Analysing Modern History VCE Units 1&2 Brochure

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ANALYSING MODERN HISTORY UNITS 1&2 Delivering exceptional support resources for the new VCE History Study Design.

Richard Malone

With a range of new sources, the most comprehensive assessment support available and extensive teacher resources, Analysing Modern History Units 1&2 provides the ideal foundation for VCE success. AREA OF STUDY 1: IDEOLOGY AND CONFLICT


3.4 German responses to the Treaty

Engaging content with additional new historical The German Chancellor was so upset when he saw the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles that he resigned in protest. When asked for his opinion after reading the treaty for the first time, the new leader, Count Ulrich von sources Brockdorff-Rantzau, stated: I have heard the victor’s passionate demand that as vanquished we shall be made to pay and as the guilty

shall be punished. The demand is made that we shall acknowledge we alone are guilty of havingoffering a Additionalwecaused new historical sources havethatbeen added the war. Such a confession in my mouth would be a lie. Germany’s opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, two representatives of the German GovernmentThese include a range ofDespite engaging historical content for analysis. reluctantly signed the treaty on 28 June 1919 after the Allied powers threatened to renew the fighting. The most significant impact of the Treaty of Versailles was the sense of defeat and resentment it bred among wide variety of primary sources (historical documents, speeches, the German people. Not only was Germany’s pride as a nation destroyed by the War Guilt Clause, but it also the economic hardship of having to pay for the rebuilding of other nations when the German nation images, experienced political cartoons, paintings, videos of events), secondary was also in ruins. Many Germans felt that average citizens were being punished for a war they did not want. This was by the fact that the government that had signed the treaty no longer existed and had been replaced by a sources complicated and historical interpretations. new government, known as the Weimar Republic.



Today in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles a disgraceful treaty is being signed. Never forget it! … There will be vengeance for the shame of 1919. German newspaper Deutsche Zeitung, 28 June 1919 AMAZING BUT TRUE . . . After signing the Treaty of Versailles, the German delegates broke the pen in protest.

NEW IN THIS EDITION Explicitly aligned to the new curriculum Explicitly aligned to the new 2022-26 VCE History Study Design, this fully revised edition of Analysing 20th Century History Units 1&2 provides focused and in-depth coverage of the curriculum.

Source 3.13 A German cartoonist’s interpretation of the Treaty of Versailles, with Clemenceau ready to guillotine a man who represents Germany while Wilson (left) and Lloyd George (right) look on

The most popular topics from the Modern History Study Design are included in the Print and Interactive Textbooks.

Updated and revised content

Exam-style questions and assessment tasks

Analysing Modern History Units 1&2 has been fully revised with updated sources, greater depth of content, up-to-date historical interpretations, and new engaging content. Key knowledge areas such as events, individuals, groups and ideas, and key skills including source analysis are explicitly covered in this edition to align with the new VCE Study Design. This new edition now includes an ‘historical thinking’ chapter covering the key historical concepts and skills and additional content to cover the new date range in the curriculum for Modern History.


1.1 What is historical thinking? As you read through this text, you should try to start thinking like a historian. History is not just a matter of knowing what happened when or looking at the chronology of past events and incidents. It means asking the key question: why? Inquiry is the first step to understanding. As you read this textbook, and other sources, you should keep focusing on a series of questions that will help you to better comprehend Modern History.


Source 3.14 A political sketch by German artist Wilhelm Schulz, which appeared in the German publication Simplicissimus on 27 May 1919. To Schultz and many Germans, the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles meant that even the sun would be taken away from the defeated German people.

Good history questions

Historical thinking concepts

Why did these historical events occur?

Historical inquiry

Why is this event or person important?

Historical significance

Why did this event have an impact on society, what were the consequences, and why do some events have a much longer impact than others?

Cause and consequence

Why did some things change as a result of this person or event in history, and why do other parts of society continue unchanged?

Change and continuity

Why are some sources considered more reliable than others, how were they understood at the time, and why have particular events appeared to change in significance over time?

Using primary and secondary sources

Up-to-date exam-style questions throughout each chapter and opportunities for source analysis, both visual and text, ensures students are equipped with the skills to analyse historical interpretations and use sources as evidence in preparation for SACs and further VCE History studies. Chapter review sections are also aligned to the key skills of the Study Design. This ensures that students are practising the types of historical thinking and writing skills required by the new curriculum.



