Spectemur Term 4, 2018

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Spectemur 2018 TERM 4

Contents From the Headmaster’s Desk ................................................................3 Features...............................................................................................4 Open Day ........................................................................................4 Staff Profile: Teri Miriklis ..................................................................6 Cadet Dinner ...................................................................................7 Cadet Camp ....................................................................................8 Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation.................9 Visiting Central Australia.................................................................10 French Exchange Student in Australia ............................................11 Prize Giving Assembly....................................................................12 Teacher Exchange Visit: Asia Bridge Program .................................14 Year 3 Camp .................................................................................16 Farewell to Year 12 ........................................................................17 VCE Results...................................................................................19 Grandparents’ Day .........................................................................21 Exit 18 Art and Design Exhibition .................................................. 22 News Around the School ....................................................................23 Congratulations ..................................................................................25 From the Archives ............................................................................ 30 From the Grammarian (and Spectemur) ..............................................31 Community Connections .................................................................... 33 Sport ................................................................................................ 34 CGS Foundation ................................................................................ 35 OCGA ............................................................................................... 37 News of Old Boys ..........................................................................37 CBD Networking Breakfast............................................................ 39 Old Boy Profile: Michael Bula (1975) ............................................. 40 5 Year Reunion ..............................................................................41 60+ Years Luncheon .....................................................................42 Lawn Bowls Day ........................................................................... 43 Obituaries..................................................................................... 43 Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury Victoria Australia 3126 P.O.Box 151 Balwyn VIC 3103 T: +61 3 9835 1777 F: +61 3 9836 0752 www.cgs.vic.edu.au 2

(photo above right) Open Day 2002 prominently featured the School Band – music has always played an important role on this special day in the school calendar. (photo right) Open Day in the 1950s was often a festive occasion and was referred to as a ‘fete’.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

From the Headmaster’s Desk It has been another action-packed year at our school, but now, as our students catch breath from their final rounds of assessments and examinations, and as the teachers complete their marking and report-writing for the year, and we all eagerly anticipate the Christmas Holidays, it is a chance for us to reflect and sit still for a while. The educator Hedley Beare encouraged a group of Year 12 leavers many years ago to spend their lives making two types of journey – a journey outwards and a journey inwards. The journey outwards takes us all beyond what we know, so that we ‘deliberately grow and cultivate skills of a citizen of the wider world, [so that we may] live in that wide space confidently’. This is the journey which occupies much of our daily classes at school, where we focus on the knowledge and skills that our students will need to be active participants in their adult world.

“ Everyone seems so keen

nowadays to be heard and to express their point of

view. Sometimes we need to

remember to listen to others.” The journey inwards takes us into stillness, where we can ‘earnestly search out how to be in harmony with the depth of being.’ This is something which may not come so naturally to us, surrounded as we are by the noise of modern life. It is essential to our spiritual and mental health, nevertheless, and we should endeavour to ‘deliberately cultivate a daily habit of silence.’ Now that the business of the year is over, we have a chance to seek out places of silence and reflection. It is an opportunity for us to take a break from our usual work, and to rest and be still, to cultivate our ‘smiling mind’ (of course, this will not be possible if we fill every waking moment with the electronic ‘noise’ of our social media accounts or our online games!). We may need to actively seek out opportunities to be quiet for a while. Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann (AO), Indigenous educator and artist from Daly River in the Northern Territory, describes a quality

of her people which she offers as a gift to all Australians. It is called dadirri, an ‘inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness’. “Dadirri recognises the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us. This is the gift that Australia is thirsting for. It is something like what you call ‘contemplation’. When I experience dadirri, I am made whole again. I can sit on the riverbank or walk through the trees…I can find my peace in this silent awareness. There is no need for words. A big part of dadirri is listening. In our Aboriginal way, we learnt to listen from our earliest days. We could not live good and useful lives unless we listened. This was the normal way for us to learn - not by asking questions. We learnt by watching and listening, waiting and then acting… There is no need to reflect too much and to do a lot of thinking. It is just being aware.” Everyone seems so keen nowadays to be heard and to express their point of view. Sometimes we need to remember to listen to others. Sometimes the truth cannot be found in the roaring wind or in the earthquake, or in the fire, but only in the ‘still small voice’ of calm. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster


Open Day We held our annual Open Day on Saturday 13 October, welcoming the wider community into our school grounds to explore and engage with our students, staff and families. We hope you got to enjoy the many activities and opportunities we had on show; from watching our new Sports Centre in action, to experiencing the amazing science demonstrations, to the various stalls hosted by our dedicated parent volunteers. Multiple tennis matches were held on the day including The Chris Bence Cup, won by Oliver Wong (2017) and the school team versus the Old Boy team match where the Old Boys managed to retain the trophy.


This year’s reviewing officer at the Open Day Parade was Lieutenant Colonel Ross Chapman, an Old Boy from the class of 1997, and a former RSM of the Unit, who is currently the Commanding Officer of the Officer Training College at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018


Staff Profile - Teri Miriklis (2007) Head of Derham House So Teri, you recently were announced as the new 2019 Head of Derham House, congratulations! What are you most looking forward to in this role and what plans do you have to engage with students? I look forward to being able to support the students of Derham House during their time at Camberwell Grammar School and assisting them through their educational journey. Camberwell Grammar provides many opportunities for students to grow and develop their passions. Opportunities can be discovered in the abundance of group activities, events, competitions etc. that students can involve themselves in. In this role I’ll strive to engage with students and to identify various activities that interest and motivate them to get involved. In addition to

what is already being offered at Camberwell Grammar, there are several new exciting initiatives commencing soon such as the Music and Sport Academies. I look forward to these programs helping to engage students in their passion and achieving their goals. You are also an Old Boy of the school, what House were you part of, and what is your fondest memory of House activities? As a student I was a part of Bridgland House. Being part of a team was both exciting and rewarding. Working towards a common goal in activities such as House Debating, Music and Sport was definitely a highlight as I was able to work with students across different year levels. Can you tell us about what path you took to become a teacher? After leaving Camberwell, I studied a Bachelor of Applied Science at RMIT University. Whilst completing my studies I was lucky enough to secure a coaching job back at school, coaching Cricket and Football. Highlights of the course at RMIT included placements at a range of different schools in the independent and public sectors, both primary and secondary schools. Some of the interesting areas covered in the course included working with cadavers to learn about the structure and function of the human body, working with individuals with disabilities in a range of activities and attending several camps. Following graduation in 2011, I secured my first teaching role as a Physical Education,


Mathematics, Science and Health & Human Development Teacher at Lilydale High School. Following a year at Lilydale an opportunity arose at Camberwell Grammar and I was fortunate enough to be successful in my application as a Physical Education Teacher at the school I graduated in just years before. What does an average day look like for you at CGS? What is your favourite part about being a teacher at our school? Each morning typically begins with either Tutor Group or Assembly before commencing a day of teaching Physical Education, whether it be practical or VCE. My favourite part of being a teacher at Camberwell Grammar would have to be coaching Football and Golf as part of the Saturday Sport Program. Providing students with opportunities to develop their skills in a sport they are passionate about and seeing the improvement year after year is extremely rewarding. Can you tell us what hobbies you have and what you do in your spare time? After recently hanging up the boots on my football career, I spend most of my spare time in the garden at home, playing golf or fishing around the Mornington Peninsula. I also enjoy spending time catching up with family and friends.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

Cadet Dinner On Friday 19 October the Cadet Dinner took place in the Camberwell Room, where Mr Rob French proposed the toast to the Unit.


Cadet Camp The highlight and the culmination of the year’s training was the Annual Camp which was again conducted at Puckapunyal from 14 to 19 September. Activities were meticulously planned by the Year 12 management team led by CUOs Jacob Hunting, Darren Lu and CDTWO1 Luke Sudholz, assisted by adult Cadet staff. After arrival at Puckapunyal on the afternoon of Friday 14 September, the recruit and senior platoons established their platoon locations before participating in night exercises. On Saturday morning various items were auctioned off to assist platoons in the forthcoming major exercises. Some of these items included ‘mystery boxes.’ Whilst some platoons gained valuable assets for the exercise for comparatively small amount of money, other platoons spent a considerable sum only to discover that the ‘mystery box’ contained an item that was essentially useless! The rest of Saturday was spent in an inter-platoon competition in which all Unit members practised and extended the field skills they needed for the major interUnit exercise. On Sunday morning, a number of Cadets attended a nondenominational service conducted by a military padre and received a copy of the New Testament bound in disruptive pattern camouflage (the same pattern as their uniforms). For the first time this year, the major exercise in the second phase of Annual Camp involved members of our Unit, as


well as other school-based units, including Braemar College, Beaconhills College and Peninsula Grammar. The Officer Commanding the Unit, MAJ (AAC) Michael Neal, in his capacity as the Commander of the 31 (Schools) Battalion was keen to foster inter-unit activities, this being one of the most significant this year. One of the strengths of the Cadet program is that it fosters interaction of cadets from units across the state. In many instances friendships forged on combined Brigade Course Camps either late last year or the middle of this year were solidified. As in previous years, a contingent of Year 8 students attended the activity for the first 48 hours, and were accompanied by Mr Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School. Activities they participated in included

an introduction to establishing a platoon site, setting up hutchies, cooking contents from ration packs, camouflage and concealment and participating in a road block activity. The Year 8s thoroughly enjoyed their experience, and most of them have decided to continue with Cadets in Year 9. CAPT (AAC) Michael Daniel

Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

Assessment of Student Growth: A Way Forward for the Future? Dr David Bird, the school’s archivist, recently showed me some school reports from the 1940s. The reports were brief to the point of being blunt. The student received a percentage score and his rank in the class; feedback from the teacher was reduced to a terse, “A good term’s work”.

Let’s compare this to the situation of a sports coach giving runners feedback after a race. The coach could say “you were in the back of the pack in that race,” (the equivalent of giving the student’s rank in the cohort) or “you’ve failed - you ran slower than the expectations for a runner your age.” Or the coach might say, “you’ve shaved two seconds off your previous personal best”. Which one is more likely to lead to improved performance in the future?

Reporting on student performance has come a long way since then, but some things have not changed: students are still graded according to a perception of where the average student of their year level should be. But what of the student who starts the year already well ahead of that standard does that mean they can coast for a year? Or the student who starts well below - will their progress not be acknowledged, no matter how hard they work?

Professor Masters’ ideas have now reached the mainstream. The recent Gonski Report (Department of Education and Training, 2018) listed as the first priority for Australian education “Deliver at least one year’s growth in learning for every student every year”. The report elaborated on this:

This situation led Professor Geoff Masters, CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research (familiar to many CGS families: it is located near Camberwell railway station) to work on the concept of assessing students on the growth they are able to achieve over a period of time, not on how well they match a generic standard. He was spurred in part by Australia’s overall poor record in driving and encouraging our best and brightest; national testing shows an alarming level of students coasting, especially as they reach Senior School.

To achieve this shift to growth, the Review Panel believes it is essential to move from a year-based curriculum to a curriculum expressed as learning progressions independent of year or age. Underpinning this, teachers must be given practical support by creating an online, formative assessment tool to help diagnose a student’s current level of knowledge, skill and understanding, to identify the next steps in learning to achieve the next stage in growth, and to track student progress over time against a typical development trajectory.

Professor Masters’ idea is simple: identify where a student is in their learning at a particular time, and then check to see where they’ve got to in six months or a year later: the difference is the growth. This makes it easy to see - and celebrate - the student who has started well below his peers, but worked hard and made enormous progress, as well as the student who started on the top of his cohort but only made minimal progress in the same time. In the old system, the first student might get a D and the second an A - but these letter grades hide the growth each one has made.

As the Gonski panel noted, the challenge is to develop a “typical development trajectory” for learning in every subject - a kind of roadmap for student learning. This is something the education profession is now grappling with.

There are strong benefits to this new approach. It makes it easier to identify students who are struggling, and those who have a sudden drop (or jump) in performance; it works to remind all students that they can make progress, even those who might have already pigeon-holed themselves as being a hopeless student; and it serves to keep high performing students on their toes.

“ At CGS, we have been

quietly following the idea

of growth assessment for a number of years ”

At CGS, we have been quietly following the idea of growth assessment for a number of years, ever since Professor Masters’ first article on the topic, and are well ahead of most schools in our thinking (we are not yet at the implementation stage). Mr Scott Wyatt, Deputy Head of Middle School, and I have developed models and are testing them in different situations. In doing this we have learnt a number of important lessons:

• Students don’t always learn in a linear fashion, despite what teachers (and textbook writers) might want. They learn in ways that are often highly individual and any roadmap must be able to cope with this. • Students don’t just “get” a concept - there are shades of comprehension and students forget things and also pick new things up. The situation is always dynamic. • Some subjects are made up of hundreds of small units of knowledge (like a language, or Maths), while others are made up of understanding that varies not by quantity but by sophistication (like English), and one style of roadmap might not fit both. • Teachers need to have a roadmap of what learning progression in their subject looks like that is detailed and explicit; there needs to be a consensus among the teachers about what this roadmap means. This method of assessment has consequences for teaching and learning as well. If the assessment helps pinpoint exactly what the student needs to focus on in order to improve, then the teacher needs to be ready to act on that. Teachers will need to allow time in their program for students to address the individual areas they need to work on - what I call a WOMOS period (“Working On My Own Stuff”). There needs to be a bank of aids for students - explanatory videos, exercises, etc - ready to be accessed so that students can address the areas they need to work on. It also means that teachers need to be ready for students in the one class to be working at a range of different levels (but most teachers are already adept at this). So it may be that in the future, an assessment will be more like the GPS map that so many of us are familiar with on our phones. We - the teacher, student and parent - will track where the student is now on the roadmap, and where they want to get to; we will be able to see a number of different routes, and choose the one that works best for the individual student; we will see where there is congestion ahead, what the potential obstacles are, and work out a plan to get around them, so that the student can get to their desired destination. A full set of references is available from the author. Dr John Tuckfield Director of the Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation


Central Australia

Dreams of endless red desert, timeless mountains and thriving communities flooded my mind before we departed on our eight-day camping adventure to Central Australia. The trip did not disappoint. During the first week of the September school holidays, 28 students from Year 8 and 9 and three staff, headed off to Alice Springs to begin our adventure. We were soon accustomed to the striking heat and every stop around Alice Springs was a new experience for the staff and students. One could not help think how isolated the explorers and workers on the Telegraph Station must have felt when they looked at the vast endless desert, arid bushland and MacDonnell Ranges. After we explored Simpson’s Gap and heard about the importance of this site for local indigenous people, we returned to the MacDonnell Ranges Holiday Park, where we 10

were thoroughly entertained by Rex’s display of native reptiles. At one point we managed to form a circle and Rex passed a Rainbow Serpent python around, quite an experience. The following day in Alice, we learnt about the important role of the ‘Royal Flying Service’ and the ‘Alice Springs School of the Air’; purchased souvenirs and then returned to the caravan park for another three-course meal. The food throughout the trip was freshly prepared at our campsite by Cheryl, who could not believe how much food we managed to eat over the eight days. A camel ride, the physical sight of the King’s Canyon rim, the sunset with dips over-looking Uluru and the mystic gorge in Kata Tjuta with its 36 domes, were all obvious highlights, but from all reports, the students especially enjoyed constructing horticulture at the Wanmarra Community. After an aboriginal

leader warmly invited us into the community with a traditional ‘welcome’, we set about laying pipes, building gardens and rock wall features on a thirty-acre site. We felt that we were making a difference to the community and could see their vision for the future. Once back at school, the Year 8 students felt empowered to raise funds for the community through the Year 8 Social so our connection with the community will continue to grow. It was sad to depart the bus captain and assistant for the flight home, but we hoped that our paths might cross again in the future. A fabulous trip organised to perfection and a unique experience for many students. This short note does not do justice to the great trip we had. I would personally like to thank Mr Rob French and Ms Victoria Papaioannou, for making it such a wonderful experience. Mr Shaun Burke Head of Middle School Operations

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

French Exchange Student in Australia The first day we went to Kangaroo Ground, I was both excited and shy. But this inconvenience didn’t stay a long time because the Australian people are really open-minded, and we had a very warm welcome from them. The country is just beautiful and it’s the only place where we can see unparalleled fauna and flora. I had the chance to visit Alice Springs and Uluru which are really different from Melbourne and its surrounding area. Almost everything is different to France; the city, the bush, the animals, the culture. All these

elements make Australia unique. Maybe the only thing I can criticise is the distance between Europe and Australia, it’s too far! You’re separated from the rest of the world. In six weeks, I saw a lot of amazing places but that’s nothing compared to the massive size of your country, I really wanted to stay longer to visit everything but I can’t, so, I’ll definitely be back later, and in summer! Just to try the sun of the southern hemisphere while I have surf training on your beautiful beaches.

