Spectemur 2017 TERM 3
Contents From the Headmaster’s Desk ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 Exhibiting: Our Visual Arts ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Middle School Production – The Life and Times of Timothy Simon............. ���� 10 Life Governors’ Dinner............................................................................. ���� 12 Agendo Art Prize 2017............................................................................ ���� 14 September Concert................................................................................. ���� 16 Parents’ Association ‘Back to School’ Social............................................. ���� 18 News Around the School......................................................................... ���� 19 From the Archives .................................................................................. ���� 22 Congratulations....................................................................................... ���� 23 Community Connections.......................................................................... ���� 24 From The Grammarian (and Spectemur) – The ‘Second Great War’........... ���� 28 Sport...................................................................................................... ���� 31 News of Old Boys.................................................................................... ���� 33 CGTC Gala.............................................................................................. ���� 36 Old Boy Profiles....................................................................................... ���� 38 WA Network Function.............................................................................. ����43 Past Staff Association Function................................................................ ����43 30 Year Reunion..................................................................................... ����44 5 Year Reunion........................................................................................ ����45 OCGA Generations Photo......................................................................... ����46 OCGA Lawn Bowls Day............................................................................ ����48 Vocational Dinner – Allied Health ............................................................ ���� 49 Obituaries............................................................................................... ���� 51
Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury Victoria Australia 3126 P.O.Box 151 Balwyn VIC 3103 T: +61 3 9835 1777 F: +61 3 9836 0752 www.cgs.vic.edu.au 2
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
From the Headmaster’s Desk One of the most impressive scholars our School has produced is Professor Sir Walter Murdoch, who was Dux of our School in 1889. He pursued academic studies at Melbourne University and then, for most of his career, in Western Australia, where a university now bears his name. Our School historian, Dr David Bird, wrote about him in Spectemur in 2015, and noted Sir Walter’s fondness for his old school – “All my memories of Camberwell Grammar School were happy ones”. He was perhaps Australia’s most eminent essayist writing on widely ranging topics in the national press: ‘Australianism’, ‘On Dull People’, ‘Are We Savages?’, ‘On Sheep and Goats’, ‘Laughter’ and ‘On Being Human’ are just a small sample of the topics he explored. His Collected Essays can still be found occasionally in second-hand book shops. The Australian Dictionary of Biography reports that he was a popular and well-liked lecturer: “in addition to the appeal of his wide-ranging and often informal literary lectures, of his sardonic wit and his ready debunking of the pompous and ultra-respectable, Murdoch was known for his help to students and junior colleagues in difficulties”. Given his eminent academic career it is appropriate that a new research and development arm in our School will be called ‘The Walter Murdoch Centre’. Educational thinking and practice is moving very quickly at the moment, and the implications of technology and how it can be used to help teaching and learning are only just now beginning to be understood. In order for us to keep up with the rate of change, and also
Professor Sir Walter Murdoch
to help prepare our students for the world they will enter after school, we need to devote some resources to research and innovation, and the Murdoch Centre will provide these. The centre will be led by Mr John Tuckfield, who has been Director of Research and Innovation at our school. John will gather around him a team of researchers and staff members who will gather data from within and beyond the school to help us better understand the ways in which students learn, and help us to equip them with the skills that employers are looking for in a technology-rich rich world. He will also convene a number of project teams to look at strategic issues for our school: how can we give our students more truly international experiences? How can we
better develop STEM programs throughout the curriculum? How can we extend gifted and talented students in different areas? Are we supporting students who experience difficulties adequately? How do we build skills in the affective domain in teenage boys? What will the impact on our students be of a world in which students increasingly seek ‘microcredentials’ over university degrees? As a ‘learning community’ it is fitting that we dedicate time and resources to learning. We do so in the spirit of Sir Walter Murdoch, a great enquiring mind, scholar and humanitarian. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster
Exhibiting: Our Visual Arts The study of art at Camberwell Grammar School occurs in all sections of the school. From our youngest artist in the Pre-Prep Centre, where making art is exploratory, kinaesthetic and discovery based; through to the senior years where art making is also exploratory and kinaesthetic but mixed with intention and a dose of academic rigour. In the Junior School, students are thought of as developing artists who work in a dedicated studio space. It is here that the seeds of success and critical thinking are sewn. They are exposed to a range of artists and art styles and begin the journey of exploring materials and techniques and an understanding of art language. Students also commence integrating technology into the art making process through the use of an iPad, taking inspiration from artists such as David Hockney. Along with skill development and the introduction of navigating the art process, student engagement is at the core of the Middle School art programme. Students are introduced to potentially five different art teachers during this time, with each having specialisation in a chosen medium. Such diversity allows students to be exposed to many artforms, as they begin to articulate which forms they are drawn to. In the Senior years the love of Art and Design is sometimes tempered by the toil of being an artist. Students try hard to find their artistic voice and to make sense of their world. Some give up. However; for others the innate desire to be creative and innovative or just because of their sheer love of visually expressing themselves and the pleasure it gives is often married with success; the critical moment it all clicks. When it happens the pure joy that is felt and the self worth that is derived is unadulterated magic.
In recent years the Art and Design department has focused on 21st Century skills, in particular critical thinking. This is a term that describes forms of learning, thought and analysis that goes beyond the memorisation and recall of information and facts. It builds upon students’ visual, social and emotional intelligence and assists students at all levels of the school to develop well-reasoned and persuasive arguments, the capacity to examine and appreciate multiple perspectives, the ability to identify problems and seek solutions and a willingness to take risks and accept failure. Such skills are recognised as desirable outcomes of contemporary learning, with current brain research and employment forecasters agreeing that’s such skills, mixed with creativity and innovation, are the keys to the future. The Camberwell Grammar School community is privileged to share in the creative endeavors of students as they walk the halls and grounds, step into well resourced studios and attend the many exhibition openings in the
recently commissioned David Williams Gallery. Student works are full of youth and energy and excitement, but also reflect upon modern society and its issues. It is an honour indeed to work in collaboration with students and my colleagues in this vitally important area of a boy’s education and life. Mr David Williamson Head of Art
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
NGV Excursions
YEAR 5 During Term 1 the Year 5 students had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery of Victoria to view the David Hockney exhibition Current. The exhibition featured artworks created by Hockney from the past decade. The 600 colourful and energetic iPad digital drawings of still-life, self-portrait and landscapes were a great inspiration to the students. The boys participated in a creative workshop where they produced digital artworks on their iPads. At school, we have continued to investigate these methods in our own artmaking. Students have created a series of still-life artworks using mixed media. They have been studying how line, colour and texture can create movement, rhythm and add depth to an artwork. Students have been using the Brushes Redux application to create digital works throughout this year. YEAR 3 As part of an Integrated Studies unit on ‘Community Diversity’, Year 3 visited the National Gallery of Victoria to view a range of artefacts and artworks created by Asian artists. The boys explored the gallery viewing works from Thailand, Japan, China, India and Tibet. The students gained an understanding of the cultural backgrounds that inspired the artists and how materials and techniques were used to produce the artworks. In the afternoon, the boys participated in a workshop where they created a collage of a Guardian Spirit. This work was inspired by the Guardian Spirit sculpture from China. They used line, colour and pattern to create bright and imaginative works. Miss Ariela Nucci
Year 8 Sport Pots Two classes of Year 8 Art students have been learning about sport in both an art and societal sense during the year. Class activities have touched on the importance of sport in Australian culture, and the ways in which artists have explored this topic in their work. After their initial research and ideas development, students learnt new skills and techniques in making terracotta pots using the coil method, hand building techniques and painting with underglaze. Both the form of their pots and subject matter have been inspired by the Hermannsburg Potters, a renowned Indigenous artist group from the Northern Territory. Students have compared
the work by the Hermannsburg potters to Ancient Greek pots, and their depiction of sport and everyday life many centuries ago. Other artists studied include the past finalists of the Basil Sellars Art Prize, a biennial exhibition of artworks based on the theme of sport held at the Ian Potter Museum, Melbourne University. It was wonderful to see our students link their own sporting experiences and sporting heroes to these ceramic works, which present a wide range of interests and styles. Ms Tracy Sarroff
Heroes and Villains The theme for Term 2 Art in Year 9 was ‘Heroes and Villains’, a project with a focus on popart. You could essentially paint any character or person you wanted, hero or villain, from Thelonious Monk to Mr Burns, with a few limitations. Taking inspiration from the great pop-artists, benday dots had to be incorporated into the final painting as well as black outlines and no tonal variation in colour. With the pop-art influence the paintings were all vibrant and eye catching, creating a varied but enticing array of characters and colours. However, the process was neither short nor simple:
an inspired choice, but I tried to put my own stamp on it), in which each character took up half the canvas. Other ideas for these two characters were faces made of flames and spoofing romantic comedy posters with Batman and The Joker, however both of these would require tonal variation to have an effect. After deciding upon a design we traced over it with tracing paper on the light box, which is, surprisingly, a box that emits light to make tracing easier. This trace would then be used to transfer the idea onto acetate for projection onto the canvas.
Planning took varying amounts of time for everyone, though it was an still a lengthy part of the process that required much thought. A minimum of four ideas for the painting was necessary. Sketches were made of possible ideas and images were printed out for inspiration. Personally I think I spent too long deliberating on who to paint and how to orientate the picture. Eventually I decided to go with a Batman/Joker painting (not exactly
Projection was a complicated process. The canvas, being located on an easel, would be on an angle and the projector (projecting the acetate copy of the design) would project a straight, flat not slanted image. However the real challenge proved to be the copying of the picture onto the canvas. Time was limited and the picture could only be copied in one period as it is very difficult to align the projector with the sketch exactly as it was before. To my
detriment I had probably put a little too much detail into the sketch, detail that would not even feature on the final product. Thankfully for most people projection was completed in one period. Now came the longer process of applying the paint. There was nothing especially confusing about the painting itself, fitting select colours into tiny spaces could prove a challenge, and usually painting to get a refined and constant texture could be a bit tedious in terms of time consumption. There was also another element necessary for the painting, which was a quote. My painting had The Joker in it so of course there was an arsenal of memorable and distinct quotes to use. For me, I wanted the quote to reflect the insanity and ridiculousness of not only The Joker but also Batman. I found it hard to place the quote into the painting as it was the final element of the canvas that I needed to apply. Luckily I made some changes and found a good position. The painting was complete. When the painting was finished I couldn’t help but feel extremely happy. Once the eyes are perfect, once each shape is outlined in black, once benday dots are applied the work is complete. This project that you’ve been working on, which has incorporated a character and people who you take interest in, is complete. The sense of accomplishment is strong and the final product is something to be proud of. ‘Heroes and Villains’ has probably been my favourite unit so far, the pop art influence, the choice of character and the process were all enjoyable and offer a great artistic experience. George Fogarty Year 9
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Year 11 Studio Arts: Artist in Residence Earlier this year, students in VCE Studio Arts had the pleasure of being guided and instructed on the pottery wheel by professional ceramicist, Ms Sue McFarland. Ms McFarland’s career is expansive and specialised. Having exhibited nationally and internationally, she is known for her commercial and creative ventures in the medium, from the hand built to the wheel‑formed. Her training extends to undertaking a residency in Jingdezhen China, and a study tour in Japan. She was invited to South Korea to participate in the Mungyeong Tea Bowl Festival from 2006
to 2010 as an international guest, and has taught ceramics for 38 years in both the secondary and TAFE sector. Students enjoyed the challenge of developing their skills on the pottery wheel, and have since been creating a variety of beautiful forms, vessels and sculptures. This great interest has led to some students attending the art room at lunchtimes to take advantage of the wonderful facilities and enjoy the hands-on, tactile nature of the creative pursuit. Ms Tracy Sarroff
Students enjoyed the challenge of developing their skills on the pottery wheel
The Final Year I have always loved making art. Ever since I was a small child, most of my drawings were simple curly illustrations of people and the environment. Over time, my journey at Camberwell Grammar from Pre-Prep to Year 12 has been a grateful, adventurous journey, one that I shall never forget. I have explored many different ways in how to depict works. My first memories stretch way back to 2004 with Mr Williamson, where I worked in the Art room inventing my own design of a building’s facade, getting creative using brushes, various vibrant paints and markers. As I climbed the grades, my artworks became more imaginative and more complex. In Year 1, I remember my class depicted sea creatures in the ocean by painting on our hands and imprinting them onto paper, or in Year 4 getting the opportunity to create a giant fish formed out of papier-mâché stuck together by glue. Now here in 2017, looking back at my time, things have changed. The work is harder, much more challenging and there is more pressure to produce finished art works. But the one thing that has never changed is the freedom of students expressing themselves through art. As a student who has sometimes struggled in the past, it has been wonderful to be able to try whatever I have wanted in art, whether it is painting on a canvas, stenciling or sculpting. I will truly miss working in the art room and its endless possibilities to be creative and successful. I am very grateful for these experiences and for the wonderful support I have had as an art student. Simon Ravenhill Year 12 7
Visual Communication Design For over quarter of a century, Visual Communication Design, has been a popular elective subject at Camberwell Grammar School. In VCD students examine the way visual language can be used to convey ideas, information and messages. Students develop their drawing and design skills with the view to communicating visual information to a specific target audience. Learning tasks often require the application of a design process, in response to a brief, culminating in the production of final presentations. This design process is documented in a development folio, which becomes the main area of assessment for these tasks. Students are encouraged to be creative problem solvers and to employ critical and reflective thinking strategies in the development of communication and design solutions. We explore visual communication using two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing conventions, which includes orthogonal, paraline and perspective drawing systems. Information and computer technologies (ICT) is integral to our studies and are often used in the development and production of visual communications.
