Cal Times

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CALIFORNIA UNIVERSIT Y Women’s Sports Dominate PAGE 6&7 Cold Play: Mylo Xyloto


Vulcans Triumph


Get To Know Your Vulcans PAGE 12



VOL. 31, NO. 10

Penguins: Corporate Core Values Award

By Gloria Stone For the Cal Times

California University of Pennsylvania presented the Corporate Core Values Award to the Pittsburgh Penguins Association Thursday October 20, 2011. The Corporate Core Values award was presented to David Peart the senior vice president for the Penguins in a ceremony in the Cal U conference room of CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh. A crowd of administrators, faculty, alumni, and students were in attendance of the honor. Angelo Armenti Cal U’s president and other administrators chose the Pittsburgh Penguins for the exceptional work with California University. “This recognition is really important to us because it validates our partnership and innovation with Cal U. It also recognizes us for our leadership in the community as well as demonstrating core values that align with Cal U. Cal U is a wonder institution, which is an important part of the region and for the Penguins to be associated with Cal U is a really great thing, “ Peart said. The Core Values award has been previously awarded to Dr. Stephen Covey on behalf of the Franklin Covey Corporation in 2006 as well as the Monongahela Valley Hospital in 2008. The award is for organizations with exceptional integrity, civility, and responsibility. California University along with the Pittsburgh Penguins ensures they are building character and

Photo by: Joshua Laska California University of Pennsylvania President Dr. Angelo Armenti Jr. presents the Corporate Core Values Award, an actual ships compass, to David Peart the Senior Vice President of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

careers for those influenced by their organization. Both parties show great respect for the core values of integrity, civility, and responsibility. “We deal with a number of organizations, and every now and then we are struck by the way a certain organization treats their employees, treats the public, and the way they donate to charities, as well as look for

the best interest of people less fortunate. The Pittsburgh Penguins organization influences all these actions that serve as our core values as an institution,” Armenti said. The Penguins have helped the university in multiple ways. The organization has awarded students with $20,550, which has been raised through online auctions and other fundraising

events. Other than scholarship the Penguins organization has provided many opportunities to students and alumni. 16 students obtained internships and two graduates were hired in positions through the Pens. “With this award we hope to impact many students with more scholarship funds as well as opportunities for Cal students,” Pert said.

As of now California University and the Penguins Organization are hoping to fundraise a potential of $56,250 in additional scholarship funds with the current sale of Penguinslogo neon clock. The neon clock is being sold on the Penguins Foundation website at or on Cal’s website.

Mission Day XIII: Minimally Invasive Learning By Lucie Fremeau For the Cal Times

Minimally invasive learning was the topic of discussion on Mission Day XIII at California University of Pennsylvania. Students, faculty, and staff met in the Steele Hall theatre on Wednesday at 8 a.m. to hear from a keynote speaker and participate in discussion about facilitating learning in the 21st century. The goal of Mission Day was to develop a plan for using minimally invasive learning

to help Cal U excel in teaching and inspire students, according to President Armenti. He asked faculty, staff, and students alike to have an open mind and join him on the journey to a new style of teaching. “We are going to completely redefine education,” Sugata Mitra, a professor at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, said in his keynote address. “It’s hard to imagine 2001 and what we couldn’t do with a computer then, that we can do now. In 2021, things will be just as different as that. Anybody can use the internet to become a

momentary expert on any topic. So, what will happen when Google enters the classroom?” If this happens, the learning system must change in order to integrate technology, according to Mitra, whose speech addressed an experiment that he began in 1999. The experiment, called “A Hole in the Wall,” placed computers in Indian slums for children to use. The children taught themselves many subjects without any formal training. This experiment was the basis for Mitra’s theory of minimally invasive learning. “Minimally invasive learning

means engaging the learner in the learning process and giving [the learner] space to construct education by themselves,” Mitra said. Following the keynote address, Mission Day attendees separated into 12 different groups for breakout sessions on teaching and learning in the 21st century. The session topics were “an educational pedagogy that is digital, automatic, faulttolerant, minimally invasive, connected, and self-organized,” “enhancing student learning through technology and minimally invasive teaching strate-

gies,” and “integrating technology and technical support.” “I think that integrating technology and education is nice,” Travis Brant, a sophomore at Cal U, said. “It’s really forwardthinking and important for us to realize that technology helps pave the road to a more involved education.

Continued on Page 2




Mission Day XIII continued from page 1 However, relying mainly on technology shouldn’t be the primary way of teaching. I’m paying money for a professor to be here.” Each of the 12 breakout session groups was asked to come up with three recommendations or appropriate next steps to help integrate Mitra’s theories on technology, education, and learning at Cal U. “We, the University community, want the option to use technology and have the support required to operate it,” group members from breakout session two said. Members of breakout session ten said that faculty members will need more training before implementing technology, and annoyance with slow University computers is a deterrent from advancing the use of new equipment. “Mission Day was an immensely thought-provoking experience,” Spencer Norman, a professor in the Department of Art and Design, said. “It challenged the way that we as faculty, staff, and students face the future of education and the delivery of that education. I came away from the session with more questions than answers, which is always a healthy place to be.” After the breakout sessions

and lunch, Mission Day attendees returned to Steele Hall for a plenary session from President Armenti and Sugata Mitra. At the plenary session, the audience expressed opinions and asked questions about the proposed technological advances. Armenti said that “the keynote was especially inspiring with provocative questions,” which he thinks is “great fun.” He believes that his role is to figure out how to implement the ideas from the breakout sessions. Next, Armenti announced that Sugata Mitra will be the keynote speaker for Mission Day in 2012 and 2013. He also announced that Cal U plans to implement the ideas of Mitra’s minimally invasive learning, beginning with the College of Education and Human Services. Education students will be trained to use technology so that they may utilize cooperative learning. “I’m excited about exploring new technology to advance education,” Kayla Walker, a freshman, said, “but I don’t think that technology will ever take the place of a teacher.” To close Mission Day, two scholarships were given to students who were randomly chosen in a drawing. Cary Banner and Rebecca Serafini each received a $500 scholarship. Approximately 324 people registered for Mission Day XIII.

