CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 INTERCESSORY PRAYER .................................................................................................................... 3 TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO PRAY & BLESS .............................................................................................. 4 BREATH PRAYER ............................................................................................................................ 4 WRITE YOUR BREATH PRAYER: ....................................................................................................... 5 5-FINGER PRAYER FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH ............................................................................................. 7 UNANSWERED PRAYER..................................................................................................................... 8 PRAYER PARTNERS.......................................................................................................................... 9 WEEK 1 - PERSONAL HOLINESS ..................................................................................................... 10 DAY 1: PRAY FOR GUIDANCE ........................................................................................................ 11 DAY 2: FOCUSED STRATEGIC PRAYER ....................................................................................... 12 DAY 3: STOP BEING A “CLOSET CHRISTIAN!” ...................................................................................... 13 DAY 4: CONFESS YOUR SINS .......................................................................................................... 14 DAY 5: CONQUER YOUR TEMPTATIONS ............................................................................................ 15 DAY 6: FORGIVE OTHERS ............................................................................................................. 16 DAY 7: REND YOUR HEART FOR GOD .............................................................................................. 17 WEEK 2 – THE KINGDOM OF GOD ................................................................................................. 18 DAY 8: PRAY FOR JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!................................................................................. 19 DAY 9: BECOME AN INTERCESSOR AGAINST SIN ................................................................................... 20 DAY 10: JESUS SURVIVED BETRAYAL; SO CAN WE! ................................................................................ 21 DAY 11: PERSEVERE THROUGH DIFFICULTIES ...................................................................................... 22 DAY 12: PRAY FOR FAMILIES ......................................................................................................... 23 DAY 13: PRAY FOR THE ECONOMY! ................................................................................................ 24 DAY 14: BE THANKFUL TO THE LORD! ............................................................................................. 24 WEEK 3 – KINGDOM ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................................................... 26 DAY 15: PRAY FOR OUR HEALTH ................................................................................................... 26 DAY 16: LIVE “IN CHRIST” ............................................................................................................ 28 DAY 17: BLESS YOUR HOME! ........................................................................................................ 29 DAY 18: SAY “YES” WHEN GOD CALLS! ............................................................................................. 30 DAY 19: SEE GOD AS YOUR PROTECTOR........................................................................................... 31 DAY 20: PRAY FOR OUR CHURCHES! ............................................................................................... 32 DAY 21: SING TO THE LORD ......................................................................................................... 33 WEEK 4 ADVANCING THE KINGDOM! ................................................................................................... 34 DAY 22:
INTIMACY (IN-TO-ME) ...................................................................................................... 34
DAY 23: LET CHRIST SHINE THROUGH YOU ....................................................................................... 36 DAY 24: ACCEPT THAT GOD WILL TEST YOU! ..................................................................................... 37 DAY 25: CONFRONT PERSONAL LEGALISM!! ...................................................................................... 38 DAY 26: BECOME AN “AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST”................................................................................ 39
DAY 27: TALK TO THE LORD! ....................................................................................................... 40 DAY 28: CELEBRATE YOUR “PERSONAL RESURRECTIONS”! ...................................................................... 41 DAY 29: PRAY FOR PEACE ............................................................................................................ 42 DAY 30: SEEK THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST ............................................................................................... 42 DAY 31: PRAISE THE LORD! .......................................................................................................... 44 REFERENCES: ............................................................................................................................... 45 THE AUTHOR............................................................................................................................... 45 NOTES ....................................................................................................................................... 46
INTRODUCTION In our current world of post-modernity, we quickly exchange the “old” for the “new”. Sometimes we must rediscover the “spiritual richness” of church traditions such as the Power of a Praying Church. When people prayed in the bible miraculous things happened. Churches today have lost their power because they have become TOO BUSY to pray. I believe it grieves the Holy Spirit and delights the enemy because even satan knows that fervent prayer is the real source of power for church Therefore, as we begin our “New Beginning” at Calvary; Prayer will be the most important thing we can do as we seek God’s face for Calvary’s future. This inspirational Prayer guide will help those who desire to develop a new level of intimacy with God and become effective in intercessory prayer. I encourage Calvary to pray on ONE ACCORD to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to become operative, dynamic and transforming for all our members. We believe that the effective fervent prayers of the righteous avails much. If we all pray these prayers together for 31-days Calvary will be positioned to do great things in the Kingdom! We encourage EVERYONE to follow this Church Prayer plan EVERY DAY in August. However, if the Holy Spirit leads you to begin praying now; please do! This Prayer Booklet will be your guide for the next 31 days. Use it as a daily devotional to begin your day. This should take about 10 minutes each day. The prayers are as a launching pad into your own personal prayers. The instructions are quite simple: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you - The Spirit of truth is always ready to guide you and transform you into the image of Christ! Read the scripture – Please allow the Holy Spirit to highlight portions of the scripture that pertain to your personal spiritual formation. Meditate on God’s Words - The Holy Spirit may lead you to journal his revelations to hold you accountable as you continue to grow in the Lord! FAST! Obedience is better than Sacrifice -You may be led by the Holy Spirit to choose at least one item to fast (food, coffee, sugar, soft drinks, any food you “must have” daily, media, video games, favorite TV show, over indulgence, couch potato, stinking thinking, procrastination, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). This means that the Lord is drawing you closer to HIM and does not want you to be distracted.
Brother Lawrence in his classic work “The Practice of the Presence of God” sought to always “adhere to God” every minute, both in prayer and regular times. During the month of August, we are reminded to strive to be attentive to God’s presence; as we seek HIM with our whole heart for Calvary’s future.
Pray for others!
• "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1Timothy 2: 1-2
Intercessory prayer is not just praying for someone else's needs. Intercession is praying with the real hope and real intent that God would step in and act for the positive advancement of others. It is trusting God to act, even if it's not in the manner or timing we seek. God wants us to pray for others urgently. When we intercede we are casting our weakness before God's strength and having God's passion burn in us for the well-being of others. As intercessors, we pray listening for the Spirit that God's will be done. True Intercessors have a Kingdom of God mindset and pray both locally and globally for the Body of Christ. Intercessors pray for churches, Christian leaders, world, national, and local political leaders., communities, family, friends and co-workers, lost, least, lonely, etc. Intercessory prayer does not work by our own power, but by the Power of the Holy Spirit! We pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. When prayer is answered, it is answered in God's way, and it may not be what you are expecting. Intercessory prayer is one of the most powerful weapons that the church has. It benefits both the intercessor and the recipient. Intercessors are rewarded because spending time in prayer brings us closer to Christ and develops our compassion as we focus on others. The recipient is rewarded because an answered prayer increases their faith; changing them and their circumstances.
TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO PRAY & BLESS It’s important that children/youth learn to recite scripture, to pray and speak blessings over people at an early age. Asking them to participate in our ALL CHURCH prayer journey makes them feel included and affirmed as part of our family. Therefore, we can include them by teaching them to pray Breath Prayers or the Five-Finger Prayer depending on their age. Teaching children/youth to pray scriptures and recite scripture is a discipline that helps them to appreciate the Power of the spoken Living Word. “Shalom” in Hebrew is not just saying “Peace”, “Hello” or “Goodbye”. Shalom is A ONEWORD BLESSING that also means to be safe, sound, healthy, perfect, and complete. It signifies a sense of well-being and harmony both within and without. To bless someone by saying Shalom is all encompassing for their completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony. Shalom is the absence of agitation or discord, a state of calm without anxiety or stress. Teach children to bless others by just saying: “Shalom”. Now you have 3 prayer tools for children/youth.
The Apostle Paul exhorts us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Breath prayers allow us the opportunity to pray unceasingly throughout the day. In Hebrew the word “ruach” has three meanings: "Wind," "Breath," and "Spirit." These prayers are natural as your breath itself. Developing a breath prayer is very easy and takes only 5-10 minutes to compose. Here how:
Select Scripture
• One of your favorite biblical passages
Relax and Listen
• Spend a few moments in silence.
Imagine Jesus Answer Compose
• standing before you, asking: "What do you want? What do you seek from me?" • Write your response; your first thought! • Write your Breath Prayer combining your favorite name and answer to Jesus.
WRITE YOUR BREATH PRAYER: Ideally, your breath prayer should be 6-12 syllables. After you have created a breath prayer, make a goal to remain in God's abiding presence as you begin saying your prayer over and over for a couple of minutes. Let the words soak in your spirit; resonate in your mind, sink into your heart and become one with you!