Year 9 Art in the City Excursion In April, Year 9 Art students undertook an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria and Hosier Lane, to apply what we had learnt in class to famous works. Some of the noteworthy works at the Gallery that we looked at were some Impressionist era paintings by Monet, such as Rough weather at Étretat (1883). The tour guides explained to us information regarding the history and context of the works, such as that paintings like Monet’s were generally met with condemnation by the public. A piece by Mark Rothko, Untitled (Red) (1956), was definitely a highlight, with most boys not able to believe that a canvas merely consisting of different hues of red paint was worth $80 million, however learning later that it conveyed so much more emotion and meaning.
A work that captured the imagination of many students was Higher Ground (2012), an infrared photograph taken by Richard Mosse, depicting a young African boy holding a gun, set against a background comprising of vibrant plants. Finally, we saw the famous Weeping Women (1937) by Picasso, which we had studied only in class the week before. To conclude, a walk down to Hosier Lane was enjoyed by all as we gained an insight into contemporary art and the culture of the area. For many of us this was our first visit to the National Gallery of Victoria and Hosier Lane. We were able to link what we saw at the gallery to the elements and principles of art that we had learnt in class. While many of us were complaining about not being able to buy lunch in the city, this excursion certainly was a worthwhile educational experience for all. Geoffrey Gong Year 9
Students develop their skills in two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing applications, including InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and SketchUp and output their work using digital laser and inkjet printers. New technologies have recently been added to expand the range of production methods for VCD students, including laser cutting, 3D printing, also known as Fused Deposition Modelling, and SLA (Stereolithography) printing (in 2018), which is a 3D printing process that creates forms using light-cured resin. Visual Communication Design has historically been offered as a full year elective subject to Senior School students from Year 9 through to Year 12. There is no prerequisite for students, who can begin this subject at any of these year levels. I have included an overview of this year’s Unit 3-4 as an example of the range of work in which boys can immerse themselves. VCD IN VCE In Year 11, students complete six outcomes over two units. In Unit 1, we explored observation, visualisation and presentation drawing by designing a concept for a desktop stationery organiser. This outcome challenged the students to apply freehand and instrumental drawing techniques, as well as CAD and desktop publishing software skills, to design and present their ideas. The design elements and design principles were explored in greater detail through
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Perspective Ci mpbell (Year 12 VCD, Aaron Ca
tyscape by Ni
ear 9) cholas Pang (Y
the designing of a record cover. The final outcome required students to research historical design movements and to produce a report, in a single fold brochure format, in a style inspired by the selected design periods. In Unit 2 we have focused on packaging design to explore technical drawing conventions and to further develop observation and freehand drawing skills. Outcome 2 looks at type and imagery and includes a photographic research assignment and a ‘Modern Vintage’ poster design. The final outcome for Unit 2, the main folio task, allows students to apply the design process to produce a packaging concept for a selected product. The Unit 3-4 study provides the freedom for our Year 12 students to choose the themes and set the parameters of their folio work. Naturally, we see a broad range of topics being explored, with many students taking advantage of the opportunity to develop high level production skills within their areas of interest. Many of our students have ambitions to continue their studies in various fields of design, with much of their
work contributing to a folio that can be used in their applications to tertiary courses. Environmental Design features heavily in the work of our current Year 12s. Some of the topics in this area include the design of a concert hall (Leonidas Kapnias, Year 12) a home designed for steep terrain (Darren Liang, Year 12), a music hall (Jacky Pan, Year 12) a facade for a cinema (Simon Ravenhill, Year 12) a library (Paul Topatsis, Year 12) a 1950s diner (Gus Coleman, Year 12) and a technology lab (D. Wang). Industrial and product design is also a popular focus with headphones (Aaron Campbell, Year 12), a prosthetic hand (Matthew Harrison, Year 12), sports footwear (Alex Kanatsios, Year 12) a train carriage (James Hardingham, Year 12) and a spaceship design for a computer game (Shaun Wong, Year 12) providing challenging design work for these students. Most students produce a communication design piece to complement architectural or industrial design themed folios. A couple of students have chosen communication design as the main
Tiny House by Luke Tieri (Year 10)
focus of their Unit 3-4 folio. This work includes packaging for fruit juice (Oscar Crittenden, Year 12) and identity graphics for a youth fashion brand (Michael Karabatsos, Year 12). In the end, all students get to pitch their final presentation and folio to their peers in a short oral and visual presentation that simulates a real life pitch to a client. Mr Simon Barry Head of Visual Communication Design
Art Evening Classes With eight years having passed since the beginning of the Art Evening Classes at CGS, their popularity has increased and the range of choice has continued to expand. It was the Headmaster’s vision that the quality Art facilities at the school be open to the broader school community, and so the studios have opened to parents, members of surrounding schools, friends of the school and staff. Classes started with Life Drawing, which continues to provide opportunities for senior students to develop a folio of drawings that could be used for tertiary interview, parents and friends to experience the challenges of drawing the live model, and experienced drawers to have access to professional models in quality facilities.
Painting is always popular and in demand. Oil painting and watercolour have been offered in the past, whilst currently Mica Pillemer has introduced acrylic painting, where he offers tuition through a series of sequential steps to explore the key issues of tonal painting and the medium.
For further information please contact Tim Wells in the CGS Art Department on 9835 1777 or art@cgs.vic.edu.au Mr Kevin Boyd Art Evening Class Coordinator
CGS Art Evening Classes are available to friends and members of the school community. Student enrolment is available to Year 10 aged students and older.
Pottery has proven a very popular choice with Jenny Boyd, whose broad experience of teaching and love for ceramics provides new and ongoing students with enriching and personal creative experiences with the widely enjoyed earth materials. Earthenware and stoneware firings provide a broad experience of the ceramic medium in the excellently appointed studio. 9
For the last couple of months of the rehearsal process Fin Sampson (Year 11) and I had the pleasure of assisting with the Middle School Play for 2017, The Life and Times of Timothy Simon. Our main role was to mentor a few backstage boys; each helping them to move the set into an innumerable amount of arrangements, to pass on our passion for theatre to the younger members of the CGS community. We also took pride in introducing ourselves to the whole cast (46 Years 6 to 8!), from our school and Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College. It was a gratifying experience to get to meet so many students who had such a passion for theatre. The production team did a fantastic job with all the technical elements of the show, bringing it all together under the direction of Mr Stocker. The six huge periaktoi, with 10
their three sides, dominated the stage and allowed for several locations to be portrayed at the same time. The spinning cube during an exciting UV light enhanced ‘Mission Impossible’ montage with, (can you believe!) a flying fox, stretched our cast, backstage crew and technicians to the limit with its precision and complexity – quite the ‘coup de théâtre’.
Fin and I were very pleased to have been a part of the experience, and we look forward to seeing what other marvels the combined efforts of CGS and CGSC can produce in the future.
What impressed Fin and I the most was the diligence, skill and respectfulness that all members of the cast and crew displayed to each other. Their focus carried the show right through to the final performance. It was a multi‑layered story examining an undesirable side of human nature that was ultimately triumphed over by generosity and good. The touching ending of a reconciliation between father and son moved the audience greatly.
The six huge periaktoi, with
Will Woods Year 11
their three sides, dominated the stage and allowed for several locations to be
portrayed at the same time.
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Life Governors’ Dinner This is an edited speech given by the Headmaster, Dr Paul Hicks, at the Life Governors’ Dinner on Monday 14 August 2017. There is no doubt in my mind that the success of our school rests squarely on the excellent work that our teachers do, day in day out, year after year. They motivate and inspire students and engage them with passion to pursue learning and understanding. One of the leading educational thinkers of our time, Dylan Wiliam, has described teaching as the most difficult job in the world – one lifetime is not really enough to master it. Well, the four teachers we honour here tonight have spent a fair portion of their lifetimes trying to master it, and I would venture to say that they are getting pretty close. They are each very different, but in their own way they have influenced the lives of thousands of young people in ways they even they cannot fully appreciate. We have a designer, a linguist and historian, English teacher and Head of Development and a Maths/Scientist. Simon Barry began his first teaching job at our school. He has built his career here and is now Head of Visual Communication and Design at Camberwell Grammar School, an area our school has an enviable reputation in, largely due to Simon’s leadership. He has been a VCE Reviewer and helped many of our boys get into highly competitive design courses on the strength of their folio work, again largely with Simon’s direct input. He is a kind and patient teacher, a guru with really complicated computer programs such as Photoshop, InDesign, Sketchup, Illustrator and more. Simon helps when you get stuck, and if you forget he shows you again and again. He can look at a design and see something subtle or glaringly obvious, and show you how to improve it and make you think it was all your idea. Andrew Beale’s laconic persona and broad Australian accent lead people on occasion to underestimate his intellect. That is a mistake. He graduated in Arts from Melbourne University with first class honours and speaks three languages fluently – English, Russian and Chinese. He is a keen student of history, and came to teaching later than some, having first worked as a tour leader in China and Taiwan, and then for some years in a bank. He has a passion for learning and a genuine care for the students in his charge – he has often been a great support for parents struggling with teenage children, handling each situation with compassion and patience. Andrew is always the first to offer a hand with anything, whether it be taking an extra 12
rn 2017 Life Gove
ors (L-
ard, An , Elizabeth Bo R) : Simon Barry
substitution, volunteering to be an additional helper on camp, or an extra staff member on an excursion. When he was first appointed to the school, one of his referees described him as a shy man, who would perhaps work better with boys than girls; someone worth taking a risk with. I would state definitively that Andrew has been well worth the risk. I cannot possibly do justice to Liz Board and the contribution she has made to this school tonight. There will chances to have a better go at it later this year, because I have had slowly had to accept that she really is going to retire at the end of this year. Liz joined Camberwell in 1993, stayed for a couple of years and then tried to leave to take up a role at Trinity College at Melbourne University – this place had got into her blood, as it has done to many of us here tonight, and even in the time she was away, she worked for our school, before coming home again in 1997. In her time at Camberwell, Liz has had an extraordinary impact in so many areas – she helped to reinvigorate and rebuild our Old Boys group, she has been an extraordinary teacher of English, and has especially helped many boys who before they met Liz were struggling in English – she has often taken them on and helped them through. She has been an advisor and counsellor for staff, a strategic leader and an events manager extraordinaire. Susan and I got to know Liz well on our road trips around Australia and initially to Hong Kong to meet with
drew Beale an
d Joe Tierney.
Old Boy groups. She is a wonderful travelling companion – fun, easy going, and great company. Her knowledge of our Old Boys is extraordinary, and she can work a room like nobody else. As Head of our Foundation, Liz believes that funds can only be raised through friends – she cultivates relationships and reconnects people to the school, without always asking them for money. It takes time, but in the end we have many more friends – and the funds begin to come too. Since 1993 Liz has helped to raise nearly $11,000,000 for our school, and in a way has made the rebuilding of our school over the past two decades possible. While I will greatly miss
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
1993 Liz has helped raise nearly $11,000,000
for our school.
her wise counsel next year, I know where she lives, and I know that we will continue to be in touch – with the help of some good wine and nice cheese. Liz will do just about anything to help Camberwell Grammar School – including delaying her retirement for a year, until our preferred replacement could arrive – we are greatly in her debt. Joe Tierney was appointed to a temporary position at the school: Terms 2, 3 and 4 in 1992 – and then never left. He had worked in a wide range of occupations before entering the teaching profession – handyman, medical technologist, driver. He is something of the old type of schoolmaster, and runs a tight ship in his classes. He has strong and clear views, and is happy to share them. He is the master and guru of consistency – the boys in his class know exactly what the rules are and what the consequences are if they break them, and as a result they know exactly where they stand. His firm, clear but caring discipline has turned many wavering boys around and transformed them into solid citizens. Joe has run the Year 8 Social since its inception, and devised wonderful ice-breaking activities to help the boys to meet girls on the dance floor. Some years ago, Joe wrote an essay on the nature of boys’ education and about the nature of our work as teachers. He argued, with the weight of his experience behind him, that “boys learn best in an environment where competition is encouraged, but winning is not
everything; where they are given opportunities to test their mettle in leadership roles; where education is appreciated for its own sake, not simply for achieving good grades or getting a good job. A balance between giving them the courage and skills to look beyond the obvious, and the wisdom to avoid the pernicious.” His words eloquently express our mission and our vision, and Joe has helped us to deliver it over the past twenty-five years. Ladies and gentlemen between them these four colleagues can boast a century of service to our great school. I consider it a privilege to be able to call them my colleagues, I have learned many things from each of them, and we are very grateful to them for all that they have given to Camberwell Grammar School.
