Weekly Bulletin 29 March 2019

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Headmaster NAPLAN 2019

Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

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Edition 45, 29 March 2019

From the Headmaster NAPLAN 2019 Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participated in a trial NAPLAN test yesterday. Our students engaged well with the online tests. Parents should not be concerned if your son found the questions more challenging than expected - the tests are designed to be interactive and to find the limits of each student’s knowledge. If students had any difficulty with their technology during the trial test please encourage them to tell our Head of the Murdoch Centre, Dr John Tuckfield, (jwt@cgs.vic.edu.au) so that we can address the issue in time for the real test in May. For further information please refer to the NAPLAN Online – Information for Parents flyer attached to this Bulletin.

Years 9 and 10 Production I encourage you to support our Year 9 and 10 production 12 Angry Men, directed by Ms Penelope Wood. The play will run for one night only, on Thursday 4 April 2019 at 7.30pm. The students have been working very hard in lunchtimes and after school, and will perform to two school audiences, but it would be great to perform before a family audience on Thursday evening. Tickets are selling quickly, but there are still seats available for the performance. A flyer is attached to this Bulletin, explaining how to reserve tickets. Please come along for what promises to be a wonderful evening.

AGSV Swimming Finals Well done to all of the boys and their coaches for their hard work across the season and congratulations on a very successful night of swimming at MSAC last Friday night. But for a very technical disqualification, we would have finished third on the evening, but had to be content with fourth by 2 points. Thank you to the staff and coaches who have been involved in their training throughout the past months, and in particular to Mr Nic Campbell and his team. May I also take this opportunity to thank the parents and family members of many of our swimmers who came along to support our squad in the final event of the competition. Congratulations and well done to the following students who won medals on their successful night of swimming. They will be presented with their medals at the Swimming Presentation Evening next Wednesday: STUDENT



Lewis Clarke


Gold - U15 4X50m Freestyle Relay Gold - U15 4X50m Medley Relay Gold - U15 50M Butterfly

Cody Greenwood


Bronze - U15 50M Freestyle Gold - U15 4X50m Medley Relay

Gregory Kerdemelidis


Gold - U15 4X50m Freestyle Relay Gold - U15 4X50m Medley Relay Gold - U15 50M Breaststroke

Yanning Zhang


Bronze - Open 100M Breaststroke Gold - Open 100M Backstroke Gold - U15 4X50m Freestyle Relay Gold - U15 4X50m Medley Relay Gold - U17 100M Freestyle

Abdullah Sabaa


Gold - U15 4X50m Freestyle Relay

Dylan Lay


Bronze - U17 4X50m Freestyle Relay

Jasper Fodor


Bronze - U17 4X50m Freestyle Relay

Matthew Bryson


Bronze - U17 4X50m Freestyle Relay

Peter Zhao


Bronze - U17 4X50m Freestyle Relay


Headmaster NAPLAN 2019 Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Music Achievements Last weekend, four of our students were acknowledged at The Australian Music Examinations Board Conferring of Diplomas Ceremony held at the Melbourne Recital Centre. All four students received Diplomas in Music – A.MusA and L.MusA. Given that this is generally considered a university standard achievement, it is extraordinary for school students to earn it and to have so many from our school is remarkable and a wonderful reflection on our students and their teachers. Congratulations to all – such things do not happen without an enormous amount of hard and persistent work. Associate in Music (A.MusA) Arman Cakmakcioglu (Year 11) Piano Rhys Campbell (Year 11) Flute Edwin Gu (Year 10) Violin Licentiate in Music (L.MusA with Distinction) Matthew Wu (Year 11) piano.

