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First Term-2014

English 2nd Paper

Class-IV Prepared by:

Hasina Tayeba Afshana Nazneen Nurjahan Rahaman

English 2nd Paper


Oxford Learner’s Grammar and Composition Lesson-1

Nouns Noun: A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. For example: Dhaka is a big city. A noun can be divided into common, proper, collective and abstract noun. i)

Common noun: A common noun is a common name given to any person, place, animal or thing of the same kind. Example: a. The girl is swimming. b. The teacher teaches us well.


Proper Noun: A proper noun is the special name of a particular person, place or thing. A proper noun always begins with a capital letter. A proper noun is also known as special naming word. Example: a. Mary sang sweetly. b. Bangladesh is very beautiful country.

iii) Collective noun: A collective noun is the name given of person, place, animal or thing of the same kind considered as a whole. Example: a. The fishermen caught a shoal of fishes. iv) Abstract noun: An abstract noun is a name of some state, quality or feeling that we can only think of is called an abstract noun. Example: a. The soldier fought with great courage. b. Honesty is the best policy.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Exercise 1. Read the passage below. Underline the nouns as you read. One day, Anita was in the garden. She was peering at a colony of ants. At that time a flock of sparrows flew over her head. They dropped something. Anita caught the tiny thing. It was a little doll wearing the same dress as Anita. How surprised Anita was! The doll said, Thank you for saving me from that fall. I can grant you a wish for this/ Anita couldn't believe her luck! She said, 'Please do all my homework!' Write whether the underlined nouns are com/prop/col (common, proper or collective). Also write whether they are s/p (Singular or Plural). Com day (s) garden (s) head (s) doll (s) dress (s) homework (s)

Prop Anita (s)

Col colony of ants (s) flock of sparrows (s)

2. Fill in the blanks to complete Anita’s story. a. The little doll started doing the homework but there was one problem. (problems/problem). b. The doll didn’t know all the answers. (answers/answer). c. So, she’d ask Anita (anita/Anita) to get books from the library and read to her. d. Sometimes, the doll couldn’t work out Maths or Geography answers. (answeres/answers) e. Anita (anita/Anita) had to help her. f. After two months (month/months), the flock (flocks/flock) of sparrows returned. g. The doll had to go away with the sparrows. (sparrowes/ sparrows). h. Anita was sad but her teacher Mrs. Jadeja (jadeja/Jadeja) was happy because Anita never stopped doing her homework (homeworks/homework) after that.

Possessive Noun  Some nouns tell us who owns what. Such nouns are called Possessive Nouns. For example: a. Meenu’s pet = the pet belonging to Meenu b. the boy’s bicycle = the bicycle belonging to the boy  We can talk about possessions by using another form. For example: a. nature’s beauty = the beauty of nature First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Exercise 1. Use of to change the following phrases: a. the sun’s rays = the rays of the sun b. the flower’s petals = the petals of the flower c. the boy’s surprise = the surprise of the boy d. the children’s toys = the toys of the children e. the river’s depth = the depth of the river f. the river’s bed = the bed of the river 2. Use ’s to change the following phrases: a. the taste of the soup = the soup’s taste b. the feathers of the eagle = the eagle’s feather c. the dress of the baby = the baby’s dress d. the colour of the leaves = the leaves’ colour e. the friends of the girl = the girl’s friends f. the stem of the plant = the plant’s stem 3. Fill in the blanks to get correct sentences: a. This garbage dump attracts a lot of flies ( fly/ flies/ fly’s) if you leave the lid off. b. The flies come from the nearby bushes. (bushies/bushes/bush’s). c. People mostly throw overripe tomatoes (tomatoes/tomatos) into the dump. d. They also throw dirty boxes (box’s/boxies/boxes) and never put the lid back. e. The cleaners (cleaner’s/cleaners/cleaner) are angry at the garbage spread around. f. They are angrier at the neighbourhood’s (neighbourhood’s/ neighbourhoods/ neighbourhood ) dirty habits. g. They cannot get rid of the swarm (swarmes/swarm’s/swarm) of flies. h. A soldier’s (soldier/soldiers/soldier’s) gun will not help them. i. Knives (knifes/knives/knifies) will not kill the flies. j. What would help is clean habits (habits/habities/habit’s) of the people of the neighbourhood. 