Agendo Art Prize 2017 The sixth biennial Agendo Exhibition and Prize opened on Thursday 27 July in the David Williams Gallery, Camberwell Grammar School. The exhibition celebrates the work of young emerging artists, one of whom takes home a cheque for $10,000 generously donated by Peter and Jane Crone. This year’s judges found it very difficult to select a winner, but after much deliberation awarded the prize to Genevieve Honey for her work, ‘Untitled (Palimpsest)’. Agendo has now become a highly regarded event in the Melbourne Arts calendar and the standard and range of the entries received increases on each occasion. The exhibition ran until Wednesday 9 August. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
September Concert
It was amazing to see the whole range of our students, from
Primary to Secondary, performing with such skill and passion. Congratulations to all of the staff and students who were involved in the extraordinary School Concert on Wednesday 6 September. It was amazing to see the whole range of our students, from Primary to Secondary, performing with such skill and passion. The program for this concert was a most ambitious one, but the students rose to the occasion in every piece. It is difficult to single out individual performances in such a collaborative event, but Captain of Music, Edward Tan (Year 12), deserves special credit for the way he has led our music students this year, and for being such an outstanding ambassador for our program. Other soloists made a huge impression too: in particular, Dylan Spargo (Year 12) playing the flugelhorn; Harrison McEwen (Year 11) conducting the Senior School Concert Band; Christian Chene, Michael Tan, David Tan (all Year 11) and William de la Rue (Year 12) singing solo parts during the spectacular Verdi’s ‘Requiem’ deserve special commendation. And our amazing School Captain, Nelson Zhao’s, extraordinary performance of the first movement of Grieg’s ‘Piano Concerto in A Minor’, well-deserved the standing ovation that it received. Finally, congratulations to our Director of Music, Mr Ben Bishop, for giving us an amazing evening of music. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Parents’ Association ‘Back to School’ Social On Saturday 24 June, the Parents’ Association held their annual social event for school parents, with this year’s theme being ‘Back to School’. Everyone had a great night, dressing up in creative costumes and enjoying cafeteria-style food. Thanks must go to Roseanne Perri, Warren Edney and the team of volunteers who ensured that the night was a great success.
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
News Around the School In August, I had the enormous privilege to perform on the organ at St Paul’s Cathedral. I performed Bach’s ‘Toccata in D Minor’ for the recessional at the Anglican Schools’ Service. I shared this role with Matthew Deayton (Year 9) who performed Purcell’s ‘Trumpet Tune’. Arman Cakmakcioglu Year 9
Pemulwuy Festival Brisbane Pemulwuy is a National Male Voice Festival held every three years in Brisbane. The Kelly Gang, the young adult Choir of the Australian Boys’ Choir, of which I am a member, went along this year from the 29 June to 2 July to join more than 500 singers from all over Australia and overseas. We were part of an intense series of choral workshops culminating in a magnificent evening, Pemulmuy! Final Concert at QPAC. The Kelly Gang also performed at the opening concert at Brisbane Girls’ Grammar School and in a showcase at Brisbane Boys’ Grammar. We helped facilitate a Conducting Workshop as part of the Australian National Choir of Australia’s Choralfest. It was a thrill to work with new conductors and to meet musicians from Choirs from all over the world.
Chinese Cultural Day On Wednesday 9 August, the Chinese department organised a Chinese Cultural Day and over 300 students participated in four workshops. They enjoyed Chinese paper cutting, panda making, playing Chinese harp and Chinese martial arts. At lunchtime, students enjoyed dumplings and buns.
We had a very busy schedule of performance and preparation for the finale concert. We stayed in a central Brisbane Youth Hostel where we shopped and prepared lunch and dinner and ironed our shirts. At the conclusion of the trip, the check-in staff at Brisbane Airport were serenaded with an impromptu concert and I felt extremely proud to be a part of the group. Arman Cakmakcioglu Year 9
Book Week in the Weickhardt Library CARTOONING AND MANGA WORKSHOP
Book Week activities commenced in the Weickhardt Library with a Cartooning and Manga Workshop led by artists, Kenny and Lea, from Drawingwithus. After a brief introduction to Manga and Anime by Kenny, the pair demonstrated how to create the faces and expressions of a variety of characters.
Book Club boys were treated to a visit from Mike Shuttleworth from Readings Books at lunchtime Wednesday. At the invitation of Mrs Regine Miriklis he brought along tubs of the latest book releases, as well as some past favourites, for them to peruse and recommend for purchase for the library. The boys thoroughly enjoyed hearing his very informative presentation on the titles.
Their audience enthusiastically took up the challenge, applying themselves to the task of developing faces in their own style, the silence of concentration only occasionally broken by ripples of laughter and exclamations of delight at Kenny’s illustrations. The workshop was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants who left asking when our visitors were coming back. BLOKES’ BOOK BREAKFAST Getting up early on a pre-spring morning was certainly made worthwhile by our guest speaker, Ms Emma Viskic. Emma talked to her captive audience of boys, dads, friends and staff about the things that influenced her, her approach to writing and her journey to having her books published. I think she inspired us all in her advice ‘to enjoy being odd’ and to ‘practise, practise and practise constantly’ to realise our dreams. Unsurprising words from a music teacher and strongly endorsed by the teachers present.
QUIZZES, BOARD GAMES AND BATMAN Mrs Janine Pietralla organised a highly entertaining quiz on the Book Week theme ‘Escape to everywhere’, which engaged a number of highly competitive students in identifying ‘places’, be they real locations or imaginary ones from the world of fiction. Another lunchtime activity was playing board games, old-fashioned perhaps but still an appealing activity for many boys. We finished the week with a screening of an episode of the ever-popular Batman, tying it in nicely with our collection of graphic novels. Mrs Catherine Casey Head of Library and Information Services
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
the classes travelled to
Melbourne Central, where they tried the Indonesian cuisine at Naughty Nuri’s Restaurant
Indonesian ACMI Excursion On Tuesday 8 August, Year 9 and 10 Indonesian students travelled to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI). Here, students watched Salawaku – a coming of age story about a young boy searching for his missing sister on Indonesia’s Maluku Islands. This film helped to provide a deeper insight into particular cultural aspects of Indonesia, as well as highlighting the beautiful landscapes which the country is home to. Moreover, the fact that the film itself was in Indonesian, significantly helped to expand students’ knowledge of the language. Following this, the classes travelled to Melbourne Central, where they tried the Indonesian cuisine at Naughty Nuri’s Restaurant. Here students chose from a variety of interesting, spicy and tasty Indonesian food items, as well as some very unique and refreshing drinks. It was the first time for many at an Indonesian restaurant, and it certainly did not disappoint. Rohan Hodges Year 9
Andrey Gugnin Recital On Tuesday 29 August, the School had the pleasure of hosting a recital by Andrey Gugnin, the winner of the 2016 Sydney International Piano Competition. It was a co‑presentation with Sydney as part of Andrey’s national tour and the 40th anniversary celebrations of the competition. Highly anticipated, it drew an enthusiastic audience from both within the school and the wider community.
in which we were taken into a world of intense poetry and introspection. A standing ovation led to some demonic Prokofiev and transcendent Rachmaninoff as encores and left an audience wanting more. As one audience member observed, it was a performance that ‘communicated such artistry and humanity’.
The first half of the program included some exquisitely nuanced Bach and a beautifully lyrical performance of Schubert’s ‘Piano Sonata in D major’.
This is the second time we have hosted the winner of this prestigious competition and it is a collaboration that I hope will continue. These recitals present a wonderful opportunity for our boys to experience the excitement of a live performance given by an outstanding, young, world class musician.
After interval, Andrey unleashed the fireworks. Drawing on his Russian heritage, he performed works of immense virtuosity and complexity by Shostakovich and Stravinsky. Nestled between them was a rarely heard piece, ‘Reminiscences of the Theatre’ by Desyatnikov,
Mr Greg Roberts Head of Keyboard
From the Archives We all remember our old school reports, sometimes with pride, sometimes with horror. Nevertheless, as the years pass they invariably provide us with amusement owing either to their striking accuracy or to their bumbling ineptitude and utter failure to discern the potential of the pupil under their scrutiny – or so we like to think. For the historian and archivist, however, they are invaluable primary sources for a number of reasons – school reports obviously provide a contemporaneous insight into the individual involved; they also provide an insight into the theory and practices of pedagogues and of pedagogy at any particular time in the history of education; they are the living history of any school community with the indications they offer of what was pursued and valued at the time of their authorship. The very early reports from the School, for example, provide evidence that those initial students were engaged in Classics, Euclid and Algebra, Spelling and Dictation, Elocution, all alongside Scripture. The Camberwell Grammar Archives are accumulating a collection of these gems (Series 148), currently ranging from 1944 to the 1970s, but I am very keen to acquire as many examples as I can through donations, covering as great a range of the School’s history as possible. Two recent examples of donations in this range are reports issued on David Perry in Form III, 1955, and on Thomas Fong in Form IV, 1971. The Perry report was one issued at the end of a term and it offers a survey of the student’s progress in each subject. It concludes with a familiar and brief comment from the Headmaster of the time, the Reverend T. Timpson: ‘He has made pleasing progress this year.’ The Fong report, however, is a “Weekly Report”, intended ‘to be carried by the student throughout the school day’, containing Homework, Revision, Assignments, ‘a regular assessment of effort and achievement’ and ‘signatures of parent or guardian and tutor as evidence of a regular weekly scrutiny of each boy’s programme’. Parents were assured that this record ‘can be more valuable than any [term] report as it should record exactly your son’s progress from day to day, week to week’. It is unclear how successful this pre-Schoology attempt to document weekly progress was, but the system was not maintained for many years.
School Report, 1955.
The Archive’s collection of photographs
continues to expand
100: Camberwell Grammar School… Planning our Second Century’, 1986
Amongst material sent to the Archives from our Development Office has been a publicity pamphlet issued by the School at the time of its 1986 centenary – “100: Camberwell Grammar School…planning our second century” – in which Headmaster Dyer outlined future plans for infrastructure enhancement, whilst assuring parents that ‘there is no intention to increase enrolment’ – the school population in 1986 was 1121 and it remained stable until the following decade. New junior and senior classrooms were promised and a northern extension to the 1958 Memorial Hall was proposed in order to provide adequate facilities for Music, Art and Drama, as well as providing additional ‘Library facilities’. We know that these ambitious plans were not implemented in full, but the funds raised in the related building Appeal were later used for the construction of our Performing Arts Centre, which replaced the 1958 Hall.
James McCoy and his father, East Kew, c.1934
James McCoy at home, East Kew, c.1934.
some with nostalgia, others with a degree of distaste. In later life, James McCoy enjoyed a very successful career in business and local government (OAM – 1996 for service to the community) and he is also honoured in our Gallery of Achievement, now positioned in the new Sports Complex.
Proposed extension to the Memorial Hall, 1986.
The Archive’s collection of photographs continues to expand and the most notable donation of the last term has come from Mrs Mary McCoy, widow of James McCoy who attended Camberwell Grammar from 193437 (Grades 3-6, for some of that time as a Boarder). Young James lived in East Kew and the donated photographs show him in the glory of his Camberwell Grammar uniform, as well as pictured in his back yard with his father. The skull cap, of which the Archives possess a few valued examples, is always the uniform item that students of that period remember vividly,
As has been made apparent in this issue of Spectemur in the News of Old Boys section, the School and its cadet unit are developing stronger links with the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion Association and accordingly the Archives would be keen to gain access to any material possessed by Old Boys and their descendants relating to this particular military unit. It is likely that we will soon house some material that the Association wishes to preserve in our state-of-the-art facilities and material gathered directly from School sources would be worthy additions to any such collection. Our existing cadet collection is already extensive, thanks in part to the donations of two former cadet OCs and staff members (John Usher and Bruce Doery) and a future expansion now seems likely. In this way, the sacrifices of our Old Boys in the conflicts of the past century may be offered the respect they warrant. Dr David Bird Archivist archive@cgs.vic.edu.au
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Congratulations Sport Pavara Jayawardena (Year 7) travelled to South Korea recently to compete in an international taekwondo tournament, which attracted participants from 50 countries. Pavara claimed the gold medal in his division. Brodie Carswell (Year 7) has been selected to represent the Victorian under 13 hockey team. Otto Zhao (Year 8) travelled to Sydney to represent Australia in an under 15 badminton challenge against the New Zealand National team. Darcy MacCuspie (Year 11) attended the Australian National Fencing Federation 2017 Nationals Competition and finished with a Bronze medal in the individual under 17s Men’s Epee, and was part of the winning Victorian State Team Men’s Epee. Ben Richardson (Year 8) will travel to Perth in September to represent Victoria in la crosse. Luke Ryan (Year 7) will represent the Australian under 14 futsal team in Spain later in the year. Themi Kapnias (Year 8) travelled to China to represent his club in an international soccer tournament. Zac Kelly (Year 8) competed in the Victorian Junior Road Race Championships where he won the Under 15 State Time Trial title and came third in the road race. He also ventured to Devonport in Tasmania for the National Road Championships where he competed in the challenging ten kilometre time trial event at under 15 level and came away with a Bronze medal.