1. Inhale: Slowly say the first part of the prayer as you inhale.
2. Exhale: Slowly say the last part of the prayer as you exhale. 3. Meditate: Ponder or meditate on the meaning and beauty of the words you are saying. There is no hurry or rush.
Say your breath prayer throughout the day. Breath prayers replace negative "thoughts" or "commentaries" that often swirl around in our minds. Whenever you observe that you are negatively reacting to a person, event, or thing, say your breath prayer. God does not want us to embody negative thoughts and feelings.
Pray as you: travel to and from work, while shopping, exercising, doing the dishes, going to bed, waiting in line, whenever you find yourself impatient or about to use hurtful language. The Breath Prayer is usually said silently within. Some people whisper it; sing it; chant it; you decide what is comfortable. Here are some examples:
Abba let, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. Abba thank You for keeping me in perfect peace! Abba, let me feel your presence. Bless the Lord, oh my soul with all that is within me. Father, I submit my Will to your Perfect Will for my life Father, thank you for restoring my soul Father, you are my sun and shield Holy One, create in me a clean heart Holy Spirit comfort me in my soul and spirit Holy Spirit draw me closer Holy Spirit, help me to meditate on God’s Word Holy Spirit, transform my mind to the mind of Christ! Holy Wisdom, Guide me in Your Truth. Jesus my help comes from you Jesus, abide in my love. Jesus, you are my light and my love. Lord, I love you with all my heart, mind and soul Lord, order my steps and guide my path Lord, you are my light and my salvation Speak Lord, your servant is listening. Thank you Lord for blessing me in the city and field. Thank you Lord for generational blessings in my family The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not Want! The Lord will supply all my needs according to HIS riches
5-FINGER PRAYER FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH This is beautiful way to learn how to teach our children/youth to pray unselfish, intercessory, Kingdom Minded Prayers that pleases God! I encourage you to work with your children/youth to Create a “Family Legacy� of Effective Powerful Prayers! 1. Your THUMB is nearest you. So we begin our prayers by praying for those closest to us. Pray for your parents and your brothers or sisters. 2. The next finger is the POINTING FINGER. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. So we pray for them daily. 3. The next finger is the INDEX OR TALLEST FINGER. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance. 4. The fourth finger is our RING FINGER. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger; as any piano teacher will testify. It reminds us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need our prayers both day and night. We cannot pray too much for them. 5. And lastly comes our LITTLE FINGER; the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinkie reminds you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will become good at praying for others!
UNANSWERED PRAYER The Scriptures tells us that unanswered prayer is not God’s desire. God wants to answer our prayers and there are countless scriptures in the Bible that supports this: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt. 7:7,8
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13,14
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. James 5:14
9 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matt. 18:19
Therefore, as Christians we pray with every expectation of getting our prayers answered! However, sometimes answers to prayer are delayed or go unanswered for a variety of reasons. The Bible gives conditions for answered prayer which we should not ignore. Here are some of the factors that help or hinder prayers being answered. Prayerfully consider your prayers in the light of these factors. 1. Do I have the “Right Relationship or Heart” and “Firm Faith”? a. We haven't asked in faith. (Mark 11:24) b. We limit God by our half-hearted prayers. (Dan. 9:3; Matt. 17:21) c. We are not asking in Jesus' name. (John 14:13,14; 16:23,24) d. Your “Prayer Warriors or Partners” are not in close relationship with God (Mark 9:18) e. Seeking a supernatural remedy when a natural remedy is required. Example the remedy requires dying to self because the prayer is selfish. (2 Kings 20:7) f. To say yes would bring us harm we don't foresee. 2. Lack of Submission to God’s Will a. Haven’t fully surrendered our lives to God. (Mal. 1:14; Rev. 3:20)
b. c.
Asking for things outside of His will. (1 John 5:14,15) His answer is being delivered in a “rough packing case.” Means not what we expected. (Gen. 45:3-8; Daniel 3:13-15) d. Not looking for God’s answer or don’t really expect an answer (Acts 12:13-15) e. Not committed to God’s directing of our lives. (Luke 9:23; Ps. 119:105) f. Idolatry- cherishing something that is outside of God’s will. (Isa. 59:1,2) 3. Disobedience a. Rebellious and Disobedient Spirit. (1 John 3:22; Ex. 20:8-11; Mal. 3:7-10; Mal. 2:14,15) b. Must FULLY obey before the answer comes. (1 Kings 18:44; 2 Kings 5:14) c. Limit God by our half-hearted obedience. (2 Kings 13:18,19) 4. Un-forgiveness a. We are harboring un-forgiveness - forgetting to first “go, then come” so far as forgiveness goes. (Matt. 5:23,24) b. Denial of Sin c. Unclean hearts 5. Praying at cross purposes with other believers. a. Two Christians on opposing teams, praying for their team to win. b. Two Christians applying for the same job or to get their child in the same preschool spot. c. God has to say "no" to one to say "yes" to the other. 6. Timing a. Answer is being delayed because of unforeseen circumstances (Daniel 10:12-14) b. It is better that things stay the same (2 Cor. 12:7) c. God is waiting for us to accept a greater answer. (1 Sam. 1:
PRAYER PARTNERS Remember that there is strength in numbers! A three-fold cord is not easily broken. Therefore, get yourself a partner or ask a small group of friends to take this journey with you. You may decide to have a daily telephone conference call for prayer, scripture; and reflection. If you have not mastered the spiritual discipline of “self-control”; this group will also hold you accountable and encourage you to stay focused and complete your journey. If you and your family or friends, follow this guide; I can assure you that at the end of the 31 days; you will have been tested; tempted and tried by the enemy; just as Jesus was. But remember that God is faithful and will turn your “tragic ashes into triumph as you develop a deeper, richer, more intimate relationship with our risen savior!’
WEEK 1 - PERSONAL HOLINESS "There is no power like that of prevailing prayer, of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of the night, Moses standing in the breach, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweat of blood. Add to this list from the records of the church; your personal observation and experience, and always there is the cost of passion unto blood. Such prayer prevails. It turns ordinary mortals into men (or women) of power. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings God." Samuel Chadwick It is time for us to begin our spiritual journey to draw closer to God as we pray for our own spiritual formation and the wellbeing of others. Never under estimate the power of prayer to change your life. Be willing and open to allow the Holy Spirit to do a great work in you during this journey. Be diligent, relentless and steadfast in seeking God! Notice that the first week of prayers focuses on our walk with God and encourages us to do some internal housecleaning. This is necessary so that our prayers will be effective. For the next 31 days say the Breath Prayer below as much as possible throughout the day. This Breath Prayer invites the Holy Spirit to communicate with you regularly. If you turn off the TV and music; then the Holy Spirit will begin to whisper words of wisdom and instructions to you!
Breath Prayer
• “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
1. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you - The Spirit of truth is always ready to guide you and transform you into the image of Christ! Father, I can't understand Your Word without Your grace. I acknowledge my personal weakness and limited understanding. I’m open to Your Guidance so that I can become a “Prayer Warrior” for Calvary. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to Your Divine Truth. Amen. 2. Read the Scripture, Prayer Focus and Pray the Prayer – When reading the scripture allow the Holy Spirit to highlight portions that pertain to your spiritual formation. Underline of highlight these verses because they are important for you. These are call your “Inheritance Scriptures”. When praying; please pray with authority, power and conviction. Remember half-hearted prayers go unanswered! The Holy Spirit may lead you to pray the same prayer; several times. Be obedient; because you can never pray too much! 3. Action/Reflection/Meditation - Meditate on the questions - The Holy Spirit may lead you to write down answers to hold you accountable as you continue to grow in the Lord! Remember: Faith without works is dead!
DAY 1: PRAY FOR GUIDANCE “A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet; until in "the end he realized that prayer is listening.” (Soren Kierkegaard)
Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5–15 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through this journey. If you have a prayer partner(s); ask them to pray for your spiritual development. This first prayer is personal as you confess and repent to the Lord. You want to have a clean and pure heart as you prayer for others. Spirit of Wisdom; Spirit of Truth; I can't fully understand “Your Word” without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As the deer pants for the water; my soul thirst for you. I confess my weakness; sins of omission and commission; acts of disobedience and ask your forgiveness. I ask You Lord, to release the power of the Holy Spirit to develop me into your image. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to Jesus Christ; who proclaimed He is the Way, the Truth and the Light! Transform me in “Your Image Lord” as You empower me to share your love, grace and mercy with others. Amen.