Source 1.1 Questions to comprehend Modern History


As you use these focus questions, you should remember that they apply to a living society. People in the past went about their everyday lives and were occupied with just as wide a variety of concerns as we are today, but were also affected by political, social, economic or intellectual changes in the world. Some of these were important or seen as important by people at the time, while others were not. This makes history quite complex. As historians quickly realise, they are not ‘necromancers’: they cannot literally bring people back from the dead. As a result, we have to rely on sources as evidence of what occurred in the past. Accounts from the time, known as primary sources, are some of the best ways for us to comprehend how people lived their lives, but secondary sources (like this textbook) are also major pieces of evidence, because they try to explain what occurred with the benefit of hindsight.


This also means that the more evidence you use, the more comprehensively you can understand the past. For instance, if you look at just one raindrop hitting the still water of a pond, you might only notice the ripples that it creates, which appear to move outward from the initial point of impact to the very edges of the pond. If you look at other raindrops, you will notice the ways in which they also have ripples that spread out and form concentric patterns on the surface of the pond. They intersect and overlap. Some raindrops will also cause ripples that halt the

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. – WINSTON CHURCHILL

Video sources with QR code integration QR code integration in the Print Textbook allows students to gain instant access to video content.

Valuable time-saving planning, classroom and assessment support for teachers New in this edition, the Teacher Resource Package includes suggested responses to all activities in the Print Textbook and ready-made assessment tasks. The assessment tasks cover two examples of each assessment type for teachers to choose from: historical inquiry, essay, source evaluation, multimedia presentation, short-answer questions and extended responses – including some sample responses.

INTERACTIVE TEXTBOOK The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience.

Interactive features •

Interactive activities including auto-marked multiple-choice quizzes

Rollover glossary definitions

Video footage and audio clips to extend knowledge. QR codes throughout the Print Textbook provide instant access to many videos

Interactive rollover maps

Image galleries

Links to external websites

Interactive timelines with supplementary images

Downloadable versions of all activities in the Print Textbook

Access to the Offline Textbook, a downloadable version of the student text with note-taking and bookmarking enabled.


The Interactive Textbook is available as a calendar-year subscription and is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code supplied on purchase. The Interactive Textbook is provided with the printed text, or is available for purchase separately as a digital-only option.

TEACHER RESOURCE PACKAGE The Teacher Resource Package offers valuable time-saving planning, classroom and assessment support resources for teachers.


Experienced VCE History teachers Nick Young & Ben Hoban

Teacher Support •

Teaching programs and planning advice

Curriculum grid

Suggested responses to all activities in the Print Textbook

Assessment tasks, with sample responses, covering two examples of each assessment type for teachers to choose from

The Teacher Resource Package is available for purchase separately and is accessed using a unique 16-character code. Once purchased the resources can be downloaded through a Cambridge GO teacher account and stored on your school network for use by other teachers at the school.


Operation Frequent Wind, April 1975 In response to the North’s invasion of the South, the Americans enacted their final mission of the Vietnam War, beginning an enormous airlift called ‘Operation Frequent Wind’. Using US marine and air force helicopters, over an 18-hour period, more than 1000 American civilians and 7000 South Vietnamese refugees were flown out of Saigon on 30 April 1975. By dawn, the final helicopter left with the American Ambassador from the roof of the US embassy as North Vietnam tanks drove into a conquered Saigon. With this final act, the Vietnam War had ended. The 13.3 The Ku North hadKlux wonKlan and a communist government began ruling over a unified Vietnam. The first ‘unification’ act of the Northern army was to conduct mass arrests and persecution of South Vietnamese people. Over one million people were placed in concentration camps. AREA OF STUDY 2: CHALLENGE CHANGE AREA OF STUDY 2: CHALLENGE ANDAND CHANGE

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) a racebased group


that actively fought for the supremacy of whites

white supremacist person who believes in the superiority 338

of Caucasians over those of different racial or ethnic backgrounds

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a murderous white supremacist terrorist organisation that was founded by Confederate soldiers after the US Civil War. Founded in 1865, the KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population. There have been three incarnations of the ‘Klan’, with the second one having as many as six million members around 1925. Astonishingly, based on a population of 116 million at the time, this represented more than 5 per cent of the entire population of the United States. Its activities varied in its first incarnation (1865–1871), but involved a range of destruction of property, assault, murder and harassment of the first generation of aspiring African American politicians, as well as the African American community in general. It carried an unnerving connection to use of the crucifix and in fact they burnt these in some of their ceremonies and community threats. Ironically, they were also attacking Catholics during their history but claimed to be Christian themselves. However, their vision of Christianity was simply white, Protestant and nationalist for white supremacy. The first incarnation of the KKK dissolved in 1871 following the passage of the Third Force Act, popularly known as the Ku Klux Act, through which Congress authorised President Ulysses S. Grant to declare martial law, impose heavy penalties against terrorist organisations, and use military force to suppress the KKK.