Alex Hillman (Year 8) broke the Victorian record in the Boys 13 50m Freestyle with a time of 24.47 at the State Swimming Short Course Championships. Yanning Zhang (Year 7) won six medals and Alexander Hillman (Year 8) won three, including a record-breaking win in the 50 metres freestyle event, at the Victorian Short Course Swimming Championships at MSAC.
Co-Curricular Shourodip Pal (Year 6) competed in the Global Village Chinese Bilingual Speaking Competition, held over three intensive days at Melbourne Grammar, RMIT and Camberwell Grammar. Shourodip was one of only 30 students from over 1,500 participants who moved through to the finals and he was then able to win third prize. The recent National da Vinci Decathlon in Sydney resulted in success for our Year 10 team of Lachlan Doig, Oliver Papillo, James Gunasegaram, Edward Wu, Oscar Tong, Dean Roff, Andrew Zeng and Alan Jiang coming first in the Race Around Sydney competition and third place in the ten event da Vinci Decathlon. The events took place over three days and were a rigorous challenge covering ten academic and cultural disciplines. Vignesh Alagappan (Year 12) and Michael Josefsson (Year 12) have won their way through to the National Model United Nations Competition ‘The Evatt Trophy’ to be held in Canberra in late November. Hundreds of teams start off each year in this competition and only five are successful.
Cadet Sergeant Luke Sudholz (Year 11) achieved first place in the LF5 Moving Targets Simulated Shooting component of the MCC Cup. This is an annual competition conducted by the school-based cadet units. Charles Campbell-Cowan (Year 6), achieved a first place in the under 13 category in the annual Leslie Barklamb Scholarship held by the Flute Guild of Victoria at MLC on Sunday 6 August. Charlie played two pieces for the adjudicators, Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy third Movement by Doppler and the set piece Bergamask by Koepke. He was asked to play his winning piece at the Scholarship Finals concert at MLC in August.
Hayden Jenzen (Year 12) received the Australian Defence Force (ADFA) Education Award, which is presented annually to Year 12 students in recognition of outstanding achievement shown during the recruiting process for entry into ADFA.
Academic A small number of our students elected to sit the Australian History Quiz. This National competition is contested by thousands of students. Oliver Papillo (Year 10) was placed second in Victoria, Rhys Denison, Rohan Hodges (both Year 9), James Gunasegaram (Year 10), Ethan To and Jack Hu (Year 8) achieved High Distinctions, and Tom Sun (Year 8) was awarded a Distinction. Students of French participated in the Language Perfect World Championships, which involves 1,300 schools in a ten-day championship. Harry Gittins, Vedant Agarwal (both Year 7), Nicholas Wade and Riley Swinburne (Year 8) received Bronze awards; Evan Giasoumi (Year 8) received a Silver award; and Daniel Strojek, Daniel Meagher (Year 7) and Andrew Graham (Year 8) won Gold awards, finishing in the top 2% of competitors. Matthew Kautsky (Year 11) was awarded a place in the ANU Chancellors Scholars Program for 2017/2018.
Community Connections Community Service at Billabong Reserve On Sunday 30 July a group of Year 11 students who are completing their Community Service rotation were involved in a planting day with the Burke Road Billabong Committee. This committee is a group of volunteers who have worked over the past ten years to rehabilitate a previously neglected stretch of parkland between the Eastern Freeway and the Yarra River. The students do weeding, planting and mulching tasks a couple of times a year under the guidance of Stanley Barker, who coordinates the Landcare sponsored committee. Mr David Rayner
Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers Visit CGS For three weeks in August Camberwell Grammar hosted three pre-service teachers from Indonesia. Syaima Hakim, Nabilah Ryadi and Sintia Markin are finishing their studies in education at UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Bandung. UPI is one of the leading teacher training institutions in Indonesia, and we were very fortunate to be asked to host them. Syaima and Nabilah are studying to be English teachers, whilst Sintia is preparing to be a French teacher. Two of them, Syaima and Sintia, were hosted by parents of CGS, and Mr Hamish Green and his family hosted Nabilah. As first-time visitors 24
to Australia you might have expected them to be somewhat tentative early in their stay, but their main culture shock was the freezing weather during the first week. During the school day they were encouraged to visit as many classes as possible across the curriculum and to involve themselves fully in the life of the school. They quickly settled in and made themselves known to a wide range of teachers, and participated in many extra-curriculum activities, including pudding mixing. They did draw the line, though, at outdoor PE classes during their first week. They found ready acceptance from our
students, partly because that is the way with CGS boys, but also because of their sunny personalities and approachability. During the weekends their host families showed them the sights both near and far, and we thank these families very much for their hospitality and care. We hope that they will take back to Indonesia a deeper understanding of our education system and a broader view of Australian culture and society. If only Melbourne weather were better! Mr Ken Da Costa French Teacher
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
RSPCA Cupcake Day Thank you to our school families, students and staff who generously joined in and baked a delicious array of cupcakes for the RSPCA Cupcake Day on Monday 21 August 2017. The cupcakes sold out quickly, and we raised a fantastic $593.00, which will be donated to the RSPCA to support adoption centres and shelters in the attempt to prevent animal cruelty.
Youth in Philanthropy A group of keen Year 10 students were once again involved with the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Youth in Philanthropy programme for 2017. Six applicants were chosen to represent the school and receive requests from three charities to receive grants for special projects. Their mission was to allocate $10,000 between the Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Youth Climate Coalition and Port Phillip EcoCentre who requested a range of funding amounts from $4,500 to $10,000. The visits highlighted the great service that many charitable groups provide in our local community and the reliance on generous-
hearted volunteers. Funding is always an issue and the philanthropic dollar is limited. The visits culminated in a presentation to Councillors at the Melbourne Town Hall to present their reasons for their allocations to the three charities. At the presentation the group’s thoughts and findings were made to a panel of Councillors. A range of guest speakers expressed the importance of philanthropy and in particular the need to involve the youth of today to ensure its relevance in the future. Expressions of interest for involvement in next year’s program will be sought before the end of 2017. Mr Andrew Warne
Pudding Mixing
helped with the preparation days and with the steaming of the puddings on the weekends.
Another year of the CGS Auxiliary Christmas puddings has been completed successfully, with 806 puddings made in total, including our new extra small puddings (a perfect gift). We had over 85 helpers, including two dads, which made the four mixing days run smoothly and efficiently – without this help the 30 plus year tradition could not continue. We wish to thank everyone involved, including the mums who
This year the Auxiliary have used pudding profit funds to contribute to the new Sports Centre sculpture Tied by Todd Stuart, and two sterling silver candlesticks and a chalice for the chapel created by Dan and John at Flynn Silver. We have now contributed to the purchase of four sculptures over the years on completion of each new building.
Asean Bridge School Partnership Program The Indonesian Department was proud to be part of the Asean Bridge School partnership program for 2017/18. This partnership equips our students to be global citizens through developing deeper intercultural understandings of our Asian neighbours. The partnership involves students, teachers and the school community working collaboratively on projects and establishing cultural links. The Indonesian Department was delighted to host Azarina Alias from Perak, Malaysia who enjoyed her experience of being part of the Camberwell school community during her homestay visits. Ms Janet Sharman Head of Indonesian
Mrs Karen Bartram, a current parent, visited CGS as a member of the Advancement team at CGGS to meet with the CGS Development Office staff. On a tour of the Sports Centre she spotted the Chapel chair that her family had sponsored earlier this year.
We again are donating puddings to the Servants Community Housing and FareShare for people in need, to enjoy and bring joy with their Christmas lunch. The CGS Auxiliary always welcomes new members, it is a great way to meet other parents of the school and have fun. Mrs Nicole Loidl and Mrs Andrea Watt Convenors
A Brief History of the Swap Shop – Now PLUS With the opening of the new CGS Uniform Shop this term, we have been reflecting on the journey the shop has taken over the years. The first official documentation of a uniform shop was in a Weekly Bulletin article in 1968 – it mentions a uniform ‘Swap Shop’ and its “very acceptable service”. In 1972, records show that the Swap Shop moved to “the ‘Highton Store’ and is under the management of a Parents’ Association committee. In 1985, the shop is promised a move to “a more commodious space in Kingussie!” The years passed and expansion and renovation plans to the school were started and as a result the space that Swap Shop occupied in Kingussie was required for other purposes. In 2002 the shop returned to the Highton Music School and into an area that had been used as a retail outlet for Dobson’s, one of the school’s uniform suppliers. With the larger space the
shop was able to expand, which resulted in more parents using the service to buy and sell uniforms. By the end of the noughties however, it was evident that the Swap Shop had outgrown its current residence! In 2010 plans for the final stage in the school’s Master Plan, the CGS Sports Centre, were being finalised and the Headmaster was able to source a significant area within the new complex for use as a new uniform shop. 2017 has now heralded this much anticipated upgrade – a space specifically designed and built to accommodate the burgeoning business of second hand uniform sales, is now home to the shop. To mark this significant upgrade, the consensus was that a new name would better reflect the business of the shop. And thus, Pre-Loved Uniform Shop – to be known as PLUS – was born. Over the Easter school holidays, many volunteers gave hours of their time to sort,
organise, discard, and then move the uniforms to the new premises. It is conservatively estimated that this marathon effort took approximately 500 people hours! Early in Term 2, PLUS was open for business, and volunteers and customers alike have been enjoying the new, spacious facilities. A Gala Opening took place in late August, with many past convenors and current volunteers in attendance to witness Dr Hicks cutting the ribbon and declaring PLUS officially open for business. A huge thank you to the many people who have made this move possible, including the PLUS volunteers, Dr Hicks, Mrs Liz Board and the Development Office Staff, the Maintenance Department, IT Staff and many others, too numerous to list. Ms Tracey Guorgi and Mrs Cathy Garrard Convenors
Rotary Interact Club: Student Community Action Camberwell Grammar School’s Rotary Interact Club is affiliated with the Rotary Club of Canterbury and seeks to give our Senior students an opportunity to participate in the world wide Rotarian efforts to assist those in need on a national and international stage.
A lunchtime meeting of the club.
This very active club has adopted the ‘We Can’t Wait’ International charity which seeks to provide hygienic sanitary services to teenage girls in Indian schools, in order that village girls have an opportunity to participate in secondary education rather than being forced to leave school due to the inadequate provision of toilets. As well, the club is raising funds to support ‘The Lighthouse Foundation’ which gives much needed social and financial support to networks which assist Melbourne’s homeless youth.
Dr Manju Ponampalam (father of Ganesh – 2015) presenting a cheque to Lachlan Li (Year 10) to assist with fundraising efforts.
Mr Mark Balla and Ms Michelle Michie from ‘We Can’t Wait’ and The Lighthouse Foundation respectively, are pictured with committee members after addressing the Interact group and each receiving a cheque for $5000.00.
With a healthy attendance each week at meetings, the students are keen to assist wherever there is a need and how far financial fundraising assistance allows. Raising funds for our causes includes occasions such as school lunchtime and Bunnings sausage sizzles, themed casual clothes days, a Year 9 Social, movie nights, a badminton tournament and selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at our stall on Open Day. Mr Paul Double Club Liaison 27
From The Grammarian (and Spectemur) THE ‘SECOND GREAT WAR’
The service records of Grammarians, 1939-45. “He leaves a white unbroken glory, a gathered radiance.” Inscription on the gravestone of Private J.K. Atock, 2/7 Battalion, VX5403, Suda Bay, Crete. A POW, Atock was shot whilst attempting to escape, 13 July 1941. The Grammarian of December 1946 (the ‘Diamond Jubilee issue’) was the first amongst many following editions to list a “Roll of Honour” of Old Boys who had served in the recently victorious ‘Second Great War’. There were over 400 of them, including the names of thirty-four ‘Killed’; however, the list was not accurate and underestimated the number who had paid the ultimate penalty for their wartime service. As mentioned elsewhere in this current edition of Spectemur, the School and its cadet Unit are in the process of establishing a relationship with the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion Association, several Old Boys having served with that unit in the two world wars and chief amongst them is Alan Watson Moore (b.1920) then of Camberwell, who attended Camberwell Grammar from 1928-30, when he left – now being ten years old and able to travel alone on a tram – to attend his father’s
The Camberwell Grammar Roll of Honour, 1939-45.
alma mater. Alan subsequently served with distinction as a commissioned officer in the 39th in the ‘Kokoda and Northern Beaches’ campaigns in New Guinea, 1941-43, and subsequently with other units, acquiring the nick-name ‘Kanga’ owing to his keenness and swift response to the call of duty. Alan was fighting alongside many men even younger than himself, all with only basic training and despatched up the Kokoda Track to delay the Japanese invaders until the arrival of AIF troops – in this campaign and elsewhere their adoption of the motto ‘Mud on Blood’ (after the Unit’s Colour Patch) proved appropriate. Yet Alan Moore’s name does not appear in the 1946 Roll of Honour, presumably owing to his departure for elsewhere at an early age – this serves to illustrate the difficulty of securing accurate records of those Old Boys who served in the Second World War, leading the researcher to gain access to the 1939-45 Nominal Roll of the Department of Veterans Affairs, thereby ensuring that the School’s historical records of this Second Great War match the detail that our Archives hold on those who served a generation earlier in the 1914-18 conflict, including service in the original 39th Battalion (1916-19).
