................STAFF WRITER DAN MADER--------------------------------------------------------------------------STAFF WRITER LAUREN GRIFFITH.......................................................STAFF WRITER LAURA ZENO................................................WEBSITE COORDINATOR JEFF HELSEL..........................................DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS

very di΀cult issues, we can get a better understanding of how people think and get to what is the heart of the issue,â€? Dr. Gill said. The N word is just a word and in this case, we want to know what lies behind it to Ă€nd the relevant issues of why this particular word is so divisive in society today.â€? Audience members were invited to e-mail questions and voice their opinions about the “Nâ€? word to discussion moderator Gabby Yearwood, anthropology professor. Dr. Gill opened up the conversation to not just the issue facing this word, but anything that is bothering students today. “People are very open about talking about these kinds of issues and I felt this was a kind of issue that most are afraid to talk about,â€? Gill said. Gill, who is originally from Canada, said “even for me being in this country, I sort of feel more uncomfortable talking about this issue in the United States than I would in Canada so that is why I wanted to talk about it.â€?




FEBRUARY 21, 2014


University goals reinforced at Student Convocation BY


for the Cal Times The 2013-2014 budget, enrollment numbers and renovations headlined the topics discussed at California University of Pennsylvania’s annual student convocation on Feb. 13. Of these, the budget came with the most promising Àgures. According to statistics from university vice president Robert Thorn, Cal U will end the 201314 school year with a surplus of $866,000. Although this year’s surplus is significantly less than the $5.8 million dollar surplus the university ended with last year. Cal U Interim President Geraldine Jones said she is conÀdent the university can continue to make progress toward its goal of Ànancial stability. “To build on this small surplus, the university will continue to adopt a more practical mindset,” President Jones said. “In the future, the university will look to align payroll, programs and services with the available resources.” However, this success won’t come without signiÀcant challenges. One obvious hurdle is the continued cuts in spending by the state on higher education. Another, Jones revealed, is the continued decline in enrollment at the university. According to university statistics, enrollment is down 5.2 percent overall at the university this spring, with a decline of 4.68 percent in undergraduate

enrollment. In order to combat this, Cal U started an ad campaign entitled “The World is Waiting” in Dec. 2013. However, the approach hasn’t been accepted by everyone. Students have voiced concern that these ads, which aired in regional broadcasts of the 2014 Super Bowl, Grammy awards and Winter Olympic, are a waste of money. According to Bruce Wald, an information writer for the Department of Communications and Public Relations, students have no reason to worry. “From what I have heard, the university has gotten the money for these ads by reallocating marketing funds, not by spending new money,” Wald said. To President Jones, airing these ads, which were created based oͿ the opinions of current and prospective students on what the university needs to showcase to students deciding on a college, present Cal U with an opportunity to separate itself from others in the region. “By showcasing our students, faculty, and programs to a large audience, we as a university can show the region what makes Cal U a special place,” President Jones said. Another measure the university is taking to try to appeal to both current students and those in the process of picking a school involves renovating outdated facilities. One building in particular, the Natali Student Center, will be improved based oͿ of student suggestions.

Photo: Jeff Helsel Brendan Demmy, financial secretary for Student Goverment, was one of many students who conversed with Cal U Interim President Geraldine Jones during the Student Convocation on Feb. 13.

According to President Jones, better food options (including a new snack bar kitchen set to replace the current one that opened in 1967), a coͿee house, improved lobby areas and an expansion of commuter services are all to be expected within the next few years. Currently, the student center’s renovations are 20 percent completed. Hailey Orwig, a freshman studying sports management, said she is surprised renovations are only in their early stages. “I’m really surprised the renovations heard about when I came here are only 20 percent done,” Orwig said. As part of the renovations, the Gold Rush will be moved to Gal-

sports information ____________________________

Cal U’s new athletic director, Dr. Karen Hjerpe.

The other, an increase in the number of research projects undergraduate students can participate in, is currently being reviewed with more info set to be released in the coming months. To President Jones, the important thing students need to remember during this crucial period in the university’s development is that any and all changes made have student’s best interests at heart. “Everything we do, we do it for you,” President Jones said. “Our end-goal is to provide a high quality education to our students while also keeping Cal U a unique and interesting place in the years to come.”

Cal U names new athletic director _______________________ BY MATT KIFER

photo: Sports Information

lagher Hall and campus events held in Natali will be moved to other locations on campus, with the Convocation Center being in play. In order to accommodate students, the university will install a handicap-accessible ramp outside the Gold Rush entrance on the east side of Gallagher Hall. Academically, the university is building strong programs through two avenues. One, the national accreditation of departments such as the Department of Nursing, Department of Graphics and Multimedia, the School of Counseling and the Department of Business and Economics, has been successful according to President Jones.

