Lisbon City Council | General Direction for Economy and Innovation
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Strategic Goals
Four Engines of Growth
Lisbon: Atlantic Business Hub
Lisbon: Startup City
Lisbon: Knowledge & Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters
International Economic Partnerships
Lisbon Economy in Figures
Strategic goals
Clear ambition and str ategic d i rect i on to promote L is bon as a hub of innov ation, e nt re preneu r ship and c reat i vity on an inter national scale.
Dig ita l a nd phys ic al interco nnec tio n of ac to rs a nd p artners , s timul ating the c reation of eco s ys tems of inno v atio n and entrep reneurs hip .
O p e n n e ss t o n e w i d e a s, con ce p t s, e x p e r i e n ce s a n d b u si n e sse s. V i e w t h e ci t y of Li sb on a s a Li v i n g La b .
Strategic goals
Po si t i oning L isbon as an i nt ern ational bus ines s and i nno vation center, and si multaneou s ly develop pro j ects and initiativ es with local i mpact.
Create co nd itio ns fo r ho s ting a n d a ccel erating co mpa nies and new b us ines s es w ith hig h p o tentia l fo r g ro w th and jo b c reatio n.
P roj e ct d e si g n a n d i m p l e m e n t at i on i n v ol v i n g p u b l i c a u t h or i t i e s, com p a n i e s, u n i v e r si t i e s, n on -p rof i t org a n i z at i on s a n d ci t i ze n s.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
INVEST LISBOA ( has been positioning Lisbon as investment projects which represent an estimated investment of around
more than 18 incubators and accelerators (which housed more than 470
€200 million, organized 50 missions / receptions and held more than 160
Startups responsible for more than 3.000 direct jobs), 5 FabLabs, more
than 40 spaces of coworking, and the entire network of business angels
In 2015 was launched the platform LISBON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS
and venture capital funds.
LISBOA EMPREENDE - Micro entrepreneurship Program, launched in 2013 registered more than 1000 applications, help the implementation
CONNECTIONS took place involving the active participation of 130 top
of 250 projects, 40 of which are financed through Microinvest fund and
managers of Multinational Companies.
created 170 jobs. LISBOA EMPREENDE won the Jury Grand Prize in 2015
INICIATIVA LISBOA it’s the one stop shop for businesses in Lisbon. It offers
of the “European Enterprise Promotion Awards”, the most important
a simple and fast service, in a single point of contact through a single
European Commission award for business and SMEs promotion. 9.
The municipality organizes since 2012 the LISBON’s ENTREPRENEURIAL
LISBOA attended more than 1,200 entrepreneurs, received more than
WEEK which is a celebration of the spirit and dynamic of the Lisbon
7,300 applications for Zero Licensing and 634 requests for filming.
entrepreneurial ecosystem. Over the past five editions were held more
Lisbon was awarded by the Committee of the Regions as the
than 150 initiatives, involving more than 140 partners.
“ENTREPRENEURIAL EUROPEAN REGION 2015”. It was the first time that
a city received this award and it was the recognition of Lisbon’s strategy in
between Lisbon City Council and JAP Portugal, involved in the last four
the areas of entrepreneurship and support to SMEs and self-employment.
academic years more than 22.000 children and young students in 163
Lisbon was chosen to host from 2016 to 2018 the WEB SUMMIT - Europe’s
schools in Lisbon.
largest and most important technology Conference and Marketplace. 6.
Between 2013 and 2014 seven executive meetings LISBON BUSINESS
form, concentrating all requests in a single process. In 2015, INICIATIVA
MADE OF LISBOA ( is the digital platform created by the municipality that federates the entire ecosystem. Include
( involving over 800 individual connectors.
an Atlantic Business Hub. Over the past 5 years supported over 2.000
11. In 2015 the municipality launched the project “JUNIOR CODE ACADEMY
STARTUP LISBOA ( the municipality flagship
“in three primary schools, involving 75 children who start this way to learn
project for entrepreneurship and support of startups, has currently three
the basics of programming and code. This year the program began the
incubation spaces in Lisbon and a residence for entrepreneurs. It received
training of young unemployed in programming languages and ICT skills.
over the past three years more than 3.500 applications, supported more
12. The municipality has given strong support to national and international
than 230 startups which created about 1.000 jobs. The fund STARTUP
events and programs on entrepreneurship and innovation: Lisbon
LISBOA LOANS (with funding up to 45,000 euros) funded 3 projects -
Challenge, Building Global Innovators, Eurobest, SWITCH Conference,
Village Underground, Lisbon Riders and Two Crows.
Silicon Valley comes to Lisbon, Startup Pirates Lisbon, Bootcamp TiE
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon, European Coworking Conference , European Creative Hubs
requests for filming and photo shoots, generating 630 thousand Euros
Forum, European Crowdfunding Platforms Summit, among many others.
in municipal fees revenue applied to footage (without support) and
More recently, Lisbon was chosen to host in WEB SUMMIT.
about 10 million budget Euros of producing spent in Lisbon (in Cinema
13. Strengthening the position of LISPOLIS – Lisbon’s Technological Pole - as a
reference space for the installation of tech companies in Lisbon. Currently
18. In May 2015 opened the MOURARIA INNOVATION CENTER - Mouraria
the LISPOLIS hosts more than 110 companies, representing more than
CREATIVE HUB, the first Creative Incubator of Lisbon with a capacity
1,500 jobs, mainly highly qualified.
to host 50 projects/creative companies. In the first call were selected
14. Development of STUDY IN LISBON platform (
19 companies/projects representing 30 jobs.
involving 16 partners (Lisbon’s Higher Education Institutions, FLAD, the
19. Development of an economic strategy based in the development of
Fulbright Commission, ESN, etc.) in the definition and implementation
strategic clusters in Lisbon. Over the past two years were launched two
of a strategic plan that aims to increase the attractiveness of Lisbon for
international students and researchers.