NOVEMBER 4, 2011

Letters to the Editor

The messages that appear in Letters to the Editor include those sent to the Cal Times e-mail account. Messages have not been edited for length, clarity or grammar and are re-printed here in their original form. Have something to say? Contact us by e-mail at Thank you from the American Heart Association On behalf of the American Heart Association I want to thank those who supported the annual heart walk on October 1, 2011 and in the homecoming parade on October 22, 2011. They include faculty, staff, students and in particular Dr. Karen Posa and Prof. Michael Amrhein for

their leadership. In addition, thank you to the ALD students, men and women rugby teams, ACACIA, men’s basketball team, Missy Dunne, Joy Helsel, Brian Oddi and the athletic trainers. A special thank you to Lauren Turosik who as a student and zumba instructor in Herron Hall organized a

Zumbathon which was a huge success netting over $2000. Because of the efforts of all those individuals approximately $12,000 was raised for the AHA. This is remarkable and I am so proud to be a part of this endeavor. Barbara M. Armenti

A Reasonable Voice for Cal U Students Recently there has been a major crackdown on Cal U students and drinking by both university and California borough police. Students have been what one can say, under attack by local law enforcement. The reason for this is the rise of criminal activity that has gone on earlier this semester. There were gunshots as well as break-ins at off campus locations featuring mostly California citizens, not students. Another fact about these crimes is that drinking was not a direct cause. If one has read about these crimes you would notice that they are primarily drug related. With that being said, how many times have you heard of a drug related arrest being made in the California area? The California Borough mayor talks about how the “cracking down” on the drinking by students is for their own safety, which is perfectly reasonable and expected. Irresponsible drinking has and can lead to death or other serious harm to those whom take part in such activities, however, with no known arrests made in any of

the actual criminal activities that have been taking place over the last couple months, I feel that their efforts have not been properly directed. The borough has proudly touted large numbers of drinking-related citations issued in recent weeks in, what I believe is an effort to direct attention away from failed police work. The university and borough police departments have raided former safe havens for students and have used more of a search and destroy method rather than that of serving and protecting. Students are now faced with a fear of the local law enforcement rather that a sense of security they should ensure. Many admit to not feeling safe enough to even ask for help. How can this be considered effective law enforcement? Parents of Cal U students have expressed their concern not only for the safety of their sons and daughters but also for their criminal records even when they act in a responsible manner. Underage drinking will occur, no matter how stern the university law may be, and some even argue that the stricter a school’s stance on alcohol consumption, the higher the activity

occurs. Clearly there is a more serious problem in the town aside from the campus, but is this the most effective way in setting things right? The borough residents and council people want to send the message that there will be zero tolerance for underage drinking, however this message is being delivered in a very unnecessary and abrasive manner. The borough and the university need to set their egos aside and understand that there is no way to totally eliminate underage drinking. With reasonable control the problem can be finally put in the background, and stop acting as a public distraction from the shootings and drug-related crimes that have created negative publicity for the university. With more focus on the more serious problems in town, safety can be ensured and security will be respected by students and citizens. There is a much more effective way for the town and university to coexist that doesn’t include countless raids and citations on college students.

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JESSICA ZOMBEK....................................................EDITOR IN CHIEF JOSHUA LASKA.....................................SPORTS/MANAGING EDITOR BRIAN PROVANCE.....................AD MANAGER/GRADUATE ASSISTANT LISA PFAFF.................................................................STAFF WRITER CASEY PREMOSHIS......................................................STAFF WRITER JOSHUA LASKA............................................WEBSITE COORDINATOR JEFF HELSEL..........................................DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS




POLICY: The California TIMES is published in the Monongahela Valley area most Fridays of the academic year, with the exception of holiday breaks • Any member of the university community may submit articles, editorials, cartoons, photographs or drawings for consideration • Deadlines are as follows: All written copy, announcements, e-mail (, and advertising submissions are due at noon on the Monday before publication. Exceptions to these deadlines must be arranged with the editor. All submissions are the opinions of their creator(s). •The California TIMES reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions as it sees fit, without offering justification for content or advertising sections.


NOVEMBER 4, 2011


Knowledge is power

Underground Halloween Concert

By Diane Cywinski

By Noah Gruskin

For the Cal Times

With the introduction of Facebook, the Internet has become a world wide playground for teens and adults alike to meet new people. Can you really trust what people say on the Internet? These new relationships bring uncertainties and safety concerns. In today’s increasingly loose-knit society, we often encounter people we barely know. These people could be your next roommate, blind date or even babysitter. Have you ever asked yourself what’s in their past? How many of these people have criminal records, simple parking tickets, or a few harmless noise ordinance violations? What about speeding violations, OWI/DUI offenses, or drug charges? You might even be asking yourself, has this person committed robberies, assaults, rape, or murder? At last, the Docket in Your Pocket (DYP) app enters the picture. The app was created by Matt Haindfield with the goal of making the world a safer place to live and work. Haindfield hopes that the app will help empower people to make informed decisions about the people they interact with on a daily basis. Haindfield was thinking of his two daughters when he cre-

ated DYP, which provides background information in a matter of seconds at your finger tips. The database of Pennsylvania’s 32.5 million criminal records dates back to 2000. “I wanted to ensure that when they’re living away from home or are out on the dating scene, they’ll be better able to make informed decisions about the people they’ll encounter,” Haindfield said. Now you might be asking yourself, why would an Iowa lawyer make an app like this for Pennsylvanians? “We wanted to launch our app in a state with a large percentage of smartphone users and where there was an existing database of criminal records, Pennsylvania fit the bill” Haindfield said. The DYP app has already launched in Pennsylvania and plans to expand to all 50 states in the months ahead. It can be helpful for singles, parents, students, law enforcement, attorneys and anyone interested in learning about the criminal background of others. So the next time you go onto Facebook, and are faced with the decision to confirm or ignore a friend you might want to check out the DYP app before making any hasty decisions. For information on the cost, or how to obtain the DYP app go to http://

Talk to Us!

Find the Cal Times online: Twitter: @caltimes Facebook: Cal Times Newspaper

For the Cal Times

The Underground Café hosted their Halloween concert this past Thursday in the performance center. Beginning at 9 p.m., the event called upon students to attend free of charge to see three local bands perform, some band members even attend Cal U. Costumes were very much welcome and encouraged. As the event began, students entered the dimly lit performance center and were greeted by a few candle lit tables adorned with plastic pumpkins full of candy. Off to the side of the room was a table of free food including pizza, chicken tenders, coffee, and juice. The food never lasted long as various characters quickly stormed

the table whenever fresh food was brought out. Some of the more notable costumes included Scooby Doo, a bright blue haired Katy Perry, a female rendition of Batman’s foe Scarecrow, and a surprisingly social Alex from “A Clockwork Orange.” The first band to take the stage was band the Beauregards. They were a four man group (two of which attend Cal U). Their set list sounded like the usual rock band. The group was especially talented when it came to slower songs and they seemed to take a liking to the occasional musical screaming. The lead singer was humorous and the group was very entertaining, aided by their Halloween costumes featuring 80s gym attire (short shorts, muscle shirts, tube socks, sweat bands).

