Weekly Bulletin 6 December 2019

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Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Edition 74, 6 December 2019

From the Headmaster The School’s offices will be open until midday on Friday 20 December 2019 and will reopen on Monday 13 January 2020. Classes begin in Term 1, 2020 on Thursday 30 January, although some students will be here before then for various orientation activities. Also, Summer Sport Training commences on Thursday 30 January for Years 8 to 12.

Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020

Season’s Greetings

Middle School

As this is our last Bulletin for 2019, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions in making Camberwell Grammar School the place that it is. This year has been a challenging one for us with the loss of some dear colleagues, but I am very grateful to all of our teachers, parents and students for the hard work, generosity of spirit and commitment to our vision over the course of the year, and for helping to make this such a warm, embracing and rich community. I hope the coming weeks allow our families to enjoy a more relaxed pace at home or on vacation, and to spend some time simply enjoying each other’s company.

Year 7 Class Band Concert


Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Stepping Up Day Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

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At the end of this year we will farewell our Registrar, Mr Peter O’Connell who after nearly 35 years has decided to retire. Mr O’Connell has been an outstanding Registrar and a dedicated member of our Staff Executive, and I will miss his support. I am also sorry to farewell Mr Ken Schwab and Mr Joe Tierney who are also both retiring at the end of this year. Ken has been here telling the Joke of the Day for 42 years and has inspired thousands of Mathematics students in that time. Joe has taught Maths and Science in his down to earth calm, and efficient style here for 27 years. In honour of Peter, Ken and Joe we will be holding a Cocktail Party next week to celebrate their contributions during their time at Camberwell Grammar School. Mrs Catherine Casey, Head of Library and Information Services is also retiring at the end of the year after 15 years of encouraging our students to enjoy and appreciate reading. We also say farewell and thank those retiring at the end of the year and also to staff who have been filling in for staff whilst on leave: Ms Rachael Wu, Mr Evan Pritchard, Mr Rhys Thomas, Ms Joanne Denton, Mr Francesco Scalzo, Ms Natalie Fishman and Mr Tom Owen.

Transition Program The Year 8 students, having returned safely from their week at Kangaroobie, will now turn their focus to the Transition to Senior School Program. This program runs from Monday 9 December to Tuesday 10 December, with the boys concluding their academic year on Tuesday. Students in all other levels have also been involved in transition programs this week and next.

Junior School Ensemble Soiree Our final Junior School Soiree for the year was held last Wednesday evening in the Performing Arts Centre. Our Junior School students performed magnificently, in groups large and small, before a very appreciative audience. Joining the polished School ensembles were family groups with parents, brothers and sisters. The staff also enthusiastically presented a fun item at the end of the evening. Congratulations and thanks to Mrs Helen Thomas and our Music Staff who again put the evening together.

VCE Results Assistance 2019 We now eagerly await our Year 12 VCE results which will be published next Thursday 12 December 2019. We wish our students well and hope they receive the results they deserve. Our Careers Counsellor, Mrs Lynette Reiger and other Senior Staff will be at School until Tuesday 17 December, to assist with any changes of preferences.



Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019

Service of Nine Lessons and Carols A reminder to our School families that our Annual Carol Service this year will take place at 8.00pm on Wednesday 11 December at St Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders Street, Melbourne. ‘For unto us a Child is Born’ from Handel’s Messiah and John Taverner’s ‘The Lamb’ are just some of the items to be performed at this year’s Service. Following the Service, the Friends of Music are hosting a supper and all members of the congregation are warmly invited to join us. This is a lovely way to end the School year and an opportunity to reflect and give thanks for 2019.

Junior School Christmas Service

Junior School Christmas Service

Parents and friends of our Junior School children are also warmly invited to attend St Mark’s Church, Burke Road, Camberwell on Thursday 12 December at 11.00am for the annual Christmas Service. This too is a very enjoyable service involving our younger students and will be their final event for the School year.

Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020

Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020

Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

On Monday 3 February 2020, next year’s Year 12 students and their parents are invited to an Information Evening in the Auditorium of the Performing Arts Centre commencing at 7.00pm. The purpose of the evening is to provide an explanation of the structure, procedures and rules of the VCE, and to suggest some strategies which will help to make the year successful in every sense. A presentation by well-known adolescent psychologist Andrew Fuller “How to Set Yourself up for a Great Year” is incorporated into this evening commencing at 8.00pm. A Year 11 Information Evening for students and their parents will be held at the same venue on Wednesday 5 February 2020 starting at 7.30pm. Parents should expect to receive an email with more details regarding these evenings a few days before the event. Enquiries about either of these events may be directed to Ms Jan Sangster, the VCE Administrator, on 9835 1777 or by email at vce@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions I am very grateful to the Parents’ Association again for organising and hosting next year’s Parent Welcome Back Evenings, where we have the opportunity to welcome parents from our various year groups of the School and also parents who are new to our School. We have a special community at our School, and I am very grateful for the support we receive as we work to educate your sons. I look forward to meeting you at our Parent Welcome Back Evenings in the Camberwell Room on the following dates: • Junior School - Thursday 30 January 2020 (7.30pm) • Middle School - Friday 31 January 2020 (6.30pm) • Senior School - Friday 7 February 2020 (6.30pm)

Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department A reminder that Camberwell Grammar School have entered into an agreement with Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department, who will provide any student attending Camberwell Grammar School with a 50% discount on their attendance fee, a saving of $205 weekdays and $240 weekends. The offer does not include any further expenses such as X-rays and blood tests. Also, should your son need to be admitted to hospital, he will require private health cover. This offer will cover your son 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Further information is available in this flyer. Once more, on behalf of all my colleagues at Camberwell Grammar School, I extend our very best wishes for a joyous Christmas and a pleasant, safe and relaxing summer holiday. I look forward to another wonderful year in 2020. Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School Stepping Up Day We welcomed current Year 5 boys to Middle School yesterday for their ‘Stepping Up Day’. In addition to welcoming Year 5 boys, we also welcomed Mr Nathan Jones, who joins us from the Junior School. After the new form groups were announced the boys spent some time with their 2020 Year 6 Form Teacher. Other activities included Art, Science and an introduction to the Library. In the afternoon our current Year 6 boys joined them for a games afternoon. It was a great day and I trust that the Year 5 students are looking forward to their move to Middle School next year.

Year 7 Class Band Concert During lunchtime yesterday, we were entertained by the Year 7 Class Band Concert. This event was the culmination of work in classes throughout the year. Again, I congratulate the students and staff involved. It was amazing to walk into the Middleton Theatre to see the stage full of students and instruments. Over 95 boys were involved in what was a superb showcase of their music classes. It was astonishing to know that the majority of the boys on stage were absolute beginners at the start of the year. Organising so many boys and combinations of instruments to play in synchrony was just incredible. This was a credit to the tireless efforts of the staff and the optimistic attitude and self-efficacy shared by the students. A special thanks also to the parents who were able to attend. Page 2



Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Kangaroobie I had the opportunity to visit Kangaroobie last Wednesday to see how our Year 8 boys were faring. It must be said that the cooler weather and high winds were certainly playing their part in the ‘character building’ process. Nonetheless, it was great to see the hikers return from their challenging two nights camping with a real sense of accomplishment. We are all looking forward to catching up with them this afternoon when they return.

Transition Program The Year 8 to 9 Transition Program continues with our Year 8 students spending time in their Senior School House areas next Monday when they will be working with an external group and their Heads of House through an exciting timetable of activities. Last week, our Year 7 students were notified of their 2020 Year 8 Form Groups in anticipation of the Year 7 into Year 8 Transition Day on Tuesday 10 December. Each Form Group will make their way to a different location with their 2020 Form Teacher. This is the same day that we host all students for the Year 7 Orientation Day for 2020. This is always an exciting time, and I am very much looking forward to the various events.

End of Year Arrangements

Middle School

It seems unbelievable that we are talking about the final days of the year! We farewell our Year 8 boys next Tuesday, while Year 6 and 7 boys will continue with normal classes until Thursday 10 December. Dismissal time on this day will be 12.30pm, following a final Assembly.

Year 7 Class Band Concert

Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

Stepping Up Day Kangaroobie

Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Junior School

How quickly the School year seems to have gone! In a handful of days, the School year will conclude and the Junior School will bid farewell to a wonderful group of Year 5 boys, thank them for their contribution to the School, and wish them well in their next stage of schooling. The recent Ensemble Soiree, Junior athletics, Billy Cart Derby, Year 3 Camp, capture the essence of what we believe about being a great School for boys. The boys playing musical instruments, performing and singing in choirs and also the boys participating in the athletics and sports programs, and working hard on their academics. These are boys developing and deepening their character and humanity. It is through these experiences and hundreds of others like them, such as the Year 4 Camp at Anglesea, Year 5 at Lancefield and the Year 3 Gundiwindi Camp, excursions far and wide, projects and challenges, that our boys learn a lot, including much about themselves. They develop a sense of belonging as they share their ‘journey’ with others. That journey will not always be easy going, and quite often it is when times are tough, or when we feel out of our depth, that we learn the most. But there will always be those wonderful moments, those joyful times of celebration and achievement to nourish us. Over the course of the year much has been achieved. Some of it has involved significant changes, much has been fine-tuning. What enables us to become better as a School, as a community, is the quality of the partnership between home and the School. Our Junior School is blessed with an incredibly supportive community, and they show it in a lot of ways – working together to solve problems, checking diaries, friend and fund raising events, helping out in classrooms, running special events, Open Days and barbecues. It is all important – it all matters – and it all makes this a better place for your sons. I am extremely grateful to all who have contributed and especially our ‘Friends of Norge’, who under the dedicated leadership of Janet Cheung, Karen Mill and Debbie Cheong have added great value to our Junior School community. We welcome our new FON members for 2020, Debbie Cheong, Lydia Dwijayanti and Viviana Yong.

