English cambridge.edu.au/education
2019-20 Resource Directory Forthcoming and established textbook and reference titles from Cambridge University Press
Contents 1
Digital components
Australian Curriculum
Queensland Essential English
Study Guides
Anthology & Chaucer
Poetry & Reference
IB Diploma & Drama
Pricing The prices contained in this catalogue are stated in Australian dollars. They are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change without notice. Prices and purchasing information are available on the order form included with this catalogue. Alternatively, you may contact customer service on freephone 1800 005 210 or visit our website. cambridge.edu.au/education
Digital components As digital education rapidly evolves, we aim to support students and teachers with innovative resources that genuinely
These digital components are available for selected titles, as indicated by icons in the resource directory. cambridge.edu.au/go
Interactive Online Resource
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
The online version of the student text delivers
Digital Toolkit
Teacher Resource App Vodcast Teacher CD-ROM The Interactive Online Resource delivers a host Package
Cambridge HOTMaths
a host of interactive features to enhance the
of interactive features to enhance the teaching
teaching and learning experience. It is accessed
and learning experience, and when connected
online through Cambridge GO using a unique
to a class teacher account offers a powerful
16-character code supplied on purchase. The
Learning Management System. The Interactive
Interactive Textbook is provided with the printed
Online Resource is a digital-only product, but
text, or is available for purchase separately as a
may include some print-ready downloadable
digital-only option.
resources. It is accessed online through
Print Teacher Resource
Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code
Offline Textbook
supplied on purchase.
The downloadable offline version of the student
Interactive Online Resource: Teacher Edition
text enables students to take notes and bookmark pages. It is downloaded from Cambridge GO using the unique 16-character code used to access
The Interactive Online Teacher Edition combines
the Interactive Textbook.
the Interactive Online Resource for students with a powerful Learning Management System which
Electronic Workbook Electronic Workbook
The downloadable PDF ofCambridge the student Print Toolkit Digitalversion Toolkit HOTMaths workbook enables students to take notes and bookmark pages. It is downloaded from Cambridge GO using the unique 16-character code that is available for purchase separately.
enables you to track student work, mark openended questions (sample responses provided) Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
and run reports. The suite also includes a test
generator with a question bank for you to create and assign tests. The Teacher Edition is accessed through a Cambridge GO teacher account using the unique 16-character code supplied on purchase, or by your Cambridge Education Resource Consultant.
Audio CD
Audio CD
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Resource Directory
harness the power of technology for teaching and learning.
Your print option covering English skills
Australian Curriculum
Essential English Skills
A multilevel approach to developing key language and literacy skills for every student. •
The multilevel approach to key language and literacy skills caters to the different learning abilities in the classroom and assists teachers in matching tasks to the skill of their students. Three levels of carefully
Second Edition
graded questions (Test yourself, Extend yourself and Challenge yourself) give every student an achievable starting point and the opportunity to enhance their skills.
Anne-Marie Brownhill, Deborah Simpson, Alison Rucco & Sonya Stoneman
Text extracts and examples of classic and popular texts provide the very best support for today’s students, while covering the requirements of the Australian Curriculum and the cross-curricula priorities.
Year 7 978-1-316-60766-4 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Fully integrated tech challenges and online tasks encourage students to explore the impact of Teacher Resource Package
Year 8 978-1-316-60767-1
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
development. Each workbook includes a dedicated Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
introduction to ICT in the classroom (“Using Digital
Year 9 978-1-316-60768-8 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Technology for English skills”) suggesting applications Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
that can be used with the workbook.
Year 10 978-1-316-60769-5
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Published 2016 Years 7–10 2
technology on their own language and literacy
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
Australian Curriculum
Dynamic English Skills for the Australian Curriculum Dynamic English Year 7
My course This is the portal for you to access all your content.
More resources
Last unit accessed
A dynamic, interactive and flexible online solution
Authors Authors Name Authors Name
for developing essential English skills. •
The multilevel approach to key language and literacy skills caters to the different learning abilities in the classroom and assists teachers in matching tasks to the skill of their students.
Each unit is introduced by useful teaching sections that provide detailed explanations of key concepts
Your digital option covering English skills
using full-colour visual learning techniques and examples while also including hints and rules. The units are organised by skill and cover grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, reading,
Dynamic English Skills
comprehension, writing and editing. •
Rollover definitions of difficult or topic-specific vocabulary allow for immediate comprehension. A searchable dictionary is also included for revision and easy reference.
