Calvert Hall Student-Athlete Handbook

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When you decide to try out for a team, you have made a personal commitment to attend every practice. If you are absent from school, you cannot practice. If you are in school and cannot practice you must see your coach before practice and explain why you will be missing. An absence from practice without speaking with your coach in advance may lead to suspension from competition. Continued absences from practice will result in being removed from the team.


All injuries no matter how minor should be reported to the Athletic trainer and Head Coach immediately. After an athlete has been injured, only a doctor and not a coach will decide if and when the player may return to play or practice. There are no exceptions. The athlete must present the Athletic Trainer with a note from the doctor stating that the injury is healed, and the athlete is now physically able to practice or play. The Calvert Hall Training Room is set up and staffed with a certified athletic trainer and qualified Student Trainers who have participated in courses to enable them to handle athletic related injuries. The training room is off limits for all but the injured.


All students are expected to attend school every day. Students who are absent, except for an honor roll holiday, may not practice on the day of his absence. The Athletic Director or Vice-Principal for Student Affairs may waive this rule if a valid excuse for absence is submitted in writing in advance.


Letters are to be awarded to all team members and managers provided they remain on the team for the duration of the season. All requirements for awards presuppose fidelity to practice, training rules, attendance at games, matches, meets, etc. Any problems will be acted upon at the discretion of the Athletic Director after consultation with the player, Coach, and moderator.


Athletic practices are an extension of the school environment. Your conduct and behavior at practice must be the same as expected in the classroom. Disrespect to coaches, using profanity, “messing around”; not following directions, etc. will not be tolerated. You are involved in physical activity and can be severely hurt if you are not paying attention.


Any violation of the above school rules and regulations will result in a hearing with the athlete, the coach, moderator, and either the Athletic Director or the Vice Principal of Student Affairs. At this hearing, the athlete (and the athlete’s parents, if requested) will be given the opportunity to present his defense to the charges being made. A decision will be made and the athlete will be informed of the action being taken.


No one receives a second letter in the same sport. he is awarded a star instead. No one receives a second Gold Jacket.

THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT ALONE ISSUES GOLD JACKETS AT CALVERT HALL COLLEGE. ONLY THOSE WHO EARN ONE MAY WEAR IT. THE JACKET FULFILLS THE DRESS CODE REQUIREMENT. According to the dress code, school jackets with letters may be worn. For the sake of uniformity, jackets should be purchased at one place. The Campus Book Store at CHC sells such Red Jackets.


The Head Coach issues equipment and uniforms at the beginning of the season. Items issued to you are your responsibility. All equipment and uniforms will be collected at the end of the season by the Head Coach. Turn in your uniform and equipment yourself on the day assigned. Giving your equipment to a “friend” to turn in, or leaving it in your locker does not excuse you from your responsibility. If the Head Coach does not get your equipment, you are responsible for replacing it!

There are no financial grants for athletes.


All students whether an athlete or not may apply to the school for financial aid. Financial aid is granted on the basis of the financial need of the student’s family.


All students must be given the freedom of choice to try out for any sport without prejudice to his participation in any other athletic activity.


All members of a Varsity M.I.A.A. or Catholic League Championship will automatically receive a Gold Jacket.

Any Varsity individual who places on the Sun Papers’ first or second team All M.I.A.A., All metro Teams, or All Catholic Team also qualify for a Gold Jacket. Any Varsity individual who places first in the M.I.A.A.’s Individual Championships will receive a gold jacket.

GU IDELI NES FO R S CH O OL SPONSORE D ST UDE NT T RAVEL 1. The students in transit to and from events are considered to be representatives of the school. 2. Students are representing the school during events. 3. In regard to trips involving distance and/or overnight lodging; students are representatives of the school at all functions contingent to the trip: meals, motels, dorms, touring, etc. 4. Since the school is acting as supervisory personnel in regard to student behavior, and since the group will be known as Calvert Hall College while in restaurants and motels, etc., appropriate conduct of students is to be expected at all times. This includes abstinence from alcoholic beverages regardless of age limits which may be lower in other states. This statement should be applied even in the event that individual’s parents may be in attendance. This should avoid any complications, double standards and is important for the reputation of the school. 5. Since students are attending school sponsored functions the normal disciplinary procedures associated with such situations and behavior will be carried out.