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: Pray for everyone who is participating in this Prayer Journey both members and non-members. Pray that we all be on ONE ACCORD as we seek God’s face for Calvary. Action/Reflection/Meditation: When was the last time the Holy Spirit spoke to you or directed you? Do you spend quiet time alone “Seeking God’s Face”? Are you quick to confess and acknowledge your sins to God? Personal Notes:
DAY 2: FOCUSED STRATEGIC PRAYER "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer." John Wesley
Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:16–18 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to focus on Christ, Calvary, our community and America. Ask the Holy Spirit for clarity, discernment and wisdom while you are on this prayer journey. Almighty God; help me to master the Fruit of the Spirit of “self-control” while praying daily for Calvary. Holy Spirit, empower me to abstain from distractions and “Time Killers” that keep me from praying. I shall seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness to become strong, fit and disciplined as I grow closer to You! Use me as a vessel today to share your love, peace and joy. Give me clarity of thought, wisdom and speech to sow seeds that will bear fruit in Your kingdom. Let me have eyes to see and ears to hear you as you speak to me during this prayer journey. Please give me clarity, wisdom and patience to hear only from You. I ask You Lord to silence the voices of deception and anything that is not of You. Grant me the patience and attentive ears to hear Your Voice and only Your Voice. I thank You for the Words of Wisdom that I shall receive from the Holy Spirit. Let all my prayers be words that are pleasing and acceptable to you. In Jesus’ name I Pray, Amen.
Pray for all the church members who have committed to be disciplined enough to pray daily. Action/Reflection/Meditation Think about Calvary, it’s vision, mission, members, etc. What can you do personally to make Calvary better? How important is Calvary to you and your family? How does Calvary impact your walk with Christ? Personal Notes:
DAY 3: STOP BEING A “CLOSET CHRISTIAN!” "...True prayer is measured by weight, not by length. A single groan before God may have more fullness of prayer in it than a fine oration of great length." C. H. Spurgeon
Scripture Reading: John 3:1–21 Prayer Focus: It’s not popular to be a Christian today! We are seen as intolerant, unloving, judgmental and self-righteous. Yet, Christ was none of those; nor should we be. Pray for a personal “Spirit of Revival” to arise within you. God of Power and Might; please forgive my laziness and lack of diligence in seeking and spending good quality time with you on a regular, consistent, daily basis Forgive me for allowing excuses, rationalization and the busyness of this life to consume me. I am called and equipped to be a witness for the Lord. I have a destiny to fulfill, given to me before the world was created. I am placed on this earth for such a time as this. I am a dedicated, Holy Spirit Filled Ambassador of God. I have been sent to represent Christ and called to fulfill the Great Commission. I have been given the very righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. The power of the same Holy Spirit given to Jesus has been given to me! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because God has anointed me to share His “Good News” to those in need and share His Love, Joy and Peace with others. Amen
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: Pray for the “Spirit of Revival” to flow like a Tsunami throughout the world as Love, Joy and Peace flows from continent to continent. Action/Reflection/Meditation Your faith story is to be shared with others; not just to sustain you in difficult times Have you shared your faith with anyone? List the things in your life that show how you reflect the “Light of Christ.” List the things that show you “live in darkness”. Ask God to remove things on your “darkness” list so you can walk in HIS LIGHT! Personal Notes:
DAY 4: CONFESS YOUR SINS "Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man cease from prayer." John Bunyon
Scripture Reading: Psalm 51 Prayer Focus: Openly confess all your sins before the Lord. Don’t hold back…confess and repent and God is just and faithful to forgive us. Blessed Redeemer; There are times in my life when I have struggled with (name habitual sins) such as: maliciousness, envy, jealousy, deceit, hatred, gossip, despitefulness, pride, arrogance, selfishness, greed, gluttony, argumentative and causing strife, un-forgiveness, lying, deceit, unmerciful, injustices, or disobedience. I confess that these are my habitual sins that I have not fully surrendered to You, my Lord. Lord, I offer you a repentant heart for ALL the things I’ve done to grieve You, all my sins, my iniquities, my impatience, my coldness of heart, my doubt, my limited faith, and my lack of trust. I ask You to empower me to turn around, to go the other way, so that I may pleases You. Lord, forgive me for making excuses for my habitual sins. Give me the courage to repent and turn away from these sins today and forever. I will no longer be ruled by the willful deception in my heart. By the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus, I will be free today from these sins. By the mighty weapons of the Spirit of God and the Power of His spoken Word, I proclaim victory. I am a more than a conqueror over of ALL my habitual sins! I purpose by the grace of God, to have nothing within me that repels the presence of Jesus Christ! I thank You Lord, for forgiving me and cleansing me from all my sins! By the Grace of God; I commit myself to acknowledge my sins, confess and repent until ALL these sins are removed from my life! Who the Son set’s free is “Free Indeed!” Thank you LORD! I am FREE in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts us for our sins and that the Spirit of Confession and Repentance prevails in the church.
Action/Reflection/Meditation Write your habitual sins that The Holy Spirit brings to your mind on a sheet of paper. Vocally confess them before the Lord as you repent and the Lord forgives you. Receive his forgiveness. When the Spirit tells you to do so; shred the paper to symbolize that they are in the past.
DAY 5: CONQUER YOUR TEMPTATIONS "Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers." Sidlow Baxter
Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:1–10 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you are tempted? Pray for guidance to conquer your temptations, fears, and past failures. It is time to leave the past behind! Use these Scripture passages to resist the temptations of the evil one. (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10). Amen Emmanuel; I am strong in You Lord, empowered through my union with You. I draw strength from You because I know that you are the source of everything that is good in my life. Today I put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able successfully to stand up against all the strategies of various temptations that prevents me from completing this prayer journey. I will be able to resist and stand my ground. I stand boldly today on Holy ground, having tightened the girdle of truth around my loins, having put on the breastplate of righteousness (integrity, moral decency, right-standing with God); and having shod my feet in preparation, promptness, and readiness with the Gospel of Peace. I lift up the shield of faith, upon which I can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked one. Finally, I take the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I will keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance. I will intercede for all the church saints as we pray for our families; church, community, nation and world Peace. In Jesus Name Amen!
Pray for all the church members who are struggling with sin and temptation. Pray for the “SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS” and reconciliation in homes and church families across America! Action/Reflection/Meditation Why do you think God allows us to be tempted by the enemy? When have you been tempted in the past? What was the result(s)? Are you still yielding to the same temptations? If so; Why? Personal Notes:
DAY 6: FORGIVE OTHERS "The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:12–17 Prayer Focus: Pray and ask the Holy Spirit if there is someone you need to reconcile with as you focus on Christ? Remember: “Harboring un-forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!” Pray for the ability to forgive others as Jesus did! Merciful Jesus; "To err is human; to forgive is divine." Since forgiveness is divine, I can truly forgive only by God's grace. Lord, give me the miracle of forgiveness instantaneously because I want to forgive. I know that I must choose to forgive. I release the past now! I place my pain into your hands Lord, in return to receive forgiveness! Father I surrender my will to you; so you have my permission to change my heart so that I may forgive. Thank You for helping me and giving me the power to forgive! Thank you for setting me free from the sin of Un-forgiveness. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pray for the SPIRIT OF PEACE TO SHOWER AMERICA! Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation among your family, friends, in the churches, in the schools and everywhere in the world. Action/Reflection/Meditation Forgiven Tests 1) Have you truly forgiven? a) Have I released all malice, bitterness, and pain now that I have forgiven? b) Can I pray for the person and God to bless them? c) If the Lord asks me to help the person that I have forgiven, would I obey? 2) Have you asked for Forgiveness? a) Ask God to show you if there is someone you have wronged. If so, seek forgiveness. b) When was the last time you asked someone to forgive you? c) When was the last time someone asked you to forgive them? Did you accept their apology and forgive them?
