2. Fill in the blanks: 110=10 a) The southern region of our country can be ______ due to the climate change. b) _____ is one of the non-renewable natural resources of our country that is exhausting quickly. c) The impact of over population has effect upon ______ d) _______ is needed for the survival of all plants and animals. e) Water turns into _______ by the heat of sun. f) Patients with problems of respiration are given ______ from a cylinder. g) Heat changes ______ of matter. h) In chill condition ______ cannot grow in food. i) All sources of water is not ______. J) A large number of galaxies and the spaces among them make _____. 3. Write down the short answer of the following questions in your answer script: 110=10 a) What is called polluted water? b) Write the names of five kinds of energy. c) What is junk food? d) When does aedes mosquito bite? e) What is the reason for change the season? f) What is called population census? g) What are the greenhouse gases? h) When do we see the Kalboishakhi? i) What are the names of the output devices of a computer? j) What are the three ages of agricultural technology? 4. Including a and b answer any 8 of the following questions: 58=40 a) Write down the proper uses of energy. b) Write down the causes of environmental pollution. c) How will you prove that there are always some water vapours in air? d) What is optimum food? Discuss the importance of taking optimum food. e) What is adolescence? What changes happen during this period? f) Prove the relationship of science and technology with examples. g) Why is there more rain fall in rainy season in Bangladesh? h) How the earth is compared to the greenhouses? i) What is solar panel? Describe in brief. j) What measures can be taken to convert population to human resources?
Primary Education completion Examination-2013 Model TestSubject: Elementary Science Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Full marks: 100 1. Write the correct answer in answer script: 140=40 (1) Which disease is caused by culex mosquito? a) Elephantiasis b) Tuberculosis c) Pox d) Measles (2) What is the angle that the earth make with its orbit or line of path? a) 65 degree b) 66 degree c) 67 degree d) 68 degree (3) How many stages the progress of agricultural technology may be divided into? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 (4) Which one of the following is the main area of the modern Technology? a) Medical technology b) Agricultural Technology c) Communication Technology d) Information Technology (5) Which one is the biggest? a) Earth b) Sun c) Solar system d) Universe (6) Which one play a main role on the development of information technology? a) Computer b) Internet c) Mobile d) Television (7) Where is the main difference between weather and climate? a) In Temperature b) In flow of air c) In Rain d) In Time (8) Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas? a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Hydrogen d) Water vapour (9) Which one is a nonrenewable natural resource? a) Plants b) birds and animals c) Air d) Cool (10) Population could be converted into which by proper training in science and technology? a) In resources b) careless c) jobless d) Natural resources (11) Which one is right for the food chain? a) Grasshopper Grasses Snakes Frog b) FrogGrasshopperGrassesSakes c) Snakes Grasshopper Grasses Frog d) Grasses Grasshopper FrogSnakes (12) What is needed to increase the motion of car? a) Energy b) the capacity of engine c) Petrol d) Good road
(13) Which experiment can be done by the using of a globe and a candle? a) Season change b) Day-night change c) Tide d) Timing (14) Now a days which one of the following machine is used more in the Hospital? a) Telescope b) Barometer c) ECG d) Projector (15) Which one is the main cause to increase the carbon dioxide in the air? a) To burn natural gas in mills and factories b) Black smoke comes out from the vehicles c) Oil comes out from the water vehicles d) Deforestation (16) Which one of the following the chlorophylls of green leaves help? a) Food production b) Reproduction c) Respiration d) Pollination (17) Which is the main reason of air, water and soil pollution? a) Open latrine upon a water-body b) Wastes from industry c) Use of vehicle d) Meet the demand of population increase (18) Which one is the natural cause of water pollution? a) Pollution by Arsenic b) Pollution by insecticide c) Pollution by industrial wastes d) Pollution by germs (19) Which one is a poisonous gas? a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Carbon monoxide (20) Which one of the following is a Junk food? a) Potato mesh b) Bread c) Potato chips d) Parata (21) Measles, Pox etc) can spread througha) Water b) Air c) Mosquito d) Food (22) Which one is correct? a) Moon is a star b) Moon is a satellite c) Moon is a planet d) Moon is a meteor (23) In which state does water found on the top of the mountain? a) Water b) Water vapour c) dew d) ice (24) Which gas is used in the packet of chips? a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Water vapour (25) Which one of the following is the symptom for swine flu? a) Running nose b) Increase of appetite c) Sweating d) Body itching (26) When an animal dies it is disintegrated into the soil and enrich itsa) Destroy the action of organic substances in soil b) Decrease the energy of soil c) Increase the fertility of the soil d) Destroy the whole action of the soil
(27) Which one of the following is caused by sound pollution? a) Damage to aquatic animals b) Financial problem c) Increase of population d) Mental problem (28) What will happen if we play the mike in high volume? a) Soil pollution b) Air pollution c) Sound pollution d) Water pollution (29) Which harmful toxin is mixed in the tube well water of our country? a) Arsenic b) Hydrogen c) Iron d) Chlorine (30) Which one makes the rain water acidic? a) Carbon dioxide b) Salphur dioxide c) Carbon monoxide d) Per oxide (31) Which bubles come out from the bottle of soft drink? a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon monoxide d) Carbon dioxide (32) Which one of the following is corrects? a) There is no relation between technology and science b) Science and technology are the same c) Science and technology are related d) Science is not needed for technology (33) When did the greatest revolution occur in agriculture? a) During the start of the twentieth century b) During the end of the twentieth century c) During the start of the nineteenth century d) During the end of the nineteenth century (34) Invention of which things man has freed from much of the memorization? a) Surgam b) Printer c) Letters d) Printing press (35) What do you mean by collect and process information? a) Mechanical Technology b) Information technology c) Sound technology d) Electrical technology (36) Which one of the following is preserved by sun- drying? a) Fruits b) Ghee c) Morobba d) Carrot (37) Which one is the vaccine of tuberculosis? a) Penicillin b) BCG c) Saline d) Bacteria (38) Which one of the following age is called adolescence? a) 5-10 years b) 7-12 years c) 10-15 years d) 10-19 years (39) How many times does the earth take to rotate upon its axis? a) 365 days b) 365 das 6 hours c) 24 hours d) 48 hours (40) In which path does the earth moves round the sun? a) Circular b) Elliptical c) Straight d) Cyclic