I spent four weeks at CGS, I saw your different way of working and the operation of the school. I already miss Australia and all of the friends I made during my stay. Au revoir et à plus! Eliott Gallone Exchange student from Lyon, hosted by Max Whittle, Year 10


Prize Giving Assembly Prizes for outstanding achievement were presented at our annual Prize Giving Assembly on Tuesday 23 October in the Performing Arts Centre. Our special guest speaker was Mr Tim Smith MP, Member for Kew, Shadow Minister for Education and Shadow Minister for Scrutiny of Government. We also welcomed the parents and families of our prize winners in order to share in our congratulations and recognition. In addition we acknowledged the achievements of the Dux of 2017, Adrian Xu, and the Proxime Accesserunts to the Dux, Oscar Lu, Kevin Wang and Howard Yang. The following students received prizes: SPORT PRIZES Prize for Squash Champion The R H Lohn Award for Best Performing Athlete at the AGSV Athletics Finals Prize for Best Cross Country Runner Year 12 The Ian Feder Award for Best Lawn Bowler Prize for First XI Soccer Player of the Year The J L Seelenmeyer Award for Captain of Cricket Prize for Swimming Champion Prize for First VII Water Polo Best and Fairest The G A Shaw Award for Best and Fairest in the First XI Hockey The K M Slater Memorial Trophy for the Winner of the Tennis Singles Championship Prize for First VI Volleyball Best and Fairest Bob Gibson Award for the Outstanding Year 10 Sportsman The Phil Hutton Award for Orienteering The A R Marshall Award for Captain of Tennis Prizes for Most Committed Triathlete, Best Cross Country Runner Year 12 and the Barrie Provan Year 12 Sportsmanship Prize Prize for Senior Champion Fencer The S G Birtles Prize for Courage in Sport Prize for First V Basketball Most Valuable Player and the C W Scott Memorial Prize for the Best All Round Sportsman Prize for Best Camberwell Cyclist Prize for Captains Cup for Kayaking The Barrie Provan Best All Rounder Award for First XI Cricket The Roux Family Trophy for Best Alpine Skier Prize for Taekwondo The G A Shaw Award for Best and Fairest in the First XI Hockey Prize for Table Tennis Champion Prize for First VII Water Polo Best and Fairest The Harley Tregonning Award for Best and Fairest in the First XVIII Prize for Golf Champion Prize for Badminton Champion


Oscar Balla Tom Bowers Christian Chene Benjamin Chesler Dean Christofilopoulos Sam Garrard Cody Greenwood Jasper Guthrie Charlie Harper Isaac Hui Sean Kennedy Taran Laurence Nicholas Lee Lachlan Li Nicholas Liew

Darcy MacCuspie David McColl Harry McLeod Alexander Murray William Murray Vihaan Narayana Luc Raszewski Joel Robinson James Sampson Nathan Shi Lachlan Thompson Ryan Walsh Andrew Zhang Otto Zhao

YEAR 11 PRIZES FOR EXCELLENCE Prizes for English Language, Mathematical Methods and Physical Education Prize for Studio Arts Prize for English Prizes for Economics and English Prizes for Chemistry; Mathematical Methods, Units 3 & 4; and Physics Prize for Chinese as a Second Language, Units 1 & 2 Prize for Economics Prize for Geography, Units 3 & 4 and the Brian Gill Memorial Prize for English in Year 11 Prizes for Chemistry, Excellence in Mathematics and Information Technology: IT Computing Prizes for Biology, Units 3 & 4 and English Prize for General Mathematics Prize for Geography Prizes for Chemistry, Excellence in Mathematics and Latin Prizes for Biology and Literature Prizes for Excellence in Mathematics and Latin Prize for Economics Prizes for History (20th Century), Legal Studies and the Michael Bula Prize for French Prize for Theatre Studies Prizes for Indonesian and Mathematical Methods Prize for Accounting, Units 3 & 4 Prizes for Accounting, English and Legal Studies Prizes for Accounting; Chinese as a Second Language Advanced, Units 3 & 4; English as an Additional Language and Mathematical Methods Prize for Physics Prize for Visual Communication Design Prize for English Prize for General Mathematics Prize for Physical Education, the Philip Hutton Prize for Commerce in Year 11 and the Trevor Hart Memorial Prize for History in Year 11 Prizes for Chemistry, English Language, Specialist Mathematics and the Michael Wyatt Prize for Global Politics Prizes for Physics and Specialist Mathematics Prize for Physics Prize for Further Mathematics, Units 3 & 4 Prizes for Biology and General Mathematics Prize for Information Technology: CISCO Internetworking Prize for Legal Studies Prize for Art Prize for Geography Prize for Chinese Language, Culture and Society, Units 3 & 4 Prize for Accounting Prize for Mathematical Methods, Units 1 & 2 Prize for Visual Communication Design Prize for Mathematical Methods Prize for Economics Prizes for Chemistry; Chinese as a Second Language, Units 3 & 4; and Specialist Mathematics Prize for Mathematical Methods Prize for Chinese as a First Language, Units 3 & 4

Jack Amling David Bennie Daniel Bowers Nicholas Browne Ian Chen Jacob Chen (Year 10) Joshua Choong Aidan Chu Joshua Dai William Dai William Dancey Ryan de Kretser Lachlan Doig Benjamin Finney James Gunasegaram Jasper Guthrie Alan Jiang Spike Johnson Ian Kaharudin Christopher Kyriakos Thomas Lee Kevin Li

Lucas Liu Grant Lu Cameron Martin Jack McColl Lachlan Melville

Oliver Papillo Michael Pham Justin Qiu Max Ramm Matthew Ridley Matthew Robinson Dean Roff James Sampson Daniel Shao Alex Shen Ray Son Ryan Tam (Year 10) Luke Tieri Roy Wang Edward Wu Andrew Zeng Nathan Zhao Tianyi Zhou

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

YEAR 12 PRIZES FOR EXCELLENCE The Steven Family Prize for Art Prize for Legal Studies Prizes for Chemistry, Specialist Mathematics and Physics Prizes for English Language, the Michael Bula Prize for French and the Peter Muirhead Prize for Biology Prizes for Indonesian and Physical Education Prize for Further Mathematics Prize for Specialist Mathematics Prizes for Mathematical Methods and English Prize for French Prize for Theatre Studies and the Shirley Thomas William Goodwin Prize for Literature Prizes for Economics and Legal Studies Prize for English Prize for English Prize for Chemistry Prize for Mathematical Methods Prizes for Economics and Legal Studies Prizes for Biology and Mathematical Methods Prize for Information Technology: IT Software Development The Norman Stringer Prize for Music Performance Prizes for English Language, Excellence in Mathematics, the Nathan Cochrane Memorial Prize for Chemistry and the H L Ackland Prize for Physics Prize for English Prize for Excellence in Mathematics The Campbell Thorn Prize for Visual Communication Design Prize for Accounting Prize for Geography Prizes for Chemistry, Economics, English, Latin and Mathematical Methods Prize for Visual Communication Design Prize for Economics The K E Bruce Doery Prize for Commerce Prize for Further Mathematics Prize for English and the E O Romcke Memorial Prize for History Prizes for Accounting and English as an Additional Language Prize for Mathematical Methods Prize for Further Mathematics Prizes for Excellence in Mathematics and Physics Prize for Latin and the Taplin Family Prize for Geography

Sahil Balgovind Travis Barton James Bickerdike Jake Brown Cyrus Chan Alexander Chauhan Alan Chen Joe Chen Christian Chene Benjamin Chesler Michael Donaldson Richard Han Charles Huang Matthew Kautsky Michael Kwan Dean Kyriazopoulos Nelson Lau Justin Lee Michael Lewis Charles Li

Ethan Liu Ming Kim Low Darcy MacCuspie David McColl Will McIlroy Adam Moore Shashank Rathor David Roberts James Saligari Xander Simpson Anthony Stewart WeiHoong Tan Colin Wang Byron Wu Sam Xiao Connor Xu

SPECIAL PRIZES The Prefects’ Cup for Cultural Activities The Dickinson Shield for Work The Jarrett Cup for Sport The Mervyn Britten Memorial Prize for Writing The Cadet Leadership Award (Gift of the Taplin family) The Award for the Editor of the Grammarian The Award for the Editor of ECHO The Friends of Performing Arts Prize for the Captain of Music The Camberwell Grammarians’ Theatre Company Prize for Year 11 Theatre Arts The Colin Black Prize for Theatre Arts The School Prize for the Captain of Debating Prize for the Captain of Games Prize for Service to the School

The Abhishek Gaurav Award for Endeavour The Todhunter Family Spectemur Agendo Prize for Service to the School The F W Cheshire Prize for Outstanding Service to the School The Ivan Smith Memorial Prize for Scholarship, Leadership, Games and the Arts The Headmaster’s Prize for the Vice Captain of the School The John Hunter Patterson Prize for the Captain of the School The Weickhardt Family Prize for joint Proxime Accesserunt to the Dux of the School in 2017

The Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Prize for the Dux of the School in 2017

Bridgland Steven Schofield Nathan Martin Jacob Hunting Will McIlroy Benjamin Chesler Emre Cakmakcioglu Aidan Chu Will Woods Michael Tan David McColl Ryan Campbell Benjamin Chesler Harrison McEwen Liam Pietralla Fin Sampson Charlie Harper Emile Akbarzadeh Michael Tan Christian Chene Darcy MacCuspie Jack Fitzgerald Oscar Lu Kevin Wang Howard Yang Adrian Xu


ASIA BRIDGE PROGRAM TEACHER EXCHANGE VISIT In March, I undertook a reciprocal teacher exchange visit to the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Raja Permaisuri Bainun (SMKRPB) in Ipoh Malaysia as part of the BRIDGE program, sponsored by the Asia Education Foundation at the University of Melbourne. This is an international program that establishes partnerships between students, teachers and school communities. BRIDGE participants collaborate on projects, practice language skills and develop lifelong friendships with partner schools. The Head of the Indonesian Department, Mrs Janet Sharman, initiated the school’s participation in the program and took part in several planning workshops with teachers from Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia, including Mrs Azarina Alias from SMKRPB. Mrs Azarina Alais was hosted by teachers in the Indonesian Department while she made a week-long visit to the school in 2017. SMKRPB is a co-educational government boarding school, which provides educational opportunities for rural low-income students who have achieved excellent results in the National Primary School examinations. It has approximately 540 students from Years 6 to 12 and a staff of 62 teachers. The school has a broad curriculum and offers courses in Computing, Mathematics, Science, History, Business Management, General Studies, Malay and English as well as a special Malaysian University English Testing


(MUET) program. The school is noted for its students’ achievements in State and National examinations and competitions. Some of this success is attributed to the ‘cooperative learning’ approach introduced to teach Science, Mathematics and English as well as the “Living in Fine English” (LIFE) program, which promotes academic excellence by cultivating the use of English through various activities aimed at exposing and encouraging students to master the use of English. Students’ academic development is enhanced through sport and co-curricular activities, inter-school competitions and participation in service Cadet schemes. While immersing myself in the school environment, I enjoyed speaking in Malay and strengthening my understanding of this language. A highlight was delivering the opening and closing addresses (in Malay) for ‘Minggu Bahasa’ - Language week. This was a week-long program of language-based activities that were aimed at promoting and strengthening students’ proficiency in Malay, English and Japanese as well as developing creative and critical thinking skills. Some of the activities included inter-school Bicara Berirama (Malay rhythmic speech) and Youth Forum performances, as well as school conducted poetry recitals and speech, story telling, Scrabble, singing and drama competitions. Some of these activities coincided with state-wide competition finals one of which, the Perak State graded Malay co-academic

carnival, was hosted by the school. I was invited to officiate and ‘cut the ribbon’ to officially open the event and was guest of honour. I found myself performing a similar role at the Discovering the Future Fashion Parade and the Bainun English Drama festival. SMKRPB fosters community engagement, citizenship and youth development through its Cadet and Services program. Each Wednesday all members of the school, including staff, come to school in cadet uniform. While this also happens at CGS for those in the Army Cadets, at Bainun students can choose to be in the Army, Police, Fire Brigade or Red Crescent Cadets, the Environmental Action and Islamic Womens’ movements, Girl Guides and the Scouts. While an all-school assembly is held in the main auditorium every Monday, school starts on Wednesday with an opening parade outside in a specially constructed undercover pavilion. The school forms up in platoons according to the organisation in which they serve. The usual practice is for the Army Cadet Unit’s senior cadet to report that the parade is formed up to the presiding officer, usually the Principal, who takes the salute. On the occasion of my visit, however it was me. The flag is raised, the national anthem was sung, and the school oath recited, after which the parade is dismissed and the students go to class.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

I had the opportunity to observe classes from across the curriculum, but I particularly enjoyed assisting with English and History classes. While my host teacher and her English department staff spoke excellent English, on the whole the other staff and students preferred Malay. This was a great immersive experience and it allowed numerous cultural aspects of Malaysian language and society to emerge. I was also able to explore my interest in Jawi (Malay written in Arabic script). I had pursued this extensively at university but after that I had not been able to find anyone who was proficient in Jawi and the only texts I could find were religious-based and an old dictionary in a country town junk shop. On this trip, however, I was fortunate to sit in on senior Malay language classes and obtain some Jawi tutoring. The staff at the school, my homestay host and her family were incredibly welcoming and hospitable. I have formed strong connections with other teachers during my trip and while some differences were apparent, what really struck me were the similarities of everyday family life, the demands of teaching and the challenges of educating and raising teenagers. Many hours were enjoyably spent discussing these similarities along with other contemporary social issues.