All students are expected to be in school on time every day. If an athlete is late to school he must serve detention like all other students. Students coming to school late after 12:00 noon are not eligible for practice or participation that day. Attendance at 8 mods is required for a full day. Less than 8 mean you are absent and are not eligible for practice or participation that day.


Gold Jackets are awarded at the Varsity level only. At other levels, members of a Championship team receive a letter and a star.


No students, including athletes, are permitted in the locker room area, upstairs or down, during the school day. The locker room area is open before 8:00 a.m. every school day and after 2:00 p.m. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ARTICLES. The locker should be locked whenever an athlete is away from it, even when taking a shower. Combination locks must be bought at the school store. The combination should not be given to anyone or published. Athletes are reminded to give their practice equipment periodic and, even daily washings. Socks, supporters, T-shirts, shorts, and towels should be washed and renewed daily. Other equipment should be hung in the locker for proper drying.


1 An understanding of why the school offers a program of athletics.

2. A knowledge of the values that athletics have for the individual and for society. 3. An understanding of the rules essential to playing the game and to being intelligent fans. 4. The ability to think both as an individual and as a member of a group. 5. Faith in democratic processes. 6. Realization of the values of group ideals. 7. Improved motor skills. 8. Better health and physical fitness. 9. An appreciation of wholesome recreation and entertainment. 10. The desire to succeed and excel. 11. Higher moral and ethical standards. 12. Self-discipline and emotional maturity. 13. Social competence. 14. A realization of the values of conforming to rules. 15. Respect for the rights of others and for authority. 16. High ideals of fairness in all human relationships.


As a parent of a Calvert Hall College High School Athlete, you have several responsibilities. First, you must help to endorse the school’s rules and regulations by checking on your child’s grades, behavior, and attendance periodically. Do not expect or ask the school to make exceptions to the school or athletic department rules and regulations. Second, you are expected to represent our school in a positive manner. Rude, arrogant, immature or disrespectful behavior as a spectator is a poor reflection upon you, the child’s team, and the school. As adults, we must set good examples of sportsmanship for our children. Good sportsmanship is cheering for your team, not booing or degrading the other team. If you can not keep your emotions under control, please stay home rather than embarrass yourself, your son, and the school. Finally, you have the responsibility to support your child’s coaches and team. Negative comments about a coach, or team members can only undermine the positive aspects of athletic participation. While winning is more pleasant than losing, being a gracious loser is also a part of life, which you should be willing to accept. If you, as a parent, work with the school to achieve these objectives, your children will develop into better adults, which is our ultimate goal.

PA RE NTA L A PPROVA L F O R M All Athletes must have a “Parents or Guardian Permission Form” on file in the Athletic Office before they can practice or compete.


The philosophy of Athletics at Calvert Hall College is such that Athletics is considered an integral part of the school’s program of education which provides experiences that will help students physically, mentally, and emotionally. The element of competition and winning, though it exists, is controlled to the point that it does not determine the nature of the program and is kept on the “Readiness” level of secondary youth. This is considered to be educationally and psychologically sound because of the training it offers in a competitive society. Students are stimulated to win and excel, but the principles of good sportsmanship prevail at all times to enhance the educational values of contest. Calvert Hall College believes that participation in athletics, both as a player and as a student spectator, is an integral part of the student’s educational experiences. Such participation is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the school, to the team, to the student body, to the community, to his family, and to the student himself. In his play and in his conduct, he is representing all of these groups. Such experiences contribute to the knowledge, skill, and emotional patterns that he possesses, thereby making him a better person and citizen.


All Athletes must have a Physical Examination Form completed each school year, signed by both the parent and the physician, and turned in to be on file in the School Nurse’s office before they can practice or compete.


Every student is expected to represent himself positively in classes and school activities. Athletes bear additional responsibility because they not only represent themselves, but also their family, team and their school. No athlete, no matter how important to a team, will be exempt from school rules. Also, when competing in, traveling to and from, or watching contests Calvert Hall College is being judged by your behavior. If you win - be gracious, shake hands and congratulate the opponent for a job well done. If you lose shake hands and congratulate your opponent. Treat your opponents, as you would want to be treated if the scores were reversed. Temper tantrums and poor sportsmanship are signs of emotional immaturity. Throwing objects, kicking equipment, etc. does not change the score, it only shows your immaturity. As a spectator, you should have an appreciation of what it takes to be an athlete. Always demonstrate good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship is cheering for your team, not booing or embarrassing the other team. Finally, in the community you are judged both as an individual and as a representative of Calvert Hall College High School. Embarrassing, immature, or illegal actions by you reflect upon your team and school. Additionally, any problems created within the community may result in your suspension from the team.


