Calvary Missions Conference 2013

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to god’s glory | to the world’s need

Missions Conference: Saturday April 20 - Monday, April 22 Our Missions Conference this year calls us to Awaken to what God is doing in response to widespread social issues and spiritual poverty; to find encouragement in His hand of control; and to be exposed to opportunities of greater vision and direction in our local community and in the world.

On Saturday, we are excited to host a full-day conference not only for our own congregation, but for people from all around West Michigan who desire to see Christ’s name proclaimed around the world. Details about this one-day event are on page 2. On Sunday we will celebrate what God has been doing in and through Calvary Church

along with opportunities to get involved and to see yourself in God’s mission to reach the world. For more details on Sunday activities, see pages 3-4. We will also be happy to greet several of our missionaries who will be in town for this weekend! Look below for your best chances to catch up with them.

Men’s Breakfast

Prayer Luncheon

Saturday, April 20 7:00am | Room 129 | $5

Monday, April 22 Noon | Fellowship Hall | Free!

Calvary missionary Mike Ballast will be our featured speaker. Mike and his wife, Carolyn, have been Calvarysupported missionaries since 1981, serving in the Philippines as church planters. A full, hot breakfast will be served for only $5 (collected at the door). Please register by emailing by noon on Wednesday, April 17.

Join us and our visiting missionaries for a wonderful opportunity to focus on specific requests from Calvary’s own local and global workers. A special time will be set apart to pray for and bless retiring missionaries Mike and Carolyn Ballast. To reserve your lunch, RSVP to Christ DeHaan ( at Ext. 5022.

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