Personal Notes:
DAY 7: REND YOUR HEART FOR GOD "Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees." Corrie ten Boom
Scripture Reading: Joel 2:12–17 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is something you need to repent. Ask the Holy Spirit to mend all the broken places in your heart and to shine a spotlight into your heart; so that you may see what needs to be made whole. Holy God; I commit my life, spirit, soul, and body to You. I ask that You bend, break, and mold me into the person that You want me to be. Lord, teach me to trust in You and to live and walk by faith in You. I take accountability and responsibility in my walk with You during this spiritual pilgrimage. I purpose to firmly fix my eyes and heart on You, Lord. I press, push and apprehend all that you have for me. I have a heart for you Lord and my love for you grows deeper day by day! Jesus, I long to be absorbed in you, caught up and held in a plan that's bigger than my own. If I am absorbed in you, no longer will you be a hidden God, for I will be hidden in you. Then when everyone is looking for us, they will find you in me and me in you. Let me be a blessing to one person today; and if I can receive a blessing from someone; I will know that I have lived this day with a listening heart. SOWER of the seed, plant me in YOUR heart, so that I am absorbed in you. Amen.
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: Pray for an end to rage, anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred in our churches, communities and our country. Pray for a SPIRIT OF UNITY rather than division everywhere in the world. Action/Reflection/Meditation What are the factors that lead you to sin repeatedly? How can they be eliminated? Is your heart right with God? What does it mean to: “Rend your heart”? Personal Notes:
WEEK 2 – THE KINGDOM OF GOD “…whether the desire for prayer is on you or not, get to your closet at the set time; shut yourself in with God; wait upon Him; seek His face; realize Him; and pray.” R. F. Horton
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 This is the 2nd week of Calvary’s 31-day Strategic Prayer journey. The focus of this week is your continued spiritual formation. However, as the Holy Spirit develops you into an effective intercessor; our prayers will be both internal (personal holiness) and external (social justice and the Kingdom of God). Getting through the first week was difficult. However, by now you have developed a schedule and routine that allows time alone with God in prayer 3 times a day. Hopefully, you are spending more time in prayer and less time on distractions. If not, then refocus yourself and press in to spend more time in prayer. Seek the support, comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit daily. You need the power of the Holy Spirit to sustain you during this journey. Say this breath prayer as much as possible throughout the day:
Breath Prayer
• “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
Lord of Glory; you have called me and set me apart by faith to serve others and pray daily for the full Body of Christ. Holy Spirit, I wrestle as I try to comprehend the greatness of Your power that is at work within me. Lord, I want to know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited joy of the fullness of Christ. I stand in awe of your presence, greatness and power in me and that is working through me to help others. I have asked you each day to “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening”. Grant me the patience and attentive ears to hear Your Voice and only Your Voice, Lord Jesus. You promised me a new heart and a new spirit. May I not be conformed to the world! Give me a clean heart and renew a right and holy spirit within me to complete my heavenly assignment. Father, I know that where my treasure is, there will my heart be also. I pledge my heart to you and YOU are my treasure. Amen.
DAY 8: PRAY FOR JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS! “God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil …” E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 58:1–12 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you are going through the outward motions of prayer yet are not being transformed inwardly. Do you continue to act unjustly before Him in everyday life? Submit your heart, mind and will to being transformed by the Holy Spirit. God of Righteousness, God of Power; God of Justice; thank you for my country, the United States of America. This country was founded upon religious freedom and Your Word. Thank you for our founding fathers, who looked to you for guidance to develop the kind of government that would be pleasing to you. We need your wisdom to safeguard our freedom.
May Your Light of Love shine on America. May Your Grace and Goodness cover America. May Your Peace roll down like a mighty river May the Joy of the Lord be our Strength! May Unity and Harmony break out like a sweet song to our ears! May truth and justice flood our land!
Lord; give us a Supernatural rebirth of freedom, liberty and justice for all! In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Pray for justice and righteousness to reign throughout the world! Pray for people who suffer from political oppression, ethnic hostility, religious persecution, and any other Human Rights concerns you may have. Action/Reflection/Meditation Is there someone you need to be helping right now? When was the last time that you did a “Random Act of Kindness”? Is there a social justice issue or concern that has been tugging at your heart; yet you have failed to act? If so, what is the first step you can take; it could be as simple as writing a blog… Personal Notes:
DAY 9: BECOME AN INTERCESSOR AGAINST SIN “Prayer is where the action is." John Wesley
Scripture Reading: Psalm 32 Prayer Focus: Hopefully, everyone in your family are praying together at least once daily. You have helped the children to learn their “Breath Prayers” or “Five Finger Prayer”. You are reading these prayers as the family pray together on ONE ACCORD. Ask each family member to think of someone who may be struggling with something they need to pray for… If the Holy Spirit does not bring anyone to mind… Wait for it…because their name will come! Blessed Redeemer; I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. I pray for not only myself but everyone on this earth! I ask that You, the God of peace Himself to sanctify us completely and free us from sin. Purify us so that our whole spirit, soul, and body will be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord, I lift up (name of person) to your divine care. You know their struggles, challenges and concerns. Lord, I pray for their complete deliverance and victory in every area of their life! Thank you, Father, that Jesus has already paid the price for ALL our sins! Today I ask your set (Name) free from sin! I pray that they repent and receive purification from you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Pray for the Kingdom of Light to conquer darkness in
all our lives! Action/Reflection/Meditation List the names of family or friends who are not saved! Find a scripture for them and declare it over them until they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior! What else of who else is God burdening your heart to pray for? Personal Notes:
DAY 10: JESUS SURVIVED BETRAYAL; SO CAN WE! "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties." Oswald Chambers
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:14–27:66 Prayer Focus: Thank God for healing, recovery and reconciliation. Ask God to bless Calvary, our family, country and communities. Praise God for what he has done at Calvary and what He shall continue to do in our lives and the lives of others. Faithful Father; Holy God; Blessed Redeemer; I come to you with a repentant heart for all the things I’ve done to grieve You; all my sins, my iniquities, my impatience, my coldness of heart, my doubt, my limited faith, double mindedness and my lack of trust. I ask You to empower me to turn around, and walk in the way that pleases You. Holy Spirit, help me to empty myself of me so that I can be filled with You and Your Peace. Then I will no longer hold on to the hurt and betrayal. Fill me with Your presence so that when the pain of betrayal rises up in me; I can quickly release it to you. Fill me with Your power to release the past and live in the present and the future that you have for me. Surround me with Your glory that is full of love, life, joy and peace. Thank you Jesus Christ for teaching me how to release the pain or betrayal and be reconciled with my brothers and sisters. In Jesus Name. Amen!
Thank God for healing Calvary, our community and America from hatred, polarization, division and separation. Pray that we become one nation, under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL! Action/Reflection/Meditation How have you handled betrayal in the past? Have you recovered from past betrayals? If not, why? How do you handle betrayal now? What strikes you about this account in a new way? Write a letter to God. Use the rules for letter writing you learned in school: begin with a greeting, naming God. Next, an opening paragraph telling God about you and your relationship to him. Then, the body of the letter. Pour out your heart to God, who wants to hear all you have to say. Close your letter with whatever requests for action you have. Sign off in a way appropriate for communication with the creator of the universe – praise!
DAY 11: PERSEVERE THROUGH DIFFICULTIES "Seven days without prayer makes one weak." Allen E. Vartlett
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:4–10 Prayer Focus: Thank God for all the obstacles, difficulties, challenges, hardships, heartbreaks and crisis that you have survived! Name each of them as you Thank God for giving your perseverance to overcome these tests of Faith! JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH; The ever present God; even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I FEAR NO EVIL! You told me to FEAR NOT for You are with me. I am not intimidated for You are my God! I stand with Holy Boldness because YOU are right there with me helping me; strengthening me and upholding me with Your righteous right hand! As I rejoice in your Presence; I remember that you have NOT given me the spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND. Lord, I thank you that I have the dynamic Power of the Holy Spirit working inside of me and for me! I have the “Blessed Assurance” that You go before me and Your angels are encamped all around me! Therefore, I can lean securely on the everlasting arms of God! When I look back; I see goodness and mercy following me all the days of my life! Hallelujah!!