Junior School Food Policy Update Junior School policy regarding the provision of food, drinks and treats for class parties, events and birthdays To minimize the risk to our ever-increasing number of boys with allergies and anaphylaxis, it is our policy that the only food that comes to School is what parents provide for their own son’s morning tea and lunch. No other food, drinks or treats are to be sent/brought to School. Boys are not to share food or treats. When providing food for your son we also ask that you adhere to our ‘nut aware policy’ and are mindful of any allergies identified for boys in your son’s class. Your help in maintaining a safe environment for all our boys is greatly appreciated.

Music Performances What a marvellous week of music we have enjoyed. Thank you all for your support of our many musicians of Junior School. The Lower Primary mini-musical Christmas Around The World was an absolute delight. Dressed in colourful national costumes, our younger boys sang, danced and performed on stage with confidence and joy, demonstrating the true spirit of Christmas as they shared their music with others. The Ensemble Soiree held on Wednesday night to a capacity audience was a celebration of Instrumental Music in the Junior School. From the Junior School Orchestra’s opening number to the Chamber Singers jazz style, the program presented all Ensembles – strings, woodwind, brass and percussion – playing polished items with confidence. It was wonderful to see their musical growth throughout the year. The concluding Staff Recorder Ensemble was a highlight. Enormous thanks to so many families who practised hard to entertain us with their family items. Page 3



Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Year 5 Graduation at 6.00pm next Tuesday evening will feature all the boys performing in the Year 5 Ensemble. Year 5 students are asked to be at the PAC by 5.40pm. The Junior School Carol Service will take place at St Mark’s next Thursday 12 December at 11.00am. We hope you can join us for the celebration of the Christmas story as we bring the year to a close.

Final Day Dismissal – Thursday 12 December The Christmas Church Service will finish at approximately 12.00 noon and all boys will be dismissed from the Church to leave with their parents. This impressive Service brings our year to a fitting conclusion and all families are invited to attend. The boys have prepared special Christmas carols for you to enjoy. We kindly request that cameras are not used during the Church Service. Please note the following: • On this day, boys are to bring recess, not lunch, to School in disposable bags. We ask that school bags are not brought to School. • For this special occasion school uniform should be worn in the best possible condition with polished shoes and no jumpers, unless the weather is unseasonably cool. • At the conclusion of the Service parents are asked to leave through the main doors immediately following the procession of the choir. • Boys are dismissed for the holidays at the conclusion of the Church Service, Year 3 to 5 through the main doors at the rear of the Church, Pre-Prep to Year 2 through the side doors to be collected from inside the gates to the car park. • Please note that there will be no After School Care on this day. No boys will return to the Junior School. • Friday 13 December is a staff only day. Next Tuesday and Wednesday morning, boys will walk to St Mark’s for rehearsal. The boys are busily preparing for our Christmas Service and we hope you can join us. This is our final celebration as a whole Junior School community for 2019 and we encourage as many parents and friends as possible to join us for this special Service.

Lost Property Lost property has been on display this week and will continue to be available for parents and boys to check in the last week of School. Please go through all articles on the table situated on the paved area outside Reception. Any unnamed articles remaining at the end of the School year will go to the CGS Pre-loved Uniform Shop (PLUS).

