C창mara Municipal de Lisboa Lisbon City Council
LISBON Governance, Economy and Innovation
Lisbon 22 September 2011
Lisbon City Governance Active Citizenship and Participation
New governance for the City of Lisbon State of governance in 2007:
The perception of it´s citizens:
• Poorly structured administrative organization; • Hundreds of organic entities; • 53 Parishes, (districts) for a population of approximately 560 thousand inhabitants;
Lack of global strategic vision and administrative organization
New governance for the City of Lisbon Paradigm shift: • Strengthening the civic participation; • More involvement from the population in the decision process; • Co-responsibility in key decisions;
Active citizenship bridge the gap between the city’s administrators and the citizens
New governance for the City of Lisbon How? A modernization and decentralization program: • Administrative reform of the City
• Reorganization of the Municipal Services
• Participative democracy / Open Government / Gov 2.0
New governance for the City of Lisbon Administrative reform of the City • An in-depth study on the city was carried out by an University; • A public debate with a significant public participation;
Exclusive competences for the 24 Parish Councils
Transfer of means from the Municipality to the Parish Councils
Redefinition of the administrative map from 53 into 24 Parish Councils
New governance for the City of Lisbon
Reorganization of the municipal services • Gaining efficiency and optimizing the use of resources trough resource pooling); • Integrating local and territorial decisions in local politics – the territorial units creation; • Integration and horizontalization – bringing down the vertical silos;
New governance for the City of Lisbon Participative democracy / Open Government / Gov 2.0
• Participatory budgeting; • Open data and participation portal; • Partnerships with universities and research centers;
The Citizen as a “client”
The Citizen as partner
New governance for the City of Lisbon Participative democracy / Open Government / Gov 2.0 Participatory budgeting: • Strengthening democracy; • Effective decision power to citizens; • Citizens become co-responsible in the city’s management; • It is an evolutionary process with continuous improvement, adaptable to citizens’ needs;
STRATEGIC VISION Contributing for ‌ - Promoting the internationalization and the competitive capability of the economy of Lisbon at a regional and global scale - Creating, attracting and retaining ‌ talents, companies, investment and strategic clusters - Stimulating innovation, creativity and the entrepreneurship spirit in the city. - Making Lisbon a space open to the exploitation of new motivations, experiences, concepts and innovations - Positioning Lisbon in the global networks of production and value creation - Integrate Lisbon in major international networks and projects of cities and regions
The Economy of Lisbon
Foresight and Economic Intelligence
Investment (atraction, retention and support)
Employment and Training
Strategic Clusters
Innovation and Creativity
Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento
Plataforma de Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento Promoção e Atracção de Investimento
Front Office
Back Office
Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento
Plataforma de Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento Promoção e Atracção de Investimento Tipologia de Investimentos/Investidores (IDE vs. Nacional; Sectores/Clusters Estratégico ; Grandes vs Pequenos; Área Geográfica)
Presidência Vereadores
• FT Breakfast Briefing Lisbon (Londres) • Lisbon Business Connections (1ªEdição)
Invest Lisboa
Doc. Estratégico de Atracção de IDE
Brochuras (vd. Invest Lisboa)
Missões & Acções de Apoio a Novos Mercados
Selecção e Papel de Sectores Estratégicos
Workshops e Eventos
Site CML (plataformas informacionais e de comunicação)
Monitor do Imobiliário de Lisboa PDM; PU + PP; P.Arq.; Lic.Const.+ Lic.Ut. + Imóveis (CML + Imobiliárias) + BDs Imóveis devolutos + BD Palácios CML + …
Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento
Plataforma de Atracção e Apoio ao Investimento Front Office Atendimento – Ponto de Contacto
Abertura de processo, Triagem e Encaminhamento • Task Force de projectos estratégicos (Urbanismo; Economia; Espaço Público?) • BD de planos/projectos de urbanismo em diferentes fases passível de ser apresentada a Investidores estratégicos . • Reuniões com Imobiliárias; …Tentar fazer com com que haja um “match” entre a procura activa de IDE e a oferta de terrenos e espaços e o contributo que estas podem dar para a BDs de Imóveis e Terrenos. E&Y; Deloitte (?) + • Lisbon Strategic/Future Projects • Lisbon Business Spaces • Lisbon Temporary Spaces
Pacotes de Incentivos (Nacionais & Municipais)
Aconselhamento, Informação
Monitor do Imobiliário de Lisboa PDM; PU + PP; P.Arq.; Lic.Const.+ Lic.Ut. + Imóveis (CML + Imobiliárias) + BDs Imóveis devolutos + BD Palácios CML + … Hastas Públicas
FAQs (fazer desde já a partir da experiência do GAI)
• Gestores de Conta (Mercados, Sectores, Tipo de Investimento)? • Espaços de Atendimento? Como organizar: DMEI, Invest Lisboa, Paços Concelho, …)
Lisbon as an Atlantic Hub Lisbon, Entrepreneurial City Lisbon, ERASMUS city Lisbon, city of Knowledge and Innovation Lisbon, City of Health Lisbon, City of Commerce and Markets Lisbon, Polycentric City Lisbon, Synonymous with Quality of Life
Thank you