Weekly Bulletin 36

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Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School

Edition 36, 30 November 2018

From the Headmaster Season’s Greetings As this is our last Bulletin for 2018, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of our Learning Community a happy, safe and holy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. 2018 has been a very busy and productive year for our School, with lots of ups and downs, and I am grateful to all of our members, teachers, parents and students, for the contributions you have all made and the support you have given over the course of the year. I hope the coming weeks allow our families to enjoy a more relaxed pace at home or on vacation, and to spend some time simply enjoying each others’ company.

VCE Results Assistance 2018 Year 12 VCE results will be published on Friday 14 December 2018. We wish our students well and hope they receive the results they deserve. Our Careers Counsellor, Mrs Lynette Reiger and other senior staff will be at School on Friday 14 December, and Monday 17 December to Wednesday 19 December to offer assistance and counselling to students, should they wish, and to assist with any changes of preferences. Appointments are strongly advised, and can be made with Ms Jan Sangster on 9835 1777.


Junior School Ensemble Soiree

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive

I was delighted to be able to attend the final Junior School Soiree for the year on Wednesday evening in the Performing Arts Centre. Our Junior School students performed magnificently, in groups large and small, before a very appreciative audience. It was great to see so many family groups performing too – it is very special for families to be able to make music together. Congratulations and thanks to Mrs Helen Thomas and our Music staff who again put the evening together.

Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Dates Ahead

May I remind all school families of the Annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carols in St Mark’s Church in Burke Road at 8:00pm on Wednesday 5 December. This is always a most joyous occasion. Following the Service, the Friends of Music host supper in the Church hall and all members of the congregation are warmly invited to join us. This is a lovely way to end the school year and get into the Christmas spirit. It would be great to see you there.

Dates Ahead

Junior School Christmas Service

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal


Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

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The Junior School Carol Service will take place in St Mark’s Church at 11.00pm on Thursday 6 December. Junior School parents are warmly invited to be present in the Church with their sons for this last event in the school year.

ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Congratulations to Darcy de Rauch (Year 10) who recently won the Senior (Year 10 -12) Videogame Section of the ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition. He was competing against senior students from across Australia and submitted a unique style of game that really impressed the judging panel. Screen IT is a national film, animation and game making competition for school-age students and is designed to encourage imagination and inventiveness in primary and secondary school students and fosters a new generation of young moving image makers.

Summer Vacation Activities Over December and January, a significant number of our students will be involved in school-related activities. Some of the highlights of the vacation program include: USA Basketball Tour (1 to 21 December) 28 students will be travelling along the West Coast of the USA, playing a number of games throughout the Washington state origin and California. Along the way, they will be attending a number of NBA an NFL games.


Headmaster Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018 End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Army Cadet Unit – Courses Camp December 2018 From 8 to 15 December, Leadership and Specialise Courses Camp will be conducted for our 25 Cadets, conducted by the Australian Army Cadets at Puckapunyal Army Camp. Tasmania Trek The 53rd Tasmania Trek will head out on Friday 7 December and return on Thursday 13 December. The group will be hiking in the Tasman National Park, near Port Arthur. French Exchange Program Ten Year 10 students of French will travel to Lyon at Lycée Assomption Bellevue on exchange for 6 weeks. Swimming Swimming tour to the Gold Coast from 21 to 25 January. Cricket Fourteen students from the First Cricket Squad will fly to New Zealand for 13 days visiting the North Island and will play 5 matches in 6 days. I would like to thank all staff involved in these vacation activities. Our students are very fortunate that they have teachers who are prepared to give up their vacation time to provide such rich and rewarding experiences.

Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 On Monday 4 February 2019, next year’s Year 12 students and their parents are invited to an Information Evening in the Auditorium of the Performing Arts Centre commencing at 7.00pm. Please put this date in your diaries! The purpose of the evening is to provide an explanation of the structure, procedures and rules of the VCE, and to suggest some strategies which will help to make the year successful in every sense. A presentation by well-known adolescent psychologist Andrew Fuller is incorporated into this event. See the flyer attached in this week’s Bulletin. A Year 11 Information Evening for students and their parents will be held at the same venue on Wednesday 6 February 2019 starting at 7.30pm. Parents should expect to receive an email with more details regarding these evenings a few days before the event. Enquiries about either of these events may be directed to Ms Jan Sangster, the VCE Administrator, on 9835 1777 or by email at vce@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department A reminder that Camberwell Grammar School have entered into an agreement with Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department, who will provide any student attending Camberwell Grammar School with a 50% discount on their attendance fee, a saving of $205 weekdays and $240 weekends. The offer does not include any further expenses such as X-rays and blood tests. Also, should your son need to be admitted to hospital, he will require private health cover. This offer will cover your son 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Further information is available on the flyer attached to this Bulletin.

