6 minute read
1.7 The process for constitutional change in Australia through a referendum
End of section review ‘Recall’, ‘Interpret’ and ‘Argue’ questions (+ Extension in Year 9 & 10) help students build their skills for further studies and enable teachers to set tasks of varying challenge to suit the needs of individuals.
Auto-marked quizzes at the end of each section allow students 3798.9 CONCLUSION: WHY DOES IT MATTER? to quickly check their recall of the content.
Review questions
Complete the quiz in the Interactive Textbook, and answer the questions below on paper or in the Interactive Textbook.
1 Name two places where ancient Roman remains were discovered by archaeologists. 2 Identify three types of primary sources described in this chapter. 3 How did Cicero die? 4 How can historians still fi nd out about people from ancient Rome who are not labelled ‘signifi cant’?
5 What were archaeologists able to learn about ancient Rome from their discoveries in Vindolanda?
6 ‘It is important for us to continue to investigate ancient Rome and conserve what we fi nd.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer by giving reasons why you feel one way or the other. 7 To what extent is it reliable to believe that all fi gures commemorated in sculptures should be seen as signifi cant individuals?
Key concepts: sources, evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, signifi cance
Short answer review questions can be completed online using Workspaces. Students can check their answers (where HASS skills: questioning and researching, analysing, evaluating teachers have enabled access to the suggested responses), self-assess their work using a four-point scale, and use a red flag to alert their teacher if they had trouble with a question.
8.9 Conclusion: why does it matter?
Th e remains of ancient Rome exist all around us, even if we cannot always see them. Ancient Rome has infl uenced how societies work, aspects of many European languages and the sorts of buildings that we use for entertainment. Governments that describe themselves as being republics, such as the United States, adopted the idea of a republic from the ancient Romans. Th e United States, like many other countries, is ruled by senates and assemblies and, like the Roman Republic, emphasises the idea that rulers should be elected.
To this day, we see parts of ancient Roman life in buildings, art and the layout always see them. Ancient Rome has of major cities around the world. infl uenced how societies work, aspects Th e ancient Romans gave us many of many European languages and the practical legacies, like the roads that people still travel along in Europe, sewerage systems, aqueducts, and public baths and gyms. By learning about ancient Rome, we can understand that even though the Romans lived about two thousand years ago, there are things that we share with them as humans. By studying the ancient Romans we can see continuity and change in our own culture.
To this day, we see parts of ancient Roman life in buildings, art and the layout of major cities around the world. Th e ancient Romans gave us many practical legacies, like the roads that people still travel along in Europe, sewerage systems, aqueducts, and public baths and gyms. By learning about ancient Rome, we can ▲ Source 8.41 This terracotta oil lamp in the shape of a gladiator’s helmet from ancient Rome was a sort of souvenir from the gladiatorial games.
292 chapteR 6 ancient egypt
6.10 End of chapter activities
Refl ection
That just about wraps up this topic. How do you feel you went working through the chapter? Before you attempt the following activities, visit the Interactive Textbook to rate your confi dence with this topic either online or via a downloadable checklist.
Making thinking visible
I used to think that ancient Egypt was … Now I think that …
This exercise in visible thinking asks you to track the difference between what you knew about ancient Egypt before starting this chapter, and what new understandings you have acquired since reading the chapter. Using the stem sentences, write a paragraph explaining what you previously knew about the topic. Then write another paragraph explaining what you now understand about the topic.
1A I used to think that the geography of ancient Egypt was important because … 1B Now I understand that the geography of ancient Egypt was important because … 2A I used to think that ancient Egyptian society was organised like … 2B Now I understand that ancient Egyptian society was organised like … 3A I used to think that the ancient Egyptians believed in … 3B Now I understand that the ancient Egyptians believed in … 4A I used to think that ancient Egypt related to its neighbours by … 4B Now I understand that ancient Egypt related to its neighbours by …
Research task
Investigate the different aspects of ancient Egyptian civilisation and identify their key elements. Try to fi nd some historical sources for each topic. Copy the lotus diagram and fi ll it in with your research. This will build a complete picture of what you have learned in the different learning areas. One area has been left blank so that you can add a topic of your own choosing. When you have fi nished creating your lotus diagram, use it to answer the following question. Your answer needs to be an extended written response. Explain how different elements of ancient Egyptian society were infl uenced by the geography of Egypt itself.
Self-assessment opportunities in end of chapter activities encourage students to rate their confidence with the topic directly in the Interactive Textbook or using a downloadable checklist.
End of chapter activities help develop the skills students need to succeed in Humanities and Social Science courses at WACE levels, with a range of Reflection, Inquiry, Analysis and Writing activities.
6.10 end of chapteR activities
Conservation _________ Geography
Archaeology Archaeology
Signifi cant individuals Ancient Egypt
Social organisation Changes in society over time
Signifi cant individuals Beliefs Geography
Social organisation
Changes in society over time
Look back through the chapter and choose three primary sources that you think demonstrate how wealthy and powerful ancient Egypt was. For each source: 1 Identify its meaning or why it is important. 2 Identify what time period it came from (which kingdom it is from or which pharaoh was ruling at the time). 3 Explain why you think each piece of evidence tells us that Egypt was rich and/or powerful.
Using historical terms meaningfully
As a historian, you will need to confi dently and correctly use the terms related to your subject. Write a paragraph in response to the question here using all the key terms listed. Ensure that your use of these terms shows your understanding of what each term means. Question: Explain why the Nile River was important to ancient Egypt. Use these words correctly in your answer: • Nile • Hapi • inundation • agriculture • Pharaoh.
Key concepts: signifi cance, contestability ◀ Source 6.56 The Nile crocodile was a dangerous but sacred animal in ancient Egypt
HASS skills: questioning and researching, analysing, communicating and refl ecting