Matthew Training Center

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m at t h e w t r a i n i n g c e n t e r .o r g


prayer+ worship Community

Biblical Training




The Matthew Training Center offers a unique experi-

ence of cross-cultural training for missionary candidates.

Our passion is personal

discipleship in the context of cross-cultural community.

Our goal is to see hundreds of trained and fruitful workers serving among the nations, making thousands of disciples in God’s Kingdom for His glory.

GUADALAJARA The Matthew Training Center is located 30 minutes outside of Guadalajara, Mexico. A MINISTRY OF

w w w. m b m i s s i o n . o r g



NOVEMBER 1, 2015 - July 29, 2016 includes 3 months of language learning

In the HADIME Interns program you will have an opportunity to test your interests, gifts, and passion for work in a cross cultural setting, through a variety of experiences, while being discipled by mature missionaries and trainers.



NOVEMBER 1, 2015 - December 15, 2017 includes 3 months of language learning

This program is a holistic training of the missionary candidate. The curriculum includes personal discipleship, mission academic courses, and field experience where the student will acquire skills and knowledge to be an effective long term worker, serving the Lord and His Kingdom.

M O R E I N F O : m at t h e w t r a i n i n g c e n t e r .o r g

a deepened

relationship with God

Arianna California, USA

HADIME Intern 2014

“MTC is a place where you feel God and want to get to know him more.� In HADIME I was taught to listen to God, to feel His presence, and learn about what God is doing in this world and what he can do through me if I let him. Learning in a classroom setting about missions and living with a group of students who are all from different cultures was great. MTC is a place where you feel God and want to get to know him more. I was able to teach English in a town near MTC and I was learning how to build relationships and talk about my faith at the exact same time I was practicing this in real life. Hadime trained me to be a leader, a listener of God and how to work in a cross-cultural setting. I now work in a primarily Spanish speaking community with children whose parents have immigrated from Mexico, and what I learned through Hadime helps me in my work today.

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a true calling born

Ezequiel Panama City, Panama {Wounaan tribe}

HADIME Intern 2014

My understanding of missions grew and my visión expanded”

After 6 months at MTC everything changed. I learned more about my relationship with God and understood my true calling. Before Hadime I didn`t have clarity in my missionary call, but in the course of my studies, my understanding of missions grew and my visión expanded. And I thought, "I was born to serve and proclaim the truth." Something that struck me from my studies was how to grow my relationship with God, and how the devotions we had strengthened my Christian life. I am now applying what I learned to youth ministry and sharing it with the Wounaan youth of Panama. In the future I want to bring the salvation that Jesus gives us to the unreached Wounaan in Colombia. Amen.

H'ewandam p'aan dïin'im The Lord is with you.

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confirmations from God

Eleazar Guadalajara, Mexico

HADIME Intern 2011

“He showed me and conďŹ rmed was my passion and love for teaching.â€? During the Hadime programs I participated in, God confirmed 3 things; one, that I was going to serve in ministry and not through a secular job. He revealed my gifts and a passion to serve. The second thing He showed me and confirmed was my passion and love for teaching, something that before I never thought it was possible, because I suffer from stage fright. And the third thing that He confirmed was a passion and love for missions. To live discipleship the way we did in Hadime, through living life together and not just a specific meeting time, really helped me to realize the importance of having a testimony of integrity as Christians, since this can often impact other people much more than a good sermon.

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Waiting on

God’s voice in



Oaxaca, Mexico

HADIME Intern 2014

The growth in my relationship with God not only helped me to be right with Him, but to get along with others. God had already moved my heart towards missions but I was not 100% sure. During the five months of Hadime, God confirmed during my devotional times that I was going the right direction in asking for confirmation of my calling. Our experiences in an indigenous community, while difficult, also confirmed that God would be with me wherever He sent me. The growth in my relationship with God not only helped me to be right with Him, but to get along with others. At this time I still have my silent times with God and let him talk to me. A year later I find myself serving full-time in a mission called Colli, planting a church. This community is submerged in poverty, illiteracy, violence, drug abuse and a dysfunctional family environment, where what keeps me strong is the assurance that God has called me to this place and that He is with me.

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HADIME (n) ha•di•me Haciendo discipulos en Mexico { Making Disciples in Mexico }

Weekly TrainingRhythms Community

Academic studies

Intimacy with God

Personal Discipleship Experiential

T R A I N I N G OP P O R T U N I T I E S w w w. m at t h e w t r a i n i n g c e n t e r . o r g / t r a i n i n g

More Information: m at t h e w t r a i n i n g c e n t e r .o r g

fa c e b o o k . c o m / C e n t r o M a t e o

t r e v e rg o da r d @ g m a i l .c o m GUADAL AJAR A , M E X I C O

The Matthew Team

The directors are Trever and Joan Godard, missionaries with MB Mission. They serve together with Jennifer Schmidt and Sandra Plett, two Canadian missionaries who have been called and trained to make disciples in Mexico. The team has been serving together

Come join us! for 10 years. Roxy Neufeld is the newest member, and will be serving with the team for the next 2 years.


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