13 minute read
Information on what came before and after this topic provides further historical context.
What came after this topic?
• The Christian Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire continues until it fi nally collapses and is taken over by the Islamic Turks • The Roman Empire is separated into smaller kingdoms, run by barbarian rulers (even Italy is split into separate states) • In 800 ce, the French ruler Charlemagne creates an empire covering what are now France, northern Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Italy and Croatia
A statue of Augustus Portrait of Charlemagne, who was one of the most powerful kings during the medieval period of European history.
27 BCE
The rule of the fi rst Emperor, Augustus, begins. He is the great-nephew of Julius Caesar. The Republic of Rome becomes the Roman Empire.
64 CE
A big fi re occurs in Rome. Emperor Nero blames the Christians, who are a new religious community.
79 CE
The Colosseum in Rome is opened. Pompeii and Herculaneum are buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
283 CE
The Roman Empire is split into the eastern and western empires.
402–410 CE
The Goths and Vandals (‘barbarian’ tribes) take control of parts of the empire. In 410 ce, Alaric the Goth is able to sack the city of Rome itself.
44 BCE
A group of Roman senators murder Julius Caesar.
senator politician who has been elected to a senate barbarian someone from another place who spoke a different language; for ancient Romans, a barbarian was any person who was not part of the Roman Empire sack to invade and destroy a city
c. 200 CE
The borders of the Roman Empire come under increased attacks by barbarian tribes. Under pressure, a number of costly civil wars weaken the empire.
313 CE
Emperor Constantine accepts Christianity as a religion after centuries of Christians being persecuted and shunned. Christianity later becomes the offi cial religion of the empire.

Emperor Constantine on a coin from c. 751 bce
Timeline activities encourage students to engage with key concepts and skills and to further prepare for the topic ahead, using the timeline as a stepping off point.
Each chapter section begins with one or more focus questions to get students thinking about the content ahead.
110 chaPTer 3 WaTer in The WorlD
3.4 The quantity and variability of Australia’s water resources compared with those in other continents
How do people use and manage water resources?

Water use around the world Approximately 110 000 cubic kilometres (km 3 ) of rain falls on land each year and a further 398 000 km 3 falls over the ocean. To get a sense of scale, this amount of water is the equivalent of 44 billion Olympic-sized swimming pools! Th is is an enormous amount of water, which is why it is measured in cubic kilometres rather than litres.
Around 61 per cent of rainfall evaporates or transpires. Th is leaves 39 per cent, 43 000 km 3 , to fi ll rivers, lakes and groundwater. Some of this water is left in the environment to support local fl ora and fauna , and some is taken out by people to use as resources. Th is is known as water withdrawals . Figure 3.20 shows the proportions of the water withdrawals that are used for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses when averaged across the entire world. While agriculture dominates the global use of water resources, Figure 3.21 shows that these proportions vary signifi cantly in diff erent continents.
cubic kilometres a cubic kilometre is equal to a volume of 1000 × 1000 × 1000 metres; a cubic kilometre is also equal to a teralitre, which is exactly one trillion litres fl ora the plants of a particular region fauna the animals of a particular region water withdrawals the total amount of water withdrawn from a surface water or groundwater source
Water uses by continent Water uses by continent
Water withdrawal Water withdrawal
Agricultural Industrial Domestic
▲ Figure 3.20 The proportion of the world’s water withdrawals that are used in the agricultural, industrial and domestic sectors
Glossary definitions next to where the term first appears help students understand key terms.
Americas 21 69
51 57
34 19 12
Asia 60
81 15 25
10 9
Africa 82 5 13
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Agricultural Industrial Domestic
▲ Figure 3.21 The proportion of different water uses by continent compared to world usage
A wide range of carefully selected case studies, sources, and data provide relevant evidence for students to engage with and analyse.
2.8 Different tYpes of WorK
Swimming and water safety training
In November 2020 the Western Australian Government announced two nationally recognised short courses to beef up Western Australia’s swimming instructor and pool lifeguard numbers. The courses are the Pool Lifeguard Skill Set and Swimming and Water Safety Teacher Skill Set. They were developed after consultation with Royal Life Saving WA (RLSWA) and are available free for certain groups such as jobseekers and concession students. They can be used as credit for further study. Additionally, students in Years 11 and 12 will have the opportunity to receive fully-funded training to become qualifi ed swimming instructors for the Department of Education’s VacSwim program. The Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery was quoted as saying: ‘Spending time around the water is part of the Western Australian way of life and these new courses will ensure swimming is safe and learning how to swim is accessible. ‘These new pathways are a great opportunity for young people and jobseekers to secure year-round work that offers fl exible hours and makes a real difference in the community. ‘They will not only lead to jobs that are available right now, they can also be used as a stepping stone to further study, providing pathways to roles in management and program co-ordination across the community recreation fi eld.’
▲ Figure 2.22 Being a lifeguard or swim instructor offers fl exible hours and a good lifestyle for young casual workers