Parent/Teacher Night Many thanks to all of the parents who were able to come into the Parent Teacher Nights over the past two weeks. Hopefully the information discussed was of value to parents, and will assist students in their learning. This was the first time that we have run the sessions in this format. Therefore we are eager to recieve your feedback. Could you please either email our Head of Middle School, Mr Troy Stanley tks@cgs.vic.edu.au or our Head of Senior School/Deputy Head, Mr Rob French rgf@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Anaphylaxis Management As you know, our School takes its responsibilities to students with food allergies and anaphylaxis very seriously. We approach allergy and anaphylaxis in a proactive manner and all our teaching staff and key support staff are trained in anaphylaxis management and this is updated each Semester. While we make every effort to make the school a safe environment for students with food allergies, we are not, however, a ‘nut free’ school; rather we are ‘nut aware’. The food prepared in our Cafeteria does not contain nuts, however there is always a risk of cross contamination with food prepared off-site. The vending machine in the Sports Centre does contain products that have nuts, so we urge parents of boys with food allergies to remind their son to read the packaging of these products carefully before consumption. If you would like further information on how we manage anaphylaxis and food allergies at School, please feel free to contact Mrs Rhonda Nicholson, our Coordinator of School Health Services/Student Health Coordinator on 9835 1777. Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School House Sport Well done to all who took part in Round 3 (of 4) of House Sport today. Combining Year 6-8 in these games is a wonderful way for the boys in the Middle School to interact and is proving a good challenge for all the boys in varying capacities. I would like to commend our Year 8 boys who have demonstrated great leadership throughout this competition and to the Year 6 boys in particular for the courage they have shown when matching up against the big boys. House Sport finishes next Friday during period 6 and 7, with Period 8 dedicated to the final Assembly.

Easter Service The Middle School will hold a special Easter Service at St Mark’s next Wednesday from 9.30am. There is some limited space for parents who wish to attend.

Excursions Year 8 attended two excursions this week. Chinese students headed into town on Wednesday to watch a movie (in Chinese), followed by a Chinese feast. On Thursday, our Indonesian students visited the Zoo for a raft of activities. A big thank you to the supervising teachers and boys who were on their best behaviour.

House Athletics Congratulations to all boys for their efforts on Monday at Bill Sewart Athletics Track. It was good to see a number of parents come along to support amid trying conditions. There were some outstanding performances through the day, which saw boys awarded points for each event they entered, with boys finishing first receiving most points, and so on. It was a very tight competition this year between 1st and 8th position. The final placings were as follows:

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Congratulations to the following boys for their individual performances: STUDENT

NAPLAN 2019 Years 9 and 10 Production



Year 6

AGSV Swimming Finals

1st Nicholas Lysikatos



Music Achievements

2nd Will Watson/ Sam Grlj

Robinson and Clifford


3rd Nikolas Casale



Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Year 7

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics

1st Ben Ford



2nd Darren Li



3rd Jason Liang



Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Year 8 1st Adam Rizzo



2nd Ming Zhou



3rd William Stamper



Casual Clothes Day Next Friday will be a casual clothes day, raising money for bowel cancer research. Boys are encouraged to wear orange and must pay $5 if they want to wear casual clothes for the day. Boys will also need their House Sports shirt for House Sport after lunch on Friday (an easy choice of clothes for Clifford House!).

End of Term Term 1 will conclude next Friday at 3.15pm following our end of Term Assembly. It has been a very busy Term, especially for the 132 new students and four new form teachers. Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

Junior School New Staff Members This week we welcomed Mrs Michele Rutter to the Junior School. Mrs Rutter is our new Teacher Librarian. In Term 2, Mrs Sofia Tsolakis will begin as the Junior School Art Teacher and as Mr Nick Appleyard is on leave next Term, Mr Huw Jones will be our PE Teacher. Please join us in giving these three new staff members a warm welcome.

Easter Service Family and friends are invited to our Junior School Easter Church Service which will be held at St Mark’s Church on Friday 5 April at 1.00pm. The Junior School Choir will lead the singing, and all boys and congregation will join in the hymns of praise. The boys (Prep – Year 5) will walk to St Mark’s Church, on the corner of Burke and Canterbury Roads. Parents are warmly invited to attend. The service will conclude at 1.45pm. Boys will be dismissed from the church at the conclusion of the service for the Term 1 break. However, if you require your son to return to school for ‘After Care’, please indicate on the reply slip which was handed out this week. If using ‘Aftercare’ please book in with Camp Australia. For parents with a Pre-prep son, you may choose to collect him early from school after the church service.

Lost Property As Term 1 draws to a close it is a timely reminder to parents to check the Lost Property drawers. Lost property is located in the Junior School Office Foyer. We currently have a number of uniform items, lunch boxes, drink bottles, swimming goggles, among other items. Some items have the name of the previous owner and we are unable to pass these back to boys, however most items are not named. Please take the time to check the Lost Property table which will be on display outside the office next week.