California University of Pennsylvania has named Dr. Karen Hjerpe as director of athletics. Hjerpe, who has served as interim athletic director since December 2011, joined the California University athletics staͿ in 1993 as the head volleyball coach. Hjerpe coached the Vulcan volleyball team for Àve years, from 1993-1997, before being named athletic business manager. She was promoted to associate athletic director in 2003 while continuing to serve as Senior Woman Administrator and the Athletic Department’s compliance o΀cer. As a Cal U faculty member, Hjerpe was instrumental in developing courses on compliance and gender equity within the master’s degree program in sport management. She has developed guiding principles on gender equity, served on thesis committees for graduate students and led numerous search committees for coaches. “Dr. Hjerpe has done a great job as interim athletic direc-

tor, and I am very pleased to o΀cially remove the ¶interim’ from her title,” says interim University President Geraldine M. Jones. “She is very knowledgeable about our University, our student-athletes and our athletic programs. She also is an expert in intercollegiate athletic administration, and she possesses great business sense. Our student-athletes, our coaches and Cal U will be well served by having Dr. Hjerpe in this important position.” A 1991 graduate of Gannon University, Hjerpe earned her undergraduate degree in accounting. She holds master’s degrees from Cal U both in business and in performance enhancement and injury prevention. In 2009, Hjerpe completed a terminal degree in instructional management and leadership at Robert Morris University. The PSAC Athletic Directors’ liaison for volleyball, Hjerpe is a former member of the NCAA Division II women’s volleyball committee. “I am humbled by the conÀdence in my leadership that President Jones has shown and I’m deeply appreciative of her support for Vulcan athletics,”

Hjerpe says. “I am fortunate to work with a highly-skilled coaching staff and a group of talented and committed student-athletes. We continue to shine on and oͿ the Àeld, boasting Academic All-Americans as well as athletic All-Americans. “Our student-athletes and staͿ touch lives in the community through their work with the Make-A-Wish organization, Center in the Woods and local women’s shelter, and by reading to elementary school students, holding canned food drives and more. “NCAA Division II studentathletes are about balancing academics and athletics,” Hjerpe adds. “Within our department, we strive to develop all aspects of our student-athletes as they prepare for success in the classroom, on the playing Àeld and in life. As we set goals for the future, I am excited to continue the long tradition of success and develop new initiatives that will enhance our overall program.” Hjerpe succeeds Dr. Thomas G. Pucci, who served as athletic director from 1991-2011. She lives in Venetia, Pa., and is the mother of three children, Todd, Brooke and Erin.



FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Social Media in Sochi _______________________ BY JAMIE RIDER FontriEXtinJ eGitors


courtesy: wikimedia commons

Upcoming concerts in Pittsburgh ________________________________________________ BY LAUREN GRIFFITH staͿ Zriter

________________________________________________ Pittsburgh is host to several promising concerts this semester. From country, to alternative, there seems to be a show that will please all musical tastes. Upcoming acts are: -Anna Nalick March 18 at 7 pm. Altar Bar -La Dispute and Pianos Become the Teeth March 12 at 8 p.m. Altar Bar -I Am the Avalanche and The Swellers March 20 at 6 p.m. Smiling Moose -Upstairs

The Winter Olympics are a media frenzy for obvious reasons. What is unusual about the games this year is the extensive reporting on the negative aspects of the host city. From missing doorknobs to side-by-side toilets, there are strange things coming from the Russian city. It is important to consider that the Sochi problems featured on Twitter might be less about Russia’s inadequacy at hosting the games and more about the role social media plays in reporting.

It has deÀnitely taken a stronger hold since the last set of Olympic games. It’s not that social media has been absent, just that Twitter has made a major moved towards being a place where everyone goes for news and quick updates as to what is going on. Besides construction issues, there have been reports about the animal situation as well. Sochi has a large population of stray dogs and it was reported that Russia was getting rid of them using inhumane methods. As of recently the news about the strays has gotten more uplifting. Olympic athletes are in the process of arranging for

dogs to be brought to the U.S. for adoption once the games end. It’s stories like these that would have been labeled as less important when held up against the winners of the events if it weren’t for online media’s vast presence this year. We are seeing more from inside the games than we ever have before and that means seeing the good and the bad. Although it might be agreed that more puppies and less intimidating pictures of Putin in hotel lobbies would be preferred.