School Holiday Hours The School’s offices will be open until midday on Friday 21 December 2018 and will reopen on Monday 14 January 2019. Classes begin in Term 1, 2019 on Thursday 31 January, although some students will be here before then for various orientation activities. Once more, on behalf of all my colleagues at Camberwell Grammar School, I extend our very best wishes for a joyous Christmas and a pleasant, safe and relaxing summer holiday. I look forward to another wonderful year in 2019. Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School Kangaroobie Year 8 continued their transition into Senior School this week, with their Camp at Kangaroobie. It was terrific to see the boys immerse themselves in all of the challenging activities that many have never had the opportunity to experience; reinforcing the values of learning, courage, respect, integrity and optimism. The activities required the boys to work together, galvanizing bonds that will assist them through the remainder of the time school. I am sure that the boys will return; tired, very proud of their achievements during the week, and most grateful for the creature comforts of home. Many thanks to all of the staff who spent time away from their own families over this time.

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive This term the Middle School has been collecting pasta for Fareshare to help feed those less fortunate over Christmas. Aj Ananthapavan and Sam Keenan (both Year 7) did a wonderful job driving this initiative and ought to be very proud of collecting over 571kg of pasta!

Stepping Up Day On Thursday Year 5 stepped up to Year 6. I commend the boys, who made a wonderful first impression and we welcomed new boy- Sam Grlj. We were also delighted to introduce Mr Dominic McLaughlin to the boys, Page 2


who is taking over Year 6 from Mrs Helen Papageorgiou. The day consisted of a number of activities aimed at making the boys more familiar with their new environment.

Season’s Greetings

Carol Service


VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

For those looking for a spark of Christmas spirit, the Carol Service will be held at St Mark’s from 8.00pm to 9.15pm. I commend the boys and staff for all of their rehearsals and preparation for what will be a wonderful occasion.

Last Week of School Routine Next week will involve a number of transition activities: • Year 8 (Year 9, 2019) will be involved in the Senior School Transition program from Monday 3 December to Wednesday 5 December, when they will finish up for the year. • Year 6 (Year 7, 2019) will have their Orientation Day on Tuesday 4 December, 8.25am to 2.30pm. • Year 7 (Year 8, 2019) Excursions 8.25 to 3.20pm. • Term Concludes for Year 6 and 7 (2018) Thursday 6 December, 12.30pm, following our traditional end of term Assembly in the PAC. Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

Junior School Looking back on 2018 How quickly the school year seems to have gone! In a handful of days, the school year will conclude and the Junior School will bid farewell to a wonderful group of Year 5 boys, thank them for their contribution to the school, and wish them well in their next stage of schooling. The recent Ensemble Soiree, Junior Athletics, Billy Cart Derby, Year 3 Camp, among many other memorable activities, captured the essence of what we believe about being a great school for boys. The boys playing musical instruments, performing and singing in choirs and also the boys participating in the athletics and sports programs, and working hard on their academics, all added to a developing and deepening of their character and their humanity. It is through these experiences and hundreds of others like them, such as the Year 4 camp at Anglesea, Year 5 at Lancefield and the Year 3 Gundiwindi Camp, excursions far and wide, projects and challenges, that our boys learn a lot, including much about themselves. They developed a sense of belonging as they shared their ‘journey’ with others. That journey will not always be easy going, and quite often it is when times are tough, or when we feel out of our depth, that we learn the most. But there will always be those wonderful moments, those joyful times of celebration and achievement to nourish us. Over the course of the year, much has been achieved. Some of it has involved significant changes, much has been fine-tuning. What enables us to become better as a school, as a community, is the quality of the partnership between home and school. Our Junior School is blessed with an incredibly supportive community, and they show it in a lot of ways – working together to solve problems, checking diaries, friend and fundraising events, helping out in classrooms, running special events, Open Days and barbecues. It is all important – it all matters – and it all makes this a better place for your sons. I am extremely grateful to all who have contributed and especially our ‘Friends of Norge’, who under the dedicated leadership of Jenny Thurlby, Ivy Lun and Roula Andreopoulos, Atid Page and Isabelle Tilley, have added great value to our Junior School experience. We welcome our new FON members for 2019, Janet Cheung, Debbie Cheong and Cindy Koay.