These Second World War service records provide some engrossing detail of (up to) 422 Old Boys in all the armed and associated services, including survivors, prisoners-ofwar and casualties. They are a living account of boys, young men and some seniors who sought to serve their country in a time of difficulty, when, as Alan Moore remembers it, for the first time Australians were fighting on their own soil (in the Paua-New Guinea territories) to defend the homeland further south. Of course, in a global conflict many also served vast distances away from their places of enlistment, which in most CGS cases were in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The Department records thirty-seven (almost nine per cent) of them as having died in the service of their country, either killed-in-action, having died as POWs or of illnesses related to their service; undoubtedly many others suffered in the post-war years from injuries sustained earlier. This CGS death-rate percentage is double that of those other Australians serving overseas, as listed by the Australian War Memorial. The great bulk of the hundreds of 1939-45 Grammarian veterans had been born in the years 1914-26, as one would expect
from a military-aged cohort – 322, or over two-thirds of the total recruitment numbers – and this figure includes twenty-seven of the thirty-seven who died. These boys were coming of school age between c.1919 and 1931, and most would have subsequently been listed as having left Camberwell Grammar in the years c.1925-1943, a period in which just over 1000 boys were counted as having passed through the portals of the Mont Albert Road campus. Even when setting aside the one-third of recruits born before 1925, it is astonishing to calculate that something like one-in-everythree boys who had attended our School in the decade-and-a-half before the outbreak of war (including the so-called “Devil’s Decade” of the 1930s) enlisted in this ‘Second Great War’. Enlightening though these statistics are, only the examination of the individual records of these servicemen allows us to reflect meaningfully on this turbulent period. They were not all callow youths – the most senior was Norman Browning Vial, a Warrant Officer, born in August 1886, who entered the School in 1898 when it had just retreated to St. John’s, Camberwell, from the more salubrious Fermanagh Road, Prospect Hill. In a marvellous piece of historical coincidence, Vial lived in a house called “Roystead” in Mont Albert Road. He was Dux of the School both in 1902, his final year. Only 5’5” tall, of sallow complexion, brown hair and blue eyes, Vial served in the Royal Flying Corps during the Great War of 1914-18 (enlisting in March 1918) as a home-based Depot Air Mechanic – only this respectable, earlier service explains his ability to re-enlist, aged fifty-four, in July 1940 in the Field Ambulance, where he also served for over two years on the home front. Originating from a family of considerable means, he is not listed as having had an ‘occupation’ before, between or after these wars. Vial is also a member of a select group as one of a number of older veterans who served in both global conflicts. Another of these more outstanding dual recruits was the tall (5’10”) Edmund Frank Lind. Lind was born in December 1888, attending the School from 1900-05 (Dux 1905). A medical practitioner, he joined the AIF in August 1914 in that first rush of recruits, many keen to ensure service before any war was over. He served in 1915 at Gallipoli (where he fractured his skull in a serious shipboard accident), later with distinction in France, 1916-18, receiving the Distinguished Service Order and being discharged as a Lieutenant-Colonel. His military career continued throughout the years between the wars as an officer in the Militia. By 1938 he had been promoted to the rank of Brigadier – no CGS Old Boy has exceeded this military rank – having led the Australian Military Contingent to the Coronation of King George VI in the previous year. With
the outbreak of another war, Brigadier Lind returned to the AIF in June 1940, serving in the Northern Territory and receiving the CBE – in May 1941 he undertook a secret tour of Ambon and Timor in civilian clothes, as the Japanese had not yet struck south. Once they did, this senior officer was unwillingly removed from his command in early-1942, one of many replaced by younger AIF officers returning from the Middle East. Lind was then retired in July 1942. A perpetually active man, he unsuccessfully stood as a candidate in the August 1943 federal election (for the Services and Citizens Party), but died at his South Yarra home of a cardiac arrest in May 1944 at the age of 55. Brigadier Lind is worthy of inclusion in our Gallery of Achievement. At the other end of the chronological and social spectrum of Camberwell veterans were the younger Old Boy recruits, fourteen of whom were born in 1926 and therefore of marginal military age as the war drew to its conclusion – there were even two born as late as 1927 (alongside another three born in the same year, but without subsequent service records). The two ‘official’ 1927 boys were the talented sportsman (1st XVIII and 1st XI) Allan Taylor Tassell (born in April) and Eric Richard Wilton (born in June or July) – neither of these recent school leavers was listed on the School’s post-war “Roll of Honour”, presumably owing to the brevity of their time under arms; Tassell enlisted in the Army in late-July 1945, only a fortnight before Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Wilton enlisted in the same month, appearing to have increased his age by a few weeks in order to secure enlistment as an eighteen-year old. Both attained the ranks of non-commissioned officers before their discharge in 1947. Of course, the brevity of the war service of some must be balanced against the brevity of life for many of those who perished in the course of the war. Whereas the great bulk of those who died during the First World War had served in the Army, this was not the case during the succeeding conflict. Of the thirty-seven CGS victims of this longer war, fifteen died whilst serving in the RAAF (most serving in liaison with the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force in Europe). William Grayson Huddart serves as an example of this corps of young men serving far from home. Grayson, as he was normally known, was born in November 1922 and raised in Canterbury by his father, a widower. At Camberwell Grammar (1931-39) he was both an outstanding sportsman and scholar – Prefect, Captain of Sport, cadet corporal, dramatist. At the end of 1939, Grayson entered the ‘business world’, seeming a typically fine product of Camberwell Grammar. That career ended, however, in November 1941, when the nineteen-year old joined the RAAF, training to become a pilot at Somers – he was soon flying solo after only eight hours of flight training.
After further advanced training in Canada, young Huddart was then posted to the UK, serving as a photographic reconnaissance Mustang pilot. This work was one that few pilots could accomplish, as it demanded flying in a dead-straight line with a perfectly even keel for long periods. By late-1944, Flight Lieutenant Huddart was posted to a Typhoon squadron in the American wing of the RAAF. The Typhoon aircraft was also used for photographic reconnaissance, but equipped with rockets for use in ground attacks where possible. Flight Lieutenant Huddart did not return from a mission over Germany on 22 January 1945 – ‘missing, presumed killed’ – but it was not until October 1947 that his family learned that his aircraft had been downed by anti-aircraft fire over Haltern, Germany, as he attacked a train. His body is now in the Reichswald Forest British Military Cemetery, near Duisberg, Germany – a brilliant young man, whose future promise was stifled by a distant conflict.
Private J.K. Atock, 2/7 Battalion, 1940.
Finally, perhaps the service record of another young CGS casualty serves to reinforce the immense personal losses endured during war, that of James Kenneth Atock (Gallery of Achievement). The talented Ken Atock, of Mont Albert (later Glen Iris), attended Camberwell Grammar from 1930 to 1936, leaving at the age of fifteen. In that time, he had been made Dux of several Forms, had taken Prizes for languages, spelling and been acknowledged as an accomplished athlete, cyclist and essayist. He contributed an article to the December 1935 Grammarian on “Cycling to Warburton” and, significantly, another to the December 1936 ‘Diamond Jubilee’ edition on “Rockets and Their Future”, where he noted their recent accelerated development ‘especially
The Atock gravesite, Commonwealth War Cemetery, Suda Bay, Crete.
Ken Atock, schoolboy rocketeer, and his ‘Mercury’ mail rocket, 1936.
“ He leaves a white in Germany’. Rocketry soon became his passion, the budding young scientist concluding that ‘Rocketry, like every other form of practical science, should be encouraged.’ He designed his own experiments with rockets whilst still a schoolboy – his “Mercury” mail rocket was exhibited at the Royal Melbourne Motor Show in May 1936 and he subsequently launched a prototype from the government airfield at Fisherman’s Bend in October of that year. Atock’s efforts impressed the Australian Rocket Society in 1937, but subsequent attempts to interest Canberra in such projects proved fruitless and he worked in the meantime at the Reading Room of the Argus. Once war broke out, Ken joined the 2nd AIF Second Division on the first possible date, 20 October 1939 – his service record lists his birthdate as 28 March 1919, two years earlier than our school records; such discrepancies seemed relatively common at the time as boys and men adjusted their ages in order to secure recruitment. Private Atock left for the Middle East in April 1940 to combat a foe who were themselves already demonstrating considerable interest in rocketry, although for bellicose purposes rather than for the delivery of mail. He continued to write for the Argus and was soon deployed in early-1941 against Axis forces in Libya, mainland Greece and on Crete, where he fought against a German parachute assault ironically labelled “Mercury”. In
May 1941, Atock and most of his surviving 2/7 Battalion were taken prisoner on Crete by German forces and incarcerated on the island at Chania POW camp in the first week of June 1941. Young Atock could then have been expected to sit out the war in Europe in straitened, but acceptable, conditions. However, on the night of 13 July 1941 he was shot and killed by a militarily inexperienced guard in a failed attempt to escape from his Cretan detention – the camp commander was very displeased that a warning shot had not been attempted. Private Atock was only twenty-years old; he had already served in Alexandria in Military Intelligence and it has been suggested that he was in possession of some intelligence-based material whilst on Crete, compelling him to make his failed attempt to escape. Atock was later, in May 1944, awarded a posthumous Mentionedin-Despatches ‘in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the field’. This young man’s premature death was a blow to his old School, his family and to the nation as a whole, given the immense potential that he possessed. His unique rockets have been preserved at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and the CGS ‘Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship’ remains a coveted annual prize for science students. His nephew, Warwick Holmes, has been an outstanding rocket scientist in the USA and
unbroken glory, a
gathered radiance ” elsewhere and must be acknowledged as the source for much of the detail on his uncle’s life. Ken Atock’s life was a brief one, but one that inspired his descendant to pursue this vital area of scientific endeavour with passion, conscious that his gifted ancestor was robbed of the prospect of so doing. The inscription (chosen by his family) on Private Atock’s gravesite in Crete fittingly reads: “He leaves a white unbroken glory, a gathered radiance.” This is also a fitting assessment of so many of the other Old Boys who died in this ‘Second Great War’, 1939-45; clerks, bank workers, farmers, doctors, fresh school leavers, drapers, engineers, book-sellers, lawyers, teachers etc., who became sappers, drivers, cooks, intelligence officers, able seamen, aircraftmen, mechanics, radio operators, gunners, bombardiers etc. The collection of their detailed service records in our Archives will now be part of the process of ensuring that they are never forgotten, that the glory attached to their names will not be broken even as their ‘second’ war fades into history. Dr David Bird School Historian
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Sport Football continues to improve at Camberwell with the Year 7s leading the way. The 7A team almost went through the season undefeated with only one loss for the whole season. The Seconds and Intermediate A teams were also very productive, winning most of their games. Hockey had two teams go through the season undefeated, the 7A and 8A teams. The First team also went through the regular season undefeated but lost their semifinal on the way to a possible Grand Final appearance. Soccer continues to improve
with over 25 teams across all year levels. The Friends of Soccer Best Team awards went to Third Gold and 7C Blue. Baseball fielded three teams this season with an Under 13, 15 and 17 team in the Victorian Winter Baseball League. The Under 13 team made their way through to the Grand Final but lost in a close one. The Cross Country Squad moved back in to the top four this season and nearly claimed third for the first time in over ten years. A very even display from all of the divisions.
There were four teams from Camberwell and three from Trinity in this season’s Futsal competition. Camberwell once again met Trinity in the Grand Final. Camberwell were victorious again for the third year in a row. Snowsports enjoyed the extra snow this season with parents enjoying the week at Mount Buller too. The squad finished ninth overall.
The Taekwondo squad has grown to over thirty students with training twice a week for a full two terms. Several students are now moving towards their black belt which is an outstanding effort. Fencing also enjoyed their training in the new Sports Centre with both the Juniors and Seniors having an enjoyable season finishing in third and fourth place respectively.
The spring season saw the Water Polo competition moved from Melbourne High School to Camberwell Grammar School for the first time in the competition’s history. The new Sport Centre and pool was well received by all. Camberwell and Trinity shared the Junior A premiership, Camberwell won the Junior B division and the Intermediate A competition while finishing runners up in the Opens.
Congratulations to the following Winter AGSV Representatives; Paul Topatsis (Year 12) (Soccer), Tim Edney (Year 12), Nick Gooden (Year 10), Charlie Harper (Year 10), Ben Niemandt (Year 12) and James Sampson (Year 10) (Hockey) and Aden Stitz (Year 12) (Basketball). Mr Jamie Watson Director of Sport
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
News of Old Boys Call for CGS Sporting Memorabilia We are currently looking for any old CGS Sporting Memorabilia, dating from 1950s and earlier, to be incorporated into our display cabinets in the new Sports Centre. Ideally, we would like to receive memorabilia along with other items that give them context i.e. a trophy accompanied with a photo/equipment.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated, so to contribute please contact our Archivist, Dr David Bird, on archive@cgs.vic.edu.au or (03) 9835 1777.
Russell Jones’ Family Connections The school archives recently received the cap of Russell Jones (1938) from his son Rodney and daughter-in-law Sue Jones (nee Wilcox) which started an enquiry into his connection with other CGS families.
