Women's Ministry Fall Catalog

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something for every woman

s ’ n e om

W istry Min

FALL 2012

calvary church


GATHERING PLACE Tuesday morning Women’s

B i b l e ∙ St u d y

This fall, the Gathering Place Study (GPS) will be connecting women to Jesus and each other by creating a warm, loving atmosphere for growth in God’s Word, prayer, worship and community. We invite you to join us. We’ll explore “The Life of Moses: God’s Appointed Leader.” This study of Exodus will focus on God’s deliverance, guidance, provision and protection. Our theme verse is Exodus 33:14, “The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.’” Beginning Tuesday, September 11, women will gather at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall. Within the large group meeting we will have quality time to catch up with friends and make new ones, be inspired by thought provoking speakers, drama, music and testimonies. We’ll then break into small groups where we will actively discuss and study God’s Word until 11:15 am.

While every group will study the same book of the Bible, each woman will be able to choose the type of small group she would like to join. We will offer four different electives for small group study: ŪŪ ŪŪ ŪŪ ŪŪ

Beginner’s Study Mom’s with Preschoolers group Intermediate group Advanced Study

Register for the Gathering Place Study online at MyCalvaryGR.org or pick up a registration form at the reception desk or Women’s Ministry bulletin board on the lower level of the church. Register by September 3 to ensure a spot in the small group of your choice.



Something for the kids too! While mom is in the Gathering Place Study, GPS Kids will be a wonderful place for children birth to 6 years of age to learn God’s truth in a loving atmosphere. While the “big” GPS is studying the life of Moses, our little ones will learn about Moses too! Teachers and helpers will use Bible stories, music and fun activities to reinforce the weekly lesson. For our older children, values, character building and the wordless book will also be part of the morning.

How the Gathering Place Study has impacted one women’s life this past year... The Women’s Bible Study at Calvary has impacted my life on many levels. I came to faith a little over two years ago and although my new spiritual relationship with Jesus was powerful and fulfilling, I was very aware of the need to learn more about Him. I knew I needed to gain biblical wisdom so that I could join the Lord in my eternal walk right here in this life. Through whatever trials and tribulations life brought me, I needed and wanted to have the peace, faith, love and joy that only a relationship with Jesus can provide. I know that as a Christian, God calls us into relationships with other Christians. The women in Calvary’s Bible Study are a loving, prayerful and powerfully wise group! I built instant bonds with other Christian women. The different age groups and diversity of women in the Bible Study is phenomenal. I walked away from the study with a deeper understanding of Jesus and his teachings. I also walked away with a spiritual grandmother, mother and a bunch of sisters in Christ. It’s amazing what the Lord can do if you let Him!

Trish Thompson


Welcome The fact that you are reading this means the activity of fall programming at Calvary Church is beginning to stir. The prayer of the Women’s Ministry staff and the Women’s Advisory Committee is that you find a welcoming place in the pages of this catalog – maybe a Bible study, a group, or activity – where you can join in, be known, and receive nourishment for your soul.

Susan Sorensen Pastoral Staff Representative

Elaine Meredith Facilitator

s ’ n e om

W istry Min

There are many wonderful opportunities to choose from this fall. The Gathering Place, our Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study will explore “The Life of Moses: God’s Appointed Leader.” This study of Exodus focuses on God’s deliverance, guidance, provision and protection. GPS Kids will be learning about the life of Moses right along with their moms. The many women who work and are unavailable for daytime opportunities at Calvary have been on our hearts this year. We hope and pray you will join us for a time to meet and be refreshed on September 25. Please see information on “Fill My Cup,” (page 15) and join us! We also encourage you to mark your calendar with the date of our Spring Women’s Conference, “Imagine Me, Set Free,” March 1 and 2 (back cover). A dedicated team is already planning this event. If you’d like to check it out go to imaginemesetfree.com. Whether you join us for GPS Bible Study, MOPs, Apples of Gold, our Prayer Shawl Ministry, Calvary Home Educators, Surrendering the Secret or Women’s Sports…..we pray you find your place here at Calvary. We look forward to a great year together!

Women’s Ministry Pastoral Staff Representative

Are you a Teen Mom? Is MOPS for you?

Are you a teen mom (ages 13-21) who... - is pregnant or has a child age newborn through kindergarten? - wants to share the challenges and joys of motherhood? - is interested in parenting tips or creative ideas? - likes the opportunity to earn free stuff and shop in our MOPshop?