The second group to perform went by the name Instead of Sleeping. This band had a slightly stronger indie sound made prevalent by a keyboard. The four guys in the band all wore their own costumes. The bassist donned a convincing “Sweeny Todd” outfit complete with thick sideburns, flowing black hair and a bloodied apron. Another rock band, The Park View, brought the event to a close. The unique costumes created quite the spectacle at the commencement of the event as well as the closure as the students dispersed. After several entertaining bands and raffles announced by an interesting individual in a green moprh suit, the Underground Café hosted a great start to the Halloween weekend.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PA and NETA, a non-profit fitness professional association, are co-sponsoring the following nationally-recognized workshops: GROUP EXERCISE CERTIFICATION Saturday December 10, 8:00- 4:30 Potential and current fitness instructors will learn basic academic and practical application of teaching group exercise. No college, science or teaching background required. Workshop registration includes a full day review, written exam, 2-year certificate and membership. KICK IT UP! Sunday December 11, 8:001:00 Form meets function … cover the 1-2-3 basics of traditional cardio kickboxing to expand intensities and complexities. You will be provided with tons of ideas from interval and circuit to strength and endurance training all kickboxing based with elements of functional, balance and core training. Event Location: Herron Recreation & Fitness Center 250 University Ave- campus of Calif Univ California PA 15419 Local Contact:



To Register: Call 800-237-6242 or register online at Workshop fees apply



NOVEMBER 4, 2011

Choose to make the most of your winter break. Catch up or get ahead with Kutztown’s super-convenient Online Winter Session!

4 Classes: December 19-January 18 4 Online registration begins October 31 4 More than 35 affordable classes from General Education to graduate level! 4 Simple, easy credit transfer 4 Open to all college and high school students 4 All courses are 100% online Space is limited! Register today at



NOVEMBER 4, 2011


Vulcan Theater Weekend Show: Harry Potter Part 2 Now showing Friday and Saturday at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

By Justin Carlo

Cal Times Film Critic

Justin’s Rating: 4 stars “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” is a spectacular ending to what is by far one of the best film franchises in history. An action packed and heartfelt film that resonates with the feel that brings you back to the early Harry Potter films we all watched over ten years ago. It’s remarkable that nearly the entire cast powered through a decade of working to make all eight of the amazing Harry Potter series; and equally remarkable how well these movies kept audience’s attention and amusement for that decade of time as well. Now I can’t talk about Harry Potter without mentioned that up until January 2011 I had never seen a single one of the films based off of the famous J.K. Rowling book series. Within the month I had watched all seven of them and could not wait for the final installment. I went into this movie with extremely high hopes and although I was surprised at the somber nature of what I will not dare say a word about; I was not disappointed in the least. The story picks up from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” with Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) desperately searching for the final Horcruxes to destroy Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). There is so much in the plot here that I just do not want to say in fear of giving out any minor detail to those few that still have not seen the movie. I will mention though that Potter and Voldemort are bound to come face to face in this movie

Photo courtesy of: It all comes to an end with this last installment of the Harry Potter series.

that turns out to be an epic battle that puts Hogwarts in crumbles and its students in the face of an all out war. It goes without saying that the three lead actors here did an amazing job like they have been doing since they were 11 years old. But it’s the supporting actors that pull it all out in this finale. Many characters that may

have been minor in prior films or we just haven’t seen in awhile come back with a vengeance and are right there alongside Harry… or Voldemort. Characters like Prof. Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith), Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter), Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis), Griphook (Warwick Davis), Molly Weas-

ley (Julie Walters) Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) and Prof. Severus Snape (Alan Rickman); all of which play their characters miraculously. The Harry Potter films have always included an assortment of famous and notable British actors; it’s just simply awesome to see them all come together for the ending of a decade of wand wielding, spell casting, life saving and growing up with Harry Potter. It’s especially amazing that the young actors that grew up filming these movies stuck it out; not only do Radcliffe, Grint, Watson, Lewis and Wright deserve recognition but as well the actors that played characters like Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch), Seamus Finnigan (Devon Murray) George Weasley (Oliver Phelps) and Fred Weasley (James Phelps). Now I know that I still have left a lot to wonder about this last Potter film but I could not risk giving anything away to anyone who has yet to see the movie. All throughout the movie was well done, the dialogue, the special effects, the acting, not a single moment seems rushed or overdone (except like always I discourage it being seen in 3D). There were a few moments I thought could have been more dramatic or addressed more seriously, but you’ll have that when a book is transformed onto the big screen. For those that loved the Rowling books well before the films, those that have loved the films since “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was released or those like me that became a fan right at the end of the saga; the movie provides an ending that everyone could walk away from with satisfaction.

Entertainment Wrap-up In Theaters

The Rum Diary Puss In Boots A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas


Cars 2 Water For Elephants Californication: The Fourth Season


Angels and Airwaves: Love, Pt. 1&2 The Decemberists: Long Live the King EP Phantogram : Night Life EP

Video Games

Metal Gear Solid Rising Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Nov. 8th)



NOVEMBER 4, 2011

Women’s sports continue Volleyball defeats Gannon 3-2

By Joshua Laska

Sports/Managing Editor The Vulcan volleyball team posted four wins over the last two weeks. Including a 3-0 victory over Edinboro, a 3-0 victory over Shepherd, a 3-1 victory over Mercyhurst, and a 3-2 victory over Gannon. The Vulcans are now 26-4 on the season and 15-2 in the PSAC. In the 3-0 victory over Edinboro (26-24, 25-22, 26-24) junior outside hitter Brandy Harris led the Vulcans with 17 kills. Junior middle hitter Chelsea Wilson and classmate right-side hitter/ setter Kelly Fromknecht both added six kills each. Junior middle hitter Meghan Franz added five kills and a .500 hitting percentage. Junior right-side/ middle hitter Bridget Bielich and sophomore outside hitter Molly Delaney added five and four kills, respectively. Senior setter Kortney Eshleman directed the offensive with 19 assists, Delaney added nine, and sophomore setter Abbey Freund added six assists. Senior libero Sara McMullen led the defense with 12 digs, Delaney added nine, Freund added eight, and Harris added seven. Eshleman added the only service aces for the Vulcans. Harris led the Vulcan blocking effort with six blocks (one solo) and Fromknecht added four more (two solo). Against Shepherd Fromknecht paced the Vulcans with seven kills and a .538 hitting percentage in the 3-0 victory (25-18, 25-18, 25-20). Harris also added seven kills, Bielich, Franz, and Muzy all added six kills. Wilson added four kills on five attempts for an impressive .800 hitting percentage, Delaney rounded out the Vulcans with one kill. Freund helped the offense by positing 19 assists and 11 digs for her fifth double-double of the season. Eshleman also added 15 assists for the Vulcans. Harris led the defensive effort with 13 digs, Delaney added eight in one set, and McMullen added six in two sets. McMullen also added two service aces, Harris added one service ace as well. Fromknecht led the Vulcans for the second game in a row with 13 kills in the 3-1 victory over Mercyhurst (25-14, 25-22, 21-25, 25-22). Franz added 11 kills, while Harris added eight kills. Wilson added another six kills and led the blocking effort with four blocks (none solo). Delaney and Muzy both added four kills, and senior right-side/ outside hitter Katya Kopanarova added two kills in one set. McMullen directed the de-