15. FabLab Lisboa, the rapid prototyping laboratory of Lisbon, is the municipal
project that signals the commitment of Lisbon to be at the forefront of the
launched in 2013 and involving a partnership between the Lisbon City
Makers movement. It was created in 2013 and installed in the Forno do
Council, the Union of Lisbon Traders, Lisbon Tourism Association and
Tijolo Market. In the ast two years more than 1,270 users had registered on
the Port of Lisbon, aims to affirm Lisbon as an international shopping
the site, about 380 projects were supported, having been developed more than 400 prototypes.
destination. 21. Active participation of Lisbon in international networks in the areas
16. In the Sinel de Cordes Palace is installed the Lisbon Architecture Triennale,
of Economy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, as EUROCITIES, the
setting the mood for the conversion of this space in a Creative Hub of
Committee of the Regions, TIE - THE INDUS ENTREPRENEURS or
Lisbon around the architecture value chain. Currently there are installed in the palace 7 projects/startups corresponding to the creation of 35 jobs. 17. LISBON FILM COMISSION was established in October 2012 to promote the city as an international destination of filming, streamlining and
LEADING CITIES. 22. Making available online publications and statistical information about the economy of Lisbon: “LISBON ECONOMY IN FIGURES 2016” is available on the City Council website.
centralizing all the necessary procedures. In 2015 there were 630 8
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Four Engines of Growth
Lisbon: Four Engines of Growth 1. “LISBON: ATLANTIC BUSINESS HUB” One of the basic assumptions of this strategy is the strong conviction that Lisbon should cooperate and compete on a global scale. The geostrategic location of Lisbon as an “ATLANTIC HUB” and a number of important key factors of competitiveness, place this capital city in a unique position to attract investments, businesses and talent. To achieve these objectives it´s essential to develop actionable projects and initiatives that will turn this will into concrete results. The work that has been developed by INVEST LISBOA (, the city agency that promotes and supports investment, and the creation of the “Lisbon Business Connections” (, a platform of more than 800 Lisbon Connectors that includes Portuguese and international top managers that have a professional or emotional connection to the city, are two examples of important levers for the development of this strategy. If the international positioning of Lisbon in attracting and retaining businesses and investments is important, it’s also important to create the conditions so that anyone can start and/or expand its business or company in Lisbon. This is the work done since 2009 by INICIATIVA LISBOA, which aims to simplify and centralize the process of installation and operation of businesses and economic activity in the city. This one-stop shop allows applications and processes to be delivered in a single point of contact, combined in a single process and treated by a single manager.
2.”LISBON: STARTUP CITY” The second driver of this strategy aims to transform Lisbon in a GLOBAL STARTUP CITY and create the conditions for more people to create and expand their companies and businesses in the Portuguese capital. Lisbon was recently elected by the Committee of the Regions as “European Entrepreneurial Region 2015”, award that was for the first time given to a European city and recognizes the strategy that has been developed by Lisbon in the fields of entrepreneurship and support to SMEs and self-employment. More recently, Lisbon was the city chosen to host from 2016 to 2018 the WEB SUMMIT Europe’s largest and most important technology Conference and Marketplace. The starting point for this strategy was the creation of STARTUP LISBOA ( the city incubator for businesses that currently has three spaces of incubation and a residence for entrepreneurs. From 2011 Lisbon began to stimulate an entrepreneurial ecosystem, which currently has 15 incubators, housing more than 400 startups and 3.000 jobs, 4 FabLabs, about +40 coworking spaces and a strong community of Business Angels and Venture Capital investors. In November 2016 it was launched MADE OF LISBOA - The new digital platform of all the Lisbon-based Innovators ( It should be stressed that the strategy that has been developed in the field of entrepreneurship aims to meet different people and needs, and that was the reason why it was created the micro entrepreneurship program – LISBOA EMPREEENDE - directed to small businesses, the Youth Entrepreneurship Program which in 2015/16 involved more than 60 schools and 8,000 children and young students from the city or the DELI project directed to the migrant entrepreneurs. 10
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Four Engines of Growth 3. ”LISBON: KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION” Lisbon is a truly University City and the most important higher education region of Portugal. Lisbon has almost 100 institutions of higher education, more than 130,000 students/year in universities, nearly 40,000 graduated/year and more than 15,000 researchers. With these key assets, Lisbon City Council has been working intensively with all relevant institutions of the city, to strengthen its R&D and innovation system on an international scale and integrate it in this economic development strategy. The project “STUDY IN LISBON” ( illustrates this position and ambition. Involving a partnership with all universities and research centers, and other institutions that support students and researchers. This project is based on a web platform that provides a set of information and services with the core objective of attracting and retaining talent, making Lisbon a global center in the areas of knowledge and innovation. In january 2017, Lisbon City Council will open the Study in Lisbon Lounge, a focal point to help all the international students to settle in the city.
4. ”LISBON: STRATEGIC CLUSTERS” We strongly believe that the STRATEGIC CLUSTERS are an efficient instrument to concentrate resources and investment and federate stakeholders around structural projects, which, for its innovative nature and the ability to create value and jobs can contribute significantly to expand and strengthen the economy of Lisbon. The approach to the strategic clusters of Lisbon is based on a common methodology which has as its starting point an assessment of the economic value and employment in sectors with high potential for future growth in the city and the mapping of the strategic actors in each of these clusters. The basic assumption of this work around Strategic Clusters is the involvement and active participation of partners in the development, validation and discussion of programs and initiatives to be implemented in each sector. This economic policy based on the development of Strategic Clusters currently includes the following sectors: Creative Economy; Health and Wellbeing; Sea Economy; Digital Economy and the strong effort to transform Lisbon in a Smart City. These four strategic clusters complement the more consolidated sectors and activities which have a greater weight in the specialization profile of the city’s economy, such as Tourism, Commerce & Trade, and Financial and Professional Services and the Real Estate value chain. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Atlantic Business Hub Investment LISBON is increasingly an attractive city for Multinational Companies (MNCs), but also the lanchpad for the expansion of Portuguese and International companies. Lisbon has been able to attract a growing number of companies, investments and talent, something that results from structural factors but also from the strategy that has been followed to put Lisbon on the map of the international competition. Lisbon has very strong and multiple reasons to invest, especially its privileged geostrategic situation as an European Atlantic Hub with access to 500 million European consumers, benefiting from the advantage of maintaining unique relations with Portuguese-speaking countries, representing a market of 250 million people. Lisbon, It’s the economic center of a 2,8 million people metropolitan region, has high qualified human resources, a cosmopolitan environment and high quality of life. On the other hand, Lisbon is a city with sustainability concerns, highly creative and entrepreneurial, and also one of the safest cities in Europe.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
LIsbon: Atlantic Business Hub Invest Lisboa
The Lisbon City Council and the Portuguese Chamber for Trade and Industry (CCIP) with the support of AICEP, created in 2009, Invest Lisboa, an Agency for the Economic Promotion of Lisbon, with the aim of attracting investment and businesses to Lisbon and to develop city’s economy. Invest Lisboa essentially operates in three areas: international promotion of Portuguese companies; support for investors and companies that want to locate in Lisbon; and the design and development of economic projects.