-Rodney Atkins April 25 at 8 p.m. Carnegie Library Music Hall -Katy Perry July 22 at 7 p.m. Consol Energy Center

-Brand New -Conor Oberst and Dawes July 10 at 7 p.m. Stage AE May 25 at 8 p.m. Carnegie Library Music Hall


courtesy: wikipedia.com

“Spaceballs” This movie is a classic spoof of Sci-Fi movies like Star Wars. In fact, the movie’s villain, Dark Helmet, holds a signiÀcant visual likeness to the famous Darth Vader. The story line is pretty basic, a space rogue is hired to rescues a princess from an evil race called the Spaceballs. The movie was written and directed by Mel Brooks, so of course it is completely absurd. It’s a movie your parents have probably seen that you won’t hate. Genre: Comedy Originally Released: June 24, 1987 Starring: Mel Brooks, John Candy, Rick Moranis, Bill Pullman, Joan Rivers

photo courtesy: atos, flickr.com

iTunes launching music festival at SXSW NEW YORK (AP) ³ iTunes is putting its stamp on South by Southwest, piggybacking on the annual event with its own music festival. The company said Wednesday it will debut its popular iTunes Festival, a free concert series held in London for the past seven years. While the London version is a 30-day event, the U.S. festival will feature Àve nights of rock, country, pop and hip-hop at South by Southwest, an international showcase for music, Àlm and interactive projects to be held next month in Austin, Texas. “We’re pretty excited about doing this for the Àrst time here in the U.S. at South by Southwest,” said top Apple executive Eddy Cue in an interview Tuesday. “One of the cool things about trying to do the festival is that it’s all about the music, the musicians and the fans,” Cue said. “You want it in a really close atmosphere where the fans are getting to see these musicians in places they’ll never see them again, because they play in much bigger venues.” The iTunes festival will be held March 11-15 at ACL Live at the Moody Theater, where Austin City Limits is held. The Àrst night will include performances by Coldplay, Imagine Dragons and London Grammar. Coldplay said it was “thrilled” to be playing on opening night, adding: “It’s a great honor for our band and we hope everyone has a fantastic time.” Other performers include Keith Urban, Willie Nelson, Pitbull, Zedd and newcomer Mickey Guyton. Cue said other acts will be announced later. One artist who likely won’t be appearing is Kanye West, who performed at the London festival in 2009. During a concert in New Jersey last weekend, he called out Apple CEO Tim Cook, singing via auto-tune: “Tim Cook, the head of Apple, stop trying to get performers to play your festivals for free, you are rich as (expletive).” Cue declined to comment on West’s criticism. The iTunes festival in London typically attracts artists like West and Coldplay. Lady Gaga, Elton John, Justin Timberlake and Katy Perry were among the performers at the Roundhouse Theater last September. The festival will be streamed live and on-demand through the iTunes store, iTunes radio and on Apple devices. Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet software and services, said iTunes had long considered having a U.S. counterpart to its U.K. festival, but had struggled to Ànd the right Àt. S;SW turned out to be a natural. “It’s got a great vibe for music, and it’s centrally located, so timing-wise it works well to broadcast across the U.S.,” he said. While Cue didn’t say whether the iTunes Festival at S;SW would become an annual event, he pointed to London as an example of how it could grow.


FEBRUARY 21, 2014


photo: Lindsey Leonard Teddy Gieger crooning to Cal U students during his debut performace at the Underground Cafe.

Dan Zwick cuddles his new friends during SABUG’s Teddy night.

SABUG celebrates Valentine’s Day with two ‘teddies’

_______________________ BY KATE SHELDON for the Cal Times

_______________________ It’s not every day that a performing artist with a large following comes to California University of Pennsylvania. Cal U’s Student Activities Board Underground (SABUG) hosted the annual Underground Café this past Thursday night featuring artist Teddy Geiger and the ever popular StuͿ-A-Buddy event. Geiger’s most notable hit was “For You I Will,” which was released in 2006. More recently, he co-wrote and co-produced One Direction’s song “Little Black Dress” on their album Midnight

Memories. Though the Underground Café is a weekly occurrence, SABUG only has feature artists on occasion, usually only once or twice a month. There is a core group of familiar faces that show up at the Underground Café each week, but this time there were 170 people in the Natali Commuter Center who came to listen to Geiger’s performance, an attendance number that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Brad Herrington, a junior English and creative writing major at Cal U, had never been to the Underground Café before Geiger’s appearance on Thursday. Herrington said that his Àrst experience at the Under-

ground Café was excellent. “The atmosphere was great,” Herrington said. “There were a lot of students who were mostly there for Teddy but since everyone showed up early, all of the artists performing before him got the attention too.” Cal U’s own television station also got involved with Geiger’s appearance and one particular student got the chance to interview him for CUTV. Santina Murin, a junior communications major at Cal U had always been a fan of Geiger growing up and was excited when she heard he was coming to campus, the opportunity to interview him making it that much more exciting. “It was honestly kind of a