Photo by: Joshua Laska Junior right-side hitter/setter Kelly Fromknecht (3) led the Vulcans in three of the last four games. Fromknecht posted 41 kills last week and eight assists.

fense with 22 digs, Harris added another 12 digs, and 10 digs. Freund paced the offense with 25 assists and three service aces, Franz added two more service aces. Eshleman added another 20 assists for the Vulcans in the victory. In the 3-2 victory over Gannon (25-18, 25-19, 23-25, 14-25, 15-11) Fromknecht again led the Vulcans this time with 15 kills and a .538 hitting percentage. Franz added 12 kills with three blocks (none solo) and Bielich added 11 kills. Delaney added another eight kills and Kopanarova added seven more. Freund and Eshleman both directed the offensive with 20 assists each. Freund also added 20 digs for her sixth doubledouble of the season. Delaney established a career-high 21 digs to lead the Vulcans, Delaney also added one service ace. McMullen also added 17 digs and one service ace. Freund posted two service aces and Franz added one more service ace. The Vulcans currently sit atop the PSAC standings with their 15-2 record, with two matches remaining in the season. The Vulcans take on Slippery Rock today at 7 p.m. and wrap up the regular season tomorrow at 1 p.m. The PSAC tournament will begin on Nov. 8 at a time to be determined later. The NCAA tournament will begin the following week after the NCAA selection show on Nov. 13 or 14.

Photo by: Joshua Laska Sophomore Abbey Freund (1) posted 70 assists for the Vulcans as well as two double-doubles in the four victories over Edinboro, Shepherd, Mercyhurst, and Gannon.


NOVEMBER 4, 2011

their PSAC dominance


Women’s soccer defeats Shippensburg 4-1

By Joshua Laska

Sports/Managing Editor The No.4 California University of Pennsylvania women’s soccer team posted four wins over the last two weeks including a 2-1 victory over Bloomsburg, 6-0 victory over Millersville, 3-1 victory over Edinboro, and a 4-1 victory over Shippensburg. The Vulcan capture the regular season title undefeated on the season with an overall record of 15-0-2 and 12-0-2 in the PSAC. It took two overtime periods for the Vulcans to capture the 2-1 victory over Bloomsburg. The Vulcans were actually losing for the first time all season when the Huskies scored first in the 41st minute of the game. Senior midfielder Erin Feltz tied the game up less than three minutes later to tie the game at one. Sophomore midfielder Chelsea Norbuts collected her team leading eight assist of the season on Feltz’s goal. Neither team would score in the second half or the first overtime, though they both combined for 19 shots. Junior forward Carley Work broke the tie in the 104th minute of the game off of a pass from freshman forward Chelsea Crockett. Work was able to beat the goalie one on one and bury the ball in the back of the net for the 2-1 victory. The Vulcans easily defeated Millersville 6-0 on Homecoming. It only took 11 minutes for the Vulcans to score when Crockett collected her first goal of the afternoon off of a feed from senior forward Breeanna Robinson. Robinson then was able to collect two goals before the 22nd minute of the game; Crockett collected the assists on both of Robinson’s goals. Crockett would collect her third and final assist of the game with a pass to freshman forward Jordan Gray. Gray found the back of the net from about 20 yards out and was able to bend the ball around the goalie for her second goal of the season. In the 67th minute of the game Crockett would collect her second goal of the game and seventh point of the game off of a pass from Gray. Senior defensemen Darija Davidson collected her first goal of the season to round out the scoring for the Vulcans. Senior goalkeeper Paula Jackson and freshman goalkeeper Ashley Magruda combined to post the shutout. The Vulcans held Millersville away from the goalies and did not allow them to post a shot in the second half. Crockett was named PSAC Athlete of the Week after posting her

Photo by: Joshua Laska Junior forward Carley Work (16) collected her team leading and single regular season record 16th goal of the season, against Millersville. Work also leads the Vulcans with 36 points in front of senior forward Breeanna Robinson who has 34 points.

seven points in the victory over Millersville. Edinboro was able to keep the Vulcans off the board in the first half but in the second half they Vulcans scored three goals in 10 minutes. Edinboro actually scored on themselves to give the Vulcans a 1-0 lead. Work would then find the back of the net for the Vulcans off of an assist from Robinson. Work now leads the Vulcans with 16 goals, a single regular season record. Crockett would then score for the Vulcans to expand the lead to 3-0. Edinboro was able to score a goal but it was a little too late and the Vulcans came away with a 3-1 win. With the victory the Vulcans captured the regular-season title for the first time in the programs history. The Vulcans captured their first undefeated regular season in school history after defeating Shippensburg 4-1. 10 minutes into the game Robinson collected her 15th goal of the season off of assists from senior midfielder Sara Di Benedetto and senior defensemen Kelsey Fisher. Shippensburg would tie the game with less than 10 minutes remain in the first half off of a free kick. The Vulcans were able to overcome the tie when junior midfielder Kayla Fransko scored

Photo by: Joshua Laska Senior defensemen Kayla Klimasko (14) scored her first goal of the season and third goal of her career off of a corner kick from junior midfielder Kayla Fransko.

off of another free kick for her second goal of the season. The Vulcans would score again less than 10 minutes later when senior defensemen Kristen Orrett scored her sixth goal of the season, a career-high for her. Orrett’s goal was assited by Davidson and senior forward Jodi McDonald. Senior defensemen Kayla Klimasko scored her first

goal of the season off of a corner kick from Fransko. The Vulcans returned to action on Tuesday, Nov. 1 against Bloomsburg for PSAC Quarterfinal action but the game ended after press time. If the Vulcans defeated the Huskies again they will move on to the PSAC SemiFinals today at home, though the time was still to be determined

as of press time. With a victory on Tuesday as well as today the Vulcans will move on to play in the PSAC Championship game tomorrow at home and a time to be determined. The Vulcans will also most likely be hosting NCAA regional match ups next week after the NCAA selection show on Nov. 6 or 7.



