Calvary Church Children’s Ministries | Grand Rapids, MI
WHAT WE DO This year, in Kids-N-Action, five-year-olds through fourth graders will: • Choose one of 7 electives to do all year (see inside for details!);
• Memorize James chapter 1, and put its teaching into action through fun activities;
• Be able to identify 24 situations where major Bible characters put their faith into action by obeying God; • Compile a James Journal scrapbook from weekly lessons learned in James chapter 1! Our desire in KIDS-N-ACTION is that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and obey it in their daily lives. KIDS-NACTION is designed to foster social interaction through chosen electives, while facilitating spiritual growth in learning from the book of James how to “put your faith into action.” According to the Bible, it’s not enough to know what God wants – you have to DO it too.
ELEMENTARY REGISTRATION FEE: There is a registration fee of $10/child or a maximum of $25/family (this covers your t-shirt and all materials). Scholarships available!
Lil’ KIDS-N-ACTION: Three and four-yearolds can join us in the preschool wing. Lil’KidsN-Action* will be learning portions of James chapter 1, as they hear stories from the Bible of people who demonstrated faith in action!
SPECIAL NEEDS: We welcome all children to join us! If your child has special needs, please contact Calvary’s Special Needs office (9569377, Ext. 5348) and they will help create an inclusion plan if that is needed.
* Lil’ Kids-N-Action is only available for children of Wednesday night volunteers or those attending other Wednesday night programming at Calvary. Please note that parents of children birth through first grade must remain in the building.
SPECIAL NIGHTS 2013-2014 Special Events Crazy Hat Night (October 22): Do you have a fun or crazy hat you wouldn’t normally wear? This night is for you! (If you don’t have a favorite hat, see how creative you can be and make one!)
Wednesday Nights 6:30 to 7:50pm
Role Model Night (November 12): Guest speakers share their testimonies and a special activity with the children in each elective. Gingerbread Nativity Night (December 17): Making gingerbread nativity scenes has become our traditional family Christmas celebration. We dismiss early, at 7:15pm for this evening. Crazy Hair Night (January 28): This is your night to let your inner hairdresser shine! Make your hair as crazy as possible ... please no open flames. Global Emphasis Night (March 18): Guest missionaries share about and help the children experience the culture in which they have worked to share the Gospel. After-Kids-N-Action Party (May 13): Our end-of-the-year Celebration.
PARENTS: We need your help! This ministry cannot run without dedicated volunteers like you. Please consider helping in our nursery, preschool or leading a small group in our elementary area. Contact Children’s Ministry ( at 956-9377, ext. 5067 if interested.
Calvary Church
707 East Beltline NE , Grand Rapids | (616) 956-9377 |
10 2014-2015 SEPTEMBER