Weekly Bulletin 18 October 2019

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Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

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Edition 67, 18 October 2019

From the Headmaster Open Day Thank you to all parents, students, and staff who assisted with another very successful Open Day last Saturday. The weather was perfect, and we were able to offer to our visitors a very enjoyable afternoon. Days such as this are opportunities for us to open our doors to the wider community and to put ourselves ‘on display’. As always, our students are our best ambassadors and I was very proud of the way in which they acted as gracious hosts and guides for our visitors. Our new ‘Arts Hub’ in the Kingussie Quadrangle proved a great success and acted as a ‘bridge’ between the Junior and Senior Schools. I am especially grateful to Mrs Cathy Garrard, President of the Parents’ Association and to all of the Committees and various support groups who have been preparing for this day for so long, and who so warmly welcomed our visitors on the day, as well as continuing to support our students. There was a real sense of community spirit around the School, and many of our visitors commented on this to me. I would also like to thank all of our teaching staff who put together the academic displays and activities, and especially Mr Tim Cross who again co-ordinated a wonderful program of activities for the day.

Cadet Presentation Parade I would also like to congratulate our Cadet Unit on their fine parade which concluded Open Day. The Annual Cadet Parade is an opportunity for the unit to demonstrate their pride and hard work to the wider School community and the general public. This year’s parade was reviewed by Major General Justin Ellwood DSC, AM and led by Year 12 Senior Cadet Under Officer Cameron Martin. This year’s Cadet Award recipients are as follows: • Recruit of the Year - CDT Eugene Goh (Year 9) • Senior Cadet of the Year - CDT James Sampson (Year 12) • Junior NCO of the Year - CDTCPL Jack Hu (Year 10) • Senior NCO of the Year - CDTSGT Angus Corr (Year 11) • Most Efficient Platoon - 1 Platoon: SGT Declan Woolf, CPL Li (Year 12)

Farewell to Year 12 Students Our Year 12 students took the opportunity to dress up today – literally – as they celebrate their final days of schooling. Next week will see the conclusion of their formal teaching classes for our Year 12 students. There will be a series of formal farewells during the week, including the Prize Giving Assembly on Tuesday, with prizes to be presented by our special guest, Mr Rich Gilmore, who is the CEO at The Nature Conservancy Australia. On Wednesday we will farewell our Year 12 students, commencing with a breakfast in the Cafeteria, followed by formal House farewells, cuff-link presentations by the OCGA followed by brunch. The day will finish with a Leavers’ Service at St Mark’s Church commencing at 6.00pm, and a Valedictory Dinner at the MCG, with parents and teachers. While these days in some ways mark the end of a significant time in the lives of these students, I have reminded them that their year is not yet over, and in fact, they face some important examinations in the coming weeks! I encourage them to keep their focus on their studies until their last examination is over. We now wish these students all the very best as they prepare for their examinations, which begin for most students next Wednesday 30 October, with English and EAL. I would like to thank our Year 12 students for all that they have contributed to our School community in the time they have been with us. The full resources of the School are available to them during their study leave, and I wish them all the very best for their examinations. Our Year 11 students now take on the mantle of leaders of the School, and I look forward to the contribution that they will make over the next twelve months.


Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

House Play Competition A most entertaining evening of theatre occurred last evening when the finals of the Senior School House Play competition took place. We congratulate Robinson House on winning the House Play this year. The House plays were of a very high standard, and are completely the responsibility of the students, who direct and act in them as well as providing backstage support. All plays this year were an adaptation of a Shakespearian work. Thank you to last night’s Adjudicator, Mr Robert Johnson, the Artistic Director of Burning House Theatre Company. He has worked as a Director, Dramaturg and Assistant Director with many of Australia’s leading theatre companies including Melbourne Theatre Company, Opera Australia, Belvoir St Theatre, and Bell Shakespeare Company. The final results of the House Play Competition are as follows: 1st