Pictured: Alan Moore (seated) and (L to R) CAPT (ACC) Michael Neal, Mr David Bellairs, Ms Merren Stockdale and Dr David Bird (School Historian).
39th Battalion The 39th Australian Infantry Battalion Association is keen to establish links with the Camberwell School Army Cadet Unit given the connection between this military body and Camberwell Grammar School. A number of CGS Old Boys served in this largelyVictorian recruited battalion in both world wars, amongst them Alan Moore (1939), a veteran of the New Guinea campaign, 1941-43. Mr Moore attended Camberwell Grammar from 1928-30, arriving at the tender age of seven, and he fondly remembers his time at the Burke Road campus – he is now the longest serving Old Boy, one of the few remaining students of the era before the School moved to Mont Albert Road in 1935. In pursuit of establishing closer links between the Association and the Cadet Unit, Alan visited the school in late-June at the invitation of Cadet OC Michael Neal, accompanied by the current President and Vice-President of the Association, Merren Stockdale and David Bellairs. Following cordial discussions, both parties have agreed to welcome a closer relationship. Dr Bird will be conducting further research into the Association and its history, intertwined with the history of the school, later in the year. Dr David Bird School Archivist and Historian
Matthew Smith Matthew Smith (1993) visited the school in late July to take a tour of the new Sports Centre. “I have been employed as the CEO of Wanta Aboriginal Corporation for 3.5 years and set up our first program in Yuendumu in 2013. The purpose of our organisation is to support stronger attendance and engagement of male and female secondary students living in remote Indigenous communities. We do this by providing a range of sporting activities, reward trips, bush trips and access to an Academy Room. Currently Wanta Academies operate in five remote Northern Territory communities and we also manage the Remote School Attendance Strategy in two communities. The communities we work in are Arlparra, Ntaria, Ngukurr, Lajamanu and Yuendumu and we are opening two new sports academies in the next six months.”
I have been employed as the CEO of Wanta Aboriginal
Corporation for 3.5 years
and set up our first program in Yuendumu in 2013.
Russell, a surgeon, was Captain and Dux of CGS in 1937 (some 80 years ago!). He passed away in 2004 after a long association with the school. His younger brother Keith (1942) was also actively involved until his passing in 2015. Russell’s grandson Simon Jones (1997) was Vice-Captain of the School, Senior GUO of Cadets and Captain of swimming. Russell’s nephews Graeme Barstow (1964) and Stuart Barstow (1978) also attended CGS. Simon’s 97 year old maternal grandmother Jean Wilcox (nee Anderson) is a Life Governor of the School. Jean’s father, Ramsay Anderson, an Essendon premiership player in 1911, coached the 1st XV111, was on the School Council for some years and played a key role in the funding and development of the Keith Anderson Oval. One of his sons and Jean’s late brother Keith (after whom the oval is named), was School Co-Captain (1934), captained the First XI and went on to serve on the School Council and was an OCGA President. Keith’s fatherin-law JG Robinson was a driving force in the School becoming reconstituted as a Church of England School in 1926 and thereafter served on the School Council until 1958 and he was instrumental in the move to Mont Albert Road. Robinson House is named after him. Jean’s younger brother Peter (1950) is still involved with the School, was School Captain and also captained the First IX and played cricket for both South Australia and New South Wales. He also served as a President of the OCGA. Keith’s son David (1966) and Peter’s son Robert (1981) also attended the School. David was School Captain (1966) and Dux (1965 and 1966). Rod Jones 33
Congratulations to the Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Football Club - Two New Teams, Two Premierships!
Congratulations to all the players and coaches of both the first OCGFC Women’s Team and the Under 19s Team on their wins! 34
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Tim Topham
Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Cricket Club
Tim Topham (1995) has now been running his online blog and podcast for music teachers since 2010 with the goal of supporting a more creative and modern approach to instrumental teaching. 18 months ago Tim also created an online membership site for piano teachers called ‘The Inner Circle’ in order to support educators looking to get more innovative and inspiring in their teaching.
Heading into its second season, the Old Camberwell Grammarians Cricket Club (OCGCC) were optimistic about the prospect of expanding the club to two teams off the back of a successful first season. The club returned to the Mercantile Cricket Association (MCA) for season 2016/17 with the two teams graded in B Grade (First XI) and C Grade (Second/President’s XI).
Tim’s weekly Creative Piano Teaching Podcast is available on iTunes and his blog continues to be popular with teachers around the globe. Tim has recently returned from a month of workshops and conference speaking in the United States as he continues to help music educators modernise their teaching, grow their studios and inspire more students to enjoy music for life.
The President’s XI, captained by Old Boys Alexander Reeve-Webber (2006) and Nicholas Brown (2006) experienced a challenging but rewarding debut season. The team won a total of four games across the season and sadly fell agonisingly short on many other occasions. The highlight of the season for the President’s Eleven came in the penultimate round, with OCGCC pitted against league leaders (and eventual premiers) Reds CC. A fantastic bowling effort from Rishi Kapadia (2006) and Brendan Li (2006) saw them take five and four wickets respectively to dismiss the Reds CC for
110 runs. An inspired batting performance from Mark Burrows (41 runs), ensured that we got the win, and a tremendous reward for a successful first season for the President’s Eleven.
William Robinson On 4 September, William Robinson (2003) presented on ‘Concussion in Sport: The Next Asbestos?’ at the prestigious Old Library in Lloyd’s of London, the home of global insurance. Will presented to approximately 200 of London’s most influential stakeholders in the global sports insurance industry on the emerging risk of concussion in sport and its potential long-term effects. Will is the Managing Partner of Wotton and Kearney’s Perth Office, and specialises in both general liability and professional negligence litigation.
In what would ultimately be a carbon copy of the first season, the OCGCC 1st XI again
experienced a very successful season finishing fourth on the ladder. A strong performance in the semi-final against Parkville CC saw OCGCC progress to a second successive Grand Final in two years thanks to strong performances from Drew Tudor (3/29), skipper Jonathan Gumley (2006) (3/32) and Hari Subramanian (58). Unfortunately, the same result could not be achieved in the Grand Final as OCGCC were defeated despite a competitive effort from the team. Consistent performances across the season saw Drew Tudor winning the Club Champion and First XI bowling averages, whilst Campbell Corney-Lauder took out both the First XI batting averages and the First XI Most Valuable Player. Moving into Season 2017/18, the club is excited and thankful at the prospect of utilising the schools new sporting facilities for training purposes. Additionally, the club has invited three players from the UK to join the club for the upcoming season as we work towards winning that elusive premiership and providing rewarding opportunities for all cricket lovers. The club would strongly encourage all Old Boys interested in playing cricket to reach out to the club. Nicholas Brown (2006) OCGCC
Announcements Congratulations to Jonathan Gumley (2006) and Kaitlin McKinlay on their recent engagement. Congratulations to Cameron Turner (2006) and Louise Walters on their recent engagement. 35
CGTC Gala The Camberwell Grammarians’ Theatre Company (CGTC) staged its fourth production on the stage of the Middleton Theatre this July. This year, CGTC’s production carried a different theme to previous years. The inaugural CGTC Gala consisted of vocal acts, band performances and film screenings from across the CGTC community. The cabaret-style evening saw the audience seated on the stage of the Performing Arts Centre with beautifully decorated scenery. The evening’s performers were drawn from a wide-range of CGTC alumni since its inception in 2014. Jacqueline Irvine and Caitlin Mathieson returned to the stage to represent the production of Spelling Bee in 2015. Daniel Kim (2011) and his awardwinning a capella group Vocally Owned dazzled the crowd with their sharply choreographed act. Ben Giraud (2004), CGTC’s Artistic Director, made his long-awaited debut on the CGTC stage with a rendition of Feeling Good. The evening was backed by the gala’s house band, featuring Vic St Clair (2013), Don Farrands and Jonothan Geddes (2016). CGTC would like to thank everyone who came to support its inaugural gala evening, and thank you in particular to the OCGA, Liz Board and the Headmaster for their continued support of the arts in our school community. CGTC’s next venture will be in January 2018, with the staging of William Finn’s musical comedy A New Brain on stage at the Middleton Theatre. Adam Porrett (2010) Producer
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Old Boy Profiles Studying art can lead to a diverse range of careers.
Peter Block (1987) “In a rapidly changing world, certain things remain constant, one of them being the character of friends and friendships formed at school. Something in the forefront of my mind having recently attended a 30 Year Reunion, how time flies! I am grateful for the encouragement from teachers and friends; and of friendships formed at CGS. Becoming an artist, I am sure is not the usual career choice expected from students attending prestigious private schools. However, in the right environment dreams maybe pursued. Having received the inaugural Art Scholarship I happily spent any free lunchtimes in the Art room, raiding the ‘Aladdin’s cave’ supply room, with large paintings on canvas or paper the outcome. A fabulous foundation formed. Following CGS, I studied Fine Art at University, then fell quickly into the realities of life – paying my way! Working with a friend, we set up our own business painting and renovating houses. Skills which later allowed for 12 month stays in both Primrose Hill, London and in Basel, Switzerland. Formative times. I spent every spare moment studying old and contemporary masters, their famous works held
ide, Wimmera Hills Neville Pilven,
For many years I worked as a picture framer, during this time, I was fortunate to meet Juan Davila (whose studio was part of the framing premises); the opportunity to become his assistant was seized. There were many highlights- installing Juan’s work at the Sao Paulo Biennial, Brazil; at the Chisenhale Gallery, London and many exhibitions across Australia. Juan has been a friend and mentor for over twenty years. To have a trusted mentor is without doubt of great importance, immeasurable.
Over the years, I have held exhibitions at various spaces in Melbourne, including Linden, Seventh Gallery and others. My work is held in private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA and England. I draw every day, and have maintained my art practice since leaving school. Consistency, perseverance and dedication create a fulfilling life. In recent years, I have worked at the State Library of Victoria and currently at the National Gallery of Victoria in the Conservation/Prints and Drawings Department with the richness and diversity of the NGV’s collection literally at my fingertips – Durer, Rembrandt, Goya, Turner on a daily basis, a dream for me! Life has been challenging but I have grasped it with both hands, I recommend you do the same.”
ground 2014, in back
Neville Pilven (1958) During the warmer months Melbourne artist, Neville Pilven, spends a lot of time painting at his cottage on the fringe of the Wimmera in Western Central Victoria. His cottage-studio is located in a quiet rural area once mined for gold. Neville’s semi-realist landscape paintings border on the poetic, with historic folk references employed as pictorial iconography- an old tank, a remnant of a fence, or a dam. His sombre palette and a sense of emotional connection to the landscape veil a deeper questioning upon 38
in the collections of the National Gallery London, Tate and Basel Kunstmuseum. I have fond memories of weekly visits to Basel’s Kunstmuseum Drawing Cabinet, asking to look at Cezannes, Holbeins etc… a treat to have them in my hands! I return to Switzerland whenever time has allowed, most recently earlier this year, for among other things a Cezanne drawing exhibition.
Pond, acrylic and oil on canvas, 115 x 140cm
Rose’s Gap Gold & Stone, acrylic and oil on canvas, 180 x 213cm
the forces that shape nature and our place as people in the landscape—a theme that resonates with the landscape paintings of Russell Drysdale.
settle in Melbourne. He was a finalist in the John McCaughey Invitation Art Prize, in 1979 at the National Gallery of Victoria.
Born in 1939, Neville studied at the National Gallery Art School and the George Bell School (drawing). In the mid-1960s, he left Australia for several years of European travel, study and painting, to England, Spain and Hydra Island, Greece. In 1972, he studied printmaking at Morley College, London, before returning to Australia in 1973, to
Neville has held twenty solo exhibitions, many with leading Melbourne galleries. He has undertaken commissions for Myer, Telstra Australia and National Panasonic. His work is in collections including Artbank, Latrobe University, Ansett, Westpac, National Bank, Telstra Australia, Ridley, Potter Warburg and private collections in UK, USA, Australia and Japan. http://nevillepilven.com
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Alex McCulloch (2000) Alex McCulloch began his art career by studying at the University of Melbourne where he focused on Art History, Philosophy and Politics. He believes though that the source of his work commenced at Camberwell Grammar under the guidance of his art teachers David Williams and Kevin Boyd. After graduating with honours he completed a Masters degree in Art Curatorship. It was during his Masters that he began to explore the potential of combining art with business. He founded and directed his first gallery in the Melbourne CBD (McCulloch Gallery) in May 2005 and curated and co-ordinated 150 exhibitions up to June 2009. Alex took the position as Director and Partner of Metro Gallery between July 2009 and July 2013. At Metro he curated exhibitions for some of Australians greatest artists such as John Olsen, Michael Johnson, Criss Canning and the world’s best known street artists including Blek le Rat, D*Face, Swoon and Hush. He founded Alex McCulloch Art Consultancy in September 2013. Through this business he has become active in building art collections for corporations and private collectors with an emphasis on investment. More recently, Alex has founded Orphic Creative, a creative agency dedicated to connecting art and business. His entrepreneurial nature has led to his questioning and exploring the potential of Art working with industry without compromising on the quality and function of Art. As the curator for Fairfax’s ‘The Store’, he has built
a unique means of access for the public to collect Australian Art and in the process it has contributed to publicising the works of major and emerging artists. One of Alex’s major projects is an illustration of how art and industry can speak productively with each other. This project involved the ANZ Street Portraits campaign. In June 2016 huge portraits of well-known Australian people: Jenny Munro; Father Dave Smith; Dr Nicholas Milton; Katherine Hudson and Nathan Hindmarsh appeared on walls in the inner CBD of Sydney, Parramatta, Bondi Junction and Chatswood. The project highlighted the contributions of Australians who have made a difference to their community through their vocation or volunteer work. This included the 25 x 10 metre mural painted of Indigenous leader Jenny Munro by Street Artist Matt Adnate. His capacity to bring to the public eye issues concerning marginal groups whether part of the aboriginal community or the LBGTI community, demonstrated how big business was able to use capital to celebrate positive changes occurring in formerly side-lined communities.
