First Term- 2014 Class- I Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Prepared By : Noor-E-Shobnom Fatema Afros
Name: ........................................................................ Class: ......................................................................... ID No. ........................................................................
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- One My Personal Diary
A. Write the correct answer: 1. What is your country’s name? a) Dhaka
b) Bangladesh
c) Asia
d) Japan
Answer: Bangladesh 2. Where do you live? a) Khulna
b) Barisal
c) Bogra
d) Dhaka
Answer: Dhaka B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. I am _____. 2. I am a _____. 3. I am _____ years old. 4. My mother’s name is _____. 5. My father’s name is _____.
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. What is your name? Answer: 2. What is your father’s name? Answer: 3. What is your mother’s name? Answer: 4. What does your father do? Answer: 5. What does your mother do? Answer: 6. How many sister do you have? Answer: 7. How many brother do you have? Answer: 8. Where do you live? Answer: D. Write the answer of the following question in short: 1. Write about yourself. Answer: I am _______. I am six years old. I read in class one. I study in Cambrian School and College. I live in Dhaka. Page-2
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Two Our Family A. Write the correct answer: 1. A family is the ____ human group. a) big b) middle c) smallest d) bigger Answer: smallest 2. Where do we live in? a) in a family c) on the hill
b) in jungle d) on the tree
Answer: in family 3. What kind of family does Anika has? a) big b) bigger c) large d) small Answer: large 4. How many kinds of family are there? a) two b) three c) four d) five Answer: two 5. What should we do for the youngers? a) guide them b) rebuke them c) love them d) teach them Answer: love them
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
6. Whom do we respect and obey? a) parents b) servants c) beggar d) outsiders Answer: parents 7. We should _____ of our family members. a) love b) respect c) teach d) take care Answer: take care B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
We live in a family. We should take care of our family members. We must obey our parents and respect the elders. I live in a small family. We all love each other in a family.
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. How many kinds of family are there? Answer: Two. 2. Who are the members of a small family? Answer: Parents and children. 3. What kind of family does Anika live in? Answer: Large family. Page-4
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
4. What should we do to the youngers? Answer: Love. 5. What should we do to our family members? Answer: Take care. D. Write the answer of the following question in short: 1. Who are the members of Anika’s family? Answer: Anika lives in a large family. She has father, mother, sister, brother, grandparents, uncle, aunt and one little cousin. 2. What do you mean by family? Answer: A family is the smallest human group where father and mother live together along with their children.
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Three Duties in a family A. Write the correct answer: 1. Where you keep your dress? a) on roof b) in kitchen c) at right place d) at varenda Answer: at right place 2. I help my mother in the ___. a) class room b) in the kitchen c) dining room d) washing room Answer: dining room 3. Where you keep the dirty things? a) in the waste basket b) in the bathroom c) in the kitchen d) in the almirah Answer: in the waste basket 4. Where do Rijon and Kanta live? a) in city b) in town c) in holly area d) in a village Answer: in a village 5. Rijon and Kanta take care of their– a) ducks, hens, chicks b) cats, dogs c) toys, birds d) cows, goats Answer: ducks, hens, chicks Page-6
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
6. They collect and count the– a) hens
b) ducks
c) eggs
d) dogs
Answer: eggs 7. I clean my– a) room
b) yard
c) bathroom
d) kitchen
Answer: room 8. Rijon and Kanta clean their own– a) room
b) table
c) bed
d) yard
And: yard 9. Where Rijon and Kanta keep the wastes? a) everywhere
b) selected place
c) kitchen
d) yard
Answer: selected place B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. I keep my dress at the right place. 2. I clean my room. 3. They give food to their ducks, hens and chicks. 4. They take care of their ducks, hens and chicks. 5. They clean their own yard. Page-7
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. Where do Rijon and Kanta live? Answer: In village. 2. Who take care of the ducks and hens? Answer: Rijon and Kanta. 3. Where do Rinjon and Kanta keep their house hold wastes? Answer: At selected place. 4. Where do Rijon and Kanta keep the dirty things. Answer: In waste basket. D. Write the answer of the following question in short: 1. Describe Rijon and Kanta’s daily activities. Answer: Rijon and Kanta help their parents, clean their own room and yard and take of their ducks, hens and chicks.