Julius Caesar

Open Day



Two Gentlemen of Verona

Australian Geography Award



King Lear



A Midsummer Night’s Dream






Romeo and Juliet






Anthony and Cleopatra

New Staff Appointment

Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival

Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 This year, almost 100 boys from Years 7 to 12 competed in the Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition which celebrated its 125 anniversary this year. For the French poetry recitation/oral examination, 33% participants earned a High Distinction, including 14 with a perfect score of 20/20. Some were selected to sit the written examination which comprised of demanding tasks of listening, reading and grammar/writing. The following boys competed in the state finals last term and were presented with their certificates this week: Year 7 State Finalists

Year 8 State Finalists

Year 9 State Finalists

Music at Open Day

Raphael Champion

Hayden Bourke

Andrew Lee - Oral

Walk to School Day and Health Morning

Kadell Kuti

Ravin Desai

Daniel Meagher - Written (winner of 1st place in Victoria)

Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Orlando Kuti

Darcy Livingstone - Oral (Special Mention Prize from the Jury)

Hamish Westcott Both Daniel and Darcy will be attending the awards ceremony in November. Year 10 State Finalists

Year 11 State Finalists

Year 12 State Finalists

Aidan Harris - Oral

Tory Crosgrove - Written

Alan Jiang - Oral

Sam Schwenk - Oral

Jamie Garnham - Oral

Linus Opat - Oral

Australian Scout Medallion Congratulations to Kevin Wang, William Phillips and Faisal Al-Sabbagh (Year 9), who have recently been awarded by Scouts Victoria, Australian Scout Medallion. This prestigious Award is the culmination of a number of years’ work and determination and is rarely awarded. Well done to all. Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School New Staff Appointment This week we welcomed Ms Jessie Stasiak as the new ‘EA to the Head of Middle School/Middle School Office Manager’. Many of you will know Jessie from her seven years of dedicated service in the Development Office. As such, Jessie is well attuned with the culture and values of the School. Prior to working at CGS, Ms Stasiak gained extensive PA and Business Administration Experience. Please make her welcome in her new and exciting role.

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Open Day

Australian Scout Medallion

What a wonderful celebration we all enjoyed last Saturday! The superb Spring weather provided the perfect backdrop to showcase our immaculate grounds. As I reminded the boys at Assembly, it was certainly a day that made us all stop and consider how lucky we are. Special thanks go to the tireless grounds and maintenance staff, as well as to the boys who represented our School in such a positive manner. Many thanks to the many volunteers and CGS families who participating in activities; all helping to exhibit our community atmosphere. A special mention to Mr Robinson who went from cricket umpire to debating ‘coach’ in the space of a few overs. He was rewarded for his efforts with a Debating Grand Final Victory to his 8R Chargers (Oliver To, Joshua Hui and Cooper Carbone). Their opposition on the day were from 8B (Ravin Desai, Alan Tian and James Reichmann). There were many other highlights including the music performances, sport activities, chess and Rubik’s Cube. Ms Massey’s Towards2050 Sustainability Group was a particular highlight through their relentless efforts to positively influence our community with the ethos of sustainability.

New Staff Appointment

Australian Geography Award

Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019

Middle School Open Day

Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage

Congratulations to the following boys on their exceptional performance in the Australian Geography Competition: Top 1%

High Distinction


Year 8 Social

Chris Lu (Year 7)

Brodie Pang (Year 7)

Rohan Wickremasinghe (Year 7)

Run/Walk for Koala Kids

Cooper Carbone (Year 8)

Tony Zhang (Year 7)

Timothy Gunasegaram (Year 7)

William Allsop (Year 8)

Oliver Liu-Mu (Year 8)

Jim Zhu (Year 7)

Oliver To (Year 8)

Tiger Diao (Year 8)

ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks

Alan Tian (Year 8)

Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival

Elephant Ed Workshops - Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Form Groups worked through modules on Reality versus Risk in relation to adult content in multimedia. There were several key messages delivered as we continue to prepare our boys with the skills required to positively interact with the ever-changing digital world. On the whole, the groups are to be commended for the mature manner that they participated in what is a very challenging topic.