End of Year Music Performances What a marvellous week of music we have enjoyed. Thank you all for your support of our many musicians of Junior School. The Ensemble Soiree held, on Wednesday night to a capacity audience, was a celebration of Instrumental Music in the Junior School. In a fitting thank you to Mrs Marcelle Drummond, the Junior School Orchestra played with exquisite sound. We will miss her kindness and leadership of the Junior School Orchestra after more than 20 years. All Ensembles and family items gave us a thoroughly entertaining concert. Year 5 Graduation on Tuesday 4 December at 6.00pm, will feature all the boys performing in Year 5 Ensemble. Year 5 students are asked to be at the PAC by 5.40pm. The Junior School Carol Service will take place at St Mark’s next Thursday 6 December at 11.00am. We hope you are able to join us for the celebration of the Christmas story as we bring the year to a close.

Final Day Dismissal – Thursday, 6 December The Christmas Church service will finish at approximately 12.00 noon and all boys will be dismissed from the Church to leave with their parents. This impressive service brings our year to a fitting conclusion and all families are invited to attend. The boys have prepared special Christmas carols for you to enjoy. We kindly request that cameras are not used during the Church service. Please note the following: • On this day, boys are to bring recess snack, not lunch, to school in disposable bags. We ask that school bags are not brought to school. • For this special occasion school uniform should be worn in the best possible condition with polished Page 3



Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

shoes and no jumpers, unless the weather is unseasonably cool. At the conclusion of the service, parents are asked to leave through the main doors immediately following the procession of the choir. • Boys are dismissed for the holidays at the conclusion of the church service, Year 3 to 5 through the main doors at the rear of the church; Pre-Prep – Year 2 through the side doors to be collected from inside the gates to the car park. • Please note that there will be no After School Care on this day. No boys will return to the Junior School. • Friday, 7 December is a staff only day. On Tuesday and Wednesday morning, boys will walk to St Mark’s for rehearsal. The boys are busily preparing for our Christmas service and we hope you can join us. This is our final celebration as a whole Junior School community for 2018 and we encourage as many parents and friends as possible to join us for this special, moving service. •

Dates Ahead for 2018 Tuesday 4 December Wednesday 5 December Thursday 6 December

Year 5 Graduation, PAC 6.00pm Junior School Final Assembly, Middleton Theatre 1.30pm Junior School Christmas Carol Service, St Mark’s 11.00am Junior School concludes at 12.00pm with student dismissal from Church

2019 BEGINNING OF YEAR EVENTS Thursday 31 January Term 1 commences Morning Tea for Parents of new boys, 8.00am, PAC Foyer Junior School Assembly, Middleton Theatre 1.30pm Information Evening and ‘Welcome Back’ function (Pre-Prep to Year 5, Parents only) 6.30pm to 8.40pm Monday 4 February Year 5 Camp (4 to 6 February) Camp Weekaway Lancefield 13 February Year 4 Camp (13 to 15 February) Anglesea Wednesday Wednesday 20 February Parent/Teacher Interviews, 3.40pm to 9.00pm 21 February Parent Teacher Interviews, 3.40pm to 6.00pm Thursday Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School

Sport Cycling and Kayaking Squads School Sport for most students has finished for the year; however, the Cycling and Kayaking squads continue their training in preparation for their final events. Cycling will be competing in their second Criterium for the season at the Kew Teardrop on Saturday 8 December, while Kayaking have their season’s major event, the Ben Ward Memorial 40 Miler, at Cobram on Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend.

Basketball and Tennis Last weekend, First Basketball and Tennis hosted Trinity. First Basketball were outplayed and went down 29-60, but there was better news on the tennis courts with a resounding 13 sets to 3 victory. Number 1, Isaac Hui (Year 9), won all of his matches, as did youngsters Lachlan Wei (Year 8), Ashwin Prabaharan (Year 8) and Matthieu Gibert (Year 7). Unfortunately, First Cricket were washed out of their match on the KAO.

Triathalon Results The Triathlon squad competed in Race 1 of the 2XU Triathlon Series held at Elwood last Sunday. Mr Allen and Dr Smith had the following report on the day’s events: Of the 2,000 competitors at the first race of the season, few other than CGS Triathlon captain, Harry Swingler (Year 11), would have been disappointed that the swim was cancelled owing to the results of stormy weather. Yet, even for the Duathlon event (Run, Bike, Run), this Sunday morning proved to be icy cold at Elwood, with a biting wind and a shower of rain at the start of the race. Nevertheless, the small Camberwell Grammar squad were most competitive, offering much promise for the long season. In the shorter race, Freddy Askew (Year 11) raced strongly in the M12-13 category, finishing 24th shortly followed by Thomas Kohne (Year 7) coming 37th. Billy Swingler (Year 8) continues to improve in the M14-15 bracket, taking 13th place, and presenting himself well for the cameras. In the full Sprint race, Charlie Chun (Year 8), also the M14-15 group, somehow entered himself in a more elite category, yet finished in the commendable time of 1.14.56. Camberwell Grammar’s best triathlete of the day was Harry Swingler (Year 11), taking 18th place in the M1519 category, in a time of 1.06.46, in a field of 46 competitors. He was closely followed be Alex Lew (Year 9) 23rd and Charlie Harper (Year 11), 28th. The next triathlon will be held at Sandringham on Sunday 9 December.