Cal U students, their teddies, and Teddy pose for a group photo to commemorate the night.

surreal feeling,” Murin said. “I was so excited because as I grow up I become more diverse with my music taste, my style and everything in between. Seeing him perform live for the Àrst time, as well as actually getting the chance to interview him, was like a younger version of my self’s dream come true.” At the age of 25, Geiger has released two albums to date – “Underage Thinking” in 2006 and “The Last Fears” in 2013. Geiger said that he waited so long to release a new album because he had some issues with his previous label and management, but continued writing in the meantime. Geiger ’s most recent album was self-produced. “I ended up learning a lot

while having that much control over the process,” Geiger said. “I learned a lot of what I thought I knew, and learned what I didn’t know as well. I ended up learning how to work with people and build a better team to do what needed to be done to get my album Ànished.” Though Geiger has been featured in television and movies as well, such as the movie “The Rocker,” he said he has always preferred music to Àlm. “Music is something I need to be doing,” Geiger said. “Even if I wasn’t doing it as a career I would be doing it all of the time anyway. My biggest accomplishment has been staying in music and not giving up.”

A packed house sits and listens to the performance.



FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Looking for something to do? Join the club. Students meet prospective new members at the Cal U Club and Organization Fair in the Cal U Convocation Center. About 75 clubs and organizations participated in the fair in the Convocation Center on Feb. 10. The event is held early in the fall and spring semesters to provide new and returning students an opportunity to meet and greet members from a wide variety of campus clubs and organizations. Cal U oͿers more than 100 clubs and organizations devoted to academic interests, the arts, campus communities, communications, faith and religion, politics, volunteering, sports and recreation, and more.

Photos: JeͿ Helsel Matti Uber, sophomore, Cal U Women’s Rugby Club, passes the ball to fellow teammate Brooke Yingling.

Clayton Rush, sophomore, and Stephen Reedy representing the University Players and Mon Valley Performers.

Shawn McCoy, president, Kappa Alpha Psi, presents a flower to Hope Spencer, sophomore.

Cody Cross, sophomore, spins the WCAL radio station prize wheel. Wins a T-shirt.

Angelique Holmes and Mackenzie Aloia of the Cal U Travel Club prepare fresh cupcakes at their club’s table to give to visitors.


FEBRUARY 21, 2014


Cal U student actors present ‘39 Steps’ March 6-8 British thriller opens 2014 theater season at California University of Pennsylvania The Department of Theatre and Dance will open its 2014 spring season with “The 39 Steps,â€? a fastpaced whodunit for anyone who loves the magic of theater. This classic British thriller was one of Alfred HitchFRFN¡V Ă€UVW PDMRU LQWHUQDtional hits, and it introduced a number of the stylistic and thematic elements that became hallmarks of his later work Audiences will be treated to an on-stage plane crash, PLVVLQJ Ă€QJHUV ROG fashioned romance — and nonstop laughs. The performance contains VXEMHFW PDWWHU WKDW PD\ not be suitable for young children. Curtain time is 8 p.m. March 6 and 7, with shows at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. March 8. All performances are in the Gerald and Carolyn Blaney Theatre in Steele Hall, on the campus in California, Pa. The cast includes students Clayton Rush from Washington, Pa. (Hannay), Sarah Schumaker from Littlestown, Pa. (Annabella/ Pamela/Margaret), Jordan

Cal U students Sarah Schumaker, Clayton Rush, (both seated), Nicholas Franczak (left standing) and Jordan Brooks (right standing) prepare for “The 39 Steps� which will run March 6-8 at Blaney Theatre.

Brooks from Waynesburg, Pa. (Clown 1), and Nicholas Franczak from Jefferson Hills, Pa. (Clown 2). The show’s director is Dr. Michele Pagen, a professor in the Department of

Theatre and Dance. Student K-Cee Smith (Waynesburg, Pa.) is the stage manager, with assistance from classmates Annabel Lorence (Bridgeville, Pa.) and Nikki Davis (Pittsburgh, Pa.).

Ticket price is $12 for adults, seniors and children. Students with valid CalCards are admitted free; they must leave a $5 deposit that will be returned if they attend the performance.

For more information, or to order tickets (with a credit card) by phone, call the 6WHHOH +DOO %R[ 2IĂ€FH DW 724-938-5943.


