Cambridge Making & Breaking the Law VCE Units 1–4 2nd Edition

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Making & Breaking the Law VCE Units 1–4 2nd Edition Tim Lee, Jennifer Poore, David Adam, Julie Cain, Nicholas Ford, Rebecca Irvine, Luisa Lipsia, Angelos Mavridis, Carol Rowland & Michael McCallum

Guide your students to VCE success with the most up-to-date resources available for VCE Legal Studies

What’s new in this edition The most up-to-date resources available for VCE Legal Studies with updated case studies, legislative changes and statistics.

Cambridge Making & Breaking the Law VCE Units 1–4 2nd Edition reflects the increased emphasis on current legal issues; the ability of the justice system to uphold the principles of justice; the rights of individuals; the relationship between the Australian people, the Constitution and law-making bodies; the main influences on law reform; and the overall importance of being an active and involved citizen. •

Comprehensively updated to include legislative changes and the latest data, this new edition ensures students have the most up-todate information available to develop the knowledge and skills required for VCE success.

New case studies and news reports highlight relevant and contemporary examples to engage students and expose them to industry practice.

Practice exam questions at the end of each chapter have been carefully revised to progressively build the skills required for VCE success. Instructions on how to approach each question, including marks and recommended timing, help prepare students for their endof-year exams.

An even greater variety of tables and graphic organisers, photos, clear diagrams and flowcharts support the written content and make the book accessible for all students.

Discover more features •

This series is supported by the VCTA, the leading association for legal studies education.

Fully aligned to the 2018–22 VCE Legal Studies study design, each chapter clearly outlines the applicable Unit and Area of Study that is being addressed.

Legal briefs provide more in-depth analysis of legal issues and highlight contemporary legal issues. These can be discussed in the classroom or used to form the basis of assessment tasks. Students learn to apply knowledge of legal concepts and principles to current world issues.

Notes in the margin provide students with an ongoing summary of the key points of each topic, which can be used for revision.

Digital components The Interactive Textbook The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Interactive features: •

Video and audio footage

Multiple-choice quizzes

Drag-and-drop interactive activities

Downloadable versions of the activities

Links to external websites

Access to the Offline Textbook, a downloadable version of the student text with note-taking and bookmarking enabled.

The Interactive Textbook is available as a calendar-year subscription and is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code supplied on purchase. The Interactive Textbook is provided with the printed text, or is available for purchase separately as a digital-only option.

The Teacher Resource Package The Teacher Resource Package offers valuable time-saving planning, classroom and assessment support resources for teachers. Additional support: •

Suggested responses to all questions in the student text

Practice exams with suggested responses

Comprehensive PowerPoint presentations

Suggested teaching programs.

The Teacher Resource Package is available for purchase separately and is accessed using a unique 16-character code. Once purchased the resources can be downloaded through a Cambridge GO teacher account and stored on your school network for use by other teachers at the school.

Authors Tim Lee is an experienced and passionate VCE Legal Studies teacher who has presented at the Victorian Commercial Teachers Association’s (VCTA’s) annual Comview conference and is enthusiastic about innovations that seek to enhance student engagement. Tim completed his undergraduate and honours studies in Criminology and Political Science at the University of Melbourne before returning to university to complete his Master of Teaching. He is currently completing his Master of Education.

Contents Units 1&2 Available September 2020

Jennifer Poore taught Legal Studies for 40 years in both the public and private sectors. Jennifer has worked as a consultant with the VCTA and presented at VCE Legal Studies professional learning activities and contributed articles to the Compak journal. She has written scripts and teachers’ notes for educational films and texts.

Unit 1 Guilt and liability

David Adam obtained his Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne in 2014. David currently teaches Legal Studies and Humanities at Northcote High School. He has volunteered for a number of Community Legal Centres and in recognition of his contribution to the Occupy Melbourne Legal Support Team, he was a joint recipient of the Tim McCoy Award for outstanding achievement in human rights. He is passionate about the powerful role of community legal education in maintaining a just and equitable society.