Alex is the host of ‘The Arts Show’ radio program at Jewish Australian Radio 87.8FM which is a cultural experience dealing with all the arts whether fine art, street art, theatre, film, poetry and music. Alex has published widely (books, articles and online publications) on contemporary art and art events and has featured in media shows such as The 7.30 Report which focused on what art can contribute to an understanding of Climate Change. He has been invited to give conference papers on projects that he has managed and written about, the most recent being at the Adelaide/ New York conference titled ‘Why Do Things Break’ co-ordinated by Double Dialogues, The University of Adelaide and the National American Opera Centre in New York. He continues to be committed to the promotion and exhibition of emerging, mid-career and established Australian artists and, is a member of the Art Consulting Association of Australia. http://www.orphiccreative.com.au
Portrait of Jenny Munro, painted by Matt Adnate, Haymarket, Sydney 2016
Hand, Montalto Vineyard Collection, 2015
Mike Green (1959) Mike Green was born in New Zealand in 1941 and arrived in Australia as a small child. He is self-taught as an artist. From 1966 to 1974 he lived and worked in Canada and the USA, returning to live in Australian in 1974. Since then he has established a widespread reputation as one of the most accomplished of all contemporary watercolour artists. His work has been exhibited in several major galleries in Australia and overseas. “The son of creative parents, I observed early on, that life is a journey inseparable from art and vice versa. In my teenage years I painted a lot, not particularly expertly, but enthusiastically. I started exhibiting in the Herald Outdoor Art Show when I was seventeen, but after matriculating I chose not to go to art school, which set my art career off into difficult territory. Every stage and misstep was exposed and I have learned a lot and un‑learned a lot along the way.
Lidded boxes, porcelain with decorative chattering and assorted glazes
Jack Balfour (2014) “I have always had a need to make and create things. As I progressed through school, art and design were not just subjects, they formed the focus of my every day. I wished to direct my studies around this desire to make, thus commencing studies in Industrial Design at Monash University in 2015, drawn into this field by its merger of function, aesthetics and materials through diverse applications. As I progressed through the degree I was also developing knowledge of ceramics, practising pottery after building a home studio. Working with clay became engrossing and very rewarding. With two different paths I was able to foster new directions but also unite aspects of each other. A balance of the formal and creatively free. Making with clay is an enduring challenge of mine, one I wish to share and chase for the rest of my life and I wish to 40
I have been fortunate with supporters, including some fine art dealers, who trusted me through some very dangerous career decisions – particularly from the 1990s onwards. I am very lucky to have access to family letters and documents that stretch back to the 1790s. From fathers to sons, brothers to brothers, they link the experience of the passing of time and a changing world – directly to me. And I find parts of myself in them, across all those years. If you look at my paintings from the earliest, my interest in history has always been evident. In the places and rooms that I painted in, physical evidence provided some narrative I could guess at, but the ‘true’ history of the space remained metaphysical. This was the interesting part of the process of painting for me. The discovery of these documents in the 1990’s enabled me to look more personally at what I was doing. My own family’s written experiences provided a concrete, more relevant framework for me to explore personal philosophical interests. Themes of rapid unforgiving change
Pacific 11, 2002, watercolour on plastic, litho, tissue paper, laser copies and collage, 89 x 74cm
emerged in the context of family, journeys, separation, survival, race, religion and money – in dozens of staccato notes – contact over thousands of miles and hundreds of years. Many of their concerns are the same as mine today and I enjoy the exploration of this. In a time of what seems sometimes overwhelming change, it interesting to consider others who faced the challenge of our history.” http://mikegreen.com.au
Moon and Sky, porcelain forms in cobalt, copper and Chun glazes
further integrate this in a professional setting. This year I have faced new opportunities, working as an automotive clay sculpting intern at General Motors Design Australia. An avenue I had not considered until late last year. At this moment my career is building in a manner in which working with clay is the primary focus. It’s a marriage of clay in different contexts, learning the controlled precision of automotive sculpting and the free flowing motions of throwing on the potter’s wheel. I love being the least experienced in a highly skilled environment this fast tracks my learning, develops communication and pushes me into positions usually out of reach. The internship has been beneficial in cultivating networking in the automotive industry and has brought me a new skill set. My immediate priorities are to further expand my knowledge by returning to my
studies to complete my degree and continue establishing myself as a ceramic artist. After experiencing university and full time work one of the biggest take outs is the significance of time. Time is universal and the most disposable thing we possess, it is finite so building your passions into something you can engage with every day is invaluable. One of my career objectives is to be diversely skilled in an array of creative and design areas. With a hope of pairing these together to be as independent and creatively free as possible. I am in no rush, just looking forward to seeing how the next few years evolve out of my current endeavours.” http://www.jackbalfourceramics.com
Simon Swingler (1986) “I’d rather draw than eat. I held an exhibition of my paintings at the Abbotsford Convent last year. My previous show had been in my final year at CGS, the school’s centenary in 1986. Between these two events, I took a 30-year detour finding ways to earn a living from my thirst to create images. The single most valuable investment my parents made in my education was not my years at CGS, although that runs a close second; it was their purchase of a set of Rigby illustrated encyclopedias, circa 1972. I spent many hours entertained by this ten-book set, carefully studying the intricate drawings and diagrams that filled each volume. My head was filling with knowledge through images, their accompanying paragraphs left mostly unread. Not surprisingly I also enjoyed art and drew constantly, though I wasn’t naturally talented. The term hadn’t yet been coined but I must have been a visual learner. Not a good place to be for a youngster raised an era where learning materials consisted largely of textbooks filled with dense paragraphs of indecipherable words. The subjects on offer at CGS in the 80s did little to encourage a lad of my interests, with only half a subject, the hands-on side of Art,
Oil study on canvas, 2012
Ben Goad (1994) “Following Camberwell Grammar, I studied Interior Design at RMIT which included an exchange year at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Throughout my studies I continued painting and designing, often working in random makeshift studios with friends. We created art, designed campaigns and animated short films, as it was what we enjoyed most. After my studies I worked for a small branding studio for a few years, designing campaigns for advertising. Being a junior in a traditional studio gave me valuable exposure to solid design methodologies. The skills I picked-up there I still use today. During that time, I continued to paint and freelance design on the side. Eventually, the freelance work overtook the rest and around 2002, I started my own business with another
genuinely appealing. A ‘legitimate’ career seemed out of reach. With modest HSC results, I received a place in occupational therapy that I happily deferred forever. Fortunately I have a determined streak, so I set about eking out a career where I could follow my interest in using images to communicate ideas. I received valuable life lessons in my first five years out of school working as an advertising assistant, then completed a BA in Graphic Design at RMIT. This bit of paper gained me access to the design industry, and with it myriad enjoyable experiences and fulfilling projects whilst holding ego-boosting titles like creative director. I’ve worked all over the place, my most significant projects being the brand identities for Australia and the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games whilst working for FutureBrand. 2018 marks ten years of running my own design and illustration business, and painting is back on the agenda, with a new exhibition booked for next year.
I still have those Rigby encyclopedias, and encourage my children to leaf through their pages in search of answers rather than being spoon-fed by electronic devices.” www.simonswingler.com
Abstract work, 2014
couple of designers. Simultaneously, I began to gain momentum with my fine art. My paintings were selling and I was fortunate enough to hold residencies in galleries and be mentored by their fellow artists. After my second solo show in Melbourne I was introduced to an established art agent in Asia. By 2004, I was painting full time and I had solo shows in Jakarta, Singapore and Hong Kong. I also had collaborative exhibitions with the brands Jim Thompson and Designers Guild, during which the Australian Government acquired one of my paintings which is now hanging in the foyer of their Embassy. I continued to step between fine art and commercial design working on many collaborative art and design projects. In 2009 I took a short break from full time painting and became Creative Director for
ald for the Archib 16 submission Lyons n rry Ben with his 20 Da , or ay Geelong M Prize. Portrait
a digital agency in Melbourne. My first love has always been with the sheer creative freedom that painting gives, however, I genuinely enjoy the challenges that come with commercial practice. In 2011, I started my own creative agency. I wanted to do what I do best- blending my fine art and design. Studio PARDON is a true multi-disciplinary bunch. We are a branding agency at heart but our collective skills extend well beyond traditional creative agencies. Today, I am doing everything I love in a full time capacity. I continue to paint and exhibit, as well as choosing the people and brands I want to work with creatively.” http://bengoad.com
I didn’t get in on the first round, but was lucky enough to get an offer two weeks later. (Which made for a very anxious two weeks). I had a place in Fine Art but really had my heart set on Industrial design. I graduated in 1992 at a not too brilliant time for manufacturing, work was scarce. Whilst at school and all through university I had worked as a tyre fitter/ mechanic, as old English cars were, and still are my hobby. As I needed to work, I got a job at John Blair Honda, until things picked up in design. Four years later I finally got my first design job at Form Australia which is now Sprocket Design with Gerry Mussett. Gerry is one of the pioneers of Industrial Design in Australia, and world renowned so I was incredibly fortunate. One of the reasons I was employed was because of my customer service back ground at Honda and my ‘hands on ability in design’ because of my car knowledge.
Nicholas Hadaway (1987)
Sprocket is a design house which companies come to when they need support in design or have no design team themselves.
“After leaving school in 1987 I applied for a Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design at RMIT.
As well as our own Information Kiosk products I was involved in design for the Holden Crew Man Ute centre consul and ash tray assembly, the first Photo Kiosks for Kodak, and almost every current boy at CGS will have been driven around in one of the baby capsules or baby seats I worked on.
I loved art at CGS and drew constantly at home, probably more than I should, when I should have been working on my lack of maths knowledge. (Ken Schwab was my Year 8 teacher and will confirm my lack of maths). At that stage there were around 4000 applicants for 62 places. 1
My son, Sebastian, was the first child in Australia to use the new safe and sound baby capsule system – I designed the locking mechanism for, 16 years ago. I worked for Gerry AT Sprocket design for ten years and then moved onto one of our suppliers in sheet metal- Actco Pickering Metal industries where I again worked for ten years. As well as developing their own lift off Ute body product Ridge Back and their Pioneer Camper range of products, we also had military contracts and the V-Line Velocity train project, so I worked on some very diverse products. I am now at my family’s business EJ Hadaway where we specialise in hot forged products and I am still very hands on with my designs, and more importantly still designing at 47 years old! It is a fantastic profession and I enjoy seeing so many products that have worked on in use in my day to day life. My advice to students who want to look into a career in industrial design is to draw constantly. Draw your phone and your pencil, your front door, the inside of your car – it doesn’t really matter what you draw, but being able to convey your ideas quickly to clients is the most important tool you can have. Oh, and do your maths homework!” https://ejhadaway.com.au
88.50 A
5 68
112.62° 8.50 9
E.J HADAWAY PTY LTD BOLTS AND ENGINEERING 3 Nicholas Drive Dandenong South Vic. 3175. Phone no.: 03 9706 6102 Fax No.: 03 9706 6103
1045 DATE
WA Network Function The Western Australian Network Function was held at The Reserve, Adelphi Grill, Parmelia Hilton in Perth on Thursday 3 August 2017.
Attendees Paul Rossiter (1964) Doug Fraser (1965) with Jill Fraser Peter Hancock (1969) with Cheryl Hancock Ken Rogers (1974) Michael French (1975) Geoff Allen (1979) Richard Harding (1980) Tony Dawe (1983) Alex Marsden (1991) David Hawkes (2001) James Thom (2001) William Robinson (2003) Elizabeth Board (Director of Development) Paul Hicks (Headmaster) Â
Past Staff Association Function The Past Staff Association Function was held on Sunday 23 July in the Camberwell Room. Past staff members from Camberwell Grammar School enjoyed catching up, and sharing drinks and savouries in the new Sports Centre.
30 Year Reunion
The 30 Year Reunion (Class of 1987) was held on Friday 25 August 2017 in the Camberwell Room.
