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Publisher Scott Arnold-Eyers

Editors Assistant Sarah Schmitt

Menu Writers Cam Allen, Scott Arnold-Eyers, Chef Sooveer Baichoo, Melanie Casey, Howard Crump, Brian Garcia, Georgina Goss, Clint Gurney, Araluen Hagan, Carmen Jenner, Andrew Kelly, Chef Nat Loaring, Liz Packwood, Jeremy Sambrooks, Sarah Schmitt, Danica Scott, Chef Sebastian Sinderman

Design Cam Allen Design

Legal & Finance Manager Dianne Arnold-Eyers

Contributing Photography Cam Allen, Ryan Ammon, Scott Arnold-Eyers, Chef Sooveer Baichoo, Bridget Cook, Ari Davis, Gary Dowse, Elements Margaret River, Brayton Gillette, Araluen Hagan, Matt Jelonek, Carmen Jenner, Chef Nat Loaring, Jimmy McKeown, Tobias Muhafidin, Liz Packwood, Moises D Tawil, Gary Walton

Web Designer Paul Bui

Web Administrator Dianne Arnold-Eyers

Sales and Marketing Scott Arnold-Eyers 0403 344 143

Menu Magazine is proudly published by Eyers RockET ABN 50 880 398 494

Address: PO Box 62, Scarborough WA 6922 Phone: (08) 9430 6007 Web: www.menumagazine.com.au | www.digital.menumagazine.com.au Email: info@menumagazine.com.au

Menu Magazine Printed by Scott Print Distributed to selected independent supermarkets, newsagencies (through Integrated Publishing Solutions), as well as selected bars, cafés, restaurants and hotels throughout Western Australia.

Menu Magazine is published bi-annually. To subscribe, head to page 21.

Every endeavour is made to ensure the contents of this magazine are correct at the time of going to print. The publisher and editor do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by individual writers. All prizes will be awarded at the editor’s discretion and no correspondence will be entered into.

Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Images and written material submitted for publication are sent at the owner’s risk and, while every care is taken, Eyers RockET will not accept any liability for lost, stolen, damaged or misused material. The publisher reserves the right to modify editorial and advertisement content.

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