Invest Lisboa acts as a facilitator for investors and companies, supporting project installation in a personalized, free and confidential way, providing information, establishing contacts with local and national institutions, giving advice and identifying partners, facilities and investment opportunities. It also created, with the support of regional partners, several support services for investors, businesses and entrepreneurs as the Virtual Office Service, the Office for Real Estate and ABC Workshops.
Numbers of Invest Lisboa (2009 - 2016)
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Projects supported
(million €)
(Nº) 15
Lisbon: Atlantic Business Hub Lisbon Business Connections
LISBON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS is an innovative platform that aims to attract businesses, investment and create new jobs in Lisbon and Portugal, taking advantage of the strength of our Diaspora and all of those who want to contribute to this ambition. The mission is to attract foreign companies to Lisbon which are expanding internationally through a growing number of Connectors, which can be managers, researchers or anyone able to attract business projects to the Portuguese capital. This project is organized into three areas: 1. The establishment of a Global Connectors Network. 2. Development of Initiatives and Actions allowing to involve the connectors and other partners to design and propose actionable measures and solutions for the city of Lisbon. 3. The implementation of a territorial marketing strategy to attract investment, companies and talent to the city and its region. Between 2013 and 2014 were held 7 executive meetings Lisbon Business Connections, involving more than 130 multinational companies. In the first quarter of 2015 was held the public presentation of the Lisbon Business Connections Platform (, which currently aggregates more than 800 Connectors of Lisbon.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
LIsbon: Atlantic Business Hub Iniciativa Lisboa
INICIATIVA LISBOA was created by the City Council in order to simplify and centralize the process of installation and operation of a business or economic activity in Lisbon. Applications are received in a single point of contact, combined in a single process and folowed by a single manager. This is also the focal point for all operational services to support filming in Lisbon, with a special online form for procedure and a single fee. At the site you can still benefit from the Entrepreneur’s Desk services where you can create your company in one hour. Specialized care advice and support to the entrepreneurs, where you can request all applications necessary for opening and running a business or economic activity in Lisbon. In the Initiativa Lisboa office you can still make your communications under Zero Licensing. Services offered: • Communications under Zero Licensing • Filming and photo shoots • Establishments operating hours • Occupation of public space with street furniture • Advertising Devices
Visits (2014) Communications under Zero Licensing
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Licenses for filming and shooting
(Nº) 17
MADE OF LISBOA Community of Lisbon-based Innovators Lisbon is currently one of the most dynamic and vibrant entrepreneurial cities in Europe, open to exploring new experiences, concepts and projects. The Lisbon City Council has been developing and supporting a very diverse range of projects and initiatives in the fields of entrepreneurship, inovation and creativity, with a strong focus in the areas of incubation and acceleration of startups, support to SMEs and self-employment. One of the newest must ambitious and innovative projects is Made of Lisboa. Made Of Lisboa Made of Lisboa it’s the new digital platform of the Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem of Lisbon. A place to get you updated about Lisbon’s innovation scene and the one and only official community of Lisbon-based innovators. The platform has four major objectives: INFORM. CONNECT. ATTRACT. ORGANIZE Made of Lisboa was born because we know how you value straightforward information. Because we are aware you feed your business with networking, and we are mindful of the fact that good connections attract good investment and there is no such thing as a highly organized ecosystem. Our goal is to outline and map the ecosystem and give you not only the power to see what your ecosystem is made of but also the power to shape it through our tools. Mix of Tools MAP: The ecosystem pinpointed. The official Lisbon entrepreneurial ecosystem map where you can find all the city innovators pinpointed and get yourself there too. DIRECTORY: Spots, people, and companies. Stalk and track who belongs to your ecosystem, what are their business about, who are your neighbors, and you can also text them. ARTICLES: Cases, tips, and quotes. Track what other companies think and write about; you can upload your articles, inform, inspire and become a MADE OF LISBOA influencer. EVENT CALENDAR: Find out which events, meetings, and gatherings are coming up that might interest you and your company. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Ecosystem Numbers
MADE OF LISBOA Community of Lisbon-based Innovators
Lisbon has all the conditions to become an international hub for startups and entrepreneurs, in view of its political and social framework, strategic access to international markets, skilled, flexible and competitive workforce , academic and scientific system, excellent quality of life, and modern infrastructures. The major contribution of this ecosystem to strengthen the city’s competitiveness and boost employment, was one of the main reasons behind the digital platform MADE OF LISBOA ( which started to identify and to network all spaces of incubation existing in the city, mapping and integrating progressively an increasing and diversified number of stakeholders: business accelerators, coworking spaces,
Fab Labs, Creative Hubs, Business Angels and Venture Capital companies, among others. Many startups that began their activity in some of the city’s incubators, expanded their activity and are currently located in office spaces in Lisbon (vd Uniplaces, nMusic, Science4You, Landing Jobs, Unbabel, Ezimut, among others). It´s this diversity, density and quality of actors that forms the major driving forces behind the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Lisbon, increasingly visible at an international scale.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
MADE OF LISBOA Community of Lisbon-based Innovators
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
A strategy structured around an ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM allows us to work and develop projects and initiatives that respond to the critical challenges of the city’s economy, among which we can highlight the following:
• Improve the interconnection between the scientific and technological system of the city and the business community;
• Connect and federate a very diverse network of actors (Incubators, Acceleration Business Programs, Coworking Spaces, Fab Labs, Funding institutions and programs; Mentors);
• Work more effectively and closely with universities, enhancing its role and synergies with the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Lisbon;
• Strengthen the link between large companies and startups / SMEs. Two great examples were the the two sessions organised in the Lisbon Stock Exchange (Euronext Lisbon) joining large companies listed on the stock exchange and startups or early stage companies that are part of the Lisbon entrepreneurial ecosystem, and the two STARTUP MEETUP LISBOA organized in 2016, involving 20 large companies, investors and more than 90 startups.
• Working not only the ecosystem at a local and regional level but at the same time support the global expansion of the ecosystem, allowing the attraction of entrepreneurs, startups, investors and other stakeholders. The “European Entrepreneurial Region 2015” awarded by the Committee of the Regions, and more recently the hosting in Lisbon of the Web Summit are two examples of this international affirmation. 25
Lisbon: Startup City STARTUP LISBOA
The creation of a business incubator in Lisbon was one of the measures adopted in the Participatory Budget 2010 of Lisbon’s City Council. Opened in 2012, Startup Lisboa mission is to foster the development of entrepreneurship and job creation, by combining infrastructures and specialized support services, promoting innovative projects with potential for internationalization.