Number: A noun or word that denotes the number of any person or thing is called Number. There are two kinds of number1. Singular Number 2. Plural Number


Singular Number: A noun that denotes one person or thing is called Singular Number. For example- boy, girl, tree etc.


Plural Number: A noun that denotes more than one person or thing is called Plural Number. For example- boys, girls, trees etc.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


How Plurals are formed The rules how plurals are formed are given below: 1. The plurals of nouns is generally formed by adding –s to the singular; asboy – boys pen – pens book – books 2.

Noun ending in –s, sh, ch (soft) or x form the plural by adding –es to the singular; asclass – classes branch – branches dish – dishes  But –ch pronounce like ‘k’ formed plurals by adding –s; asMonarch – Monarchs


Noun ending in –y preceded by a consonant form their plural by changing –y in to –i and adding –es; asbaby – babies lady – ladies city – cities  But Nouns ending in –y, preceded by a vowel form their plural by adding –s; asboy – boys toy – toys


The nouns ending in –f or –fe form their plural by changing –f or –fe in to –v and adding –es; aslife – lives wolf – wolves self – selves  But the nouns ending in ief, if, oof, rf or eef form their plural by adding –s; asroof – roofs chief – chiefs  The nouns hoof, scarf, wharf and dwart take either –es or –ves in the plural.


Nouns ending in –o, preceded by a consonant, form their plural by adding -es to the singular; aspotato – Potatoes Mango – Mangoes  But nouns ending in –o, preceded by a vowel, form their plural by adding –s to the singular; ascuckoo – cuckoos studio – studios  A few nouns ending in –o merely add –s; ascanto – cantos piano – pianos

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper



A few nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel of the singular; asman – men mouse – mice tooth – teeth


There are a few nouns that form their plural by adding –en, -ren, ne; as ox – Oxen child – children


A compound noun ending in man and ‘man’ means ‘human being’ formed plural by changing inside vowel to the singular. fisherman – fishermen boatman – boatmen  But some proper nouns are not compounds of man, therefore they form plural by adding –s; asmussalman – mussalmans Brahman – Brahmans


Some compound word ending in ful forms plurals by adding –s; ashandful – handfuls mouthful – mouthfuls

10. Some compound noun generally forms its plural by adding –s to the principal word; as commander-in-chief – Commanders-in-chief son-in-law – sons-in-law 11. The following compound nouns formed their plural by adding –s; asBook-shelf – Book-shelfs Major-general – Major generals 12. Letters, figures and other symbols are made plural by adding an apostrophe and s; asB. A. – B. A.’s five – five’s 4. Make plurals from these singular nouns. Also change the singular into possessive nouns using ’s. Singular Plural Possessive a. child children child’s b. woman women woman’s c. buffalo buffaloes buffalo’s d. mouse mice mouse’s e. house houses house’s f. wife wives wife’s g. bridge bridges bridge’s First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper

Singular h. glass i. boy j. baby k. church l. scarf m. party

Plural glasses boys babies churches scarves parties


Possessive glass’s boy’s baby’s church’s scarf’s party’s

Revision  A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing.  Nouns can be common, proper and collective.  Possessive nouns tell us who owns what.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper



Personal and Possessive Pronouns A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Example : My name is Rahul. I like going to school. Personal Pronoun: Personal pronouns are used in place of nouns that name people. The table below shows the personal pronouns in singular and plural form. Singular Plural Singular Plural I we me us you you him/her them he/she they it these/those/them

Let’s Do: 1. Read the passage given here. Underline the nouns and circle the pronouns. My friend will come tomorrow. I will pick him up from the railway station. He will stay with us for a week. Mom will cook something special for him. She will also take us out for a movie. I will play and study with him. We will have a good time together.