Mother’s Day Event We are looking forward to seeing our Junior School mums and their sons enjoying an early morning cuppa and breakfast next term on Friday, 10 May. The event will take place in the Camberwell Room. Coffee will be served from 7.00am so that those who have to dine and dash can do so. Mums will also have the opportunity to be photographed with their sons by Mr Howard Kelly. Mums are invited to come and go at a time that suits them between 7.00am and 8.40am. Car park options include the Junior School car park and the underground car park enter from gate 3 will also be available. Page 3


Headmaster NAPLAN 2019

Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins

Next Term we commence our Year 4/5/6 Winter training and AGS round robins. Training will commence in Week 3 of Term 2. Mouth guards are compulsory for both training and playing games Studded boots are also needed for boys playing football or soccer, runners for handball. Shin guards also needed for soccer. Mr Appleyard, Junior School Sportsmaster

Winter Uniform Just a reminder that the winter uniform is to be worn for next Term (Terms 2 and 3).

Dates Ahead Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday

23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 10 May

Students Commence Term 2 ANZAC Assembly 4A ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Friends of Norge Meeting Junior School Mother’s Day Event, 7.00am, Camberwell Room

Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School


Congratulations to the Swimming squad, who finished 4th at the AGSV Finals last Friday. There was some excellent racing by many individuals, particularly in the relays. As a result of the outstanding achievements and results on the night, Yanning Zhang, Greg Kerdemelidis, Lewis Clarke and Cody Greenwood (Year 9) have been selected to represent the AGSV in Swimming Victoria’s “Victorian School Associations Competition” on 13 May. The will swim against ten other associations, including the APS and SSV. Cycling, Kayaking and Triathlon have their final events this weekend, which rounds out the Summer season. The Cycling squad have the Kew Criterion on Sunday morning, where Zac Kelly (Year 10) has a chance to take out the Senior A Division in the Victorian Interschool Cycling Series. The Kayakers venture down to Geelong over the weekend, while Triathlon have their last race in St Kilda. The Winter Training Schedule has been posted on notice boards around the School, so students should know what their training commitments entail. They have also been uploaded to the Sport TeamApp. Training starts from Wednesday 24 April; however, students should liaise with the staff member in charge of the team/ squad. This applies particularly to Firsts teams and Cross Country. Colours for Firsts teams will be advertised at the Sports Office next week. Students will be notified through daily notices and will have one week to view them and make any disputes. Running sessions with Craig Mottram and his team continue for the remainder of Term 1 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The sessions start at 6.45am on the KAO and are open to students of all ages and abilities. The focus of the sessions is to improve running technique, endurance and speed. The sessions are a great way to prepare for the Winter season.

Social Media Keep up to date with news and information by following the School Sport’s social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TeamAPP. Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Careers DATE


Wednesday 3 April

Inside Monash, Clayton - MD and Biomedical Science

Thursday 4 April

Inside Monash, Clayton - Science

2-5 May

VCE and Careers Expo 2019 – Caulfield Racecourse

3 - 7 June

Year 10 Work experience week

Thursday 20 June

OCGA Vocational Dinner

Deakin University - Careers Resource Deakin University have a new feature on their website where you can get information on career, study and self-improvement. New posts include the following: Study tips from high achieving Year 12s; How to set successful goals in Year 12; How to pass Year 12 English; and How to find balance in your life in Year 12. You will also find other useful career information, such as what it’s really like to be a filmmaker and the five growth areas to watch. All this and more at This Deakin.

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Headmaster NAPLAN 2019

Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property

High Achievers at Swinburne The Swinburne Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship is a prestigious award worth $5000 per annum for the normal duration of your chosen degree and includes membership into the High Achievers Program and a one-off payment of $2000 towards an international study experience. To access the High Achievers Program students must meet all course prerequisites and attain a minimum ATAR of 95.00. In addition to the scholarship they will have access to an academic development adviser, leadership workshops, research or industry projects and a guaranteed place in a study tour related to their degree. Find out more at High Achievers Program.

Aviation Australia - Cabin Crew Career Session Aviation Australia’s Cabin Crew information sessions offer you the chance to learn from industry experts on what options are available for those keen to start a career as a flight attendant. Find out about Cabin Crew courses, meet past students and instructors. This event will take place from 6.00pm to 8.00pm on Wednesday 3 April at Level 3, 123 Queens Street Melbourne. Find out more and register here.

Monash - Why study an Arts degree? Two Year 12 graduates join Channel 7’s Hamish McLaughlin to explore the options available to those with an Arts degree in this entertaining video.

CGS Careers website A more detailed Careers newsletter can be found under the ‘Important Info’ tab on our Careers website at www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com. Browse it today!