Then yes! Teen MOPS is for you! Find us on Facebook!

Calvary Church

Teens MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is here to come alongside you during this season of early mothering to give you the support and resources you need to be a great mom. when: first and third wednesday of the month 6:40-7:50pm beginning september 19 where: calvary church room 123 free childcare available, pre-registration required. contact Marcy Sobczak (marcysobczak@hotmail.com).


Surrenduring the Secret

Contact: Karen Marsman (616) 724-0649 proclaimfreedom61@ gmail.com

Did you know that one in four women in the church are affected either directly or indirectly by the decision of abortion? Many women hide the painful secret of abortion deep in their hearts, and carry a great burden of shame and failure. By doing so, they are forced to endure the long-lasting effects in isolation. Surrendering the Secret allows women to release this burden and find freedom through a redemptive community, while experiencing hope and joy as shame and failure are replaced with beauty. If you are struggling in silent pain, God loves you and desires to touch you with forgiveness. Wednesdays (groups start throughout the year) Time: 6:00-8:00pm | Location: Omega House No fee. All communication regarding this study is kept private and confidential. Advance registration required.

Apples of Gold Class

Contact: Pat Cebulski (616) 855-4008 aogatcalvary@gmail.com

The Apples of Gold ministry is now taking registrations for a morning and an evening class this fall. This is an opportunity for young women to connect with mature women from Calvary Church to learn more about God’s plan for our lives as women, wives and mothers. We spend the evening discussing our lesson from God’s Word and learning how to show love from our kitchens. Wednesdays: 9:00am-12:00pm, beginning September 19 or Thursdays: 6:00pm-9:00pm, beginning September 20 Fee: $30 (includes recipe book and study guide) The sessions will last for seven weeks. *Limited space. Register in advance. Scholarships are available.

Calvary Home Educators We are blessed in Western Michigan to have many opportunities for home-schoolers. There are fun plays, classes, outdoor science programs and a myriad of other opportunities. Even with all of these extra helps in our life, sometimes we just need a place to talk, to rejoice, or seek advice. Calvary Home Educators (CHE) exists to support and encourage moms on their home schooling journey. We support one another through prayer, encouragement, and monthly meetings. If you have been called to home schooling or are considering it, we hope that you will join us. For more information call or email Cindy Gronsman.

Contact: Cindy Gronsman (616) 682-4930 gronsman @sbcglobal.net

Interested? Join anytime. September 28 – May 24 (4th Friday) ♥ Childcare available Time: 9:30-11:30am | Location: Room 135

Prayer Shawl Ministry If you know someone who is struggling with chronic illness, medical treatment, suffered a trauma or they are grieving please let us know. The Women’s Ministry Prayer Shawl Team would love to give them one of our handmade prayer shawls, a fleece blanket for children or a Prayer Bear! These items are a wonderful comfort, and a reminder that many voices are lifting that person up in prayer. If you enjoy knitting and crocheting we encourage you to join us. If you prefer to work at home, we will supply you with patterns. We also accept yarn donations.

Contact: Mary Hulst (616) 887-2557 mimi1949@juno.com

September 13 – May 23 (2nd and 4th Thursdays) Time: 10:00-12:00pm | Location: Room 215




50s Y


I would like to be placed with:

Please limit to one participant (leaders not included).

Advanced Small Group - Precept Method ($30)

(Children Birth to Kindergarten)

Beginner Small Group ($10) Intermediate Small Group ($10) Moms of Preschoolers Intermediate Small Group ($10)

Study meets Tuesdays from 9:00-11:15am, beginning September 11. All will study the Life of Moses (Exodus). Please check the appropriate option below.

The Gathering Place Study 2012-2013

Please list if you have a child in GPS Kids

60s 70+

Cell Phone

Zip Code

Have you attended a Calvary Bible Study Before?

Circle your age group: 20s

Church You Attend


Home Phone




Please print. Online registration is available at MyCalvaryGR.org, if you prefer.

Calvary Church Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study

The Gathering Place Study Registration Form



• Child’s Name (First & Last)



Potty Trained?



