Fill in the gaps: a) Wild beasts forgot ------ violence at hearing--------
b) c) d) e)
1 10 = 10
Shistachar is a — of religion. As a moral quality 'Shistachar' has— necessity. To respect or obey other's opinion is called—. "Paramatasahisnuta" is a — solidarity
Set: A
Primary Education Completion Examination-2014 Class:Five Subject-Hindu Religion and Moral Education
f) The Brahmin set up an ideal of ------. g) We know that Ishwara is -----. h) Ishwara has no ------.
----- man always thinks good for all.
Ishwara in non corporeal, but he can be -----.
Answer in short :
Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
[ N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1 10 = 10
a) What is meant by Brahma? b) What class does Vishwamitra belong to? c) Why did Rama go to the forest? d) What is adoration? e) What is incorporeal adoration? f) What is patriotism? g) What’s the name of Bidula’s son? h) What does patriotism create in a man? i) What is Brahmaa god for? j) What do you under stand by Atma? 4.
Answer in board any 8 along with a,b & c : a) What is called 'Paramatasahisnuta'? Discuss briefly. b) What does avatar mean? Discuss briefly. c) Briefly describe Hindudharma. Explain
e) How did Dhruba get Ran? Discuss briefly. e) Why is prayer necessary? f) What is re-birth? Discuss briefly. g) Why shall we serve creatures?
h) Why did Rama go to forest? i) Why should we make adoration? Explain. j) Briefly describe Hindu dharma.
Full Marks: 100
5 8 = 40
1. Write down the correct answer in your answer scrip (1) 1. How does God exist in living beings? a) as a god b) as a bee c) as mind d) as soul
t 1 40 = 40
(2)Who has said:'Bahuroope sammukhe tomar chhari kotha khunjichho Ishwara? a) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa b) SwamiVevekananda c) Swami Lokanathananda d) Swami Pornabananda (3) How did the Brahmin run his family? a) By conducting worship b) By singing praise-songs c) By practicing unchhabritti d) By talking about irtue (4) Who came as the guest Brahmin? a) Dharmadeba b)Shiva c) Vishnu d) Indra (5) How many members were there in the Brahmin's family? a)one b) two c) three d) four (6) We call Ishwara — a) the absolute spirit b) the absolute being c) the supreme being d)all the above (7) What is Atma? a) Ishwara living in nature b) Ishwara living in heavens c) Ishwara living in beings d) Ishwara prevailing in the scriptures (8) Why do we desire to serve Ishwara? a) To pay our gratitude to him b)To attain His mercy c) To subdue all our evil desires d)All the above (9) Who is a humanist? a) He who serves a man b) He who serves a woman c) He who serves a child d) He who serves a mankind (10) Which is the book and where we get the tale of the queen Bidula? a) Ramayana b)Purana c) Upanishad d) Mahabharata
(11) What can we do if we wish to serve Ishwara? a)To be kind to man b) To be kind to animals c)To be kind to plants d) All the above (12) "Where there is life, there is—". a) Brahma b) Vishnu c) Shiva d) Indra (13) With what the Brahmin's wife made flour of ? a) rice b) barley c) wheat d) oat (14) How many portions did the Brahmin's wife divided the flour into? a) two b) three c) four d) five (15) What was the Brahmin guest fallen victim to? a) famine b) pollution c) diseases d) loan (16) Who was second to give his/her portion of flour to the Brahmin guest? a) The poor Brahmin b) The poor Brahmin's wife c) The poor Brahmin's son d)The poor Brahmin's daughter-in-law.