Auto-marked questions allow students and their teachers to check their learning as they progress
Anne-Marie Brownhill, Deborah Simpson,
through the course. Open-ended teacher-marked
Alison Rucco & Sonya Stoneman
questions are also included for areas where higherorder thinking is required (suggested answers included in the Teacher Edition). •
The integration of rich media and offline tasks encourage students to further extend their own language and literacy development.
• Years 7-10
The powerful Learning Management System for teachers combines task management tools, a test
$24.95 each
generator, ready-made tests and comprehensive student and whole-class reporting tools. • For ordering details, refer to the enclosed order form, visit our website, or contact us for more information.
All questions, activities and tests can be printed as a hard copy option if required and are ideal for class use or homework or where internet access is not available.
Published 2016 Years 7–10 Australia
Australian Curriculum
Building language skills in context. The Language Toolkit for the Australian Curriculum series provides junior and middle secondary school students with the skills needed to successfully write, read, listen and speak across a range of contexts and for diverse audiences. •
Language skills are explored in context through a range of text types, including information, Shakespeare, literary, persuasive, visual, oral and multimodal texts.
This Australian Curriculum edition includes details of curriculum content, contemporary topics and activities and a fresh clean layout with more space for solutions.
Activities address both receptive and productive language modes, with a focus on listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating.
End-of-unit projects allow students to practise and further develop the skills they have explored so far.
Book 1 print 978-1-107-63716-0 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
digital (card) 978-1-107-81218-5 $19.95 Print Textbook
Language Toolkit for the Australian Curriculum
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
digital (code) 978-1-108-73495-0 $19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Book 2 print 978-1-107-69792-8 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
978-1-139-92559-4 $19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
digital (code) 978-1-108-73496-7 $19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Book 3 print 978-1-107-64736-7 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
digital (card) 978-1-107-82007-4 $19.95 Print Textbook
Andrea Hayes
digital (card)
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
digital (code) 978-1-108-73497-4 $19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Book 4 print 978-1-107-65910-0 $24.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital T
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
digital (card) 978-1-107-71296-6 $19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
digital (code) 978-1-108-73498-1 $19.95 Print Textbook
Published 2014
Years 7–10 4
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Electronic Workbook
Australian Curriculum
A fully-balanced and integrated approach to language, literature, and literacy for the Australian Curriculum. English for the Australian Curriculum privileges student experience, creative engagement with texts, moments of reflection and opportunities for deep thinking. Written for the Australian Curriculum, the series provides a fully balanced and integrated approach to the study of language, literature and literacy, by drawing on the best in English teaching practice around the country.
English for the Australian Curriculum
Book 1 print & digital (offline only) 978-1-107-64862-3 $52.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Print Workbook
Book 1
digital: interactive & offline (card)
Pam Macintyre, Natalie Bellis, Scott Bulfin, Kelli McGraw,
978-0-511-99574-3 $39.95
Lisa McNeice, Karen Moni & Gary Simmons
Print Textbook
Rita van Haren, Mel Dixon, Suzanne Kiraly, Larissa McLean Davies, Karren Philp, Alison Robertson & Gary Simmons
978-1-108-71196-8 $39.95 PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Book 2 print & digital (offline only) 978-1-107-64863-0 $52.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Print Workbook
digital: interactive & offline (card) 978-0-511-98321-4 $39.95 Print Textbook
Consulting Editors: Brenton Doecke & Graham Parr
Interactive Textbook
digital: interactive & offline (card) Print Textbook
Book 2
PDF Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
digital: interactive & offline (card) 978-1-108-71194-4 $39.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Published 2011 Years 7–10 Australia
Queensland Essential English
Comprehensively covers the new Essential English curriculum.
Written by a team of practising teachers with experience in curriculum development and assessment and links to the English Teachers Association of Queensland (ETAQ).
Includes a dedicated chapter for the Common Internal Assessment (CIA) in Unit 3, providing support to teachers and students with practice writing activities. Access to annotated model responses is also available in the digital version of the student text.
Reflects the interests of today’s students with a wide range of English texts including tattoos, graphic novels and a range of contemporary digital texts including films, documentaries, social media, podcasts, vlogs, blogs and more.
Features a range of scaffolded activities to develop, consolidate and apply vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar skills as well as critical and creative thinking skills The activities provide students with plenty of opportunities to respond to, and create texts, reflecting the syllabus’ emphasis on text response and analytical writing.