DOB (mm/dd/yy)

• Child’s Name (First & Last)



Relationship to Child (If not parent or guardian):

**Photos may be taken of your child, please initial here to grant us permission to use your photo for church use:

(Do not remove from this sheet)

GPS Kids Registration

No phone registrations.





Paid By Cash

Paid By Check (Check #

Study fee enclosed $

GPS Kids fee enclosed: $ Can be paid weekly or by the semester. Cost: 1 child $3/wk - $39 for 13 weeks | 2+ children $5/wk - $65 for 13 weeks

Mail your registration form to: Calvary Church - Women’s Ministry PO Box 1600 | Grand Rapids MI 49501-1600 Make checks payable to Calvary Church.

Do you need a scholarship to help with study costs? Full Partial Please include the amount you can afford.

Do you need a scholarship to help with childcare costs? Full Partial Please include the amount you can afford.

Scholarships Contact Elaine Meredith (emeredith@calvarygr.org) at 956-9377, ext. 5186 for additional information regarding scholarships.









Additional information regarding special needs and allergies wil be collected the first week of the study.



Potty Trained?



DOB (mm/dd/yy)

• Child’s Name (First & Last)



Potty Trained?



DOB (mm/dd/yy)

Calvary Church Women’s Ministry 2012-2013

Injury Release Waiver Participant Information


Women’s Exercise

First Place 4 Health

Name of Participant Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) (if under 18) Address Phone Emergency Contact Contact Phone (Day)

Phone (Evening)

Please list any allergies or medical conditions Is sponsor authorized to approve medical treatment

Yes No

Is participant covered by personal/family medical insurance?

Yes No

If yes, name of insurer Policy or Group Number Participation Agreement I acknowledge that participation in the activity described above involves risk to the participant (and to Participant’s parents or guardians, if Participant is a minor), and may result in various types of injury including, but not limited to, the following: sickness, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage and financial damage. In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the activity described above (the “Activity”), the Participant (or parent/guardian if Participant is a minor) acknowledges and accepts the risk of injury associated with participation in and transportation to and from the Activity. The Participant (or parent/guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained during the Activity or during transportation to and from the activity, as well as for any medical treatment rendered to the Participant that is authorized by the Sponsor or its agents, employees, volunteers, or any other representatives (collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Activity Sponsor”). Further, the Participant (or parent/guardian) releases and promises to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Activity Sponsor (including Sponsor and its agents, employees, volunteers or any other representatives) for any injury arising directly or indirectly out of the described Activity or transportation to and from the Activity, whether such injury arises out of the negligence of the Activity Sponsor (including Sponsor and its agents, employees, volunteers or any other representatives), the Participant or otherwise. If a dispute over this agreement or any claim for damages arises, the Participant (or parent/guardian) agrees to resolve the matter through a mutually acceptable alternative dispute resolution process. If the Participant (or parent/guardian) and the Activity Sponsor cannot agree upon such a process, the dispute will be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel for resolution pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Signature Date

Volleyball - for fun and exercise Come and make a new friend! Monday evenings | Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm September 10 – June 3 Location: Calvary Church Gym No fee. No childcare. ► Injury Waiver Needed Contact: Pat Engels (engelspa@aol.com) at 457-3813

Exercise Class Monday mornings | Time: 9:30 – 11:00am September 10 – May 20 Location: Calvary Church Gym No fee. Limited childcare available (preregistration needed). Contact Elaine Meredith at 956-9377, ext. 5186 ► Injury Waiver Needed Enjoy a variety of aerobics including: Tae Bo®, Pilates, stretching, weight lifting and games. Devotional offered fourth Monday from 11:00–11:30am. Contact: Angela Crompton, Certified Fitness Instructor at (616) 682-1524 or Barb Mirandette, P.T. at (616) 365-9967

Women’s Informal Golf League Tuesday mornings | May - September Tee off: 9:00am Location: Gracewil Country Club Fees: Contact the country club for greens fee. Plan to arrive 15 minutes ahead and join the group for lunch afterwards if you can. No substitutes or registration required. Great exercise and you decide when you can play. Contact: Marilyn Vredeveld (amvred@comcast.net) at 365-2419 Karen Weber (klw1453@comcast.net) at 364-4478


TLC for Women

The Pastoral Care Ministry at Calvary Church provides many TLC (Tender Loving Care) programs and services for Women. At the Yellow House (north of the church on Bradford Street), staff and volunteers nurture, care and express Christ’s love.