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FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Is The NFL ready for gay players? BY STETSON PROVANCE staÍż Zriter

Gay NFL players are nothing new. Wade Davis, a defensive back for the Tennessee Titans and Washington Redskins from 2000-2003, came out of the closet in 2012. However, Davis said in an interview the reason he and other NFL players, especially those in the black community, who are gay don’t come out during their playing careers is because the locker room culture present in football doesn’t allow them to do so. “For me, existing at the intersection of black manhood, black masculinity, sexuality and sports was the most dangerous place in the world. As an athlete you have to consistently prove yourself; as a black male athlete, ‘I’ felt the pressure to consistently prove myself, my masculinity and my sexuality. I lived under a microscope, at least I thought, and I never had the opportunity to just be myself within WKH FRQĂ€QHV RI D QHYHU ending cycle of masculine

performance. I was never alone. I was never able to relax. And I was never my authentic self. I felt so much pressure. Some of it was self-imposed and I was socialized to believe that pressure was part of the game. I knew I was expected to have sex with women, to engage in conversations that were, either, sexist, racist, or homophobic. I felt the need to prove that I belonged in that sports fraternity and that I was just as masculine as everyone else,� he said. No wonder that pressure, coupled with a nagging leg injury, resulted in Davis retiring just four years into his career. But, for better or worse, Davis’s well-documented struggles didn’t stop University of Missouri defensive end and future NFL linebacker Michael Sam from coming out to the national media last Sunday. Sam, who had 11.5 sacks his junior season and was named co-defensive player of the year in the toughest conference in Divi-

sion I college football, the Southeastern Conference (SEC), already declared for the NFL draft and is set to EHFRPH WKH Ă€UVW RSHQO\ JD\ player in NFL history. As it stands now, ESPN is projecting Sam to be drafted anywhere from the fourth to the sixth round. Hopefully they can get that right, because they sure aren’t doing anyone a justice in how they are covering this story. Every time I turn on ESPN, all I hear is this garbage that Sam is a risky pick-up because of the media attention and distraction he will bring with him. Yeah, and your network will bring more of that attention and distraction than anyone else. And, when they aren’t spewing that, they have exjocks like Jerome Bettis and Antonio Pierce giving astute analysis like “some players might feel uncomfortable undressing or showering with Sam.â€? Yeah, because gay people are attracted to every person

of the same sex, right? Let’s just face the facts. Although our culture has increased its understanding and tolerance of homosexuality ten fold in the last decade, there are still millions upon millions of people who have no idea how to address the issue. The sports media doesn’t, a lot of people in NFL front RIĂ€FHV GRQ¡W DQG PDQ\ NFL players can’t because they don’t understand how a man wouldn’t like having as much sex as he can with as many women as he can. And that’s a shame for Michael Sam. As evidenced by his projected draft status, Sam is still rough around the edges. As mentioned earlier, Sam is going to have to switch positions from defensive end to linebacker in order to maximize his pass rushing skill set in a 3-4 defense. He is also going to have to get better at dropping back LQWR FRYHUDJH DQG Ă€OOLQJ gaps to stop the run. But the dude has the potential to be a disruptive force

off the edge. And, if he develops, his ability to get to the quarterback will be coveted. That is if he gets a fair shot. Teams will try to avoid picking Sam, make no mistake about it. $QG HYHQ ZKHQ KH ÀQDOO\ does get drafted, there is no guarantee a team full of air-headed male chauvinists are going to accept him into brotherhood. Just ask former Steelers running back Rashard Menedenhall about how he was treated for being viewed as effeminate by players in the Steelers locker room. Plus, we all know the taunting he will endure from his opponents. When I look Sam’s situation, I can’t help but see a disaster waiting to happen. Whether you accept it or not, the NFL as a whole isn’t ready for a gay player. Places like ESPN apparently aren’t, either. Well, ready or not, here Michael Sam comes.