Downloadable editable worksheets are available through Cambridge GO for schools that adopt
Cambridge Essential English for Queensland
Cambridge Essential English for Queensland. Contact your Cambridge Education Resource Consultant or email educationsales@cambridge.edu.au for more information and access.
Units 1&2 textbook: print & digital 978-1-108-46948-7 $34.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM PDF TextbookPrint Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM Print Workbook Electron
textbook: digital (card) 978-1-108-46667-7 $27.95 Print Textbook
Julie Arnold, Rhiannon French & Lynda Wall
secondary students with dedicated support for the Common Internal Assessment (CIA). Cambridge Essential English for Queensland invites students to communicate and interact with others effectively by studying language and texts that are relevant to their everyday lives.
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
IN Units 3&4 W NE 019 textbook: print & digital 2 978-1-108-46949-4 $34.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM PDF TextbookPrint Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM Print Workbook Electron
textbook: digital (card) 978-1-108-63511-0 $27.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
textbook: digital (code) 978-1-108-59673-2 $27.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Students are encouraged to develop critical and creative thinking skills, as they consolidate essential vocabulary,
Units 1&2 Published 2018
spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and prepare for
Units 3&4 available June 2019
the Common Internal Assessment (CIA).
Interactive Textbook
978-1-108-67062-3 $27.95 Print Textbook
The essential resource for Queensland senior
PDF Textbook
textbook: digital (code)
Years 11 & 12 Australia
Interactive Textbook
Study Guides
Cambridge Checkpoints VCE
Cambridge Checkpoints NSW
Guiding students to VCE success,
Study as you go.
year after year. Cambridge Checkpoints VCE are revised and updated
With the most up-to-date exam preparation available,
regularly to incorporate changes to the VCE and recent
Cambridge Checkpoints NSW provides everything
official VCE exams.
students need to prepare for HSC exams in a goanywhere format that fits easily into a schoolbag.
Official past exams.
Suggested responses.
Study notes.
Revision and exam advice.
QuizMeMore* online revision.
Includes digital support with QuizMeMore QuizMeMore is a comprehensive digital companion available via Cambridge GO for selected Cambridge Checkpoints NSW 2018 titles. This portable study option provides the flexibility to revise and prepare for endof-year examinations using a laptop or tablet device.
Online revision with QuizMeMore
It offers exam information and study cards which
This digital revision tool has been designed as a
summarise the main points of theory in the chapter
companion to the Checkpoints printed study guide,
and additional auto or self-marking questions to help
offering a host of additional auto and self-marking
you prepare for your HSC exams.
questions to help you prepare for your VCE exams. This portable study option provides the flexibility to revise and prepare for end-of-year exams using any laptop or tablet device. * Included with most Unit 3 & 4 titles
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Print Textbook Vodcast
PDF Textbook Teacher CD-ROM
Interactive Textbook Print Teacher Resource
StudentAudio CD-ROM CD
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Refer to the enclosed order form or visit our website for ordering details and a full list of study guides.
Refer to the enclosed order form or visit our website for ordering details and a full list of study guides.
Year 12
Years 12
New South Wales
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Substantially revised, extended and updated in full-colour with rich and exciting photos of performances around the world to inspire and engage every student.
Encourages teachers and learners to treat the plays as scripts to be performed, enabling students to inhabit Shakespeare’s world in imaginative ways.
Unmatched in blending student friendly language, stimulating activities and useful information about productions in context throughout history.
Cambridge School Shakespeare
A wealth of free teacher resources is available with a vast array of games, multimedia activities, videos, audio clips, photo galleries, learning events and support tools, designed for everyone interested in reading, performing and learning Shakespeare’s plays. Put your students in control and let them take on the role of casting director, playwright and even costume designer. Visit the website for more information.
Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare’s
love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre in this highly successful series. The most popular titles have been extensively revised, expanded and produced in a stunning design with rich and exciting photos of performances around the world
Includes HSC prescribed editions for 2019. These titles contain the same version of the play text used in New Cambridge Shakespeare (also HSC prescribed editions).
to inspire and engage every student.
Refer to the enclosed order form or visit our website for a full list of Cambridge School Shakespeare titles.
cambridge.edu.au/education Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Latest editions published 2015 Years 9–12 8
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Student Shakespeare
New Cambridge Shakespeare Series Editor: Rex Gibson
Series Editor: Rex Gibson
Edited and prepared by an international team
Encourage less advanced students to actively
of scholars to reflect the best contemporary
and successfully engage with Shakespeare.
