Calvert Hall 175 - The Campaign for the Future of The Hall

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Calvert Hall 175 The Campaign For The Future Of The Hall

Did you know… Our enrollment continues to grow: 1,175 students attend Calvert Hall College, coming to Towson from 108 ZIP Codes. 92% of our students engage in at least one club, extra-curricular activity, or interscholastic sport. 98% of our graduates head off to college; annually securing more than $27 million in scholarships. Of our 107 faculty members, 80% hold advanced degrees. The faculty’s average years of service is 18 years. We are blessed with 11 Christian Brothers and 28 alumni at Calvert Hall. Our typical class size is 17 students and our teacher-student ratio is 12:1.

“To touch the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.” St John Baptist de La Salle Meditation 139.3

Calvert Hall 175 Putting Things in Perspective We are embarking on this Campaign for Calvert Hall College as we prepare to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of our founding. As we reflect on this milestone, we can’t help but think about the needs and expectations of students today – and, tomorrow. In this spirit, the Campaign is focused on creating new resources to build upon our tradition of excellence and sustain our commitment to preparing students to be successful leaders. For eight generations, young men have been turning to Calvert Hall College for a Catholic, Lasallian education as their gateway to a world with limitless opportunities and challenges. Our modest beginnings in 1845, with 100 students in our first home on Saratoga Street in Baltimore under the leadership of Br. Francis McMullen, could not have foretold our growth in the years ahead. Since moving to Towson in 1960, we’ve added faculty, resources, buildings, and facilities to give our students an outstanding experience both in an out of the classroom. In today’s world, it’s easy to lose perspective about what truly matters. In our zeal to experience all that is new, it’s imperative that we maintain a clear focus on the foundational elements of our faith that give meaning to all we do. We are confident you share our conviction that a Calvert Hall College education is something special – and, important. The Board and staff are steadfast in offering an environment that: • Encourages self-advocacy, while providing vigilant supervision and guidance • Builds community, while embracing diversity and individuality • Values tradition, while fostering innovation As you read on these pages about our plans for The Campaign for Calvert Hall College, you will learn about the ways we are preparing for the future. With your support, our blessed school will continue changing lives for many generations to come.

Br. John Kane FSC, Ed.D. President

Calvert Hall 175 Reflecting on the Future This Campaign will encourage our alumni, families, and friends – as well as foundations and corporate sponsors – to focus on securing the future of Calvert Hall College. Since 1845, Calvert Hall has established a reputation for excellence in education. Proud of our ability to anticipate our students needs in an ever-changing world, we look to build the resources required to advance our mission going forward. The imperative is to take strategic steps to ensure we remain one of the leading Catholic college prep schools in the country. What this means is that the chief objective of our $28.0 million campaign is sustainability. One of the principal findings in our recently completed strategic plan is that our capacity to advance our mission and vision depends on growing our endowment. It currently stands at $12.0 million. The endowment’s earnings help support important programs and initiatives. The donors who have helped build the endowment to its present level have blessed Calvert Hall by their generosity. Our goal for this campaign is to build the endowment from $12.0 million to $31.5 million. A bold goal? Yes. But we believe this objective is reasonable and within our capacity to achieve. Many of our neighboring independent schools have endowments much larger than the level we wish to reach in this campaign. Growing the endowment will help us maintain a vitally important competitive edge among schools in the region.

The Impact of Growing the Endowment Not that many years ago, we were offering our students $1.0 million in scholarship funds. Today, our total annual commitment to tuition assistance and merit scholarships is $5.0 million, with most of these funds coming from annual operational resources. In the Lasallian tradition, Calvert Hall strives to offer our educational experience to students without regard to financial circumstances. We pride ourselves on our diversity – economic, social, racial, and religious. We are committed to providing the many opportunities we offer to all students who seek a Calvert Hall education. With a larger endowment, we would be better positioned to sustain our scholarship funds in the years ahead. Looking at our current student body, 50 percent of Calvert Hall students receive some level of tuition assistance. Our goal in this campaign is to secure $10.8 million in named endowed scholarships for needs-based tuition assistance. With these new funds, we will be better positioned to meet the financial needs of many more students. At Calvert Hall, we appreciate the value and importance of recognizing academic excellence and leadership. For this reason, we also look to move our merit-based scholarships from our annual operating budget to an endowmentsupported fund. A $3.7 million fund will help support Calvert Hall’s commitment to merit-based scholarships as we go forward. Ensuring that we have the resources to sustain our outstanding faculty is another goal for this campaign. Long-tenured faculty are a hallmark at Calvert Hall. Our longest serving faculty member, Augie Miceli, is retiring after 60 years of service. We are blessed with faculty

members who believe that their work here is a missiondriven vocation. We need sufficient resources to recruit outstanding teachers – and, to retain them. Local public school teachers are earning 20-to-25 percent more than our veteran faculty members. We need to close the gap. We look to add five Distinguished Chairs, at the $500,000 level for each chair. These endowed Chairs will support stipends to recognize outstanding teachers. Also, a new $2.5 million Endowment for Moderators & Coaches will fund larger stipends for faculty members who work with students in our 60 extra-curricular activities and 40 athletic teams