NOVEMBER 4, 2011

ATTENTION Graduating Students!

Don’t forget to have your Spellman’s Studio portrait taken for the Monocal, the Cal U yearbook. When: Tuesday, November 15; Wednesday, November 16; and Thursday, November 17 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: Alumni Room - Hamer Hall Sitting Fee: FREE! Appointment: No appointment necessary! Questions? E-mail Joy Helsel at Students graduating during the 2011-12 academic year will receive a copy of the 2012 Monocal, compliments of President Angelo Armenti, Jr. 2011-12 yearbooks will be mailed to your permanent address Fall 2012. Please be sure to dress appropriately (no T-shirts or hats, please).


Applications are now being accepted for 2011-2012 SAI Outstanding Leadership Scholarships Application requirements are:

• Full-time undergraduate student • 2.5 GPA or better • Essay outlining leadership experiences and/or accomplishments

All Scholarships require: • • • •

Completed application A current copy of the student’s academic transcript A copy of the student’s activity transcript An essay describing why you should be awarded a leadership scholarship

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: November 18, 2011 Applications are available at: Women’s Center G45 Carter Hall 724-938-5857 or online under scholarship opportunities:

Fall Disc Golf Tournament Set The answer is Disc Golf. That is what the flyers popping up around campus featuring half a tree and half of a basket with the label “2011 California University Fall Tournament” are for. The California University Disc Golf Club will be hosting it’s 1st Annual Fall Disc Golf Tournament on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 3:00 pm. The cost to play is $5.00 and there will be two divisions to enter: Novice and Advanced. The tournament will be one round of 18 holes held at the California University Disc Golf Course, located at the S.A.I. Farm. The course was built this spring and has been open for play since the end of August. It is currently the only course in Washington County and has steadily seen an increase in play as word of mouth has spread. The event is open to California University students as well as members of the community. Players must bring their own discs. University students wishing to play that do not have their own discs can sign out a set from Herron Fitness Center with a valid CalCard. For more information about the tournament or about joining the Disc Golf Club, email club advisor Gary Smith at

NOVEMBER 4, 2011





By Levie Kirkland

Hey everyone.Homecoming was a success!!! BSU won first place with our Homecoming Banner. A big thank you to everyone who helped with the banner this year. We would also like to thank everyone who came out and supported our dance this year and we would like to thank Public Safety and their student workers for all their help. We are also selling raffle tickets for two box seats for the Jay-Z and Kanye West Concert at the Consol

Energy in Pittsburgh on Sunday, Nov. 27 the tickets are 3 tickets for $2, 7 for $3, there will be a table set up in the Union. Also be on the lookout for The Twilight Saga premiere of Breaking Dawn BSU will be selling tickets. For more info contact Jasmine Telly tel7382@ Be sure to come out to our meetings every Thursdays 5:15 p.m. in the Carter Hall Multipurpose Room and check out our board by the Gold Rush for info on our Unity Weekend and future events.

The Internship Corner By Lucie Fremeau

Internships near and far Part 1: Local internships offer valuable experiences to students Local internships are a great opportunity for students to receive experience during a semester while still enrolled in on-campus classes. Because of the location of the internship, students have the opportunity to participate in an internship and remain actively involved in campus life. The Speers Street Grill and The Back Porch Restaurant, both located in Belle Vernon, are seeking a Marketing or Public Relations intern for Spring 2012. The internship offers students a valuable experience in a convenient location, so students can save money on gas and transportation. Students who apply must be motivated and disciplined to work some off-site hours, which is another benefit of this local internship. The intern will already be working locally, but occasionally will also be able to work from the comfort of his or her own home. Applicants must be creative with an artistic eye, familiar with Mac computers and applications, friendly, and organized. The intern will work with the director of operations on improving the website, social networking, and advertising. Applicants are required to have a personal laptop. Interested students should contact Ms. Michelle Jones at 724-4692299 or Saving money on housing is another benefit of completing a local internship. In most cases, students will already be paying for on-campus housing or have help from financial aid, so obtaining a local internship allows students to live in their home with no additional housing costs. Washington County Court Technology, located less than 30 miles from campus, is seeking a Computer Information Systems intern for Spring 2012. The intern will act as a help desk, PC tech., and will complete other court related projects. Interested students should e-mail a resume and cover letter to Mr. Jamie Brown at Each student who obtains an internship has a faculty supervisor, who is available to answer questions and help the student throughout the internship. Local internships allow the faculty supervisor to provide one-on-one support to the intern. Amedisys Hospice of Pennsylvania, located in Monongahela, seeks a psychology, social work, gerontology, or physical therapy intern for Spring 2012. The intern would facilitate bereavement support groups. In addition, interns would provide respite visits to patients, visit patients for companionship, visit families, and help with events, while still maintaining close contact with their faculty supervisors. These are only three of the many local internships that are currently available to Cal U students. For more information, visit the Internship Center, located on the second floor of Eberly. To make an appointment, call 724-938-1578.

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Check out Career Services’ Career Advantage Corner each week to find out about hot jobs, upcoming oncampus recruiting, job fairs, and much more! Cal U’s Job Shadow Experience Program Not sure what to do with your major? Ever wonder what it’s like to be a teacher or a doctor, or a police officer, or a ...? Explore career possibilities through the Job Shadow Experience Program. • The Job Shadow Experience Program is a great opportunity for students to gain a realistic view of a typical day on the job. • Students spend one to five days shadowing a sponsor. • The next opportunity to participate in the job shadow experience program is the week of Jan. 16. • For more information contact: Meaghan Clister at 4057 or Are you in the right major? - Reality Check You’re in the Right major when: • You can’t wait to go to classes in your major. • The material you study is interesting. • You have trouble choosing which major classes to take because you want to take everything that is offered. • You frequently think about ideas brought up in class. • You talk about topics in your major in regular conversation with friends. • You pursue opportunities outside of class (volunteer, co-op, internship) in your major field of study. • You do well in your major classes. You may be in the Wrong major if: • You dislike your major, but you think it’s too late to change. • People in your life have encouraged you to choose a major, but your true interests lie else where. • You can’t remember why you chose your major in the first place. • You think your current major is the only path to the job you want. • You do not find the material you study interesting. • You dread going to your major classes. • Your GPA in your major is lower than it should be. Want to talk about it? Career Services offers career and major advising, self-assessment tests, helpful websites, such as “What Can I Do With A Major In …?, and the Job Shadow Experience program. If you are not sure if you are in the right major or you are not sure what you can do with your major, visit Career Services. Missed the WestPACS Job Fair? The employer directory is still available at This is a great resource for students looking for full time & internship positions. Career Services 230 Eberly Science and Technology Center 724-938-4413