Pray for the lost, the least, the lonely, the isolated, the marginalized, and the disenfranchised in our society today. Pray that God will give them the strength of endurance to persevere through their challenges and discover Jesus as their savior. Action/Reflection/Meditation Write a note of encouragement to a friend; or especially a non-believer or spiritual leader who has encouraged you when you needed it! Share your testimony of How have you experienced victory during difficulties like Paul did. Personal Notes:
DAY 12: PRAY FOR FAMILIES "No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack." E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: Acts Chapter 10 Prayer Focus: Pray for restoration of families that are feuding. Pray that peace and harmony replaces dissension. Pray for Christ-Centered Father, Mothers and Children. Pray for Married Couples rediscover the joy of loving each other. EL-ELYON; the Most High God; thank You for hearing my prayer. I come in the Name of Jesus and on the authority of Your Word. I come boldly to the Heavenly Throne to seek your mercy and grace for our all families. We desperately need your help in restoring marriages and families in our world today. I pray Lord that families be reunited in love, peace, joy and harmony. I pray Lord that you remove the spirit of rejection, isolation, hostility, selfishness, anger, bitterness and resentment that is tearing families apart. Lord I come humbly before you and pray that You heal broken marriages as Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. We know that it is Jesus desire that entire households are saved. Help us Lord to submit one to another as we submit ourselves to Your Lordship and then peace will reign in our homes. Lord I pray that You will destroy the works of the enemy that seek to destroy our families. Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayer on behalf of all families as we strive for the love of God to reign supreme in our homes. Let the peace of God act as umpire in all households! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. May all families and every family member come to know you as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
Pray for family members who are non-believers; that all may come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior! Action/Reflection/Meditation How did you come to know Christ? Was it through a family member? Why is it important to Calvary and America to have strong families? What else can the church do to help families other than pray for them? Personal Notes:
DAY 13: PRAY FOR THE ECONOMY! "The little worth we put on prayer is evidence from little time we give to it." E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-29 Prayer Focus: Thank God in advance for blessing America and bringing an end to this economic recession. JEHOVAH-JIREH; The Lord who provides; Your blessings come to us when we hear and obey Your Voice. Blessed are our children; Blessed is the fruit of our possessions; Blessed is the fruit of our businesses; Blessed is the increase of our labor; Blessed is our storehouses; and Blessed is our finances. You have commanded blessings over us and in all we set our hands to. You have blessed us in the land that You gave us. You have established us as a holy people unto You. Father, You promised us, that if we keep Your commandments and walk in Your ways that we will be blessed! We are blessed because we refuse to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Jesus Christ is Lord over our families, churches, finances, businesses, jobs, and possessions. He rules the airways that surround us, over telephone lines, over our homes, properties, offices, automobiles, businesses, and finances. Jesus Your anointing breaks and destroys the yokes of greed, poverty and economic recession in America today. We pray for a prosperous and healthy economy, with new jobs for the unemployed, new businesses for entrepreneurs, new inventions for creative genius; and new investment opportunities throughout our country. Lord God, cause us to be extremely sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit as you instruct us about economic decisions and opportunities. We realize all economic power is in your hands! Bless our economy as we recover from this economic recession. In the name of our Risen Christ and Savior! Amen
Corporate Intercession: Continue to speak blessings over Calvary, our country and the economy. Action/Reflection/Meditation What is the “Financial Legacy” do you plan to leave your family? Have you taught your children? o What does it mean to be a “Good Steward” of our environment and our finances? o How to save money, manage money and tithe?
DAY 14: BE THANKFUL TO THE LORD! “Those persons who know the deep peace of God, the unfathomable peace that passes all understanding,
are always men and women of much prayer.” R. A. Torrey
Scripture Reading: Psalm 118:1–2; 19–29 Prayer Focus: Make this a day of Thanksgiving for your personal transformation. Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I bow before You as I enter into Your Gates with thanksgiving and enter Your Courts with praise. Lord, I thank you for forgiving all my sins, trespasses, iniquities. I praise You Father and give You glory and honor this day! Lord, I thank You because you have opened the Gates of Heaven and blessed me with Favor, Provision, Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Salvation, Deliverance, Wisdom, Protection, and Healing! I am blessed to use these blessings, in Your Kingdom, according to Your desire which is also my desire. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me and teaching me during this spiritual journey. Thank you Lord for the angels of “Goodness and Mercy” that have been following me. Today, I sing praises of Joy and thanksgiving to Your Holy Name! In Jesus Name, Amen”
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: Thank God for hearing our prayers and answering them. Thank God in advance for a better church, community and world. Action/Reflection/Meditation. Write down all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Make it a practice to thank God daily Is the Joy of the Lord your strength? If so, what does that mean to you? Worship God for his faithfulness and provisions in your life Personal Notes:
WEEK 3 – KINGDOM ASSIGNMENT “When asked how much time he spent in prayer, George Muller's reply was, "Hours every day. But I live in the “SPIRIT OF PRAYER.” I pray as I walk and when I lie down and when I arise. And the answers are always coming." Source Unknown.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 63 This is the 3rd week of our commitment to pray for our church, family and country as the 31day journey continues. The prayers this week continue to be both internal and external. We are pressing into God and praying to become better Christians and to live in a better world. The great thing about the church praying on ONE ACCORD is that everyone benefits; even those who are not participating. However, the participants receive greater rewards because they are drawing nearer to Christ. If you have fallen off praying daily a few times; don’t look back…just look forward and rededicate yourself to continue. STRUCTURED DAILY PRAYER is a difficult spiritual discipline. Pray the prayers as printed and allow the Holy Spirit to pray additional prayers. By now you should notice a change in yourself. What is different? Do you feel more at peace? Do you feel stronger in the Lord? Celebrate your victories so far. Continue to rely on the Holy Spirit for strength, courage, discipline, and fortitude to complete this spiritual journey. Say this breath prayer as much as possible throughout the day:
Breath Prayer
• “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
Blessed Lord Jesus, I desire deeply for You to dwell in me today. I yearn to be Your dwelling place, a living sacrifice, a sweet smelling fragrance unto You, our Lord and King. I hope you find pleasure in my deep hungering for You and Your presence. Lord, help me to be willing to offer You sacrifices of love, praise and obedience. Merciful Jesus; I submit my will to Your will, Lord. Give me courage to surrender in obedience, even when I do not see the outcome. I purpose to walk by faith and not by sight even if darkness is all around me. Help me to trust YOU as I walk through this journey of prayer for my church and my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“Prayer should not be regarded "as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty." E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103:1-3 and Isaiah 53:5 Prayer Focus: Pray for our physical health and healing. Pray for a healthy and vibrant church family.
JEHOVAH-RAPHA; Lord who heals; we have a heart to see the sick healed and the afflicted made whole. The Gift of Healing and health was accomplished by Jesus’ stripes. Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Therefore, sickness should not dominate our bodies. We declare that the Zoë life of God flows within us bringing healing to every fiber of our being. It flows to every cell of our bodies, restoring life and health, releasing the right chemicals and hormones. Restore in our bodies a perfect chemical balance. Renew every organ and tissue of our bodies function in the perfection as God created it. The blood of Jesus runs through us; so sickness must flee. Lord by Your Spirit, empower any medication, supplement, vitamin, or herb that we take to do the work that You intend it to do. Lord, destroy and nullify any allergic reactions and/or adverse side effects. Renew and refresh our souls and bodies each day so that stress, fatigue, and bad health will not have any place in our lives. Strong and healthy bodies give us encouragement and build our faith. Therefore, let the healing virtue of Jesus touch each of us and make us whole. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: List anyone that you personally know that is suffering from sickness and disease. Pray for each of them; calling them by name. Action/Reflection/Meditation Sometimes sickness and adversity helps us to develop the Fruit of the Spirit called “perseverance or endurance.” Do you agree with this statement? Write a daily affirmation of health for yourself. How can suffering lead ultimately to hope? Write a note of encouragement to someone who is dealing with a long term illness. Personal Notes
DAY 16: LIVE “IN CHRIST” "If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ." C. H. Spurgeon
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:12–21 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you what it really means to “Live in Christ”. Jesus my Sanctifier; I celebrate you and the great work that you are doing in me. I Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all Your BENEFITS. Jesus I am grateful that you forgive ALL my iniquities, heals ALL my diseases and redeem my life from destruction. In your infinite grace You have crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercy. It is you Lord; Who satisfies my mouth with good things and through your power my strength is renewed. All my sins are forgiven! My life is preserved and I am strong in the LORD. I am crowned with His mercy! What a wonderful and marvelous thing you have done in my life! Thank you Lord for loving me; teaching me, caring for me; blessing me and drawing me nearer and nearer to you! In your precious and loving name I pray, Amen!