2019 Diary Dates Tuesday 10 December Wednesday 11 December Thursday 12 December

Year 5 Graduation, PAC 6.00pm Junior School Final Assembly, Middleton Theatre 1.30pm Junior School Christmas Carol Service, St Mark’s 11.00am Junior School concludes at 12.00 noon with student dismissal from Church

2020 Beginning of Year Events Thursday 30 January Monday 5 February Wednesday 12 February Wednesday 19 February Thursday 20 February

Term 1 commences Morning Tea for Parents of new boys, 8.00am, PAC Foyer Junior School Assembly, 1.30pm, Middleton Theatre Information Evening and ‘Welcome Back’ Function (Pre-Prep to Year 5, Parents only), 6.30pm to 8.40pm Year 5 Camp (5 to 7 February) Camp Weekaway Lancefield Year 4 Camp (12 to 14 February) Anglesea Parent/Teacher Interviews, 3.40pm to 9.00pm Parent Teacher Interviews, 3.40pm to 6.00pm

Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School


Thank you and well done to everyone involved in Sport for 2019 for what was another memorable year. A lot of time and effort goes into the program from students, parents and staff members to make it as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible and it is greatly appreciated. I would particularly like to thank Mrs Sally White and Mr Tom Owen for their ongoing support. Best wishes to our Cycling, Kayaking and Triathlon squads over the coming weekends. Cycling and Triathlon have their final events for the year on Sunday morning at Kilsyth and Sandringham, respectively. Kayaking are still preparing for the Ben Ward Memorial 40 Miler in Yarrawonga and Cobram, which will take place on the weekend of 14 and 15 December in what is always a challenging, yet enjoyable weekend of racing. Congratulations to Zac Kelly (Year 10) for winning the Elite Men B-Grade in the 2019 Tour of Bright last weekend. An exceptional effort to win his division against men of all ages. Held over 3 days, the Cycling event was a gruelling one, which consisted of a time trial, a looped road stage and a climb of Mount Buffalo and totalled approximately 150km of racing. To make things more difficult, it snowed during the last 10km of the mountain climb! Zac completed the event in 4 hours, 16 minutes and 45 seconds, beating his nearest rival by 58 seconds. Page 4



Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Page 5

A reminder that Summer Sport training recommences from Thursday 30 January 2020, which is the first day back for students for the year. Firsts teams and some squads may begin training and have practice matches beforehand. Students should check with the teacher in charge of the team/squad. The next round of the AGSV Season, Round 5, is on Saturday 1 February. Students joining us in Year 7 next year will commence training from Monday 3 February and have their first round of matches on Saturday 8 February. Please add those dates to your calendar. For clarification or for more information, any questions or concerns regarding Sport can be directed to me at ljc@cgs.vic.edu.au. Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Careers DATE


Thursday 12 December

ATARs released at 7.00am

Friday 13 December

Tertiary Change Day events. Click here for details

Saturday 14 December

VTAC Close of Preference at 4.00pm

Wednesday 18 December

VTAC December Offer Round from 2.00pm

Tuesday 7 January 2020

International Student Offer Round

Wednesday 15 January 2020

January Offer Round from 2.00pm

Accessing VCE Results VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores will be available to students through the Results and ATAR website and the Results and ATAR app in December: https://resultsandatar.vic.edu.au/results/applicants.htm. Students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA, and those who applied for courses through VTAC this year and have paid their VTAC processing fees will be sent an ATAR statement in the mail. Registrations are already open. To register, students need their VCAA student number and will be requested to choose a secure password. VTAC have created a video on accessing VCE Results and ATAR, which you can watch on their YouTube channel here.

Booking Careers Appointments To book an appointment to discuss courses, subject selection or other related topic, click the ‘Make an Appointment’ link on the top left hand side of the Camberwell Grammar School Careers home page at www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com and select a time which suits. Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

Calendar Term 4, Week 10 Day




9 December

Year 8 into Year 9 Transition Days (9 to 10 December)


10 December

Middle School, 2020 Year 8 Orientation Excursions, all day, all current Year 7 students attending Year 7, 2020 Orientation Day PLUS open for Year 7 Orientation Day Year 8, 2019 students conclude Junior School Christmas Carol Service Lower School Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 11.00am to 12.30pm Carol Service Rehearsal, St Paul’s Cathedral, 6.00pm to 9.00pm Year 5 Graduation, PAC, 6.00pm followed by dinner in the Camberwell Room concluding at 8.40pm


11 December

PLUS open 3.00pm to 4.00pm Junior School Christmas Carol Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s, 11.00am to 12.30pm Junior School Final Assembly, Middleton Theatre, 1.30pm to 3.00pm CGS Chorale Rehearsal, St Paul’s Cathedral, 2.00pm to 4.00pm Carol Service, St Paul’s Cathedral, 8.00pm to 9.15pm, followed by Supper in the Nave until 11.00pm



12 December

Junior School Christmas Carol Service, St Mark’s, 11.00am Middle School Assembly, 11.45am to 12.30pm Junior School concludes at 12.00 noon from St Mark’s Year 6 and Year 7 conclude at 12.30pm TERM 4 CONCLUDES (Students)


13 December

Year 8 Hike, 54th Tasmania Trek (13 to 19 December)