(17) What is the incarnated form of Ishwara ? a) Bhagabana b) gods and goddesses c) planets d) stars (18) In which holy book does the statement, "Sarbam Khalwidam Brahma" occur? a) Upanishada b) Ramayana c) Mahabharata d) Bhagabat (19) How many avatars does Vishnu have? a) eight b) nine c) ten d) eleven (20) What is the name of Prahlad's father? a) Hiranakshya b) Satyabrata c) Hiranyakashipu d) Goutama Buddhwa (21) What is the meaning of the word, 'parashu' ? a) plough b) scythe c) circle d) axe (22) What does the word 'Ishwara' mean? a) God b)Goddess c) Master d) Prophet (23) Ishwara the Merciful is called —. a) Bhagaban b) Avatar c) Shiva d) Sangkar (24) Ishwara's form of for bearing is — a)Brahma b) Vishnu c) Shiva d)Vishwakarma (25) Who is the goddess of wisdom? a) Lakshmi b) Durga c) Saraswati d) Manasa (26)
Which of the following statement is true?
a) Ishwara does not have any form b) Ishwara does not have any shape c) Ishawara does not have any representative d) All the above
What can we do if wish to serke Ishwara?
a) To be kind to man c) To be kind to plants (28)
b) To be kind to amimals d) All the above
Whose incarnation is Buddha? a) Brahama b) Vishnu c) Shiva d) Balarama What did Bamana want to demon Bali? a) Two steps of land b) Three steps of land c) Two kathas of land d)Three acres of land Where did Bamana keep his thick leg? a) On the ocean b) On the earth c) On the heaven d) On Bali’s head Who protected the veda? a) Koorma b)Matsya c) Rama d)Barah Who killed Hiranyaksma? a) Rama b) Rarashurama c) Sree Vishnu d) Bamana Who was Jamadagni? a) Prahalled’s father b)Prahallad’s son c)Parashurama’s father d)Parashurama’s son What age parshurama belonged to? a) Dwapar b) Satya c) Treta d) Kali Kartavirja killed Parshurama’s father while he wasa) Sleeping b) meditating c) working d) eating Who was Ravan? a) King of monster b) king of Hastinapura c) King of heavens d) king of the animals
(31) (32) (33)
(34) (35) (36)
(37) Whose incarnation is Buddha? a) Brahma b)Vishnu c) Shiva d) Balarama (38) Which one of the following is the in carrnative form of Ishwara? a) Brahmana b) Durga alone c) Vishnu alone d) Any god & goddes (39) What is incarnation?
a) The form in which a god reveals Himself b) The form in which a goddess reveals Herself c) The form in which Ishwara reveals Himself d) The form in which a saint reveals Himself (40)
What does the word ‘Sanatan’ mean?
a) Universal
b) Eternal
c) Perpetual
d) All the above
2. Fill in the gaps: a) We know that Ishwara is ---b) Kurukshetra is called -------. c) Ishwara has no ------d) Brahmaa ------. e) Prayer is----- something from Ishwara.. f) Many --- appeared during the Purannic Yuga. g) In -----.there is discussion about Brahma only. h) Wild beasts forgot ------ violence at hearing-------i) ----- man always thinks good for all. j) Meek and gentle behaviour is called -----. 3. Answer in short : a) What do you understand by living being? b) What is Brahmaa god for? c) Write names of four Vedic gods. d) How will a man view a man? e) Why did Sree Krishna stand up at the sight of Narada? f) Whom did the magic cow belong to? g) What is called 'Paramatasahisnuta?' h) Which country was Shishupal the King of ? i) What role does 'Shistachar' do for a society ? j) What is called 'Shistachar'? 4.
1 10 = 10
Set: B
Primary Education Completion Examination-2014 Class:Five Subject-Hindu Religion and Moral Education
Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
[ N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1 10 = 10
Answer in board any 8 along with a,b & c: 5 8 = 40 a) Write, explaining the relationship between Ishwara and living beings. b) Why did the Brahmin and all members of his family treat the guest Brahmin to food, themselves going without it? c) What does avatar mean? Discuss briefly. d) Briefly describe Hindudharma. Explain. e) How did Dhruba get Ran? Discuss briefly. f) How will we treat or behave with people of other religions? g) How did Sree Krishana show his etiquette when Devarsi Narada came to him? h) “Ye Yathaanaam propadyante tamstathaisa bhajaamyaham! Mama bartmanuvartante manusyaah Partha sarvashah.” who said this massage- Explain.
i) What is the core message of all religions? j) What are daily duties? Describe any three daily duties.