Winter Thaw




Lynnell Bok (lbok@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3510.

Description If you are struggling to meet an urgent, financial need, benevolent resources are available for members or regular attendees to Calvary Church. Designed to be shortterm, this assistance provides help through a difficult situation.

Caring Hearts

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

Caring Hearts is a shepherding ministry of Kingdom Kids that encourages and walks with your family. If you or your child requires a hospital stay, faces an upcoming surgery, has a long term illness or disability or needs long-term care, you will find compassion and strength here.


Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

Chera (pronounced Ke’ra) reaches out with the comfort found in Jesus to those who have lost spouses. Chera offers perspective from speakers along with support from others walking this same complex path.


Lou DeGraaf (ldegraaf@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3618.

Find practical insights and learn how to recover from the pain of divorce and move forward to rebuild your life. People who have been there lead this impacting, 13-week support group and seminar.

Lou DeGraaf

DivorceCare (ldegraaf@calvarygr.org) for Kids (DC4K) at ext. 3618.

DC4K provides a safe, neutral place for kids impacted by the separation or divorce of their parents. Correlating topics with the 13week DivorceCare group, the children learn to understand and express their emotions and feelings, develop coping skills and learn comfort through biblical teachings.

TLC for Women Continued

The Pastoral Care Ministry at Calvary Church provides many TLC (Tender Loving Care) programs and services for Women. At the Yellow House (north of the church on Bradford Street), staff and volunteers nurture, care and express Christ’s love.



Financial Ministries

Lou DeGraaf (ldegraaf@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3618.

Food Pantry / Clothes Closet

Lynnell Bok (lbok@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3510.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, be sure to access the services of the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet.

H.I.S (Healing Injured Sisters)

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

Join us for a 12-week study learning what it means to move past your hurt by seeking to understand God’s mercy and grace. Please call Regina set up an interview with Jan Dykstra to see if this confidential group is right for you.

Lies Women Believe

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

A Nancy Leigh DeMoss study that sheds light on how we can be set free to work in God’s grace, forgiveness and abundant life.

Marriage Counseling

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

Could your relationship use a tune up? Strengthen your marriage through targeted, biblical counseling.

Mental Illness Support Group

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

If you or family members are struggling with a mental illness, please join us for a support group meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Regina Scovill (rscovill@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3672.

Stephen’s Ministers assist you in navigating personal or relationship challenges. Specially trained, mature and gifted Christian men and women will stand alongside with support through your struggle.

Stephen’s Ministry

Description These proven programs assist individuals and families with the basics of personal money management through budget counseling and financial workshops.


MOPS is a place that gets moms! MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and is an international organization that exists to encourage, equip, and help women become the best moms that they can be! Women who are pregnant or have young children (birth through kindergarten) are all invited to join MOPS. Do you need... • A place to come, just as you are, and unwind while your children are cared for in the MOPPETS program? • Someone to talk to and confide in, who understands your daily struggles? • Encouragement, inspiration and guidance during this crazy, yet critical time of motherhood? • Information that is practical and relevant to the life of a mother? Thursday mornings (1st, 3rd and 5th of the month) Begins September 20 | Time: 9:00-11:15am MOPS Registration & Semester Fee: $60 Registration forms are available at calvarygr.org/mops, at the Sanctuary Information Center or at the Women’s Ministry bulletin board in the lower level office area.

Women of Calvary, We Need Your Help! MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) has a need for child care providers. By providing free childcare, MOPS is a wonderful outreach to mothers and children from our community who may not normally attend a church. Loving childcare is an essential part to the ongoing success of MOPS. Would you consider volunteering occasionally or on a regular basis so moms and kids can hear about Jesus? Contact Elaine Meredith (emeredith@calvarygr.org) at 956-9377, ext. 5186 for more details. 14

FILL MY Tuesday, September 25 7:00-8:30pm Fellowship Hall If you are a working woman and …would like to connect with other working women at Calvary, …give input regarding opportunities for spiritual growth, …or simply desire an evening of refreshment for your soul,

RSVP with Elaine Meredith

emeredith@calvarygr.org | 956-9377, ext. 5186


Save the Date Imagine Me, Set Free is coming to Calvary Church on March 1 and 2. Details on how you can register and take part in the Spring 2013 Women’s Conference will be available in December.

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