Shakespearean research. •
The most frequently chosen edition by teachers of
Lively introductions provide information on the
less academic students, Student Shakespeare has been
date of composition, the theatrical and political
specially created to encourage less advanced students
context, sources, themes, language, critical
to actively and successfully engage with Shakespeare.
reception and performance history. •
Informative illustrations give life to each play and cast light on a wide spectrum of historical, social
and theatrical issues. Recreations of Shakespeare's
978-0-521-78658-4 $28.95
Print Textbook
stage and photographs from recent productions
978-0-521-78660-7 $28.95
Print Textbook
Valuable commentary at the foot of each page
explains word-meaning and allusions.
978-0-521-78715-4 $28.95
Precise details of staging and performance help
Romeo and Juliet
students visualise the plays in action.
978-0-521-78659-1 $28.95
Paperbacks from
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Merchant of Venice
are included. •
PDF Textbook
Print Textbook
Print Textbook
$19.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Reso
New Cambridge Shakespeare uses the same play text as used in Cambridge School Shakespeare. Refer to the enclosed order form or visit our website for a full list of New Cambridge Shakespeare titles. cambridge.edu.au/education
Published 2012
Published 2000
Years 11 & 12
Years 11 & 12
Teaching Shakespeare
Shakespeare Reloaded Robin Garden
A Handbook for Teachers Second Edition
Demystifying Shakespeare. Shakespeare Reloaded encourages middle secondary students to imaginatively engage with Shakespeare’s plays and poetry, actively exploring how key ideas and themes are
Detailed and practical examples of successful
expressed through language. This active approach to
classroom practice, demonstrating how
studying Shakespeare will complement and enhance the
Shakespeare’s language and dramaturgy can be
study of individual texts and provide an invaluable resource
studied closely in ways that students find enjoyable
for every English student.
and interesting.
Places Shakespeare in a contemporary context through reference to film, media and other productions.
This full-colour second edition is in a larger format, and updated to reflect modern classroom practice. It
Addresses how ideas are developed and expressed
includes new contributions by leading practitioners from
through the text structures and language features
Shakespeare’s Globe, the Shakespeare Schools Festival,
employed by Shakespeare.
the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and the Cambridge School •
Shakespeare editorial team.
Comprehensively examines Shakespeare’s themes, language and poetry as well as his life, the world he
lived in and the legacy of his work.
$44.95 Print Textbook
Available firm sale only.
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Reso
Encourages students to extend what they have learned through their own writing and research.
print A wealth of free teacher resources are available with a vast array of games, multimedia activities, videos, audio clips, photo galleries, learning events and support tools, designed for everyone interested in reading, performing and learning Shakespeare’s plays. cambridgeschoolshakespeare.com
978-1-107-67930-6 $49.95
Print Textbook
digital (card) 978-1-139-87995-8 $39.95 digital (code) 978-1-108-72959-8 $39.95 CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Published 2016
Published 2014 Years 9&10
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Awarded joint winner: Student Resource – Junior at the Educational Publishing Awards Australia in 2014
Cambridge Contexts in Literature Series Editor: Adrian Barlow Critical introductions to a range of literary topics and genres, ideal for library reference or for building a secondary module around a selected title. cambridge.edu.au/education
Canon Reloaded Cambridge Introductions to Literature
Jacqueline Grassmayr An award-winning student text that revitalises the study of the literary canon for middle secondary students.
Series Editor: Adrian Barlow
Using student-friendly language and an engaging thematic
Accessibly written and lively in style, these introductions
approach to bring the canon to life, Canon Reloaded invites
will appeal to senior students, teachers, and all readers who
students to think about what we mean by the literary
want to broaden their understanding of the books and
canon, why it is created and how it might be challenged.
authors they enjoy. cambridge.org
print & digital
978-1-139-86048-2 $39.95
Cambridge Companions to Literature
digital (code)
These collections of essays provide a range of critical
978-1-108-71191-3 $39.95
perspectives, with an emphasis on social, historical and
978-1-107-60871-9 $49.95
Print Textbook
digital (card)
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
literary context. cambridge.org Cambridge Companions to Literature are now available electronically through Cambridge Companions Online, as an annual subscription for libraries, institutions and individuals. Available firm sale only.