1 The Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery mentioned year-round work that offers fl exible hours. How important is this for Year 11 and 12 students? Can you think why these students would be interested in fl exible hours? 2 List a reason why the McGowan Government announced two nationally recognised short courses. 3 Do you think these courses may appeal to some senior students because they could provide pathways to roles in the community recreation fi eld?
Key concepts: allocation and markets, scarcity, making choices, interdependence HASS skills: analysing, evaluating, communicating and refl ecting
Local case studies help students relate what they are learning to their own lives. Other examples across Years 7-10 include Perth’s changing work environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Eco & Bus), Perth’s Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 (Civ & Cit), The West Australian Exhibition of 1886 (Hist), and environmental management such as the Quokka recovery program (Geog).
A range of activities are embedded throughout the course to help students make the connections between the content, key concepts and skills.
Research task

Investigate the important festivals that were developed by the people to honour these gods.
Key concepts: cause and effect, signifi cance HASS skills: questioning and researching, communicating and refl ecting
Downloadable worksheets, crosswords and literacy sheets are also provided in the Online Teaching Suite.

▲ Source 7.21 Statue of Athena, the patron of Athens and the goddess of wisdom
Heroes Aside from gods, the ancient Greeks also worshipped heroes. Th ese heroes were based on myth, although some heroes were historical fi gures. Achilles and Heracles (called Hercules by the Romans) were mythological heroes, although there is evidence to suggest they were originally reallife people. Achilles mythological something that is and Heracles were imaginary; from myths or legends worshipped and Acropolis the complex of revered in ancient temples and other buildings built Greece for shaping on the hill in the centre of Athens Greek society. Th e 10 tribes in Athens were named after 10 heroes from Athenian history. People visited the tombs of these heroes to worship them. In fact, the ancient Greeks believed that heroes sometimes became gods after they died. Th is was the case with Heracles, ‘Key concepts’ and ‘HASS skills’ addressed who was regarded as one of the greatest of in each activity are flagged so that teachers can all Greek heroes. Spartans believed they ensure all curriculum areas are being covered.

