Jesus, the Good Shepherd

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Jesus, The Good Shepherd Sermon Outline

I. Introduction a. In his book, This is Your Brain on Music, neuropsychologist Daniel Levitin tells us: “…people can recognize hundreds, if not thousands, of voices. You can probably recognize the sound of your mother’s voice within one word, even if she doesn’t identify herself. You can tell your spouse’s voice right away, and whether he or she has a cold or is angry with you. Then there are well-known voices – dozens, if not hundreds, that most people can readily identify: Woody Allen, Richard Nixon, Drew Barrymore, W.C. Fields, Groucho Marx, Katherine Hepburn, Clint Eastwood, Steve Martin.” (As quoted in God Told Me, page 97). b. We all have recognizable voices. But so does Jesus. Let’s look together at what Jesus has to say about his recognizable voice. Take your Bibles and turn to John 10.

Idea: You can play audio clips of famous individuals and see if your congregation can identify them.

II. John 10:3-6 a. “The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger, in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice. Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them.” b. Just like your spouse or child, Jesus has a recognizable voice. Jesus says Christians we should be able to recognize his voice.

III. Observations of Jesus’ Recognizable Voice a. First, Jesus is not talking about an audible voice, but speaking to us through other people, circumstance, promptings of the Spirit, prayer, etc. Verse 6 says this is a figure of speech. The word “voice” is used as a figure of speech in Psalm 19. The heavens do not have an audible voice, but they do communicate truth about God. Jesus communicates to us in a way that we can recognize that it is him. 1.

For example, if you prayed this morning and felt a strong sense in your spirit that you need to stick with your job, even though you want to quit, there was no audible voice, but Jesus was speaking to you.

Copyright Jim Samra 2012.

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