The benefits of extending relationships such as these are well known and have been detailed by our colleagues in other language departments. The Indonesian Department is currently exploring means of enabling classroom to classroom communications with a view to establishing regular contact sessions, initially through Indonesian language classes, with a view to exploring Malay students’ insights into culture and issues that are also common to Indonesia such as Islamic festivals, recycling, deforestation, urbanisation, environment and economic development. There might even be opportunities in the wider curriculum in areas such as Economics, Geography and History. While the focus of my trip was on building inter-school links, it also afforded the opportunity to forge contacts and undertake a range of unique and personally rewarding experiences that have direct applications to the Indonesian program and Asian literacy more generally at CGS. The Australian Army Cadets indicated before my trip that it would not be appropriate for me to wear my AAC uniform while in Malaysia. Scouts Australia had no such objections and

“ While the focus of my trip was on building

inter-school links, it also

afforded the opportunity to forge contacts and

undertake a range of

unique and personally

rewarding experiences ” as SMKRPB also has a Scout Troop, I wore my Scout Leaders uniform to take the salute at the Wednesday cadet services parade. I was later presented with a Malaysian Scouts scarf and woggle as a memento of my visit. Mr Hamish Green Indonesian Teacher



Year 3 had an amazing two-day stay at Gundiwindi Lodge in Wandin on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 November. Over the two days, the Camp itinerary was action packed and filled with exciting outdoor activities. It was brilliant to see so many of the boys challenge themselves over the two days and overcome their fears by attempting unfamiliar activities, trying new food or by reaching new heights on the Giant Swing. After an hour-long drive to the Camp, the bus was bubbling with excitement. Straight away students jumped into activities following an orientation walk after morning tea. They participated in a survival skills challenge and went zooming down the flying fox. The boys had to work together to achieve the goal of building an outdoor hut, and together they displayed skills of cooperation and leadership. The flying fox was another highlight for the boys. It was wonderful to see so many boys 16

show confidence in taking the leap of faith as they stepped off the ledge to take flight. Fears and excitement came to a head when the boys had a go at the 16 metre Giant Swing. Boys were able to overcome their fear of heights whilst being supported and encouraged by one another. In the evening, the boys participated in a reptile show provided by Black Snake Productions. The boys got to touch and hold a variety of different native reptile species, including lizards, pythons and crocodiles. They learnt about the importance of taking care of these native reptiles and how to safely and respectfully interact with them. The boys concluded the evening with a walk to the campfire to toast some marshmallows before hitting the cabins for a much-deserved rest. On the overcast and cooler Tuesday, the boys had a go at yabbying where they caught yabbies and turtles in a pond and learnt about their characteristics and life cycles. Later

in the day, the boys worked in groups of three to spot one another on the low ropes course. The boys had to persist and use their balance and strength to overcome the challenging rope obstacles. Exhausted and proud the boys had a brilliant camp at Gundiwindi Lodge, returning to CGS on Tuesday afternoon. After this experience the boys are now looking forward to the Year 4 Camp in 2019 with great anticipation. Mr Mathew McRae Year 3 Teacher

Farewell to Year 12 We farewelled our Year 12 students on Wednesday 24 October with a breakfast in the cafeteria, followed by formal House farewells, cuff-link presentations (by fathers of Year 12 students who are also Old Boys), followed by brunch. The day finished with a Leavers’ Service at St Mark’s Church and a Valedictory Dinner at the MCG with parents and teachers. The day was mixed with emotion, excitement and memories for these students, who have been part of our lives for so long. It was wonderful to celebrate their years of schooling at CGS with them.

I take this opportunity to thank our Year 12 students for all that they have contributed to our school community in the time they have been with us. Our Year 11 students now take on the mantle of leaders of the school, and I look forward to the contribution that they will make over the next twelve months. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster



Spectemur | Term 4 2018


Some of the high achievers with the Headmaster, Head of Senior School and Deputy Head.

I wish to congratulate our Class of 2018 for their outstanding VCE results. All 169 of our students who completed the year satisfactorily met the requirements of the VCE and we are very proud of them all. The results are again very impressive across the full range of scores: twenty-three students (14%) achieved an ATAR of 99 or better, placing them in the top one per cent of the state. Thirty-one per cent of our students achieved a rank of 95 or better, while 50% of our students achieved a score of 90 or better, placing them in the top ten per cent of the State. Ninety-five per cent of our students were in the top 50% of the State. Our median ATAR score was 90.1. These are again extraordinary results and I congratulate our students and their teachers for the hard work they did to achieve them. At the same time, I am very conscious that some of our students may feel disappointed. Not everyone can get very high scores. The ATAR is a ranking system; by definition some students cannot obtain as high a rank as others. Sometimes a student may have set their heart of a particular score – over 99, over 90, somewhere in the 80s – and some may have missed this private goal. But as I have said to the students many times, results alone cannot measure the success of a student’s education. I am very proud of all of our students who did their best, no matter their score. So many of the boys told me in their last few weeks that they felt they could not have worked any harder, and that is the true measure of their success. I was struck this year by the number of teachers who told me how impressed they were by the work ethic of this particular cohort. By that standard, all of our students have achieved amazing results

and I am confident that all of our students will ultimately gain entry into a worthwhile and useful tertiary course should they so wish. All students try their best given their ability and the realities of their lives. ATAR numbers will soon be forgotten, but the lessons learned at school, and the values and skills learned here will last forever. We value each one of them and congratulate them all. Having said that, it is fitting to recognise the hard work and achievement of our highest scoring students. There were thirteen perfect study scores across a wide range of subjects: James Bickerdike (Physics), Jake Brown (Biology), Alan Chen (English), Joe Chen (English), Lachlan Doig (Mathematical Methods), James Gunasegaram (Mathematical Methods), Richard Han (English), Charles Li (Specialist Mathematics and Physics), Lucas Liu (Mathematical Methods), Oliver Papillo (Year 11) (Global Politics), James Saligari (English), Sepehr Tahmasebi (English). Twentythree per cent of all study scores were 40 or above, which given that we tend to do the more ‘difficult’ VCE subjects is an excellent result. This year the Duces of our School are Jake Brown and Sepehr Tahmasebi, both of whom scored 99.95. Our Proxime Accesserunt are Charles Li, Charles Huang, Anthony Stewart and Alan Chen, who each scored 99.90. All six boys were clearly actively involved in the full life of the school and worked very hard at their studies. In his time at Camberwell Grammar School, Jake Brown keenly embraced opportunities for learning and personal development, and in the process, produced an impressive record of achievements in both the curricular and co-curricular domains. He received School Prizes in Biology, French and

of our students

achieved a score of 90 or

better, placing them in the

top ten per cent of the State.” English Langauge, was a Scholar of the School and in 2018 acted as the Prefect for Faith and Social Justice. A talented musician, Jake participated in numerous instrumental and choral ensembles, performed in the School’s 2018 production of Jesus Christ Superstar and in 2017 was awarded the AMEB Grade 6 with Honours in ‘Saxophone for Leisure’. In Year 11, Jake scored 44 in Mathematical Methods. This year, he scored 50 in Biology, 48 in English Language, 47 in Chemistry, 47 in French and 38 in Latin. Sepehr Tahmasebi joined the School in Year 7, 2013 and soon distinguished himself as a high achiever in his academic pursuits. He has also been an industrious participator in many extra-curricular programs. Sepehr was named a Monash Scholar in 2016, was a House Prefect for Clifford House, leading by example through numerous activities and memorably conducting his House Choir in 2018. In addition to these House roles, Sepehr became actively involved in the school’s Rotary Interact Club as well as helping part of the Junior School Mentoring program. Sepehr also participated in DAV Inter-School Debating and was awarded Full Colours in 2018. In Year 11, he achieved 40 in Chinese Second Language and 48 in Mathematical Methods. This year, he scored 50 in English, 47 in Legal Studies, 47 in Specialist Mathematics and 32 in Latin.


Top achievers Anthony Stewart, Jake Brown, Charles Huang and Charles Li (Absent: Sepehr Tahmasebi and Alan Chen).

Charles Li was an exceptional student throughout his time at the School. Excelling particularly in Mathematics, Charles received School Prizes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as well as numerous external accolades, including a Silver Medal representing Australia at the International Mathematics Olympiad in 2018. Charles was a Scholar of the School but also contributed to a wide range of cocurricular activities. He earned full Colours for Debating and Orienteering, acting as Vice-Captain for the latter in 2018. Charles was also a Schofield House Prefect and participated in a number of School Choral and Instrumental Ensembles. In Year 11, Charles scored 50 in Mathematical Methods and 42 in Global Politics. This year, he scored 50 in Specialist Mathematics, 50 in Physics, 45 in Chemistry and 41 in English Language. Charles also undertook University Enhancement Mathematics. Charles Huang was recognised as having a conscientious and disciplined approach to his studies. His dedication and tireless efforts resulted in the attainment of exceptional academic grades; however, his scholastic achievements were not restricted to the classroom. School Prizes in English and a Scholar Award in 2017 underpinned his success, but he also participated in DAV Inter-School Debating, earning full Colours, sang in the School Choir and was a Macneil House Prefect. In Year 11, Charles achieved


48 in Mathematical Methods. This year, he scored 49 in English, 41 in Specialist Mathematics, 37 in Chemistry and 36 in Latin. Anthony Stewart was an outstanding Scholar throughout his time at school, earning Academic Excellence awards in all of his Senior School years and named as a Scholar in 2017. In 2018, he won School Prizes in History and English. Anthony was an active member of Bridgland House. He was editor of the House Magazine and involved himself in House Drama and fundraising activities. In Year 11, Anthony scored 47 in Mathematical Methods. This year, he achieved 48 in English, 47 in History: Revolutions, 46 in Physics, 39 in Latin and 39 in Specialist Mathematics. Alan Chen’s academic achievements were notable, with numerous academic prizes including the School Prize for Chinese Second Language in 2017 and Specialist Mathematics in 2018. These were more impressive when viewed against his full engagement in a variety of co-curricular pursuits. Alan is a talented musician, whose virtuosity was showcased through his longstanding membership of various School musical ensembles, most notably the Chamber and Senior School Orchestras, where he sat with the First Violins. In Year 11, Alan scored 45 for Mathematical Methods and 44 for Chinese Second Language. This year, he achieved 50 in English, 43 in Specialist Mathematics, 40 in Chemistry and 35 in Biology. In 2018, Alan also studied University Enhancement Mathematics.

A further seventeen students earned scores of 99 or higher. These boys also studied a wide range of subjects and actively involved themselves in the life of the school: Travis Barton, James Bickerdike, Ryan Campbell, Joe Chen, Jacky Chen, Christian Chene, Benjamin Chesler, Nick Goss, Richard Han, Matthew Kautsky, Ming Kim Low, Adam Moore, James Saligari, Michael Tan, WeiHoong Tan, Sam Xiao, Andrew Zhang. I congratulate those of our students who have done well, I commiserate with those who may be feeling disappointed, and I encourage both groups to keep these results in perspective. Results do not make the man, and this day is just one milestone in the long journey ahead. There is a world of opportunity ahead for all of these young men. I would like once more to publicly acknowledge our remarkable teaching staff who helped our students to achieve these wonderful results. I know that they too are very proud of their students. I also congratulate and thank our parents, who have encouraged their sons by supporting them through the ups and downs of a VCE year. Congratulations once more to the Class of 2018 on their excellent results. It is pleasing to see that their hard work has been rewarded so generously. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

Grandparents’ Day It was a pleasure to welcome over 540 grandparents and great grandparents of boys from all levels to our school on Tuesday 30 October. They enjoyed a morning tea in the Performing Arts Centre, followed by a concert involving musicians from all sections of the school. After the concert, our students were excited to then be able to show ‘their’ school to their grandparents and family. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster

“ It was a pleasure to welcome over


grandparents and great

grandparents of boys from all levels to our school on Tuesday

30 October ”


Exit 18 Art and Design Exhibition This is an edited speech given by Mr David Williams, Head of Art, on Thursday 11 October at the opening night of EXIT 18 Art and Design Exhibition. ‘Great art has dreadful manners...’ art critic and presenter Simon Schama once observed when explaining his observations on the power, and whole point, of art.


The hushed reverence of the gallery can fool you into believing masterpieces are polite things, visions that soothe, charm and beguile but actually they are thugs. Merciless and wily, the greatest paintings grab you in a headlock, rough up your composure and then proceed in short order to re-arrange your sense of reality. I’m not sure if that will happen to you whilst viewing the extraordinary art and design works in Exit 18, but what I do know is that the collective creative voice on display is overwhelming, inspiring, delightful and pulsing with youthful vitality, but oh so deafening. To the graduating artists, a massive congratulations. Your creative journey through CGS, for some of you it started with me in Prep, culminates tonight, however I sense this won’t be the end of your passion and need to be creative and innovative.

We look forward with interest to seeing where life’s journey takes you and please don’t be strangers, you are always welcome back in the studios of your school.

news around the school

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

A great shot of our Prefect netball game against Presbyterian Ladies’ College Melbourne.

Junior School Health Morning and Walk to School Day On Tuesday 16 October the Junior School held their Health Morning and Walk to School Day. Students were encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to and from school and participated in a range of dynamic activities.

Tennis Season Opening Night On Thursday 25 October Tennis had their season opening night with guest speaker Heath Davidson, gold medal winner at the Rio Paralympics in wheel chair doubles tennis.