Full Marks: 100
1. Write down the correct answer in your answer script 140 = 40 (1) Who came as the guest Brahmin? a) Dharmadeba b) Shiva c) Vishnu d) Indra (2) What is Atma ? a) Ishwara living in nature b) Ishwara living in heavens c) Ishwara living in beings d) Ishwara prevailing in the scripture (3) What can we do if we wish to serve Ishwara ? a) To be kind to man b) To be kind to animals c) To be kind to plants d) All the above (4) Who is humanist? a) He who serves a ma b) He who serves a woman c) He who serves a child d) He who serves a mankind (5) Where there is life, there is----? a) Brahma b) Vishnu c) Shiva d) Indra (6) What does the word “Ishwara” mean? a) God b) Goddess c)Master d) Prophet (7) Ishwara the Merciful is called----? a) Bhagaban b) Avatar c) Shiva d) Sangkar (8) Who is the goddess of wisdom? a) Lakshmi b) Durga c) Saraswati d) Manasa (9) How does God exist in living being? a) As a god b) As mind c) As a bee d)As soul (10) Who come as the guest Brahmin? a) Dharmadeva b) Shiva c) Vishnu d)Indra (11) How many members were there in the Brahmin’s family? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four (12) Paramatsahishnuta was shwon by—in Chicago? a) Swami Devananda b) Swami Bedananda c) Swami Pranabanda d) Swami Devananda
(13) Who grew the oppressor in the age of Dwapar? a) King Shibi c) King Shishupala
b) King Rantideva d) King Harischandra
(14) How many Avataras does vishnu have? a) Eight b) Nine c) Ten d) Eleven (15) What is the meaning of the word, ‘parashu’? a) Plough b) Seythe c) Circle d) Axe (16) Of which is adoration a part? a) Mind b) Religion c) Body d) Work (17) How many kinds of adoration are there? a) Two b) Four c) Six d) Eight (18) Adoration is a a) Weekly task b) Fortnightly task c) Monthly task d) Daily task (19) Who wrote, “Give me such a tyre as Tmay sing to your tune”? a) Narendranath b)Satyendranath c) Rabindranath d)Dwijentranath (20) Who would pronounce ‘ha’ in place of ‘sa’? a) Persians b) Greeks c) Afghans d) Turkeys (21) Who exists as atma in all living beings? a) God b) Life c) Brahma d) Goddess (22) What is it, in night duty, you would utter and fall asleep? a) Jagadisrara b)Narayana c) Vishnu d)Padmanava (23) What do we call putting on a new body by the atma? a) Re-birth b) New life c) This life d) Next life (24) What is the name of Indra’s capital? a) Debaloka b)Suraloka c)Amorabati d)Amoraloka (25) How many vedas are there? a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six (26) What is the name of the part of the Vedas that explains mantra? a) Brahmana b) Upanishad c) Aranyaka d) Samhita
(27) What do we call resultless work? a) Sakama karma b) Sukarma c) Dushkarma d) Nishkama karma (28) Whose shelter Dhruva take at his mother’s advice? a) Hari’s b) krishna’s c) Ram’s d) Shiva’s (29) What was the real name of Swami Pranabananda? a) Binoda b)Sadananda c)Ananda d) Vivekananda (30) Where is Sister Nivedita’s birth place? a) Scot land b) London c) Ireland d) Switzerland (31) When did Vivekananda came to London ? a) 1893 b) 1894 c) 1895 d) 1896 (32) Where did Nivedita die ? a) Kolkata b) Bellore c) Dakhineswar d) Darjeeling (33) Partha is another name of a) Bhima b) Nakula c) Arjuna d) Sahadeva (34) Who advised partha? a) Yadhisthira b) Sreekrishna c) Duryodhana d) Balarama (35) The way for adoration or worship isa) One b) Five c) Two d) Many (36) Various are opinions, Various are ways’-who says this? a) Vivekananda b) Ramkrishra c) Saradadevi d) Rani Rasmoni (37) ---- Improves our charaeter. a) Riches b) Shistachara c) Prosperties d) Heredity (38) To whom Bhagaban Sree Krishna showed shistachar? a) Arjuna b)Nakula c)Indra d)Narada (39) Where did Bhagaban Sreekrishna apear as an Avatara or Incarnation? a) Brindaban b) Gaya c) Mathura d) Puri (40) Narada is calleda) Devarshi b)Brahmarshi c)Shrutarsi d)Maharshi
