1 minute read
a Digit sum = 21
Yes, 54 327 is divisible by 3 by 3. b 146 6 18 8 ) rem. 2
No, 765 146 is not divisible by 8
Check whether the last three digits are divisible by 8.
Now you try
Determine whether or not the following calculations are possible without leaving a remainder. Give a reason why or why not.
Example 7 Testing for divisibility
Carry out divisibility tests on the given number and fill in the table with ticks or crosses.
48 569 412 is an even number and therefore is divisible by 2 48 569 412 has a digit sum of 39 and therefore is divisible by 3, but not by 9 48 569 412 is divisible by 2 and 3; therefore it is divisible by 6
The last two digits are 12, which is divisible by 4.
The last three digits are 412, which is not divisible by 8.
The last digit is a 2 and therefore is not divisible by 5 or 10.
Now you try
Carry out divisibility tests on the number 726 750 to decide which of the following numbers it is divisible by: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.