Attendees Grant Adams
Dave Phillips
Greg Aronson
Peter Riedel
Jeremy Badham
Gregor Sandie (1988)
Stephen Bendeich
Justin Scanlon
Peter Block
Adam Schoff
Iain Brown
Matthew Scholes
Neil Cameron
David Schwarz
Tony Cooke
Brent Shepherd
Marcus Cowie
Timothy Sloan
Sean Crundall
Edward Smith
Jeff Douglas
Brett Sugden
Boyd Elliott
Jason Taliadoros
David Evans
Siang Teoh
George Fletcher
Stephen Thompson
Paul Goldsmith
Ben Walsh
Peter Goss
Nick Ward
Nicholas Hadaway
Todd Williams
Paul Hallam
Chris Bence (Past Staff)
Simon Hayman Phil Hazel Andrew Holloway James Howard John Hutchinson Damien Jones Neil Kidd Peter Lenton Ken Liow Paul McClure David Miller Andrew O’Brien Matt Parker 44
Elizabeth Board (Director of Development) Trevor Henley (Past Staff) Paul Hicks (Headmaster) Susan Hicks Graham Morey-Nase (Current Staff) Cindy Parker (Development Office) Ken Schwab (Current Staff)
5 Year Reunion
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
The 5 Year Reunion (Class of 2012) was held on Thursday 31 March 2017 in the Sports Bar at Holy Moly, Hawthorn.
Attendees Anthony Baron
Matthew Todd
Amarjit Batra
Rob Vienet
Trent Borrow
George Vitinaros
Michael Brady
James Wilson
Tom Canetti
Hanson Wong
Mitchell Cheong
Samuel Wood
Patrick Collins
Victor Yii
Sam Cooke
Elizabeth Board (Director of Development)
Plutarch Deliyannis Andrew Dellios Luke Dontschuk Daniel Ellis Jackson Haar Matthew Hatzikostas
Shaun Burke (Current Staff) Paul Hicks (Headmaster) Susan Hicks Cindy Parker (Development Office)
Patrick Jenkins Benjamin Kioussis Alex Marsden Jeremy Murphy Phillip Rimmer Nikhil Sanghvi Tobyn Temple-Smith
OCGA Generations Photo On Friday 1 September we took our annual OCGA Generations photo, with our Headmaster Dr Paul Hicks, which includes current students with their Old Boy fathers, grandfathers, uncles and brothers.
Attendees Richard Allsop (1980)
James Allsop
Peter Buchanan (1972)
Dean Buchanan
Philip Anderson (1982)
Oliver Anderson
Joseph Canny (1980)
Ross Alexander (1991)
Michael Alexander, Max Alexander
Patrick Canny, Hamish Canny
Matthew Chan (1995)
Joshua Chan
Michael Cheshire (1963), James Cheshire (1989)
Max Cheshire
Ryan Crosby (2011)
Ewan Crosby
Greig Donnelly (1974)
Will Donnelly
Stuart Feldt (1992)
Nicholas Feldt
Bruce Blackburn (1986)
Angus Blackburn
Douglas Brown (1962), Iain Brown (1987), James Brown (1990), Cameron Brown (1992), Edward Brown (1998)
Campbell Brown
Wee Se Gong (1985)
Theo Gong
Paul Lee (1983)
Brandon Lee
Chris Harper (1986)
Edward Harper, Charlie Harper
Irving Lenton (1962), Peter Lenton (1987)
Ty Beechey Ken Smith (1963)
Jordan McCleery
Chi Keen Low (1987)
Ming Kim Low, Ming Jin Low, Ming Han Low
Greg Taplin (1961), Chris Taplin (1991)
Logan Taplin
Gavan McColl (1984)
Jack McColl, Harry McColl, David McColl
Sunil Vohra (1988)
Kamran Vohra
Dan Woods (1986), Tim Topham (1995)
Sam Woods, Will Woods, Benny Grayson
Richard Nash (1989)
Ben Nash
Edwin Yakop (1998)
Alexander Yakop
Stuart Hill (1985)
Marcus Hill
Doug Howard (1961), James Howard (1987)
Carson Howard
Mark Johnson (1980)
Spike Johnson
Aidan Kennedy (2015)
Sean Kennedy
OCGA Lawn Bowls Day The annual OCGA Lawn Bowls day was held at MCC Bowls Club on Sunday 27 August 2017. The weather was not great but the day turned out very well, we cannot control the weather but we can control how the day of bowls is conducted and enjoyed.
We had 18 Old Boys including a few teachers and the Headmaster attend on this cold, wet, windy and hail ridden day, but all was not lost, the bowls commenced on time and the competition was as fierce as ever.
Brian Morris (1951)
The bell rang for lunch which was very much appreciated, as it was much warmer in the club house and we all enjoyed the lunch provided as well as a warming glass of red.
David Everist (2003)
Trying to get everybody out on the green again after lunch was not that easy, but once out, the competition was on again. We had the pleasure of having the president of the OCGA, Matthew Forwood, attend for the first time, as well as two newcomers Peter Hanson and Nicholas Wong, and Nicholas’ parents. The winners on the day were Ian Feder (skip), Peter Lansdell (2nd) and Harry Dempsey (lead). A good day was had by all and we welcome and invite more Old Boys to attend next year when the event will be held in October (hopefully in better weather). A big thank you to Ian Mason and Cindy Parker for organising this annual event, and giving up their Sunday for us all. Russell Covell (1964)
Russell Covell (1964) Peter Hanson (1967) Peter Lansdell (1968) Peter Owen (1978) Cam Dickinson (1981) Matthew Forwood (1984) Thomas Everist (2006) Harry Dempsey (2016) Nicholas Wong (2016) Mike Cody (Current Staff) Ian Feder Paul Hicks (Headmaster) Wi-Lu Kim and Christopher Wong (Past Parents) Ian Mason (Past Staff) Graham Morey-Nase (Current Staff) Cindy Parker (Development Office) Ken Schwab (Current Staff) John Waters Robert Watt
Vocational Dinner – Allied Health
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
The Vocational Dinner 2017 – Allied Health was held on Thursday 20 July 2017 in the Camberwell Room in the new Sports Centre. The OCGA Vocational Dinners provides a great opportunity for current students, recent leavers, Old Boys and parents to network with and benefit from the experiences of Old Boys who have established careers in a diverse range of professions.
ROBERT HINDLE (1992) – ALS PARAMEDIC AND REGISTERED NURSE Bachelor of Nursing – Monash University
Jen Cheah (2011)
Rohan Chitale (Year 12)
Bachelor of Arts – Monash University
Graduate Certificate in Critical Care (Emergency) – RMIT
Vaishali Chitale (Parent)
Bachelor of Science Occupational Therapy – LaTrobe University
Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Studies – University of Ballarat
Hamish completed a Bachelor of Arts in 1988 after leaving CGS in 1986. He later returned to university and completed a Bachelor of Science, Occupational Therapy in 1995. Hamish worked in New York for five years and specialised in hand therapy.
Robert has had a varied career in Allied Health. His first position was as a Medical Orderly at the Victorian Spinal Cord Service, Austin Hospital then as a Ward Support in Medical Imaging at Box Hill Hospital. Currently Robert works as a Registered Nurse at the Austin Hospital and as an ALS Paramedic for Ambulance Victoria.
Elizabeth Board (Director of Development)
Michael Daniel (Staff) Justtin Daniels (2007) Matthew Forwood (1984) Vera Giomi (Parent) Anton Giomi (Year 11) Robert Hindle (1992) James Howard (1987) Laurie Ince (Staff) Carolyn Kleiman (Parent) Joel Kleiman (Year 11) Andrew Kokinos (1992) Chirag Lodhia (2009) Henry MacDonald (Year 10)
On returning to Australia in 2001 Hamish began his own hand therapy private practice as well as working in the public hospital system. He is now actively involved in research whilst still managing his own private practice and working directly with athletes from all codes of sport.
Robert enjoys the unique challenge of working as both a Registered Nurse and ALS Paramedic involving patient focussed care, in roles that complement each other and are also very different in modes of caring and care delivery.
Cindy Parker (Development Associate)
Hamish is currently working as the Senior Hand Therapist at the Austin Hospital, combining that with his private practice and work at the Hawthorn Football Club. Hamish enjoys working with amateur and professional athletes and returning them to the field safely.
Robert also enjoys the level of personal interaction with all areas of healthcare, patients and colleagues and the sense of achievement gained through measurable improvements in the quality of life for people under his care.
Lynette Reiger (Careers Counsellor)
Robert finds ongoing education and keeping up to date with best practice is also mentally stimulating, helping to keep the roles engaging and interesting whilst maintaining a high standard of care.
Angus McIlroy (2015) Barbara Ormerod (Parent) Miles Ormerod (Year 12)
Alexander Rhodes (1993) Michael Santamaria (1998) Mary Sawyer (Parent) Scott Taylor (Parent
Ayce Taylor (Year 11)
MICHAEL SANTAMARIA (1998) – OSTEOPATH Bachelor of Applied Science (Clincal Science) – RMIT Bachelor of Osteopathic Science Michael has worked in private practice as owner of Elsternwick Osteopathy and as an associate at City Osteopathy and Blackburn Osteopathy.
ANDREW KOKINOS (1992) – PHYSIOTHERAPIST Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) – The University of Melbourne, APA Sports Physio Andrew has worked as a Physiotherapist with the Indian Cricket Team, North Melbourne F.C, Carlton S.C, private practice and currently owner of Peak Physiotherapy in Kew.
Michael has experience with elite sporting teams treating the Carlton Football Club for five years and the New Zealand All Blacks in the 2003 Rugby World Cup. Michael enjoys working with patients hearing their stories and their experiences. Michael also enjoys problem solving chronic conditions and managing acute patients. www.elsternwickosteopathy.com.au
Andrew enjoys interacting with people and being in relative control of his work times.
Bachelor of Dental Science (Hons) – The University of Melbourne
ALEXANDER RHODES (1993) – INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGIST Bachelor of Podiatry Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – University of Tasmania Fellow of the Royal Australasian and New Zealand College of Radiologists Graduate Diploma of Clinical Education Alexander was a Podiatrist for one year prior to entering Medicine. Following his fellowship Alexander has worked as a Consultant Radiologist at Royal Melbourne Hospital for seven years. Alexander enjoys the variety of clinical and procedural challenges that come with being a Consultant Radiologist.
Immediately after graduating from university, Justtin spent several years working in private practice in regional NSW before settling back in Melbourne. Practicing in a regional location gave him exposure to a diversity of complex cases that allowed Justtin to hone his skills in all areas of dentistry. In Melbourne, Justtin continued to work in the private sector travelling between several practices located in Windsor, Port Melbourne and Glen Waverley as well as the Gippsland towns of Wonthaggi, San Remo and Cowes; before settling to full-time practice in Windsor.
Justtin enjoys the combination of science, medicine, surgery and artistry that dentistry has to offer together with the opportunity to constantly interact with people. He also enjoys working with his hands and it is rewarding to use his knowledge and skills in improving a person’s quality of life, whether it be aesthetically, functionally (e.g. eating and speech) or eliminating pain. thedentalcompany.com.au/dr-justtin-danielsdentist/ www.linkedin.com/in/drjusttindaniels/ CHIRAG LODHIA (2009) – SURGICAL TEAM LEADER, CLINICAL PHARMACIST Bachelor of Pharmacy – La Trobe University Chirag’s first work experience was within community pharmacy at your Chemist, St Albans as a pharmacy assistant during high school and university. Through university Chirag completed other work experience placements in rural Victorian areas of Beechworth and Warragul Hospital and metropolitan placements in Berwick and Melbourne Hospital. He then completed his pharmacy internship at Western Health including Footscray, Sunshine and Williamstown hospitals. Currently Chirag is a clinical pharmacist at Box Hill Hospital, Eastern Health where he is the Surgical Team Leader within the Pharmacy department. Chirag enjoys being able to make long-term positive differences in the health of patients.
During his time in private practice, Justtin engaged in a number of post-graduate and continuing professional development courses both locally and internationally to stay up-todate with all of the recent advances in dentistry.
Guest Speakers
(L-R): Michael Santamaria, Robert Hindle, Andrew Kokinos, Alexander Rhodes, Chirag Lodhia, Justtin Daniels and Hamish Anderson.
Spectemur | Term 3 2017
Obituaries It is with great sadness that we record the deaths of members of the Camberwell Grammar School community since the last edition of Spectemur.
Harold (Harry) Murray South (1957) 1 September 1940 – 5 September 2017
John Williamson (1966)
Albert Geoffrey McElhinney (Geoff Mack) OAM (1939)
Harrison Symons (1942)
20 December 1922 – 20 July 2017
18 May 1925 – 11 August 2017
31 January 1947 – 16 August 2017
Calendar 2017 OCTOBER Tuesday 10
– OCGA Committee Meeting*
INFORMATION MORNING (Includes a Tour of the School)
Saturday 14
– Open Day
Saturday 11 November
Tuesday 17
– CBD Networking Breakfast
Wednesday 25 – Cufflink Presentation Tuesday 31
– Grandparents’ Day
All Levels
10.00am to 2.00pm
All Levels
OPEN DAY Saturday 14 October
NOVEMBER Friday 10
– 40 Year Reunion (1977)
Wednesday 22 – 60+ Years Reunion (pre 1957)
DECEMBER Tuesday 5
– OCGA Committee Meeting
* All OCGA Committee Meeting are at 7.00pm in the Development Office, CGS.
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