Pray for the “Children of God” all around the world to learn how to walk in their true inheritance as heirs of Christ. Action/Reflection/Meditation Why do you think that Paul often wrote about how to live “in Christ”? What does that mean to you and what does it look like? What joy do you find in knowing that Jesus has justified you despite your sin? Personal Notes:
DAY 17: BLESS YOUR HOME! "There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God." Brother Lawrence
Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1–11 Prayer Focus: Pray this prayer your family
EL-OLAM; the Everlasting Father; Our family is a blessing from the Lord. We are also blessed of the Lord. Thank you Abba for blessing our home, family, friends and church. Thank you for making provisions to provide an inheritance for our children and our children’s children. We will guide our house with discretion and with the promises of God; under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The path for our family grows brighter every day. No problem will be bigger than the Word of God or the Holy Spirit. No evil shall befall us and no plague will come near our dwelling. Sickness is an intruder in our home because we are the property of God, purchased by the blood of Jesus. Finally, our children are taught of the Lord and great is their peace. Peace reigns in our house because the Jesus is “Sar Shalom”; the Prince of Peace. We declare GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS OF LOVE, PEACE AND JOY over our family in Jesus’ Name! Amen
Pray for Abba to bless our homes, families, friends, colleagues, careers, community, city, state and nation! Action/Reflection/Meditation Which of these beatitudes spoke to your spirit because it describes you Ask your prayer partners which of the Beatitudes seem more like you? Are both lists the same? What do they see that you do not see? Which of the Beatitudes would you most like to be true of you? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in this area. Personal Notes:
DAY 18: SAY “YES” WHEN GOD CALLS! “I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach.” Charles Spurgeon
Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1–4 Prayer Focus: God has given each of us spiritual gifts for a Kingdom Assignment. Have you said “Yes” to what God is calling you to do? Pray this prayer for yourself. Elohim; the Creator God; I ask for and believe in Your best for my life today. I pray that Your will and purposes be done in and through me. I also ask that You keep me in Your Perfect Will as I become a yielded vessel fit for Your work today. I freely place myself under the shadow of the Almighty God. Merciful Jesus; I submit my will to Your will, Lord. Give me courage to surrender in obedience, even when I do not see the outcome. I purpose to walk by faith and not by sight even if darkness is all around me. Help me to trust YOU as I walk through life’s journey. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust”, for I chose to dwell in the secret place of Your Tabernacle. I yield my will to HIS WILL as I say to you Lord: “Not my will but your will be done!” In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven! That means that you want his will be done in your life also. Action/Reflection/Meditation Consider how the Lord’s promise to Abram was fulfilled. Think about the last time God asked you to do something? Did you do it? Why or why not? Is there anything God is telling you to leave behind or move forward on? Have you done so? Why or why not? What has God called you to do in the past, present or future that yielded unexpected results? Personal Notes:
DAY 19: SEE GOD AS YOUR PROTECTOR "If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.” (Robert Murray McCheyne)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 121 Prayer Focus: Pray for the “Spirit of Discernment and Illumination” so that you can be the light of the world of darkness.
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH; the Lord of the Angelic Hosts; when my days are filled with darkness and confusion, I remember that YOU are my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear. Therefore, I be still and listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks words of comfort. I will read my Bible daily because God's Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. YOUR promises are a light into my life and Your Word gives me guidance. I thank you each day that I am led by the Power of The Holy Spirit as Your angels watch over me and protect me. I feel a peace that surpasses all understanding because I know that:
No problem is bigger than the Word of God! No problem is bigger than the Holy Spirit! No problem is bigger than my angels! Therefore, no problem is bigger than me!
As my faith in God arises in me, my enemies are scattered. I know that if God be for me, who can be against me? Thank you for protecting me Lord, Amen!
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to transform all believers to be the salt and light of the world as Jesus has called us to be. Action/Reflection/Meditation Find a photo of hills or mountains online, in a magazine, or in your own albums, to give you a visual picture of this psalm. What has God protected you from? How does it feel to be kept by the Lord? In what area do you need God’s help to keep your foot from slipping? Personal Notes:
DAY 20: PRAY FOR OUR CHURCHES! “The man (or woman) who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” Andrew Murray
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1 Prayer Focus: Pray that Calvary rises up to new heights of Glory and become the Body of Christ that Jesus envisioned.
JEHOVAH-ROI; the God who sees; we thank You that You put all things under the feet of Christ Jesus, and gave Him to be head over the church. We pray that the church walks worthy of our calling as Christians with all humility, gentleness, perseverance, love, peace and in unity with our Savior. We pray that the church be able to comprehend what is the width and length and depth and height of the love of Christ which passes our human understanding and knowledge. We thank You for the victory that Yeshua won for us on the Cross and in His resurrection. Return the church to The “Power of the Cross” and the “Victory of the Crucifixion”. It’s our inheritance from our Messiah who delivers and cleanses from the old fleshy nature. You put all things under the Messiah’s feet. Therefore, He is the head over all things in the church. Heavenly Father, empower the church to rise up in faith and in dependence upon You as our One True Living God! Open our eyes to see how great You are and Your provisions for the church. Jesus, You said that believers should be “in” the world but not “of” the world. Let the church become more like you and less like the world. Where the Spirit of the Lord is; there is Liberty. Lord, we need Your Spirit and Your Liberty to reign in our churches! Holy Spirit, empower the church to grasp the manifold wisdom of God that had been made known through your Holy Spirit. We pray that the church once again becomes a great soul winning church as in the Book of Acts. We pray for all Pastors and ask YOU to bless them in their ministries. Give them your vision for the present and future church... Bless the Body of Christ financially with abundant provision, to fulfill Your mission and vision. Lead the church by Your Spirit into your divine purpose. To God be the glory in the church through the Power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus or Lord and Savior to all generations, forever and ever. Amen
Praise God for all he has done for Calvary! Thank God for all the new members who have joined us. Ask God to continue to send us new family members as Calvary becomes a lighthouse of Hope, Love, and Joy in our community. Action/Reflection/Meditation Thank God for our churches and Spiritual transformation in ALL Christians! Love is an action word. How did Christ demonstrate HIS love for the church?
DAY 21: SING TO THE LORD “Yes, worship of the loving God is man’s whole reason for existence. The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they may delight in His Presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself in the core and center of their hearts.” A.W. Tozer
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:15–20 Prayer Focus: Write out a personal “Psalm of Praise” to begin your prayer time. Good psalms to borrow lines from are: Psalm 9, 27, 34, 31, 84, 92, 103, 111, 135, 139, 146, 149, and 150. As you write, really concentrate on the praises the psalmist wrote. Then, using them as a guide to write your own psalm of praise on the last page of this booklet! Holy, Pure and Faithful Father; I worship with all my heart, soul, and strength. I lift up my voice and hands in praise and adoration to YOUR glorious name. YOU are worthy of my praise and worship. YOU have made me worthy to praise, exalt and bless Your name each day. By grace, I have received the gift of righteousness and am now reigning in this life through Christ. I Worship You in Spirit and in Truth! I praise Your Holy Name Christ you are worthy to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing. I am now a joint heir with Christ and as He is, so am I, in this world. God has made me worthy to receive all that Jesus represents. Praise God, Amen
Pray that saints everywhere spend as much time “praising God” as we do “petitioning God”. Action/Reflection/Meditation Sing a favorite hymn or chorus that makes you feel closer to Christ; make this a daily part of your worship Think about how music is used to draw you nearer to Christ? Which is more important to you; the music or the lyrics? Why? Does the Lord sing over you because you give the Lord Joy? If not; what can you change to give the Lord incredible joy? Personal Notes:
WEEK 4 ADVANCING THE KINGDOM! “One day George Mueller began praying for five of his friends. After many months, one of them came to the Lord. Ten years later, two others were converted. It took 25 years before the fourth man was saved. Mueller persevered in prayer until his death for the fifth friend, and throughout those 52 years he never gave up hoping that he would accept Christ! His faith was rewarded, for soon after Mueller’s funeral the last one was saved.”