Startups (last 3 years)
Jobs created (last 3 years)
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Startup Lisboa Tech, is an incubator for tech companies. Startup Lisboa Commerce, a business incubator specialized in hosting projects in trade, services and tourism. In 2015 the municipality opened a third incubation and acceleration space also located in the downtown of the city.
Partners: CML | Invest Lisboa | Montepio | IAPMEI |
Applications (last 3 years)
Startup Lisboa currently have three business incubation spaces.
Occupation (2016)
International Presence
Foreign Entrepreneurs 27
Casa Startup Lisboa
Lisbon: Startup City STARTUP LISBOA
In July 2015, in a former student’s residence, opened the Startup Lisboa House, a residence for young entrepreneurs that come to Lisbon to develop or present their projects, attend training, find investments, etc. The “House” is directed to entrepreneurs who are not resident in Lisbon and need to stay temporarily in the capital to develop projects and contacts. Startup Lisboa also manages the fund Startup Lisboa Loans, with funding up to 45,000€, which is intended to companies
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
existing with 3 or more complete financial years (financing up 100% of the investment) or to new companies or existing businesses with fewer than 3 full financial years (financing up to 85% of the investment). There are already 3 projects funded: VILLAGE UNDERGROUND, LISBON RIDERS and DOIS CORVOS.
European Commission
Enterprise Promotion Awards
Grand Jury Prize A special prize awarded to the entrepreneurial initiative considered the most creative and inspiring in Europe.
Winner Lisbon Micro-Entrepreneurship Lisbon Municipal Council, Portugal
Lisbon: Startup City LISBOA EMPREENDE - Micro-Entrepreneurship LISBOA EMPRENDE - Lisbon MicroEntrepreneurship, is an initiative from the City Council targeted to support new companies and SMEs, providing free consulting services and access to microcredit instruments that can amount up to 20,000 Euros. The Lisbon Micro-Entrepreneurship program, launched on February 2013, is part of the Lisbon City Council strategy for entrepreneurship and aims to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who want to develop small businesses but have difficulties to access investment. This program aims to boost the city’s economy, supporting people to create their businesses.
The project supports entrepreneurs in structuring the idea, developing the business plan, obtain financing and help the project implementation. This project is directed primarily to boost businesses in the commerce and services sectors in the city of Lisbon, and aims to establish itself as a response to the limitations of the traditional labor market through an approach based on selfemployment. The program received the Grand Jury Prize of the “European Enterprise Promotion Awards”, the most important award given by the European Commission in the area of business promotion and support to SMEs.
Major Partners: Cases | Audax | Montepio Geral| Millenium BCP | ANDC | Cooperativa João Sem Medo | IES Other partners in the Network: Startup Lisboa Tech e Startup Lisboa Commerce | Invest Lisboa | UACS | Beta i | Labs Lisboa | EGEAC
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Projects / Companies Supported
Projects / Companies Installed
Projects / Companies Financed
Jobs Created
(Nº) 31
Transform Lisbon in a big Open Innovation Laboratory
Lisbon: Startup City SMART OPEN LISBOA
What Smart Open Lisboa ( is an open innovation program where startups will get to use the city’s open data to develop and test their solutions in real life conditions. Outcomes The end goal is to address the four major Areas of the project: Citizen Engagement; Mobility; Sustainability; Tourism & Culture.
Lisbon. The first European Capital to launch a territorial Crowdfunding Platform. It’s Boaboa – From and for Lisbon!
“BoaBoa” is the Crowdfunding Platform from and for Lisbon. BoaBoa is a collaborative way to test and raise funds for ideas and projects in the following areas. • Entrepreneurship; • Social Entrepreneurship and innovation; • Science and R&D; • Culture, Citizenship and Participation; BoaBoa provides an online platform for any entrepreneur to find support from a large community, in a simple and transparent way. This is the power of “Crowdfunding”
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Startup City Lisbon Entrepreneurship Week
The creation of an entrepreneurial culture and spirit shared between all actors and partners of the city of Lisbon it’s fundamental for the promotion of a dynamic and vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
The Lisbon City Council organizes, since 2012, the Lisbon’s Entrepreneurship Week. The municipality challenges all partners who share this ambition of transform Lisbon in an entrepreneurial city to present and organize an event / initiative to be held on this week.
all partners to celebrate entrepreneurship in Lisbon. During the LEW 2013 it was produced the “Lisbon’s Entrepreneurship Manifesto” with the contribution of all those who are part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, which intended to define a set of measures to promote entrepreneurship in Lisbon.
After the success of the first edition every year were organized new editions of this initiative, demonstrating unequivocally the strong will of the City Council and of
IIn these 5 editions of Lisbon’s Entrepreneurship Week were undertaken more than 120 events which had the presence and contributions of over 140 partners. 37
Lisbon: Startup City Labs Lisboa
Labs Lisboa celebrates in 2016 two years of activity. The incubator´s founding members are the Municipality of Lisbon, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and ISCTE-Institute of Lisbon, and it’s managed by Audax (ISCTE’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center). Result of a partnership with Vodafone Portugal, the Vodafone Power Lab (a program to support entrepreneurship and
technological innovation) is also based in Labs Lisboa. Over these two years, the Labs Lisboa in its 1000m2 of incubation and coworking space, has hosted more than 60 startups in different stages of maturation that created more than 200 jobs. These are startups focused mainly in the service sector and ICT, with particular focus on web design, software and mobile.
Startups supported
Jobs created
Founding Partners
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Startup City Lisbon Challenge
Lisbon Challenge is an international acceleration program created by Beta-i which has, since the beginning, the support of Lisbon City Council. The Lisbon Challenge is currently one of the most ambitious European acceleration programs for technology-based companies, where startups are accelerated for three months and have the opportunity to develop swiftly their business, based on a structured and validated program. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
In the end, they present their business to national and international investors. The goal is to offer companies the best conditions to gain traction, to develop their business model and also to be able to identify and exploit growing opportunities in international markets. In the last four years were invested over €55 million euros in startups that have gone through the Lisbon Challenge (3 investments made by Y Combinator and 2 by Seedcamp).
Startups (last 4 editions)
Jobs Created
International Startups
Mentors and Investors
Investment (raised by startups)
(Millions) 39
Lisbon: Startup City FabLab Lisboa Opened in July 2013, FabLab Lisboa is a digital fabrication laboratory which supports rapid prototyping, personalized manufacturing and industrial experimentation.
cutting, 3D printer, electronic counter, computers and their programming tools supported by CAD and CAM software.