2 Presumption of innocence

Julie Cain is the Senior Campus Principal at Mount Waverley Secondary College. Julie is an experienced VCE Legal Studies, Business Management, Economics and Humanities teacher. She has been Head of Senior School, Professional Learning Leader, a Teaching Fellow in the Masters of Teaching at the University of Melbourne and currently oversees Teaching and Learning. She regularly contributes to the VCTA journal Compak and presents at VCTA professional learning and student programs.

Unit 2 Sanctions, remedies and rights

Nicholas Ford is a VCE Legal Studies teacher at Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College, member of the VCTA Law Related Education Advisory Board, published contributor to VCTA’s journal Compak, and presenter at VCTA’s annual Comview conference on the subject of Legal Studies and Positive Relationships in the Classroom. He has worked as Unit Coordinator and Teaching Associate for Legal Studies Education in the Victorian Secondary Years at Monash University for the past three years and has a background in Special Developmental Education and Student Wellbeing. Rebecca Irvine obtained her Bachelor of Arts/Laws (Hons.) from Monash University in 2013 and previously worked in criminal law. Rebecca is currently a curriculum leader, teacher, and Section Editor of the VCTA’s Compak journal. She works as a casual academic, assessing undergraduate and post-graduate students in property law subjects, and undertaking legal research in property law issues. Luisa Lipsia is an experienced VCE Legal Studies teacher and VCAA assessor, and has been an Associate Lecturer in Education at Monash University, focusing on Legal Studies pre-service teachers. She has presented regularly at VCTA conferences and at professional development workshops for new and accomplished legal studies teachers. Luisa has taken part in curriculum development and is passionate about engaging curriculum, particularly in human rights law, participating in events such as Model UN Conventions and Regional, State and National Constitutional Conventions. Prior to becoming a teacher, Luisa worked within the Supreme Court of Victoria as a trust officer.

Area of study 1 1 Legal foundations Area of study 2 3 A criminal offence: theft, robbery and burglary 4 A criminal offence: murder and other forms of homicide Area of study 3 5 Civil liability 6 An area of civil law: negligence 7 An area of civil law: defamation Area of study 1 8 Sanctions 9 A criminal case: theft of car with baby inside 10 A criminal case: shooting murder of an unarmed man Area of study 2 11 Remedies 12 A civil case: mental health exclusion in travel insurance leads to discrimination 13 A civil case: exposure to asbestos during employment caused cancer Area of study 3 14 Rights 15 Impact on the protection of rights in Australia Glossary Index

Units 3&4 Available August 2020

Unit 3 Rights and justice Area of study 1 1 Law and justice: an introduction 2 Criminal law and justice 3 Determining a criminal case

Angelos Mavridis is an experienced VCE teacher, having taught Year 12 Legal Studies, English, EAL, National Politics and Global Politics at Haileybury since 1990, and he has been a VCAA Legal Studies examiner. He completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) at Melbourne University, majoring in Criminology; and completed two Masters in Education degrees, including TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages), from Monash University.

4 Evaluation of the criminal justice system

Carol Rowland completed a Master’s in Education at the University of Melbourne and has international accreditation as an Accredited Peer Assisted Study Supervisor (PASS). Carol has presented at International and state conferences on curriculum, co-curriculum and positive psychology, and regularly contributes to the VCTA’s Compak journal and presents at their conferences. Carol has 30 years’ experience as an educator and is committed to inspiring students to love learning. She currently teaches Legal Studies at Genazzano FCJ college.

7 The Australian parliamentary system

Michael McCallum is an experienced VCE Legal Studies teacher, having taught the subject since 2000. Prior to that, Michael completed a Bachelor of Laws at the University of Melbourne and was a practising solicitor and partner in a law firm. After gaining his Diploma of Education in teaching, he also completed a Master of Education. He has been a marker for VCAA Units 3&4 Legal Studies exams as well as a regular presenter at teacher workshops and student revision lectures in Legal Studies, and is currently at Clonard College, Geelong.

respond to the need for law reform

Area of study 2 5 The Victorian civil justice system 6 Evaluation of the civil justice system Unit 4 The people and the law Area of study 1 8 The people and the Australian Constitution Area of study 2 9 Parliament and law-making 10 The role of the courts in law-making 11 Reforming the law 12 Parliament and the courts: the ability to Glossary Index

Contents are subject to change prior to publication.

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