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns. a. Lisa likes cats. She feeds them. b. These flowers are for Lisa. Do you think she’ll like them. c. This tortoise is my pet. I take special care of it. d. Our teacher will take us to the museum. e. Rohit is scared of dinosaurs but he still wants to see them in the museum. f. They were late, so we had to wait for them. 2. Rewrite the second sentence in each pair of sentences. Replace the nouns/noun expressions with the correct pronouns. a. The thief stole the diamonds. The thief hid the diamonds carefully. He hid those carefully. b. The lady tried a coat. The lady liked the coat. She liked it. c. Akila planted a tree. Akila looked after tree. She looked after it. d. Bridges are built by engineers. Bridges are also maintained by engineers. These are also maintained by them. e. The woman visited her daughter. The woman had not seen her daughter for a month. She had not seen her for a month. First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


f. The detectives kept a watch on the thieves. The detectives captured the thieves. They captured them. g. My sister and I invited our friends. My sister and I chatted with our friends. We chatted with them. h. Daddy washes our car. Daddy makes the car shine. He makes it shine. i. Anura opened the box. After sometime, Anura closed the box. He closed it. j. The photographer showed his photographs. Then the photographer put his photographs up for an exhibition. He put them up for an exhibition.

Possessive pronoun Possessive Pronoun: Possessive pronouns stand for people or things who own something. Example: This computer is mine. The table below shows the possessive pronouns in singular and plural form. Singular Mine Yours his/hers/its

Plural ours yours theirs

 Possessive pronouns never come with an’ s. The short form of It is = It’s. Don’t confuses this with the possessive its. For example: It is my book = It’s my book. But The bird has a nest. Its nest is small. (No use of ’s) 1. Some students and a teacher are talking at the end of the day. Underline the possessive pronouns in their dialogues. Teacher


Suhas Sunil Rani

: : :



First Term-2014

Pack up, children, time to go home. Here's a pencil box. Is it yours, Suhas? Yes, it's mine. Thank you. But this book isn't mine. Is it yours, Sunil? No, it isn't mine. It's hers. No, that book is not mine. It's his, Hasan's. Komal, is this water bottle mine or yours? They look the same. It's not mine. It's hers. That one is yours. Mine is with me.


English 2nd Paper


2. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct possessive pronoun from the list here:

yours a. b. c. d. e. f.







A: I am confused. Is it our turn or theirs? B: It’s not their turn. It’s ours. I cannot see mom, but I know the voice is hers. I can recognize mom’s voice from a mile. I do not like my slippers. I like his. Don’t tell anyone the painting is mine. I made a complete mess of it. A: Is that your note book. B: No, that’s not mine. It’s yours. My parrot is very clever. It knows which cage is its.

Revision  Personal pronouns are used in place of nouns that name people.  Possessive pronouns are stands for people or things who owns something.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper



Positions of Adjectives Adjective: An adjective is a word which adds something to the meaning of a noun. It tells more about a noun or a pronoun. Example : Bangladesh is a beautiful country.

Exercise 1. Underline the adjectives in the passage below: That lovely house is ours. We have a small garden behind our house. There are some large trees and some pretty flower plants in our garden. There is a new supermarket our house. It’s so that even my younger brother can go and buy things from there. We generally get fresh vegetables and fish from the supermarket. 2. Complete this sentence about the function of adjectives in the above passage. Adjectives describe a person or thing. Give two examples of adjectives in two sentences. a. That lovely house is ours. b. There are some large trees and some pretty flowers plants in our garden. 3. Change the adjectives in the sentences to their opposites: a. The sky was bright. Answer : The sky was dark. b. The ugly cat has a long tail. Answer: The beautiful cat has a short tail. c. We met a fat dog in the narrow street. Answer: We met a thin dog in the wide street. d. The short tree has some pretty flowers. Answer: The long tree has some ugly flowers. e. This floor is wet and dirty. Answer: This floor is dry and clean. f. The small room was empty. Answer: The big room was full. g. These people are very hard-working. Answer: These people are very lazy. h. The boy was careless and wrote wrong answers. Answer: The boy was careful and wrote correct answers. First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Let’s Learn:  Adjective can come either before a noun or after a verb. Example: Adjective before a noun: honest man, large trees, younger brother Adjective after a verb: is honest, are large, is young Let’s Practise: 1. Complete the sentences by using adjectives before a noun or after a verb. Use the Adjectives given in the help box. final