Year 8 Social

Music at Open Day

Tickets were released last week ahead of the highly anticipated Year 8 Social. The social will be held on Friday 25 October, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets can be purchased here www.trybooking.com/BGBFU.

Walk to School Day and Health Morning

Run/Walk for Koala Kids

Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

On Wednesday 30 October, all Middle School boys will take part in the Koala Kids Fun Run. Boys will be seeking sponsors for this special day in a bid to raise valuable funds for this deserving charity. The funds that are raised go towards making a difference to the lives of young people who are affected by cancer.

ICT – Bring Your Own Device 2020 All families should have received notification regarding a slight change to our ICT Policy. The change is aimed at capitalising on the learning opportunities that technology can provide while also saving parents additional expenses. Please direct any queries about this to the IT Department at itadmin@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Music Theory Centurion Award Congratulations to the following boys who received 100% in their Music Theory Examinations: • Declan Collett (Year 7) • Jonty Neil (Year 7) • Jacob Clark (Year 8) • Samuel Hindhaugh (Year 8)

Years 6-8 Progress Checks Academic Progress Checks will be made available this evening. Please take the time to look over these with your boys to recognise their hard work and areas for improvement. If you have any queries, or would like more feedback please discuss the matter with your son’s Teacher and/or Form Teacher.

Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 The final House Sport round kicked off today. The Houses have accumulated points throughout the year, with the highly contested House Shield decided after the final round in three weeks time. Many thanks to Mr Charlie Lockwood and the Middle School Heads of House and student leaders who have made the opportunity available to the boys.

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Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition

AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Best of luck to all teams and coaches for the first round of Summer Sport. It is a huge year for the AGSV, who celebrates its Centenary Year. A special mention to a number of our Middle School boys who are representing the School at Senior 1st and 2nd standard: Fencing


Julian Lim (Year 7)

Will Stamper (Year 8) Nick Graves (Year 8)

Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019

Lachlan Harker (Year)

Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device

Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 This year our students in Advanced French classes worked on poems about “Celebrations” in the 125th Year of the Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition. Entrants were required to recite poetry. Boys scoring 19-19.5 out of 20 included: Year 7

Year 8

George Trembath

Rick Kovos

Tony Zhang

Joshua Hu

Music Theory Centurion Award

Patrick Homes

Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School

Matthieu Gibert Boys receiving a perfect 20/20 and qualified for the state finals included: Year 7

Year 8

Raphael Champion

Hayden Bourke

Kadell Kuti

Ravin Desai

Open Day

Orlando Kuti

Junior School House Athletics Carnival

Hamish Westcott

Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019 Following the terrific success of the Middle School Production To Kill a Mockingbird, the following have been nominated for their tremendous effort in the respective categories: Best Sound - Youth Play Stuart Feldt - To Kill A Mockingbird Best Costume - Youth Play Jennifer Bennie - To Kill A Mockingbird Best Set - Youth Play Mark Wager - To Kill A Mockingbird Best Ensemble - Youth Play To Kill A Mockingbird Best Acting Partnership - Youth Play Teddy Linehan and Raphael Champion - To Kill A Mockingbird Best Supporting Actor - Youth Play Cooper Carbone - To Kill A Mockingbird Best Director - Youth Play Ms Penelope Wood -To Kill A Mockingbird Best Production - Youth Play To Kill A Mockingbird Outstanding Stage Crew - Youth Play To Kill a Mockingbird Best Comedic Performance - Youth Play Declan Collett - To Kill A Mockingbird Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

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Junior School


Open Day

Open Day

What a fantastic, fun-filled, family day Open Day proved to be! We were blessed with glorious weather, with the sun shining and spring blossoms on full display and the School was alive with activity, adventure and information. This School is what it is because of the people who contribute so wholeheartedly and participate so fully in the life of the School. I am in awe of the marvellous work done by parents, staff and boys in putting together such an enjoyable and comprehensive CGS experience. From the stalls to the classrooms, information booths and activities, grounds and performances, the School community was bubbling with enthusiasm and pride. The boys’ performances were delightful. Thank you one and all for making Open Day such a marvellous community event.