Senior School Friday Afternoon Activities The Senior School Friday Activities program runs from 2.45pm to 4.00pm throughout the year. At the beginning of each year all students in Years 9, 10 and 11 will be asked to make their selections from the categories listed on the Intranet. The Cooking activity has always been one to fill up first! Simple and nutritious recipes are made each week. The students then get to eat what they have cooked. This activity has been very successful in trying to teach our young men to be capable cooks and helpful members of their families. Culminating in a celebration of home-cooked delicacies on the last Friday of the program, a fun time is had by all. The activities are a set of opportunities beyond the mainstream academic program designed to add depth and provide students with a range of experiences in areas such as service, creativity or active pursuits. Ms Ione Norris Teacher in Charge

Year 4 Billy Cart Derby As all the boys got prepared for the annual Year 4 Billy Cart derby, it finally came down to this moment. We had been preparing for seven long weeks. All the building, designing, painting, teamwork and now we were waiting on the starting line. All 50 Year 4 boys’ adrenaline was pumping hard through their

veins. The anticipation was higher than ever before. Butterflies were roaming and the stage was set. Parents, teachers and students were eagerly waiting. Mr Crosby shouted “On your marks, get set, GO!”. I whizzed off, pushing my team mate. We were in the lead, with nine other carts behind us. I finally finished my lap and waited eagerly to transition to my driving position. As I saw my teammates come into the pits for

Louis Le (Year 11) and James Thorn (Year 10) performed on Saturday 17 November in the Melbourne Ballet Company’s Nutcracker at the National Theatre in both a matinee and evening performance. The boys had been rehearsing on a Saturday for months, working alongside some NIDA graduate actors as well as some ex Australian Ballet Company dancers and a cast of 450 dance students. The boys were ‘fathers’ in Act One (they had a wife and two children each) and both did an absolutely incredible job.

the final time, I was ready. I ran to my position as the driver and it was on. We disastrously got a thirty second penalty for going outside the boundary line but it didn’t matter as we were ahead. I was still determined and could see the finish line. We won! “Yes!” I yelled and the rest of my crew came running over. “We did it!” our team shouted. Luke Mason, Harish R-Roshan and Harrison Ross

Tesla Visit This term Tesla brought their pilot school program to our Middle School. They brought along the Tesla ‘Tiny House’ and Teslar Car to support their presentation about creating a more sustainable future. 24

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

CONGRATULATIONS 2018/19 SUMMER SPORT SEASON CAPTAINS AND VICE CAPTAINS Congratulations to the following students who have been appointed Captains and Vice Captains for the Summer Sport Season: BASKETBALL




Jack Amling and Josh Marino Sam Garrard

Vice Captain Vihaan Narayana Captain Zac Kelly Vice Captains Jonathan Seeley and James Stambe GOLF Captain Jasper Guthrie KAYAKING Captain Andrew Zeng LAWN BOWLS Captains William Cook and Elijah Pannozzo ORIENTEERING Captain James Gunasegaram Vice Captain Thomas Lee SQUASH Captain Nicholas Gooden Vice Captain Daniel Spencer SWIMMING Captains Jack Amling and Corey Mccabe Vice Captains Jasper Fodor and Peter Zhao TABLE TENNIS Captain Nathan Shi Vice Captain Ethan Tang TENNIS Captain Alex Wilson-Brown Vice Captain Ryan Box TRIATHLON Captain Harry Swingler VOLLEYBALL Captain Christopher Kyriakos Vice Captain Domenic Di Censo CYCLING

Sport SPORT COLOUR AWARDS Congratulations to the following students on their awards: HALF COLOURS ATHLETICS David Augustes (12) Matthew Seddon (12) Lachlan Evans (10) Taran Laurence (10) Jimmy Smith (9) Jordan Liang (9) Hugo Akse (8) BASEBALL Ryan De Kretser (11) Matthew Katsoulotos (11) Andrew Zeng (11) Benjamin Cheng (9) WATER POLO

FULL COLOURS Tom Bowers (10)

VICTORIAN ALL SCHOOL ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Ryan De Kretser (11) Matthew Katsoulotos (11) Andrew Zeng (11) Benjamin Cheng (9) Lachlan Thompson (12) Jasper Guthrie (11)

SNOWSPORTS Ethan Hausler (12) Declan Woolf (11) Daniel Rappel (12) Benjamin Finney (11) Benjamin Svikis (10) TAEKWONDO Joel Robinson (12) Richard Han (12) Roger Jin (12) Justin Lee (12) Aiden Mellor (12) Lochlan Paterson-Crisp (12)

Eight Camberwell Grammar School athletes competed against the best from around the state at Lakeside Stadium. In the Under 14, Sebastian Beck (Year 7) finished second in both 100m and 200m, earning him a start at the National Championships in Cairns in December. Sebastian’s 12.01 seconds in the 100m final was his second fastest run of 2018 and his 24.74 seconds in the 200m took another 0.04 seconds off his own school record. Kai Sapolu (Year 8) competed in four events, finishing 4th in Pole Vault and 6th in Hammer Throw. He also jumped personal bests in Long Jump and Triple Jump. At Under 15, Hugo Akse (Year 8) finished 5th in Long Jump. Connor Assauw (Year 9) cleared 1.60m to finish 11th in the High Jump. At Under 17, Tom Bowers (Year 10) continued his strong form, running a personal best of 4:16.8 to finish 7th in the 1500m. He also qualified for the final of the 800m, but was beaten in a fast final, posting 2:01.07 to finish 8th. At Under 20, Matthew McKenna (Year 11) ran a personal best of 52.98 seconds to finish 2nd in the 400m and 24.23 seconds to finish 4th in the 200m.

JUNIOR SCHOOL AGSV ATHLETICS On Thursday 8 November, a team of 31 Year 4, 5 and 6 boys competed in the 2018 Annual Junior School AGSV Athletics Carnival held at Bill Sewart Athletics track, Burwood. The entire team performed extremely well on the day. All boys qualified for the team through strong performances at the recent House, Box Hill Trials and District Athletics. Congratulations go to the following boys who finished in the top three places: YEAR 10 YEARS Harrison Ross Louis Zhang Sasha Kanarev Max McCool

Caleb Jack Hamish Mitchell Kaan Ong Edward Liang 11 YEARS William Watson Thomas Nania Angus Rynne Louis Treacy 12/13 YEARS Matthew Lau Ben Ford Michael Chen



800m 4x100m Relay ‘A’ Long Jump 4x100m Relay ‘A’ 100m ‘D’ 4X100m Relay ‘B’ 100m ‘A’ 200m ‘A’ 4x100m Relay ‘A’ 200m 4x100m Relay ‘B’ 4x100m Relay ‘A’ 4x100m Relay ‘B’ 4x100m Relay ‘B’

3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd

Shot Put Shot Put Discus 100m ‘B’

2nd 3rd 1st 2nd

80m Hurdles ‘A’ 100m ‘A’ High Jump Shot Put 200m ‘D’

2nd 3rd 2nd 1st 3rd

SOUTHERN METRO REGIONAL ATHLETICS On Thursday 18 October, one Junior School boy and one Middle School boy competed in the Southern Metro Regional Athletics Championships held at Casey Fields Regional Athletics Centre, Cranbourne. Special congratulations go to Ben Ford (Year 6) who came second overall in the Shot Put and 1st overall in the High Jump. Ben has now qualified for the 2018 State Athletics Championships in both events. Additionally, Max McCool (Year 4) finished an impressive 3rd in the 9/10 age group 200m, and 5th in the 100m. Congratulations go to Max on a great athletics season. Well done to both boys for their efforts. VICTORIAN INTERSCHOOL CYCLING SERIES Congratulations to Zac Kelly’s (Year 9) win in the Senior Male A division. In the 6 lap 13.2km race, Zac averaged a remarkable 41.4km/hr! Other notable achievements came from Charlie Reid-Pettett (Year 7) and Marcus Liew (Year 7) who finished 2nd and 4th respectively in the Junior Male B division. 25

ACADEMIC AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHEMISTRY QUIZ A group of Year 11 and 12 Camberwell Grammar School students were invited to participate in this year’s Australian National Chemistry Quiz. Each year, there are over 120,000 entries from over 1,400 schools across Australia and overseas. This year Camberwell Grammar students achieved 35 High Distinctions, which places them in the top 10% of the State. In addition, three of our students, Oliver Papillo, Richard Han and Adam Moore, received one of 20 badges awarded across Australia to students who each achieved perfect scores in the competition. Congratulations to the following students who received an Excellence Award for scoring in the Top 1% of the State: YEAR 11 Lachlan Doig Oliver Papillo Michael Pham

AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE OLYMPIADS The Australian Science Olympiads are a national extension program for top performing science students. The rigorous examinations are very challenging and assess problem solving mathematical and analytical skills. Congratulations to the following Year 11 students who performed exceptionally in these examinations and were awarded High Distinction Certificates: BIOLOGY Raymond Xiang

Seven boys finished with an individual score, which placed them in the top 10% of all participating students; Christopher Khong, Ethan Lau, Nicholas Wang, Jonathan Chong, Marcus Lu, Tomas O’Brien and Ethan Tran.

CHEMISTRY Ian Chen Michael Pham

Three boys finished with an individual score which placed them in the top 20%; Ross Armstrong, Joah Quach and Lachlan Li.


Leo Qi, Kye Yoshimura and Melvin Zhang finished in the top 25%.

CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Oliver Papillo Andrew Zeng



YEAR 12 Nick Goss

The Camberwell Grammar team, made up of 30 Year 4 and 5 students, were placed in the top 10% of all participating teams across Australia. This result earned them an Outstanding Team Achievement

Richard Han Adam Moore Michael Tan

award. Four of our boys excelled in their individual scores, which placed them in the top 2% of over 30,000 students that competed. Congratulations to Austin Dai (Year 5) and Rick Liu (Year 5) who had the highest individual scores, followed closely by Hamish Mitchell (Year 4) and Anson Wang (Year 4).

Congratulations to two of our Year 10 students, Rhys Campbell and Matthew Wu who were awarded a Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship from the University of Melbourne which is an academic enrichment program designed to support high-achieving Victorian secondary school students.

CO-CURRICULAR HOUSE DRAMA COMPETITION Congratulations to Schofield House for winning the competition this year. The House plays were of a very high standard, and are completely the responsibility of the students, who direct and act in them as well as providing backstage support. It was great to see so many students involved in each production and to see how they had worked so closely together to produce such polished pieces of work. The theme this year was ‘Mini Musicals’. Thank you to our Adjudicator, Mr Myles Collins. The final results of the House Play Competition were as follows: 8TH 7TH 6TH 5TH 4TH 3RD 2ND 1ST


Steven Derham Macneil Clifford Summons Bridgland Robinson Schofield

Oliver Beauty and the Beast High School Musical Meta Musical The Lion King The Book of Mormon Sweeney Todd Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Charlie Chun

The Roystead Awards were designed to recognise students in Year 8 who consistently demonstrate the school’s values of learning, respect, integrity, courage and optimism through their varied contributions to the school. Well done to the following students who were this year’s winners:

Benjamin Coleman

Leeshan Navaneetharaja

Joel Cooray

Luke Nguyen

Alexander Bokas Ben Bosmans Freddy Branson Je-Rard Cheong

Ben Joy Gregory Kerdemelidis Charles Lewis Mathieu Ly

Alec McDougall

Joshua Davidson

Darcy Norman

Nicholas Gazis

Isa Rose

Benjamin Grlj

Lachlan Ross

Akalanka Gunawardana

Aneek Sengupta

Harrison Haintz

Hieu Tran

Michael Hare

Brendan Tse

Mitchell Horn

Lachlan Wei

Jerry Ji

Yanning Zhang

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

BEN JAGO AWARD This significant award is presented to a Year 8 boy who has contributed enthusiastically to the life of the school in three main areas: Sporting, Academic and Social. The award is designed to recognise good citizenship and support for others, willingness to get involved and a positive spirit towards all areas of school life. Congratulations to this year’s winner Joshua Davidson. LORD MAYOR’S CHARITABLE FOUNDATION – YEAR 10 YOUTH IN PHILANTHROPY Ten Year 10 boys volunteered for the Youth in Philanthropy program this year and were responsible for allocating a total of $15,000 to local charities, for specific programs and projects. During the program, the students gain an insight into philanthropy and an understanding of the great work that many charities do in our local area. In particular, they realise the importance of volunteers and donations to provide valuable services to the community. The following students were presented with a certificate in recognition of their participation: Philip Alex Matthew Chan Oscar Cheung Tory Crosgrove Geoffrey Gong

Rohan Hodges Haotian Huang Vishal Kotecha Jason Li Joshua Soo

ACMI SCREEN IT COMPETITION Congratulations to Darcy de Rauch (Year 10) who won the Senior (Year 10-12) Videogame Section of the ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition. He was competing against senior students from across Australia and submitted a unique style of game that really impressed the judging panel. Screen IT is a national film, animation and game making competition for school-age students and is designed to encourage imagination and inventiveness in primary and secondary school students and fosters a new generation of young moving image makers.

ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE BERTHE MOUCHETTE COMPETITION This year 100 students from Years 7 to 12 were selected to compete in the Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition. For the poetry recitation, over 40% of the CGS students who participated earned a score of at least 19/20. Twenty-three students received a perfect 20/20 in the oral and nine students in the written component. Congratulations to the following Year 9 and 10 students who were invited to compete in the state finals: YEAR 9 Luke Doblin Charlie Dore James Harker Elijah Pannozzo Sam Schwenk Daniel Watson YEAR 10 Ellis Biggar Rhys Campbell Tory Crosgrove Jamie Garnham Hamish Monckton Aleksandar Rupar Jack Schwenk VCE students must speak in French for 9 minutes of general conversation, recite a poem and provide an analysis of the poem. Congratulations also to the following Year 11 students who were the two state finalists: YEAR 11 Alan Jiang Linus Opat

DUKE OF EDINBURGH PRESENTATION The Duke of Edinburgh Awards are about individual choices and setting goals to improve oneself with the support and guidance of people skilled in those areas. The components and areas in which choice can be made are physical recreation, skill, service and adventurous activity; with satisfactory completion being awarded to candidates having displayed commitment and improvement in each activity. Congratulations to Oliver Papillo (Year 11) on his Bronze Award. LYREBIRD AWARDS The judging panel for the 2018 Lyrebird Youth Awards were very impressed with the high standard of our production of Jesus Christ Superstar this year. Congratulations to all Drama students and staff for their nominations from the Lyrebird Awards: Best Actor – Youth Musical Will Woods (Year 12) Best Supporting Actor – Youth Musical Sean Halley (Year 12) Best Director – Youth Musical Andrew Stocker (Head of Drama) Best Costume – Youth Production Jennifer Bennie and Breanna Handfield, Wardrobe and Costume Design Best Set – Youth Production Mark Wager, MHW Design Best Production – Youth Musical Camberwell Grammar School


MUSIC THEATRE GUILD OF VICTORIA AWARDS Congratulations to all students who were nominated or who received an award at the Theatre Guild of Victoria 2018 Awards for Jesus Christ Superstar. AWARDS Production of the Year Jesus Christ Superstar Direction of a Junior Production Andrew Stocker, Head of Drama Musical Direction of Junior Production Ben Bishop, Director of Music The Design Award For Production Concept and Technical Achievement

AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL ECONOMICS COMPETITION The University of New South Wales Australian Business School Economics Competition was held in May with over 8,000 entries received from across Australia, and overseas. The multiple-choice format penalises students for incorrect answers, so careful judgement needs to be exercised with reference to which questions are attempted. Camberwell Grammar entered 111 students across Years 11 and 12, and achieved a total of 22 Credits, 4 Distinctions and 2 High Distinctions. Congratulations to Kevin Liu (Year 11) who was awarded a High Distinction and Nicholas Browne (Year 11) who in addition to receiving a High Distinction, was awarded the State Winner in the Junior Section.