How sports fans cope with player injuries BY JOSE NEGRON

injuries during his legendary career. As fans, we usually I consider myself a pretty big fan of all sorts of sports. think the same thing when we hear about these particuI enjoy watching the fast lar injuries. paced action on an ice rink, “So like , when is he gonna the hard hitting play on the be back? We’re pretty much gridiron, the hard work and determination shown on the doomed without him.â€? I’m sure most of us had said baseball diamond, and occasionally even the passion- something around those ate play on the court. Being lines at one point or another. I know for a fact that I have. a sports fan and a frequent participant in athletic activi- That was until I heard about a recent injury to one of my ties, I unfortunately know favorite Penguins players. that a big part of each sport Recently, Kris Letang was is injuries. Some injuries sidelined for six weeks after are dealt with in different ways by fans, but sometimes suffering from a stroke. Unlike lower or upper body I wonder how some fans injuries that have fans thinkreact to more serious injuries to some of their favorite ing about the impact it will have on the team and when professional athletes. the player will get back on Being a Pittsburgh sports the ice, this injury had me fan in particular, I’ve seen thinking about solely the injuries plague some of well being of the player. my favorite professional This injury seemed much athletes. I’ve seen Sidney bigger than the game of Crosby go through his concussion drama, Andrew Mc- KRFNH\ 0\ Ă€UVW WKRXJKW was whether the stroke was Cutchen suffer from knee soreness, and Troy Polamalu life threatening and if he would make a full recovery. go through various types of I’m sure that fans of the sports eGitor

Photo: WikiMedia Commons Pittsburgh Penguins defensman Kris Letang was recently ruled out for six weekd after having a stroke. The njury did not appear to be life threatening according to coach Dan Bylsma.

Louisville Cardinals who saw the gruesome leg injury to Kevin Ware during the NCAA Tournament last year can relate to thinking about the well being of a player before the team. The Cardinals ended up winning the NCAA Title last season, while having their injured teammate on their mind all the way to the end, even supporting Ware with t-shirts that read, “Win for

Ware.� A lot of us as fans can VRPHWLPHV EH VHOÀVK ZKHQ it comes to not thinking about the well being of a certain player and only thinking about the impact it will make on the team. I can truthfully say that I’ve been one of those people and it’s something that I regret. Professional athletes are also people who have families, friends, and lives away from

their respective sport. Sports fans are some of the most passionate people in the world. When it comes to injuries that are more serious than others, some do show their support to athletes via social media such as twitter and facebook. I think that sometimes fans thought process is just sometimes skewed towards thinking as a fan rather than as a human being.


FEBRUARY 21, 2014




Hi everyone. Thank you to everyone who came out to our relationship discussion at the last meeting. We hope that you enjoyed the discussion that Ms. Darla Holmes engaged us all in and that you took something valuable from it. Please keep in mind that all of our meetings are every Thursday at 5:15 p.m. in Carter Hall Multipurpose room. The 2014 Joyfest event that was scheduled for March 1 is canceled. Details are being worked out to see if it will be rescheduled for next semester. If you are interested in running for an e-board position for next year or would like to nominate someone, please come to our meetings to get more information about it. Please keep in mind that there are rules that go along with running and nominating. You can see any e-board member if you have any questions. Upcoming events include: the talent show, block party and the retro party. We are also looking for ideas for places to go for the end-of-year trip. We are trying to go somewhere within a reasonable distance. Contact an e-board member or come to our meeting to share your idea.


National Eating Disorders Awareness Week begins Feb. 24 One-of-three female college students has an eating disorder. The causes for eating disorders can originate from biological, social, cultural, media and family factors. There are many irreversible consequences of eating disorders – including death. Anorexia Nervosa is said to have the highest mortality out of all mental illnesses. Raising awareness of eating disorders can help change lives. National Eating Disorders Awareness Week kicks oͿ Feb. 24. Join the Women’s Center for the annual Scale Bashing event on Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., where students are able to destroy a scale in the name of loving themselves the way they are. This event will be hosted in the Carter Hall multipurpose room. Please contact the Women’s Center by visiting G45 Carter Hall, calling 724-938-5857 or emailing womenscenter@calu.edu.

2SHUDWLRQ 6QRZÁDNH LQ IXOO HIIHFW The Internship Corner Making the Most of InternLink: Part 1 BY


California University of Pennsylvania’s Internship Center utilizes a robust platform known at InternLink that houses numerous features to aid the search, obtainment and application of internships. The website that Cal U students will use to access this resource is www.myinterfase.com/cup/student. The user will notice upon logging in that the main navigation panel for the website is located along the top of the page, as well as on the left hand side. Here users may upload documents (resumes, cover letters, etc.), search for internships, apply for internships, update their personal proÀle and much more. The first resource the user may utilize is titled “Resource Library.” After clicking on resource library the user will notice that there are Àve folders. All of these contain important information about the internship process. The third folder “Complete Resource Library” and the fourth folder “Comprehensive List of Internship Resources” contain information about mega sites that host internship data, internship websites that are speciÀed by major, sites that help with housing for when you need it to do an internship and even sites that deal with international internships. The excel spreadsheet is broken down Àrst into colleges at Cal U and then major speciÀc information. Carefully look through this resource so you are accessing the most correct and relevant information. These Àles open as PDF Àles and Excel Àles. Another resource located within the left hand navigation panel is a link that says “Create

