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Most Stunning Line: Dler Toghyani-Farshid

Most Stunning Line

written by Dler Toghyani-Farshid (Year 8)

JFK assassination

The wind blew swiftly across the dry and pale grass and the assassin’s gun went in for the shot.

The gun’s eyes were red with violent rage and aimed in for the kill,

Yet did poor old JFK know that it was his final thrill,

Suddenly as the bullet galloped through the sky like a Pegasus, to end his life it miraculously tripped and fell,

And at the final moment of impact, the bullet did not excel.

Although JFK was saved, a dark figure was lurking around like a lion waiting for its kill.

As he took his final breath of sharp air the sweet bedtime kiss from the bullet wished him goodnight.

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