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15–21, Isaiah 11:2-9 and Jeremiah 33:3 The 4th and last full week of our 31-day journey to Christ continues. Look back on the journey so far and see where God has brought you. The flesh is weak and weary and is probably crying out for you to stop. But remember the humanness of Jesus who understands our plight because HE also endured agony and hardship. Jesus told us to deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow him. Self-denial is so difficult today because the world tells us that we should have everything we want and immediately! The craving for natural fleshly desires are intense but hopefully our craving for SPIRITUAL INTIMACY IS MORE INTENSE. Continue to seek the power of the Holy Spirit and His guidance during this journey. Remember your breath prayer because God is speaking to you1
Breath Prayer
• “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
“Precious God, may you grant each saint that is participating in this prayer journey a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation for the things of God. Give us insight into mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom of God. Draw us nearer into a deeper intimate knowledge of You. I pray that my eyes and heart are flooded with the light of your wisdom. Show us what you have called us to do as servants and citizens of the Kingdom of God. Your Word says to call upon You and You will show me great and mighty things that I do not know. Lord God, I come to You and cry out, I call unto You, Creator of the Universe. I ask You to show me great and mighty things of the profound riches of Your Glory and Splendor! God Show Me; Me! (GSMM) Show me my faults, strengths, gifts, etc. Show me living in You. Show me how to reach new depths in YOU. Show me more and more and more about YOU! Show me my future in you and with you! Abba, I Bless Your Holy Name as You Guide us into your Divine Truth. Amen
"If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day.” Martin Luther
Scripture Reading: Mark 1:35–39 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit for a wonderful encounter with Christ! Yield your spirit to the Holy Spirit and allow him to highlight your growth areas. Make this a private journey as you begin to move closer to Christ. Jehovah Shalom, You keep me in perfect peace, for my mind is stayed on You. Lord I ask you to please walk with me as I continue this Spiritual Journey. As I draw nearer to You, please draw nearer to me. Give me your knowledge, wisdom and might to complete the task before me. Abba; Look into my heart and see if there still exists pride, arrogance and selfcenteredness. These are NOT the traits of a “Child of God” who is growing into spiritual maturity. I humbly submit my will to Your Will and ask that you sanctify my spirit, soul, and body. I want to truly be transformed into the image of Christ while I am here on this earth Abba, I covenant with You to be what You say I am. You are transforming me right now and I expect to be different at the end of this month! Your Word said that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Greater is the One WHO is in me!. I humbly bow before you in YOUR iridescent light, my Lord and Savior. I have Faith in the final victory, so I rejoice now as I am being transformed by YOU! Amen
Pray that God will bless each church member, family and friends during this spiritual journey. Pray for a church-wide transformation of “ChristIntimacy” for each member. Action/Reflection/Meditation: Think of a time when you had a spiritual experience in a solitary place. Where were you? What was that like? Find a solitary place to pray today and each day during this season; use it to pray often! Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer…” Lord what should I pray for?” Personal Notes:
DAY 23: LET CHRIST SHINE THROUGH YOU “Prayer is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings." Chrysostom
Scripture Reading: Matthew 17:1–9 Prayer Focus: Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you to walk in the Light and Love of Christ. Jesus You are the Light of the World. There is no darkness in You. You called me to be a light in this world that reflects your divine, pure and precious light. In the name of Jesus, I decide right now to accept my responsibility in this walk of Light and Love of Christ. I love You, Lord, and the evidence of my love for You is to share your love with others. Give me a Love so strong that I can demonstrate love to my enemies. I open myself up to be a light in a world of darkness; shine your light on me Lord. Change me, rearrange me and make me new again. I will not miss the very best that You have for me. I won’t just wear a Christian label, but I will live as a Christian as well. By faith I walk in the Light and Love of Christ, in Jesus’ name. Amen
CORPORATE INTERCESSION: Pray that Calvary members become lights in the world and the salt of the earth. Action/Reflection/Meditation How did this scripture further reveal who Jesus is to you? What changes can you make to enable the Light of Christ to shine even brighter in your life? Have you seen Jesus Christ in his glory? If so, what did it look like? If not; how do you imagine it? Personal Notes:
DAY 24: ACCEPT THAT GOD WILL TEST YOU! On persevering prayer: "I look at a stone cutter hammering away at a rock a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it splits in two. I know it was not the one blow that did it, but all that had gone before." (author unknown)
Scripture Reading: Exodus 17:1–7 Prayer Focus: Pray for Victory over your test:
ADONAI; my Lord; my Master; there is none like You who help the powerless against the strong. Help me, O Lord, our God in this time of testing. Give me strength and perseverance to remember that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me as I rely on You. As I am being tested; I need faith to past this test. You are the Lord, our God; and will let nothing prevail against me. I trust Your plans and purposes for my life and destiny. Amen
Pray that Calvary leaders and members pass the tests of faith, obedience, character and integrity in ministry. Action/Reflection/Meditation Reflect on some of the times that God has tested you. What areas have you grown in and are no longer tested? What areas are you still being tested in today? Think about how you may be testing the Lord? What has been God’s response to your testing the Lord? Are you “testing” the Lord by your unbelief? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance in this area. Personal Notes:
DAY 25: CONFRONT PERSONAL LEGALISM!! "Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian." Andrew Murray
Scripture Reading: Romans 4:13–17 Prayer Focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of legalism in your life. Pray and ask God to purge you of legalism as you accept justification by faith God of Recompense; as I take inventory over my life, I realize that everything in my life needs to be renewed. I need to renew my faith and commitment to You Lord. Today, I renounce anything that needs to be renounced to our Lord and I seek forgiveness. Forgive me for imposing my will upon others. Forgive me for speaking harshly about those who are different from me. Forgive me for blasting others who don’t agree with my opinions, ideas or viewpoints. Help me learn to accept and celebrate diversity in my church, community and country. Many are called, but few are chosen. You have consistently worked with remnants rather than the masses throughout the Bible. I want to be a remnant that you can use to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth. Make me a lighthouse of Love, Peace and Joy rather than a hammer of legalism, pounding my ideas onto others. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Pray for open lines of communication between people who have difference viewpoints. Pray for grace and mercy to reign through the world. Pray that the church become a source of light and love in the world for people of all the nations on the earth. Action/Reflection/Meditation Think back to a time you tried to keep “The Law” and failed. Embrace the grace of God for your life and freely share it with others Are you willing to explore other forms of Christian worship experiences or music to experience Christ? Why or why not? Do you think that God is the author of variety in worship styles and Christian music? If so why is such diversity necessary? Personal Notes:
DAY 26: BECOME AN “AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST” "Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20–21 Prayer Focus: Pray this prayer below and ask the Holy Spirit what kind of “Ambassador for Christ” you are? Give the Holy Spirit permission to work on the areas of your personality, thoughts and behavior that need to be changed to make you a better “Ambassador for Christ” filled with high standing character, integrity and honesty while walking in Love, Grace, Mercy, Obedience and the Compassion of Christ! Loving Jesus; please forgive me for not loving as I should. Your Word says that I am made in Your image. Therefore, it is my desire to love as You do. Make me a vessel of Love for the Kingdom of God! I pray that the atmosphere of my life, my home, my church, and my place of work will change as a result of Your love demonstrated through me. I speak boldly the mystery of the Gospel for which I am an ambassador. I pray for YOUR clarity, wisdom and timing so that I may declare Your Love boldly and courageously to others who do not know you. I pray for prodigal sons and daughters who are lost in world today. I pray that every man, woman, and child from here to the farthest corners of the earth be saved. As I intercede, I believe that thousands this day will have the opportunity to make Jesus their Lord. Lord of the harvest; bring laborers to share the good news of the Gospel in a special way to touch their hearts. Give me an opportunity today to share the goodness of your Love! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Pray that everyone in the Kingdom of God would seek to become “Ambassadors for Christ” and spread His love throughout the world! Action/Reflection/Meditation Consider to whom you might be an “Ambassador for Christ” today. What could you do to show them that you love them and so does Christ? Ex: Invite them to worship with you. What qualities do you currently have that makes you an outstanding “Ambassador for Christ”? Personal Notes:
DAY 27: TALK TO THE LORD! The trouble with nearly everybody who prays is that he says ‘Amen’ and runs away before God has a chance to reply. Listening to God is far more important than giving Him our ideas.” Frank Laubach “
Scripture Reading: John 4:5–42. Prayer Focus: God began good work in you and will see it through to completion. Abba, Father, I come to You today in a Spirit of Truth and humility. I stand in awe of your Mercy, Grace and Goodness to me. I seek Your holy presence today and every day. I can do nothing without You because you are the source of everything good and wholesome in my life. I am amazed because you love me so much and continue to show me Your love each day. Sometimes, I can’t understand how you can give so much and get so little from me. Yet, your generosity teaches the real meaning of “unconditional Love”. So today Lord, I celebrate You as a God who is High and Mighty, yet humble enough to spend time with me. I rejoice because you are doing a wonderful work in me. You are teaching me more about how to walk and talk with you each day. You are teaching how important it is to spend time with you each day. You are teaching me how to pray for others and expect positive outcomes. You are recreating me as old things have passed away and all things have become new. I am created into Your glorious image and likeness. I am Your marvelous workmanship and am complete in Christ. I am full of the Holy Spirit and Your divine power. I have the fruit of His Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, meekness, temperance, and faith. I am humbly submitting myself to Your authority. Because I am obedient, you will enlarge my capacity to receive “revelation” knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Thank you, Lord, for loving me, blessing me, teaching me and recreating me. Amen
Pray that everyone in the world will come to know, see and experience the goodness of the Lord. Pray that God will continue to draw us closer to Him and that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Action/Reflection/Meditation Have you had a personal encounter with Jesus? Has the Holy Spirit revealed to you both your strengths and weaknesses? How did this transform your life? What arguments, reasons, or rationalizations that you still give to Jesus justify your disobedience?
