2. Fill in the blanks : 110=10 a) The brotherhood and cooperation within the nations is essential in making ______. b) Tripura people celebrate ______ in the New year. c) In primary school ______ % women are being employed as teacher. d) Democracy means ______ rule. e) They ______ if anyone tries to show affection to them. f) We should keep a ______ box in all of our homes. g) All people have the rights to have their own ______. h) Climate change causes the tendency of disaster to _________. i) There is one trained physician for every _______ number of people in Bangladesh. j) In many countries ______ is the main food. 3. Write the short answer of the following questions in your answer script: 1×10=10 a) When did Bangladesh get the membership of United Nations? b) What is Wangala? c) What are the elements of a country‟s economic development? d) How can a team leader be elected? e) Responsibilities are closely linked with what? f) Write your two human rights. g) Write the names of agricultural cash crops of Bangladesh. h) What is manpower? i) In what regions of Bangladesh is wheat mostly produced? j) Which children are called autistic children? 4. Answer any 8 questions including a & b. 58=40 a) Mon kheme this ethnic language do not have any written alphabet. Which minor race does speak in this language? Describe about their social system. b) Describe the activities of the General Assembly of United Nations. c) How did ordinary people participate in the liberation war? d) Describe the festivals of Tripura. e) Briefly write about the contribution of Begum Roquia in women‟s education. f) Why should the members of the society be democratic g) Do you follow the safety rules in the roads. If not then write what should be done? h) What should we do to protect human rights? i) What damages are caused due to climate change? j) Why did the Battle of Palashi take place? What was the result of this battle?
Set-7 Primary Education Completion Examination-2013 Model Test Subject: Bangladesh & Global Studies Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Full Marks: 100 [The marks in the right margin indicate full marks] 1. Write the correct answer in your answer script: 1×40=40 1) What is the percentage of contribution of industries in the national income of Bangladesh? a. 20% b. 25% c. 30% d. 35% 2) What was dropped in Japan during the second world war? a. Fire bombs b. Nuclear bombs c. Bombs d. Chemical bombs 3) During the liberation war whole Bangladesh was divided into how many sectors? a. 11sectors b. 12sectors c. 13sectors d.10 sectors 4) What type of country is Bangladesh? a. Democratic b. Non-democratic c. Socialism d. Republic 5) Who was Begum Roquia? a. Political leader b. Pioneer of women‟s liberation movement c. Social worker d. House wife 6) Why did Syed Nazrul Islam perform the responsibilities of the President of temporary Government of Bangladesh? a. Because Bangabandhu was being held captive at a jail b. To conduct the liberation war c. To lead the language movement d. To lead the mass upsurge 7) When did the Mass upsurge take place? a. In 1952 b. In 1966 c. In 1969 d. In 1970 8) When did the Battle of Palashi happen? a. 1st January, 1755 b. 30th October 1756 rd c. 23 June, 1756 d. 23rd June, 1757 9) In which king‟s period „Shompur Mahabihar‟ was huilt? a. Gopal b. Devpal c. Dharmapal d. Mahipal 10) What is the main objective of the United Nation? a. Ensuring peace in the world b. Children‟s development c. Economic development d. Development of Trade and Commerce
11) Whose duty is it to conduct and coordinate the development projects of different countries? a. UNDP b. FAO c. UNESCO d. World Bank 12) For whom does UNICEF work? a. For everyone b. For women c. For children d. For men 13) How many member countries are there in UN at present? a. 191 countries b. 180 countries c. 193 countries d. 190 countries 14) Which minor race is known as „achikmandi‟? a. Mro b. Garo c. Tripura d. Oraon 15) What religion does the Mro Society generally follow? a. Christian b. Orthodox c. Sansarek d. Buddhism 16) What indigenous group lives in Mymensingh, Netrokona, Tangail and Jamalpur? a. Marma b. Shaontals c. Garo d. Khasi 17) What kind of dress do the khasi women wear? a. Blouse and Laifanek b. Lungi and blouse c. Shari and blouse d. Fanek and blouse 18) What is in the core of a country‟s development? a. Government b. Environment c. Population d. Geographic condition 19) Usually who do the job of cleaning the house, looking after younger siblings, helping mother to cook? a. Son b. Daughter c. Son and daughter d. Elders 20) For what Begum Rokeya worked hard in her whole life? a. For the literature b. For the expansion of female education c. To stop child marriage d. To stop polygamy 21) Every hour how many woman are being victim of violence in Bangladesh? a. Three b. Four c. One d. Five 22) What is basis of taking decisions in democratic system? a. One‟s opinion b. Opinion of team leader c. Opinions of 2-3 persons d. Opinions of majority 23) What is the meaning of democracy? a. Rule of the family b. Rules of one person c. Rules of a political party d. Rules of people 24) What of the following developed if we express our opinion at home? a. Self opinion b. Political keenners c. Democratic attitude d. Independence 25) Who is the owner of all power in democratic ruling system? a. The president b. The prime minister c. The people d. The government 26) How do the autistic friends behave? a. Play with everybody b. Become everybody‟s friends c. Stays calm with self overwhelmed d. Always get along with everyone
27) Which is a characteristic of an autistic friend? a. Sometimes they becomes too excited by hearing normal sound b. Behaves good with everyone c. Likes to hear everyone talking d. Keeps their things tidy. 28) What is Human Right? a. Rights of the people in lower class b. Rights as human c. Children‟s rights d. Rights of the people in upper class 29) Which is a negligence of our duties towards the society? a. Following the rules b. Protecting wealth c. Cooperating others d. The harm others 30) What we should not do while moving on the road? a. Using Zebra-crossing b. Using over bridge c. Using the footpaths d. Walking in the middle of the roads 31) Whom should we respect? a. Rich people b. Elderly c. Government service holder d. Younger people 32) Which is not citizen‟s duty? a. Pay tax b. Cast vote c. Abide by the laws d. Disobey the laws 33) Which of the following is not a characteristic of Autistic children? a. They are sensitive to light, sound, speed, touch, smell or taste b. They utter same words again and again c. They do same works repetitively d. They can talk normally 34) Which is a violation of human rights? a. Providing security b. Able to follow religion c. Equal rights for all d. Not providing chance for education 35) On which date „The Universal Declaration of Human Rights‟ was accepted in the UNO‟s General Assembly? a. On 10th August 1947 b. On 10th December, 1948 st c. On 21 February 1950 d. On 21st February 1952 36) Which one is our basic need? a. Marriage b. social activities c. Politics d. Health care 37) By which year 20% of Bangladesh may go under water? a. 2020 b. 2030 c. 2040 d. 2050 38) What happens because of dry weather and insufficient rainfall? a. Flood b. Drought c. River erosion d. Earthquake 39) Which is the main national food crop of Bangladesh? a. Paddy b. Wheat c. Maize d. Potato 40) Which country produces the largest amount of jute? a. India b. China c. Bangladesh d. Nepal