It was reborn in 1915 during World War I, and grew more powerful and influential (especially in southern states) after World War II, its third and current incarnation. Its initial aim was to stop African Americans from voting, but the KKK soon developed into a strongly hierarchical organisation that sponsored full violence. Its actions included public humiliation, beatings, kidnappings, killing livestock, burning houses and farms, and murder. A newspaper exposé of 1921 detailed more than 100 acts of Klan-sponsored vigilante violence and led to a Congressional investigation. The ensuing publicity only made the Klan stronger in the Deep South. As its popularity grew, the Klan found more groups to hate. Homosexual people, immigrants, Asians, Mexicans and Jews were all also targeted. Movements such as communism, as well as any efforts to liberate women from conservative views of marriage and morality, were violently opposed. Source 13.9 KKK members marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. The United States’ free speech amendment in the Bill of Rights provides constitutional protection to groups like this, which is likely to be an unintended consequence of the law.


The KKK’s membership has declined in the twenty-first century and was believed to be as low as 3000–5000 in 2015. It remains to be seen if this is a permanent structural decline and whether this relates to changing attitudes in the United States or if racism and hate is diversifying and becoming more mainstream. It is also possible that young people are less willing to be associated with the extreme imagery of the KKK but seek to retain the associated attitudes. It is arguable that it is no longer necessary to hide behind a hood when one can hide behind a keyboard. AMAZING BUT TRUE . . .

‘Ku Klux’ came from the Greek word for ‘circle’. Since circles are complete and have no start or end point; perhaps the name signalled the group’s intention to create a perfect society, or to return society to where it believed it should always have been.

Does free speech facilitate hate speech?


Source 13.10 Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump

In 2019 then-President Donald Trump tweeted across three posts that four nonwhite US Congresswomen who had criticised him should go back to the ‘broken and crime infested’ nations from where they had come. In fact, three of these Congresswomen were born in the United States and the other is now an US citizen. Pertinently, the First Lady, Melania Trump, has an identical experience of naturalising and becoming an US citizen after being born overseas, pointing to race being the key distinction in Trump’s communication. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted to condemn the president for remarks that were concluded to be racist.

So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly … … and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on Earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how …


… it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! FOCUS QUESTIONS 13.3 1 Research the term ‘dog whistling’ and explain how it relates to President Trump’s tweets.

Available June, 2021

2 In a short paragraph, evaluate the pros and cons of the First Amendment. 3 When Trump describes people born in the United States as originally coming from other countries, what is he attempting to achieve?


293 In 2019 members of the Honorable Sacred Knights, an Indiana-based KKK group, petitioned to hold a rally in central Dayton, Ohio, prompting a counter protest by hundreds of people, including members of the Nation of Islam, the Dayton Chapter of the Black Panthers, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, American Indian Movement, and the Antifa anti-fascist group. Use the QR code or access the Interactive Textbook to see a video of the verbal conflict that ensued.

1 What makes ‘good history’? Historical thinking concepts and skills Updated and revised content

Unit 1: Change and conflict

 Source 11.37 The last helicopter rides were frantically organised in the days leading up to the fall of Saigon. This photograph shows the absolute last ride about to take off. Not everyone in the queue made it on.

Area of Study 1: Ideology and conflict

 Source 11.38 A Russian-built North Vietnam tank smashes through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon. The gates were also symbolic as their architecture reflected the remnants of French colonial rule.

2 The end of empires and the road to World War I 3 The consequences of World War I 4 Ideologies of the interwar period 5 Leading the world into World War II Area of Study 2: Social and cultural change 6 Germany under Nazism 7 United States under democracy

Use the QR code or access the Interactive Textbook to see footage from the last days of US involvement in Vietnam, and the last evacuation of Saigon as Communist forces approach.

Unit 2: The changing world order Area of Study 1: Causes, course and consequences of the Cold War 8 The Cold War

Video sources with QR code integration

9 The division of Berlin and Germany 10 The Cuban Missile Crisis 11 The Vietnam War 12 The end of the Cold War? Area of Study 2: Challenge and change 13 A study of a social and political movement:


Civil rights campaigns in the United States 14 A study of a regional conflict: The antiapartheid movement in South Africa

Contents are subject to change prior to publication.