In recent years the knowledge and information concerning related injuries has grown tremendously. Consequently many hospitals have added Sports Medicine Clinics set up to diagnose, and rehabilitate through new therapeutic techniques, injuries sooner and more efficiently than normal rest could provide. If an athlete is injured Calvert Hall recommends to parents, if possible, to take their son to a Sports Medicine Clinic to be treated.


Stealing will not be tolerated under any circumstances whether from opponents or teammates. Any athlete involved in a theft will be immediately removed from his team and normal discipline will also be imposed.


The use or possession of drugs or alcoholic beverages is absolutely forbidden on or off the campus.

1. The Athletic Department strongly agrees and endorses Maryland State Law and school policies with regard to alcohol and drug use or possession. A) Student athletes who violate the school rules with regard to drinking and/or drugs at school sponsored events either home or away, in addition to any school penalty, will be immediately dismissed from the team with forfeiture of all rights and privileges. B) Student athletes who participate in drinking and/or drug use at off campus non-school related events in or out of season will be dealt with severely. The normal punishment would be immediate dismissal from the team. C) Student athletes who violate the Athletic Department’s rules in regard to drinking and/or drugs on over-night team trips will, in addition to facing the individual penalties outlined in A) above, risk all future over-night travel for that particular program. 2. Smoking or chewing tobacco, because of the demonstrated negative effects on health, are prohibited by athletes who are either in pre-season training or in season. When violations occur, the first offense would incur suspension for the next game; the second offense could cause dismissal from the team. The use of these products is strongly discouraged in the off-season. 3. Policies regarding late hours and social affairs are left to the discretion of the individual coaches in consultation with the Athletic Director. When such policies are made, they will be in print and distributed to the players and their parents.


When a team travels by a bus or van(s), no member should go by private car. Head Coaches can grant permission for an athlete not to return to school after an event if the athlete’s parents are present to release the school of their responsibility.

M I A A GUI D EL I NE S F OR ST UDE NT S A ND PA R EN T S I. ELIGIBLE STUDENTS Commencing with date of enrollment at a member school, a full time student, who is in good standing according to the policies of the particular school and subject to the other limitations herein prescribed, is eligible to participate in league competitions in the MIAA. Students are considered full time and part of the school community when they take a majority of their academic classes on campus within their school, during the traditional school year. Home schooled students who have participated in a sport at a member school as of September 2003 would be exempt from this requirement. Foreign based students who attend an MIAA member school will be eligible for participation presuming that they meet all MIAA guidelines for eligibility and are attending a member school in conjunction with programs administered by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). Information regarding CSIET programs may be obtained by calling (888) 787-2970 or visit their website at To prove their eligibility, the student athlete must provide: a. Birth Certificate, Visa or passport verifying date of birth b. Secondary School academic credentials c. Documentation of athletic experience in their native country II. AGE LIMITATIONS A student who has attained his/her 19th birthday before August 31st of a given academic year is not eligible to participate. A student who has attained his/her 19th birthday on or after August 31st of a given academic year may participate only on the Varsity level. III. LIMITS OF PARTICIPATION A student may not represent any school, regardless of its affiliation to this Association, in any one sport at any competitive level for more than four years. Additionally, students may only be enrolled in grades 9-12 for participation in association athletic programs. A student may not represent more than one school during any academic year in interscholastic athletics regardless of its affiliation to this association. A student athlete may appeal this guideline based on a move of his primary residence. A student who has graduated from a secondary education program, either domestic or foreign, is not eligible to participate. IV. AMATEUR STATUS To be eligible to participate in contests of this Association, a student must be an amateur. As such, he/she may not receive, directly or indirectly, any salary, stipend, incentive, payment, award, gratuity, gift, educational expenses or expense allowance as a result of participation in any sport or sports team. In order to preserve students’ eligibility for college athletics, MIAA athletes are required to adhere to the policies for avoiding “professionalism” as defined by the NCAA. V. TRANSFER STUDENTS A transfer student is one who changes enrollment from one school to another. This transfer policy covers all students changing schools whether from member or non-member schools. A transfer student who changes schools during the school year and has participated in interscholastic athletics at any level at his former school is ineligible to participate in interscholastic activities for the remainder of that school year. Additionally, that student, if he or she was a varsity athlete at their previous school, is ineligible for participation in that (those) sport(s) during the following academic year. Participation is defined as practicing or playing in any game.