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.




sweet tall



Chefs use sharp knives. Their knives are sharp. Sheila loves sweet apple. These apples are sweet. My father is a cheerful person. He is always cheerful. This is the final call for the passengers. This call is final. The night was very dark. We couldn’t see anything in the dark night. The traveler was quite old. In spite of his old age, he was very strong. We climbed on the tall camels. The camels were really tall. The fair woman suddenly turned into a magician. The magician was fair too.

Let’s Learn Adjectives are of different types. Some adjectives tell us about the size, shape and colour of noun. Example: I like that small, oval, brown table. Let’s Practise: 1. Correct the order of the adjectives in the given expressions: a. circular dark long room long, circular, dark, room b. black short cat short, black, cat c. white small puppies small, white, puppies d. yellow big round ball big, round, yellow, ball e. square brown small box small, square, brown, box 2. Put the adjectives in the correct order in each sentence: a. We met small, fair girls in the park. (fair / small) b. She lost her big, broad, yellow painting book. (yellow /broad /big) c. I bought small, round, green apples. (round/ small/ green) d. The clown was wearing a large, loose, pink costume. e. Madhu ties her hair with a long, red ribbon. (red / long) f. The chocolates I brought were thick, square, brown chocolates. (brown / square / thick) g. Do you like a long, dark day? (dark / long) Revision:  Adjectives are of different types. First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper



Helping Verbs  Helping verbs help the main verbs to form sentences.  Helping verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. There are a number of helping verbs. We can put them into six families. be-family have- family do- family am, is, are, was, were, has, have, had do, does, did be, being, been can-family shall-family will-family can, could shall, should will, would

Exercise 1. Circle the words that are not helping verbs in each row. a. Can, shall, say, will b. is, am, are, where c.

Were, at, being, be

d. been, what, am, should e.

do, did, shall, done


when, should, is, does

g. has, had, on, could h. will, can, shall, than i.

do, am, have, it


could, of, has, are

2. Notice the helping verbs in the sentences given below. Write PR for sentence in the present form and PA for sentence in the past form. a. I am feeling thirsty. PR b. We are going for a picnic. PR c. Mayank was sleeping when the doorbell rang. PA d. Sara can run faster then meera. PR e. Peter’s father has bought him a new bicycle. PR f. We had fun at the party last week. PA g. Shall we see a movie today? PR h. Do you come here often? PR First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper

i. j. k.


Sunny did not complete his painting. PA I will call you when I reach home. PR Would you answer the doorbell please? PR

Let’s Practise:


Read the puzzles and the answers given below. As you read, circle the

helping verbs. a.

How do elephants get wrinkled knees? From playing marbles.


Why does Rahul’s teacher think that he is a wonder child? She always wonders if he will ever learn anything.


What can happen if you jump into the Black sea? You can drown.


Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? Because he had no body to go with.


Which side of the chicken has the most feathers? The outside.


How do you stop an elephant from smelling? Tie a knot in his trunk.


Why did the dog wag its tail? Because no one would do it for him.

Revision:  Write the four things you know about helping verbs. 1. am, is, are, was, were, have etc. are helping verbs. 2. Helping verbs have two forms present and past. 3. Helping verbs help in forming sentence. 4. Helping verbs are used to tell the time.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Paragraph My School The name of my school is Cambrian School & College. It is one of the biggest and wellknown institutions in Dhaka. It is situated at Baridhara. The school starts at 9.00 am and ends at 2.00pm. There are about 1000 students and 100 teachers in my school. They are highly qualified and well-trained. They love us as their own children. The school offers all the courses of study and co-curricular activities for us. The result of our school is also very good. I love my school and respect my teachers.