Resume using Resume Creator.” After clicking on this, the user will be greeted with brief information on what exactly is entailed with resume creator. There are two buttons on the right hand side. One button says “Resume Templates” and the other button says “Resource Library.” The latter button returns the user to the “Resource Library” tab previously discussed. Clicking on “Resume Templates” will redirect to a page that presents a number of resume templates. Each template gives a brief overview with a title for the template and who could best utilize it, as well as bullet points showcasing what points the resume will highlight. There’s a preview button that will provide you with an example of what your resume will look like upon completion. While these resume templates are an easy way to create your initial resume, it still is a program that generates a generic resume based upon the entered information. Remember to utilize Career Services located in Eberly 230 to schedule a meeting to have your resume reviewed. To view all of our internship opportunities, create a proÀle in InternLink at www.myinterfase. com/cup/student. For more information please visit the Internship Center webpage at www.calu.edu/internships or stop by the Internship Center at Eberly 230. For questions or comments, please call 724-9381578 or email Tracie Beck at beck_t@calu.edu. The Internship Center will assist you in taking the steps toward gaining career experience.

Need help shoveling your sidewalk or driveway? Operation 6QRZÁDNH LV KHUH WR KHOS Contact Matthew Johnson, 814442-7753 Coordinated by Acacia Fraternity



FEBRUARY 21, 2014

FLIP! Urbandictionary.com

Word of the day Portmanbro:

A word spawned by combining “broâ€? with another word, the end result leaving both words VHSDUDWHO\ LGHQWLĂ€DEOH ZLWKRXW severely altering the sound of either.

After 42 years in L.A., The Tonight Show is back in N.Y.C., with Jimmy Fallon at its helm.

What grade would you give Jimmy Fallon for his debut as the Tonight Show host? A+ A- B C D F How did you watch the 2014 Winter Olympics? March 17 - 21

A) on television B) online streaming C) mobile phone app D) I went to Sochi. I rule!

Part-time Student Accounting Position Position: Part-time accounting position with the Student Association, Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania Description of Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities: Assist with journal entries. Assist with reconciliation of various accounts. AR/AP banking and investment statements, management prepared operating reports. Assist with managing asset additions, disposals, depreciation and inventory. Contingent upon the timing of the employment, the student employee will assist with the annual audit at the end of the Àscal year (June 30). Employee will have opportunity to assist full time staͿ with the preparation of annual audit work schedules and conÀrmations, review drafts of various Ànancial statements, and answer any questions the auditors have, within their scope of knowledge. Student accountants will also receive consideration for internship opportunities. 4ualiÀcations ‡ Must be a registered student of California University of Pennsylvania ‡ Must be Business Administration Major with an Accounting Concentration Please email copy of transcript and resume to skirpan@calu.edu

brogramming, broatmeal, broblerone, crossbro, Rambro, broverruled, Nintenbro, bromatose, EURYHUGRVH %URYHUĂ€HOG &DPEURGLD bromance, bromosexual, brocialism, portmanbro


“and then I found five dollars� :

A word spawned by combining a phrase used at the end of a story that had really no point to be told to someone. used at the end of boring stories to make them seem more interesting and worthwhile. “yesterday i went to the fridge and took out a yogurt but put it back and got an apple instead. ...and then i found 5 dollars.�

by defying gravity

for answers


PAGE 11 21, 2014 FEBRUARY

SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 PAGE 11

Junior Emma Mahady has been one of the Cal U’s most consistent offensive players this season, averaging close to 13 points per game. Mahady and the Vulcans return to the court for their regular season finale on Wednesday when they battle Seton Hill University

photo: Daeshawn Ballard

:RPHQ·V EDVNHWEDOO WHDP SRVWV ÀIWK VWUDLJKW ZLQ _______________________ BY MATT HAGY staͿ Zriter ____________________________ As the season winds down for basketball teams in playoͿ contention, usually the seniors step up and show their leadership. Two Vulcan seniors did just that last Saturday as the Cal U women’s basketball team scored a big win on the road last Saturday at Clarion by a score of 66-53. With the win, the Vulcan women locked up at least the