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Four Home: Sweet home A. Write the correct answer: 1. The place where we live is called– a) house b) kennel c) home d) shelter Answer: home. 2. Which one keeps us safe? a) friends c) neighbors
b) classmate d) home
Answer: home. 3. Which one protects us from sun, rain and cold? a) parent b) friend c) home d) class mate Answer: home. 4. Which one is our fixed living place? a) shop b) school c) yard d) home Answer: home. B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. Home gives us shelter. 2. We feel proud of our sweet home. 3. Home is our fixed living place. Page-9
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Home protects us from sun, rain and cold. We keep our home neat and clean. It is very sweet for us. It keeps us safe. We love our home.
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. What is called the place where we live in? Answer: Home. 2. Which one is our fixed living place? Answer: Home. 3. Which one protects us from sun, rain and cold? Answer: Home. D. Give the answer of the following question in short: 1. Where do we live? Answer: We live in a home. 2. What is our home? Answer: The place where we live in is our home. 3. From which our home protects us? Answer: Our home protects us from sun, rain and cold. 4. What gives us shelter? Answer: Our home gives us shelter. 5. Do you feel proud of your home? Answer: Yes, we feel proud of our sweet home. Page-10
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Five Our Environment A. Write the correct answer: 1. Do we have plants and animals in our environment? a) few b) no c) yes d) some Answer: yes. 2. Should we always keep our environment healthy? a) yes b) no c) sometime d) not at all Answer: yes 3. Is our school a part of our environment? a) no b) not at all c) yes d) sometime Answer: yes. 4. Do everything around us exist in our environment– a) some b) few c) yes d) no Answer: yes. 5. Are the Sun and the Moon part of our social environment? a) sometime b) not always c) no d) yes Answer: no. Page-11
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
We should always keep our environment healthy. There are two kinds of environment. Soil and water make up our natural environment. Roads and people around us make up our social environment. In one sense, we, our family and things around us is our environment.
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. Is the Sun part of our natural environment? Answer: Yes. 2. Is the Moon part of our social environment? Answer: No. 3. How many kinds of environment are there? Answer: Two. D. Write the answer of the following questions: 1. What is environment? Answer: We, our family and things around us is our environment. 2. What are included in our natural environment? Answer: Plants and animals, Sun and Moon, hills and mountains, soil and water are part of our natural environment. 3. What is social environment? Answer: House, school, college, playground, road and people around us make up our social environment. Page-12
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Six Our Neighbour A. Write the correct answer: 1. The person who live next door or near us is our– a) worker b) neighbour c) teacher d) carpenter Answer: neighbour. 2. What kind of animals are we? a) environmental animals b) cave man c) ethnic people d) social beings Answer: social beings 3. Who are our closest friends? a) servants b) neighbours c) class-mate d) college Answer: neighbours 4. With whom we share our joys and sorrows? a) class-mate b) relatives c) neighbours d) servants Answer: neighbours B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. We are social beings. 2. We can not live alone. 3. We play with one another. 4. We share joys and sorrows with our neighbours. 5. We should keep good relation with our neighbours. Page-13
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
C. Write the answer of the following questions in one word: 1. What is called the person who lives near us? Answer: Neighbour. 2. With whom we share our joys and sorrows? Answer: Neighbour. D. Write the answer of the following questions: 1. Who are our neighbours? Answer: A person who lives next door or near us is our neighbour. 2. Why are neighbours our closest friends? Answer: Our neighbours live near us. They share our joys and sorrows. So our neighbours are our closest friends. 3. What do we do with them? Answer: We share our joys and sorrows with our neighbours. 4. What is our duty towards them? Answer: Our duty is to keep good relation with our neighbours. 5. Who is your favourite neighbour? What do you do with him/ her? Answer: Our favourite neighbour is ______. I love him/her very much.
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
Lesson- Seven Our School A. Write the correct answer: 1. What is the name of the learning place for students? a) home b) kitchen c) school d) road Answer: school 2. Who teaches us in school? a) mother b) sister c) brother d) teacher Answer: teacher B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. There is a playground in our school. 2. My classroom is very beautiful. C. Write the answer of the following questions in a word. 1. What is the name of your school? Answer: Cambrian School and College. 2. Who teaches us in school? Answer: Teacher. Page-15
Subject- An Introduction to Environment Social Studies
D. Write the answer of the following questions: 1. What is a school? Answer: A school is a place where teachers help us in our learning. 2. When do you go to school? Answer: I go to school at 8.30 am. 3. Write about your classroom. Answer: Our classroom is very beautiful. It is well decorated. I love my classroom. 4. Who is your favourite teacher? Answer: _______________ is my favourite teacher. 5. Write about your school library? Answer: We have a library in our school. It has lots of book. I like to read books there.