2. Fill in the gaps: 1 10 = 10 a) Sree Vishnu appeared as ____in Dwapara yoga. b) We want to express gratitude to Ishwara by ____ Him. c) Hindudharma believes in____. d) Madaripur was famous centre for____. e) We should view all men of different opinions and ways. ____. f) As Bhàgahan comes down to this earth he is called____. f) _____ can be learnt from Daily Duty. h) We get ………in religious songs. i) First body, then _____. j) Prayer is seeking something from _____. 3. Answer in short : 1 10 = 10 a) Who came to the poor Brahmin’s house? b) What is the meaning of the word, “Sanatan”? c) What is moksha? d) What is meant by Brahmaa? e) Why did Rama go to the forest? f) What is the another name of the Veda? g) Why did Sree Krishna stand up at the sight of Narada? h) What is called 'Shistachar'? i) “As one prays to me, so I please him.” Who said this and to whom? j) What are the names of the four main religions in vogue in the world? 4.
Answer in board any 8 along with a,b & c: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)
5 8 = 40
What does avatar mean? Discuss briefly. Write, explaining the relationship between Ishwara and living beings. Why is prayer necessary? What are daily duties? Describe any three daily duties. Briefly describe the Sreemadbhagabadgeetaa. Give brief descriptions of the four Vedas. ‘The ways of adoration are many, but Ishwara is one.’- Explain . How did Sree Krishana show his etiquette when Devarsi Narada came to him? Why did the British police arrest Binoda? How was Binoda? What did he do with his friends?
Set: C
Primary Education Completion Examination-2014 Class:Five Subject-Hindu Religion and Moral Education
Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
Full Marks: 100
[ N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1. Write down the correct answer in your answer script
1 40 = 40
(1) Paramatsahisnuta' was shown by — in Chicago.
a) Swami Devananda b) Swami Pranabanda c) Swami Bedananda d) Swami Vivekananda (2) Narada is called — . a) Devarsi b) Shrutassi c) Brahmarsi d) Maharsi (3) Where did Bhagaban Sree Krishna as an Avatar incarnation?
a) Brindaban b) Mathura c) Gaya d) Puri (4) Who grew the oppressor in the age of Dwapar? a) King Shibi c) King Shishupala
b) King Rantideva d) King Harischandra
(5) What can we do if we wish to serve Ishwara ? a) To be kind to man b) To be kind to animals c) To be kind to plants d) All the above (6) Who came as the guest Brahmin ?
a) Dharmadeba
b) Shiva
c) Vishnu
d) Indra
(7) To whom Bhagaban Sree Krishna showed Shistachar ?
a) Arjuna
b) Indra
c) Nakula
d) Narada
(8) The another name for Hinduism is SanatanDharma. The word ‘Sanatan’ is Synonymous toa) Universal b) Perpetual c) Permanent d) All the above (9) Man is the best creature by dint of his —. a) Strength b) Riches c) Envy d) Humanity (10) Where did Pronabananda go after the death of his father? a) Goya b) Kashi c)Vrindavan d) Puri
(11) What is the incarnated form of Ishwara? a) Bhagabana b) Gods and goddesses c) Planets d) Stars (12) Who wrote, “Give me such a lyre as I may sing to your tune”? a) Narendranath b) Satyendranath c) Rabindranath d) Dwijendranath (13) Who was Hamilton? a) Nivedita’s paternal grandfather b) Nivedita’s maternal grandfather c) Nivedita’s teacher d) Nivedita’s cousin (14) Which one of the following is the incarnative form of Ishwara? a) Brahmaaalone b) Durga alone c) Vishnu alone d) Any god/goddess (15) There’s a similarity between man and man and this is having—. a) Money b) Humanity c) Man-power d) Kingdom (16) In which holy book does the statement, “SarbamKhalwidanBrahmaa” occur?