The Fablab Lisboa was built in an old slaughterhouse located in the Forno do Tijolo Municipal Market, and its main goal is to turn ideas into reality, allowing the creation of new products, which in turn can boost job creation and wealth in Lisbon. In this space are available industrialand safe equipments, such as small and large milling machines, laser cutting machines and vinyl
Over 400 prototypes were created in less than 3 years. The FabLab Lisboa it’s proud to be a laboratory accessible to the ordinary citizen, a space of knowledge and sharing experiences, enabling democratic access to innovation, entrepreneurship, discovery and creativity, aiming the social and economic development, at individual or communitarian level.
Partners: CML | Corticeira Amorim l Iberomoldes | CENTIMFE | AIP-CCI
«This space serves as a bridge between the creative community and the industrial production areas of Lisbon.»
António Costa, 2013
Machine Visits without Registered Prototypes reservations reservations Users in (Open Days the Website
951 (Nº)
1889 1300 (Nº)
Study Visits
400 18 (Nº)
Main areas of use
12% 5%
Design Architecture Engineering
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Startup City Lisbon Youth Entrepreneurship Program
The strategy of the Municipality of Lisbon for the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation had from the start the purpose of fostering a culture of entrepreneurship in young students in public schools. The municipality has developed several projects in order to grow values of civic responsibility in children and youngsters, involvement in community life, stimulate education for citizenship or the importance of shared responsibility. In this context, the municipality of Lisbon established a partnership with JAP - Junior Achievement Portugal - for the development of Lisbon’s Young Entrepreneurship Program.
In 2015/2016 were involved more than 8,000 children and young people in about 40 schools of the city of Lisbon. In addition to this partnership with JAP, CML is developing the program “JUNIOR CODE ACADEMY” which began in the academic year 2104/2015 to teach Code for children and young people from various schools in the city of Lisbon.
Numbers from last 5 years:
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Startup City Code Academy
Junior Code Academy - Because code playing is serious stuff. The Code Academy Program is a response to the need to train IT programmers in a market where employment continues to increase and in contrast the demand for these courses continues to decrease. The Code Academy is also directed to unemployed that through an intensive training of about 3 months learn all the codebases and key programming tolls to become skilled and capable programmers and enter the labor market, mainly in partner companies that are willing to include this trainees in their staff.
The Junior Code Academy is a complementary project, which aims to teach programming to students in basic schools by using software developed specifically for this and with the help of robots interacting with the children. Thanks to this partnership between the municipality and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in 2015, the Junior Code Academy was able to implement a pilot with 75 students of the 3rd and 4th year of elementary school, aged 8 and 9 years.
Partners: CML | Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian l Startup Lisboa l Laboratório de Investimento Social
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
(Nº) 43
Lisbon: Startup City European Project DELI – Migrant Entrepreneurship
DELI is the acronym for Diversity in the Economy and Local Integration, an innovative European project that aims to support inclusive policies and strategies targeting the immigrant business community, promoting forms of local development sensitive to the economic rights of immigrants and enhancing the socio-cultural diversity. The concern about the integration of immigrants is one of the European Union brand images. In Lisbon, the management and coordination of DELI project was assigned
to the Municipal Direction of Economy and Innovation (DMEI) of the Municipality of Lisbon, which worked closely with the Office Lisbon Crossroad Worlds (GLEM) and GABIP-Mouraria. Thus, the Lisbon City Council seeks to continue the path that has been trodden in the fields of diversity, interculturalism and integration of immigrants in the city, for instance, through its participation in the Intercultural Cities Network. Official website of the project, the Council of Europe: General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Knowledge and Innovation STUDY IN LISBON
Lisbon is the largest University and Research Hub of Portugal, with more than 140,000 students enrolled in higher education, more than 15,000 researchers, receiving more than 13,000 international students annually and more than 3,000 students under the Erasmus program. Following the plan to strengthen the position of Lisbon as a center of knowledge and make it a true Erasmus city, the City Council launched the platform STUDY IN LISBON (www., which wants to be an aggregator platform for information, partners and initiatives, and has as main objective to attract and retain talent (students and national and foreign researchers) positioning Lisbon internationally as a global hub in the fields of knowledge and innovation.
“Portugal’s climate and lifestyle draw funds to education and healthcare.” In Financial Times, December 4th, 2014 Higher Education higher education institutions students
Annual College graduates
R&D Centers
S&T Parks
Foundations focused on Science, R&D
Students R&D (% of Residences GDP)
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Knowledge and Innovation
GARAGE ERASMUS The garagErasmus Foundation developed the first professional network for the Erasmus Generation. Its mission is to promote labor mobility and the circulation of ideas in Europe within more than three million Erasmus alumni. Lisbon became member of the garagErasmus Foundation which aims to join forces with the largest number possible of European universities in order to build the largest alumni online network of the world, through the platform: The online platform allows the “Erasmus generation” to find companies and recruiters interested in their profile of international experience and its presentation was made at the end of September 2015 in Lisbon.
NAFSA Association of International Educators The NAFSA - Association of International Educators is an international association of education that organizes, since 1948, the US annual conferences of education, aimed at supporting and developing the internationalization of students through workshops, thematic seminars and networking between professionals of the educational area. Each year, the conference is accompanied by a fair where universities, government agencies and companies linked to the recruitment of students and various organizations involved in education worldwide are represented. The Lisbon City Council (CML) was represented, for 4 consecutive years (2012 to 2015) in the Annual Education Conference that takes place in the US. The Lisbon’s Map of Knowledge and Innovation is a digital platform that allows people to know and exploit the academic, research and development and innovation ecosystem of Lisbon. 48
Lisbon City Council presence at NAFSA aims to disclose Lisbon as a city of knowledge and innovation and as a destination of excellence for study, work and invest.