Rainy Season In Bangladesh there are six seasons. Rainy season is one of those. In this season, the sky remains cloudy. It rains whole day. Street people run to get shelter from the rain. Some street children enjoy playing football in the rain. After rain people feel comfortable and the weather becomes fresh and cold. During rain, people face a lot of difficulties. Roads become dirty and slippery. People can not go to work, children cannot go to school. Children suffer from cold and cough. Sometimes heavy rain fall causes flood. The rainy season removes the heat of summer.

Discipline Discipline is a moral quality. It includes obedience to any system of rules. Man in society lives with many others. He can not do whatever he likes. If everybody does what he pleases, there will be disorder and chaos in society. In schools and colleges discipline is a necessary condition for learning. So, discipline among the students is the supreme need of the hour. Similarly, in a family the members should obey its head. In the playground a sportsman must obey the rules of the games and the decision of the captain of the team. For building our state of Bangladesh, discipline is essential. So discipline is essential for happiness and progress.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Application Write an application to your principal for leave of absence.

24 February, 2014

The Principal Cambrian School & College Baridhara, Dhaka-1212.

Subject : Seeking permission for leave of absence. Sir, I would like to inform you that due to having severe fever, I was not able to attend my classes from 18 February – 20 February, 2014. Therefore, I would be highly obliged if you kindly accept my leave of absence for those days.

Thanking you

Name : Class : Section : ID :

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Letter Write a letter to your friend telling about your school.

24 February, 2014

Dear X, How are you? I am fine. Last week I got your letter. Today I will tell you about my school. The name of our school is Cambrian School & College. It is one of the biggest and wellknown institutions in Dhaka. It is situated at Baridhara. The school starts at 9.00 am and ends at 2.00pm. There are about 1000 students and 100 teachers in our school. They are highly qualified and well-trained. They love us as their own children. The school offers all the courses of study and co-curricular activities for us. The result of our school is also very good. I love my school and respect my teachers. Give my regards to your parents and love to youngers.

With best wishes Your friend Y

Stamp From Y House # 145, Road-34 Niketon, Gulshan Dhaka-1212.

First Term-2014

To X House # 214, Road # 6/GA, Majar Road, Sylhet.


English 2nd Paper


Translation (Bangla to English)

Present Simple Tense  Present simple tense: Present simple tense is generally used for an action that is done regularly. Structure: Subject + Present form of verb + Object 1. Answer: The students are attentive. 2. Answer: Rina has a mirror. 3. Answer: My sister goes to school. 4. Answer: Ice floats on water. 5. Answer: He exercises in the field. 6. Answer: Man lives in society. 7. Answer: He works in a bank. 8. Answer: The cow lives on grass. 9. Answer: The earth moves around the sun. 10. Answer: Those are ripe mangoes.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Present Continuous Tense  Present Continuous Tense: Present Continuous Tense expresses an action that is happening now. Structure: Subject + am/is/are (Present form of verb) + ing + Object 1. Answer: Rubi is riding a cycle. 2. Answer: The bee is humming. 3. Answer: The boys are flying kite in the sky. 4. Answer: She is plucking flowers. 5. Answer: His grandfather is walking in the garden. 6. Answer: They are travelling from country to country. 7. Answer: Farmers are working in the field. 8. Answer: I am doing homework. 9. Answer: Boys are bathing in the river. 10. Answer: The sun is setting.

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Translate into Bangla 1.