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Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service

Squash Results The Camberwell Grammar Squash squad had their last round of the year last weekend and the Squash Captain, Nicholas Gooden (Year 11), had the following summary of events: The final round of this year saw some strong results for the Squash squad. The Firsts played the Seconds again, with the Seconds eventual winners scoring 3 – 2 rubbers. The Thirds and Sixths had a bye this week, which was well earned after their efforts throughout the season. The Fifths unfortunately had to forfeit their match due to a lack of numbers. The Fourths also had a tough fixture, losing their game to Westerfolds Seconds team. In total Camberwell Grammar won 1 fixture, 5 rubbers and 15 games.

Overseas Tours

Summer Vacation Activities

Best wishes to the groups touring both overseas and interstate over the holidays. There is a Basketball tour to the USA and a Cricket tour to New Zealand during December, while a Swimming tour is headed to the Gold Coast in January.

Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019

Summer Sport Training Reminder

ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition

Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

A reminder that Summer Sport training will recommence from Thursday 31 January 2019, which is the first day of school in Term 1. Round 5 of the AGSV Season is on Saturday 2 February, so add those dates to your calendar.

Social Media Keep up to date with news and information by following the School Sport’s social media: Instagram, Facebook,Twitter @CamberwellSport and TeamAPP (or download from the App Store). Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Careers Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 December

Bar and Waiting Course at CGS (details on Schoology)

Final Day Dismissal

Friday 14 December

ATARs Released at 7.00am

Dates Ahead

Saturday 15 December

Change of Preference Deadline for Early International Offers

Wednesday 19 December

Change of Preference (COP) Deadline

End of Year Music Performances


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

December International Round Offers Wednesday 16 January 2019

Main Round Domestic Offers

Monday 4 February 2019

Additional Offers Round 1

Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

Calendar Term 4, Week 8

Page 5





3 December

Year 8 into Year 9 Transition Days (3 to 5 December) Friends of Library Book Exchange Set-up M30-M33 for Week of Book Exchange


4 December

Year 7, 2019 Orientation Day Year 8, 2019 Orientation Day Year 9, 2019 History/Geography Excursion Day Friends of Library Book Exchange: Middle and Senior School (Receiving books 8.00am to 4.00pm) PLUS Open for Year 7 Orientation Day, 9.30am to 11.00am Junior School Christmas Carol Service Lower School Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 11.00am to 12.30pm Year 5 Graduation, PAC, 6.00pm, followed by Dinner in the Camberwell Room, Concluding at 8.40pm OCGA Committee Meeting, Development Office, 7.00pm followed by Dinner, Phillips Room Carol Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 7.00pm to 9.00pm




5 December

Friends of Library Book Exchange: Middle and Senior School (Receiving books 8.00am to 4.00pm) Junior School Christmas Carol Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 11.00am to 12.30pm Year 8 students conclude at 1.00pm Junior School Final Assembly, Middleton Theatre, 1.30pm to 3.00pm PLUS Open 3.00pm to 4.30pm Carol Service, St Mark’s, 8.00pm to 9.15pm, followed by Supper


6 December

TERM 4 CONCLUDES (Students) Friends of Library Book Exchange: Middle and Senior School (Receiving books 8.00am to 12.00 noon; Book Sales 5.00pm to 7.00pm; Administration 8.00pm to 10.00pm) Junior School Christmas Carol Service, St Mark’s, 11.00am Middle School Assembly, 11.45am to 12.30pm Junior School concludes at 12.00 noon from St Mark’s Year 6 and Year 7 conclude at 12.30pm PLUS Open with Book Exchange, 5.00pm to 7.00pm


7 December

STAFF DAY Year 8 Hike, 53rd Tasmania Trek (7 to 13 December) Friends of Library Book Exchange - Pick up book orders 8.00am to 11.00am


8 December

Chinese School, WAB, 8.30am to 12.30pm Cadet Leadership Courses (8 to 15 December)

Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Sport Diary Dates Day




30 November

USA Basketball Tour Departs


1 December

New Zealand Cricket Tour Departs


8 December

Cycling Criterium at Kew Teardrop


8 to Sunday 9 December

Ben Ward Memorial 40 Miler Kayaking event in Cobram


21 January 2019

Gold Coast Swimming Tour Departs


31 January 2019

All Summer Sport Training Resumes


2 February 2019

Round 5 AGSV Summer Sport

Support Groups PLUS Roster Saturday

1 December

Terisa Kovos, Michelle Lawrence, Rosemary McColl

Tuesday (Orientation Day)

4 December

Tracey Guorgi, Tracy McCabe, Sarah Golz


5 December

Selina Teoh, Cathy Garrard, Leanne Reichmann

Thursday (Book Sale)

6 December

Lily Jiang, Janet McIlroy

CGS Auxiliary Albums – Available NOW! Quantities are limited so don’t miss out – Call into the Development Office and purchase yours today! Commemorate you son’s journey through school with a Camberwell Grammar School album. Organise not just photos but event programs and memorabilia with the flexibility of pocket-free pages. Unclutter all of your son’s photos and catalogue all the memories in your CGS album. The cost is $30.00. See this flyer for further details.

CGS Auxiliary – Christmas Puddings It is no wonder our Christmas Puddings are famous with a recipe so delicious that it has withstood 33 years! Once you have enjoyed your pudding over the festive season, you will be left with a lovely CGS crested, Page 6



Season’s Greetings VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

ceramic bowl, made by Bendigo Pottery. This makes for the perfect gift idea too. Order yours today to avoid disappointment here: www.trybooking.com/404527. Pudding orders can be collected from the CGS Development Office.

CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale SELL Your Pre-Loved Books - Receiving Days Bring your books, along with your completed Sale Form to our Friends of Library volunteers at the HR McDonald Building at any of the times listed here: Tuesday 4 December from 8.00am to 4.00pm

M30 – 33

Wednesday 5 December from 8.00am to 4.00pm

M30 – 33

Thursday 6 December from 8.00am to 12.00 noon

M30 – 33

BUY Pre-Loved Books Thursday 6 December, 5.00pm to 7.00pm - In the HR McDonald Building, Rooms M30-M33 At the CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale, you can pay for your books using cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard or VISA. Please choose your books carefully as all sales are final and exchanges, returns and refunds are not possible. No books are available after the CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale as unsold books are donated to charity on Friday 7 December. ORDER Pre-Loved Books If you cannot attend the CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale, you can place an order. Fill out the CGS Order Form using the CGS Pre-Loved Book List as your reference. Give your form to one of the volunteers at the book Receiving Days OR drop it in to the Development Office OR email it to cgsfriendsoflibary@gmail.com.au no later than 3.30pm on Thursday 6 December. Please understand that those who attend the sale have priority, but while some books may have sold out, we are usually able to fill most orders. Orders will be filled after the close of the CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale, in the order in which they were received. Call for Volunteers If you would like to volunteer at the 2018 Pre-Loved Book Sale, please register by visiting www.volunteersignup.org/HBKD8 .

OCGA Events Wednesday

13 February 2019

OCGA Lawn Bowls against Old Scotch, MCC Bowls Club Hawthorn


15 February 2019

OCGA Golf Challenge 2019, Kew Golf Club (See flyer below)

Diary Dates Prep End of Year Party Date: Thursday 6 December 12.30pm to 2.45pm Time: Venue: Rathmines Road Reserve (enter from Kildare St) More details to follow. Year 1 Christmas Party Date: Thursday 6 December Time: Immediately following Church service Venue: Boroondara Park, Canterbury Road. BYO: Snacks, drinks and picnic rug.

Year 1 Parents Cocktail Party Date: Friday 7 December Time: 7.30pm Jo and Bernie Lim’s Residence, Balwyn Venue: Cost: $65 per head Details: Further details will be provided via Whats App

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Links to Flyers

Season’s Greetings

Parent Education Seminar

Important Dates and Information for New Students

Cabrini Emergency Department Offer Flyer

Junior School Christmas Service

Christmas Pudding Order Form

ACMI Screen IT 2018 Competition

Boyd and Balfour Exhibition and Sale

OCGA Golf Challenge 2019

Hamlet - Year 11/12 2019 Production

Gifts and Memorabilia Catalogue

Friends of Performing Arts Box Office Tickets

Album Order Form 2018


VCE Results Assistance 2018 Junior School Ensemble Soiree Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Summer Vacation Activities Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2019 Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department School Holiday Hours

Middle School Kangaroobie

FareShare Christmas Pasta Drive Stepping Up Day Carol Service Last Week of School Routine

Junior School

Looking back on 2018

End of Year Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Page 8

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