Published 2013
For more information visit cambridge.org
Years 9&10 Australia
Anthologies & Chaucer
The New Paper Series
Cambridge School Chaucer
Anthologies of short, short stories.
Cambridge School Chaucer Second Editions
The New Paper Series provides a variety of short, short
Designed specifically for the classroom, to bring The Canterbury Tales to life and help students appreciate Chaucer’s wit and art.
stories and activities to introduce writing techniques and the skills of critical literacy to junior and middle
The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
secondary students.
978-1-316-61550-8 $29.95 The Wife of Baths’s Prologue and Tale
Paper Dreaming
978-1-316-61545-4 $29.95 The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale
Compiling Editor: Lorna Munro Written by a range of Indigenous writers, exploring notions of identity, culture, time, place and growing up in Australia today.
978-1-316-61548-5 $29.95 The Franklin’s Prologue and Tale
978-1-316-61553-9 $29.95
Paper Boats
The Merchant’s Prologue and Tale 978-1-316-61547-8 $29.95 The Miller’s Prologue and Tale
Compiling Editor: Yasar Duyal Written by students from immigrant, refugee or asylum seeker backgrounds, reflecting their origins, journey and arrival in Australia.
978-1-316-61549-2 $29.95 The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue and Tale
978-1-316-61552-2 $29.95
Paper Clips Compiling Editor: Yasar Duyal Written by students from across Australia, reflecting on their experiences of being a teenager in Australia today.
Selected Tales from Chaucer Second Editions In a stunning new design, this respected series includes the full and complete text in the original Middle English.
978-1-107-61420-8 $27.95 The New Paper Families
The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Compiling Editor: Richard Baines Stories from Australia, China, Great Britain, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Somalia and the United States.
978-1-316-61567-6 $27.95 The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue and Tale
978-0-521-15728-5 $30.95
978-1-316-61566-9 $25.95
The New Paper Trails
The Wife of Baths’s Prologue and Tale
Compiling Editor: Robin Garden Stories from Australia, the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Kenya and Canada.
The Merchant’s Prologue and Tale
978-1-316-61560-7 $27.95 978-1-316-61564-5 $27.95
978-1-107-40055-9 $28.95
978-1-316-61563-8 $27.95
Compiling Editor: Richard Baines Features work from both well-known authors, such as Haruki Murakami, Margaret Atwood and Ursula le Guin, and authors just starting their literary careers.
The Reeve’s Prologue and Tale
978-0-521-15729-2 $30.95
978-1-316-61557-7 $27.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Selected titles are also available for purchase separately as a PDF Textbook. See enclosed orderform or contact us to order.
The Miller’s Prologue and Tale
The New Paper Windows
Print Toolkit
978-1-316-61561-4 $25.95 The Franklin’s Prologue and Tale The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
978-1-316-61559-1 $27.95 Vodcast
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
The Knight’s Prologue and Tale 978-1-316-61558-4 $27.95
Published 2010 – 2015
Published 2016
Years 7–10
Years 9–12
Poetry & Reference
Awarded Best Designed Secondary Education at the Australian Book Design Awards in 2013
Poetry Remastered
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of
Blair Mahoney Help your students master essential English assessment
The English Language
skills while developing a new appreciation and understanding of poetry. Written for senior students, this award-winning text will enhance their appreciation and understanding of poetry
Third Edition
while preparing them to master English exams and other assessment tasks.
David Crystal
Published 2012 print 978-1-107-67778-4 $49.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Now in its third edition, The Cambridge Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Encyclopedia of the English Language provides
digital (card) $39.95
the most comprehensive coverage of the history,
digital (code)
structure and worldwide use of English.
978-1-108-72955-0 $39.95 •
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Fully updated and expanded with new material to meet the needs of twenty-first century English
More poetry
language enthusiasts. •
Packed with over 100 colour illustrations, maps, tables and graphics.
Poetry Reloaded Blair Mahoney
978-0-521-74661-8 $49.95
Print Textbook
New online audio resources recorded by David
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Crystal for this third edition brings the text to life.