Jamil Ahmed is from Bogra. He is a businessman. Mr. Ahmed’s wife is Parvin Ahmed. She is a banker. The name of their son is Abeer Ahmed and the daughter’s name is Farhana Ahmed. Answer: Rvwgj Avn‡g‡`i evwo e¸ovq| †m GKRb e¨emvqx| Rbve Rvwg‡ji ¯¿x cvifxb Avn‡g`| wZwb e¨vs‡K PvKzwi K‡ib| Zv‡`i †Q‡ji bvg Avexi Avn‡g` I †g‡qi bvg dvinvbv Avn‡g`|


Tania Salesperson Tania

: : :

Salesperson Answer: Zvwbqv we‡µZv Zvwbqv





: : :

Can I see the first book, please? Oh sure. Here you go. Oh! ....... It’s a book of maps. I like it. Please show me the second book. It’s about tourist places in Bangladesh. AbyMÖn K‡i Avwg wK cÖ_g eBwU †`L‡Z cvwi? Aeg¨B| GB wbb| In! ..... GwU †Zv GKwU gvbwP‡Îi eB| Avwg GwU cQ›` Kwi| AbMÖn K‡i wØZxq eBwU †`Lv‡Z cvi‡eb? GwU evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub ¯’vb m¤úwK©Z eB|

We went to Chittagong during the summer. On Friday, we started for Chittagong. On Saturday, we reached Chittagong. On Sunday, we went to Cox’s Bazar and played on the beach. Answer: MÖx‡®§i mgq Avgiv PÆMÖv‡gM wM‡qwQjvg| ïµev‡i Avgiv PÆMÖv‡gi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv ïiæ Kijvg| kwbev‡i Avgiv PÆMÖv‡g †cuŠQjvg| iweev‡i Avgiv K·evRv‡i †Mjvg Ges mgy`ª •mK‡Z †Ljvayjv Kijvg|

First Term-2014


English 2nd Paper


Comprehension Keeping Fit 1.

Complete the following sentences: a) Two things necessary to keep fit are eating well and physical activity. b) We will become over weight if we overeat. c) We should not watch all the time TV. d) We should drink plenty of water.


Say whether the sentences are true or false. Correct the false one. a) It is all right to eat a lot of fast food. (False) Answer: It is not all right to eat a lot of fast food. b) Many people want to stay fit. (True) c) An unfit person’s body and mind work well. (False) Answer: An unfit person’s body and mind do not work well. d) Different kinds of food have different kinds of food value. (True) e) We need not eat different types of food. (False) Answer: We need to eat different types of food.

A Present 1.

Answer the following questions: a)

b) c) d) e)

Was Ajay a young boy or an adult? Give two reasons for your answer. Answer: Ajay was a young boy. Because i) his father used to give him Rs. 10 a week as pocket money. ii) Ajay used to have a bank account. Where did Ajay deposit his money? Answer: Ajay deposited his money into his bank account. What was Ajay’s favourite pet? Answer: Ajay’s favourite pet was spider. What did Ajay’s mother love? Answer: Ajay’s mother loved jewellery. Did Ajay love his mother? Give two reasons for your answer. Answer: Yes, Ajay loved his mother. Becuase i) Ajay was saving money to buy a present for his mother. ii) he bought a brooch for his mother on Mother’s Day.

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Tick the correct meaning for each expression from the choice given: a)




looked and looked  saw here and there Answer: searched for brooch  a piece of jewellery Answer: a piece of jewellery wrap  brush Answer: cover save  collect Answer: collect

First Term-2014

 searched for

 a spider

 cover

 put a side


English 2nd Paper


Completing Simple Forms 1.

Suppose, you are eager to learn computer and for this reason you want to be a member of a computer club. Now fill the form up about yourself to become a member.

Cambrian Computer Club Baridhara, Dhaka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Name Class Date of birth Father’s name Mother’s name Address Contact No

: : : : : : :

Applicant’s Signature



Authorized Signature

Think you are a student of science and you want to become a member of school’s science club. For this fill up the form below.

Cambrian Science Club Baridhara, Dhaka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Name Class Date of birth Father’s name Mother’s name Present Address Contact No

: : : : : : :

Applicant’s Signature

First Term-2014


Authorized Signature


English 2nd Paper



Suppose, you want to be a member of your school debating club. Your teacher give you a form. Fill it out.

Cambrian Debating Club Baridhara, Dhaka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Name Class Date of birth Father’s name Mother’s name Address Contact No

: : : : : : :

Applicant’s Signature

First Term-2014


Authorized Signature


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