Mother’s Day Event

Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins


Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Page 5

Term 1, Week 9 Day




1 April

AGSV Golf Championships, Spring Valley Golf Course, Clayton South, 12.00 noon 4.00pm Junior School AGSV Swimming Carnival, MSAC, 10.45am to 2.30pm Senior School Play (Years 9 and 10) Dress Rehearsal, Middleton Theatre, 3.30pm to 7.30pm


2 April

Year 8 Incursion: Twelve Angry Men; P2 and P3 P4 and P5 Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition, All Year 6-10 and Selected Students In Years 11-12 Representative Summer Sport AGSV versus APS Senior School Play (Years 9 and 10) Performance 1 (for Year 10), Middleton Theatre, Periods 2-5 OCGA ACT Network Function, 6.30pm to 8.30pm


3 April

PLUS Open 3.00pm to 4.30pm Senior School Play (Years 9 and 10) Performance 2 (for Year 11), Middleton Theatre, Periods 2-5 Middle School Easter Service, St Mark’s, 9.30am


4 April

Indonesian, Year 11 and 12 Film and Restaurant Visit Year 10 and 11 French Film Festival - Palace Balwyn Senior School Lenten Service, PAC, 8.30am Junior School Easter Service Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 11.00am to 12.30pm Senior School Play (Years 9 and 10) Performance 3, Middleton Theatre, 7.30pm


5 April

TERM 1 CONCLUDES Junior School Easter Service, St Mark’s, 1.00pm Middle School Assembly, 2.45pm to 3.15pm Senior School House Meetings, 2.45pm to 3.15pm


6 April

China Tour (6 to 18 April)



Sport Diary Dates Day




29 March

Tennis Presentation Evening

Music Achievements

Saturday and Sunday

30-31 March

Kayaking Marathon Championships

Parent/Teacher Night


31 March

Cycling Interschools Criterium, Kew Triathlon, St Kilda


1 April

AGSV Invitational Golf Championship


2 April

AGSV Versus APS Summer Representative Matches Cycling Presentation Afternoon Hockey Season Launch


3 April

Swimming Presentation Evening

NAPLAN 2019 Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals

Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Support Groups Cafeteria Roster




1 April

Yuso Lee, Jin Kim


2 March

Sarah Sunderland, Joanna Richardson


3 March

Donna Chang


4 March

Vivienne Katsoulotos


5 March

Anne Ricker, Megan Dore

PLUS Roster




27 March

Selina Teoh, Joyce Jiang, Tracey Guorgi


30 March

Janet Rice, Sarah Sunderland, Juliette Mills

CGS Auxiliary Christmas Pudding Preparation Has Begun! 2019 marks the 35th year that the GGS Auxiliary has overseen the making, selling and donating of traditional Christmas Puddings. While the puddings are delicious, the CGS crested bowls ubiquitous, and the funds raised have enhanced the school environment, the best thing about the puddings is the fun we have in making them! Come along and share in the camaraderie as we chop, soak, zest, pour, measure and mix our way to making more than 700 puddings. Please see the flyer containing further information on our Pudding preparation days. For any queries please contact thecgsauxiliary@gmail.com.

Cafeteria Roster The Auxiliary is seeking assistance from parents who are available to volunteer one or two mornings per Term, to assist staff in the Cafeteria. We ideally would like to have two parent volunteers per day. The hours are 9.30am to 1.00pm. It is a fun way to meet other parents and feel connected to the Camberwell Grammar School community. If you are interested, the cafeteria roster for Term 2 of 2019 is now open. Please volunteer by clicking on the link below. If you are able, please fill in the first two weeks as that greatly helps with the organising. Please visit www.volunteersignup.org/MBMW7.

Entertainment Book Fundraiser Order the NEW 2019/2020 Entertainment Book or Entertainment Digital Membership and you will receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and you will also be supporting our fundraising. Entertainment Books are available in hard copies or digital versions that can be shared between a household of up to four people. We raise a whopping $13.00 from every book sold. To order your Entertainment Book today, visit: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/1802k50.

Photo Albums – Available Now! Commemorate you son’s journey through school with a Camberwell Grammar School album. Organise not just photos but event programs and memorabilia with the flexibility of pocket-free pages. Unclutter all of your son’s photos and catalogue all the memories in your CGS album. Click here for the order form.

