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A HEALING ELIXIR (Juicing Column
A Healing Elixir
If you have never juiced Bok Choy before I highly recommend it as the flavour is light and crisp. The juice is very refreshing and juicy, making it the perfect green juice if you’re looking to get a heap of cleansing chlorophyll without that overwhelming green taste. Bok Choy is high in calcium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and tons of other minerals which make it very beneficial for bone health. Here is a great tip when shopping for Bok Choy: Make sure the Bok Choy is crisp and the leaves have not gone yellow.
Apples are nature’s healers and when combined with other ingredients, like the ones in this juice, they enhance the nutritional components of the juice.
Cucumber and Bok Choy together can help with bone related inflammation.
Cucumber juice can help in reducing the high uric acid content that causes inflammation in many degenerative diseases making it a natural anti-inflammatory. Cucumbers are also extremely hydrating and are an excellent way of getting water into our bodies.
Makes 1 litre
INGREDIENTS 4 green apples 3 bok choy 1 cucumber 1 lemon
METHOD Chop the ends off the Bok Choy to release the stems. Roughly chop. Remove the stems from the apples and juice whole with skin and seeds. Cut in half or quarters if too big to fit into the wide chute. Cut the cucumber into chunks to fit down the chute. Juice with skin on. Cut any hard end points off the lemon, slice into rounds with skin on to give more flavour and get more juice from the lemon.
JUICING METHOD Always start with the leafy greens of the Bok Choy, this will help extract the maximum amount of green chlorophyll from the leaves. Next juice the cucumber chunks followed by the apples. Finish the juice with the lemon slices.