a) Upanishada
b) Ramayana
c) Mahabharata
(27) Who occupied the heaven of the gods ? a) Vishwamitra b) Kartaviija c) Bali d) Satyabrata. (28) Swami Pronabananda arranged a grand Hindu Council in Bajitpur in a) 1935 b) 1924 c) 1921 d) 1944 (29) Where did Bhagaban Sree Krishna as an Avatar incarnation? a) Brindaban b) Mathura c) Gaya d) Puri (30) Swami Pronabananda breathed his last at the age of—. a) 44 years b) 45 years c) 54 years d) 64 years (31) What Ishwara is satisfied with us is a matter of our —
a) wealth b) generosity c) social status d) technology (32) “Various are opinions, various are ways.” Who says this?
d) Bhagabat
a ) Vivekananda c) Sarada Devi
(17) What do we call resultless work?
a) Sakama karma c) Dushkarma
b) Sukarma d) Nishkama karma
(18) Who invented the methods of the religion? a) Kings b) Gods c) Saints d) Demons (19) What does Jnyankanda relate to? a) History b) Philosophy c) Biology d) Prayer (20) Who was Parshurama? a) Vishnu himself b) Shiva himself c) Durgaherself d) Lakshmi herself (21) — improves our character. a) Riches b) Prosperties c) Shistachar d). Heredity (22) Where did Pronabananda go after the death of his father? a) Goya b) Kashi c)Vrindavan d) Puri
(23) “Where there is life, there is —” a) Brahmaa b) Kali c) Shiva
d) Durga
(33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38)
(24) “Men are above all, it's true. There's no truth beyond this.” Who said this?
a) Chandidas
d) Haridas
(25) To whom Bhagaban Sree Krishna showed Shistachar? a) Arjuna b) Indra c) Nakula d) Narada (26) Who grew the oppressor in the age of Dwapar ? a) King Shibi b) King Rantideva c) King Shishupala d) King Harischandra
b) Ramkrishna d) Rani Rasmani The incarnation of Matsya belonged to —. a) Vishnu b) Kartika c) Narayana d) Brahmaa What is it in night-duty, you would utter and fall asleep? a) Jagadiswar b) Narayana c) Vishnu d) Padmanava — improves our character. a) Riches b) Prosperities c) Shistachar d) Heredity What is the another name of Vishnu? a) Krishna b) Balarania c) Narayan d) Kartik Paramatsahjsnuta is —. a) Discipline b) Unity c) Solidarity d) All the above A tremendous religious conference was held in Chicago on — a) 11 September, 1893 b) 11 October, 1894 c) 11 November, 1895 d) 11 December, 1896 What did Bidula say? a) Either life or death b) Either freedom or death c) Either freedom or fire d) Neither freedom nor life How many portions did the Brahmin’s wife divided the flour into?
a) Six
b) Seven
c) Four
d) Five
Fill in the gaps: 1 10 = 10 a) We shall get _____ by serving living beings. b) Prayer is seeking something from _____. c) _____ can be learnt from Daily Duty. d) Men are _____ all. e) Bhagaban_____ also exposes the ideal of etiquette. e) As a moral quality’ Shistachar’ has _____ necessity. f) At the hermitage of Bashista, there was a _____. g) Man is born in a certain _____ place of the world. h) Those who render benevolent service to the world are —. i) Madaripur was famous centre for —. j) Rabindranath gave Margaret the name of—. Answer in short : 1 10 = 10 a) By serving whom do we express gratitude? b) Who came to the poor Brahmin’s house? c) What is Brahmaa god for? d) Who is Saraswati ? e) Write names of four Vedic gods. f) Write down name a few gods who does not have any Incarnation. g) How will a man view a man? h) Whom did the magic cow belong to? i) What would "Bishnucharan, Binoda's father,do? j) What is the another name of the Veda?
