First Term-2014 Subject: Science
Class-I Prepared by: Maliha Khaled Rasheda Akhter
Section-1: Plants Life Plants Around Us a) Write the correct answer: 1. Tall and small plants are called – (i) Flower (ii) Plants (iii) Tree (iv) Climber Answer: (iii) Tree 2. Some plants need a support to climb up they are called – (i) Climbers (ii) Shrubs (iii) Herbs (iv) Trees Answer: (i) Climbers 3. Which plant lives in water? (i) Cactus (ii) Pine tree (iii) Water lily (iv) Climber Answer: (iii) Water lily 4. Which plant lives in hot places? (i) Water lily (ii) Cactus (iii) Pine tree (iv) Fir tree Answer: (ii) Cactus 5. Which plants are weak? (i) Trees (ii) Climbers (iii) Shrubs (iv) All Answer: (ii) Climbers 6. How many types of plants are there? (i) Two (ii) Five (iii) Three (iv) Four Answer: (iv) Four 7. How many sizes of plants? (i) Many (ii) Different (iii) Three (iv) Four Answer: (ii) Different
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b) Filling in the blanks: 1. Tall and strong plants are called trees. 2. Plants that need a support to climb up are called climbers. 3. This plant can grow in hot places with very little water. Its name is Cactus. 4. This plant grows in water. Its name is Water lily. c) Short question answer: 1. How many types of plants? Answer: There are four types of plants. 2.
Write the name of four types of plants? Answer: The name of four types of plants are: i. Trees ii. Shrubs iii. Herbs iv. Climbers
Write the name of a climber. Answer: Pepper plant is a climber.
Write the name of a shrub. Answer: Rose plant
Write the name of a herb. Answer: Grass/ Chili
d) Broad questions: 1. Write the name of five trees. Answer: The name of five trees are Mango, Coconut, Neem, Pine, and Jackfruit. 2.
Write the name of three climbers. Answer: Pepper plant, Pea plant and Grapevine.
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Leaves and Flowers a) Write the correct answer: 1. What is the colour of flower? (i) White (iii) Yellow Answer: (iii) Yellow 2. Most of the colour of leaves are – (i) green (iii) ash Answer: (i) Green 3. Pine leaves are very – (i) thin (iii) thick Answer: (i) Thin 4. What is the colour of Marigold? (i) White (iii) Black Answer: (iv) Yellow 5. Banana leaf is very – (i) big (iii) thin Answer: (i) big
(ii) Green (iv) Black
(ii) red (iv) white
(ii) big (iv) small
(ii) Pink (iv) Yellow
(ii) small (iv) thick
2. Fill in the blanks: a) Most leaves are green in colour. b) Flowers grow from buds. c) A banana leaf is very big. d) Pine leaves are very thin. c) Short questions: 1. What are the important parts of the plants? Answer: Leaves, flowers and fruits are very important part of the plants, 2.
How the roses are look like? Answer: Roses are colourful and beautiful flower. It’s smell is good. Page-3
How many shapes and sizes are of leave? Answer: Leaves are of different shapes and sizes.
From where the flowers grow? Answer: Flowers grow from buds.
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d) Broad questions: 1. Write the name of five leaves. Answer: The name of five leaves are Maple, Peepal, Mint, Neem and Pine. 2.
Write the name of five flowers. Answer: The name of five flowers are Marigold, Pansy, Orchid, Hibiscus, and Sunflower.
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Section-3: Air, Water and Weather
Air a) Multiple choice question: 1. What makes leaves move? (i) Water (iii) Air Answer: (iii) Air 2. When we can feel air? (i) When it moves (iii) When it is fixed Answer: (i) When it moves 3. Air is moved by which? (i) Table (iii) Iron Answer: (iv) Fan 4. What is not seen but felt? (i) Tree (iii) Air Answer: (iii) Air 5. Air is present – (i) In sky (iii) In field Answer: (iv) Everywhere 6. Who breathe air? (i) Plants (iii) Man Answer: (iv) All living things 7. What is called wind? (i) Moving water (iii) Moving air Answer: (iii) Moving air 8. We need air for – (i) Breathing (iii) Bathing Answer: (i) Breathing Page-5
(ii) Fire (iv) Sand
(ii) When it stops (iv) All
(ii) Light (iv) Fan
(ii) River (iv) Sky
(ii) In house (iv) Everywhere
(ii) Animals (iv) All living things
(ii) Moving oil (iv) Moving leaves
(ii) Running (iv) Washing
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Aeroplane cannot fly – (i) With air (iii) With oil Answer: (iv) Without air 10. By air we can run – (i) Helicopter (iii) Train Answer: (i) Helicopter 9.