Junior Female in Leading Role Lisa Chiodo (Canterbury Girls’ Secondary School) NOMINATIONS Junior Male in a Leading Role Will Woods (Year 12) Junior Male in a Supporting Role Sean Halley (Year 12) Junior Male in a Supporting Role Christian Chene (Year 11) Junior Female in a Supporting Role Susannah Bourke (Canterbury Girls’ Secondary School)

Aidan Mellor

Luc Raszewski


Sean Chan

VCE ART AND DESIGN EXHIBITION The winners of the Headmaster’s Acquisition Awards were made to Luke Raszewski (VCD), David Zhou (Art) and Colin Chen (Studio Art). These works will be placed on permanent display in the school. NGV TOP ARTS Congratulations to Luc Raszewski and Hugh Williamson who were shortlisted for Top Arts, while Aidan Mellor and Sean Chan were shortlisted for Top Designs in the NGV Top Arts exhibition. Top Arts celebrates the outstanding abilities of Victoria’s newest emerging talents.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

Hugh Williamson

DRUM LINE Henry Koswig (Year 11), Matthew Ong (Year 9) and Jordan Murphy (Year 9) attended the National Drumline Camp near Kyneton. The event is an intensive, three-day marching percussion camp for drummers of all ages and skill levels. Congratulations to both Henry Koswig and Matthew Ong who were chosen for the most advanced ensemble at the camp, with Henry fulfilling the role as lead snare, while Jordan Murphy worked on a very challenging tenor drum part in the intermediate ensemble. LICENTIATE IN MUSIC, AUSTRALIA (LMUSA) Congratulations to Matthew Wu (Year 10) for his efforts in achieving his L.Mus with Distinction on Piano in Term 4. L.Mus with Distinction is a huge achievement for any professional musician, but to achieve this level by only Year 10 is quite exceptional indeed. He will be presented with his Diploma from the Australian Music Examinations Board at a special ceremony at Melbourne University next year. OCEANIA CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS Congratulations to Lachlan Lee (Year 4) who was selected by the Australian Chess Federation (ACF) to be Australia’s sole representative for the Under 12 division of the 2019 Oceania Youth and Oceania Under 20 Chess Championships to be held in Auckland in January 2019. The Oceania Youth and Under 20 Chess Championship is a highly competitive zonal tournament held every two years. We wish Lachlan the best of luck in the competition.




The Swannie Award is awarded by the Debaters Association of Victoria to the speaker in each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score in the 2018 Schools Competition. Congratulations to Lachlan Melville (Year 11) who won the ‘Swannie’ in the B Grade competition and Jamie Garnham (Year 10) who was awarded the “Swannie” in the C Grade competition.

Congratulations to the following who were appointed as prefects in 2019:


Congratulations to Nicholas Wade (Year 9), Thomas Cross and Lachlan O’Neill (Year 7) who were selected in the BallKids Tournament Squad for the Australian Open. Keep a look out for them when watching on television or if you go to the tournament.

Captain of the School Vice Captain of the School Captain of Bridgland Captain of Clifford Captain of Derham Captain of Macneil Captain of Robinson Captain of Schofield Captain of Steven Captain of Summons Captain of Games Captain of Music Captain of Drama Public Speaking and Debating Publications Faith and Social Justice Junior and Middle School Liaison Senior Cadet Under Officer (CUO)

Jack Amling Andrew Zeng Spike Johnson Max Ramm Lachlan Melville Lachlan Doig Niko Verrios Divjot Walia Luke Tieri Harley Beechey Sam Garrard Sebastian Csutoros Aidan Chu Oliver Papillo James Gunasegaram Ian Kaharudin Thomas Graves

Congratulations to the following recipients of the Colour Awards for Debating: HALF COLOUR Philip Alex (10) Jamie Garnham (10) Rohan Hodges (10) Haotian Huang (10) Aidan Chu (11) Benjamin Finney (11) Linus Opat (11) Dean Roff (11) Divjot Walia (11) Michael Donaldson (12) Jack Fitzgerald (12) Rashay Kotecha (12) Harry McLeod (12) James Saligari (12)

FULL COLOUR Lachlan Doig (11) James Gunasegaram (11) Lachlan Melville (11) Oliver Papillo (11) Andrew Zeng (11) Travis Barton (12) Ryan Campbell (12) Christian Chene (12) Benjamin Chesler (12) Michael Tan (12) Luc Raszewski (12) Darcy MacCuspie (12) Charles Li (12) Sepehr Tahmasebi (12)


FULL COLOUR Joel Robinson (12)


From the Archives

Guy Berry, alumnus of Canterbury Grammar School.

Alfred Hall holds the record duration as The heroic Ivanhoe The CGS crest reminded Principal/Headmaster (he variously used both readers of the origins of was one of Scott’s most titles) of the Camberwell Grammar School, famous characters. their success. 1891-1926, during which his institution After leaving Camberwell Grammar at the moved premises twice, finally resting on Burke end of 1916, he had passed on to the Dookie Road from 1908. In the thirty-five years of his Agricultural College, where he apparently leadership, the school population expanded struggled with the book work, but was ‘greatly from a modest sixty-six in 1886 to over 240 in interested in the practical work out-of-doors’, Hall’s final year, when Camberwell Grammar according to the school Magazine. Wounded was transitioning to become a school affiliated in the head from shell fire on the night of 9 with the Church of England (as it was known August near Proyart, France, Geoffrey died two until 1981). Hall’s reign had not been one days later, two months short of his twentieth which witnessed consistent enhancement birthday. The horrifying picture of multiple of the student population – the ‘Nineties deaths within a family, siblings or otherwise, depression had seen the population drop to 33 was all too common in the Great War but in 1897 and the days of Camberwell Grammar, at least the Berry family was spared even like those of many other minute ‘private’ deeper misery through the younger ages of the schools at the time, seemed numbered. remaining siblings, Hugh and Richard. Both However, the “Old Boss” steered the vessel subsequently served in the Second World War, through these stormy waters and was even Hugh in the RAAF as a Wing Commander able to absorb a number of other faltering and Richard as a Private in the Army – these local institutions in the years before the First younger brothers survived this conflict. World War, thereby strengthening ‘his’ school and making it the attractive proposition that Accordingly, the Camberwell Grammar it had become by the mid-1920s. Amongst Archives are interested in the acquisition of those smaller schools absorbed by Camberwell any material from these earlier institutions Grammar were Walter Murdoch’s Camberwell absorbed into our own and a recent donation College, Hawthorn College and the Canterbury from Marten and Barbara Bedford of Grammar School located in Balwyn. After the Canterbury of four volumes presented to purchase of Canterbury Grammar’s good-will Guy Marten and Geoffrey Berry as school in December 1912, Hall acquired twenty-three prizes whilst they were attending the new boys, a significant proportion of the cohort Canterbury Grammar School are valuable of 89 boys newly enrolled at Burke Road at the additions to the collection of CGS presentation beginning of the school year of 1913. Amongst volumes now housed in our Archives. These these ‘Canterbury’ boys walking south from four books express the interests and literary their Victoria Avenue home, “Hillside”, then focus of the period 1906-11, including along Canterbury Road towards the Burke the ubiquitous novels of Dickens – Oliver Road campus and Lister House were three (of Twist (Form IV Prize to Guy, 1906), David the four) Berry brothers - Geoffrey (b.1898), Copperfield (Form V Prize to Geoffrey, 1911) Richard (b.1902) and Hugh (b.1905). Their and The Pickwick Papers (Attendance Prize older brother, Guy Marten (b.1895), had left to Guy, Xmas 1909) – as well as Harold: school in 1911 and become an orchardist. The Last of the Saxon Kings (Sunday School Both the two older brothers, Guy and Geoffrey, Association Prize to Guy, 1911) by Lord had served in the Canterbury Grammar cadet Lytton, a nineteenth-century novelist whose unit under Major Whitehead, who had earlier reputation has not endured into our own defected from Hall’s school, and would join the time, unlike that of the eternal “Boz”. This AIF during the Great War – both were killed in tale of Anglo-Saxon adventure, in retrospect action. Guy, a sapper, fell at Passchendaele, seems to have been appropriate reading for Belgium, in October 1917, aged twenty-two. youths who would soon be donning khaki to The diminutive Geoffrey (5’4”, ‘Complexion: defend the Empire, but even more so was Fresh’), also an orchardist, enlisted at the fine volume presented to Geoffrey as Dux Melbourne in August 1917 and became a of Form IV at Xmas 1910, Stories of Famous member of the Australian Field Ambulance. 30

Men and Women, the second volume of the series The Young Folks’ Bookshelf. Here, the young reader was introduced to female figures, (‘role models’ as we would call them), such as Flora Macdonald the Jacobite martyr, Jenny Lind the “Swedish Nightingale”, Florence Nightingale the “Lady with the Lamp”, and, of course, the late Queen Victoria the “Model of Queens”. The male icons included the engineers James Watt and Isambard Brunel, Walter Scott the “Wizard of the North” – Ivanhoe features on the cover – George Stephenson the “Father of Railways”, David Livingstone the “Greatest and Best of African Explorers” and appropriately, Charles Dickens the “Novelist of the People”. Aside from Lind, all the subjects of this work were British and only one member of the pantheon had Australian connections, Sir John Franklin the “Discoverer of the NorthWest Passage”. However, the chapter dealing with Franklin’s extensive career as a sailor and explorer contained only half a short paragraph on his period as Governor of Van Diemen’s Land, 1837-43. This perfectly indicates the Eurocentric, imperial focus that was directed to the prize-winning students of the period before the Great War (and later). A similar series of donations was received in August from Mrs Beth Crutch, whose father John attended Camberwell Grammar from 1934-39. The talented John received prizes in Forms III, IV and V for Mathematics, Commercial Principles, Spelling, History and Geography. The books presented to him at the Speech Nights of these years indicate that the imperial focus referred to above had survived into a later generation – the titles included Recent Heroes of Modern Adventure (still free of Australian content), Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley, Kidnapped by R.L. Stevenson and two of the great novels of Jane Austen and George Eliot, Sense and Sensibility and Adam Bede. Each volume is beautifully bound and embossed with a golden CGS crest., indicating that they were intended to endure and to be prized possessions, treasured mementos of the recipient’s school years. These Bedford and Crutch donations are very valuable and valued, as our growing collection of presentation volumes provide a precise insight into the atmosphere in which Camberwell Grammar operated in the years before the world was changed by the two global conflicts of the first half of the twentieth century. These volumes remind us of the worthy merit of many of our older “Old Boys” and, in the case of the Berry brothers, of the terrible cost of a war which brutally terminated their future prospects. Dr David Bird Archivist archive@cgs.vic.edu.au

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

FROM THE GRAMMARIAN (and Spectemur) A TOUR OF THE OLD WORLD: GEOFFREY BYRNE, 1925-27 As School Historian and Archivist, I recently hosted a NSW historian researching the career of Old Boy Edgar Leo Byrne (1928), a boarder whose six years at Camberwell Grammar were undistinguished, aside from the presidency of the Radio Club, but who subsequently began to establish himself as a gifted artist prior to a premature death in 1932, aged twentyone. An examination of the school’s records, however, indicated that his younger brother, Geoffrey (1930), born in July 1912, was the more outstanding of the two brothers during their school years. He was a fine writer and especially notable were Geoffrey’s accounts of the journey he made to Britain and continental Europe in 1925 – the “Old World” – at a time when overseas travel remained a rare experience for many Australians. Both boys were living in Surrey Hills when they enrolled at Burke Road in March 1923 (school population: 263 and falling). Geoffrey had entered in Year 6 and would join the new Derham House in the following year with the reform of the House system. Neither brother is mentioned in the School’s literature until June 1925 when an account appeared in the Grammarian of the ‘diminutive’ Geoffrey’s trip to the mother country under the aegis of the “Young Australia League”. This patriotic youth organisation had originally been formed in Western Australia in 1905 as a body to encourage the spread of Australian-Rules football in partnership with the stimulation of Australian nationalism. It soon broadened its geographical and philosophical spread, espousing “Education through Travel” as part of its intention to become the ‘largest boys club in the British Empire’. Geoffrey Byrne was Camberwell’s sole representative on the League’s brass band travel tour of 1925 to Europe – destination, the mother country, or “home” as many Australians still called it, where the boys were hosted by Rotary clubs. The Camberwell Grammarian of June 1925 highlighted his experiences in an article entitled “The Drum-Major of the Y.A.L.”, acknowledging that Byrne was the School’s sole representative and ‘the youngest and the smallest’ of those on tour: They seem to have been taken everywhere, and to have been shown everything and everybody, including Kings and Queens, Presidents and Politicians, not forgetting the Pope; and all have showered kindnesses upon them…all the English newspapers vied with one another in reproducing snapshots taken on important occasions. So too did the Australian papers, particularly the Melbourne Herald, whose managing editor was Old Boy Keith Murdoch (1903); the Grammarian reproduced a picture courtesy of the Herald showing Byrne being received with a handshake by ‘His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales’, perhaps the most

Photographs taken by Byrne in Rome, 1925. The current biennial CGS Latin Tour visits all of these sites.