Signed on 7 October 2014, the partnership protocol with FLAD in the framework of the project Study In Portugal Network (SIPN),, a program created from scratch, to host foreign university students in Portuguese universities, in particular from North America. The program, called SIPN applies to foreign students of 1st cycle (bachelor), who want to develop semiannual or annual programs, summer courses and academic internships in study abroad format. SIPN is an initiative from FLAD, which also ensures its consortium system management with the following universities in Lisbon: ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (IUL), University of Lisbon (UL), Nova University of Lisbon (UNL) and Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) all also partners of the Study In Lisbon project. FLAD ensures the student recruitment process for the program and the financial management and logistics of the entire program, while promoting the city of Lisbon as a destination of choice for these students, and proposed to the municipality both: the exchange of information between the SIPN and the Portal STUDY IN LISBON, and the institutional and promotional support to the program and the students during their stay in the city.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Knowledge and Innovation LISPOLIS
Lispolis is the managing body of the Technological Center of Lisbon and its main objectives are to support the installation and development of companies that offer innovative products and services, providing space and proper conditions for its operation, and contributing to the promotion of technological development and innovation as key elements for improving national competitiveness and particularly in the city of Lisbon. Currently the Lisbon Technological Center has more than 120 companies installed and created 1,200 skilled jobs. The Lisbon City Council, in partnership with the founding partners of the Technological Center, started in 2013 a strategic agenda for the Lispolis - “Lispolis: a new strategic
ambition “- which includes five strategic areas: internationalization, investment, entrepreneurship, knowledge and networks. Its main goal is to create an “Innovation Hub” based on attracting anchor actors and strategic projects that will make Lispolis and its contiguous territories in a reference space for the installation of companies in the city of Lisbon. Lispolis has all the conditions to become a territory of excellence that enhances the synergy and growth of companies, organizations and scientific and technological institutions, promoting, by strengthening their distinctive capabilities, the economic development and the competitive advantages of Lisbon.
(Nº) General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters
We strongly believe that Ecosystems and Clusters are important strategic platforms and efficient instruments for the development of Lisbon economy. We want that the strategic clusters of Lisbon to consolidate and renew continuously, ensuring the dissemination/transfer of knowledge and know-how. The starting point for the approach to the strategic sectors in Lisbon is based on a common methodology that includes indicators and the mapping of its major actors. The strategic partners actively participate in the development, validation and discussion of the programmes and initiatives for each sector.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Creative Economy
One of the emerging sectors in the city of Lisbon is undoubtedly the Creative Economy, understood here as an economic sector central to the city, crossing different economic, sociocultural and technological dimensions and being developed by numerous actors in constant dialogue and transformation.
There are being developed interactive processes between the private and public initiative that can result in win-win situations and Lisbon City Council wishes to give visibility to the dynamics of the creative economy and continue to be an enabler for the interaction between its own activities, with private and public institutions. Lisbon Blueprint for the Creative Economy was presented in May 2013.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Mouraria Innovation Center - Mouraria Creative Hub
Mouraria Innovation Center - Creative Hub, opened on May 29th, 2015 as the first incubator in Lisbon to support projects and business ideas of the creative industries, especially in the areas of Design, Media, Fashion, Music, food, among others.
spaces to accommodate creative industries entrepreneurs. CIM offers fully equipped spaces, a large network of mentors, training and consulting, access to financing solutions and marketing support for products and services.
Installed at Rua dos Lagares, a former palace of the fifteenth century, the space has the capacity to accommodate about 50 entrepreneurs. The building, owned by the municipality, was completely renovated and has 11 working rooms and several other Partners: CML | AMAEI | Clube dos Criativos de Portugal | FABLAB LISBOA | ETIC | AR.CO | VdA | FBA - UL l Associação Moda Africana de Lisboa | FA - UL | IADE | LSD | Magestil – Escola de Moda de Lisboa | ModaLisboa | Modatex | Restart | Vieira de Almeida & Associados
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Companies / Projects
(Nº) 55
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Creative Economy
Creative Jobs % of Creative Jobs Creative Companies (Region) of Lisbon (Region) in in Lisbon (Region) Portugal
The selection of Lisbon’s creative economy as a relevant cluster in urban competitiveness emerges as a natural result of the urban dynamics and achievement of its main actors, making it one of the privileged and inseparable vehicles of the national and international acknowledgment of the city and the neighbouring region, along with an important impact on the economic dynamics. The Municipality of Lisbon has been working actively to position the city and the Lisbon region as a model reference in the application of municipal policies beneficial 56
% of Creative % of Creative GVA Companies of of Lisbon in the total LIsbon in the Total of Portugal of Portugal
to the development of entrepreneurship and in particular for the cluster of the Creative Economy. The effort to rehabilitate the city’s damaged urban network through new uses, with the purpose of satisfying the demand by young creative entrepreneurs who view them as places of choice for a workplace: the Forno do Tijolo Market where FabLab Lisboa was installed – a prototyping laboratory, Start Up Lisboa incubator was located in rehabilitated buildings in Lisbon’s downtown area, or the rehabilitation of the Sinel de Cordes Palace where a creative cluster has been formed with projects concerning architecture, among others. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Creative Economy
In addition to the public initiative, it is also worth mentioning the private initiative, in great upsurge in the city with a strong connection to the traditional neighbourhoods such as the LX Factory in Alcântara, the Fábrica Braço de Prata in Poço do Bispo, the recovery of the Ribeira Market with the assignment of the management to Time Out Magazine, or the rehabilitation project for the old Desterro Hospital that has been designed to accommodate assorted creative spaces. These spaces advocated as references of the creative movement bring with it a search for several parallel services, energizing the street commerce and the tourist attraction of an entire area of the city, which thus reborn to a new economic reality gone astray. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Also participating in international projects (Cross Innovation, WeTraders), attracting and supporting events around creativity in the city (Creative Hubs Forum 2015, European CoWorking Conference 2014, IN Festival, Eurobest Festival, Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Lisbon Fashion Week, to give just a few recent examples) or the establishment of the Lisbon Film Commission with an important role in the enterprise of filming in the city, are outlines of a strategy to cement the creative cluster in the city. 57
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Lisboa Film Comission
The Lisbon City Council created the Lisboa Film Commission (LFC) to promote the city as a preferred destination for filming and photo shoots, including an intensive work of reorganization of activities, processes and procedures to streamline support for films and audiovisual productions in the city. Lisboa Film Commission supports the production companies and the professionals of the cinema and audiovisual sector, acting as a focal point and facilitator with the various municipal services, ensuring the monitoring of licensing and granting
of municipal aid, the examination of applications and clarification through scheduling previous meetings, research locations, and establishing links with entities outside the municipality. The film, audiovisual and advertising activities are an important local economic development factor, not only due to the direct impact on the city with the demand for goods and services but also the indirect impacts, including through greater international promotion of the city and creation of jobs.