Hispanic Student Association By Angelina Lorenzo

SPANISH PHRASE OF THE WEEK: el altar de la ofrenda (the altar of the offering) El Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, was celebrated this past week in Mexico, Latin America, the U.S. and many other places! It usually takes place on November 1st and 2nd and is a holiday celebrating the lives of deceased family members and friends. Altars are prepared to honor individuals and are decorated with flowers, offerings, photos, things that that person like, and their favorite foods. We hope that everyone had fun at Salsa Night! HSA is working on more fundraisers and we are always looking for cultural events in the area to attend. We have a Spanish movie night coming up on Tuesday, November 8th at 8pm in the first floor Carter Hall lounge. Come to HSA meetings every Thursday at 11am. Email to get on our email list.



NOVEMBER 4, 2011

University Police Reports: Oct. 19- Oct. 30 Oct. 19 - Suspicious University Police took report of a suspicious person at the Beazall Street railroad crossing. The person was described as a white tall thin male wearing tan pants, short dark hair, and a first name of Chris. This person made some unusual comments then touched this female on the arm. Oct. 20 - Intoxicated At approximately 1:47 a.m., University Police assisted California borough police at Wood Street Grille when a male student, celebrating his 21 birthday, became too intoxicated and needed medical attention. The male became combative and needed restrained.

Oct. 22 - Fire University Police responded to Residence Hall A for the smell of rubber burning in the building. University Police had the California Vol. Fire Dept. respond. Fire Dept. determined the heat pump/AC unit went bad in room 114. Oct. 23 - Bite At approximate 3:31 a.m., University Police took a report of a female who was bitten by a dog outside of Carter Hall. Oct. 24 - Fire University Police responded to a fire alarm at Herron Hall mechanical room. HVAC bleeding condensate to the building [was the cause].

Oct. 25 - Damage A driver did damage to a 2nd vehicle when backing from a parking stall. Minor damage was done and information was exchanged. Oct. 25 - Disabled University Police assisted a non-student on campus with a disabled vehicle. Vehicle was removed by Welds towing.

Oct. 26 - Underage At approximate 3:12 a.m., Jacob Brawley was found to been drinking alcohol while being under the age of 21 years. Brawley will be cited for such.

Oct. 26 - Mischief University Police took a report of criminal mischief to an automobile which was parked in Lot 20.

Oct. 27 - Hit and Run At approximate 12:48 a.m., a vehicle described as a silver Chevrolet Cavalier drove through the gate exiting Lot 19, Residence Hall A, causing damage to the gate’s arm. The vehicle left the area and is still being searched for.

of the student.

Oct. 29 - Damage A construction vehicle backed into a parked car in lot W causing damage to the rear of the parked vehicle. There was no damage to the construction vehicle. Oct. 29 - Fight At approximate 1:49 a.m., University Police assisted California borough police in the 100 block of Ash Street with two nonstudent males fighting.

Oct. 28 - Argument While patrolling through Residence Hall A officers heard a couple arguing very loudly in a room. Officers did a check to ensure the safety

Oct. 30 - Party At approximate 3:17 a.m., University Police assisted California borough police in breaking up a loud party in the 100 block of Union Street.

Now hear this: Cold Play - “Mylo Xyloto”

By Noah Gruskin For the Cal Times

With their new album, Coldplay makes a move to broaden their audience. Entitled Mylo Xyloto, the most recent work of the band features a mix old and new sounds in order to keep an existing fan-base while looking to expand and meet the tastes of a new group of people. The album is generally upbeat. The first song is an instrumental introduction to “Hurts Like Heaven.” If you have listened to Coldplay before and enjoyed it, you will love this introduction and the song that follows. One thing you may notice is that the song has a slightly

more mainstream, pop sound to it. The song still sounds very similar to the artist’s old work, but the new sound is prevalent and shows up throughout the album. The next song on the album, “Paradise”, had been released before as a single and boasts pop inspiration and is clear in its attempt to reach out to new listeners. The heavy bass and electronic sounds that occupy the track bear little resemblance to the group’s archetypal style. The album then changes gears, shifting back to the Coldplay most people are used to, acoustic and electric guitar paired with piano and drums with Chris Martin’s voice leading all of the pieces.

Five songs after the style reversion, the group decides to shift back up into their newly discovered style. “Princess of China” starts out with purely electronic tones, joined by a heavily distorted guitar and a somewhat recognizable female voice singing in unison with the aforementioned guitar. The guitar drops out and is replaced by an electronic drumbeat paired with Chris Martin singing a catchy syncopated rhythm. After a single verse, the vocals cut taken over by the same distorted guitar and female vocal pair. This pair once again cuts to let the female artist fully reveal itself. Rihanna’s recognizable voice fills in the void and stays

there for the remainder of the track periodically joined in duet with Martin. The piece seems more so like a single from Rihanna, featuring Chris Martin rather than the opposite. The song defiantly grows on you, becoming more enjoyable after a couple listens. After Rihanna’s guest appearance, the album reverts back to the way it was before, ending in a similar way it began. The closing track is very upbeat just as the first was. As a whole, the album is great. Those who enjoy Alternative Rock and the old Coldplay will be sure to take a liking to the album. The two pop songs fused into the track listening do not take away from

the album as a whole and are rather enjoyable. “Paradise” doesn’t stray far from what Coldplay listeners are used to while “Princess of China” presents an entirely new sound and is more so Rihanna’s song and does not really fit in with the rest of the albums songs. In conclusion, Coldplay fans should defiantly check out Mylo Xyloto. Rihanna followers may want to give “Princess of China” a listen. While the album does succeed in broadening the group’s horizons, the people who will be most satisfied by this album will be existing Coldplay fans.