14 December

Cadet Leadership Courses conclude


Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Sport Diary Dates Day




30 January 2020

Summer Sport Training Resumes


1 February 2020

AGSV Summer Sport Round 5

Support Groups Cafeteria Roster


No rosters until 2020 PLUS Roster


No rosters until 2020

PLUS Special Opening Dates Year 7 Orientation Term 1, 2020

Tuesday 10 December, 9.30am to 11.00am Wednesday 29 January 2020, 3.00pm to 4.30pm

PLUS’ last day for Term 4 will be Wednesday 4 December 2019

CGS Auxiliary Memorabilia Purchase your piece of CGS Memorabilia today by visiting https://www.trybooking.com/BGIGO. Orders can be collected from the Development Office or some items can be posted at an additional cost. Please see flyer attached or click on the Trybooking link for further details. Pudding Orders There are only a couple more weeks to purchase your Christmas Puddings! Only extra small puddings are left! Please visit www.trybooking.com/BBAGF to place your order or fill in this order form and return it to the Development Office. If you have not yet collected your pudding, please do so by Thursday 12 December from the Development Office.

Friends of Performing Arts Music Bags Protect your music with a CGS Music Bag for only $20. Purchase them here www.trybookings.com/NKAN and choose delivery to either the Music or Junior School Offices. Please see this flyer for more information.

Friends of Library – CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale Dates It is that time of year that the CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale is warming up! Please note the dates below for receiving books, the book sale. Date: Monday 9 December Time: 8.00am – 1.30pm & 2.30pm – 4.00pm Venue: M30-M33 Receiving Books Date: Tuesday 10 December Time: 8.00am – 1.30pm & 2.30pm – 4.00pm Venue: M30-M33 Receiving Books

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Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update

Date: Wednesday 11 December Time: 8.00am – 1.30pm & 2.30pm – 4.00pm Venue: M30-M33 Receiving Books Date: Thursday 12 December Time: 8.00am – 12.00 noon Venue: M30-M33 Receiving Books Date: Thursday 12 December Time: 5.00pm – 7.00pm Venue: M30-M33 BOOK SALE Calling Volunteers Receiving for the 2019 CGS Pre-Loved Book Sale is about to start. If you would like to sign up to volunteer, please follow the link to our sign-up page. We would really appreciate as many volunteers as possible. You will notice that there are 4 hours, 3 ½ hour and 2 hour slots. If you do put down for a 2 hour slot it would be great if you could try to do at least two of these sessions. Sign up page: https://volunteersignup.org/4CRD7. We will have the following days happening: • Monday 9 December: 8.00am to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 4.30pm • Tuesday 10 December: 8.00am to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 4.30pm • Wednesday 11 December: 8.00am to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 4.30pm • Thursday 12 December: 8.00am to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 4.30pm • Thursday 12 December: 4.30pm to 8.30pm (Book Sale and admin) • Friday 13 December: 8.30am to 11.30am (Pack up, admin and donation books)

Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers


12 February

OCGA against Old Scotch Lawn Bowls 2020, MCC Bowls Hawthorn, 12.30 pm


28 February

OCGA Golf Challenge 2020, Kew Golf Club, 12.00 noon

OCGA Golf Challenge 2020 All members of the CGS Community and their guests are invited to participate. Please see this flyer for further details.

Year Level Dates Year 5 End of Year Party Date: Saturday 7 December Time: 2.00pm Venue: Knox BMX Address: Bunjil Way, Knoxfield RSVP: November 30 to michelle.beard@live.com.au Details: Bring your bike, helmet, plate of food and picnic blanket See flyer attached here Year 2 End of Year Park Play Date: Thursday 12 December Time: After Church Venue: Boroondara Park Address: Canterbury Road, Canterbury Details: Please see flyer attached here


Page 7

CGS Carol Service 11 December 2019

Boyd and Balfour Open Studio 7- 8 December

Students Tennis Lessons



Season’s Greetings Farewell Transition Program Junior School Ensemble Soiree VCE Results Assistance 2019 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Junior School Christmas Service Year 11 and 12 Information Nights 2020 Parents’ Association Start of Year Social Functions Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department

Middle School

Stepping Up Day

Year 7 Class Band Concert Kangaroobie Transition Program End of Year Arrangements

Junior School

Junior School Food Policy Update Music Performances Final Day Dismissal Lost Property 2019 Diary Dates 2020 Beginning of Year Events

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Page 8

CGS Gifts and Memorabilia

FOPA Music Bag Flyer

Boyd and Balfour Open Studio 7-8 December

New Students - Important Information 2020

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