Filming / Shootings Requests
Shootings Days
Average Number of Shootings per day in Lisbon
Municipal Revenues
Municipal Incentives to Filming Productions
Productions Budget spent in Lisbon
(mil €)
(mil €)
(milhões €)
Fonte: LFC/CML 2015 General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Pólo Criativo de Santa Clara / Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa
Pólo Criativo de Santa Clara
In the Sinel de Cordes Palace is installed the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, setting the mood for the conversion of this space in a Creative Hub of Lisbon around the architecture value chain. Currently there are installed in the palace 7 projects/startups corresponding to the creation of 35 jobs. “Angular”, “Arqa”, “Caus”, “KWY,” “Linhabranca”, “Multidão” and the collective “Warehouse”, are the projects located in this Creative Hub.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Maritime Economy
FIGURES ABOUT THE MARITIME ECONOMY OF LISBON (2014) Maritime Jobs in Lisbon % of Maritime Jobs (Region) of Lisbon (Region) in Portugal
Maritime Companies in Lisbon (Region)
The sea is one of the Portuguese economy’s main assets. Based on data for 2006, it was estimated that the maritime economy in Portugal represents 4% of GVA, 3.6% of employment and 4.2% of GDP. Lisboa has a long history of links to the sea and the River Tagus and is united with both, thereby forming a unique and inseparable identity. In this context, we intend to stimulate projects to make the city a unifying pole of the maritime economy, based on dynamic partnerships. The goals are to strengthen the city’s maritime identity and specialisation of its economy, support the creation and 62
% of Maritime % of Maritime GVA Companies of of Lisbon in the total LIsbon in the Total of Portugal of Portugal
installation of maritime companies, make the city a key cultural and tourism destination and a pole of excellence for maritime research and educational activities, technological development and innovation. Lisboa aims to build a sustained maritime project, that will contribute to scaling the city economically and which seeks to take advantage of the sector’s transversal nature, increasing synergies with the overall economic activity of the city / region and, taking advantage of the city’s unique qualities, thus differentiating Lisboa from other cities, regions and countries. The Blueprint for the Sea Economy was presented in December 2014. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Health & Wellbeing Economy Healtcare Jobs in Lisbon (Region)
Healthcare % Healthcare Jobs Companies in of Lisbon (Region) in Lisbon Portugal
In Portugal the GVA of the Healthcare and Wellness Industry companies reached in 2014, 5,7% of the total GVA. The healthcare and wellness industry is between two major trends: an aging population and the acelerated technological change. For this reason, the growth potential of this sector is very high, with new drugs coming up every day and growing emerging areas such as genomics, bioinformatics and health IT’s. The main institutions of the health sector are in Lisboa, due to its strategic position regarding the National Health Service and having a wide and diverse network of infrastructures and equipment, welcoming several companies related to the pharmaceutical sector. 64
% of Healthcare % of Healthcare Companies in GVA of Lisbon in the Lisbon in the Total total of Portugal of Portugal
In Lisbon are also around 32% of the country’s research centers and 33% of physicians. The Champalimaud Foundation, the Gulbenkian Institute of Science and the Ricardo Jorge Institute are just three examples of the diversity and importance of this sector in the dynamics of the city. It should also be highlighted the fact that Lisboa is undergoing a transformation process regarding its hospital facilities, with the closure of old hospitals in central areas of the city and the opening of a large central hospital designed for the eastern area of the city which will be very important to attract several business and investigation actors in different areas of health sciences (pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology, pharmacogenomics, equipment and medical instruments, medical clinics, among others). General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters
Digital Economy Jobs in Lisbon (Region)
Companies in % Jobs of Lisbon Lisbon (Region) in Portugal
Lisboa - city and metropolitan area - has proved to be a very attractive place for the opening of companies in the sectors of ICT, Internet, Media and Audiovisual, and Software industries.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
% of Digital % of Digital GVA of Companies in Lisbon in the total of Lisbon in the Total Portugal of Portugal
Regarding the cities, ICT can give a decisive contribution for economic sustainability (through business competitiveness), social and environmental. According to 2014 data, 4,5% of the employment in Lisboa was from the ICT sector.
The ICT impact goes through all sectors. They play a key role, either by direct or indirect way, in all areas of activity. Lisboa has been able to attract a number of leading international companies in the ICT industry, software and internet, standing out Fox, Google, Fujitsu, Ferrostaal, TVGlobo, Huawei and Microsoft.
In the global world we live in, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are extremely important. The volume, dispersion and flow of information demand new solutions to new (and old) problems. Safety, treatment, management and broadcast of information, are central themes.
Given that the impact of ICT in modern economies and cities translates into investment, exports, employment (creation and retaining talent) and research, Lisboa City Council has been working with several partners in order to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the city in this sector. 65
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Commerce & Shopping in Lisbon
Lisbon Shopping Destination Positioning of Lisbon as an international shopping destination. Trade is a key economic activity for the city of Lisbon. However, this is an industry that has committed over the past few years with a difficult and complex reality. The challenges that traditional trade faces today are many and diverse, partly due to the economic situation and the country’s crisis in recent years, the proliferation of large shopping centers and outlets, but also because of the changing consumer demands, rhythms, styles and lifestyles. The modernization and adaptation to this new reality are fundamental not only for rethinking the spaces and concepts but also by adopting new management and sales techniques, merchandising and new technologies. CML has an ongoing series of projects and initiatives in the area of trade, namely: Lisbon Shopping Destination.