Touched with Fire: An Anthology of Poems Editor: Jack Hydes
978-0-521-31537-1 $23.95
Print Textbook
Songs of Ourselves Volume 1 Cambridge Assessment International Education Anthology of Poetry in English 978-1-108-46226-6 $20.95
Print Textbook
Songs of Ourselves Volume 2 Cambridge Assessment International Education Anthology of Poetry in English
$54.95 Print Textbook
978-1-108-46228-0 $20.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Available firm sale only. Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Poems Deep and Dangerous Jo Phillips
978-0-521-47990-5 $23.95
Print Textbook
Published 2018 Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital version available separately
Media Reframed
Media Reloaded
VCE Units 1– 4 Hugh Mason-Jones, Ben Hoban, Lauren Humphris, Lisa Hugh Mason-Jones & Augusta Zeeng
Blumenstein, Nick Booth, Vic Tietze & David Caust
An innovative and engaging student text for
The ideal balance between theory and practice, written
middle secondary media courses in Australia and
explicitly for the 2018 VCE Media Study Design.
With engaging content to demonstrate and explore
Media Reloaded has been developed by experienced media
both media theory and practical production skills, this
educators with a passion for understanding contemporary
contemporary look at VCE Media supports a range of different
media and technology both in and out of the classroom.
learning styles and strengths while providing the depth of
It offers teachers a flexible whole-course resource that
content needed for VCE success. •
supports syllabus outcomes in both Media and English for Years 9 and 10 across Australia.
Written specifically for the 2018 VCE Media Study Design.
both practical and theoretical perspectives, including
makes theoretical content accessible for all learners.
media language, technologies, institutions, the role
Provides superior exam support including VCAA-style
of audiences and the social values embedded in
exam questions, exam terminology, practical activities
that support the School Assessed Task (SAT) and study
Studies the contemporary media landscape, from
The student-focused language and highly visual design
Examines how media and multimodal texts are
tips and strategies.
produced and received, and provides students a
The Interactive Textbook brings the study of media
comprehensive and practical understanding of the
to life and includes a ‘Media Production Hub’ with
examples of former student work and video interviews
with their creators covering each stage of production.
Discusses how media and multimodal texts are produced and received by exploring: genre; narrative; visual literacy; film and video; photography;
print & digital
representation; advertising and propaganda; text
978-1-316-64795-0 $82.95
media; animation and gaming; and audio forms.
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM Print Workbook Electronic Workbook Digital Toolkit Cambridge HOTMathsApp PDF TextbookPrint Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM Print Workbook Electronic Workbook Print Toolkit Digital Toolkit Print Toolkit Cambridge HOTMaths Teacher Resource Package
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
digital (card) 978-1-108-18558-5
Student CD-ROM
978-1-108-73505-6 $64.95
Student CD-ROM
Interactive Textbook
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
PDF Textbook
CARD: access code delivered in a sealed pocket CODE: access code delivered electronically (email address required)
Interactive Textbook
Teacher CD-ROMAudio CD Print Teacher Resource Teacher CD-ROM Vodcast Print Teacher Resource
Helps students consider the historical, social, and
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
Audio CD
cultural factors.
digital (code) Print Textbook
Teacher Resource Vodcast Package
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
$49.95 Print Textbook
Published 2018
Published 2012
Years 11&12
Years 9–10
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
IB Diploma & Drama
IB Diploma Structuring Drama Work
The tools to fuel an independent thinker. In accordance with the IB Diploma’s mission, our resources aim to encourage learners to explore concepts, ideas and topics that have local global significance; help students to develop a positive attitude to learning in preparation
Third Edition
for higher education; and assist students in approaching complex questions, applying critical thinking skills and forming reasoned answers.
Jonothan Neelands & Tony Goode
English Literature for the IB Diploma David James & Nic Amy
978-1-107-40223-2 $72.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resour
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resour
The only drama resource that explores 100 dramatic
English A Language and Literature
conventions and techniques, and provides ideas for how
for the IB Diploma Second Edition
to practice them, Structuring Drama Work provides both
Brad Philpot
cultural connections and global contexts and is suitable
for teachers of Cambridge IGSCE, GCSE and for students
978-1-108-70493-9 $72.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
coursebook elevate edition 978-1-108-70494-6 Forthcoming Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
studying at A Level, IB Diploma and beyond.
Print Workbook
Print Toolkit
Electronic Workbook
Digital Toolkit
Print Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Audio CD
teacher’s resource digital access card 978-1-108-71610-9 Forthcoming English B for the IB Diploma Second Edition Brad Philpot
coursebook 978-1-108-43481-2 $72.95
Print Textbook
$62.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
PDF Textbook Vodcast
Interactive Textbook Teacher CD-ROM
coursebook elevate edition (2 years) 978-1-108-43478-2 Forthcoming Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Print Teacher Resour
Audio CD
teacher’s resource digital access card 978-1-108-43480-5 $71.95
Published 2015
English in Use Second Editions
Explanation and practice of English idioms, phrasal verbs C2). Revised, updated and now in full colour.