Answer in board any 8 along with a,b & c:
5 8 = 40
a) Why did the Brahmin and all members of his family treat the guest Brahmin to food, themselves going without it? b) What does avatar mean? Discuss briefly. c) “Prayer makes us perfect.” Evaluate d) What are daily duties? Describe any three daily duties. e) What is re-birth? Explain it briefly. f)
How did SreeKrishana show his etiquette when Devarsi Narada came to him?
g) h) i) j)
When did Vivekananda meet Margaret and how? What did Nivedita do for the independence of India? Why did an uproar of crying arise in the house of Brahmm? Give a short description of SreemodvagabadGeeta.
Set: D
Primary Education Completion Examination-2014 Class:Five Subject-Hindu Religion and Moral Education
Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
Full Marks: 100
[ N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1. Write down the correct answer in your answer script 1 40 = 40 (1) What is the name of Prahlad’s father? a) Hiranakshya b) Satyabrata c) Hiranyakashipu d) GoutamaBuddhwa (2) “Where there is life, there is —” a) Brahmaa b) Kali c) Shiva d) Durga (3) How many portions did the Brahmin’s wife divided the flour into?
a) Six b) Seven c) Four d) Five (4) The hymns uttered with tunes belong to —. a) The Rigveda b) The Samaveda c) The Yajurveda d) TheAtharvaveda (5) What was the Brahmin guest fallen victim to? a) Famine b) Flood c) Diseases d) Loan (6) Who came as the guest Brahmin? a) Dharmadeba b) Shiva
c) Vishnu
d) Indra
(7) To whom Bhagaban Sree Krishna showed Shistachar? a) Arjuna b) Indra c) Nakula d) Narada
(8) Who wrote 'The Master as I saw him'? a) Pritilata b) Surja Sen c) Ila Mitra d) Nivedita (9) What year Nivedita breathed her last? a)1907 b) 1909 c) 1911 d) 1913 (10) Each of the religions has its own— . a) Thoughts and beliefs b) Rites and rituals c) Ceremonies and festivals d) All the above (11) In what age Sree Krishna came to the earth? a) Satya b) Kalki c) Dwapar d) Trya
(12) The explanations of hymns belong toa) The Brahmana b) The Yajurveda c) The Mahabharata d) The Ramayana (13) Whom did Ravana kidnap? a) Kunti b) Draupodi c) Renuka d) Seeta (14) Who killed Hiranyaksma? a) Baraha b) Parashurama c) Sree Vishnu d) Bamana (15) With what the Brahmin’s wife made flour of? a) Tea b) Barley c) Tobaco d) Oat (16) How many kinds of adoration are there? a) Two b) Four c) Six d) Eight (17) What did Bamana want to demand Bali? a) Two steps of land b) Three steps of land c) Two kathas of land d)Three acres of land (18) Which one of the following is not a part of religion ? a) Fasting b) Abstemious meal c) Yogic exercise d) None of these (19) Who was second to give her portion of flour to the Brahmin guest?