A transfer student who changes schools after the close of their previous school year and before the first day of classes at the new school and was a varsity athlete at his/her previous school is ineligible to participate in that sport at the new school for one year beginning with the first date of attendance. If that student was an undersquad athlete (freshman or junior varsity) at his previous school, he/she may transfer without penalty. For transfer purposes, a varsity athlete is defined as a student who has participated in any way in a varsity conference game which determines seedings in a tournament or placement in a conference or in any game that counts towards the point system for a conference or state playoff. The only exceptions to this policy are the following: a) If a student were to change their primary residence; a change in primary residence means a move of more than 30 miles from their present residence; b) If a student’s present school were to eliminate the athletic program in which he/she is participating. This policy is effective as of September 1, 2006. VI. MIGRATION BETWEEN SQUAD LEVELS Unless specifically stipulated otherwise by the Sports Committee Chairman, in any given season once a student has played in a league game on a higher squad level, the student may not play in league games at a lower level. Squad level migration requests must be made in writing to the Sport Committee Chairperson prior to this migration. Requests must indicate the reasons for the migration and the names and positions of the players to be considered. Regardless of the league status of an athletic competition, a student may not participate in two squad levels of the same sport in the same day. Migration should only occur if there is a danger of an undersquad team being unable to complete their schedule. The league will establish a date for final rosters after which time no player may migrate down to an undersquad team. VII. RECRUITMENT In conformity with the purpose and spirit of this Association, the following principles govern the manner in which member schools influence and encourage a student to become affiliated with a school: 1) No school, through any of its officers, representatives or by any other means, shall directly or indirectly offer inducement to a student of any school, regardless of the student’s age or academic grade, to terminate enrollment at said school and migrate to another for athletic purposes. 2) It is considered appropriate for a schools Admissions Department to provide a student information about its school; however coaches and other members of a school’s Athletic Department are prohibited from contacting or communicating with a student or the student’s parents/guardians until such time as inquiry regarding the student’s possible admission to the school has been initiated by the student’s parent/guardian through the Admissions Department. This policy does not preclude attendance by coaches or member school representatives to non-high school athletic events for the purpose of screening prospective student athletes. On the occasion that a prospective student athlete or his parents seek information from a member school’s representative attending a non-high school event, the school’s representative may answer preliminary questions about the member school. The school’s representative should indicate to the prospective student athlete and his parents that further contact by an athletic department representative can not be made until the admissions department at the member school is contacted by the parents. VIII. ELIGIBILITY VIOLATIONS The deliberate or inadvertent violation of the conditions of a student-athlete’s eligibility results in the forfeiture of all contests in which the ineligible student participated. It is the competence of the Executive Director, upon his own or any member school’s initiative, to judge the eligibility status of a student-athlete.