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Headmaster NAPLAN 2019

Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

CGS Friends of Cycling Final Race Sunday 31 March, 2019 All Cycling families are invited to attend the Cycling Season’s final race event at the Kew Teardrop. This will be a great opportunity to cheer on our boys at their final event for the 2018/2019 season. Date: Sunday 31 March, 2019 During Race 7, at Kew Teardrop Refreshments available to purchase at the coffee cart. End of Season Cycling Presentations Tuesday 2 April, 4.00pm to 5.30pm Cycling students and families are invited to attend an informal End of Season function in the school Cafeteria. We will gather at 4.00pm, for afternoon refreshments followed by speeches and awards at 4.40pm. Cost: $10 per boy

Friends of Hockey Season Opener - Save the Date Tuesday 2 April, 4.00pm to 5.30pm JTO, Camberwell Grammar School Cost: $5 per ticket (includes BBQ and drinks) Bookings: www.trybooking.com/483851 For special dietary requirements or any other enquiries please contact Chris Howell chrish@photodirect. com.au. See flyer attached.

Friends of Swimming Presentation Night Wednesday 3 April, 7.00pm Camberwell Room, Sports Centre Tickets: $12 per person or $30 per family (includes pizza dinner and drinks) Bookings here: www.trybooking.com/BBRTE RSVP: Monday 1 April

Friends of Football Season Launch Wednesday 24 April, 6.00pm to 8.00pm Camberwell Room, Sports Centre Cost: $15 per person or $40 for a family of three or more. Bookings here: www.trybooking.com/BBNAF RSVP: Wednesday 17 Arpil For any queries please contact Olivia Spalding at teamspalding5@bigpond.com

Parents’ Association Winter Ball - Tickets on Sale Now Saturday 22 June, 7.00pm This year’s Parents Association Social Function is a Winter Ball to be held at Fenix Function Centre, 680 Victoria Street Richmond. We are pleased to announce that tickets to this event sold out in record time, with over 200 tickets being sold in four days! If you would like to attend this event but did not purchase a ticket, please visit Trybooking to register for the waitlist www.trybooking.com/BAMBD. Should tickets to this event become available we will be releasing them to the people who have registered on the waitlist, first come first served.

Friends of Performing Arts Music Bags Protect your music with a CGS Music Bag for only $20. Purchase them here: www.trybookings.com/NKAN and choose delivery to either the Music or Junior School Offices. Please see flyer for more information.

OCGA Events Tuesday

Page 7

2 April

ACT Network Function, Parlour Wine Room


Headmaster NAPLAN 2019

Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Diary Dates Year 7 Parents Mix and Mingle Date: Friday 29 March Time: 8.00pm - late Venue: Beer Deluxe Address: 329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Bookings: www.trybooking.com/BBGDO Details: This is a great opportunity to get to know fellow Year 7 parents over an after dinner drink. RSVP: Friday 22 March Click here for link to invite Year 2 Parents and Partners Dinner Date: Saturday 30 March Time: 7.30pm Venue: Pembroke Bar and Kitchen Address: 147 Union Road, Surrey Hills Cost: $60 per head Year 4 Family Easter Egg Hunt Date: Sunday 31 March Time: 11.00am onwards Venue: Wattle Park Address: Riversdale Road, Burwood Details: $5 per child to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt which begins at 12.00 noon. Please BYO Picnic. Bookings: www.trybooking.com/BBHRJ RSVP: Friday 22 March Year 3 Kids Activity Date: Sunday 31 March Venue: Wonderland Junior Address: 101 Waterfront Way, Docklands Cost: $25.00 per child for unlimited rides, timing. Year 3 Coffee Morning Date: Friday 5 April Time: After drop off Venue: Snow Pony Café Address: 95 Whitehorse Rd, Deepdene Year 3 Mum’s Lunch Date: Sunday 28 April Time: 12.30pm Venue: Kew Nursery Address: 2 Gladstone Street, Kew


Page 8

NAPLAN Online - Information for Parent

CGS Auxiliary Activities 2019

CGS Art Evening Classes

Hockey Season Launch Flyer

12 Angry Men Year 9/10 Production


CGS Winter Ball Flyer


School Album Order Form

FOPA Music Bag Flyer


Years 9 and 10 Production AGSV Swimming Finals Music Achievements Parent/Teacher Night Anaphylaxis Management

Middle School House Sport

Easter Service Excursions House Athletics Casual Clothes Day End of Term

Junior School

New Staff Members

Easter Service Lost Property Mother’s Day Event Junior School Year 4/5/6 Winter Training and AGS Round Robins Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups Links to Flyers

Page 9

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