Chapter review Short-answer questions 1 Why and how did the economy boom during the 1920s? 2 What were the major changes in social life in the 1920s and 1930s? 3 What caused the Wall Street Crash and what was its impact? 4 How did President Roosevelt help restore economic stability? 5 What was the response to the government prohibition on alcohol?

Analysing historical sources as evidence John D. Rockefeller Jr explained his sadness at the failure of Prohibition in a letter written in 1932: 182

When Prohibition was introduced, I hoped that it would be widely supported by public opinion and the day would soon come when the evil effects of alcohol would be recognized. I have slowly and reluctantly come to believe that this has not been the result. Instead, drinking has generally increased; the speakeasy has replaced the saloon; a vast army of lawbreakers has appeared; many of our best citizens have openly ignored Prohibition; respect for the law has been greatly lessened; and crime has increased to a level never seen before. 1 What were Rockefeller’s hopes when Prohibition was introduced?


Source 7.41 Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity and who fled Nazi Germany in 1933 to live in the United States

Constructing historical arguments

2 List four things that he says actually occurred.

Using the extract below, and your own research, write a considered response to this statement: ‘Democratic powers have only defeated authoritarian regimes through luck.’

Extended-response question

You should consider the problems faced by either form of regime, and the issues that might have arisen from the ways in which authoritarian regimes acted.

Write a considered response to the following quote:

In recent years, there has been a great deal of debate as to whether we are entering another period of ‘authoritarianism’ in the world. The following extract comes from the famous journal Foreign Affairs, and discusses whether there is any certainty that liberal democracy can succeed in our contemporary world. It also tries to understand why liberal democracies succeeded in defeating earlier ‘authoritarian regimes’.

Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government than passing laws which cannot be enforced. Albert Einstein To what extent is this Einstein quote true of Prohibition in America from 1920 to 1933? This is a controversial statement to make you think about the role of government decisions. Is it true that we respect governments that make good decisions? Is it true that decisions that cannot be enforced, or cannot be imposed successfully, make us lose respect for a government? This question needs to be answered regarding the US government’s decision on Prohibition in the 1920s. Use examples from this context based on the information in this chapter. When and how did the government make the decision on Prohibition? Why did the government think this was an important decision to make? How would it benefit US society? For example, discuss the hopes of the temperance groups that wanted Prohibition introduced. What were the responses or reactions to the decision? For example, discuss the rise of gangsters, crime, violence and speakeasies. Why did Prohibition end? For example, use the statistics about the cost of the Prohibition laws plus the United States Senate debates in Analysis Activity 7.7. Then add when and how Prohibition laws were ended. Summarise your argument by stating whether you agree or disagree with Albert Einstein’s comment about government decisions.

[T]he totalitarian capitalist [as opposed to Communist] regimes did not lose World War II because their liberal democratic opponents held a moral high ground that inspired greater exertion from their people … During the 1930s and early 1940s fascism and Nazism were exciting new ideologies that generated massive popular enthusiasm, whereas democracy stood on the ideological defensive, appearing old and dispirited. If anything, the fascist regimes proved more inspiring in wartime than their democratic adversaries, and the battlefield performance of their militaries is widely judged to have been superior. Liberal democracy’s supposedly inherent economic advantage is also far less clear than is often assumed. All of the belligerents in the twentieth century’s great struggles proved highly effective in producing for war … Only during the Cold War did the Soviet command economy exhibit deepening structural weaknesses – weaknesses that were directly responsible for the Soviet Union’s downfall … So why did the democracies win the great struggles of the twentieth century? The reasons are different for each type of adversary. They defeated their non-democratic capitalist adversaries, Germany and Japan, in war because [these] were medium-sized countries with limited resource bases and they came up against the far superior – but hardly preordained – economic and military coalition of the democratic powers and Russia of the Soviet Union. The defeat of Communism, however, had much more to do with structural factors … the inherent inefficiency of the communist economies prevented them from fully exploiting their vast resources and catching up to the West. Azar Gat, 2007

Exam-style questions and assessment tasks

Richard Malone believes that history is the best subject because it connects the past with the present by studying how people behave. Understanding human nature is the key to decoding the complex world around us. You not only explore how political, economic and social patterns emerge and repeat but also learn about yourself. Richard has been deeply involved in teaching history for over twenty years, presenting at conferences and student lectures, marking examinations for VCAA, mentoring young teachers, assessing the National History Challenge, serving on the HTAV Board of Directors, taking student study tours to Italy, Gallipoli and China, and writing several textbooks.







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