“The students as well as the parents are giving us positive feedback on the change as well as thanking us”, Beck said. “The state has made significant reductions in funding and the university is looking for ways to reduce costs while continuing the quest to be a green university,” said Beck. Beck explained the billing statements as follows; the first statement of the semester remains a paper bill and in the spring will also be available online, any student with a balance after the initial paper statement will then receive an email indicating their bill statement is online, and students can access their account thru VIP on the Cal U homepage. “This change was implemented mainly for the students benefit, along with continuing movement to electronic devices such as syllabus’, assignments,

grades, registration etc., and we as a department at the Bursars office saw the need to utilize these online benefits,” Beck said. There are other ways to make a tuition payment beside the online portal such as: in person at the Bursars office, by telephoning the Bursars office or old fashioned mail. “Our staffs here at the Bursars office, self-included are excited and so far pleased with the positive outcome with the e-billing transition,” Beck said. “The Bursars office plans to continue their efforts to improve methods of operation and to make the students enrollment at Cal U as stress free as possible,” Becks said. “We are also planning on making additional online services available in the near future”, said Beck. Tina Goodlin, Senior, at Cal U does not pay her tuition

her mother and father do, and because of this has mixed emotions on the E-Billing change. “My mother and father are not very technologically advanced people, they’re lucky if they know how to check their voicemails or caller Id half of the time,” Goodlin said. If students pay their tuition then yes this is a beneficial change at Cal U, however, if their parents or guardians pay the tuition, I believe this may be a problem because of lack in computer knowledge for some of them, such as my parents, Goodlin said. “I have showed my parents how to go on the campus site and log into billing section, but they still do not remember or have problems, therefore, I end up bringing the check to the Bursars office and pay in person, they do not trust online stuff , thinks its unreliable,” Goodlin

said. “I want to see Cal U continue their advances electronically and wish them the best of luck in the future,” Goodlin said. Kerri Owens, 23, a past student at Cal U heard about the change to E-Billing and was excited to hear Cal U has decided to use it. “I wish they had offered EBilling when I attended there, it would have helped me to make sure I didn’t miss due dates or knew my tuition balance,” Owens said. “I still stay current and up to date pretty much on what’s going on at Cal U, they were some of the best years of my life, enough to have influenced me to continue living there for an additional two years after I had finished my schooling, I hope to continue to see them advance as a university,” Owens said.

Cal U goes green with new E-billing By Lauren Burgess For the Cal Times

California University of Pennsylvania has recently made another change that is helping to achieve a go green future, which is e-billing (electronic billing) for tuition. This decision was finalized after; students and parents requested the change, administration discussed the change and for the influences of other universities that have made this change within last few years. With the implementation of new student information it has become a liable option. “This change is absolutely beneficial to the university because: it saves money/time, is more convenient for students, the account is accessible 24/7 and provides email notifications, ” Pamela Beck, Assistant Bursar, at California University said.



NOVEMBER 4, 2011

Vulcans Emphasize “Family” in Coal Bowl Triumph By Will Moore Sports Writer

Entering week nine of the 2011 NCAA Football season, the California Vulcans talked the talk of playing together as a team by breaking huddle on the word “family” in team huddles in weeks previous. Following Saturday’s dominating PSAC-West victory against the Crimson Hawks of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the Vulcans walked the walk. After defeating the Crimson Hawks in the third installment of the annual Coal Bowl in blustery Indiana County, the Vulcan football squad, amid celebrating with the “Coal Pail” trophy, brought the victorious pail to the visitor section of Miller Stadium and presented the trophy to the California Marching Band where the two distinctly different squads celebrated victory as, what the Vulcans called for, one family. The California Vulcans used the cohesive “team” mentality to their advantage in the

whiteout conditions on the campus of IUP, with redshirt junior quarterback Peter Lalich spreading nine passes across six receivers, accumulating 224 yards and three touchdowns while Lamont Smith and Jeff Knox split the workload on the ground, combining for 253 rushing yards and a touchdown. IUP’s Pat Smith and Harvey Tuck had no reply to the Vulcans dominating defense, as the Hawks were held to a seasonlow 218 yards of total offense. As important as coming together to play as a team was for the Vulcans, the notch in the “win” column was equally important, with California claiming sole possession of second place in the PSAC-West and moving into regional rankings for the first time this season. California currently sits at No. 8, two places behind division rival Slippery Rock, who narrowly defeated Mercyhurst College 2821 on Saturday to clinch at least a share of the PSAC-West title. Much remains to be determined, however, as California will return home on tomorrow

Photo by: Joshua Laska The Vulcans hoisted the “Coal Pail” trophy due in large part to three touchdowns and 224 yards through the air from Peter Lalich.

to take on the upstart Fighting Scots of Edinboro who boast the second-ranked defense in the PSAC as well as sophomore quarterback Cody Harris, who

passed for 398 yards and four touchdowns in the Scots victory over Lock Haven last Saturday. The game will be broadcast live on 91.9 WCAL-FM as well

as on CUTV via tape delay. The game will air on CUTV Monday at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

No. 16 Vulcans blank Shippensburg, 1-0 Cal U finishes sixth and 13th By Sports Information For the Cal Times

Freshman Jon Murphy (Pittsburgh, Pa./Central Catholic) scored the game-winning goal in the 72nd minute on Saturday evening, as the No. 16 Vulcans closed out the regular season with a 1-0 victory over Shippensburg in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) action at the new Soccer Facility. With the win, the California University of Pennsylvania men’s soccer team improves to 11-2-4 this year behind a 6-2-1 mark in league play. The Vulcans enter the final day of

the regular season with a onepoint lead over Millersville for second place and hosting rights for the semifinals of the PSAC Tournament. With the loss, Shippensburg was eliminated from tournament contention and finish the year with a 9-5-2 mark. After a scoreless first period, Murphy scored his third goal of the year and first career gamewinning goal off assists from junior Ryan Grindle (Pittsburgh, Pa./North Hills) and freshman Tyler Woolum (Gahanna, Ohio/ Gahanna Lincoln) at the 71:55mark. Redshirt senior goalkeeper Charlie Dagnal (Carnegie, Pa./

Carlynton) posted his ninth shutout of the season and 19th career win after making two saves on Saturday. Shippensburg’s Andrew Foran finished with four saves in the losing effort. The Red Raiders held a 12-11 advantage in shot attempts and a 7-6 edge in corner kicks. The two teams committed a combined 28 fouls and were issued seven yellow cards. The final pairings for the upcoming four-team PSAC Tournament were solidified on Oct. 30.