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Page 5

Junior School House Athletics Carnival The Junior School House Athletics Carnival, involving Year 3, 4 and 5 will be held at the Doncaster Athletics Track on Tuesday 22 October, commencing at 9.30am (the bus leaves School at 8.45am). All parents are invited and encouraged to attend. Boys will be transported back to School if parents are later than 2.30pm. Boys are required to wear their sports uniform to School with the compulsory House polo shirt, they are also required to wear the School sunhat and apply sunscreen. Boys must bring their lunch in a disposable bag and also ensure that they have a drink.

Music at Open Day Congratulations to all Junior School students who performed so capably in their choirs and ensembles on Open Day. Their open air items on the Junior School Green certainly enhanced the bright and busy atmosphere around the School and displayed our varied music program to our many visitors.

Walk to School Day and Health Morning A reminder that Camberwell Grammar Junior School Walk to School Day is next week on Friday 25 October. Walk to School encourages kids to walk, ride or scoot to and from School. It’s a great way to help students learn healthy habits and achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Along with the health benefits, walking to school has benefits for the whole community. It reduces traffic congestion, saves on parking, helps us connect with family and friends and even saves the environment! Parents who usually drive their sons can drop them just a couple of blocks from School, or park the car a distance from the School and walk in with your sons thereby also benefiting from the exercise. October is a great time to start walking, because Victoria’s fabulous spring sunshine makes it a pleasure to get out of the house, and the car!

Summer Uniform Boys may choose to use the first month of Term 4 for transition from winter into summer uniform. However, after the Melbourne Cup weekend all boys must be in summer attire. Irrespective of summer or winter uniform, hats must be worn from the start of Term 4. Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School


The AGSV Summer Season gets underway this afternoon as Firsts Basketball take on Trinity at their McIntyre Gym. Tomorrow, all teams commence their season, including Firsts Cricket and Tennis who also play Trinity tomorrow, while Firsts Volleyball play reigning premiers Mentone. The Kayaking squad have their first event this weekend as well, the 10km Bendigo Cup. Good luck to all students from all teams involved over the weekend. The School’s best Badminton players competed in the Victorian Badminton All Schools Championships at MSAC on Tuesday 15 October. Jason Tran, Luke Chen (Year 12), Peter Zhao, William Li (Year 11) and Otto Zhao (Year 10) came up against a host of other schools, including Wesley College, Emmanuel College, Yarra Valley Grammar, Maribyrnong College and East Doncaster Secondary School. In the round robin format, the team were dominant in the group stage, before coming up against stronger opposition in the final pool round. Mr Tap Duong, the teacher in charge of the team, gave the following summary of the final matches: Going into the final pool round, Camberwell were drawn to play Maribyrnong first, who presented the most difficult challenge of the day. Maribyrnong’s first player was extremely consistent, forcing Otto Zhao into multiple uncharacteristic mistakes and keeping the game extremely close. Otto drew to 14 first, but his opponent fought back valiantly to level it at 14-all and proceeding to a golden point. In an anti-climax, Otto’s opponent served the shuttle into the net, giifting Otto the point and the first game. From there, it was almost academic with our captain Jason Tran taking the ledger to 2 – 1, before Otto and Jason combined to deliver the crucial win in their doubles. The next round was just as important, but it was ultimately our undoing. Otto won his singles against East Doncaster’s first player easily; however, we then proceeded to lose every game as our players had tired from their close matches during the day. The 1 – 4 loss was crucial because Maribyrnong then defeated EDSC in their final group match to finish with 3 schools on a 2 – 1 win/loss ratio. With Camberwell having the worst game, we finished third this year and claimed the bronze medal. A valiant effort, considering the level and quality of opposition. A reminder that sessions with Craig Mottram, the former Olympian and Commonwealth Games athlete, are continuing throughout Term 4 on Wednesday mornings from 6.45am on the Keith Anderson Oval (KAO). The focus of the sessions is to develop aerobic fitness, resilience, mobility and core training, as well as strength


Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

and conditioning. It is a fantastic opportunity for students and it is highly recommended attend. For clarification or for more information, any questions or concerns regarding Summer Sport can be directed to me at ljc@cgs.vic.edu.au. Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Careers DATE


Thursday 12 December

ATARs released at 7.00am

Friday 13 December

Tertiary Change Day Events

Saturday 14 December

VTAC Close of preference at 4.00pm

Wednesday 18 December

VTAC December offer round from 2.00pm

Tuesday 7 January 2020

International Student offer round

Wednesday 15 January 2020

January offer round from 2.00pm

Tax File Number Year 12 students are reminded that they cannot enrol in a CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) at university next year without a Tax File Number (TFN). You can apply for a TFN online and have your identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Do so today here.

Low Income Healthcare Card for Australian Students Once you have finished school you are no longer a student and you may be eligible for a Low Income Health Care Card. This card gives access to a range of concessions on some health care items, Victorian public transport services, and a range of other goods and services. Eligibility for a Low Income Health Care Card is based on YOUR income over the previous 8 weeks. As long as your income is less than $4488 over that period (or $561 per week) you should qualify. You will maintain the Low Income Health Care Card as long as your income does not exceed $5,610.00 (or $701.25 per week) in any 8 week period. It is highly recommended that all graduating Year 12 students consider applying for this card once the exams are over. Visit Low Income Healthcare Card to find out more.

Monash Maths Bridging Monash Maths Bridging is for those who narrowly miss the required study score in Mathematical Methods – a prerequisite subject for many Monash undergraduate degrees. Those who receive a study score of 20-24 in VCE Mathematical Methods 3 and 4 are eligible to apply. The course will require face-to-face study for 16 days, five hours a day. Time will not be spent introducing background knowledge and skills; rather, the course will focus on immediate application and development. Once students have successfully passed the Monash Maths Bridging course, they will be considered to have met the mathematic prerequisite for the following Monash courses: Engineering, Science, Business and Economics, Information Technology, or Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. This course does not provide credit for other institutions. For more information visit Monash Maths Bridging.

Booking Careers Appointments To book an appointment to discuss courses, subject selection, or other related topic, click the “Make an appointment” link on the top left hand side of the camberwell Grammar Schoool Careers home page at www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com, and select a time which suits us both.

CGS Careers Website A more detailed Careers newsletter can be found under the ‘Important Info’ tab on our Careers website at www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com. Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

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Headmaster Open Day

Calendar Term 4, Week 3 Day




21 October

Junior School Southern Metro Regional Athletics Championships, Casey Athletics Track, Cranbourne, 10.00am to 2.00pm Years 4-10 (selected students) sitting AMEB Viola exams P1 to lunch Unit 3 and 4 VCE Music Performance and Language Oral examinations (7 October to 3 November)

Middle School


22 October

Senior School Prize Giving Assembly, PAC, 8.30am to 9.30am Junior School House Athletics Carnival, Doncaster, 9.30am to 2.30pm

Open Day


23 October

PLUS open 3.00pm to 4.00pm Year 12 House Farewells, 8.45am to 10.00am Year 12 Farewells, Middleton Theatre, 10.00am to 11.15am OCGA Cufflink Presentation, Middleton Theatre, 10.15am to 10.45am Leavers’ Service Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 5.15pm Year 12 Leavers’ Service, St Mark’s, 6.00pm Valedictory Dinner, MCG, 7.30pm