(ii) Without gas (iv) Without air
(ii) Bus (iv) Car
b) Fill in the blanks with the right words: 1. Moving air is called wind. 2. You need air for breathing. 3. We can feel air when it moves. 4. An empty glass has air in it. c) Short questions: 1. When we can feel air? Answer: We can feel air when it moves. 2.
Name one thing which can create air. Answer: Fan can create air.
When do we breathe air? Answer: All the time we breathe air.
Where is air present? Answer: Everywhere air is present.
Who breathe air? Answer: All living things breathe air.
What makes trees sway? Answer: Strong wind makes trees sway.
How is balloon filled up? Answer: By air balloon is filled up.
d) Broad questions: 1. Name three things which work because of air. Answer: Aeroplane, Helicopter and Hot air balloon. 2.
What is wind? Answer: Moving air is called wind. Page-6
Water a) Multiple choice question: 1. When you are thirsty, what will you do? (i) Eat food (ii) Play football (iii) Drink water (iv) Nothing Answer: (iii) Drink water 2. Who drinks water? (i) Thirsty people (ii) Hungry people (iii) Needy people (iv) All Answer: (i) Thirsty people 3. Who need water to live? (i) Plants (ii) Animal (iii) Man (iv) All living things Answer: (iv) All living things 4. We need water for – (i) Breathing (ii) Drinking (iii) Walking (iv) Sleeping Answer: (ii) Drinking 5. We get water from – (i) Hill (ii) Tree (iii) River (iv) Sky Answer: (iii) River 6. Rain water fills – (i) River (ii) Lakes (iii) Wells (iv) All of them Answer: (iv) All of them 7. What saves our life? (i) Clean water (ii) Dirty water (iii) Air (iv) Wasted water Answer: (i) Clean water 8. The plant that was given water looks – (i) Sick (ii) Tired (iii) Healthy (iv) Dead Answer: (iii) Healthy 9. Dirty water spreads – (i) Bad smell (ii) Diseases (iii) Air (iv) Flavour Answer: (ii) Diseases Page-7
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10. You can wash your cloth by – (i) Water (ii) Air (iii) Sound (iv) Brush Answer: (i) Water 11. Clean water is sent to our homes through – (i) Pipe (ii) Rod (iii) Balloon (iv) Fan Answer: (i) Pipe 12. What is precious? (i) New dress (ii) Locked (iii) Clean water (iv) Soft drinks Answer: (iii) Clean water b) Fill in the blanks: 1. Plants and animals need water to live. 2. Rain water fills up wells, rivers and lakes. 3. W A T E R 4. R I V E R 5. L A K E 6. R A I N 7. W E L L c) Short question: 1. Where do we get water from? Answer: We get water from rivers, lakes, wells etc. 2.
When do we drink water? Answer: When we are thirsty, we drink water.
Which plant looks healthy? Answer: The plant that is given water looks healthy.
Why do we need water? Answer: We need water to live.
Write two uses of water. Answer: We uses water for drinking and washing.
d) Broad question: 1. Write the name of various sources of water? Answer: Rivers, lakes, wells, ponds, rain, sea etc. 2.