DAY 28: CELEBRATE YOUR “PERSONAL RESURRECTIONS”! "Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer." E. M. Bounds
Scripture Reading: PJohn 11:1–45 Prayer Focus: Look back over your life and celebrate God’s goodness! Thank God for all your family, accomplishments, spiritual development; drawing you closer to Him and his generosity! Thank God for all the difficult times that he has brought your through. Where would you be now; if God had not saved you and kept you? LORD OF GLORY; I have so much to celebrate each day. I am filled with the love of God today. I am filled with the joy of the Lord! I am filled with the peace of God! I am filled with the wisdom of God! I am filled with the Holy Spirit! I thank you that you continue to pour into me. TODAY, I will help someone to experience your grace and mercy through me. I will rejoice that heaven is my home. I will rejoice that all my family are being pursued by You each day to join the Body of Christ, and I rejoice with all saints who celebrate your goodness. Amen!
Pray for Calvary to become a “Resurrected
Church!” Action/Reflection/Meditation Has Jesus resurrected anything in your life? Relationship; job; finances, etc. Has your life been dramatically changed by Jesus? Remember how that transformation came about. Have you shared this resurrection with another? Just say: Let me tell you my friend how Jesus “brought me back to life”! Personal Notes:
DAY 29: PRAY FOR PEACE "The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer." Leonard Ravenhill
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Prayer Focus: If there was ever a time when we need to pray for Peace; it is now! The current upheaval in America and other countries should have the whole world praying for Peace. This is both a prayer and a declaration for world peace. Jehovah Shalom – The God of Peace, you are Holy, Magnificent and the earth is full of your glory but the earth is not full of your Peace! Your word promised that you will give peace in our land, and we shall lie down, and none will make us afraid. But today, our hearts are grieved by war between races in our countries and with terrorists attacks nationally and internationally. Lord, lift up your countenance upon us and give us PEACE! Restore your “Covenant of Peace” with us. As Prayer Intercessors to the Most High God we boldly pray for Peace throughout our world! Give us your:
Peace in the homes where any kind of violence prevails Peace in our schools where there is gang violence and senseless murder Peace on our jobs where there is tension, anxiety, and stress Peace in our churches when we need forgiveness and reconciliation Peace in our country between different races, ethnic groups and faith groups. Peace in our minds when we struggle with busyness, worry and stress Peace in our souls as we continue to seek you the Prince of Peace
Emmanuel, we eagerly seek Your peace and pursue it. For You alone, O LORD, make us dwell in the safety of your Peace. We shall delight ourselves in the abundance of peace. Thank you Jehovah God for blessing US with your PEACE. We lift this prayer in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, the One who was, who is and is to come! PEACE, SALAAM, SHALOM
Pray for the Lord to arise and show Himself strong and mighty as His enemies are scattered and the Peace of God returns to this earth! Action/Reflection/Meditation Reflect on the impact of war on our society today. Have we become desensitized to the pain and suffering caused by war? Is there more we can do to create a peaceful atmosphere in our personal lives? Do you really value peace? If so what sacrifices are you willing to make for peace?
"Prayer wonderfully clears the vision; steadies the nerves; defines duty; stiffens the purpose; sweetens and strengthens the spirit." S.D. Gordon
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:6–11 Prayer Focus: Pray that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon you. Messiah; You are a Consuming Fire; I lift up my eyes this day toward You as I thank you for your grace, truth and compassion. Thank you for revealing yourself to me during this spiritual journey. I feel closer to you today than I did before I began my prayer adventure. I have come to personally know and experience your unrelenting love. It is my desire to release this love through ministry to others. Holy Spirit, I welcome You into my life right now. Help me receive wisdom from my Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Help me to come into fellowship and communion with You as my teacher and guide. Make me fully aware of your presence. Enable me to hear Your voice and I promise to obey. Lord Jesus, anoint me with the power of the Holy Spirit as I draw nearer to YOU. Give me Your power to touch those around me and those You will bring across my path. Show me what to do next. And help me never to neglect your fellowship. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen
Pray for non-believers to come to know Christ.
Action/Reflection/Meditation Make two lists. In one, put what your life is like when your mind was controlled by your sinful nature. In the other, write down what your life is like when controlled by the Spirit of Christ. Personal Notes:
DAY 31: PRAISE THE LORD! "Prayer is a spiritual law which cooperates with the mind of God. It has more in it than merely petition. It clothes itself in reality and power, with the force of God Himself. It is an attitude of spirit and mind." Gossner.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 150 Prayer Focus: I know that you are ready to celebrate! Notice that the last day of each week, we prayed prayers of thanksgiving and celebration to the Lord. But this time we are going to really celebrate and do something different. We have so much to thank God for. It is time to Praise the Lord; so let everything that has breath; Praise the Lord! Why? Because He has been:
A faithful God (Deut. 32:4); A forgiving God (Nehemiah 9:17); An ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1); The God of grace (1 Peter 5:10); Our light (Psalm 27:1); Our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1).
Lord of Lords! King of Kings; El ELYON; The Most High God! I praise Your Holy Name and Thank You Lord, for this Spiritual Journey. You are my God and I exalt You because You have drawn me closer to you these 31 days. I stand confident in my faith that the prayers of the righteous avails much. I look forward in hopeful anticipation to the great things you will do as a result of this season of prayers. Lord, You are my strength, my song, my joy, my peace, my light and my salvation. You are my God, and I exalt You as my Lord of Lords and King of Kings! I gladly speak Your praise and bless Your Holy Name forever! May the whole earth be filled with Your Glory, Truth, Justice, Peace and Righteousness! I will praise You from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Pray that the churches begin to worship the Lord in
Spirit and Truth. Action/Reflection/Meditation Develop a personal lifestyle of praise and worship Stand in awe of the glory, goodness and majesty of the Lord Write your own personal words that express how you feel about God! Go outside and shout aloud how great God is.
REFERENCES: 1. Christian Prayer Quotes, http://www.christian-prayer-quotes.christian-attorney.net/ 2. Prayer Book, Christian Word Ministries, Lexington, KY, www.christianword.org 3. The Lord is my fortress and strong tower 4. Adapted from Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart (New York: Continuum, 1992), 134-5. 5. Adapted from The Way of Pilgrimage: An Adventure in Spiritual Formation for the Next Generation: Leader's Guide (Nashville: Upper Room Books), 100. http://www.thefellowship.info/Pray/Prayer-Practices/Breath-Prayer
THE AUTHOR Lillie Ferrell, speaker, pastor, author, primarily focuses on leadership training, mentoring and spiritual formation ministry for the Body of Christ. She is the Senior Pastor of Calvary United Methodist Church and founder of Bath Ra’am Ministries, a mentoring ministry for women. She has been called: “Word Woman” because of her passion for Teaching and Praying God’s Word. God inspired her to write this “31-Days of Strategic Prayer Booklet” as a personal and corporate tool to help the people draw nearer to HIM!