24 October

Year 10 ‘Keys Please’ Workshops, various locations, 8.30am to 9.40am Year 11 Exam Briefing, Senior School Amphitheatre, 8.30am to 8.45am


25 October

Excursion: VCE Unit 2 Geography Tourism Fieldwork, Docklands Precinct, 8.30am to 3.25pm Middle School MathsCraft Problem Solving Morning, 8.45am to 1.00pm, Ruyton Girls’ School Kew, 8.45am Year 9 and 10 Examination Briefing, PAC Auditorium, 8.30am to 8.45am Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3, 2.45pm to 4.00pm Senior School Activities, Round 3, 2.45pm to 4.00pm Year 8 Social, PAC, 7.30pm to 10.00pm


26 October

PLUS open 10.00am to 12.00 noon AGSV Summer Sport, Round 2

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion New Staff Appointment

Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Sport Diary Dates Day




15 October

Cricket Season Launch


19 October

AGSV Summer Sport Round 1


21 October

Tennis Season Launch


26 October

AGSV Summer Sport Round 2


9 November

AGSV Summer Sport Round 3


15 November

Last Day of Summer Sport Training in Term 4


16 November

AGSV Summer Sport Round 4

Support Groups Cafeteria Roster



22 October

Elise Everest


23 October

Jenni Baxter, Vicky Smith


24 October

Jo Richardson, Sarah Sutherland


25 October

Sweet-Lee Brown, Astrid Toms

PLUS Roster

Page 7



23 October

Juliette Mills, Michaela Solly


26 October

Dina Craigie, Anne-Marie Desai, Joyce Jiang


Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Friends of Tennis Season Launch Date: Venue:

Monday 21 October, 6.30pm Camberwell Room, Sports Centre

Parents Association – Open Day Feedback Meeting Date: Venue: Details:

Monday 21 October, 8.00pm Phillips & Wilson Room, PAC All welcome to attend

Friends of Kayaking - Start of Season BBQ Breakfast This important new event combines the traditional Welcome Breakfast BBQ and Blessing of the Boats into a Start of Season Event. Date: Saturday 26 October Time: Approximately 9.00am, after the usual training session Venue: Park on the Yarra between our boathouse and Fairfield Boathouse

French Connection Dinner – Save the Date! Date: Venue: Details:

Saturday 16 November The home of Stuart and Lisa Harker, 26 Russell Street, Camberwell Further details to come

CGS Auxiliary Memorabilia Purchase your piece of CGS Memorabilia today by visiting www.trybooking.com/BDZHC. Orders can be collected from the Development Office or some items can be posted at an additional cost. Please see flyer attached and click on Trybooking link there for further details.

Christmas Puddings Pudding Orders Please visit www.trybooking.com/BBAGF to place your order or fill in this order form and return it to the Development Office.

Friends of Performing Arts Call for Volunteers Friends of Performing Arts (FOPA) are calling for volunteers to assist with providing refreshments between Part A and Part B of the School Concert on Wednesday 4 September and during the Interval of the Part B Performance. Friends of Performing Arts are selling wine, soft drinks, water and snacks in the PAC Foyer. Click here to volunteer: https://volunteersignup.org/Q8HMA Please contact cgsfriendsofperformingarts@gmail.com for any queries regarding the roster. Music Bags Protect your music with a CGS Music Bag for only $20. Purchase them here www.trybookings.com/NKAN and choose delivery to either the Music or Junior School Offices. Please see this flyer for more information.

Grandparents Day – Save the Date! Date: Tuesday 29 October, 10.00am to 12.30pm Bookings: All bookings through Trybooking: www.trybooking.com/549854 Please note - invitations will not be posted directly to Grandparents. Please RSVP on your son’s Grandparents behalf and pass the information on to them. We look forward to welcoming them. More details in flyer here.