Write the four uses of water. Answer: We use water for drinking, cooking, washing ourselves and washing utensils. Page-8
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Section-5: Safety and Environment
Grow and be healthy a) Multiple choice question: 1. Which grows to become a plant? (i) Seed (ii) (iii) Baby plants (iv) Answer: (i) Seed 2. Which grows to become trees? (i) Seed (ii) (iii) Leaves (iv) Answer: (ii) Plant 3. The process of growth of seed is – (i) Fast (ii) (iii) Medium (iv) Answer: (ii) Slow 4. Keep your body clean with – (i) Cloth (ii) (iii) Water (iv) Answer: (iv) Soap and water 5. Which can make you fall sick? (i) Dirty food (ii) (iii) Dirty cloth (iv) Answer: (iv) All of them 6. Plants clean – (i) The water (ii) (iii) The house (iv) Answer: (ii) The air 7. Which makes the air dirty? (i) Fire (ii) (iii) Smoke (iv) Answer: (iii) Smoke 8. Your body needs rest when you are – (i) Healthy (ii) (iii) Fresh (iv) Answer: (ii) Tired Page-9
Plant All
Plant All
Slow None of them
Soap Soap and water
Dirty water All of them
The air The Field
Water Soap
Tired Strong
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All living things – (i) Grow (iii) Do not grow Answer: (i) Grow 10. Which are good exercise? (i) Running (iii) Swimming Answer: (iv) All of them 9.
(ii) Die (iv) None of them
(ii) Playing (iv) All of them
b) Fill in the blanks: How will you become healthy and strong? 1. By keeping your body clean. 2. By eating clean food and drinking clean water. 3. By breathing clean air. 4. By doing exercise regularly. 5. By getting enough rest and sleep. c) Short question: 1. How do you keep your body clean? Answer: We keep our body clean by having bath with soap and water regularly. 2.
Which make food and water dirty? Answer: Dust and flies make food and water dirty.
How do you become sick? Answer: If we eat dirty food and water, we become sick.
Which things can clean air? Answer: Plants can clean air.
d) Broad question: 1. Why should you grow plants around your house? Answer: We should grow plants around our house because plants clean the air. 2.
Name of some good exercise which are necessary for our body. Answer: To become strong and healthy, our body needs exercise, running, playing games and swimming are good exercise.
How will you become healthy and strong? Answer: We become healthy and strong by keeping body clean, eating clean food and doing exercise etc.
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Keep Clean a) Multiple choice question: 1. Germs live in – (i) Dirt (ii) House (iii) Road (iv) Soap Answer: (i) Dirt 2. Germs are in size – (i) Big (ii) Small (iii) Tall (iv) So small Answer: (iv) So small 3. Dirt and germs can be washed away with – (i) Soap (iii) Sun (iii) Air (iv) Fan Answer: (i) Soap 4. Where is dirt? (i) Sky (ii) Air (iii) Water (iv) All around us Answer: (iv) All around us 5. Brush our teeth – (i) Every morning (ii) At night (iii) Never (iv) Every morning and night Answer: (iv) Every morning and night 6. You can become sick when you are attacked by – (i) Lion (ii) Insect (iii) Germ (iv) All Answer: (iii) Germ 7. Germs get into mouth, if you eat – (i) After playing (ii) Before walking (iii) Without washing hands (iv) Without bathing Answer: (iii) Without washing hands 8. You can use to keep yourself clean – (i) Comb (ii) Soap and water (iii) Brush (iv) Cloth Answer: (ii) Soap and water Page-11
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To keep germs away , keep your body – (i) Well dressed (ii) (iii) Clean (iv) Answer: (iii) Clean 10. Keep finger nails – (i) Tall (ii) (iii) Short (iv) Answer: (iii) Short 9.
Unclean None of them
Big None of them
b) Fill in the blanks: 1. Clean your hands with soap and water before eating. 2. Brush your teeth at night, before going to bed. 3. Dirt is all around us. 4. A clean body is a healthy body. 5. Germs are very small livings that can make you sick. c) Short question: 1. Which body is called a healthy body? Answer: A clean body is a healthy body. 2.
Where is dirt present? Answer: Dirt is present all around us.
How can we clean our body? Answer: We clean our body by using soap and water.
When we have to brush teeth? Answer: We brush our teeth two times a day.
d) Broad question: 1. Why should you take a bath with soap and water every day? Answer: We should take a bath with soap and water every day to keep germs away and keep our body clean. 2.
What is called germ? Answer: Many small things get inside our body and we become sick, they are called germs.
When we have to brush our teeth? Answer: We brush our teeth two times a day – every morning and at night before going to bed.