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Primary Education Completion Examination-2013 Model Test Subject: Mathematics

Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Total marks: 100

[N.B: Figures in the right side indicate full marks of the questions. Answer any 10 including questions No. 1, 2, 3 and 13.] 1. Write the correct answer in your answer script: 1×10=10 i) The price of 1 pencils is 6 taka, what is the price of 5 pencils? (a) 10 taka (b) 25 taka (c) 20 taka (d) 30 taka ii) How many factors are there in 36? (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 12 iii) Which one is not prime number? (a) 13 (b) 19 (c) 25 (d) 29 iv) ( x ÷ 4) + 2 = 14, What is the value of ‘x’? (a) 24 (b) 36 (c) 48 (d) 72 v) How many prime factor of 18, 24 and 30? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 vi) Which one is improper fraction? 5 7 7 5 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a) 3 vii) 87.67 × 10 = ? (a) 8767 (b) 8.767 (c) .8767 (d) 876.7 viii) Which one is the common fraction of 18%? 18 9 3 36 (b) 50 (c) 50 (d) 25 (a) 200 ix) 1 metric ton = how many kg? (a) 10 kg (b) 100 kg (c) 500 kg (d) 1000 kg x) What is called the quadrilateral of which adjacent sides are not equal but each angles are right angle? (a) Rhombus (b) Parallelogram (c) Square (d) Rectangle. 2. Answer in short: 1×10=10 (a) What is to be found to divide the product by multiplicand? (b) For consuming a given amount food, if the number of consumer be less, then what will be the number of days? (c) Average × Number of quantities = What? (d) If there is no prime factors between two numbers then what is G.C.D? 3 (e) 4 ÷ 5 = What? (f) If more than one fractions have same numerator then which one is greatest? (g) 7 × 0.7 × 0.007 × 7000 = What? (h) What is interest?

(i) When time is measured 7 hours 15 minutes at morning in local system, what is its measure in International system? (j) If the measure of one angle of a parallelogram is 600 then what is the measure of its opposite angle? 3. The price of 40 hali is 12 80 taka. 2×5=10 (a) 1 hali equal how many? (b) Which operation to be applied with 1280 by 40 to find out the cost of 1 hali banana? (c) What is the cost of 1 dozen banana? (d) Find the cost of 10 hali banana. (e) What is the difference between the cost of 1 dozen banana and the cost of one hali banana? 4. 16 persons need 56 kg of rice in 1 week. How much rice will be needed by 24 persons in four weeks? 10 5. Out of eleven numbers the average of first six numbers is 87 and the average of the last five numbers is 131. What is the average of all the numbers? 10 6. 7 added to which smallest number will make the sum exactly divisible by 15, 18, 20, 24 and 32? 10 3 7. 84 dozen of bananas were divided equally among 21 persons. How many bananas did every one get? 10 8. Urmi and Moumi respectively took 0.5 portion and 0.4 portion of one kuri of lychees. How many lychees did each get? 10 9. Interest for how many years on 300 taka at 5% per annum will be 60 taka? 10 10. The measure of the base and height of a triangular land are 560 metre and 300 metre. Express its area in hectares. 10 11. According to the International system, Bangladesh Biman leaves for Kolkata at 20 hour. At what time in the evening does Biman leave? 10 12. The distance by road of five cities from Dhaka (in nearest multiples of ten kilometre are given below. Draw a bar graph based on the data. 10 City












13. (a) Draw a parallelogram whose two adjacent sides have length 5cm and 3cm. Measure each pair of opposite angles of it. 4 (b) Define the following with diagram (any two): 3×2=6 (i) Rectangle (ii) Quadrilateral (iii) Rhombus

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