outstanding celebrity of the 1920s – it was noted that young Geoffrey had seemed ‘to be suitably impressed with the importance of the occasion’, as he would have been expected to be, given his age and background. Exposure to British royalty continues to hold its attractions for many in the Australian community a century later. Back in 1925, Geoffrey drew appropriate conclusions from meeting so many dignitaries, both British and foreign, expressing his keenness to get back to school, having realised ‘that it is only by education one can hope to rise to high positions’. Once he returned from his travels, the now thirteen-year old Geoffrey displayed his aptitude for writing by recounting aspects of his seminal journey in later issues of the Grammarian, 1926-27. These accounts included travel details and his immediate impressions of some of the dignitaries he had met throughout Europe. En route, Port Said in Egypt had

provided an early contrast with both home and what could be expected in Europe itself. After passing through the Suez Canal, an important rite of passage at that time, Byrne’s vessel was approached by a number of smaller boats containing ‘a dirty looking mob’ – Egyptian fruit vendors. Byrne haggled with them, the practice of ‘beating down’ that he had learned earlier in Colombo, Ceylon, resisting the high price of melons. One of the ‘sharks’ finally accepted his meagre offer of sixpence. Later, on-shore, the band was further besieged by ‘200 smelly natives’ selling postcards and proceeded on the worst march of the tour, the discomforts of which were manifold: Six inches of mud, yelling boys, bolting donkeys, a policeman’s horse just in front of me, which took a fiendish delight in showering me with mud, and, finally, the thought that I had been told that if I got a speck of mud on my cream uniform I would get three days C.B. (confined to barracks). 31

“ The Prince of Wales at

The boys then formed up on two sides of a square, and the Pope came out to meet them. Everyone knelt down, and, as the Pope walked through the ranks, each boy was supposed to kiss his ring. He spoke to some of the officers and boys, and then the party was shown through the Vatican.


continued to radiate youth:

‘One of the best chaps I met

on the whole tour. Not at all

This was an exciting experience that few Australians could match at this time, especially Protestants like most of the Y.A.L., and Camberwell Grammar, boys.

pompous and very natural ” Perhaps some of those boys, and donkeys, remembered the ANZACs of the previous decade and their riotous sojourning in Egypt. Soon, the group sailed towards a more cultured destination, Italy, reaching Rome at breakfast time after a train journey during which a truculent guard had confiscated their (British) passports. They marched through the streets to the Victor Emmanuel monument at the centre of the city, laying a wreath at the tomb of the Italian unknown soldier of the Great War. Here, Byrne noted the intense patriotism of the Italians and the violent response of the many towards two dissidents who failed to remove their hats as the flag of the country passed by – he approved, suggesting that the two malcontents were like ‘Collins Street Sheiks’ back home, i.e. those of alternate, bohemian outlook. Young Byrne also noted that Italy had been in a ‘very bad political state before Mussolini came to the Premiership’ in 1922, subsequently suppressing the many divergent political parties. Geoffrey was here expressing a view of Italy and Italians widely-held by middle-class Australians in this decade; Victorian Premier Lawson had expressed ‘keen sympathy with the Fascist movement’ in March 1923. The band’s second day in Rome began a series of visits to the accustomed tourist destinations of the eternal city – St. John Lateran church, the Vatican and St. Peters, the Palatine, the Colosseum, the Forum, the Circus Maximus and the Catacombs, all of which impressed this boy from distant suburban Melbourne. The Catacombs he thought the ‘weirdest’ part of their Roman trip: ‘Leading us were three priests, carrying flares, while every prefect carried one also; the result being weird in the extreme.’ The Italian component of the trip, he concluded in his later account, was ‘the most interesting from an historical point of view’ and was also very pleasant ‘owing to the friendliness of the people’. The Y.A.L. band was even received at the royal Quirinal palace by ‘His Majesty King Victor Emmanuel II’ (it was, in fact, Victor Emmanuel III), the monarch who had appointed Mussolini in 1922 and who would dismiss him in 1943. This regal exposure provided the boys with a foretaste of what to expect once they reached ‘home’ and would be exposed to British royalty.


The ‘diminutive’ Geoffrey Byrne meeting HRH the Prince of Wales, 1925.

However, perhaps the most vivid impressions of the 1925 trip retained by the young Byrne were those of the important individuals (‘prominent men’ as the Grammarian called them) whom he was able to meet as a notable, and noticeable, member of his League’s band. These “Impressions of Some Great People” included those of King George V and his oldest son, the Prince of Wales, the King and Queen of the Belgians, Marshal Foch of France and Pope Pius XI. The first was understandably the ruling monarch, ‘His Majesty the King’, whom Byrne believed had been tired by the traumatic events and worries of the last eleven years. The King was described as ‘a small man, showing indelibly the signs of old age’ – he was only in his sixty-first year in 1925, but seemed prematurely aged, whilst his heir, the Prince of Wales at 31, continued to radiate youth: ‘One of the best chaps I met on the whole tour. Not at all pompous and very natural. A good sport, and took great interest in the Australian boys’, concluded the young drum-major. A staunch monarchist, Geoffrey was equally impressed by Belgian royalty, King Albert I and Queen Elisabeth, whom he thought ‘an ideal king’ and ‘a very homely’ queen: ‘[She] does not set herself at all above her people. She met every one of the Australian boys, visiting the sick ones and giving a large box of chocolates to each (which doubtless left a good impression on the boys).’ Marshal Foch, one of the Allied heroes of the Great War, did not distribute chocolates, but the boys were equally impressed by him ‘as a great soldier and a splendid man’. Finally, Pope Pius XI, still in a state of self-imposed Vatican exile (until the Lateran Pacts of 1929 with Italy acknowledged the church’s sovereignty), was acknowledged as ‘a fine man’ who was able to maintain humility despite leading one of the world’s major religions. The Y.A.L. band was saluted by the Vatican’s iconic Swiss Guards on entering the papal precinct:

Geoffrey Byrne remained a prominent student for the remainder of his school years prior to his departure from Camberwell Grammar at the end of 1930. He took a number of prizes in his senior years for History, Geography, Spelling and Modern Languages; he was sub-editor of the Camberwell Grammarian, 1929-30 and a Prefect in his final year. Byrne was also a prominent debater, most notably in a notable performance on behalf of Derham for the Inter-House Debate of August 1929 – “That International Disarmament is neither Practicable nor Desirable”. The opposing Macrow House team included the young Tom Timpson. Here, Byrne, as the leading Derham speaker, argued that the we are no longer in the “cave man” stage, post-Great War, and that the time for the brotherhood of nations was now at hand. Internationalism, he thought, could now replace nationalism. Timpson argued otherwise – other members of his team later suggested that ‘racial degeneration’ would be the outcome of the absence of any military training that would follow internationalism. Byrne summarised his team’s viewpoint thus: ‘The Great War was a great tragedy, and all that can be done must be done to prevent a recurrence. The symbol of friendship is the absence of weapons.’ Derham lost and within months the Great Depression would be launched from Wall Street. School leaver Geoffrey was fortunate enough to find employment with a tobacco merchant, whilst Leo studied art and had already begun to exhibit his work. Before the ‘Devil’s Decade’ of the 1930s had reached its mid-point, it would soon become apparent that the gloss of disarmament in the aftermath of the war-to-end-all-wars was fading and it was Geoffrey’s misfortune, along with millions of his own age, to witness a second global conflict from 1939. Dutifully, he enlisted in the Army in December of that year and served as a Captain on the Movement Control Staff until his discharge in September 1945. By then, much of the Old World was in ruins and the Young Australia League had seen its best days, although some 50,000 boys had participated in its tours up to 1945. The talented observer Geoffrey William Byrne was one of the few, if not the only, Camberwell Grammarian to have done so and his place in the history of the School is guaranteed by this event alone. Dr David Bird School Historian

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Walk/Run for Koala Kids Our Middle School students were involved in a Walk/Run for Koala Kids – a foundation which helps support children and young people with cancer.

White Ribbon Day

Movember A group of staff members raised over $2,000 for Movember this year – raising awareness for men’s health.

The White Ribbon Day seminar on Wednesday 31 August raised a great conversation on the rising problem of violence against women and domestic violence. The guest speaker, Tarang Chawla, told us his touching story but also gave us a core message to walk away with: we can’t let these innocent people be forgotten. He told us the statistics, which were quite shocking from the outset. The discussion that followed with the panellists gave a good vision on how the community has responded to this problem.

The Smith Family’s student2student Program When I first signed up for The Smith Family’s student2student program, I was just looking to help someone else and try something new. I was assigned a reading buddy from Grade 3 and was expected to guide him with his reading for around half an hour twice a week. When the program began, we encountered a few unexpected obstacles, but once my buddy and I had got it all working it was time for our first talk. At the beginning he was quite shy and not too confident with his reading, so we decided to start reading from level 1. Within a few weeks he had become much more comfortable and I could tell he was improving his reading already. My buddy’s reading greatly improved across those few months, he progressed to being able to read level 17 fluently and level 1 books

The most confronting thing I learned from the experience is that this problem has only started being addressed in the past few decades. Attending the seminar was a great experience and I was grateful to be exposed to this issue. I hope that I will be able to raise further awareness to the extended community. It is a cause that I support and I hope I can spread the concern of this issue through our community. Alexander Greenaway Year 9

were now just a breeze which he read for fun. Not only did the program help his reading, but it also managed to boost my confidence in speaking even though we were just talking through a screen. The most satisfying part of this program was seeing my buddy develop his reading skills and seeing him being proud of the progress he had made. It was amazing that just two short sessions every week had such a large impact on his reading as well as his love for books. I find the program meaningful as I can help create a bond with someone else and watch their knowledge and interest grow despite not seeing them in person. This program has been a wonderful opportunity for me and I would encourage everyone to volunteer next year. Brendan Tse Year 8 33

SPORT Summer Sport is well underway with most students having participated in four rounds of AGSV Sport during Term 4. First Table Tennis, led by Captain Nathan Shi (Year 11), has continued their recent form and remain undefeated, while the youth of both the First Tennis and Basketball teams have won two of their matches and sit fourth and seventh on their respective ladders. The First Volleyball team continue to show improvement with a young and enthusiastic group, having won one game. The First Cricket team recorded their first win since the 2016/17 season. In the match against Peninsula Grammar, Ned Bennett (Year 10) was the star with the ball, picking up 5/38, and Vihaan Narayana (Year 11) scored a valuable 63. The Cycling Squad competed in Criteriums at Casey Fields and at the Kew Teardrop late in the term. At the Casey event, Zac Kelly (Year 9) won the Senior Male A division, where he averaged an outstanding 41.4km/hr over the six lap, 13.2km race. Other notable achievements came from Charlie Reid-Pettett (Year 7) and Marcus Liew (Year 7), who


finished second and fourth respectively in the Junior Male B division. Kayaking were again involved in the Bendigo Cup and the Ben Ward Memorial 40 Miler in Cobram. The squad continue to work hard under the guidance of new Head Coach and Old Boy, Logan Dutton. Lawn Bowls were narrowly defeated in the annual Challenge Cup against Ivanhoe, while they represented themselves well in the Victorian Schools Super Series Championships. There has been one Triathlon race so far this season and there were some strong performances by Harry Swingler and Charlie Harper (Year 11), Alex Lew (Year 9), Billy Swingler (Year 8), Freddie Askew and Thomas Kohne (Year 7). Camberwell Grammar made it to back-to-back championships with the Victorian Badminton All Schools early in October. The team was made up of First Badminton players, consisting of Jason Tran (Year 11), Benjamin Chen, William Nguyen and Otto Zhao (Year 9). They were successful in securing the Boys Open Division against some formidable opponents.

Many of the school’s best athletes competed in the 2018 Victorian All Schools Track and Field Championships held at Lakeside Stadium early in November. There were many outstanding achievements, highlighted by young sprinting sensation, Sebastian Beck (Year 7), who came second in both the U14 100m and 200m. His 12.01s in the 100m final was his second fastest run of 2018 and his 24.74s in the 200m took another 0.04 seconds off his own school record. Sebastian automatically qualified to represent Victoria and the school at the Australian All Schools Championships in Cairns in December. Sport continued over the summer holidays. The USA Basketball tour and the New Zealand Cricket tour took place in December, while the Gold Coast Swimming tour takes place towards the end of January. Best wishes to all students and staff members going on those trips. Remember to keep active and involved in physical activity and sport over the break. It is important for your overall health and wellbeing, as well as being ready to return to competition in the new school year.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

CGS Foundation The Camberwell Grammar School Foundation thanks the following people for their generous support of Camberwell Grammar School in 2018. Dr V Goonewardene & Dr R Thiyagarajan

Dr N Jaross & Ms M Kyu

Mr & Mrs M Goss

Mr B Jiang & Ms H Jin

Mr M & Mrs K Dancey

Mr C & Mrs D Graham

Mr Z Jiang & Ms X Bao

Dr J Chao & Ms W Yeap

Mr T & Mrs M Davidson

Mr J & Mrs S Graves

Mr W Jiang & Ms Y Xu

Mr C Hong & Ms K Chao

Prof D M de Kretser AC (1956)

Mr B Green & Dr E Hart

Mr H Jiang & Mrs R Feng

Mr & Mrs T Charalambous

Mr D de Rauch

Mr & Mrs A Greenwood

Mr X Jin & Ms B Ma

Dr D & Mrs H Chauhan

Mr R & Mrs H Deayton

Prof M Grigg & Dr S Wagstaff

Mr M & Mrs N Denison

Mr R & Mrs J Grlj

Mr J C Johnson (1990) & Mrs R Johnson

Mr G L Dennis (1952)

Mr R Gu & Mrs C Wu

Mr M Johnson & Ms N Eveleigh

Mr & Mrs A Di Censo

Mr S Guan & Ms X Chen

Mr R & Mrs R Johnston

Mr B Ding & Ms M Wang

Dr M & Ms A Guerrieri

Dr J Joshi

Mr S & Ms J Dixon

Mr T & Mrs Y Gunawardana

Dr & Mrs F Kabourakis

Mr & Mrs A Donaldson

Mr W Guo & Mrs M Yuan

Mr & Mrs J Kautsky

Mr A W Donaldson (1981)

Mr P G Guthrie & Ms W E Leong

Mr N Keenan & Ms H Michas

Mr G F Donnelly (1974)

Mr D A Haintz (1983)

Mr & Mrs A Kemp

Mr C T Draber

Mr T F & Mrs F Han

Dr & Mrs P Kerdemelidis

Mr & Mrs L Easton

Mr & Mrs C Hanley

Mr Z Khine & Ms S Myint

Mr P & Mrs D Eccles

Mr B R Hansford (1951)

Mr W Khong & Ms J Wong

Mr S Elliott & Ms K McRae

Mr & Mrs N Hardy

Ms A Kimmitt

Mr C & Mrs J Englander

Mr & Mrs S Harker

Mr & Mrs R Kitchingman

Mr Y Fan & Miss F Niu

Mr R J Harris (1988)