Vocabulary in Use
English Collocations in Use (book with answers)
Elementary to Advanced
and collocations at intermediate(B1-B2) and advanced (C1-
intermediate 978-1-316-62975-8 $47.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Ideal for classroom use or self-study, these popular books
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
are specifically designed to boost learners’ confidence along
advanced 978-1-316-62995-6 $47.95
Print Textbook
with their vocabulary skills.
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
English Idioms in Use (book with answers) Visit the website for more information or ordering details
intermediate 978-1-316-62988-8 $47.95
Print Textbook
cambridge.org/inuse Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package Electronic Workbook
advanced 978-1-316-62973-4 $47.95
Print Textbook
Print Textbook
English Phrasal Verbs in Use (book with answers)
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Reso Package
intermediate 978-1-316-62815-7 $47.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
advanced 978-1-316-62809-6 $47.95
Print Textbook
English Grammar In Use
Fourth Edition
Second Edition
Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
Combining thought-provoking video from Discovery
An updated version of the world’s best-selling grammar
Education™ with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh
title. The fresh new design and clear layout with revised
approach to critical thinking skills, Unlock enables learners
and updated examples, retains the clarity and accessibility
to develop the academic skills and language that will lead
that have made the book popular with millions of learners
them to success in their studies. Critical Thinking sections
and teachers around the world.
give students the tools they will need to formulate their own opinions and express themselves effectively in the
book with answers and interactive eBook
end-of-unit academic tasks.
978-1-107-53933-4 $64.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Print Textbook Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROM Electronic Workbook Print Toolkit Interactive Textbook Student CD-ROMPDF Textbook Print Workbook Electronic Workbook Print Toolkit Print Workbook Digital Toolkit Cambridge HOTMaths Teacher ResourceDigital Toolkit Package
book with answers 978-0-521-18906-4 $47.95
Print Textbook
App Print Teacher ResourceVodcast
Audio CD Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resource
Visit the website for more information or ordering details PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
book without answers 978-0-521-18908-8 $47.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Print Textbook
App Cambridge HOTMaths Vodcast Teacher Resource Teacher CD-ROM Package
Electronic Workbook
PDF Textbook
Print Toolkit
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Reso Package
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Fourth Edition Packed full of useful study extras, this fourth edition includes hundreds of new words and has been specially designed to help learners become fluent speakers of English at an advanced level. It contains clear definitions and hundreds of illustrations help learners identify variations in meaning and a new ‘Focus on writing’ section helps learners to develop their advanced writing skills. 978-1-107-61950-0
$68.95 Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher Development Teaching and Developing Reading Skills 978-1-316-64731-8 $50.95
Print Textbook
978-1-316-64475-1 $51.95
Print Textbook
978-1-107-63464-0 $55.95
Print Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Discussions and More 2nd Edition
aspects of teacher development, such as critical reflection,
978-1-107-44275-7 $59.95
Print Textbook
collaboration, developing knowledge and skills. It includes
Language Activities for Teenagers
clear strategies, for individuals or groups, and outlines
978-0-521-54193-0 $55.95
Print Textbook
activities to facilitate teacher development. $17.95 Print Textbook
Language Learning with Digital Video
This highly accessible and practical book looks at different
Interactive Textbook
Lexical Grammar
Jack C Richards’ 50 Tips for Teacher Development
PDF Textbook
PDF Textbook
Interactive Textbook
Student CD-ROM
More ELT
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
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Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
Teacher CD-ROM
Print Teacher Resou
English in Mind 2nd Edition For more information visit
cambridge.org/elt/englishinmind Cambridge English Readers For more information visit
cambridge.org/elt/readers Cambridge Experience Readers For more information visit
Scott Thornbury’s 30 Language Teaching Methods
This easy-to-read book takes a fresh look at a range of language teaching methods grouping them by what they have in common, rather than by chronology. Some
Visit the website for more information or ordering details
forgotten methods are rehabilitated and some current
orthodoxies challenged. 978-1-108-40846-2
$17.95 Print Textbook
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Student CD-ROM
Print Workbook
Electronic Workbook
Print Toolkit
Digital Toolkit
Cambridge HOTMaths
Teacher Resource Package
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