Page 8


14 November

5 Year Reunion (Class of 2014), Camberwell Room, 6.30pm


20 November

60+ Year Luncheon (pre 1959), Camberwell Room, 12 noon


22 November

40 Year Reunion (Class of 1979), Camberwell Room 6.30pm


Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Year Level Dates Year 1 Coffee Morning Date: Monday 21 October Time: Straight after drop off Venue: Angelucci Address: 3 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell Prep Coffee Morning Date: Tuesday 22 October Time: 8.45am Venue: Town and Country Address: 24 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn Year 7 Parent’s Coffee Morning Date: Friday 25 October Time: 8.30am Venue: Chapter 3 Address: 133 Maling Road, Canterbury Year 4 Parent’s Coffee Morning Date: Friday 25 October Time: After morning drop off Venue: Mister & Miss Café Address: 713 Whitehorse Rd, Mont Albert Year 11 Ladies Lunch Date: Friday 25 October Time: 12.00 noon Venue: The National Hotel Address: 344 Victoria Street, Richmond Details: Drinks and lunch at bar prices RVSP: Friday 18 October Contact: Fran Amling franamling@gmail.com

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups

Year 3 Mums Lunch Date: Sunday 27 October Time: 1:00pm Venue: Chez Bagou Address: 132 Bridport St, Albert Park

Links to Flyers

Year 12 Final Coffee/Breakfast Morning Date: Wednesday 30 October Time: 8:30am Venue: Mister & Miss Café Address: 711-713 Whitehorse Road, Mont Albert


Year 9 Spring Lunch – Save the Date Date: Friday 15 November Details: Details to follow Year 6 Barefoot Bowls Date: Saturday 16 November Time: 5.30pm Venue: Camberwell Bowls Club Address: 14 Bowen Street, Camberwell Bookings: www.trybooking.com/545922 Cost: Adults $16, school aged children $11 and children under 5 years of age are free Details: See flyer here. A fun evening for the whole family. Please bring a plate to share. Drinks can be purchased at the bar. Lawn Bowls hire included in the entry fee. Page 9


Headmaster Open Day

Cadet Presentation Parade Farewell to Year 12 Students House Play Competition Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Compétition 2019 Australian Scout Medallion

Middle School

New Staff Appointment

Open Day Australian Geography Award Elephant Ed Workshops Adolescent Internet Usage Year 8 Social Run/Walk for Koala Kids ICT – Bring Your Own Device Music Theory Centurion Award Years 6-8 Progress Checks Middle School House Sport Competition Round 3 AGSV Summer Sport Round 1 Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition 2019 Lyrebird Youth Awards 2019

Junior School Open Day

Junior School House Athletics Carnival Music at Open Day Walk to School Day and Health Morning Summer Uniform Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA

Links to Flyers

Page 10

Year 1 Book Covering and Cuppa Date: Wednesday 20 November Time: Straight after drop off Venue: Junior School Library Year 8 End of Year Celebration Date: Sunday 24 November Time: 2.15pm Venue: Sidetracked Address: 370 Huntingdale Rd, South Oakleigh Cost: $52 + booking fee Details: Includes go-karts/laser tag/arcade games/pizza/hot chips/soft drinks. Numbers strictly limited. Bookings: Trybooking: www.trybooking.com/547311 Bookings close: Tuesday 19 November Year 1 Christmas and End of Year BBQ Date: Sunday 24 November Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm Venue: Beckett Park Address: Parring Rd, Balwyn Details: Please bring a plate to share. Siblings are welcome. Year 8 Christmas Drinks – Save the Date Date: Thursday 28 November Details: Details to follow Year 7 End of Year Celebration – Save the Date! Date: Saturday 30 November More details to come

Flyers •

Grandparents Day 2019 - 29 October

Year 6 Barefoot Bowls - 16 November

CGS Puddings Order Form

CGS Gifts and Memorabilia

CGS Auxiliary Christmas Puddings

FOPA Music Bag Flyer

Senior School Production Auditions

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