Mr & Mrs J Kline

Ms R Abbas

Mr C & Mrs A Harris

Mr P & Mrs S Koppelman

Mr M & Mrs F Farmer

Ms E Harrison

Mr M C J Koswig (1986)

Mr S Feng & Ms L Zhang

Mr T & Mrs K Hatzicostas

Mr & Mrs M Kovos

Mr M Fieldhouse

Mr & Mrs B Hausler

Mr & Mrs J Kwan

Mr J & Mrs M Finlayson

Mr J He & Mrs T Du

Mr P & Mrs V Lack

Mr & Mrs D Finney

Mr A Henderson

Mr & Mrs V Lagana

Mr T S Fong (1973)

Mr A Henderson & Ms B Miller

Mr R A Lane (1979)

Mr & Mrs P S Forwood

Mr P & Mrs S Hobson

Mr K & Mrs L Lau

Mr M P Forwood (1984)

Mr D Hodges & Ms R Jassal

Mr C Lau & Ms W Chow

Mr G & Mrs A Foulds

Mr Y Hong & Mrs X Jiang

Mr & Mrs D Le Page

Mr M & Ms J Fowler

Ms H Leaf

Mrs B Francis

Mr C Hough & Ms S Taylor-Hough

Mr G Fraser & Ms P Y Meng

Mr B Hu & Ms S Li

Dr V Lee & Dr J Tan

Mr H Frohlich (1947)

Mr Y Hu & Mrs M He

Mr A & Mrs S Lee

Mr A & Mrs P Froutzis

Mr W Hu & Ms L Liu

Mr T Leong & Ms H Yang

Dr & Mrs L Gainsford

Mr J Huang & Ms W Peng

Mr C Leong & Ms T Ooi

Mr A J Gale (1990)

Mr Y Huang & Ms C Tang

Mr & Mrs T Lewis

Ms L Gan

Mr R Huang & Mrs J Liu

Mr P Li & Ms J Du

Dr & Mrs A Garnham

Mr A Huang & Dr V Shue

Mr Z Li & Ms X Qiu

Mr G Georges & Ms K Locke

Mr B H Huang & Ms L Xiang

Mr J Li & Ms L Song Dr P Li & Ms S Su

Mr C & Mrs M Adams

Mr T Chan & Ms B Luk

Mr C Dai & Ms J He

Dr A Aendenroomer & Mrs O Choo

Mr S K Chan & Mrs W J I Wang Mr V M F & Mrs P S Y Chan

Mr C Dalla Riva & Ms J Cheatley

Dr A Aga & Ms D Czapnik

Mr A Chan & Ms R Ku

Mr A & Mrs K Aikman Mr A & Mrs C Alateras Dr G Alex & Dr A Mathew Mr N Alexander (1999) Mr R A Alexander (1991)

Mr J Chen & Ms J Hou

Mr R & Mrs J Allsop

Dr R Chen

Mr K & Dr H Al-Sabbagh

Mr W Chen & Mrs X Li

Mr S & Mrs L Ambry

Mr Y Chen & Ms Y Xiao

Mr G & Mrs J Ananthapavan

Mr A Chen & Ms J Zhan

APT Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Mr L Chen & Ms B Zhu

Mr & Mrs I Argall

Mr M Chen & Ms Z Zhou

Mr L Armstrong

Mr G Chen & Ms J Lin

Mr & Mrs R Baker

Mr D K Cheney (1958)

Mr & Mrs R Balgovind

Mr C W Cheng & Mrs I Lin

Mr A J Barnett (1968)

Mr X Cheng & Ms W Luo

Dr F Barry & Dr N Barry

Dr Y-M & Mrs W-M Cheong

Mr J Beer & Dr N Rinehart

Mr R Chesler & Ms V Eager

Mr J Bennett & Ms C Rogers

Prof S A Chesterman (1990)

Dr & Mrs S J Bennie

Dr I A Chesterman AM (1953)

Mr I Bhurhanudeen & Mrs A Imran

Mr A & Mrs J Cheung

Mr C Binnie & Ms K Peart Mr B & Mrs M Bishop Mr A & Mrs M Blew Mrs E M Board Dr J Bokas & Dr M Karas Ms K Boland Dr S J Bolch (1992) Mr & Mrs J Bonavia Mr G Bosmans & Ms F Lewis Mr M & Mrs L Bourke Mr & Mrs S Box Mr T Boyle & Ms L Seabrooke Mr S Branson & Mrs K Ellwood-Branson

Mr W & Mrs P Cheung Dr D Chiu & Ms A Chan Dr A Chiu & Ms G Wong Mr J Choi & Ms S Lee Dr C & Ms Y Choi Mr & Mrs H K Chua Dr S Chua & Ms S Teong Mr R B Church OAM (1948) Mr T Clarke & Ms H Mould Mr J W Cleary Mr E & Mrs S Coia Mr X Cong & Dr S Shen Mr & Mrs C Cooper Mr S & Mrs L Cooper

Mr X Ji & Ms W He

Mr G Leake & Dr L Whitmarsh

Assoc Prof D J Brown (1962)

Mr G F Cormack (1945)

Mr M Brown & Ms R McKern

Mr A & Mrs A Couttie

Mr M J Burns (1965)

Mr J Cox & Dr E Malkoutzis

Mr S & Mrs H Burrows

Mr & Mrs P Crone

Mr & Mrs G Georgiou

Mr J Huang & Ms L Yin

Mr R Burton & Ms J Baxter

Mr & Mrs P Cross

Mr C C M & Mrs Y S Giang

Mr K Hui & Mrs D Kwok

Mr Y Li & Ms X Wu

Mr M J Campbell & Dr E Maxwell

Dr D & Mrs C Csutoros

Mr N & Mrs M Giasoumi

Mr P Hutchinson & Mrs M Sakai

Dr M Liang & Ms K Chung Prof D Liew & Dr W Yeong

Mr X Cao & Mrs H Yan

Mr A N Curphey OBE (1932)

Mr J Gittins & Ms B Ratnasingham

Mr V C Huynh & Ms T T N Ngo Mr G L Imeson

Mr C Lim & Mrs C Wong-Lim

Mr L Chable & Ms U McCoy

Mr D Curry

Mr T Goh & Dr J Ng

Mr M & Dr S Imsic

Mr E Lim & Dr J Chionh

Mr J S Chambers (1962)

Mr D Dai & Ms J Xi

Mr W-S & Mrs A Gong

Mr M Inston & Mrs J Dyt Inston

Mr M J Lindner

Mr & Mrs P Curnow



Mr J B Little (1955)

Mr R B Nicholson OAM (1947)

Mr W D Rooseboom (1960)

Mr D Tang & Mrs S Li

Mr S Wong & Ms J Liu

Dr L Liu

Mr & Mrs M Ross

Mr Z Tang & Ms J Zhao

Mr T Liu & Ms L Yang

Prof A Hadjinoormohammadi & Mrs F Tallaeian

Dr T & Dr G Ross

Mr T Tao & Ms H Guo

Mr S Wotherspoon & Ms T Penovic

Mr F Liu & Ms X Yao

Mr & Mrs D Norman

Mr & Mrs B Rupar

Mr F Tay & Ms M Choi

Mr J Wu & Ms L Yu

Mr Y Liu & Ms W Wang

Mr & Mrs S Obers

Mr G & Mrs V Rush

Dr W Teoh & Dr C Ang

Mr A Wu & Ms Y Wen

Mr Y Liu & Ms L Zhang


Assoc Prof P Russell

Mr A & Mrs Y Thai

Mr J Wu & Mrs H Jiang

Ms D Livingstone

Mr A Oh & Ms C Teh

Mr J H Rutledge (1979)

Mr A & Mrs S Thomas

Mr D Wu & Mrs J Dai

Mr C Lloyd

Dr C B Oh & Dr E Y-S Ng

Dr & Mrs G Saligari

Mr S D Thorn (1985)

Mr J Wu & Ms J Wong

Mr & Mrs D Loidl

Mr G & Dr P O’Hoy

Mr & Mrs C Sampson

Mr C I Thorn AM (1981)

Mr J Wu & Ms J Zou

Mr M Lowrie & Ms L Groves

Mr C O’Meara & Dr B Hutchens

Mr C Wu & Ms L Wang

Mr L Liu & Ms Y Xie

Dr C Saranasuriya & Dr K Jayasinghe

Mr S & Mrs L Thornton

Mr R & Mrs R O’Neill

Ms J A Thurlby

Mr Y Wu & Ms P Fang

Mr K Lu & Ms W Zhang

Mr J Pahos

Mr & Mrs S Savur

Mr C Tian & Mrs Y Hou

Mr R Xiao & Ms X Liang

Mr W Lu & Ms W Lou

Mr C Pang & Ms V Wong

Mr M D Scholem (1979)

Mr Y Tian & Dr X Jia

Mr M Xiao & Ms J Ye

Mr B Lu & Ms H Zhang

Mr & Mrs J Papadopoulos

Mr P Schreuder & Ms A Berlin

Mr Q Tiet & Ms J Zhu

Mr J Xiao & Mrs R Lu

Mr Y Lu & Ms M Kim

Mr I Parkinson & Ms D Chang

Mr J & Mrs F Seddon

Mr E & Mrs Y Tiras

Mr D Xie & Mrs Z Ou

Mr H G Lu & Ms Y Jiang

Mr S H Parmenter (1988)

Mr B Seeley & Ms A-M Morrison

Dr J M Xipell (1949)

Mr Y Luo & Ms H Wang

Mr M Seidler & Dr R Fisher

Mr D Tomaras & Ms K Heintz

Mr & Mrs L Patsiotis

Mr J Xu & Ms L Ji

Mr & Mrs L Petersen

Mr T N Seletto (1985)

Dr & Mrs R Tong

Dr L Luu & Dr N Cook

Mr Z Xu & Ms X Zhang

Mr D Ma & Ms H Huang

Mr M Selvestrel & Ms W Leung

Mr Y Tong & Ms Q Xu

Dr H Pham & Mrs T Le

Mr E Yakop (1998)

Dr & Mrs D Phan

Mr & Mrs R Shao

Mr V Tran

Mr L Mahaffy

Mr K Yan & Mrs X Wang

Mr C & Mrs K Maitland

Mr G Sharrock & Ms F Glen

Mr & Mrs L Tran

Mr M Phan & Ms D-A Pham

Ms C-F Yang

Dr D & Mrs T Phan

Mr R Shen & Ms D Huang

Mr T Tran & Ms T Dinh

Mr & Mrs W Malic

Dr & Mrs S Yang

Mr G R Phillips (1961)

Mr Z Shen & Ms X Pei

Dr & Mrs L Tse

Mr & Mrs M Martin

Mr J Yang & Ms H Ying

Mr B C Pierson (1948)

Dr S Shi & Dr A Cao

Mr & Mrs T Tsui

Mr & Mrs M McCarthy

Mr W Yang & Mrs G Zhang

Dr T J Playfair (1961)

Mr & Mrs A Shishkin

Dr T H Tu (1993)

Mr J McCool & Ms S Yang

Mr Y Yang & Mrs Y Wu

Mr & Mrs L Y Siu

Mr & Mrs G Van Damme

Mr C Ye & Ms D Mou

Mr & Mrs R McEwen

Mr K Pollocks & Mrs S Dohmen-Pollocks

Mr M F Tuck (1952)

Mr & Mrs A McDougall

Mr & Mrs G Powell

Mr Y Yu & Ms J Feng

Mr & Mrs M Smith

Mr & Mrs D Verrios

Mr G McGlone & Ms J MacLeish

Mr & Mrs A Power

Mr T Yu & Ms A Khasim

Mr I Smith & Ms J Little

Mr G & Mrs H Wakefield

Mr & Mrs S McInnes

Mr D Pringle & Ms F Hall

Mr W Song & Ms M Li

Mr J Wall & Ms T Sutherland

Dr A Yuen & Ms L Ho

Mr A B McIntosh (1971)

Mr B A Provan OAM (1953)

Mr X Song & Ms C Zhao

Mr M Wan & Ms W Tsang

Mr & Mrs S Zakkas

Mr S & Mrs M McKenna

Mr & Mrs R Purcell

Mr & Mrs H J Sowerby

Dr Y & Mrs V Wang

Mr B Zhang & Ms M Tao

Dr & Mrs B McKenzie

Mr D Qi & Mrs Y Ling

Mr T & Mrs K Stambanis

Mr Z Wang & Ms J Hu

Mr B Zhang & Ms G Miao

Mr G McLatchie & Ms M Nijk

Mr A Qian & Ms J Wang

Mr A Stamper & Ms J Salter

Mr H Wang & Ms X Yuan

Mr M Zhang & Ms J Gao

Dr C McLeod & Ms C Lindholm

Mr J Qiu & Ms Y Li

Mr & Mrs G Stanley

Mr D Wang & Ms D Tan

Mr L Zhang & Ms L He

Mr & Mrs C W McMillan

Mr X Quan & Ms J Liu

Mr J & Mrs C Stavrakis

Mr Z Wang & Ms J Meng

Mr L Zhang & Dr B Chen

Mr & Mrs S Meers

Mr J B Ramm & Ms S Hall

Mr & Mrs J F Steven

Mr R Wang & Ms C Zhang

Mr X Zhang & Mrs L Liu

Mrs M R S Menting

Mr A & Mrs F Ramsay

Mr F Steverlynck

Mr H Wang & Ms L Zhao

Mr W Zhang & Mrs Y Liu

Mr J & Mrs R Miller

Mr P Ranjan & Mrs A Dayal

Mr G Stewart & Mrs D Parfitt

Mr A Wang & Ms W He

Mr P Zhang & Ms J Cai

Mr C Ming & Ms B Liu

Mr & Mrs A Rautenbach

Mr & Mrs P Stronell

Mr D & Mrs L Watson

Mr Q Zhang & Ms J Chen

Mr & Mrs J Moodie

Mr T & Mrs L Reichmann

Mr & Mrs A Sudholz

Mr P L Weickhardt (1965)

Mr H Zhang & Ms L Ji

Mr P Morey

Mr & Mrs B Reid

Dr I Summers

Ms J West

Mr X Zhang & Ms W Huangfu

Mr C Muehlebach & Ms S Afkari

Mr H Ren & Ms Q Zheng

Mr T Sun & Ms S Huang

Mr J & Mrs M Weston

Mr S Zhang & Ms Y Li

Mr & Mrs N Murphy

Mr & Mrs Rendell

Dr T & Mrs S Sunderland

Mr T & Dr C Whelan

Mr H Zhao & Ms J Pang

Mr & Mrs T Mutavdzija Mr & Mrs S Nania

Mr A & Mrs C Richardson

Mr & Mrs C Swinburne

Dr S & Dr R Wickremasinghe

Mr F Zhao & Ms L Chen

Mr R R Nash (1989) & Mrs E Nash

Mr T Rigby & Assoc Prof C Theda

Mr G Sykiotis (1987)