were directly descended from Heracles – they thought that he was the source of their great strength and skill in battle.
▲ Source 6.11 This is a sketch of an ancient Nilometer that was drawn by a European visitor to Egypt in 1895 ce. The markings on the shaft indicated how the fl ood would behave. ACTIVITY 7.8
Gender roles
Consider the different roles of the gods and goddesses by looking at Sources 7.18, 7.19 and 7.20. 1 What kinds of responsibilities did the male gods have? 2 What kinds of responsibilities did the female goddesses have? 3 What does your examination of male and female roles of gods and goddesses tell you about ancient Greek views?
Key concepts: perspectives
HASS skills: analysing
Temples and practices Greek temples were important public buildings. Th ey showed off a city-state’s wealth and culture, and were built to honour the gods. Temples in ancient Greece were seen as the home of the gods. Th e architecture was intended to make people feel a sense of wonder and awe. Th e most famous example of an ancient Greek temple is the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens. Th e Parthenon was a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. Priests would sacrifi ce animals to the gods in an area in front of the temple. Food and drinks, such as cakes and wine, were also off ered to the gods and left on their altars. Th e ancient Greeks would off er sacrifi ces to the gods and pray for the gods to favour them in return.
6.4 the physical featuRes of egypt and how they influenced the civilisation
Using historical sources as evidence and developing empathy
The writings of the ancient Egyptians help us to understand what they thought and primary sources documents or felt, and what their lives were like. Understanding more about how the ancient artefacts that were created at the Egyptians lived helps us develop an empathetic connection with people from the past. time of the historical event or era These primary sources are the fi rst and most important sources of information for historians. The document in Source A is a hymn, or song of praise, which the ancient Egyptians sang to their river when the inundation started. It tells us that they recognised the river as the most important thing in their lives. Examine the two sources here and then answer the questions that follow.
praise to you, o nile, that comes from the earth, and comes to nourish egypt. he that spills out, giving the fi elds water to drink and making the people strong. he makes one man rich and loves the other. he that waters the meadows, he that Ra created to feed all cattle. he that gives drink to desert places which are far from water. he that makes barley and wheat, so that temples can keep festivals. Beloved of the corn god keb. helper of ptah, god of all workshops and craftsmen. he that makes trees grow, so that men may have wood. the ship is built by his power.
if the inundation is poor, then men can no longer live and breathe, and all men are poor. the foods of the gods are short, and millions of men will die. when the river rises, the whole land is joyful, all jaws begin to laugh and every tooth is shown.
when the nile fl oods, offerings are made to you, cattle are slaughtered for you, birds are fattened for you, prayers are said for you. you are fruitful, o nile, you are fruitful, he that makes man to live on his cattle, and his cattle on the meadow. you are fruitful, o nile, you are fruitful!
▲ Source 6.13 A plain language adaptation of The Hymn to the Nile Flood , 19th dynasty (c. 1292–1190 bce)
◀ Source 6.14 A writing board with lines from The Hymn to the Nile Flood , 19th dynasty (c. 1292–1190 bce). The writing is inscribed in black and red ink on a board created from gesso on linen.
Responding to the sources
1 Who do you think would make a hymn praising the Nile River? 2 How many different types of food are identifi ed in the hymn as being grown with the help of the
Nile? List them. 3 How do you think that the Nile helped craftsmen in their workshops? 4 What were the results of a bad year of inundation? 5 How did the ancient Egyptians pay back the Nile for what it gave them?
Key concepts: sources, evidence, cause and effect, empathy HASS skills: analysing, communicating and refl ecting
Key concepts and skills are developed across the series and are taught with increasing levels of challenge as students progress.
104 chaPTer 3 WaTer in The WorlD

Precipitation Condensation
‘Amazing but true’ breakout boxes give fascinating facts on the topic.
Underground flow Evaporation
▲ Figure 3.12 The different processes involved in the natural water cycle

Amazing but true …
In the past, Perth relied heavily on dams as a source of water. But now with climate change, Perth is receiving less rainfall, leading to lower dam water supplies. Today, most of Perth’s drinking water comes from the Indian Ocean using the process of desalination. In simple terms, this is the removal of salts and other materials from sea-water to produce freshwater.
Drawing a concept map
Concept maps are a type of diagram used to show processes. They include terms inside boxes, with arrows linking the boxes to demonstrate the steps of a process. A concept map can be used to summarise the processes within the water cycle and the different forms of water found in the cycle. Copy and complete the concept map here to summarise the water cycle.
Infiltration Groundwater Runoff
Key concepts: interconnection HASS skills: communicating and refl ecting