Capital Enhancements One of our top priorities is to enhance and sustain the facilities and structures on campus to ensure that the Calvert Hall experience features state-of-the-art resources for academic, athletic, and extra-curricular pursuits. Our goal in this campaign is to commit $4.0 million to capital enhancements and additions on campus. We will remodel the Knott Center and enhance Crispino Plaza. A new science lab will be added and training room facilities will be upgraded. Two new multipurpose practice fields will be available to the lacrosse, football, rugby, and soccer teams as well as the band – and, an indoor baseball batting facility also is planned.

We are installing a Veterans Tribute on campus to honor the many Calvert Hall alumni who have distinguished themselves by their service in the military – and, all those now in active service throughout the world in one of the branches of the armed forces. The Veterans Tribute will provide a fitting way and special place on campus to remember the members of our Calvert Hall family who have protected all we hold dear. Sound-proof Band Practice Rooms for individual lessons has been on our wish list for many years. It’s the right time to create these rooms – and, to enhance the learning and performance experience for the members of the Band.

The Annual Giving Program The lifeblood of our fundraising efforts at Calvert Hall is Annual Giving. The Hall Fund, which represents a way for donors to make vitally needed unrestricted gifts, supports all aspects of the annual operating budget. In addition, restricted gifts for Tuition Assistance, scholarship funds, and specific programs provide the margin of excellence to help ensure that the Calvert Hall experience sets our students on a course into the future that will lead to great success. At present, Annual Giving raises $675,000 annually. Our goal is to build Annual Giving to the $1.1 million level. In building toward this goal, we aim to raise a total of $4.5 million over the five years of this campaign. This campaign will do much more than just celebrate a 175-year history. It will create the promise of a bright future for Calvert Hall College. Please join us!

Calvert Hall 175

The Campaign for Calvert Hall College The Endowment: Need-based Scholarships Merit-based Scholarships Distinguished Department Chairs Endowment for Moderators & Coaches

$10,800,000 $ 3,700,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000

Capital Enhancements: Knott Center & Crispino Plaza Science Lab & Training Room Facilities Multi-purpose Practice Fields Indoor Baseball Batting Facility Band Practice Rooms Veterans Tribute

$ 1,025,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 275,000 $ 350,000 $ 250,000

Annual Giving: The Hall Fund/Tuition Assistance

$ 4,500,000



The Lasallian Tradition The spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle influences all aspects of daily life for the faculty, staff, and students of Calvert Hall. This faith-filled institution is a place where the dedication to excellence is evident all across the campus… • In the instruction, guidance, and leadership of teachers and coaches; • In the stewardship of our assets, buildings, and grounds by administrators and staff; and, • In the love of learning by the young men who are preparing for a lifetime of opportunities. Our students know well that their faculty and the staff are committed to the educational, spiritual, and social growth of each one of them. Since 1845, Calvert Hall has embodied the call of Saint John Baptist de La Salle to make education of our youth a gateway to spiritual salvation. In 17th Century France, La Salle founded the Brothers of Christian Schools, a community focused on educating the poor. He believed that by improving the lives of his students he would set them on a good and right path. LaSalle often used the image of the Good Shepherd to describe the Brothers’ work. He wrote, “Jesus compares those who have care of souls to a good shepherd who has great care for his sheep. One quality he must possess, according to our savior, is to know each one of them individually. This is also one of the most essential qualities required of those who teach.” La Salle and his Brothers built a network of schools throughout France that “featured instruction in the vernacular, students grouped according to ability and achievement, integration of religious instruction with secular subjects, well-prepared teachers with a sense of vocation and mission, and the involvement of parents.” Today, the work of La Salle continues, with 4,000 Brothers and 90,000 lay partners serving nearly one million students, children, youth and adults in 1,000 educational centers in 79 countries. Calvert Hall, the oldest of all Lasallian schools in the United States, is embarking on a celebration of its 175 years of preparing students to be “men of intellect, men of faith, and men of integrity.”

Calvert Hall 175 Calvert Hall College 8102 La Salle Road Baltimore, MD 21286-8022

Please visit us on the web at

For more information, please contact: Joseph A. Baker ‘76 Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Advancement Calvert Hall College 410.825.4266 x163

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