Mr P Williams & Ms C King

Mr M Zhou & Mrs W Yang

Mr I L Robertson AO (1973)

Mr & Mrs M D Taft

Mr A & Mrs D Wills

Mr N Zhou & Dr L Zou

Ms L Ng

Mr & Mrs D Robinson

Mr S A Taft (1986)

Mr & Mrs G Winkett

Mr H Zhou & Ms J Jiang

Dr S & Mrs A Ng

Dr & Mrs A Robinson

Mr N Tahmasebi & Mrs Y Xie

Mr & Mrs A Wong

Mr B Zhou & Ms Q Xiao

Mr C Ni & Dr J Woo

Mr D Rodier

Dr L Tan & Dr C Ooi

Dr G & Mrs E Wong

Mr D Zhu & Dr J Jiang

Mr J Niarchos

Mrs M Roff

Mr M Tang & Mrs J Shao

Ms K Hui

Mr L Siu & Ms A Cheng

As of November 2018

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

News of Old Boys

The Music Therapy program at the Royal Melbourne Hospital has recently been awarded a Victorian Public Healthcare Award (Safer Care Victoria Compassionate Care Award). The program has also been nominated for the RMH Celebrating Excellence Award and the Melbourne Award: Contributions to Community (awards given by The City of Melbourne). This is to celebrate 20 years of Music Therapy at the Royal Melbourne

When instructing on the Scouts Leaders Advanced Course at Gilwell Park, Hamish Green (1979) bumped into a former student of his Hamish Lucas (1998) who was undertaking Advanced Cub Scout Leader training. In addition to sharing the same forename, both men had the same Tutor

Hospital and being in harmony with our patients, families and healthcare workers. Music Therapy at Royal Melbourne had single therapist beginnings and has now grown to include six staff members and 32 live music volunteers from all backgrounds: doctors, allied health staff, medical students and musicians. The service provides more than 2,000 occasions of music therapy by the bedside annually, over 18 hours

at CGS (Penny Runge) and are members of the Scouting Movement. Hamish Green taught Hamish Lucas Indonesian and it was great to hear how the younger Hamish uses Indonesian with his work. It’s a small world.

of live music in the hospital environment weekly and an annual live music festival (with up to 800 school music students performing). The program enriches and helps humanise the healthcare experience and two Old Boys (Benjamin Sutu (2009) and David Yassa (2015)) have been involved with the program for several years. Dr Benjamin Sutu

LTCOL Ross Chapman is the Commanding Officer of the Australian Defence Force Academy. He was the Reviewing Officer at this year’s Cadet Parade and was the Cadet Unit’s RSM when LTCOL (AAC) was the Unit’s Commanding Officer.


A Christmas ga

thering of CGS

Old Boys from

Melb 73 held at the the Class of 19

7 Club on Friday ourne Savage



13 November Ray Finger on lcomed Mason mber 1945. ve we r No be 13 Am on d 992) an who was born 3) 96 (1 Brian Finger (1 r ge on to Brian Fin 2018. Grands

Announcements • Congratulate Sean Cheshire for starting a new position as Business Owner at St Giles Wine Bar Cellar &Pantry. • Tim Walter has a major role in production Ear to the Edge of Time performing at The University of Sydney’s Seymour Centre.


• Congratulations to Dan Buckle (1988), Senior Winemaker at Chandon Australia, regarding their recent win at the 2018 The Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships – Chandon Non Vintage Sparkling was crowned Best Sparkling Wine.

ca Bowden f member Bian ns to past staf baby boy. r ei th of Congratulatio rth e bi Andrew on th and husband

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

CBD Networking Breakfast The OCGA CBD Networking Breakfast was held on Tuesday 16 October at RACV City Club. Greg Hannan (1977) addressed the breakfast and presented Information Technology issues and trends. All attendees enjoyed the opportunity to build relationships with other members of the Camberwell Grammar School community.

Attendees David Arnold (1973) Angus Bairstow (2005) John Cleary (1999) Sam Cust (2010) Peter Deliyannis (2013) Andrew Ellet (1994) Tristan Ellet (1998) David Everist (2003) Bridgette Fleming (Accru Melbourne) John Forwood (1985) Alex Gallacher (2013) Anthony Garnham (1983) Trenton Goodey (Accru Melbourne) Daniel Gray (2008) Craig Halliday (1977) Greg Hannan (1977) Irwin Hau (1998) Rex Hollingdale (1994) George Kapnias (1985) David Kellam (1999) Daniel Kerkvliet (2003) Maurice Leung (2001) Ned Liu (Accru Melbourne) Matthew Malin (2011) Alex McCall (1983) Steve McKnight (1989) John Mills (1984) Claire Mortimer (Accru Melbourne) Liam Neal (2010) Michael Neilson (1981) Dean Newlan (1975) Scott Newlan (2006) Michael Pountney (2001) Gregor Sandie (1988) Eric Shek (2007) Greg Smith (1973) Julian Tagell (2002) Cindy Parker (Development Office) Ryan Whitehead (Director of Development)


“ He was decorated as a Chevalier dans l’Ordre

Old Boy Profile

National du Merite in 1998 for his services to France

in the areas of law and culture by founding and

managing Melbourne French Theatre Inc. in 1977.” overseas on law and French theatre. He co-founded Melbourne French Theatre Inc. (MFT) at the University of Melbourne in 1977 and remains its Executive Director and Producer. MFT has produced 103 seasons of plays in French with English surtitles, for adult, school and university audiences. The CGS Michael Bula French Prize was named after him.

Michael Bula (1975) Michael Leopold Bula, (born 1958, CGS 1975 Summons House Colours) B.A. (French & Italian), LL.B. (Melbourne University), Grad. Dip. Notarial Practice (Victoria University) Barrister & Solicitor (Victoria, ACT, NSW & Vanuatu), Notary Public (ACT, Victoria & Vanuatu) is a Solicitor and Notary practising in international law (commercial law successions and property), aspects of mining and commercial law, relating to France and French-speaking countries of Europe, West Africa and the South Pacific. He is the director of Michael Bula Solicitors, International Lawyers and Notaries (MBS). He was first admitted to practice at the age of 23 in 1982. He has written many articles and is a regular speaker at conferences in Australia and


He is fluent in both French and Italian with basic Spanish and Portuguese and is one of the few practising lawyers in Australia with accreditation as a translator (French-English) with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, the Victorian Interpreting and Translation Service, the French Consulate General in Sydney and the French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, specialising in the legal and commercial sectors and as such the only lawyer/translator/notary recognised by the French diplomatic posts. He is Legal Counsel to the French Embassy in Canberra, as well as the Belgian, Estonian and Swiss Embassies, the French and Swiss Consulates General in Sydney, the Italian Consulate General and the Swiss and Belgian Consulates in Melbourne and Melbourne French Theatre Inc. As a notary, he prepares documents in French and Italian and other languages to facilitate

execution and notarisation of international documentation overseas. He is Vice-President and a former President of the Society of Notaries of Victoria Inc. He is a current Executive Governor responsible for International Relations on the Board and Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Notaries and its representative in its Observer status to the International Union of Notaries on the International Task Force Civil Law Common Law. He is the first Australian Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Scriveners of London. He is a former Honorary Consul of Vanuatu (1993 to 1998) and was appointed the Honorary Consul General for Senegal in 2003. He was decorated as a Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite in 1998 for his services to France in the areas of law and culture by founding and managing Melbourne French Theatre Inc. in 1977. He is a former member of the prestigious Victorian Government Ethnic Enterprise Advisory Council, part of whose terms of reference is to advise the Victorian Government on Victorian export strategies and promotion of Victoria as a culturally diverse business centre. Michael is married to Maggie and has two daughters Heidi and Olivia.

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

5 Year Reunion The 5 Year Reunion (Class of 2013) was held on Thursday 15 June 2018 in The Camberwell Room.

Attendees John Angelopoulos Daniel Bancroft John Chandler Freeman Chen Tyler Chetcuti Steven Clark Ben Craine James Crock Clinton Daley Peter Deliyannis Patrick Dennis James Drago Alex Gallacher Alexander Giovannucci Tom Harley Matthew HarringtonJohnson Adam Heard Jonathan Henshaw Sam Kirby James Krousorati Jaron Lam Dennis Liang Alistair Lim David Liu Oliver Main Benjamin Mann Neevon Mohtaji Jackson Morris Howard O’Brien Tom Owen Peter Pattas Harry Pendlebury

Mark Robinson Hayden Ross James Sciessere Aaron Smith Brian So Wilfrid Speagle Victor St Clair Charlie Thorn Matthew Thorn Christopher Velardo Ben Warburton Nicholas Watson Alexander Yep Shaun Burke (Current Staff) Naomi Eckersley (Current Staff) Paul Hicks (Headmaster) Susan Hicks Moses Khor (Current Staff) Frank Murphy (Past Staff) Cindy Parker (Development Office) Dayan Ramalingam (Current Staff) Ken Schwab (Current Staff) Ryan Whitehead (Director of Development)


60+ Years Luncheon On Wednesday 21 November, Camberwell Grammar School held the annual 60+ Years Luncheon (pre 1958) in The Camberwell Room. Old Boys that attended the lunch for the first time were given 60 Years Cufflinks. Headmaster, Dr Paul Hicks and Director of Development, Mr Ryan Whitehead welcomed the group.


Attendees Peter Anderson (1950) Ian Angus OAM (1948) Ted Bailey (1945) Colin Bell (1944) Jean Bell David Bird (School Historian, Archivist) Sam Cant (1946) Carmelle Cant Geoff Cormack (1945) Margaret Cormack Robin Daley (1958) David de Kretser AC (1956) Jan de Kretser

Des De Kretser (1952) Henry Frohlich (1947) Jenny Frohlich Michael Gerner (1958) Brian Hansford (1951) Dorothy Hansford Jeff Hore (1956) Don Johnson (1954) Geraldine Johnson Richard Jones (1957) Jan Jones Ian Kirwan (1948) Lorraine Kirwan Rod Lamborn (1956)

Brian Little (1955) Ken Lyons OAM (1942) Kerrie Schwarze Anthony McClellan (1957) Margaret McClellan Brian Morris (1951) Ross Munro (1948) Cindy Parker (Development Office) Peter Parsons (1948) Robyn Parsons David Perry (1958) Lyn Perry Michael Pontifex (1956)

Greig Provan (1957) Elaine Provan Keith Redman (1958) Lex Sebastian (1957) Ian Seymour (1958) Wilma Seymour Ian Smith (1958) Donald Swanton (1948) John Tribe (1951) John Usher OAM (1957) Ryan Whitehead (Director of Development) Barrie Wiltshire (1952)

Spectemur | Term 4 2018

Lawn Bowls Day The Annual Lawn Bowls Day was held at MCC Bowls Club, Hawthorn on Sunday 21 October. The day was a great success and the weather was kind. Old Boys ranging from the Class of 1947 to 2016, past parents and current staff attended. It was great to see some bowlers participating for the first time. Thank you to Ian Mason for organising the day and MCC Hawthorn for hosting. Winning Skip – Stuart Kollmorgen (1986) Winning 2nd – Harry Dempsey (2016) Winning Lead – David Everist (2003)

Attendees Henry Frohlich (1947)

Rob McKendrick (2006)

Brian Morris (1951)

Harry Dempsey (2016)

Richard Metzke (1959)

Thomas Thackray (2016)

Bill Rooseboom (1960)

Mike Cody (Current Staff)

Peter Lansdell (1968)

Laurie Ince (Current Staff)

Peter Owen (1978)

Graham Morey-Nase (Current Staff)

Cam Dickinson (1981)

Ken Schwab (Current Staff)

Stuart Kollmorgen (1986)

John Waters (Past Parent)

David Everist (2003)

Bob Watt (Past Parent)

Thomas Everist (2006)

Ryan Whitehead (Director of Development)

Obituaries It is with great sadness that we record the death of members of the Camberwell Grammar School community.

Kerry McDermott (1965)

Lawrence Hurley (1950)

5 November 1946 - 13 October 2018

24 March 1933 - 3 July 2018

Dennis Woodbridge (1952)

David Wills-Cooke (1953)

2 May 1934 - 23 October 2018

21 April 1937 – 25 April 2018 43

Calendar 2019 FEBRUARY



13 Wednesday – OCGA Vs Old Scotch, Lawn Bowls, MCC Hawthorn

7 Friday – London Reunion

12 Saturday – OPEN DAY

14 Friday – New York Reunion

15 Tuesday – CBD Networking Breakfast

20 Thursday – Roystead Society & Gallery of Achievement Dinner

20 Sunday – OCGA Lawn Bowls Day

15 Friday – OCGA Summer Golf Challenge, Kew Golf Club


26 Wednesday – Vocational Dinner

1 Friday – Battle of the Decades, Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club


14 Thursday – Mothers’ and Sons’ Breakfast 17 Sunday – Suma Park Cricket & Geelong Region Reunion 26 Tuesday – Oedipus (Year 11 Production and Hamletmachine (Year 12 production) 29 Friday – OCGA All Years Function

8 Monday – Singapore Reunion 19 Friday – 25 Year Reunion (1994)

AUGUST 1 Thursday – WA Network Function 2 Friday – SA Network Function

23 Wednesday – Cufflink Presentation

NOVEMBER 14 Thursday – 5 Year Reunion (2014) 20 Wednesday – 60+ Years Reunion (pre 1959) 22 Friday – 40 Year Reunion (1979)

OCGA COMMITTEE MEETINGS 7.00pm, Development Office, CGS.

APRIL 2 Tuesday – ACT Reunion 4 Thursday – 12 Angry Men (Year 9&10 Production)

8 Thursday – Agendo Art Show Opening Night 12 Monday – Life Governors’ Dinner Tuesday 5 February 15-17 Thursday to Saturday – To Kill a Mockingbird (Middle School Production)

Tuesday 5 March – AGM

22 Thursday – Monologue Showcase (Year 11&12 Drama)

Tuesday 7 May


23 Friday – 30 Year Reunion (1989)

Tuesday 8 October

5 Sunday – 50 Year Luncheon (pre 1969)

29 Thursday – QLD Network Function

Tuesday 3 December (venue TBC)

9-11 Thursday to Saturday – Hamlet (Senior School Production)

30 Friday – NSW Network Function 30 Friday – Generations Photo

10 Friday – 10 Year Reunion (2009) 16 Thursday – William Angliss Dinner 24 Friday – 20 Year Reunion (Class of 1999)

Tuesday 6 August

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