in the last two years with the opening of 66 new stores in the main areas of the city such as Av. Da Liberdade, the Baixa, Chiado, the Príncipe Real and R. Castilho. The city of Lisbon occupies the 19th place in the ranking of European cities with the highest presence of international brands, combining new prestigious shopping streets associated with major international brands with innovative concepts of national entrepreneurship. This strengthening of the shopping streets in the city’s shopping profile plays a decisive role in urban regeneration strategy of the municipality and is an indicator that supports the Lisbon strategy as an international shopping destination (which instrument is the Lisbon Shopping Destination program). Examples: Cartier, Max Mara, Michael Kors, Rimowa and Torres Jewelers, Avenida da Liberdade and L’Oreal, Tous and Geox in Chiado. General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Lisbon Shopping Destination
The Lisbon Shopping Destination project is part of the strategy for the promotion and revitalization of the city trade and aims to bridge the gap between the tourism (on the rise) and trade and consumption, taking advantage of the international demand, in a time when the internal market has strong restrictions on consumption. This project takes advantage of the current moment that the city lives, with the large increase in tourism , to promote its extension to areas most unknown of the city, contributing not only for consumption in these areas, but also to lower the pressure that Lisbon feels in more touristic areas. Lisbon Shopping destination, can now, through its digital platform, promote and
show parts of the city and its shops like no other site within this genre normally does, for example Av. Roma, Benfica-Sete Rios or Alvalade. The site is an excellent platform to launch and to promote UACS, parishes and partners involved initiatives. Founding Partners: UACS – União das Associações de Comércio e Serviços Associações de Comerciantes: Liberdade, Chiado, Baixa, Príncipe Real, Castilho, Bairro Alto, São Bento e Santos (Santos Design District) ATL – Associação de turismo de Lisboa APL – Administração do Porto de Lisboa Facebook - Lisbon Shopping Destination 68
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: Strategic Clusters Historical Retail Stores (Lojas com história)
Historical Retail Stores (Lojas com história) The Lisbon Historical Stores Program is aimed to promote local trade and traditional shops of Lisbon. Under the Lisbon’s strategy for promotion of trade with a special approach to consolidate traditional trade as a crucial element in the commercial fabric of the city, in which “ historic stores” take on a character differentiator and are an affirmation mark in the city, the conservation and enhancement of this heritage is a design that requires different and complementary measures. The implementation of this project is based on the basis of the relationship between three areas of municipal activity (economics,
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
urban planning and culture) that would establish a vision set that integrates the different strands covered. The “Shops with History” program aims to trigger a reflection on the urban scale economic activity and local commerce, as well as the heritage and the imaginary associated with traditional stores of Lisbon, in order to support and promote local traditional trade, through measures that potentiate their growth and are generating new business models and employment, ensuring renewed continuation of an industry with huge economic, patrimonial and cultural value.
Lisbon: International Economic Partnerships
The promotion of Lisbon in the international context is part of the strategy for economic recovery and attraction of investments and structuring projects of the Lisbon City Council. The goal is to position Lisbon as one of the most competitive, innovative and creative cities in Europe, inserting it in major international projects and networks of cities, strengthening its position and action in regional and global networks of towns, which offer opportunities for creating partnerships, which in the long-term will generate employment and economic growth. Through economic cooperation in international organizations and networks, Lisbon becomes an increasingly global city, fostering the growth of its economy, expanding investment opportunities internationally and promoting the identity of the city and its competitive advantages.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
The Euro Cities it is a network of major European cities, which aims to promote the exchange of best practices and represent the interests of large cities within the Community institutions, promoting the inclusion of urban requirements in European policies. It was founded in 1986 by the mayors of six major cities (Barcelona, Birmingham, Frankfurt, Lyon, Milan and Rotterdam), having extended in the first 5 years to 42 cities and integrating currently 140 cities in over 30 countries. It is also a partner to consult, with important contributions and expertise in urban policies and in development and implementation of European policies and programs.
Lisbon: International Economic Partnerships
Founded in Chicago in 1936, the Urban Land Institute is a non-profit organization profit dedicated to education and research with over 30,000 members in 95 countries around the world. Its aim is to promote the responsible use of land, identifying and providing solutions to the common challenges to various cities and regions, bringing together experts from real estate areas and land use to address urbanization issues, rural and urban regeneration, public-private partnerships, sustainable development and climate change.
The Committee of the Regions is the EU’s assembly of regional and local representatives, which ensures the institutional representation of all the territories, regions, cities and municipalities of the European Union. Its mission is to involve regional and local authorities in the European decision-making, supporting the participation of citizens, with the principle that cooperation between the levels - European, national, regional and local - it is essential to build a close and supportive union among the peoples of Europe and face the challenges of globalization.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon: International Economic Partnerships
The Leading Cities (formerly called “World Class Cities Partnership”) is a global network of business leaders, government, academic, non-profit organizations and citizens working to build partnerships for the exchange of knowledge on solutions to local challenges and finding economic opportunities in the 21st century. The “Leading Cities” strives to build more competitive cities through public policy analysis, taking advantage of opportunities for economic development through collaboration between the public and private sectors and empowering individuals through the involvement of citizens.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), is an organization founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, executives and senior professionals with roots in the Hindu region, whose mission is to foster entrepreneurship. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and its distribution by the community, TiE Global manages and supports a new generation of entrepreneurs. It’s more than 13,000 members, including 2,500 founding members, are present in 14 countries with 57 offices through which host innovative projects through mentoring and sharing of ideas and experiences. The group regularly organizes a wide range of programs and events such as, for example, the TiECon, the largest professional networking conference for entrepreneurs. TiE Portugal - Portugal may be the next country with representation of TiE Global. Potential investments of TiE Global in Portugal will focus mainly in the areas of telecommunications and renewable energy.
The Union of Capital Cities Luso-AfroAmerico-Asian was created on June 28, 1985, with the founding member’s cities of Bissau, Lisbon, Luanda, Macau, Maputo, Beach, Rio de Janeiro and São Tomé / Água Grande. The purpose of convening these eight cities for a union of capital cities of Portuguese language in four continents Africa, Asia, South America and Europe - was to promote the exchange of experiences and cooperation, and promote the sharing of knowledge. The constitution of UCCLA aimed to the recovery and consolidation of ties of solidarity that, for centuries, they had settled among the cities that were part, to allow the structuring of a joint effort, towards the balanced development of all of them.
Lisbon Economy in Figures
Lisbon Economy in Numbers 2016 The research, obtainment, processing, storage and systematic dissemination of relevant strategic information that cuts across various policy areas, is defined as Economic Intelligence. The City Council recognizes the importance of this area as a contribution to build competencies and competitive advantages for cities and companies, create and strengthen partnerships between the actors of the city, improving cooperation between the public and private sectors and strengthening the economy through knowledge and intangible capital.
Considering these needs a summary document “Lisbon Economy in numbers� is available on the Lisbon’s City Council website and annually updated. In a context of globalization, the demand for strategic information becomes a necessity, whether for the companies or for the territories. The effectiveness of economic development depends on the collective capacity (companies, state, universities, etc.) to transform information into knowledge, hoping to anticipate opportunities, risks, challenges and emerging trends.
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
DIRECTORY OF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS: Lisbon City Council / Economy & Innovation: Made of Lisboa: Startup Lisboa: Invest Lisboa:
General Direction for Economy and Innovation
Lisbon Business Connections:
Study in Lisbon:
Lisboa - Economy and Innovation
Lisbon Shopping Destination:
Smart Open Lisboa:
Luis Isidro Correia
BoaBoa Crowdfounding Lisboa:
General Direction for Economy and Innovation