IX. EJECTION RULE A player who is ejected from a non-league game or contest (for other than physical or verbal abuse of an official) is automatically suspended from participation in that teams’ next scheduled game or contest. An individual ejected before, during or after any league contest, the result of which affects the standings or playoff seedings of the competing schools, is suspended for the next scheduled league contest. An individual ejected during a school’s final league or non-league contest must serve his suspension during his team’s next scheduled league contest to include a league championship, tournament or playoff game. If the individuals’ school is not participating in the league championship tournament, the suspension carries over to the first conference contest in the next year. In the event of an individual performing in a tournament, it is the next scheduled time he is to compete. The two yellow card rule (soft yellow) in soccer does not fall under this ruling. A player ejected, before, during or after a contest, for the physical or verbal abuse of a game official or for an ejection involving an altercation with an opposing player which results in physical contact with that player is automatically suspended for the next schedule contest, and may not participate again until a review of the ejection incident is made by the Executive Director. The Executive Director, after conferring with the individual’s head of school, athletic director and executive committee, may impose additional penalties. The additional penalties are non appealable. Penalties issued by officials for unsportsmanlike or dangerous physical contact to another player may come under the review of the executive director or executive committee for additional sanctions. It is the responsibility of the individual’s athletic director to enforce this rule and notify the executive director, for documentation purposes only, of the ejection and subsequent suspension. The game officials’ decisions regarding an individual’s ejection from a game or contest are final and binding; no appeals will be entertained. Failure to enforce the suspension by allowing the ejected individual to participate in the subsequent contest results in the automatic forfeiture of the game or contest in which the de facto suspended individual participated. ANY PLAYER ISSUED A RED CARD OR CITED FOR FLAGRANT FOUL, MISCONDUCT OR UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT AFTER TIME HAS EXPIRED WILL SERVE A SUSPENSION AS UNDER NORMAL GAME TIME EJECTIONS. NO EJECTION IS APPEALABLE REGARDLESS OF THE CONDITION CITED BY THE OFFICIALS TO JUSTIFY THE EXPULSION. THIS WOULD INCLUDE SERIOUSNESS OF THE FOUL OR MISINERPRETATION OF THE RULES. X. OUT OF SEASON PRACTICE Summer Season: June 1 - August 1 (Fall sports) June 1 - Beginning of fall practice (All other sports) For practice purposes, summer begins June 1st and ends August 1st. During this time coaches can work with student athletes in any capacity. The use of protective padding for football, (blocking/tackling sleds or similar apparatus) is prohibited and no contact is allowed. Camps are excluded. From August 1st thru the start date for fall practices, fall sports teams may utilize weight training and conditioning activities only. The fall start date signifies the end of summer and workout limitations. Out of season practice: First fall practice date - May 31 Coaches will be permitted to work with their team outside of the normal season, but during the school year, for no more than three hours per week. The three hour time period is voluntary for students and may include: agilities, practices, individual sessions, open gyms, games or contests during the week. Weekend club games/tournaments and weight training/conditioning activities are not included in this three hour limitation. The three hour time limit is cumulative for all coaches. (This includes spring football) There are no out of season limitations for the individual sports including: cross country, golf, squash, swimming, tennis and track.

SPORTSMANSHIP STATEMENT In its evaluation of player and coach ejections over the past number of years, it has become apparent that the majority of these penalties have been caused by late hits, frustration hits or overly aggressive play. In an effort to promote hard, clean and fair play, the MIAA considers this type of conduct intolerable and in accordance with its philosophy and by-laws will consider maximum penalties for these types of infractions. It is expected that all member schools, their administration, directors of athletics and specifically the individual coaches, teach and mandate that any such conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Additionally, in accepting the notion that players on the field reflect the actions and attitudes of their coaches on the sidelines, this association expects all of its coaches to act in the best interests and well being of our student athletes. Under the guidance of each school’s director of athletics, all coaches, especially in contact sports, should stress to their student athletes the inappropriateness of late hits, verbal or physical abuse of officials or opposing players and any conduct detrimental to the physical well being of any player.

“ TE N CO M M A ND M EN T OF SPORT S - F OR PA RE NT S” 1. Be sure that your child knows that or lose, scared or love him, appreciate his efforts, and are not disappointed in him. 2. Try your best to be completely honest about your child’s athletic capability, his competitive attitude, his sportsmanship...and his ACTUAL skill level. 3. Be helpful...but do not coach him on the way to the field, pool, or court - or on the way back - or at breakfast. 4. Teach him to enjoy the thrill of not say, “Winning does not count”, because it does. 5. And hear this, parents: try not to relive your athletic life through your child in a way that creates not pressure him because of your pride. 6. Do not compete with the coach...remember, in many cases the coach becomes a hero to his athletes, a person who can do no wrong. 7. Do not compare the skill, courage or attitude of your child with that of other members of the squad or least not in his hearing. 8. You should also get to know the coach so that you can be sure that his philosophy, attitudes, ethics, and knowledge are such that you are happy to expose your child to him. 9. Always remember that children tend to exaggerate, both when praised and when criticized. Temper your reactions when they bring home tales of woe... or heroics. 10. And finally...make a point of understanding courage and the fact that it is relative. Some of us climb mountains but fear a fight...some of us fight but turn to jelly if a bee buzzes nearby. A child must know: Courage is not ABSENCE of fear, but rather, doing something in SPITE of fear.

Calvert Hall College 8102 La Salle Road Baltimore, MD 21286-8022

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