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Fill in the blanks : 1×10 = 10 a) A __________ was formed by merging of Muktibahini and Mitrabahini on 21st November of 1971. b) People became conscious because of advanced education and ____________. c) There is a beautiful _________ named Kumud Koli in Ahsan Manzil. d) There is economic _________ in the exports and imports of Bangladesh. e) Human resource is a country‟s ___________. f) Stay completely _________ during earthquake . g) Violation of human right is a ________ task. h) We should walk on _________ instead of walking in the middle of the road. i) Sometimes they get ________ by normal sounds too. j) Democracy is the main principle of ruling our _______. 3. Write the short answer of the following questions in your answer script: 1×10=10 a) Who were the members of Mujibnagar Government? b) Who was the last independent Nawab of Bengal? c) Where is Mahasthangar located? d) Write the names of main industries of Bangladesh. e) What are the disaster prone areas of Bangladesh? f) Who formed the Muktibahini? g) What should we do to establish human rights? h) Who do not respond when they are called by their names? i) Who is called the pioneer of women‟s liberation movement? j) How many permanent members are there in United Nations? 4. Answer any 8 questions including ‘a’ and ‘b’: 5×8 = 40 a) Describe any one of the activities that violate human rights. b) Why we will have to keep a first aid box in our house? c) Distinguish between the objectives of SAARC and United Nation. d) Describe the festivals of Tripura. e) What are the main reasons of violence against women? f) As a citizen of Bangladesh why do we need to have democratic attitudes? g) How can we detect the autistic children? h) How should we move in the roads to stay safe? i) What should we do to protect human rights? j) What points should we remember in managing earthquakes?

Set-8 Primary Education Completion Examination-2013 Model Test Subject: Bangladesh & Global Studies Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Full Marks: 100 [The marks in the right margin indicate full marks] 1. Write the correct answer in your answer script: 1×40=40 1) Where is Bangladesh‟s folklore museum located? a. Paharpur b. Moynamoti c. Wari-Bateshwar d. Sonargaon 2) On Which date do we observe Shahid Buddhijibl Dibosh? a. 7th March b. 26th March c. 17th April d. 14th December 3) What happened in the year 1905? a. Sipahi mutiny b. Division of Bengal c. Division of India d. Fakir-Sannyasi mutiny 4) Who was involved in renaissance? a. Khudiram b. Chittaranjan Das c. Titumir d. Ishwarchandra Bidyasagar 5) What was found within few kilometers around Wari-Bateshwar? a. Printed currency b. Terracotta plates c. Shields of steel d. Brass utensils 6) Who was the president of Mujibnagar government? a. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman b. Syed Nazrul Islam c. Tajuddin Ahmed d. Maulana Bhashani 7) Which country produces the largest amount of jute? a. India b. China c. Bangladesh d. Nepal 8) What is the percentage of contribution of industries in the national income of Bangladesh? a. 20% b. 25% c. 30% d. 35% 9) How many elements are there for economic development of the country? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 10) What quantity of food deficit is there in Bangladesh every year? a. Almost 2.5 million b. Almost 2.4 million c. Almost 2.6 million d. Almost 2 million 11) What happens because of dry weather and insufficient rainfall? a. Flood b. Drought c. River erosion d. Earthquake 12) Scarcity of which causes drought? a. Air b. Water c. Livestock d. Crops

13) In which year did United Nations approve „The Universal Declaration of Human Rights? a. 1940 b. 1945 c. 1948 d. 1950 14) Whose responsibility is it to implement human right? a. Family and state b. Family and society c. State and society d. Family, society and state 15) In our country people of which age can cast votes? a. 18 b. 20 c. 22 d. 24 16) What kind of citizen is needed for the development of country? a. Educated b. Illiterate c. Businessman d. Political leader 17) Which is a characteristic of an autistic friend? a. Sometimes they becomes too excited by hearing normal sound b. Behaves good with everyone c. Likes to war everyone talking d. Keeps their things tidy 18) What is autism? a. One kind of disease b. Blindness c. A developmental problem d. An environmental problem 19) What is the meaning of democracy? a. Rule of the family b. Rules of one person c. Rules of a political party d. Rules of people 20) Where should we practice democratic behavior? a. Home b. School c. Classroom d. Everywhere 21) What is the name of the school founded by Begum Roquia? a. Sakhawat Girls‟ school b. Sakhawat Memorial Girls‟ school c. Sakhawat Memorial school d. Begum Roquia Girls‟ school 22) Since which year did International Women‟s Day being observed? a. 1910 b. 1920 c. 1930 d. 1940 23) What religion does the Mro society generally follow? a. Christian b. Orthodox c. Sansarek d. Buddhism 24) Which is the main attraction of „Boishu‟ festival? a. „Ghoroya Nrity‟ b. „Faguwa‟ c. „Wangala‟ d. „ker‟ 25) Which organization‟s target is to improve the living standards of the member nations? a. United Nations b. SAARC c. UNICEF d. UNESCO 26) Which section of United Nations does the administrative work? a. The Greral Assembly b. The Trusteeship Council c. The Secretariat d. The Security Council 27) How did we achieve our country? a. Through Liberation War b. Through UN c. By India d. Through Non-cooperation Movement

28) Who was the undisputed leader of the Liberation War? a. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman b. Ziaur Rahman c. Ataul Goni Osmani d. Maulana Bhashani 29) How many people took refuge in India during the liberation war? a. .01 million b. 06 million c. 8.3 million d. More than 10 million 30) „A‟ named country may go under water 20% areas within 2050 year. Which country is indicated here? a. India b. Bangladesh c. Pakistan d. Nepal 31) Ramin‟s younger brother get excited when Ramin wants to take away his toy.His behavior is similar with whom? a. Sick child b. Autistic child c. Normal child d. Restless child 32) By hearing which slogan, the Pakistani invaders used to get very scared? a. „Joy Bangla‟ b. „Bangladesh Jindabad‟ c. „Joy Bongobondhu‟ d. „Bangladesh Bangladesh‟ 33) Rahim‟s team was lost because of Rahim‟s betrayal. His attitude was like whom? a. Lord Dalhousi b. Mir Zafar c. Alibardi Khan d. Mohan Lal 34) Which disaster occurs due to both various human activities and natural causes? a. River bank erosion b. Flood c. Drought d. Earthquake 35) At present how much rice is extracted from paddy in every year in Bangladesh? a. 2.5million metric tons b. 3.4 crore metric tons c. 4 crore metric tons d. 1 million metric tons 36) 80% people are depended on agriculture in Rahim‟s country. He is the inhabitant of which country? a. Bangladesh b. India c. Pakistan d. Nepal 37) Which one is the main cause of climate change? a. Population growth b. Natural disaster c. Set up industries d. Various human activities 38) In a locality people cannot live freely for the panic of terrorists. In your opinion, it violatesa. Fundamental rights b. Human rights c. Economical rights d. Social rights 39) Chairs and tables of your home are related with what industry? a. Jute industry b. Leather industry c. Wood industry d. Silk industry 40) A war make frightened people of all the states. What was the name of that war? a. First World War b. World War II c. War of Afghanistan d. War of Iraq

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