Golf finishes second and first By Sports Information For the Cal Times

The California University of Pennsylvania men’s golf team closed its fall season on Sunday afternoon by winning the Dr. Diane Nettles and the College of Education and Human Services Invitational by six strokes with a 20-over 592 (293-299) at Cedarbrook Golf Course. The Vulcans won the fiveteam event after it was originally scheduled for Oct. 2-3 before weather conditions forced the invitational to be rescheduled. Clarion finished second with a 26-over 598 (290-308), while Point Park (302-313-615), Carnegie Mellon (297-321-618) and Washington & Jefferson (300319) rounded out the field. Golden Eagles’ junior Bill Stover

captured medalist honors by three strokes with an even-143 (70-73). In his first college action, freshman Jordan Eck (Williamsport, Pa./Williamsport) led the Vulcans and placed fourth overall with a four-over 147 (7275). Senior Paul Babashanian (Chesapeake, Va./Great Bridge) and junior Justin Newbauer (Georgetown, Pa./South Side) both finished one stroke back of Eck and tied for fifth overall at five-over 148. Freshman Charlie Durman rounded out the Cal U scorers and finished seventh with a six-over 149 (72-77). Sophomore Chris Tull (Bluffton, S.C./Heritage Academy) also competed at the event and tied for 12th in a field of 35 golfers with a nine-over 152 (73-79). Junior Chad Pappas-

ergi (Charleroi, Pa./Charleroi) carded an 11-over 154 (75-79) in his first action with the Vulcans and classmate Evan Matoske (Jensen Beach, Fla./Heritage Academy/Jensen Beach) shot a 16-over 159 (78-81) to place 25th overall. Sophomore Campbell Quirk (Queensland, Australia/Sunshine Coast) posted a 20-over 163 (84-79) at the tworound event. Cal U posted its first invitational title since winning the Guy W. Kuhn Invitational (Allegheny) in Sept. 2009.

Live Stats available at:

By Sports Information For the Cal Times

Sophomore Aaron Dinzeo (Sidney, Ohio/Sidney) placed fifth overall on Saturday morning, as the Vulcans finished sixth in the team standings at the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Championships hosted by Lock Haven. The California University of Pennsylvania men’s cross country team totaled 161 points to place sixth at the league championships for the second straight-straight years. Edinboro captured its first PSAC Championship since 2008, and 28th overall, after featuring three top-10 runners. Lock Haven sophomore Alex Monroe earned the individual championship by less than six seconds with a time of 24 minutes, 31.5 seconds. Dinzeo earned All-PSAC honors for the second-straight year by crossing the finish line in 24:57.5. Since joining the program last season, he has been the top runner for the Vulcans in all 11 events in which he has competed. Sophomore Savantuay Boyette (Jamestown, N.Y./Jamestown) finished 30th overall in a field of 133 runners with a time of 25:54.4. Junior Chris Poss (Manchester, N.J./Manchester Township) and senior Chris Wolfe (Pittsburgh, Pa./Baldwin) posted back-to-back finishes for the Vulcans with Poss posting a time of 26:11.2 and Wolfe crossing the finish line in 26:19.6. Freshman Nick Pezza (Woodbine, Md./Century) rounded out the scorers for the Vulcans

by finishing 51st overall with a time of 26:32.0. Senior Tim Lahmers (Delmont, Pa./Franklin Regional), who received the inaugural PSAC Champion Scholar-Award, also competed at the event and crossed the finish line in 26:48.1. The California University of Pennsylvania women’s cross country team posted a 13thplace finish at the Pennsylvania State Athletic Championships (PSAC) Championships hosted by Lock Haven on Saturday morning. The Vulcans totaled 279 points at the league championships. Shippensburg won its fourthconsecutive team title after featuring the top-two finishers, as senior Neely Spence became the first runner in league history to win four individual cross country titles. She won the race over 25 seconds after crossing the finish line in 20 minutes, 16.5 seconds. Freshman Alex Zanella (Everett, Pa./Everett) was the team’s top runner for the secondstraight race, placing 27th overall with a time of 22:22.8. Junior Carly Youngeberg (Manheim, Pa./Manheim Central) finished 58th overall in a field of 152 runners after posting a time of 23:06.0, and redshirt sophomore Erin Kling (Jamestown, N.Y./ Jamestown) crossed the finish line five seconds later in 23:11.1 for 62nd place. The Vulcans are idle next week before returning to action on Nov. 5 at the NCAA Atlantic Regional Championships hosted by Slippery Rock at Cooper’s Lake Campground.


Get to know your Vulcans: Sara Di Benedetto PAGE 12


#10 midfielder for the California Vulcan women’s soccer team Interviewed/Layout by Joshua Laska Sports/Managing Editor

What was it like coming to America to play soccer?

Coming to America to play soccer was a huge step for me. I had never imagined I would end up in the states until my junior year of high school. I never thought I would be a college athlete because Canadian schools do not offer as much funding toward collegiate sports as American schools. I couldn’t have made a better decision!

How much different is it playing at the Cal than in Canada?

Playing at Cal is extremely competitive and the level of skill in our conference is immense. Soccer in Canada is still very competitive depending on the level you play at. I feel that the emphasis on college sports makes being an athlete at Cal very special and I’m glad to be a Vulcan.

How hard was it to adjust to college play?

It was definitely a bit of an adjustment when I first began playing in college. Throughout my soccer career I have always played with women a year younger or a couple years older. As an incoming freshman I was now going to play with women three and four years older who had a lot of experience so it took a while to adjust to the level of play and the fast pace of the game.

What was the hardest thing to learn at the college level?

I think the game changes as you get older. Learning to mature on the field and set a high standard for myself as well as reach the standards that coaches expect was difficult at first. As the years go by I’ve continued to push myself and learned a lot about what I am capable of and how I can contribute to a team’s success.

How do you stay “in the game” during the offseason?

Training. Continuous training is the only way you can stay fit and continue growing. There really is no offseason if you want to achieve greatness.

What originally got you into soccer?

Photo by: Joshua Laska

DI BENEDETTO’S SOCCER STATS FOR THE VULCANS 40 Games, 19 Games Started, 5 Assists, 3 Goals, 1 Game Winning Goal

My parents put me into soccer as a child. My older brother and sister both played so I was next in line. My dad is an avid soccer fan and was my coach for many years.

How many years have you played soccer? I’ve been playing for 17 years.

What is one interesting fact that not everyone would know about you?

I love to cook and originally wanted to go to culinary school after I graduated from high school.

Where are you from and where did you go to High School?

I am from Maple, Ontario, Canada (just outside Toronto). I went to St. Elizabeth Catholic High School.

What do you plan on doing after college?

After college I hope to work with a professional sports team as a community relations coordinator or in a marketing or sales position.

What is your favorite tv show?

I love Grey’s Anatomy or the shows off of the Food Network.

Who are your favorite sports teams?

Toronto Maple Leafs, Manchester United, Inter Milan, Barcelona

What is your favorite food?

I like a lot of Italian and Chinese food and ice cream!

What is your favorite movie?

I have a lot of favourite movies I can’t name just one!

Do you have a favorite quote?

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.” Photo by: Joshua Laska

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