No. 3 seed from the PSAC west and a Àrst round home game in the PSAC tournament. The Vulcans started out quick with a three pointer from junior Emma Mahady to gain a 3-0 lead but then struggled shooting from the Àeld in the early stages of the Àrst half. The shooting turn around began when senior Elena Antonenko entered the game oͿ the bench and began to dominate the Clarion defense, scoring nine of her season high 20 points to help the Vulcans outscore the Golden Eagles 2016 in the Ànal nine minutes of

the Àrst half to take a 32-31 lead going into the locker rooms for halftime. The second half began as a back and forth aͿair as Cal managed to hold their one point lead with 10:46 remaining in the contest. That would be the closest Clarion would get to the Vulcans lead as Cal went on an 18-4 run which was Ànished oͿ by the star of the night, Antonenko, drilling a 3 pointer to give the Vulcans their largest lead of the night at 59-44 with 4:48 remaining. Cal went seven for eight from the free throw stripe and

played outstanding defense to close out the pesky Golden Eagles on the road. The defense keyed in the win as the Vulcans held Clarion star, Hannah Heeter, to just four points in the second half, a large part in that being trounced by Antonenko on both sides of the ball. While Antonenko stole the show, it was the play from another Vulcan senior on the night that impressed many. Kate Seebohm scored a season-high 12 points and added a big six rebounds playing her best game of the season. Heeter still led the way

scoring for the Golden Eagles as she recorded 15 points and 17 rebounds recording another double-double and Clarion got 13 points from an impressive freshman in Kelly Johnson. With at least a first round home game in the playoffs locked up, the Vulcan women will close out their regular season Wednesday night in Greensburg against the Seton Hill Gri΀ns with tip-oͿ at 5:30.

0HQ·V EDVNHWEDOO WHDP GURSV ÀIWK VWUDLJKW _______________________ BY JOSE NEGRON sports eGitor ____________________________

photo: jose negron Junior Alonzo Murphy goes up for the opening tip-off in a game against IUP last week in the Convocation Center. The Vulcans will finish the season on the road next week against Seton Hill

The California University of Pennsylvania Men’s Basketball team is in the midst of an end of the season slump. The Vulcans dropped their last two games against an IUP Hawks team in which they upset earlier in the season and a tough Clarion Golden Eagles team on the road. After a 59-56 upset win over IUP on Jan. 18, the Vulcans looked for history to repeat itself last Wednesday night. Unfortunately for the Vulcans, the Crimson Hawks came to play and looked eager to avenge their upset loss. IUP came out fast, taking a 12-2 lead right out of the gate, but Cal responded to get within five, a little less than seven minutes into the game. The Hawks extended their lead to 27-12 after going on a 15-5 run and out scored Cal U to take a

twenty point lead, 42-22, into the halftime break. In the second half, Cal U matched IUP until the Crimson Hawks went on a run of nine unanswered points to take a commanding 53-24 lead. The Vulcans attempted to stay with IUP and played a much better game in the second half, but the Crimson Hawks couldn’t be stopped as they would go on to win, 85-47. The Vulcans were led on offense by 14 points from sophomore Jake Jacubec and junior Arman Marks and senior Chris Williams, who both posted eight points each. Cal U looked to end their skid while taking on a Clarion team who was looking to end a losing streak of their own. The Vulcans were down early as Clarion jumped out to a 1711 lead in the Àrst six minutes of the game. Cal U mounted a comeback to take a 21-20 lead with over ten minutes to play in the half with a 10-3 run of their own. After a back and

forth battle for the rest of the half, Clarion went on a 13-1 run to end the half and take a 46-30 lead into halftime. Cal U started the second half on a roll, sinking Àve consecutive shots to begin the half and chip into the Golden Eagles lead. Clarion responded with a huge, seven-minute long run, in which they outscored the Vulcans 18-8. Cal was able to trim the lead throughout the half, but the Golden Eagles would not let go of their lead, as they would go on to win, 91-74. The Vulcans were led by a career high 22 points from Jacubec and an 18 point performance from junior Tynell Fortune. Marks and Williams also had tremendous games, adding a combined 21 points to the eͿort. The Vulcans look to end the season strong in their regular season Ànale against Seton Hill University on Wednesday night.



FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Athlete Spotlight: Dewey McDonald Class Rank: Senior Age: 22

Hometown: Ranson, West Virginia High School: Jefferson

McDonald was a two time MVP and three time all-conference and all-area while playing for Jefferson High School in West Virginia. He began his collegiate career playing at Fairmont State University from 2009-2011, but transferred to Cal U to play for the Vulcans during the 2013 campaign. Mcdonald racked up a team leading 89 tackles on the season and returned all three of his interceptions on the season for touchdowns, beFRPLQJ WKH ÀUVW 36$& SOD\HU LQ RYHU D GHFDGH WR DFFRPSOLVK WKDW IHDW +H ZDV UHFHQWO\ QDPHG D WKLUG WHDP $OO $PHULFDQ IURP 'RQ +DQVHQ DQG DQ $OO $PHULFDQ KRQRUDEOH mention from D2football.com


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