a) The poor Brahmin b) The poor Brahmin’s wife c) The poor Brahmin’s son d) The poor Brahmin’s daughter in-law (20) If Asana practiced — get refresh. a) Muscles b) Hair c) Legs d) Belly (21) Who led the rebels of Swadeshi Movement in Madaripur? a) Gyandas b) Purnadas c) Surya Sen d) Anil Roy (22) How many years did Nivedita live? a) 44 years b) 45 years c) 46 years d) 47 years (23) Where did Bamana keep his third leg? a) On the ocean b) On the earth c) On the heaven d) On Bali’s head (24) Adoration is a—. a) Weekly task b) Fortnightly task c) Monthly task d) Daily task (25) We worship the statues of gods and goddesses as the—. a) Mind of Ishwara b) Soul of Ishwara c) Images of Ishwara d) Shadow of Ishwara (26) — improves our character. a) Riches b) Prosperties c) Shistachar
d). Heredity
(27) Buddha was born of—. a) King Satyabrata b) King Kartavirja c) King Shuddhadana d) King Vichitravirja (28) What do we call putting on a new body by the atma? a) Rebirth b) New life c) This life d) Next life (29) What does -the word ‘Sanatan’ mean? a) Universal. b) Eternal c) Perpetual d) All the above (30) Who was Bishwamitra ? a) A Rajarshi b) A Devarshi c) A Shrutarshi d) A Brahniarshi (31) What did Bishwamitra want to become? a) A Rajarshi b) A Devarshi c) A Shrutarshi d) A Brahmarshi (32) What is the main base of Hinduism? a) The slokas b) The hymns c) The statues d) The Vedas (33) Bhrigurama was the real name of—. a) Rama b) Parshurama c) Mahadeva d) Hrichik (34) Nivedita was — a) a British by birth
b) an Irish by birth
c) a Scottish by birth
d) a Polish by birth
(35) What year Nivedita migrated to India? a) 1893 b)1895 c)1897 d) 1899 (36) The Pouranik age is next to the—. a) Ancient age b) Modern age c) Vedic age d) All the above (37) What year Swami Pronabananda met Swami Govindananda? a) 1923 b) 1924 c) 1925 d) 1926 (38) Parshurama was interested in—. a) Archery b) Scriptures c) Meditation d) All the above (39) What do you mean by the word ‘Samahita’? a) Collaboration b) Cancellation c) Collection d) Cooperation (40) What date Pronabananda breathed his last? a) 8 January, 1941
b) 9 January, 1942
c) 10 January, 1943
d) 11 January, 1944
2. Fill in the gaps: 1 10 = 10 a) We want to express gratitude to Ishwara by _____ Him. b) _____ punished Margaret. c) Ishwara has no_____. d) Religious equality makes us —. e) Those who render benevolent service to the world are —. f) Madaripur was famous centre for —. g) Rabindranath gave Margaret the name of—.
h) We should view all men of different opinions and ways. ____. i) As Bhàgahan comes down to this earth he is called____. j) _____ was the strongest among the Pandavas. Answer in short : 1 10 = 10 a) Who came to the poor Brahmin’s house? b) What is the meaning of the word, “Sanatan”? c) What is Brahmaa god for? d) Who is Saraswati ? e) Why did Sree Krishna stand up at the sight of Narada? f) What is Brahmaa god for? g) How will a man view a man? h) Whom did the magic cow belong to? i) What would "Bishnucharan, Binoda's father,do? j) What is the another name of the Veda? Answer in board any 8 along with a, b & c : 5 8 = 40
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Briefly describe the Sreemadbhagabadgeetaa. Give brief descriptions of the four Vedas. “ Prayer makes us perfect ” Evaluate. Why should we make adoration? Explain Why is prayer necessary?
Set: E
Primary Education Completion Examination-2014 Class:Five Subject-Hindu Religion and Moral Education
Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
Full Marks: 100
[ N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1. Write down the correct answer in your answer script 1 40 = 40 (1) Who is a humanist? a) He who serves a man b) He who serves a woman c) He who serves a child d) He who serves a mankind (2) How many avatars does Vishnu have? a) Eight b) Nine c) Ten d) Eleven (3) Whose incarnation is Buddha? a) Brahma b) Vishnu c) Shiva d) Balarama (4) Who was Hiranyaksma? a) King of the giants b) Queen of the giants c) King of the animals d) Queen of the animals (5) How many Purana are there in total? a) 18 b) 36 c) 27 d) 32 (6) Who drove the gods out from the heaven? a) King Kartavirja b) King Vichitravirja c) King Ravana d) King Bali
(7) ) How many years did Nivedita live? (8)
What is re-birth? Discuss briefly.
g) When did Vivekananda meet Margaret and how? h) What did Nivedita do for the independence of India?
i) What are daily duties? Describe any three daily duties. j) Briefly describe Hindu dharma.
(10) (11) (12)
a) 44 years b) 45 years c) 46 years d) 47 years What language does the word ‘Hindu’ belong to? a) Hindi b) Persian c) Bangla d) Sanskrit Kartavirja killed Parshurama’s father while he was—. a) Sleeping b) Meditating c) Working d) Eating What is the present name of Persia? a) Iran b) Bhutan c) Nepal d) India. Which route the Persians reached India through ? a) Gujrat b) Kashmir c) The Sindh d) The Andamans The episodes of the gods and goddesses are in – . a) The Upanishada b) The Aranyaka c) The Chandi d) The Purana
(13) Who was Hiranyaksma? a) Hiranyaksma’s father b) Hiranyaksma’s brother c) Hiranyaksrna’s cousin d) Hiranyaksma’s son (14) Hinduism is a religion of the —. a) Past b) Present c) Future d) All the above (15) Swami Pronabananda breathed his last at the age ofa) 44 years b) 45 years c) 54 years d) 64 years (16) Who was Prahallad? a) Hiranyakashipus son b) Hiranyakashipu’s father c) Nrisingha’s son d) Nrisingha’s father (17) Which of the following scriptures emphasises on the mystery of creation? a) The Geetaa b) The Mahabharata c) The Aranyaka d) The Chandi
(18) What age did Ravana belong to? a) Treta b) Kali c) Satya d) Dwapar (19) Where is Sister Nivedita’s birth place? a) Scotland b) London c) Ireland d) Switzerland (20) Who was Ravana? a) King of the monsters b) King of Hastinapura c) King of the heavens d) King of the animals (21) There are mantras and shlokas in —. a) The Ramayan b) The Mahabharata c) The Geeta d) All the above (22) There are mantras and shlokas in a) The Veda b) The Upanishad c) The Chandi d) All the above (23) What age Parshurama belonged to? a) Dwapar b) Satya c) Treta d) Kali (24) Swami Pronabananda arranged a grand Hindu Council in Bajitpur in
a) 1935
b) 1924
c) 1921
d) 1944
(25) What year Pronabananda became a mendicant? a) 1922 b) 1923 (26) Who protected the Veda? a) Koorma b) Matsya
c) 1924
d) 1925
c) Rama
d) Barah
(27) In what year Swami Vivekananda delivered his historical speech on religion in the United States? a) 1890 b) 1891 c) 1892 d) 1893 (28) Where did Nivedita die? a) Calcutta b) Bellore c) Dakhineswar d) Darjeeling (29) With what the Brahmin’s wife made flour of? a) Tea b) Barley c) Tobaco d) Oat (30) Parshurama was interested in — . a) Archery b) Scriptures c) Meditation d) All the above (31) What year Swami Pronabananda met Swami Govindananda? a) 1923 b)1924 c) 1925 d)1926 (32) Who rehabilitated the hearthless gods? a) Bali b) Bamana c) Rama d) Lakshman (33) What date was Swami Pronabananda born in? a) 27th January, 1894 b) 28th January, 1895 c) 29th January, 1896 d) 29th January, 1897 (34) Where did Pronabananda go after the death of his father? a) Goya b) Kashi c) Vrindavan d) Puri (35) What year was Nivedita born in? a) 1865 b) 1866 c) 1867 d) 1868 (36) What year Nivedita migrated to India? a) 1893 b) 1895 c) 1897 d) 1899 (37) Bhrigurama was the real name of—. a) Rama b) Parshurama c) Mahadeva d) Hrichik (38) That Ishwara is satisfied with us is a matter of our—. a) Wealth b) Generosity c) Social status d) Technology (39) Who is Indra? a) God of fortune b) God of the oceans c) God of the heavens d) God of the mountains (40) Where did Indra send Narada to? a) Vrindavan b) Mathura c) Kashi d) Goya